Avatar of Megatron


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Current I AM MEGATRON!!!!!!
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Deceptions! Seek and Destroy!
1 mo ago
"Deceptions! Begin our assault!"
1 mo ago
"The age of Primes has ended! NO MORE FALSE PROPHETS! Follow me, and you will never again be deceived! RISE UP! I will lead us all into the future! I... AM... MEGATRON!!!"



Danyel from Southeast Asia, pleased to meet those that're curiously unboxing this profile for eternal blessings awaits you.

You are hereby given heavenly rights to commune with me about your Roleplay plans and mine in an opportune time. Heavenly so godsent, just so you know all my Roleplays follow break schedules for I'm a firm believer of Work-Life-Hobby balance and mental health for I have a dream. My ambition is to promote this ideology in where everyone is in control of their own destiny, prospering in every aspect of your life regardless of hardships for we're Overcomers in the eyes of God.

Worry not about my Christian, Hebrewphile & Japanophile aesthetics, we all have quirksy tastes. I am in principle nondenominational as a Reborn Christian as one may humor to so label me, that is fine and as far as my dogma goes, I will never shove my beliefs downright to anyone's throats. I see myself as a Benevolent Gamemaster, content creator of RPs and one who fans the flames of progress, be subjective on what you share & I will do you right in the Lord.


If you're here and reached this far, that's good, the next one is about my dislikes, so I am telling you to backout if it's offensive to your principles, if not, keep reading.

My petpeeves are simple: I'm not fanatical about "Grammar Experts" because my rebuttal to them is simple; go find a job, get paid for being what you pose yourself as, don't waste time correcting people. In the same vein, I don't tolerate Elitist RPers, if you're an Elitist & reading this, do yourself a favor; find a job that gets you paid to be an Elitist, you have no business on forums, put me on your blacklists, don't bother me and I won't bother you, go forth and find a job that pays you to be an Elitist. Identity-disaccountability is another one that I don't accept, if you've messed up your reputation so bad, I don't have a big problem with shedding your skin to a new identity, however if your attitude comes to light, then all of this are for nothing!

Learn to take the Ls of your RP-times regardless of where you're from, I don't care where you're from. I'm willing to give you chances to change but if your old nature don't repent, then you're fooling yourself. These no-nos of mine is warranted to those who see oneself as some form of RPer-Police, and overall a total jerk, don't waste my time, go out there and touch some grass, get paid for your self-righteous etiquettes, woe to you.

For those who read up to this point, you're a gold fresh from the hearth, rejoice. I rather indulge in the harsh truths than beautiful lies. I see RP as a Business, a friend is earned but until then I'm civil enough to treat you right. I see RP as a Church, it's when different people learn to be diverse under a singular goal and I am your Pastor.

My likes are simple; I'm a Fantasy and Crime Fiction goer.

Indulgent Beloved
This section is for RPers who helped shape my life IRL, physically friends IRL, we met IRL, no homo.
· @Cu Chulainn · @Grey

Indulgent Nakama
If you're not on this list. Don't worry, we're amicable and friends, these friends of mine are the ones I typecast and trust when it comes to making rightfully overpowered characters, they're also frequent joiners, but not every time:
· @Gerlando · @Sho Minazuki · @BlackMaiden · @JrVader · @Polaris North · @Landaus Five-One
· @Digmata · @Iamme · @Rune_Alchemist · @The Jest · @Petulant · @The Man Emperor · @paingodsson · @Alfhedil · @Aku the Samurai · @Deide · @King Kindred

Indulging Fandoms
· Naruto
· Fairy Tail
· Jujutsu Kaisen

Indulging Worrks
I don't usually create my OG RPs but when I do, I will.
· Fenix Tear
· Just Another Hero

Most Recent Posts

This my collaboration stuff with Players.
Dior needn't care about who's who but on what merit do their lives serve any purpose, having switched sides don't mean that this is like any comicbook, where former villains becomes goody-goody, nice sacrifice for opportunities though.

Prior to all this, Dior preplanned his coordinates of hiding as he's deployed into the battlefield, this plan makes him Seven steps ahead with seven layers of decoys that're disguised and trained to act like Dior. These disposable men, ranging from despicable criminals to nationwide accomplices unbroadcasted in National Philippine News, so by virtue, the Filipinos won't panic. These men also underwent the super unique, Dangal Assassin Eye Surgery, where their vision is augmented that of the Bajau Tribesmen, equipped with "cybernetic" lenses where Dior "see" with his phone of their movements. Their purpose served as diversion tactics.

"Seven" Dior dropped from the sky, whether they survive or not, the real one is the eighth and the true Dior among them.

And so DIOR landed and his Death Squad, scattered in ninja speeds.

"Dior" used his comms and attempted to rustle his so called teammates with an F-bomb as loud as he can, because he can, and irritating as it can be.

Dior used to think, he got little use for people that aren't part of his Death Squad, but these people being used as pawns for him like Chess, would better exploit the enemies and assess the conviction of his so called Teammates.

The point is, as an Assassin, you value your own life with the risk and reward of making everyone expendible.

"Fuck you!"

This misdirection sure was going to endanger his Teammates if they reacted poorly.

@Letter Bee@aurebesh@4wheathRmany@LimeTime966

Keyaru deadpan amidst the earnest efforts of provisional heroes to corner him, they ain't stuck with them, they're stuck with him because he is him.

Having dodged Kaiga's maximum fire arrow, the fireball absorbed and only grew from his arrow. Keyaru noticed an oddly familiar person, he didn't want to lose his business partner over some petty scuffle but then again, it was for the best, not to press on his attack based on the high risk loss of business. Keyaru stood his place firmly.

What type of adult would use his true power against mere children?

Before Keyaru noticed, it was too late, had it not been for his regeneration, multiquirks and assets, he would've loss badly, imprisoned or killed.

The fireball wasn't stopping but Keyaru was petrified for a while by Rin, Yusuke and Kanako's mental grip.

I didn't expect that brat's telepathic range to be this potent! This must be Ravens' doing, damn you. A glimpse of Ravens, consented, more like convinced Kanako to be injected with Trigger and three Telepathy are holding him in place, his mind was frozen by Dark Rin, scrambled by Kanako and layered amplified by Yusuke, who inflicted pain, threshold. It seems that this body is perfect for a sixth generation but the mind isn't. Keyaru tried holding back his inner thoughts but the triad approach between Kanako, Yusuke and Rin, only made him oversurface his thoughts, and potential leaks of his plans.

Rin finessed by using two Quirks at once, her mental grip, stalled Keyaru but she couldn't be so sure if alone, hence why she got Kanako and Yusuke's help.

Rin called unto Ria, Mei and Amaya.

"Amaya, do your Aunty a favor and freeze that fireball, Plus Ultra, Ria, you too, I'd do the same before Icyhot comes in." Rin started blasting and freezing to deprive the heat of the fireball.

Mei used all her power to keep the fireball from further expanding, she can't make fire but control it while Ria artistically coated the flames into ice cages to cool it.

Rin praised Chinmoku and the rest for their efforts.

"Good job everyone, Mei, Amaya, Ria and I will handle the fireball while I also keep Keyaru mentally occupied! Sol, Heartbeat, Gauss, Achilles, damage the body enough so it won't regenerate, give everything you got, Arsenal, give Duskrunner some of your weapons, keep shooting Antiquirk Bullets, so Keyaru won't have time to use any Quirks at his disposal! And Gauss, it has to be you, focus all that energy with everyone!"

"Darling, overcome your fear this time." She said to Matsuru.

Keyaru was smiling, however but be it fear or not, we never know.

Suddenly, behind Ueno was a figure that was too fond of him, Lisara, snatched him away.

@Iamme@Dragon Arts@Digmata@Gerlando@BlackMaiden
@Letter Bee@The Man Emperor@Aku the Samurai@JrVader@Paingodsson

Storms can destroy your ship but don't let them destroy your faith. The ship can represent anything, whether it's your life, job, relationships and longing — these things carry you from Point A to Point B. Ships tear by the winds of change within rigorous tides, leaving you with little support, your greatest enemy is yourself, you must never falter! The greatest loss is when your faith is wrecked by these storms of life, we can't take back the past but we can forge the future by living towards an earnest present! Hope, Faith & Love goes together.

Team Amaya; The given name, acclaimed to those partaking Guildmaster Azuria's clandestine operations, there's more than meets the eye in this Head Librarian in a gap so huge like puzzle pieces in more ways than one, Fenix Tear Team A.

The presence of the strongest Fenix Tear Mage regardless the Quest, assure great results, these Mages without their knowledge is paid higher rewards compared to Team Eris. Unknowingly under the official supervision of Crime Sorciere's leader & Spymaster; Sorano, whose Spynetwork penetrates Reuel's, her informants may be also Reuel's, who seemed to play roles as his own. Nevertheless, the Spynetwork is not something to be fully trusted, let alone whose occupation is an Assassin, such as Reuel, Rena, Weisz & Jericho, whoever else may be in disguise, whether or not this is an exaggeration, be vigilant.

Amaya, one of Avalon's renowned Dragon Slayers & Fenix Tear's strongest without question is a veteran Mage on par with Azuria. No doubt Amaya willingly took this S-Quest, wholeheartedly mutual despite Azuria's meticulously crafted planning set behind the scenes. Her unit; Jaina Dalton, Shinra Rudegarn & Rena Navylawn.

Oops, my name changed, I wonder what type of Keikaku spoiler is this? Still, I'm glad it changed! — Rena

Rena Navylawn, originally Regina Cyanpile, a variant of Rebecca Bluegarden, due to Cat Leaper, and having leaped through time, erasing to rewriting the previous Timeline, the circumstances of the timeline that she now inhabits including birth name has changed.

Bad Urizen crutch, stop giving Players a headache and bad impression of us, stop sucking me off, you could've just left Thayr & Zan-Weset alone but no! You had to be a boyscout and make me jump time, so yeah guys, the reason your Dear GM made me jump time was because Letter Bee mentioned Thayr's character in the IC but Thayr had IRL commitments and therefore decided not to put his character in the tab, following your rule of no debut means nonexistent is one thing but for you to retcon time is quite bad, no wonder you left Rune and Vader speechless, this is cringe and don't make fun of people IRL/Online, you could've just told Letter Bee to edit his post but you got lazy.

Team Amaya's purpose was to interrogate Juntao, a Vampire Mafia Boss.

However, Juntao was poutingly not saying anything well, answering Team Amaya childishly in circles.

Rena told Jaina, Shinra and more than likely Amaya who already noticed to look at Juntao carefully.

"Don't you guys find it weird? A middle-aged tycoon vampire man acting like an embarassed school-girl because she's a Loli."

OOC Info: Eye Magic Advancery
For OCs with Eye Magic, you get to countermeasure the spells of another Player, you get three chances, so use it wisely to win your battles because there's no cool down, if wasted, then your eye magic is useless, still, you have fluid movements/reflexes. > Successful Attempt

"Amaya if you could put the fear of Ankh, you don't mind me streaming and blackmailing Juntao to submission ya, Shinra, if you could do me a favor, why don't you make her float, Jaina, try to penetrate her mind, she'll attempt to resist after all, Zeref Christ that sounds wrong...going inside her mind doesn't make you less of a woman unless you swing the Lebanon way."

Take Note: Team Amaya and Reuel were 3 Hours earlier than Team Eris.

Amidst the trying times, one is challenged by chance and luck yet we're all good to be here.

@Iamme@The Jest
Few Mins Ago
Brandon was not amused by the turn of second hand embarassment but leave it be as he heard murmuring from the kids and his peers that he had a difficult time subduing that kid, he left without saying a word but as things took the worst turn, the Priest, the Man, the Devil Slayer, Vergil Dantes, defrosted Kaiga and even Kotaro and erected a barrier in the room, so no one escapes.

His ethereal white flames, got Kaiga unknowingly defrosted to his surprise, as the flames didn't work at all in both soul & body. Vergil disappeared into the night like shadows left behind his fixation, killing him, nothing to take from a buried light nor past approaching storms. Setsuka was amused of how Vergil refused to elaborate after appearing in such a grand manner, Priestly duty calls in Fortuna.

Or is it because he's avoiding "Child Support"

Yaorin saw how both men left the room, she imagined yaoi but before she could space out, candles were summoned and she told Kotaro and Kaiga this.

"Betcha can't end a puppet." Yaorin used her Necromancy Curse and summoned a Marionette, she calls it; Nemesis and dipped to where Brandon is headed.

Nemesis is an Etherious, a chimera alchemized from Necromancy.

Setsuka smirked at the impending dog fight.

(OOC Info: Nemesis is a High-End Nomu in my MHA RP, indirectly advertising haha)

I give thanks and praise to everyone who have reached this point regardless of the struggling circumstances in life but that's life, we relax to forthcomingly move with the pieces, like magic, we cultivate betterment and reap what we sown to see the light at the end of this valley of darkness, we fight a good fight of faith.

Under the overseeing hawkeye of Ifrit, Eris leads her first S-Class Quest since her recent promotion over the last two-years.

Quoted as Fenix Tear Team B or better yet popularized as Team Eris, their Quest entailed the rebuilding of the monumental Great Glacia Bridge. The Mages that're part of this S-Quest; Lucas Gutenberg, Ceri, Ayuna, Nirvana, Jericho Nightingale and Gwen Odnskade, individuals with exceptional magic & skills yet questionable Teamwork. They encountered and passed through a Time Rift with little info about the timeline they entered, soon to know or later, once they return to the Guild.

After passing the Time Rift, all but Ifrit & Ceri felt the sudden vaccuum, snapping from their erased timeline blipping into the current timeline. This means that only Ifrit & Ceri are unaffected of any possible timeline changes, sensational headaches indicate their vivid memories of the previous Timeline while gaining acute info of the new Timeline, will be gradual.

Team Eris encountered Isenfeur, the Thunderous Snow Jotun but because a shell of its former self, it ignored them because of external reasons beyond reason, the Team are now out of the invisible chronofield with memories of Isenfeur are gone including their interactions within the Time Rift.

Only Ifrit and Ceri retained their memories as Team Eris is out of the chronofield, residues of the Time Rift, one is a Time Mage & the other an Etherious, the list of beings immune to Timeline changes are Gods, Angels, Devils, Dragon Gods, Time Mages, Celestial Mages, Demons and Etherious.


The massive red ice beast grumbling as it set itself into position, it would be accurate to call it a living artillery piece.

The Blimp malfunctioned as its engines were frozen and torn apart, crashing and burning as the red ice consume the Blimp like decaying as the red freezing spreads.

Chancellor Elektra was nowhere to be found at all because her Thought Projection disappeared.

Not only things looked bad but Ifrit & Eris was snatched away by a Darkness-Make Magic portal of swarming murder crows, coffin style, leaving the non-s-classes set to crash and burn without their leaders.

Can they react fast enough to leave and live to fight on?

OOC Info: Storm Advancery
It is fabled that the Storm Aspect grants Ayuna mastery of her Affinities, however she will suffer by facing the wrath of the Arc Villain Boss at first hand, meaning she or someone suffers as the first casualty of said arc > Activated Effect

Consequence: Ifrit & Eris, snatched away by Brandon Krow

"Kekkakakakakajaja! You're kinda sloppy, Liv. We don't want Hellgate Zagrebal to be mad about leaving such a mess, I followed Lady Setsuka's instructions, you might want to freeze these two S-Class, my darkness cannot hold them much longer." Brandon recalled having used a hefty amount of Magic Power against Kaiga and Kotaro earlier, but luckily, they were left with the more capable, Vergil Dantes and in front of Setsuka, even.

"Leave the handsome man to me. He'd make a fine corpse puppet." Yaorin said.

July 7, X793

@Polaris North@JrVader@King Kindred@Rune_Alchemist@Deide@Digmata
Isenfeur though bondagely deterred by the sadistically malevolent tetherizinger chains was still the deific guardian of the storms that protects the once bustling pathways of the Great Glacia Bridge for all pilgrims that move to-and-fro upon a timely place, a fate so grim of perpetual burden yet so blissful.

He that moved to-and-fro the surrounding spacetime perimeter, that is Isenfeur, the Collosus Thundersnow Bifrost, a reluctant daily mythic figure to Icebergan folk that was enchained by Glacia eons ago. A Titan that dissipates in auroric snowdust of nigh-omnipresence, Isenfeur judges not the weight of objects such as vehicles in tow but one's heart, so lo and behold his exposed Lacrima-beating blue heart that shows character mirages of people. These images are uniquely tailored to one and each are reminded of their causal relationships; their past, sins and longing for the end.

However, Isenfeur is dysfunctional now, he cannot show the mirages because he lost his lacrimized heart and he's seen crying, suddenly diffusing from Fenix Tear Team B, granting them passage.

Gwen uttered: "A shell of his former glory, Isenfeur begotten by Glacia once justly permit passer-bys to her bridge like the good son he is, but ever since he lost his heart, that he know not where to find, the mighty giant is unfortunately exploited by... and sad."

Furthermore Gwen nodded to Eris, hinting as if she noticed that the Great Glacia Bridge was disappearing and forming. It's no question that the burdened son of Glacia was traversing back and forth in weaving his magic body to rekindle the boulevard of broken dreams. His magic was clearly unfit to repair the bridge and many had fallen under the deceiving illusion and unto their deaths because of the falsified bridge.

Gwen knew the legend because she grew up in Iceberg.

She turned her attention to Ceri & Jericho, who seemed uncertain on how to answer Ceri because he was ready to fight Isenfeur with his flight or fight response.

"Ceri. How about you stick close to me and I'll stick close to you, I grew up in Iceberg, after all and I'm curious, what have you read so far?" Gwen squatted down to Ceri's height level to get a closer look at her. still stripped

Gwen was also giving the glare towards Jericho to calm down and most likely not go after Isenfeur, whether he'd as brain-dead as Natsu, that's a close call.

The Thought Projection of Elektra returned, she stood next to Eris, all connections were stabilized.

"Reminds me of certain stubborn lily, don't you think so? Good job, looks like the sad blue giant didn't want to argue, Azuria seemed right to have chosen those deserving of being S-Class."

@Sho Minazuki
Somewhere in Fortuna, Azuria apparated to where Reuel is, not by magic means like Thought Projection but real time as Azuria Rutines in the flesh as the sun rises and epically signaled her entrance.

"Nah, you actually did it."

Moreover, she expected nonetheless that Reuel, who acclaimed to be the weakest S-Class was ironically the most efficient to finish the job sooner than expected.

"There's more to be done, I know you don't play well unless you need to, but bro... Running off like that without reassuring the safety of your comrades isn't something I'll make a fuss about but still, I take it as because Amaya was there, anyway catch!" Azu tossed a Lacrima for Reuel to catch.

It was a Lacrima Smart Footage.

The footage contained KKK Members who weren't just doing despicable acts over the course of four days but kidnapping kids to be the vessel for they worshipped a Demon as some god.

"This is your final mission for this journey. I have no qualms killing children, especially if they're going to be demonic doors for entrance, as a Devil Slayer, I know full well. We better get moving before Amaya destroys Fortuna in the next sunset, and fast, Fylkirlén is not so far from here. So kill the Starblood Vessel, unfortunately a child. Try not to kill my disciple."

Azuria entrusts Reuel his final mission: kill the Starblood Vessel to prevent Hellgate Rajabel from returning.

@Iamme@The Jest@Gerlando
"Setsuka-sama, the line-up of kids for the ritual has been examined properly, truly worthy of being Starblood Vessels." Brandon said in sadistic glee.

In this valley of darkness situation, Brandon has met worked with the Hawkband, a Guild better known as the Band of Hawks from the Alvarez Empire, who exported slaves for the Rajabel ritual.

"This fox runt was troublesome, but in the end no one clowns with me, your choice milady. Either we feed him to the dogs or what, should I slit his throat for extra measure or leave him be for the Rajabel ritual or feast in his blood or what!" As we can see, hungry Werewolves were outside the castle.

"Liv beat me to it but this punk don't get the memo, ice beats fire!" Brandon vented his frustrations into his prisoner, a boy with blue hair, implied to have tried saving said approximately 10 year old boy.

Brandon stepped and kept kicking the blue haired young man whose blood was frozen from the inside.

"How about I feed you to those dogs, flame brain..."

Behind Setsuka was an enchained blue Lacrima heart, cloaked.

@BlackMaiden@Aku the Samurai@Letter Bee

Juntao was cornered by Amaya, Shinra and Jaina.

"I got nothing to say to you punks, you are trespassing executive territories. If I may so humor you then I compel you to listen. Oldest trick in the book I have no part with the KKK, what are you gotta do about it.
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