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@Aces Away@Fabricant451

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In typical Jordyn fashion, she was the last of the Jones to wake up. In sudden urgency she stirred awake and jolted into a sitting position, her curly hair going every which way. Wiping the drool off her face, she checked her bedside where her alarm was. When she saw the time, her eyes widened, “Oh no!” Rushing off her bed, she began her morning routine and complained out loud, “Thanks for waking me up!” Stopping in the hallway, she called out, “DJ? PJ? Addie? Dally? MOMS?!” At that moment, Jordyn Jones realized she was home alone and everyone LEFT.

Priority number one. Feed the kids. Going back to her room she said good morning to all her pets and gave them their breakfast. As she went to each cage, she debated who would be the lucky one to go on a field trip. Jigz went last week and she wasn’t easy to hide so unfortunately, Jiggy Wigz would stay home. Jarvis was asleep and it would be rude of her to wake him. That gave her three options. Big Cheese, Master Splinter, or Hamtaro. After she gave each rodent their balanced diet meal, she thought about the day ahead of her and realized she needed to pick the pet with the most spirit but also wouldn’t panic with such a rowdy crowd. The choice was obvious.

Of course, first, her babies needed to eat and she needed to take a five minute shower and throw some clothes on. She might be late for homeroom but it was a risk she was willing to take. Putting a bonnet on, she stripped and rushed into the bathroom. “Alexa play wake up playlist.” The song that blasted in the bathroom speakers was Pina Colada Boy by Techno, the Candy Crew Remix. As she showered she swayed to the music, going side to side, covering her whole body with soap and brushing her teeth. Multitasking! Gotta’ go fast. Five minutes passed and the bathroom door flew open, steam rushing out and JJ in her Dragonball bathrobe. If she didn’t leave the house in ten minutes, she was definitely going to get detention, again!

The battle began where she threw her clothes out of her dresser, not bothering with her dresses in the closet, and decided on a black shirt, jeans, and black converse. There was no point in stressing about the details and getting both black and red in her ensemble; spirit week wasn’t THAT deep. Plus, red could easily be applied to the lips. After doing light make up on her eyes, to give her LIFE, she realized she did not have red lipstick. The person with the best make up was her step sister, Adelaide, so she knew where she needed to go.

Unceremoniously, JJ invited herself into the botanist-in-the-making’s room, crashing into the door before opening it. Suddenly, she felt like she was actually at a rave with the music coming out of her phone and all the colors of the rainbow from her sister’s room. The LED lights were definitely a vibe. What made this rave unique was all the plants that made this room more of a jungle (you could get lost in it!), which was honestly Addie’s element. Plant mama. Going to Addie’s vanity JJ skimmed through the selection of lipsticks she had, there were many, before finding the perfect red. She looked at the mirror, applied, and smiled at herself. GORGEOUS. With the same lipstick, she left a message for her sister on her mirror: thanks for the pop! -JJ

She was what they called absolute perfection. As she rocked, skipped and pirouetted back to her room, all while putting her hair up in a cute, messy bun, she went to the chosen one and opened the door to freedom. “Big Cheese. Since PJ absolutely traumatized you, I decided you deserve a treat. You’re coming with mommy.” And with that, JJ was dressed for her day. Putting headphones on, so the party kept going but now just for her rather than the whole house, she exited stage left to get to school on her Hip-Pea.

TIMESTAMP: A bit after Hopeless

Parking her moped by the bikes, she looked at the barren lands, no classmate to be seen since they were inside heading to homeroom. Oh man. Her mom, the one she came out of, was going to be PISSED. Securing her moped with her chain lock, because her mom always told her to play it safe, JJ was standing tall and staring at the even taller building (she wasn't even that tall) that was her school. Opening up her tote, she smiled to see Big Cheese straight up chillen. Taking him out, she held him with both hands and reintroduced him to her school, since he hadn’t been there in weeks. It was then when she saw Jamie Callaghan off at the distance coming from a path less taken, that led to… the murder shed or something… and he looked distraught.

Looking at Big Cheese, she sighed, “He doesn’t look okay. What? You think I should check on him?” The mouse didn’t say anything in return, just stared at his mother with big, beady eyes. “Remember that time, sophomore year, I talked to Jamie for gym? He didn’t even notice I took a ball for him! Dodgeball is ruthless and should be canceled.” Her eyes softened as she stared at her eldest and nodded. “You’re right though. I need to be a good egg-xample. Bleh. Fine, you’re right. Man, why are you such a softie, Biggie? I could only aspire to love like you. Okay, okay, let’s go.” Together, JJ and BG found their way walking off the sidewalk, on grass and to the gravel path that led to the unknown and she approached Jamie, with mouse in hand. “Hey… are you okay?”

“Christ, JJ” Jamie jumped as JJ pierced through his veil of silence. His hands were still shaky, rubbing at the mark on his neck, face flushed red. “I am…fine. I will be, at least,” he said, cautious. He knew of JJ, or more accurately, he knew her sister. He really didn’t need his business getting back to the media wing, in any capacity. Jamie didn’t get to where he was by handing his secrets out for free. He took a breath and eyed the girl and her rat. “What’s that one’s name?”

“Oh this guy? This is Big Cheese. He’s my old man; had him the longest.” Jordyn explained, pride written all over her face. Bringing her hands out, she smiled and offered, “Want to hold him?” The girl wasn’t naive, she could tell her peer wasn’t okay and based on quick observation, she had a good guess it dealt with the mark on his neck. “He doesn’t bite, scouts honor,” she assured. Still, it wasn’t her place to pry. “Seriously, he’s soft as heck.” Gently, she ran the back of her pointer finger on the mouse’s back, going down his spine, casually and with ease.

After four years, Jamie had grown used to JJ’s revolving door of rodents, but that did not mean he had any desire to touch them. Especially not the ones with creepy, little tails. He looked down at Big Cheese with a look that was equal parts uncomfortable and grossed out. “I’ll take your word for it,” he said, grimacing at the mouse as though it might grow wings and fly at him.

He was saved by the ding of the school’s warning bell, signalling their time to get to class was running out. Jamie looked down at his watch and let out an annoyed sigh. AJ was not going to make him late to class. “Walk with me JJ, I can tell Belmonte that we were doing something for the paper.” Never let it be said that Jamie Callaghan didn’t perform charity. He gripped his bag tighter, and sent one longing look back at the baseball shed before turning back to the main building. “Speaking of Belmonte, how does she feel about Big Cheese?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at the girl as he stepped towards BHHS.

“As far as she’s concerned, Big Cheese is not here,” JJ whispered in response, slipping her mouse back in her tote. There was no way she’d get sent to the office. Not today, Satan. Walking beside Jamie, JJ thought of something to talk about. It wasn’t everyday she got to chat with one of the editors in charge of the Pirate’s Hook. The iconic duo of Trixie and Jamie were known in all grades, competing with the likes of the Hive and the Elite. They knew how to find out things, and bridge rapport with people who were even better at it, like Monarch. They had a network of people and with that they used it as a shield or a dagger. One thing she noted awhile back with her classmates was how caught up they were with themselves. They rarely looked outward so of course they’d never see how much JJ did pay attention. How much JJ saw. Her mother had told her she was wise beyond her years, understanding concepts that take most people their whole lives to figure out. An old soul in a youthful body, that used levity and humor throughout her day, because she wanted to. Because she could. Because smiles and laughter were the best form of therapy.

There were so many questions she could ask but she decided on a simple one. “So… Do you have a date tomorrow for the dance?” Jordyn calmly asked, curiosity being one of her notable traits. Jamie’s breakup with AJ had spread fast around the halls of Beverly Hills High, especially because of how public their relationship was to begin with. With AJ’s loud passion and loyal soul, and Jamie’s ruthless ambition and clear direction, don’t forget the promposal, they were a couple her peers rooted for to win the superlative “Best Couple” this year. At least from her observation they looked at each other with an overflow of love and balanced one another in a cute way, that was their own. Where AJ was the drive, Jamie was the plan. Where AJ was the spirit, Jamie was the truth. Where AJ was the line, Jamie was the kite. Or was it the other way around? Regardless, they were cute, at least while it lasted. They would’ve been the second lgbtq+ couple to win that, the first being Levi’s parents, Hailey & Hana Green. Love was a fickle thing though and they broke up before the summer. It was sad but they’re young and alive, and that was a beautiful thing in her opinion. “I only ask because you seem a bit off, and I thought hey maybe he’s worried about the game or maybe he has pre-dance jitters. You can totally ignore me though if you don’t want to answer. Just thought I’d ask…” Her voice trailed off, knowing she was rambling and needed to put the brakes on. She talked too much sometimes.

Jamie glanced away, gnawing on his lip at JJ’s question. It was salt in a fresh wound. AJ wasn’t his date, but Jamie had been looking forward to making eyes at him from across the dance floor, and reveling in the fun of it all. He’d thought that was what AJ was all about and he’d tried to be that and he’d clearly failed miserably. “Does Trixie count?” He forced an easy smile and looked back at JJ. “No date, which is fine, because dates are distractions.” They took a few more steps, silence hanging between them. “Not much of a point to it, is there?” Jamie didn’t wait for a response. “I’m not a Candy. I don’t believe in love at first sight and shit like that, and really, the truth is, most of these relationships will be done by the time we come home for Christmas next year so…” Jamie trailed off, heaving a sigh and shaking his head. His reflexive cynicism wasn’t fooling anybody, least of all him.

That’s a bingo.

Jamie gave her more than something casual and blasé to pass the time. He gave her what she could only deduce was a glimpse of himself, his issues, and his rather shitty perspective on life. They had approximately seven minutes from their current point to get to their final destination: the Business room. They had to go through the lobby, pass the main office, take a right, greet the nurse and keep moving forward until they sailed straight to the land where Ms. Caterina Belmonte reigned. Room 105. That was seven minutes to give Jamie Callaghan some food for thought or at least leave a good impression on him where he’d consider being her friend. She wouldn’t mind having more friends. It made the school day that more interesting when you had someone from every corner of the world. The world being her school. “Platonic love certainly does count,” JJ beamed, adjusting her backpack and tote with Big Cheese, as she looked at her surroundings, taking in the atmosphere, the ambience, and the angle, while still being ever present to her seven minute companion.

“As for all that other hodge-podge stuff… who cares? Labels and all that jazz, that’s not really what people are going to remember when we leave this place; you know what I’m going to remember?” JJ glanced over to the boy beside her, no malice in her tone and her eyes sparkling with genuine thoughtfulness and good intention. She was going to tell him what she remembered regardless if he wanted to hear her or not. He cracked the door open and she was going to peek in and try her best to inch it open, even more. “This. You taking the time to talk to me. Do you remember freshman year, in English 101, I sat right behind you and Trixie? I remember asking what you were planning to write to impress the seniors for the newspaper club and you brushed me off like I was a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things. Well this speck in time still thinks about that day.” She paused, letting her words and the silence in between them weigh in their exchange. Even silence meant something and had meaning. All Jamie needed to do was focus on her and see what this moment was at face value. Someone wanting to be his friend.

“After we graduate, I’m not going to remember my SAT score or whether I got into the college of my dreams — full disclosure, college is a scam and I’m just going to community — I’m going to remember the moments. And if that includes someone to love, someone I can consider mine, and me theirs, even if it might be fleeting... at least I had someone that made me happy. At least I had someone to hold. At least I can say I had someone who, without a doubt, made me the happiest I could ever be, and was someone I needed, right now." She cleared her throat, hoping he didn't mind the lecture. Jones had habits, they liked to talk. After a beat, she continued, asking the same rhetorical question he asked her. “What’s the point, Jamie Callaghan?”

“Hm, maybe if you stopped stressing about having all the answers, you’d be able to see for yourself.” She teasingly nudged him and gestured toward a group of kids huddled, in their red & black attire, hyped and talking about the upcoming game. She then pulled his attention to a couple, where the boy was carrying roses and he nervously asked the girl if she’d be his date for the homecoming dance. Her response was absolute shock but once she snapped out of it, stunned for a second, she squealed yes and embraced him tightly. “I’m here for the confetti.”

Jamie thought that receiving a pep talk (an admittedly decent pep talk) from Jordyn Jones, the girl with the rodents, was not exactly a sign of a Jamie Callaghan renaissance. He was certainly not about to metaphorically start dancing in a cage with a new lease on life, à la Miley Cyrus, but he did feel better. Not great, but better. He supposed that counted for something. “You are oddly wise for a girl who sneaks her pets into school.” As they approached room 105, Jamie paused his stride, turning to JJ. “I’m definitely going to regret this if the mouse causes a scene, but hey, fuck it. Ethan Green’s throwing a party tomorrow night. Family vineyard, very boujee. Theme is Risky Business, which I’m sure DJ will either love or have some snarky comment for. He’s renting a bus or some shit, to cart everybody over. You guys should come.”

“Wow, that’s extra extra, but I’m all for it. And DJ is going to be so excited even if she might not show it. I have this weird head canon that if her and Ethan actually were in the same orbit they’d have popcorn worthy debates on films. You ever notice them go off on their own tangents or is it just me? Might just be me.” JJ not only seemed to make Jamie feel a little better but she also got invited to a massive social event that would set in motion the rest of the year. Honestly, as much as she would love to bring Biggie or Jigz or Master Splinter or Hammy or Jarvis, she didn’t want to risk them getting caught up with a bunch of teens and maybe getting squished. Parties were chaotic at this school.

“Jamie, Jordyn. This is a first, seeing you both coming in together. And cutting it extremely close.” Ms. Belmonte greeted, skimming her email. She was sitting at her desk which was in front of her homeroom class, far left, sporting the school colors with a red dress, black boots and a suit jacket. “I hope everything is okay,” she subtly probed. It was hard to read Ms. Belmonte because her voice was raspy, in a sexy way, which was distracting. As was her face, that was distracting too. And her body. Very distracting. It was hard to explain the effect Ms. Cat had on her students. She was way too hot to be a teacher but here she was teaching trust fund babies tools and resources that would help them when they inherit their family’s businesses, stocks and estate.

Jamie grinned. “Newspaper business. It never ends, Ms. B.” Jamie took his seat near the front, close enough to be noticed by Ms. Belmonte, but far enough away from her that he could listen in on what people were saying. Some of the best gossip got whispered during class sessions. There were seats open on either side of him, and while he didn’t offer one to JJ, the door was open a lot wider than it had been an hour ago. He pulled his phone from his pocket and quickly made a post about Ethan’s party, sending it out with a whoosh. “Ahoy, or whatever. Anyone who’s anyone will be washing down tomorrow's dance with shots and jungle juice, at a vineyard so kindly provided by one Ethan Green. Risky Business is the theme, bus is the method of transportation, and getting wasted is the end goal. The bus leaves after the crowns come out, be there, or be wherever losers go,” he announced, droll and unfazed by the authority figure mere feet from his desk.

“Not the time or place, Jamie,” Ms. Belmonte softly reprimanded. He knew she wasn’t going to do anything because she knew the parties were important in the social scene at this school but she could at least act like she wasn’t intrigued herself. Risky Business? An interesting choice to start the school year. “I didn’t hear a thing, just don’t be dumb and bring protection.” She advised her class who all reacted either by laughter or by grimace.

“There will be no blossoms getting pollinated by all the bees this weekend, Ms. Kitty Cat!” JJ joked, excitedly taking a seat to Jamie’s right.

“Not the bees,” a kid laughed out loud.

Quickly, she rummaged through her tote, made a kissy face to her mouse, before taking out a pen and note card. She scribbled her number on it and slapped it on Jamie’s desk. “Want to go to the party together?!”

“I did invite you, so it’s proper etiquette” Jamie made a contact for JJ and sent a quick text, so she had his number. “Don’t abuse the number, I don’t just hand it out like candy.” He had a feeling that she wouldn’t heed that for longer than two weeks, but what could he say? He might’ve been cold blooded, but JJ had practically held a heat lamp to his face until he warmed up. He had to give her something.

“Okay, okay but there is something I need to ask you. What did one lung say to the other?”

Jamie sighed. He was beginning to rethink this already. “What?”

JJ smirked. He was playing along. This was a fantastic sign. “We be-lung together!” She giggled at how terrible her pun was and slapped her knee. That was a knee slapper indeed.

Jamie tried his best, but a smirk broke through his stoney expression. “God, it’s not even lunch yet.”

Accepted you two!

Fab since you’re exceeding six, can you make a new tab for the next six?
Trigger Warning: Drug use, Sexual harassment/assault
@LovelyComplex & @smarty0114

As Jamie strutted away from the media wing and towards what was becoming a regular morning rendezvous, he did his best to give off an air of importance and urgency. He was a co-editor on the school paper, the source of all things salacious and scandalizing, and he wanted people to think of him as such. He was secrets, he was shame, he’d do his best to bury your name; they might as well just call him Mr. Beverly Hills. He wanted anyone who tried to read his face to assume he was going through a very long, very important to-do list. In a sense, he was.

When he’d texted AJ a few weeks ago, after dumping him in exchange for a senior year full of solitude and sad movies, Katie had called him an idiot. “Why the fuck did you guys even break up if you were just gonna pull this shit?” were the exact words he remembered, actually. She wasn’t wrong. This was messy, whatever this was. At this point, the boy who was supposed to know everything, pretty much only knew two things to be true: dating AJ Tyler had made him feel like the most boring person on the face of the Earth, but fucking him had made him feel like the most exciting.

So yeah, he was playing a game that would probably get him and AJ hurt. Sue him. Everybody else in this school had a good time, he should know, he reported on it. Why couldn’t he?

The baseball shed (what Jamie had lovingly nicknamed, The Place Virginities Go to Die) was far enough away from the school and unused enough in the fall that they were rarely bothered. Jamie could see AJ as he approached, leaning against the wall with a Starbucks bag and the same devil-may-care smile that had been so intoxicating the first day they’d met. “You know me well, Tyler,” Jamie said, smiling as he sidled up to AJ and took the bag and a cup from his hand. “You get all the boys breakfast, or just the cute ones?” Jamie said, smirking as he unwrapped his breakfast sandwich.

“Neither. I get you breakfast because who else is going to know your order to the T, Trouble?” AJ coolly responded, lightly smoothing a piece of flyaway hair on Jamie’s head. As his ex schmoozed his way into his heart, like he always did, the taller boy of the two stared attentively. His charming eyes were dilated but hidden by his Ray Ban sunglasses. His gaze, if it could be seen behind the veil went from caramel to cocoa, from warm to eager, from sandwich to Jamie’s smirk. He smiled wildly, amused at how quick his former lover reported to him. It was almost as if they were dating. It was almost as if nothing changed between them. As if Jamie didn’t break him and now continues to string him along. It was almost as if Jamie cared. “One bacon gouda, heated for an extra twenty seconds, venti white mocha, and a birthday cake pop.”

AJ wasn’t blind. A fool, sure, for love. A hopeless romantic, yeah, because his parents were living the dream and he aspired to find someone to fit him like a missing puzzle piece, just like the love they shared. A dreamer, of course, because life was meant to make dreams a reality but blind? No. The rose colored glasses were off and he could see Jamie for what he was and it frustrated him to no end. It made him have a storm of emotions, from anger to sadness to even regret. If they never dated, AJ would not feel such low lows. If they never dated, AJ could be in ignorant bliss and not know what it feels to really, deeply love someone, to the point that you hand them a knife and expose your heart to getting stabbed, so many times. If they never dated, AJ would have room to think about anything else. But here he was, stuck in a repetitive, unhealthy cycle, in denial of their end, praying for a new beginning. Ideally, with Jamie at his side.

Truthfully, he hated what they became. He hated how he felt most days. He hated that he had to keep what they have a secret. He hated this. Especially recently when their affair escalated, both sexting at random times of the day and meeting up for quickies. Now, his nights were being impacted and he was unable to sleep. He was staying up all night thinking about their next meeting, like some sort of drug. It was intoxicating but not in a good way.

Jamie was given the world, which included AJ bringing him breakfast, and doing other boyfriend things. All he asked of him was to keep their situationship on the down low and to not put the pressure of a label on what they have. Not only does this allow Jamie to have other lovers in his life but it allows him to only gain and never lose. Feel no pain. At least not to the extent that AJ felt pain. He fucking hated this and needed to call quits. Not because he wanted to but because he had to. AJ knew he wasn’t doing okay and it was only a matter of time when his friends would intervene and stir more drama than needed.

It was all fun and games and part of AJ hoped there would be a chance they’d get back together but the moment Jamie said he didn’t want to define what they were, what they have, that’s when AJ began to fall down, down, down into his dark place. Nothing he could say or do would ever change Jamie’s mind. His first love made up his mind. Jamie didn’t love him. He loved how AJ made him feel. But AJ himself? Yeah right. Why would he love someone like him? Jamie had made it clear that they had nothing in common and perhaps Jamie was right. Jamie thought he knew best and AJ knew it was time to give him exactly what he wanted. The reality of them finally moving on. It was senior year and he wanted to make this a good year. For both of them.

With sleep deprivation as his drive, AJ made an executive decision that it was time to have a necessary meeting. Prior to coming here, to their ‘special’ place, the Gearhead gave himself a pick me up and was more ready now than ever. He was confident in his ability of setting things straight and making boundaries known. Most importantly though? He was locked the fuck in, with nothing but positivity and growth on his mind. Whatever came from this would be nothing but good for each person involved. It was the only way for either of them to be happy. Building distance between him and the gossip boy, AJ glanced at his watch, counting the seconds to when the first bell would go off, and leaned against the shed, relaxed and ardent, “So! How’s your morning been?!” He nearly shouted.

Jamie grinned and took a bite of his breakfast, eyes traveling up and down AJ’s form. There was something…off, about him, but he couldn’t quite place it. A nervous energy that he didn’t understand. For a moment, something tugged inside him, and he almost asked, and then he reminded himself what this was. What he had asked for it to be. “It’s been fine. Mom and Dad are still out of town. I finished that article I was telling you about, the one about funding disparities between arts and sports programs? No one will read it, but it’ll look good in the portfolio. Let’s see, one of the freshmen spilled her coffee on Trixie, and–OH! Ethan’s throwing a party tomorrow night, after the dance. Risky Business themed, whatever the fuck that means. I’m supposed to be spreading the word.”

He stepped forward, oblivious to the distance AJ had so purposefully put between them. He set his coffee on the ground and let a hand come up to play with AJ’s hair, doing his best impression of someone who was confident, cool, and did not overthink every single thing he did. “How was yours?”

When Jamie breached AJ’s space, the Gearhead thought to himself. One last kiss wouldn’t hurt. Instead of answering the question, he brought his hand to his lover’s chin and lifted it. Leaning in, his lips pressed roughly on Jamie’s. It was full of yearning, hunger and desire, like it always did, but there was something more to it. AJ’s freehand slid around Jamie’s waist and pulled him close, not caring that the sandwich could interfere with their intimate moment. He was desperate and it could all be felt in one single kiss. AJ knew, if he kept to his word, this could be their last. If he stood firm and didn’t give into this want, this feverish dream, he would be in control and what they have would be all in the past. What they have would be a wonderful memory and they’d stop doing things they’d regret. If he pulled back, maybe he could move on. Maybe he could get over Jamie Callaghan.

He breathed in Jamie’s scent, wishing he wasn’t taking the rational route but knowing sometimes the right things weren't the easiest things to do. He pulled away. A moment of silence passed between the two and uncomfortably, AJ gently pushed his ex a short distance further away, so he could think straight. Rather than acknowledge anything Jamie said about his article, about the coffee incident, and about the party, he revealed his true intentions for meeting at their spot, in the early morning, for breakfast, “This has to stop. Me and you? All of this, Jamie? Needs to stop.” This might be the hardest thing he’d ever have to do in his life but if there was one thing AJ didn’t want to do anymore it was worry his friends. His high would carry him through this and truth be told, he was thinking more clear than he ever would while sober.

Jamie blinked. The confidence he’d possessed only moments ago seemed to fade immediately, leaving his head spinning and his heart racing. “What the fuck?” He took another step back, knocking his coffee over as he did. This wasn’t happening. He had done so much work to keep this from happening. He had built walls, and drew boundaries, he had kept AJ at an arm's length so that it wouldn’t happen. He had dumped him first, for fuck’s sake.

Now he was right where he’d always feared he would end up, when Katie had introduced them last year. Getting left behind by AJ Motherfucking Tyler.

“That’s fucking…did you just bring me out here to wine and dine me before you…oh my God. Oh my God.” Jamie spun around, ran a hand through his hair, and took a breath while he processed this sudden blow. When he turned around, whatever rage had been spilling out from him was tamped down, present only in the deep blue eyes that had begun glaring at AJ. “Why? Where is this coming from? I thought…I thought this was good,” Jamie said, uncertainty creeping into his voice. He didn’t want to lose this, lose AJ. He had thought he could make it all work, that this way would be better for the both of them and…God, he had been an idiot.

His heart rate escalated. This was all so frustrating and if he didn’t make things clear now, Jamie would continue his own self destructive patterns and unfortunately the one that got burned was AJ. “Good for you. This has always been good for you,” AJ snapped, unable to keep it in anymore. He tried this casual on-and-off relationship and it just made him hate himself because he knew when he saw Jamie he didn’t want casual. He wanted commitment, love, and a future together. He wanted Jamie to be his. “I’ve played this game, Jamie, we’re doing this dance, but what the fuck are we?”

Clenching his fists, AJ, his eyes still hidden by sunglasses, stepped forward and watched the boy he loved break in an anxious panic. I. Can’t. Do. This. Anymore. You’re the one that fucking broke up with me and then weeks later you call saying you miss me but yeah, fuck me right? I’m the one at fault? Honestly. We both could use an actual break and you need to figure out what you want because clearly it isn’t me, Jamie, and I’m sick and tired of you lying to my face like you give a damn.” That last part forced AJ to stop and breathe. His behavior was getting increasingly erratic. Awake and wired, not letting the sadness bring him down, he brushed away the disappointment in Jamie’s face and focused on himself. How could he have fallen so far?

Jamie pursed his lips. A laundry list of responses ran through his brain, but he settled for, “Fuck you.” He turned to leave, took five steps before he decided he had more to say, and spun around to look at AJ. “Pro tip, next time you dump your fuckbuddy, don’t make out with him right before you do it.” With an embarrassed huff, Jamie turned to leave for good, storming back towards the school. Coffee spilled, breakfast ruined.

“Like you are qualified to give advice on breakups,” AJ barked and when Jamie turned on his heel, walking away, he felt a sudden urge. Letting his impulse take over, he rushed to his ex, grabbed his shoulders and forcibly turned him back around, “Don’t give me that shit. If I didn’t care, you wouldn’t want to be fuck buddies. You want me? Fine.” With the high taking over, he tightened his grip. With ease, he twisted Jamie around him and shoved the boy against the shed wall. “This is what you want right?” He hissed. There was no love behind his tone, only frustration and spite. He nipped at Jamie’s neck, digging his teeth, and creating a hickey. Intentionally, he made it painful. He had to leave his mark. “Fine. I’ll fuck you.” He angrily growled.

“AJ, what the fuck,” Jamie shouted, shoving AJ back and ducking under his arm. He stared at him for a moment, dumbfounded. He’d seen AJ angry plenty of times. They tended to have that effect on eachother. But nothing like that. That was new. His hand came up to rub at his neck while he shook his head, eyes trained on AJ. “Yeah, I’m the one who needs to figure my shit out?” he scoffed, and turned around again, doing his best to mask pain and uncertainty with a cold disdain. Doing his best to pretend like the boy he loved hadn’t just shattered his mental image of him in five seconds flat.

“For someone who is afraid of getting left behind you sure love running away!” AJ called out, hiding the shake behind his voice and the water in his eyes. This was for the best. He knew it and one day Jamie would thank him for this. Feeling his pocket, making sure he had his bag with him, AJ gave a sigh of relief. Not even watching Jamie leave, AJ turned the other way, heading the opposite direction, with one goal in mind. He needed another hit.
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Thank you
@BrutalBx accepted :3
@BrutalBx Tally is accepted! :3
@smarty0114 & @LovelyComplex
TIMESTAMP: Between 7 AM & 7:25 AM
Homeroom begins at 7:30AM
Some students, like the Morning Show & Jamie/Trixie
have hall passes//clearance to come in late


Monday 10/14
The Breakfast Club: PJ Day - Pancake Eating Competition

Tuesday 10/15
Dodgeball: Sports Attire Day- Student VS. Staff Dodgeball Game

Wednesday 10/16
Wild Wild West: Cowboy/Cowgirls Day - Field Day Activities

Thursday 10/17
Austin Powers: Hippie Day - Yoga & DIY Craft

→ Friday 10/18 ←
*Start of RP*
Bring it On: Red & Black Day - Pep Rally, Homecoming Game

Saturday 10/19
*The Green twins: Risky Business Party*
Homecoming Dance: Hollywood


BEVERLY HILLS - The first chill of fall. The first touchdown of the season. Crowning the king and queen. This is what homecoming is all about. For current students, homecoming is a time of rest where teachers usually put on a movie rather than worry about a lesson plan. For graduates, they’re revisiting old memories and reconnecting with old friends. Take a breather and enjoy this freedom while it lasts.

We’ve seen students explore themes from the Breakfast Club to the Wild Wild West. We’ve seen trendsetters use this time to exhibit their latest fashions. We’ve seen teachers get hit in the face by a ball or dunked in a tank. Wouldn’t you say that’s a good week? Today is the day we watch our annual homecoming game, where we invite our alma maters to celebrate the bond we all have with our school and see the Pirates make the Musketeers walk the plank.

But first! We will end our school day, yes leaving class early, to attend an assembly, where we are led to the gym by the Marching Pirates. Look forward to a performance from our cheerleaders where they will give us nothing but booty. Coach McCain has a speech prepared that will either make you cry or laugh so hard you piss your pants. Volunteers from each class, with the dancers and theater kids, have prepared an epic spectacle! I hear they’re assembling a group of heroes. Most importantly though, we will get to see the line up for this year’s fall sports teams. Cheer them on loudly so they can have enough tenacity and courage to go beyond their limits and WIN this season.

As for tomorrow, be prepared to walk the red carpet because —

Beatrix Kingsley was in the studio room reading the school paper, where The Morning Show was preparing to go live, when a small, clumsy strawberry blonde freshman tripped, spilling black coffee on her red tank and jacket. Coldly, she looked at the now stained paper and her soaked chest and forced a smile at the girl, who was a deer in the headlights. “Are you…”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” The girl squealed, not providing solutions. Instead she ran off to hide in the side room.

“...kidding me.” Trixie exasperatedly breathed.



Bringing her attention to her best friend, Trixie complained, “Jamie, I take one sick day and this piece of crap gets approved? Where they give us nothing but booty. Laugh so hard you piss your pants. We’re lucky the teachers don’t read our shit or we wouldn’t have met the deadline,” Trixie tossed the ruined newspaper into the garbage and reached for a couple of napkins off a side counter. “Earth to Jamie, you hearing me?” She dabbed her chest, trying to clean the coffee at least off her skin.

Jamie Callaghan was not hearing her, at least not actively. His eyes were squinting down at his phone, where a picture of his ex-boyfriend stared back at him. It took another shout, this time louder and harder to miss, before he shook his head and met Trixie’s gaze. His brain tripped over itself as he processed her words, before the look of shock on his face melted into easy amusement.

“Yeah, I might've let the underclassmen take that one, and I pretty much just skimmed it. I thought the ‘booty’ line was kind of funny though.” Jamie winced, certainly not proud of blowing off his responsibilities, but definitely not ashamed. He didn’t tell her what he’d been doing instead, and he really didn’t need to. It was clear it involved the boy he’d been cyber stalking. Jamie gestured after the fleeing freshman, and asked, “You sure this doesn’t have more to do with the coffee that Bambi just spilled all over you?”

“That certainly doesn’t help,” Trixie grimaced, tossing the napkins away and sighing at her ruined outfit. Oh well. She had a spare top in her locker, she’d change soon enough. “There’s some background noise going on at home, I guess. Marcos might’ve gotten a girl knocked up which won’t look good on the family, at all. And my brothers are just annoying. I need a break, like an actual break, away from my family.” When the voices turned into a hush and they tested the mics, Trix knew it was time to leave. She gestured for Jamie to follow her out the room, “How ‘bout you? Anything new going on? You’ve… not been yourself lately.” There was a hint of worry in Trixie’s tone though she tried to mask it so Jamie didn’t deflect.

Jamie chewed his bottom lip for a moment, smirking ever so slightly. He did love a good secret, even if it was his own. “So, I know I said AJ and I were done for good last time. And we very much were. Well, now we…very much aren’t.” Jamie smiled, the kind of awkward smile that you can only manage when you’ve really taken a ride in the clown car. “It’s fun right now, and when it stops being fun, I’ll stop.”

Trixie observed her friend as he talked. She couldn’t necessarily relate to him, seeing how she was selective with who she dated and never felt the same passion Jamie had for AJ. Still, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Last year he had told her he needed to focus on himself and find direction, without the disappointment of AJ falling short or the self doubt he carried in himself. Time and time again she found him opening his phone and staring at his ex. Was he really ready to let him go? Why did he keep going back?

“It’s fun until someone gets hurt,” Trixie corrected, crossing her arms as they walked further and further away from the school studio. “Be careful, Jay. I know you like the company, and the cuddles, but like… what was the point of breaking up with him if you don’t want to let go? I don’t know. I just don’t want to see you get hurt again. You're... playing a dangerous game, babe.”

Jamie smiled and slung his arm around Trixie. She was probably right to worry about him. He and AJ had a tendency to take things to extremes when they were together, and the highest of highs were usually followed by the lowest of lows. Whether Jamie refused to see that, or just didn’t care, it didn’t really matter. When AJ Motherfucking Tyler got involved, Jamie wasn’t exactly reasonable. “It’s sweet that you care, Trix, but I am fine. Honestly, without all the pressure of the relationship, I don’t know, it’s just better this time around.” Jamie had grown very adept at lying to himself. “We can dissect my questionable choices literally any other time, what is the plan for homecoming? I will lay down on the 405 if I have to third wheel with Scott and Katie, I’m dead serious.”

Before Trixie could answer, Ethan Green, the leader of the Elite, was coming out of the bathroom with a brunette girl from the junior year, who was quick to rush away. She hid her face with her sweater as she did so. When the ‘king’ of the school noticed the dynamic newsie duo, he couldn’t help but grin. “Heyoooo Jamie, Trixie…” he greeted, as his gaze trailed down to her chest briefly, getting distracted.

Hey. Eyes up here, asshole,” Trixie grumpily hissed.

“Yeah... my b. Did you know your nipples are showing?” Ethan chuckled, amused at how feisty Trixie was getting. Too bad she’d never give him the time of day. Trixie was extremely clear with her standards and expectations, similar to Naomi, the Queen Bee of the school. Some girls were more firm with what they wanted than others and Ethan was far too lazy to chase those kind of girls. Neither of them were interesting enough for him to play the chasing game anyways.

The editor-in-chief clicked her tongue in response, tightening her arms around her boobs. She glared and waited expectantly, obviously in quite a sour mood.

“Anyways, I’m throwing a party tomorrow, after the dance. It’s going to be lit. I’m thinking after they announce the king and queen, everyone head to the parking lot and we ride.”

“... where is this party going to be held exactly?” Trixie curtly inquired. Part of her was intrigued and the other part of her wanted this conversation to hurry up so she could change.

“My family’s vineyard, so like, plan an overnight bag! It’s going to be fun. Promise,” Ethan charmingly smiled and ran his hand through his hair, smooth and handsome. All things he knew he was. “And now that I’ve told you two. Please spread the word. Let our whole year know. You’re good at that.” Ethan clasped his hands together and sweetly pouted at his two peers. Please,” he playfully begged. “It would be so awesome if you two did this for me and my bro."

“We are good at that, aren’t we?” Jamie smiled, and rolled his eyes at Ethan’s plea. He looked over at Trixie, and back at the jock, as if they needed to clear their schedules. “We can arrange that, as long as you get us our own room. We’re not bunking with the randos that find their way on the bus.” Jamie’s phone buzzed and his voice fell off as he slipped it from his pocket, a message from AJ front and center on his lock screen.

From: AJ Motherfucking Tyler
Here. I'll be at our usual spot... I got you breakfast.

Jamie smirked, and looked back at Ethan and Trixie. “I’m going to run, but I will tell my sources about your party, and I’ll see you,” Jamie pointed at Trixie, “at the rally, please, pleasepleaseplease save me a seat.” Jamie spun on his heel and made his way down the hall, practically skipping away. What was that thing they always said about the road to hell? Paved with good intentions, and all that jazz.

"Wait!" Ethan called out as Jamie sped walk down the hall like a bat out of hell. "The theme is: Risky Business!" Damn. He was gone. At least Trixie was here to make sure her partner-in-crime was on the same page as her. "Sheesh, where the hell is he running off to?"

"Disaster. Now! Risky Business, you say. Like the Tom Cruise movie?" Trixie asked, verifying her information so she wasn't spreading false information but also, that film was old and some of their peers may have never watched it. She didn't know if there were any other Risky Business items out there but she needed to make sure that her peers didn't make a fool of themselves unintentionally, especially not to the top dog of the school who was a film dweeb (even if he tried to play it cool).

"Exactly that," Ethan smirked as his gaze sparked with excitement. Truth be told, the theme for this week was entirely his doing. It was his last year so he wanted to make the last of everything count. Why not share his love for movies with his peers? "Since everyone is going to bring an overnight bag, they can change in the bathroom, on the bus... or at the vineyard, into one of the character's looks. It's gonna' be golden, baby."

Trixie glowered at the jock's words, "Don't call me baby but okay. Message heard. Send me the address just in case and we'll see what we can do."

"You got it, gurl. You two are literally the best. Life savers, honestly."

"Or you're just lazy and coming to us to alleviate stress," Trixie got to her locker and turned away from the Elite leader to focus on her combination.

"Alleviate stress you say..." Ethan impishly grinned, gently mocking Trixie a little, while he inched closer to see if the Gossip girl would bite.

"You can go now, Ethan Green. Don't you have a girlfriend to see?"

"Ah, yes. I guess boyfriend duties do call but I should probably check on my brother first," Ethan rolled his eyes in response to the wall Trixie put up and glanced at his phone to several texts. Some from his parents only causing him to give an exasperated sigh. No matter. He had to focus in on the day. Bringing his attention back to the beautiful girl, he added, "I'm surprised you're still, you know, available. Even with a wet top, you're—"

"Goodbye, Ethan."

He smiled at her response before dismissing himself, "See ya, Beatrix." He walked away and gave a one arm wave, heading to his next destination, "Thanks for helping a lazy boy out."

@NeoAJ Gurlllll. You know Indy is a Pirate! Accepted!

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