
Location: Walter E. Washington Convention Center - Washington D.C., United States of America
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Shoot to Thrill #1.01: Very Profitable
Interaction(s): None
Previously: None
The crowd let out a boisterous cheer as a streak of red emerged from the back of the plane overhead. It plummeted towards the ground before the man-shaped aerial vehicle reversed its thrusters, deploying air brakes from the back of its torso, gauntlets and greaves. Coming to a near stop, it landed on the concrete without so much as a sound, as though a pillow of air had cushioned it.
Cameras flashed as the helmet opened revealing the multi-billion dollar smile of Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark, genius inventor and heir to Stark Industries, the mass weapons manufacturer.
The self-proclaimed ‘Iron Man’ inherited the company following his father's death and following a partnership with Obediah Stane, they grew to new heights, absorbing the likes of Justin Hammer and his Hammer Tech along the way.
The suit’s helmet opened fully, followed by the cuirass and then the arms until Tony could freely step out. Straightening his suit and bowtie, Tony extended an arm to either side of his body. They were accepted by the three awaiting gorgeous models. Each of the ladies stood a head above the playboy, heels accenting their long legs that moved through the daring slits of their dresses as the billionaire walked forward, his eye candy strutting along beside him exactly as rehearsed.
Behind the show, several Stark Industries employees retrieved the prototype under the watchful eyes of Tony’s personal head of security, Harold Hogan, or as he was more affectionately known, Happy.
Reporters surrounded Tony and his entourage, microphones extended towards him as more cameras flashed while others continued to film.
“Mr. Stark!”
“Mr. Stark, Channel 5 News, care to comment on the speculation that you're profiting on people's paranoia?”
“No I don't care to comment, it’s a reality, not paranoia and no,” Stark flashed his perfect smile, “It’s not profitable, it’s very profitable.”
Taking hold of the two sets of arms, Tony led the women inside the convention center where his personal aide was waiting for him. Escorting the women backstage, Stark waited as Pepper straightened his suit one more time before he emerged onto the stage, a spotlight illuminating his entrance while applause rose to a defeating din.
Clapping along with the audience Stark cupped a hand to his left ear before encouraging the corresponding side of the crowd to cheer louder. Skipping across the stage to the right, Stark moved his hand to the opposite ear before playing the other side of the crowd off the first.
Finally having enough of his fun, Stark waved his hands downward, waiting for the crowd to quiet before tapping his mic on and projecting his voice through the massive venue.
“Do you know how many insurance claims were filed in the past week alone following mutant and metahumans-based attacks? Nearly a trillion in property damage from close to a million claims. Claims that could have been avoided if law enforcement were properly equipped to fight back against these powered individuals. If we could rely on our civil servants instead of vigilantes and the odd mutant with a conscience.” He took a deep breath, motioning to the slides above him.
"In the past, we put our trust in a man and his serum. But the manufacturing time, the human factor, it's too variable. The future," Tony paused, the curtain behind him drawing away, "The future is moving, marching machine, the War Machine. Project War Machine puts the power back in the hands of the people you trust, imagine one of these,"
Tony gestured towards the row of heavily armoured humanoids behind him. Each decorated for a different branch of the military, several done up in the colours of civil services. The various units were equipped with specialized arms and tools. Save for one in the center, coloured in a garish red and gold, the one from Tony’s grand entrance. That was the mascot, done up in Stark's own personal colours.
Beside Tony on stage was his beautiful personal assistant whom many considered the only reason Stark Industries stayed afloat after the death of Howard Stark. His personal aide, Virginia Potts or as Tony referred to her, Pepper was an alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania. Were it not for Pepper, Tony would likely have drunk the family fortune instead of investing his time and effort into his family’s company and partnership with the older man sharing the stage with him.
The larger balding man in question had walked onto the stage, applauding Tony while inciting the crowd to follow. Obediah Stane flashed a friendly grin akin to the kind you’d receive from a kindly grandfather while he was followed onstage by the recently acquired Justin Hammer; the new lead of Stark’s Research and Development team. The man put on a small show attempting what looked like his best impression of Stark’s antics before the crowd began to rapidly quiet, sending the man sheepishly hiding in Obediah’s shadow.
"And that's not all folks," Stane yelled over the applause, "We're going to be holding a test flight, and we're going to make it fun," He smiled, "I've called my friends over at Farris Aviation and they've lent me their best test pilot while Tony is backing his personal friend, Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes of the U.S. Air Force. Both of these men; along with some of their colleagues, will be the first to try out Stark's War Machines in a series of tests and challenges designed to put both the pilots and the suits through a series of arduous tests. From this boot camp, I'll get the joy of crowning my pilot 'Top Gun' and Stark Industries gets the benefit of putting together a comprehensive training manual to put the War Machine into the hands of your public servants."
"Pretty cocky about that victory, big guy, did you slip a little blue pill backstage?" Tony interjected, lowering his shades and obnoxiously winking at Stane, "But even with performance enhancers, I don't think Rhodey is about to let a civilian 'test' pilot with more crashes on his resume than years of experience beat him."
Strutting to the middle to the middle of the stage, Tony began to incite the crowd, whipping them into a frenzy before yelling over the increasing din.
“If you’re so confident about your winnings, then why don’t we bring our boys out here and show ‘em off a little, Rhodey looks damn good in uniform, get on out here Lieutenant Colonel,” Tony yelled waving to Captain Rhodes who was standing backstage shaking his head despite Tony’s persistent urging. Stane smiled, inside waving a hand to the right of the stage. A younger man with blonde hair walked onto the stage with a pair of black aviators and a brown leather bomber. A cocky smile hovered over his cleft chin while a wad of gum was smacked between his pearly whites.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce to you the ruggedly handsome Major 'Highball' Jordan! A civilian test pilot for Farris Aviation, the Major was honourably discharged from the Marine Corps before coming to work for Karl Farris and his successor, the beautiful Karoline or ‘Spitfire’ who will also be flying for us.” Stane stated, walking forward to shake Highball’s hand before doing the same to Karoline and kissing the brunette on the cheek.
“That’s Major Major Jordan, sir,” Major replied leaning towards the mic, the smack of his gum echoing across the crowd. “But you,” He winked towards a young woman in the front row.
“You can just call me mMmm Jordan.” He added prompting a small giddy shriek from the woman before he stood tall again. A loud cough came from the unusually quiet Stark before Tony rushed back to the center of the stage.
“That’s great your guy has this whole McConaughey-Powell vibe going on, but Rhodey is a decorated member of our Airforce, active, not discharged.” Tony interrupted as Rhodes walked onto stage followed by a woman in uniform with the name ‘Danvers’ emblazoned on her blues. “Rhodey was given a medal of honour last year due to his service in an engagement above Kahndaq, while Captain Danvers here was top of her class in the academy and is the fastest climbing recruit the Air Force has ever seen.”
“It’s an honour to be part of this test, Sir,” Danvers replied as Rhodes shook Tony’s hand.
“Stark Industries supplied the payload for my plane above Kahndaq that day and without Tony and his family’s efforts to keep our country safe, our land free, I wouldn’t have been able to earn that medal. The least I can do is ensure that Project War Machine is tested to its fullest to continue the protection of this great nation.”
"Then may the best pilot win," Stane replied, shaking Tony's hand, behind them, the suits suddenly flew into the air, their remote operators guiding them out over the crowd before the congregants erupted into excited cheers.
Cameras flashed as the helmet opened revealing the multi-billion dollar smile of Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark, genius inventor and heir to Stark Industries, the mass weapons manufacturer.
The self-proclaimed ‘Iron Man’ inherited the company following his father's death and following a partnership with Obediah Stane, they grew to new heights, absorbing the likes of Justin Hammer and his Hammer Tech along the way.
The suit’s helmet opened fully, followed by the cuirass and then the arms until Tony could freely step out. Straightening his suit and bowtie, Tony extended an arm to either side of his body. They were accepted by the three awaiting gorgeous models. Each of the ladies stood a head above the playboy, heels accenting their long legs that moved through the daring slits of their dresses as the billionaire walked forward, his eye candy strutting along beside him exactly as rehearsed.
Behind the show, several Stark Industries employees retrieved the prototype under the watchful eyes of Tony’s personal head of security, Harold Hogan, or as he was more affectionately known, Happy.
Reporters surrounded Tony and his entourage, microphones extended towards him as more cameras flashed while others continued to film.
“Mr. Stark!”
“Mr. Stark, Channel 5 News, care to comment on the speculation that you're profiting on people's paranoia?”
“No I don't care to comment, it’s a reality, not paranoia and no,” Stark flashed his perfect smile, “It’s not profitable, it’s very profitable.”
Taking hold of the two sets of arms, Tony led the women inside the convention center where his personal aide was waiting for him. Escorting the women backstage, Stark waited as Pepper straightened his suit one more time before he emerged onto the stage, a spotlight illuminating his entrance while applause rose to a defeating din.
Clapping along with the audience Stark cupped a hand to his left ear before encouraging the corresponding side of the crowd to cheer louder. Skipping across the stage to the right, Stark moved his hand to the opposite ear before playing the other side of the crowd off the first.
Finally having enough of his fun, Stark waved his hands downward, waiting for the crowd to quiet before tapping his mic on and projecting his voice through the massive venue.
“Do you know how many insurance claims were filed in the past week alone following mutant and metahumans-based attacks? Nearly a trillion in property damage from close to a million claims. Claims that could have been avoided if law enforcement were properly equipped to fight back against these powered individuals. If we could rely on our civil servants instead of vigilantes and the odd mutant with a conscience.” He took a deep breath, motioning to the slides above him.
"In the past, we put our trust in a man and his serum. But the manufacturing time, the human factor, it's too variable. The future," Tony paused, the curtain behind him drawing away, "The future is moving, marching machine, the War Machine. Project War Machine puts the power back in the hands of the people you trust, imagine one of these,"
Tony gestured towards the row of heavily armoured humanoids behind him. Each decorated for a different branch of the military, several done up in the colours of civil services. The various units were equipped with specialized arms and tools. Save for one in the center, coloured in a garish red and gold, the one from Tony’s grand entrance. That was the mascot, done up in Stark's own personal colours.
Beside Tony on stage was his beautiful personal assistant whom many considered the only reason Stark Industries stayed afloat after the death of Howard Stark. His personal aide, Virginia Potts or as Tony referred to her, Pepper was an alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania. Were it not for Pepper, Tony would likely have drunk the family fortune instead of investing his time and effort into his family’s company and partnership with the older man sharing the stage with him.
The larger balding man in question had walked onto the stage, applauding Tony while inciting the crowd to follow. Obediah Stane flashed a friendly grin akin to the kind you’d receive from a kindly grandfather while he was followed onstage by the recently acquired Justin Hammer; the new lead of Stark’s Research and Development team. The man put on a small show attempting what looked like his best impression of Stark’s antics before the crowd began to rapidly quiet, sending the man sheepishly hiding in Obediah’s shadow.
"And that's not all folks," Stane yelled over the applause, "We're going to be holding a test flight, and we're going to make it fun," He smiled, "I've called my friends over at Farris Aviation and they've lent me their best test pilot while Tony is backing his personal friend, Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes of the U.S. Air Force. Both of these men; along with some of their colleagues, will be the first to try out Stark's War Machines in a series of tests and challenges designed to put both the pilots and the suits through a series of arduous tests. From this boot camp, I'll get the joy of crowning my pilot 'Top Gun' and Stark Industries gets the benefit of putting together a comprehensive training manual to put the War Machine into the hands of your public servants."
"Pretty cocky about that victory, big guy, did you slip a little blue pill backstage?" Tony interjected, lowering his shades and obnoxiously winking at Stane, "But even with performance enhancers, I don't think Rhodey is about to let a civilian 'test' pilot with more crashes on his resume than years of experience beat him."
Strutting to the middle to the middle of the stage, Tony began to incite the crowd, whipping them into a frenzy before yelling over the increasing din.
“If you’re so confident about your winnings, then why don’t we bring our boys out here and show ‘em off a little, Rhodey looks damn good in uniform, get on out here Lieutenant Colonel,” Tony yelled waving to Captain Rhodes who was standing backstage shaking his head despite Tony’s persistent urging. Stane smiled, inside waving a hand to the right of the stage. A younger man with blonde hair walked onto the stage with a pair of black aviators and a brown leather bomber. A cocky smile hovered over his cleft chin while a wad of gum was smacked between his pearly whites.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my pleasure to introduce to you the ruggedly handsome Major 'Highball' Jordan! A civilian test pilot for Farris Aviation, the Major was honourably discharged from the Marine Corps before coming to work for Karl Farris and his successor, the beautiful Karoline or ‘Spitfire’ who will also be flying for us.” Stane stated, walking forward to shake Highball’s hand before doing the same to Karoline and kissing the brunette on the cheek.
“That’s Major Major Jordan, sir,” Major replied leaning towards the mic, the smack of his gum echoing across the crowd. “But you,” He winked towards a young woman in the front row.
“You can just call me mMmm Jordan.” He added prompting a small giddy shriek from the woman before he stood tall again. A loud cough came from the unusually quiet Stark before Tony rushed back to the center of the stage.
“That’s great your guy has this whole McConaughey-Powell vibe going on, but Rhodey is a decorated member of our Airforce, active, not discharged.” Tony interrupted as Rhodes walked onto stage followed by a woman in uniform with the name ‘Danvers’ emblazoned on her blues. “Rhodey was given a medal of honour last year due to his service in an engagement above Kahndaq, while Captain Danvers here was top of her class in the academy and is the fastest climbing recruit the Air Force has ever seen.”
“It’s an honour to be part of this test, Sir,” Danvers replied as Rhodes shook Tony’s hand.
“Stark Industries supplied the payload for my plane above Kahndaq that day and without Tony and his family’s efforts to keep our country safe, our land free, I wouldn’t have been able to earn that medal. The least I can do is ensure that Project War Machine is tested to its fullest to continue the protection of this great nation.”
"Then may the best pilot win," Stane replied, shaking Tony's hand, behind them, the suits suddenly flew into the air, their remote operators guiding them out over the crowd before the congregants erupted into excited cheers.