Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telepathy
Guin shook her head slightly as her thoughts cleared. Her eyes narrowed at Pietro. She couldn't believe that she was married to him. She had wasted years with him, letting him walk all over her and treat her like some fragile little bird that needed protecting. Her life had been perfect before he came into the picture - she had a kickass job at S.H.I.E.L.D., she didn't need to worry about reading people's thoughts by accident, and no one was accusing her of being a "bad bisexual" - whatever that meant - for being with a man. She had had the perfect balance of ordinary and extraordinary. She got to live in the city she adored, New York City, and the club bouncers let her in whenever she saw them. The bartenders had even known her drink, not caring that she was underage. "You ruined my life!" she screamed at Pietro, sending off a telepathic attack that he managed to block out. She then fired off the unibeam of her suit at the speedster, trying again to mentally whammy him at the same time.

Pietro's eyes widened before he barely managed to dodge out of the way of her laser attack, and once more mentally blocking out her mental attack. "Guina? What's gotten into you?" he asked her instantly, more then a little bit confused

"Oh, don't Guina me! That's not even my name! It's Guin! Rhymes with Win!" she snapped at him. "I'm sick and tired of being your little play thing! I should be on Mars right now with Mister Fantastic, not here wondering if I bought enough twinkies for my man child of a husband!"

"If you want to be technical your name isn't Guin either. It's Guinevere," he snapped back, still more then a little bit confused as to what exactly was going on and why Guin suddenly shifted that way.

"Don't call me fucking Guinevere! Do I look like I'm about to go bone Lancelot to you? Doth I wear drapes right now instead of my fucking sweet ass bit of armor? Oh, and let's not forget the reason I'm here - you made this happen to me! I was normal and then I met you and then my life turned upside down and now I can't walk into a Target in Alabama without being profiled for being queer and a mutant!"

Pietro was still insanely confused, before it suddenly hit him. Klara had said not to call her a water goddess, which meant that she had another domain, and based on the black aura and what seemed to be happening, it all made sense. "...She's a freaking love goddess, love hate, exact opposites, and the riddle right before that... Which means she just did a whammy thing to both Guina and the magic person... Great, this should be fun..." he muttered under his breath, before looking at Guin. "Guina, this isn't you, okay? Your mind was messed with by the Asgardian."

"There you go again, mansplaining to me what my thoughts and opinions are! Jesus fucking christ, can I Uber a divorce attorney or what?" Guin spat, before she charged straight at Pietro, trying to more or less run him over like a bug.

He was more then ready, waiting for her to charge him, and the perks of super speed came to be obvious, as he managed to grab onto her, rolling around and pinning her to the ground, and managing to knock her helmet off of her and far away too. "This isn't you, I know that Guina, and the fact that you need that explained to you says quite a bit don't you think?"

"My name is not Guina!" she screamed, trying to activate her thrusters in order to escape, but no matter how much she budged, he kept a tight grip on her. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., commandeer Veronica for me!" she ordered, hoping to hear the familiar chime of her A.I. following her orders without question. Veronica, of course, was the failsafe weapon in case the Hulk started to attack civilians.

"Yeah no bad idea really bad idea Guina," he said simply, before he gave her a kiss, and for Guin this would result in her being broken free from Klara's spell.

Guin blinked again, as her mind cleared once more. Unfortunately, she remembered everything she said and did. "Sorry for trying to kill you, babe - and for trying to roast you emotionally," she said sheepishly. "Now can you let go of me and give me back my helmet? The suit looks weird without it."

"Keyword there is try Guina," he said with a shrug, before getting up, going over and picking her helmet up off the ground and handing it to her.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Minor Molecular Combustion
Neil was incredibly confused as to what was going on with Guin and Pietro - then again, both of them were so annoying that he didn't even try to understand them. They were always either fighting or making out anyways. He frowned a bit though that Guin didn't seem to even acknowledge what Edus had said about it being a mental spell. She was the team's telepath with Xavier gone, it was her job to deal with this - but instead, she was just doing weird things with her husband. It made Neil want to barf and scream simultaneously.

Given that Annie indicated Edus' approach wasn't going to work and the telepath was distracted, Neil tried to take things into his own hands. He wanted to blind Klara. It would make it easier to restrain her and then they could figure out a way to break her free, but his priority was to save Carolina and Elizabeth. He clenched his fists together repeatedly, willing the organic matter in Klara's eyes to implode. Each try, his muscles screamed and ached in agony, wanting to give up rather than go again. He kept on until on the sixth try, he caused an explosion in front of Klara's left eye, blinding her as blood oozed from the wound.

At least now she would have horrible depth perception, something people with swords generally relied upon pretty heavily.
"I don't need comfort from you," Runa told Elizabeth a bit harshly. "What I need is for you to explain to me as best as you recall the mechanics of this game. My magic may not be as strong as it once was, but I would dishonor my ancestors and myself if I did not at least try to break the curse."










Bonnie Chase

Location: Outside Cap's Apartment
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Agent 13 shook her head at Cass. "Occupational hazard. I'll be fine," she reassured her. Despite having been attacked by aliens, Agent 13 was rather calm. Maybe she had seen far weirder things during her time living next to - and dating - Captain America. "As a favor, I won't mention to Hill that you're debating defecting. Professional courtesy."

"My test? It just looks at DNA samples. If they can perfectly clone the DNA of who they resemble, then it's nothing," Bonnie explained. "I'll try to develop something more precise since we have a living subject here for me to work on... Another option would be to try to liaise with a psychic, they might be able to look at the problem from another angle and sort things out. Or... maybe you, Niah, might be the answer. If you use your powers, you could scan our histories briefly. It would mean relinquishing our privacy."

Agent 13 raised an eyebrow at Kwassi, a bit interested in why he was talking like she wasn't present.

Bonnie's face fell slightly, hearing Oliver's heartbreaking news. She couldn't imagine dealing with the death of a family member on a good, slow, boring day - it was equally unfathomable on the day Captain America defected and another cell of skrulls were revealed. They had found less than a dozen skrulls since Roman first was revealed to be one of the aliens. The invasion could have just been beginning, perhaps they were scouts - or maybe it was already too late. "I'm sorry, Oliver. That's rough."

She couldn't go with him though - she needed to track down Captain America and learn whatever she could from the Flynn imposter. One step at a time.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: Aerokinesis
"Crikey, they've got you going after the Fenris Twins?" Amelia exclaimed, her eyes wide. She had heard rumors about those two. Supposedly, they were the best of the best over at HYDRA and when the twins were together, the amount of force they could project was enough to topple buildings. They were considered a top threat to the stability of the country. One of her old classmates had even theorized that if they wanted to and the Avengers were having an off day, they could take the White House. "That's so legit. Damn. I feel almost a bit bad for knocking you on your ass."

Amelia was about to turn to Sparky and say something, when the sound of glass shattering broke her train of thought. She felt tiny things moving quickly through the air at them and Amelia shoved everyone down to the ground just in time, the bullets going harmlessly over their head. "Wild. Didn't know I could do that, mates!" she said, clearly a bit amped and pumped. "Alright, where's the shooter? And I'm guessing since they're probably HYDRA, you're going to have to leave with us, Agent Swede. The whole block probably just heard you."

February 17th, 2021 - 9:10 AM

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Jack and Casper (and James)'s Room
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's mind was far too groggy to process what was going on. He had been about to drift off to sleep again, hopefully to reawaken shortly with waffles, when there was a large BANG BANG BANG! on the door. Someone was screaming something about Jack. He couldn't even remember who the voice belonged to, as Casper was so sleepy he barely knew his own name at the moment. Dying of M-Pox really took it out of him. Thankfully, his genius boyfriend was able to supply helpful details - unfortunately, those details meant that Ben had been right and he really did need to get out of bed.

"Urgh... He probably just rejected her or something. Jack's the worst kind of slut," Casper groaned. He rolled out of bed - quite literally, hitting the ground hard enough to bruise. He was all tangled up in the sheets, completely nude otherwise. He hadn't recalled going to bed naked, but he usually woke up to find his clothes on the ground so it wasn't entirely unexpected. "Yeah, I should have stayed in bed, that was an amazing idea," he admitted, stumbling to his feet. The sheets had twisted around him and looked like a toga. "Ooo, I'm Caesar! Hail me, James, and I'll not let the lions eat you in the arena."

He hopped in his get up on over to the door and opened it up, thankfully his private parts were well covered. "Whaaaat iiiiiis it? I haven't had my waffles yet," he complained.

"I told you so," Ben said with a sigh. "I told you Jack did something and now Waverley is going to tell you the same thing."

"Shhh, Ben, I can't hear Waverley not tell me what's going on!"


Location: Mutant Underground: Veil and Sapphire's Room
Skills: Perception
Veil nodded at Sapphire, running a hand through her wild mane of curls. "Yeah, just processing things. I'll live. And if I don't, well, I guess it won't be my problem then," she said with a bit of a weak laugh. She did tend to be rather blunt and honest, but Veil wasn't in the mood to share her feelings. She didn't really know what there was to say or talk about. People had died on her watch and it was her fault no matter what anyone said. There just wasn't anything to discuss. Of course, they'd need to provide funeral arrangements for Cayden and find out if he had any next of kin to send his body to... But those conversations would have to wait.

Someone was screaming bloody murder.

She briefly noted that Sapphire's hair wasn't its usual ice blonde and decided to ask about it later, as she quickly stepped around her roommate and friend to go out into the hall proper. She was dressed in a hoodie and sweats, the only pair of PJ's that she owned. The knees both had gigantic holes on them and the fabric was discolored in various spots from old stains. "What's going on?" Veil asked. "Feedback - everything okay? Are you injured? Do I need to go pummel someone?"

There still wasn't a peep from Havok and Polaris. "Uh, Casper? Please put some pants on."


Location: Jack's Office
Skills: People Reading
Sunshine looked at Jack suspiciously, her eyes darting between him and the box of doughnuts. Her stomach growled loudly, making its plea for her to accept the food from him. He had always been pretty nice to her and she had gotten used to having him around - not that she thought of him as her father, even if that was biologically the case. Her hand darted out rapidly and she snatched a doughnut from the box, as if moving slower than possible would somehow result in serious bodily harm. She shoved the doughnut into her mouth and ate it in three big bites, swallowing thickly.

There was one plus side to all of this - the bizarreness of the situation was distracting her from thinking about Magik. "What happened, Hufflepuff?" she asked him warily. Someone had come into her room and drugged her, only for her to turn up in Jack's office. Her eyes narrowed. "Did Purifiers get in or something? If they did, I'm going to kill them. You always say I need to practice my powers more anyways so..."

Something was off about Jack, though. He looked gross - probably from the M-Pox, that or she figured he might not know how to shower properly. That wasn't what was bothering her though, she was used to people not smelling the greatest or looking a bit out of sorts. She couldn't place it, but something was different about him.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Merlin's Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan wrinkled her nose at the implication she would ever get along with Isabella. She was rather disappointed that Jack's partner had ended up coming with them on this adventure. She was just so... ugh - quaint? ordinary? boring? annoying? insufferable? Megan couldn't quite place the word to describe her issues with Isabella. She refused to even consider that it may have been an unconscious desire to have her brother's attention to herself or that maybe she felt threatened that Isabella would take away her only real family. No, instead Megan just took her dislike at face value, wishing that Isabella was back in Kansas and not here in Megan's birthplace.

She walked in the room where she felt particularly drawn to - namely, the fallen skull. She picked it up and smiled slightly, imagining herself doing a performance of Hamlet with it. "Alas, poor Yorick," Megan whispered. She paused for a moment, waiting until Merlin came back down the stairs. "Whose skull is this? And might I have it?" she asked. In medical school, they used to have skulls given to them by the school for the purpose of practicing. Megan missed having a skull in her bag as she went about her business.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain
Skills: N/A

Runa struggled to force words out, her throat constricting in spite of her best efforts. She tried to think of how exactly to answer Klara's question - should she lie and say that she was fine? Should she risk being emotionally vulnerable and admit everything to her? Could she trust her? Her worst fears of having her parentage revealed hadn't been realized... yet. Her mind was fresh at work, coming up with more and more doomsday scenarios. Maybe this was all just some sort of trick. Maybe Klara knew she had talked to Loki and was trying to set her up for a trap. Maybe the second they left, they would stab her in the back and kill her.

She hated being given choices. She tried again to speak, this time with more success. "Erm, now. We should leave now," she said quietly. The more time they had, the better the odds right? She fidgeted awkwardly as a blonde came on over and joined them at the table, feeling a bit like an animal on display in a zoo. "Kl-Klara... N-Nadia... C-could you two come with me? I uh.... I need to tell you something in private. I mean, come with me on the... the quest or journey... I forget the English word, sorry..." she mumbled.

Location: Catwalk
Skills: Roller Derby
Vinnie did her best to absorb the information that Y2K gave her. She tried to come up with some sort of funny device for recalling where the main exit was behind the tank - Thomas the Tank Engine departs from Water World in one hour maybe? It was the best thing that she could come up with, but she still figured she would have a better chance of remembering that than just straight up memorizing what Y2K had said. What happened next was purely driven by instinct and reflex honed from slamming into people at the rink. Noah had charged and slammed into Y2K, sending both of them toppling over. Tessa failed to grab them.

Vinnie rushed forward, her hand latching onto the right arm... of Y2K. Noah had plummeted to his death. Her breath caught in her throat as some sort of sob as Vinnie desperately tried to pull Y2K on up, ashamed that she had basically forced Noah's death to be meaningless, but she wasn't going to let Y2K go. Y2K was their best chance at getting the upper hand in this situation. "I need some help," she pleaded, struggling as she tried to pull Y2K on up over the railing, but her grip was starting to slip.
Raynor's throat went dry as the name Lana Sparks came back to haunt him. He had lost his best friend years ago, setting off on a fruitless quest to the United States in order to try and find her again. He had lost hope that he would find her ages ago, never daring to dream that he would find her again on some sort of alien ship or colony. He forgot how to speak for a moment, before his senses flooded back to him. The sounds of a fight were echoing down into the grate and Raynor's body reacted before his mind had even processed everything, as he kicked the grate open. "Lana? It's me.... Raynor..." he said uncertainly, crawling out of the grate and rising to his full height.

Guin Stark

Location: Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telepathy
Guin looked at Bethany with sympathy. She seemed to be really overdoing things and they were only really just getting started with this game. No one had even gotten a chance to take their second turn. "Everyone, remember to pace yourselves okay? It's a marathon, not a sprint," she said. She didn't want to single out Bethany, largely as she felt it would have been awkward to criticize Bethany for being helpful. But really, they couldn't afford to be wiped out from exhaustion before the second round of turns had even begun. That was likely Loki's plan - to wear them down so they could be killed more easily. Mira's voice seemed to be shot as well, which was definitely problematic as she was one of their heavy hitters.

She raised an eyebrow, although no one would be able to tell with her helmet on. "Jungle Mouth Herpes?" Guin asked incredulously, chuckling a little bit. "I think it's way more likely that the challenge coming from this one is heat stroke. Or Cabin Fever. Is anyone here particularly challenged with the idea of quarantining? It could be M-Pox 2 - Electric Boogalo."

"Wooooow Guina," Pietro chuckled in response.

Her eyes widened a bit as mist started to pour out of the board game. Her connections had told her that the Terrigen Mist had been responsible for causing M-Pox in the first place. "Shit, maybe Loki really is bringing M-Pox out to play." A swordswoman then appeared out of nowhere, attacking Iris and then Mira. Guin frowned a bit, taking a moment to place her before she remembered. "She's Thor's kid, I think." Bethany had partially restrained the warrior as Guin sent off a round of repulsor blasts, aiming to subdue her. They didn't seem to really do much, so Guin switched tactics, reaching out with her telepathy and finally fulfilling her role as the team's psychic.

She hardly stunned her, but Guin did manage to get a quick and thorough read of her mind. "Her name is Klara, she's been under Loki's spell for a long time. Carolina and Elizabeth are inside the board game with her cousin Runa," Guin quickly relayed. "Magic Trick, how about you do the thing and break the spell, huh?" If Edus couldn't do that, what was the point in having him around again?

Neil Spellman

Location: the Danger Room -> Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
Neil nodded gratefully at Annie, appreciating the comfort she was trying to give him. He was too tired to express those thoughts and has his natural inclination was towards silence, he figured that she would understand what he was trying to say without it being voiced. She had super intuition, after all. He wanted nothing more than to take a short rest and recharge, to get to a point where his muscles weren't screaming whenever he tried to reach out and mentally prod at something, but there was no rest for the wicked. Iris' roll unleashed most likely the most horrifying thing yet - a woman with black eyes and a menacing sword.

He was too tired to think properly, defaulting on treating her like the Silver Surfer. He reached out psychically, trying to pull her sword away as others worked to restrain her, but instead he yelped in pain. He couldn't get a grip on it. His powers were shot and he was weak and tired. Stark's babbling about the girl being under some sort of magic curse only added insult to injury. Unlike the rest of his family, Neil didn't have magical talent. His cousin probably would have known exactly what to do. Neil couldn't even do a proper cord cutting ritual, meaning that this all fell to Edus.
Runa frowned slightly, her eyes looking slightly above everyone as she did the mental math. The Midgardian calendar was not too different from the one used on Asgard. It had been towards the end of Ýlir and the beginning of Mörsugur when reality had shifted and her identity had been changed from a daughter of Asgard to a human of Australia. "It's Sólmánuður then," she murmured to her cousin. They were just two months away from her birthday, which fell in the middle of Tvímánuður. She was startled out of her thoughts as she heard a gigantic boom and Runa sprung to her feet, leaving the runes on the floor. "Klara?" she called out softly, staring at the spot where her cousin had been moments ago.

She took a breath. "Tell me what you know about this game and how it works," she insisted.

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Rebecca nodded, concurring with Jason's assessment of the situation. While healing the Gryphon had been incredibly important, they couldn't overlook the question of how it was injured in the first place. Some sentient being had been responsible for its injuries, she knew that much due to the weapon that had caused the wounds. It easily could have been some god or demigod, or perhaps even some flavor of monster that fought with weapons rather than tooth and claw. But before she could voice those opinions, she was caught off guard with Arthur's burst of rage.

Her eyes narrowed a bit defensively. She had been dancing around the subject, but her nature was to be blunt and candid. Her anger at his slight towards her mother prompted her to forget to have caution and restraint with him. "All the gods can be cruel. They can curse their children with madness, turn us into trees and flowers, transform us into inhuman beasts, and even slay us. I hadn't wanted to be so blunt with you as to preserve your innocence, but I'll be candid - power makes might on Olympus. Righteousness rarely plays into it." It didn't bother her personally, the lack of distinction between absolute good and evil, but she knew that some young demigods had trouble accepting it as truth. Rebecca dreamed though of power, so the system made sense to her.

"And no, Andy, I cannot see the future. I don't have that gift. Some demigods do, though it is largely the Oracle's talent."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

Leda grinned happily, glad to see that Demetri had chosen to take a dare. Her mind instantly flickered to the performance of him as Hannah Montana, singing and shaking his hips from side to side. It was enough to make her preemptively giggle, although simultaneously, she was mentally jumping up and down slightly at Kiera mentioning them dating. She had managed to lock down the cutest girl at Camp Half-blood in less than two weeks pretty much. It had to be her defining accomplishment of her career as a demigod. Her mind flickered back over to the dare for Demetri, wondering if she could do anything to improve upon her idea.

"I dare you to shapeshift into Hannah Montana and perform Best of Both Worlds," Leda announced, pleased with her choice. Her other idea had been to have Demetri lick the floor or do his best impression of Mr. D, but neither of them were more amusing than seeing the Disney Channel Star come to life. It also probably was the safest option, as it didn't risk him getting sick or being turned into a dolphin on a permanent basis.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Jupiter - Cohort Barracks
Skills: N/A

Nancy shook her head when the conversation shifted as to who even owned a cell phone. They technically had been around in the 80's and sure, some people had them at the Lotus Hotel, but Nancy never really understood how they worked. From what she could tell, they didn't have buttons anymore and she had no idea how people managed to dial anyone like that. They also seemed to have turned into computers? It still shocked her how the tiny things were supposedly more powerful than the video game consoles she used to use growing up, but so many things about the mortal realm confused her. She couldn't imagine trying to live in that world, leaving Camp Jupiter and the gods and all behind.

"Yikes, yeah, we ought to get you fitted with some armor," Nancy said. Waverley looked like a gigantic squishy target to her, so some armor would likely be a good call. "And we should be able to cross the Little Tiber and head on out of Camp Jupiter and call a taxi or whatever it's called now from there. The mortals won't be able to get through the barrier, so it isn't too much of a concern," she added. If she remembered correctly, the walk out of Camp Jupiter to get to the mortal realm wasn't even that bad.

February 17th, 2021 - 9:00 AM

Last night, Negasonic and Colossus left for England, bringing Magik's body along with them. Captain Britain and Excalibur had been kind enough to agree to help, arranging the transportation that they needed. Captain Britain had also sent fresh food, water, and medical supplies to the Mutant Underground, worrying after the health of his daughter Glimpse. They hadn't been the only ones to leave however. Dr. Watts and his daughter Leda had departed once Watts gathered blood samples from everyone present, including those who were not currently afflicted with M-Pox, promising to call Sapphire with news as soon as possible.

Cayden's body had been placed on his bed in his and James' room, with Veil kindly requesting that James double up in a bed with Casper. The rest of the newcomers were placed in what had been Magik and Negasonic's room - room 7. James' old bed had been moved into the now cramped space, so at least no one had to share who did not want to. Polaris and Havok had yet to emerge from Havok's room and when Colossus had gone inside to fetch his things, Polaris had still been unconscious - a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.

But with the tragic loss of Magik and Moonwalker, things couldn't possibly be worse today than yesterday...

... Right?


Location: Mutant Underground: Veil and Sapphire's Room
Skills: N/A
Veil had had a hard time sleeping. They had lost two people yesterday - essentially two members of her family had perished. The prophecy that Valkyrie shared with her was haunting her as well. She couldn't make heads nor tails of it, but its words were enough to make her uneasy. There was something blowing in the wind, something dangerous, and without knowing what was coming, how could they begin to prepare? How could they defend themselves in the dark?

And once she finally had been able to fall asleep and quiet her mind, her subconscious dredged up the most horrifying of nightmares. She was on an island, watching, waiting for something. She shifted her weight and a twig snapped. Her memory of the nightmare was fuzzy, but she distinctly recalled running, running, running - her heart thumping with the knowledge that if she were caught, it was all over. She had turned her head in time to see the cliff, but not soon enough to stop herself as she plummeted, hitting the surface of the ocean like a rock.

She had woken up not long after that, gasping for air - as if she really had been drowning. The rest of her time she spent pacing back and forth, running over the lines time and time again. She had jumped when her phone buzzed with a message from Yukio, Negasonic's girlfriend -

X-Cutioner struck again. 3 dead outside the Cherry Bomb.

The blood drained from Veil's face. Yukio had dubbed the stranger with the knife from yesterday's fiasco as the X-Cutioner, after Veil called her and asked for her to be on the lookout for any future attacks. The name was horrifying and Veil couldn't help but wonder if something else might have been better - like George.

Any witnesses?

One. Tall, ginger, 50's, female. Had a lengthy scar over her right eye. I'll let you know if I find her.

Thanks. Be safe. You know you're always welcome here.

I know.

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Jack and Casper (and James)'s Room
Skills: Mediumship
Casper had slept like a baby, curled up into his adoring boyfriend. Throughout the night, he had switched back and forth between being the big spoon and the little spoon. His fever was gone with a headache lingering in its place. He didn't have any dreams - well, he had one where Ben had turned into a giant waffle with whipped cream, but he figured that was probably just prompted by hunger. Casper opened his eyes slowly, nuzzling James in the big spoon position. "Babes? Can we have waffles for breakfast? I think all the M-Pox and nearly dying as emptied my stomach more than when the doctors had to pump it," he whispered.

"Finally, you're awake!" Ben exclaimed, standing on the other side of James. "Jack's lost it."

"I'm sure he'll find it, tell him to look under his bed, he's always losing his hair care products there..." Casper replied sleepily. He let out a yawn, snuggling a little more into James. His boyfriend was so warm and he smelled so nice. He could have happily stayed in bed with him all day, especially if waffles were involved. Maybe after eating waffles, he could use the whipped cream for some recreational activities, as long as he could convince Jack to leave the room for an hour or so...

"No, Casper, listen to me. Jack's lost his mind. He got up in the middle of the night," Ben explained, snapping his fingers in order to keep Casper's attention. "And he's gone, he grabbed Sunshine and left!"

"So? What's your point?" Casper said with a yawn. "He's probably just taking her on a walk or something to talk about the meaning of true love. All his stuff is here, so how about you go stare at the wall in the hallway and count how many spider webs you can find?" he suggested, before chucking his pillow at Ben. The pillow went through Ben and hit the wall lamely.


Location: ???
Skills: Disease Manipulation
Sunshine wanted to sleep some more. She wanted to continue to drift off to the land of the unconscious mind, where she didn't need to think or feel. She didn't want to exist in any sort of meaningful way. But the more she thought about wanting to go back to sleep, the harder it was to deny that she was awake. She opened her eyes and blinked slightly, confused. She wasn't at the Mutant Underground anymore. There was a suspicious stain on the ceiling she had never seen before.

And the blanket, it wasn't the one she had in her room. It was a red plaid blanket, a bit coarse and itchy, the sort of thing that showed up on the covers of magazines. As her brain woke up, things flooded back to her - things she had assumed had just been a nightmare. The door in her and Waverley's room creaking open, someone pressing a damp cloth against her face, and then... Then she was here. She was in some sort of office. No one else was there. She threw the blanket off of her and sprung up to her feet, balling her fists in anticipation of a fight.

"Only a coward hides!" Sunshine taunted, hoping to draw her kidnapper out. Little bits of green mist surrounded her hands.










Bonnie Chase

Location: Ground Floor of the Apartment Complex -> Outside Cap's Apartment
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Anatomy, Throwing Knives
Bonnie nodded slightly. She was pretty sure that the real Flynn would have been incredibly angry with Cass if she hadn't done anything. The only issue was, Bonnie didn't need a man to be cross about risks to her health and safety. She had been an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. much longer than she had been with Flynn. Her life was valuable, yes, but she chose to risk it in order to serve the world. To do anything else would be to betray her core values and to no longer be Bonnie Chase.

She dashed on up the stairs, briefly spotting Oliver and Cass standing over the body of a dead skrull. Had the skrull been alive, she would have gone to assist, but the Flynn imposter was more important. She kept on going until she emerged on the same floor as Captain America's apartment. The imposter had beaten her back on up, having flown up from flames after nearly making the same fall she had. She needed to keep him alive - interrogating him could be the key to saving Flynn.

Bonnie's eyes narrowed along with her focus. She drew a throwing knife and expertly flung it at the false Flynn, the knife embedding itself in his back. It missed hitting any vital organs, but it did come into direct contact with his spine. Her knowledge of anatomy and her accuracy with a knife had served her well. The false imposter was completely paralyzed, dropping to the floor like a rock. "We need him alive for interrogation."

"I'll go call this in," Agent 13 said with a grimace. "Director Hill needs to know what's going on."

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: Aerokinesis
Amelia couldn't remember all of the different secret prisons S.H.I.E.L.D. had - they started to blend together after a while. "Mate, popsicles don't go in the fridge, you chuck 'em in the freezer or they'll melt," she argued playfully. She wouldn't have been surprised to find out that S.H.I.E.L.D. also had a prison called the Freezer or maybe even the Icebox or the Cooler. Had she been asked to name a prison, she would have gone for the Hamster Cage - that just had a fun levity to it.

Speaking of levity, even as Sparky attacked Lungren (and she assumed Maria had too, from the way Lungren stumbled), Amelia wasn't about to stand down. He had attacked them first after all. She tried to send a gust of wind at him to knock him off his feet, but she was majorly off her game. It took her about four tries to get it right - she was still relatively new to her powers, having only had them for a few months. She twirled the staff Sparky had given her and a large burst of air struck Lungren, knocking him backwards and to the ground about fifteen feet.

"Sparks, shall we be off then?" Amelia asked. "We're making good time to see Strange."
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