Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Location: Catwalk
Skills: N/A
"We don't even know what religion he is... Like, would he want to be cremated or buried? I guess that doesn't matter since... I don't think we can retrieve his body. Maybe... maybe we should just hold hands and make a flower arrangement or something with the vending machine, that might be nice?" Vinnie mumbled. She couldn't remember Noah's last name either. She couldn't remember his face before he had fallen anymore, every image of him just reducing to the battered corpse at the very bottom. She blinked, wiping away a few tears that had fallen. To honor Noah, they had to escape from here.

"...Manny, you've got a knife, can you get the thingymabob out of Y2K? Greenie isn't around and I don't think I'm qualified to do it," Vinnie asked. She didn't want to accidentally kill Y2K, then all of this would have been for nothing. Noah would have died for nothing. They would all end up dead or enslaved or something worse. Maybe Noah had made the right call, jumping down there. If they survived all of this... what would they find on Earth? What would they have to go home to?
Raynor's eye twitched as Sparky yelled at him, going on off to make an incredibly stupid decision. He supposed that he should have expected her to be stubborn, but suicidal and reckless? This was the sort of behavior that was probably behind her disappearance in the first place! He hurried off with Sophia, making his way to the sector two galley. Entering the galley, he quickly looked around for any hostiles. There was one deceased robot, several people cowering in fear, and then a madman with a knife. He didn't hesitate as he dashed forward to disarm him, his movements almost flawless. He slashed the knife man's throat with his blade, killing him. It was only after his body dropped that Raynor felt the screaming pain in his arm, as blood gushed from his artery. The madman must have slashed him before he went down.










Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 11:50 P.M.

Agent 13 had pulled a few strings, getting a quinjet for Oliver and Niah. She also had sent word ahead to MI13, Britain's supernatural intelligence agency, to expect them. Their quinjet pilot was a silent Chinese man who whenever someone tried to engage him in conversation, he would purposefully turn his head to look away. His headphones were in as he listened to a podcast about I Love Lucy.

As the ramp lowered, Niah and Oliver would find themselves on the grounds of Braddock Academy. It was the finest school in England, selecting students with the potential to become heroes. It was founded by Captain Britain and his twin sister, Psylocke, with the location being their ancestral family manor. There were a lot of striking similarities between Braddock Academy and Xavier's Institute for Gifted Youngsters.

"Welcome to Wales, Agents," a Chinese woman with vivid purple hair said, her British accent thick, and she was wearing a flashy purple uniform. "I'm Betsy Braddock."

New York City: 4:50 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 219 West 47th Street
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Bonnie had replied has concisely and logically to Kwassi's concerns as she could. S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't a perfect system by any means, but it was the one that they had. If people were willing to fight for the greater good, then surrendering a little privacy for the security of citizens across the globe had to be a worthy cost. Besides, S.H.I.E.L.D. had state of the art tech and could help superheroes to protect their families. As it stood now, if someone found out who Spider-Man loved, only he would be able to intervene. No one else would stand in the way.

They had taken the quinjet to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base in New York City. Unlike most buildings, it didn't have a fun name like the Triskelion, the Hub, or the Playground. If anything, people just called it 219. Cass had landed the quinjet on the roof of the building, which had special tech designed to make it look like a nunnery rather than a base for a secret agency. The team was currently on the first floor outside of the café. They couldn't just walk around Queens in agent uniforms, so they had changed into normal outfits, as if they were just everyday New Yorkers.

A car was waiting for them outside to take them wherever they needed to go. Cass had the keys for it. "Is everyone ready?" Bonnie asked, finishing her chai tea latte.

Levittown, PA: 3:30 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: N/A
Amelia crawled out of the opening in the net that Astrad had made. "Yeah, we really flew, mate! I've got air bending powers like the cartoon, she can fly, and Maria can steal other people's powers. I bet if we got you a hang glider or something, I could tie you to my glider and we could both fly." She wasn't an engineer, so she had no idea what the logistics of that would look like. Maybe Sparky could just carry him. As soon as she thought that though, Sparky protested the idea. Maria showed off with her airbending prowess again, leaving Amelia gobsmacked as she blew down another house.

"Bloody hell..." Amelia whistled, before all hell broke loose.

The thing about Levittown, PA was that it wasn't just home to a small HYDRA cell. This was the community where HYDRA members retired, where they raised their children. The entire town was full of squids. And now with two homes obliterated, they were out of the shadows and into the light, as the entire block poured out of their houses and sirens sounded.

"Now THIS is a party!" Amelia then tried to send a column of air at some of the HYDRA members, but nothing happened but a gentle breeze. She tried again. And again. But with no results at all. Maybe her powers had been burnt out when Maria took some of them.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telepathy
Guin put her helmet back on. She would have to fix the suit up, since the helmet was designed to be retractable and go down into the suit - not to be ripped off and thrown across the room. The most annoying thing about it all was that it left her with an exposed point at her neck that her crazed Asgardian foe could exploit. Her eyes darted over towards the appearance of a holographic shield as it surrounded Neil, rapidly decreasing in size although it wasn't crushing him. I think Edus Penis is gay for Neil! Guin eagerly whispered telepathically to her beau. "Oi, Mr. Stark is my dad - he's Silver Balls," Guin corrected Iris with a smirk.

Iris was rapidly improving with her jokes and battlefield mannerisms, so much that Guin felt like she could have been her own protégé. Maybe whenever she died, Iris would become the next Iron Star. It would be so cool to have a mantle that was passed down like that. Of course, Pietro probably wouldn't think of it the same way. She was his little conscience, his Jiminy Cricket - without her around, who knew what sort of stupid decisions he would make. So many things were happening though all at once. Klara was batting Iris around, Ed apparently had been snapped out of it, Bethany had brought the hungry hungry hippos to life, and Lance had mentioned that they could trick Klara.

Guin glanced up at the ceiling and blasted the portions around Klara, sending a shower of rubble down on the Asgardian. She then tried to use her telepathy to knock her out, but she couldn't quite get a lock on her - Asgardian minds were nothing like the human and mutant ones she usually messed with - and really, Guin hardly practiced her telepathy.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Minor Molecular Combustion
Luckily, Neil wasn't claustrophobic. He and his cousin Rebecca used to hide in coffins from their aunties, the game lasting for hours at a time. When he was a kid, he thought his aunties were just very bad at looking for them - it was only last year when they finally confessed they used the time to drink and take a nap. It had almost prepared him enough for the sensation of being caged in, with everything closing in around him. His view was tinted thanks to the color of the shield. "Edus, let me out, this isn't you!" Neil begged. He kicked himself for not knowing how to counteract a curse or how to chant for protection. He should have known magic and been able to stop Klara.

It wasn't too long though before the shield dropped, and Neil stumbled forward, free. The hippos were bewildering, but he knew that Klara's magic was the more dangerous threat. She also seemed incredibly pissed at him over the loss of her eye. So Neil, drawing on the basic lines of defense his aunties had taught him, tried to gouge out Klara's other eye. He tried to make it implode in on itself, but his aim was off. Instead, he ended up completely destroying Klara's already wounded eye, just in time for Stark to send a pile of rubble down on the Asgardian.

He really hoped that the hippos weren't about to sneak up on him.
Runa's eyes lit up with inspiration as Carolina explained the rules of the game. She had an idea on how they could get out of the Jungle, beyond just waiting for someone to roll the correct number. Spells as intricate as this could also have a backdoor of sorts, a weak point. "If we travel to the center of the Jungle and call out Jumanji, the spell may be lifted. This is too intricate for Loki to have precise control at every point. We may be able to trick his magic into thinking the conditions have been met." She didn't wait another second before leaving the shelter, emerging into an area dense with trees.

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Mystiokinesis, Spell Casting

Rebecca's eyes narrowed at Jason. It was clear that his problem was with her, most likely due to her mother being the one to kill a demigod that day. She wasn't entirely shocked for a child of Ares to be so thick and pigheaded. He knew so little about the world of gods and monsters, his advice to Arthur was foolish and impractical. None of them were normal. They were divine. She whispered some words under her breath, cursing Jason so that way the next time he raised his voice at someone, his nose would change to that of a pig.

She tilted her head, hearing a loud roar. Rebecca then averted her eyes skyward, spotting a fire breathing dragon moving through a cloud. There was the outline of another dragon, with the two of them locked in combat. Neither beast seemed to have any intent on attacking the Argo III, so Rebecca wasn't going to attack them. "I'll cast a protection spell, don't attack unless they attack us," she told the others. Dragons were such majestic creatures, she would hate to send one to the pit if it was not absolutely needed. Not every monster a demigod ran into ought to be killed. She pulled out her Book of Shadows, opening to a random page. It was a magic item, a gift from her mother. The page gave a description for a protection spell and Rebecca read it quickly, before whispering the incantation in Ancient Greek as she visualized a protective bubble encasing the ship.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley -> Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Leda groaned in disappointment as the alarm went off, indicating that something was attacking them. Demetri's question had been more tame than she would have liked. It would have been better for him to ask Mary something embarrassing, although now it looked like he was just fishing for ideas of what he could turn into in order to mess with her. "We'll continue this after the heroics, yeah?" Leda asked. Hopefully the next round of questions and dares would be more fun. She then tugged down on her necklace, as the pendant transformed into her sword, Ultraviolet, and she dashed on up to the top deck.

She came up around the same time as Kiera and Demetri, giggling slightly as Demetri turned into a baby purple dragon. He looked a lot cuter like this. It was definitely an improvement. "What's your plan, cuddle the monsters to death?" Leda teased him, unable to stop herself from snickering. She didn't make any moves to go on the attack however, since the dragons were nowhere close to her range. And while she could probably technically use her rainbow powers to fly, she had never tried that before and she wasn't about to start now.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Caldecott Tunnel
Skills: N/A

Nancy looked at her friend sympathetically. It was nice to have someone else from the 80's around at Camp Jupiter, especially since she worked with Mads so closely as her fellow praetor. Despite time still advancing in the Lotus Hotel and Casino, Nancy never really got a hang of modern technology. The arcade systems and everything hadn't changed all that much, unlike the phones. She climbed into the Uber, taking a seat next to Mads. She rolled her eyes slightly at Waverley. "Okay, but my dear old mom didn't know what I would grow up to be. I think when you're naming a company, you should at the very least have some idea of what you're doing, so you can make something appropriate." Nancy didn't even try to make sense of the bit from Marco about virtual currency. It would just give her a headache.

Marco was already pulling his weight, whammying the driver with his Venus magic. Nancy just hoped that Waverley wouldn't be so lost when it came time to face the Titan. She didn't want to think about Emily's powers though, as Bacchus' domain sent a chill down her spine. The very thought of the wine god sent her back to that day in Vegas. She could almost feel the hands gripping her arms, pinning them down to her side, as another forcibly ripped her bra off. Nancy jolted slightly, realizing that her breathing had become a bit uneven and she forced a smile. "Do you got any Joan Jett songs?" she shouted towards the driver.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Merlin's Tower
Skills: N/A

"I wouldn't say it's random at all. I loved the practice skull I was given by the school for learning human bone structure," Megan argued with her brother. She also spent all of her time in the autopsy suite, attempting to uncover what had caused the various citizens of their Kansas town to expire. She spent far more time with the dead than she did the living and she preferred it that way. Living people were so boring and dull and ordinary. The dead at the very least all had something interesting about them and each new case presented challenge and mystery. Megan grinned as Merlin told her she could keep the skull. "Thank you."

She frowned, however, at Isabella's exclamation. "I don't hate your guts. In fact, I would fancy to see them on my autopsy table so I could take their measurements," she corrected. She took one of Merlin's torches with her other hand, holding the skull still. She didn't want to leave it behind or risk dropping it, so she figured holding it would be the most secure option - especially as someone present apparently was throwing around fireballs.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain -> Floor 21
Skills: N/A

As the elevator stopped on floor twenty one, Runa didn't feel any sort of connection to it. She didn't see it as her floor - she didn't even feel like her room here was her own. It was truly a hotel, just a place to pass in and out of, not the rich and vibrant afterlife of the Summerland that she had been anticipating. Her mind fixated on the negative, struggling to see any positives in this situation. There was so much that was wrong with her afterlife, so much guilt that she felt for the choices she had made so far, and as well for some she hadn't - for instance, she felt incredibly guilty to even have been born. Balder wasn't supposed to have any recently deceased children from what she could tell.

She swallowed, standing instead of sitting on the sofa. "When I died, I didn't wake up at Hotel Valhalla," she said softly. "I was in the land of the damned and the gatekeeper, he said You should not be here daughter of Balder, you shall not find him... and then I was here... And um... Loki then tried to strike a deal with me, b-but I promise I didn't trust him, I'm not a spy or anything, I just... Balder isn't my dad. I've never met him. A-and I was worried you would all think this was all my fault, the end of the world..."










Bonnie Chase

Location: Outside Cap's Apartment
Skills: Blessing of Athena
The revelation that Flynn was a skrull had been a distraction, Bonnie realized in hindsight. Skrulls had slowly been popping up for months now. Their bark was louder than their bite, but the mission in front of them hadn't changed. They needed to bring Captain America in. They needed to arrest the Sentinel of Liberty. She didn't have qualms about arresting Captain America because of who he was. Had he not been famous, would everyone on the team be objecting so harshly? Would this division be here?

No, Captain America was the same as everyone else and he had to be held accountable. If he couldn't abide by Hill's Laws, then he couldn't legally operate as an Avenger anymore. Things had gotten out of control in the last ten years, with the number of vigilantes and beings with extraordinary power growing at an exponential rate. And it wasn't just that, there were children with powers - kids who might see Spider-Man swinging on a web and try to fight crime, only to end up killed.

She sighed a bit as Niah made her impassioned case for Captain America's side. "He's Captain America. He's not Jesus," she said somewhat bluntly. "Do you honestly find anything wrong with anything Hill's put in motion? Revealing their secret identities to S.H.I.E.L.D., making sure that if people are going to fight crime they're trained for it, keeping kids from playing Avenger - what part of that is so bad? Cap's been above the law so long, all the capes have been. We don't let normal citizens go around with guns stoping burglaries, so why is it different if they can shoot lasers from their eyes?"

Agent 13 hadn't left yet, still standing there with her arms crossed. "It's the age old debate - freedom or security?" she commented. "But once you start making lists of people because they're different, well... That never ends well. That's something else."

Amelia Baptiste

Location: Levittown, PA
Skills: N/A
Amelia wasn't a huge fan of tunnels, largely since she adored being out in the open, flying through the sky. Ever since she had burst from that cocoon, she was able to manipulate the air around her. She had never felt more free. Down in a tunnel under the earth would cut her off from her newfound source of freedom - and of course, she was pretty certain the HYDRA operatives would find some way to meet them in the tunnel. They'd be trapped down there. "Captain Popsicle, that's pretty sick, the shield ya made, but we've got air travel. It's safer than going underground."

After Maria drained some of her powers, Amelia had a dizzy spell. The world was twirling before her eyes, even doing some pretty sick flips, before things stabilized. She came to just in time to see Maria dominate with her powers, sending a blast of air so powerful it knocked down the house the snipers had been hiding in. "That was... totally EPIC!" Amelia squealed. She was still mad at Maria for the trust fall stunt, but it was hard to be angry after seeing such an amazing display of power.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only house with HYDRA agents. A weighted net shot out from the windows of a house to their right, ensnaring the four.

February 17th, 2021 - 9:20 AM

Veil & Casper

Location: Mutant Underground: Second Floor Hallway
Skills: Perception, Mediumship
Veil's eyes sharpened as Feedback relayed the events that had happened. She wasn't surprised that Jack had done something like that - he was a good person, but his family seemed to be crazier than a sack of cats. He had siblings in mental institutions and his other brother was Casper, who was... well, Casper. Sunshine's deep set aggression and abandonment issues likely had some sort of genetic factor. And of course, Jack's father was Mister Sinister, not the ideal parental figure. "Don't worry, we'll find them," Veil promised Feedback.

"Jack kidnapped Sunshine?" Casper repeated. He made a big deal out of rubbing his eyes, his face looking a little bit splotchy from the M-Pox coursing through his system. From a certain angle, it just looked like he had a horrible birthmark or sunburn - or that he was cosplaying as Prince Zuko. "Jackie? My little baby brother? I wish I could say I didn't see it coming, but my family is fuuucked up. Like seriously, one time my brother David tried to go back in time to kill Magneto... and I think maybe our dad too? I forget. I was super high at the time."

"Just a few minutes ago you were denying all of this and what, now you're playing the stressed out and responsible older sibling?!" Ben pointed out. Casper's hypocrisy made him feel physically ill - an impressive feat, as Ben had been dead for years.

"Hush, Ben, I'm processing. Now as for my clothes, I'm actually really feeling the toga right now, it gives a lovely breeze around the bits if you catch my drift," he said, before giving a little twirl. By some miracle, even as he moved his arms away from the sheet, it stayed firmly attached, preventing anyone from getting too much of an eye full. They would, however, be able to see his extensive tattoos.

Luckily, as James gently pushed Casper over towards his stuff, he didn't trip or fall over his own two feet. He was out of view of the door and Casper peeled out of the sheets, throwing on some underwear, a tank top, and a long black skirt. He put on a pair of socks and then some sneakers, before returning to James and doing yet another twirl. "I'm feeling this today. I think it screams time to rescue my brother and niece from my brother and niece."

Ben hit his palm against his forehead, mirroring the same exact action Veil took. "James asked you something."

"Oh, Ben saw the same thing happen I think, he mentioned it earlier," Casper relayed.

Veil looked at Max, quickly trying to size up how aware he was. He seemed like death warmed over. Glimpse's condition didn't seem to be much better. She wished that Havok would emerge to help deal with all of the chaos going on, but it was probably better that he hadn't come out with Polaris. She had no idea how Lorna would react to being back here. "Glimpse, stay still okay? James, Sapphire, one of you please help her," Veil requested. She needed to put together a quick team to go find Jack and Sunshine.

"Okay, the group coming with me to find them will be Feedback, Max, Spark Plug, and me. James and Sapphire, you're in charge. Max - can you make a magical tracker or something to find them?" Veil then asked. If Max couldn't do things by magic, then the next best thing would be to do traditional investigative work. They'd need to visit the locations Jack had frequented before moving to the Underground.

Location: Catwalk
Skills: N/A
Vinnie choked back a bit of vomit coming up as she saw Noah's lifeless body on the ground. For once, her hyperactive brain didn't have issues focusing. She couldn't stop looking at him, not until Tessa and Luke had helped her pull Y2K up to safety and she could force herself to turn around. But even then, the image was burned into her mind. She couldn't forget the battered mess that had once been a living and breathing person. She looked at Y2K. If they let Y2K die, then Noah would have died for no reason at all. If they let Y2K live and they all died, then Noah's sacrifice similarly would have been wasted. He threw his life away.

"H-how do we get to the limiter thingy?" Vinnie asked quietly. Unlike her normal onslaught of words with fifteen different tangents, she was quiet and straight to the point with her speech. Her hands were shaking ever so slightly and she looked a bit pale, likely due to the shock of witnessing death first hand. It was different than what had happened with the alien zombie robot person. She hadn't even known Noah that well, but she was incredibly shaken.

Raynor nodded at Zarina, as the full weight of his memories came rushing back to him. He had never expected to see Lana again and with her in front of him, his life felt complete. He felt like a dazed kid at Yule, in awe of everything beautiful in the world - definitely not the macho persona he had carefully crafted for himself. "We were best friends as kids - I'm Raynor Baldursen. And you're Lana Sparks... I thought you had... Well, I thought you had gone to Valhalla." Unlike earlier, when his words had exuded confidence, he now seemed more timid and uncertain. He snapped out of it though once he heard the commotion and Raynor drew his knife, the one token he had found in his room. "Let's get you out of here, before a bloodbath starts," he said to Lana.

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Trivia Knowledge

Rebecca's expression only changed slightly as Jason scolded her. She disagreed with his assessment. She had been trying to be sensitive towards Arthur's feelings, but he had insisted and she shared the truth with him. She also didn't see why Jason was so certain that Arthur would never befriend her. Perhaps he was projecting his own issues. She had enjoyed working with Arthur on his powers so far. "Jason, thank you for sharing your views, but you're misinformed. I have no ill will towards Arthur and I would be delighted to continue to tutor him in necromancy. I understand this is all rather new to you as well, so I won't hex you this time." She smiled ever so slightly to indicate that she was joking.

"Also, fun fact - the average person will shed approximately forty pounds of skin in their lifetime," she shared. She then shifted her thoughts back towards Arthur. She looked at him sympathetically. "When monsters die, they are sent to Tartarus and slowly reform over the years. By contrast, it's exceptionally difficult to kill a god, if not impossible," she explained. He had been asking about the difference between gods and monsters. "You were never normal, Arthur. Ignorance of your true nature does not mean it was not yet there. You were born half human, half god. You came from Hades' loins. You are a child of the God of the Dead."

"Personally, I don't put much stock in good and evil. I think the system is designed to limit us from reaching our true potential," she then admitted. "But I suppose to think in that system, by and large the gods do far more acts of service towards Western Civilization than they do misdeeds. The same could not be said for the Titans or the Giants, those who ruled before."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

"Bold of you to assume that I need to know anything about your personal life," Leda teased Demetri. She was sure that he had some secrets, everyone did, but she didn't really care to learn about them. His business was his business and she wasn't about to lose sleep over missing the chance to ask him who his childhood crush was. Nah, it was much better to take advantage of the situation and get him to make a fool of himself. Once they were friends - or better, close friends - then learning his secrets would become more relevant. If there was anyone whose secrets she wanted to know, at the moment it would be Kiera.

At first, Demetri only had the voice of Hannah Montana. She was a bit disappointed, about to insist that he had to try again and redo the dare, but he managed to shift into her at the last moment. Leda cackled, wishing that she could have put this on Hephaestus TV or something. He pretty much looked exactly at her and Leda could just see him twirling a small glowing wand and telling everyone that they were watching the Disney Channel. "Encore, encore!" Leda cheered. She hoped that Mary would pick dare. She was another shapeshifter, so maybe they could get her to turn into someone else silly, like Bieber. Or Bob Ross.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Jupiter - Cohort Barracks -> Caldecott Tunnel
Skills: N/A

Nancy grinned, approving of Madalyne's quick trick. It definitely was nice that they didn't need to head to the armory and find things to suit everyone. "It's California, mortals never notice anything here," Nancy agreed. The Mist was extra thick, so most likely the mortals would just think they were wearing gear for a soccer tournament or something along those lines. Of course, it would be pretty funny to one day see how mortals reacted to people wearing Roman armor. She left the barracks with the others, crossing the Little Tiber and leaving the boundaries of Camp Jupiter. The discussion of Uber and how it needed a bank account was giving her a bit of a headache trying to follow. Couldn't they just call up a taxi or something and pay with cash? She was a lot more comfortable with that option.

Although thankfully, Marco seemed to have it handled. "Uber doesn't even make sense. The word has nothing to do with cars or transportation," Nancy complained as she walked. "What happened to just hailing a taxi? Do people not do that anymore? And why can't you pay in cash for one of these Ubers?" she asked again. The mortal world was so odd. No one seemed to use Walkmans anymore, which in her opinion was the superior way to listen to music. Her walkman had been at her side constantly in the Lotus Hotel and Casino.
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