Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

February 17th, 2021 - 9:50 AM

Outside the Mutant Underground HQ -

It was hard to gauge Magneto's expression due to his helmet. It casted shadow on the majority of his face. Toad and the well dressed gentleman seemed to have gone into some sort of quiet argument, as Toad leaned on him for balance and the gentleman tried to shake his fellow mutant off of him. Pyro was casually juggling fireballs and the last male member of the Brotherhood looked bored. Mystique had shifted back into her natural blue form.

"It's been five minutes. We should get started," she said.

"Yes. Avalanche, if you wouldn't mind," Magneto said, before looking back at the Brotherhood. The man wearing the steel armor knelt down to the ground. He splayed out his fingers and touched the earth covering the Mutant Underground. Suddenly, like a shockwave, a massive earthquake erupted. The Mutant Underground wasn't in horrible condition, but the seismic event was enough to bury anyone inside alive if they didn't evacuate soon. The trembling would knock Glimpse down to the ground completely, forcing her onto her stomach rather than her hands and knees.

Magneto didn't need to invade the Mutant Underground to find Polaris. He was going to force them to bring her to him.

Second Floor of the Mutant Underground HQ -

"I know that!" Havok snapped defensively, although if he were being honest, he hadn't really given it much thought. He had just been focused on keeping Polaris unconscious and safe, he hadn't considered whether or not his strategy could prove to be just as harmful. She seemed fine though. He discretely put a hand on her wrist to check her pulse, finding that it felt about normal. He wasn't a doctor, so he wasn't sure, but he was fairly certain. "She has a pulse, see? She's fine!" he complained, glaring daggers at Echo.

He didn't like Echo's line of reasoning at all. "One, I'm not pussywhipped. You wish that you'd have as much pussy as I do," he bragged. "Two, we don't negotiate with terrorists! If we give Polaris over to Magneto, he's going to make her into his puppet. He's a world class asshole and she'll be better off without him. And lastly, the plan is to kick Magneto's ass. He's getting old, he lost to the rookie X-Men team Xavier put together last year and they were basically untrained kids. We've got me, and I guess the rest of you aren't awful at combat."

The ceiling then collapsed like a cave in. Havok was quick on the draw, sending off a blast of energy at the largest chunk. Polaris was completely unscathed, but poor Echo ended up taking a large chunk of debris to the head. The entire building was shaking profusely, like the worst earthquake in history had descended on them. "Avalanche. Fuck."

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room -> Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
Casper shook his head at Zarina. "Soooo many people assume you can't attack Magneto with metal, but Daddy Dear keeps Wolverine around so clearly it has to work at least once every now and then," he said. He wasn't really sure how Wolverine ended up doing in battles against Magneto. He probably just complained that his bones hurt. How did other heroes like Iron Man do? Did Magneto just turn them into giant fridge magnets? Casper couldn't help but snicker at the thought, imagining Iron Man being used to hold some kid's report card onto the fridge. Did Magneto save his kids' report cards? Did the Scarlet Witch outperform Quicksilver on spelling tests? Was Polaris a gifted math prodigy?

He looked around the room quickly for weapons they could use to fight with. He found three wooden serving spoons and he grabbed them. "Are you old enough to use one of these?" he asked. Andy had left the room, so he tossed one of the wooden spoons over to Zarina, before realizing that he had Ben. He didn't need a spoon to protect himself. He then tossed the other two at her, given her the option of having a spare and dual wielding. "The trick is to whack them in the balls. People hate being hit in the balls, but it's effective. Remember that for prom, okay?"

Suddenly, everything around them was shaking. The ceiling was slowly falling apart, bits of tile and whatnot plunging down towards them. The metallic objects in the room had fallen back down to the ground, so clearly Magneto must have shut off the magnetism for the moment. "Am I tripping or is this an earthquake?" Casper asked.

"It's real, you idiot!" Ben snapped. Casper was on his last nerve.

"Fuck," he groaned. Casper grabbed Zarina by the arm and went off at a run with her. Once he left the dining room, he bumped into Andy and he grabbed onto her with his other hand. "Come on, up we go, trust me it's better to fight Magneto than to be buried alive."


Location: Outside Jack's Office Building
Skills: N/A
Veil was ill at ease with this entire situation. Something wasn't adding up here. Maybe her thoughts were just a bit clouded, as Jack had been a reliable and trustworthy person up to this point. It was like he was covered in slime - she just wasn't sure if it was his slime or someone else's. She regretted again not having Glimpse with them. They really could have used a telepath to sort things out and get the entire story. With Jack's family, things were so bizarre that she wouldn't have been surprised if the devil really had made him do it, for instance.

"I'm going to give you one last chance to tell us everything that happened last night," Veil decided, looking steadily at Jack. "I don't give second chances lightly, so I recommend talking." A few people from inside the building had pulled their curtains back, gawking down at the scene occurring outside. They must have seen Max's rip in the fabric of reality that had taken him and Sunshine away - that or the shimmering purple force of Veil's force field. They didn't have much time until the cops were called or worse, Purifiers would show up on the scene.

Veil was gambling that they'd be able to resolve this soon and fast. Otherwise, things could go south quickly.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival
Sunshine didn't know how to swim. She had lived in the city almost her entire life, aside from the one brief time she and her found family had lived in a summer camp during the winter season. She gasped for air, sucking in copious amounts of seawater into her lungs. She instinctively started trying to cough it out, to rid herself of the nauseating taste of saltwater. She flailed her limbs, kicking in a desperate attempt to get back above the water. She hardly registered Max grabbing her securely and pulling her out, as he floated them up into the air, dangling precariously over the ocean surface.

She was coughing profusely, water coming out of her mouth rapidly until her lungs were clear again. "There's something wrong with you, you just tried to drown me!" Sunshine snapped. She was clinging to Max for dear life however, knowing that her odds were horrible if he let her drop back into the ocean. The sun was blaring down on them and Sunshine scraped her teeth along her tongue, trying to get rid of the ocean taste.

About 300 meters away was an island. It was lush with vegetation, but what immediately stood out was what looked like an elaborate palace complex. Several statues, easily the size of the Statue of Liberty, depicted cryptid-looking monsters. Most of them had tentacles, reminiscent perhaps of the kraken. The entire island radiated evil and mystery, as if some ancient evil had transpired here. The veil between life and death was thinner as well.


We here at the Daily Bugle just got a tip from an anonymous source that the Avengers have split up!

Iron Man has claimed leadership of the group - we haven't been able to get a quote from the Playboy Billionaire, but our plucky team is on the case!

We'll be updating this story once more details come in, but please if you know anything about this situation or have spotted Captain America, call us out our toll free hotline here: 1-800-SPIDER.

If you want to read about more Avengers news, check out our piece from last Thursday where we explored the affair between Iron Man and Black Widow!


Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 12:20 A.M.

"If you're worried my brother is a skrull, I can lay those concerns to rest. I'm sure you're aware mutant twins tend to have a telepathic link," Psylocke explained.

"I'm not a mutant though, Betsy," Brian pointed out.

"You're half-Otherworlder, it's close enough," she chastised him. Maybe they were both telling the truth or maybe they were both lying. Could skrulls duplicate mental connections? Would they be able to fake one via telepathy, for instance? There was, unfortunately, so much about skrulls that Oliver and Niah just didn't know.

"Fine, fine, Betsy, you win," Brian said. He looked tired as he sat down - maybe from the loss of his daughter or from the late hour. "The skrulls were fighting another race, the kree. We had gone to Tarnax IV, the skrull's world, to warn them not to let the fighting come into Earth's system again. Like most of our plans... It didn't end well. We ended up being captured. They took information on our physiology, our genetics, our technology, they studied our behavior."

He paused for a moment, trying to remember as much as he could for them. "Tony managed to use the arc reactor in his chest as some sort of beam or laser, to be honest the science was beyond me, I was just glad it worked. He took out the skrull guard, freed the rest of us, and we made a mad dash back to our ship. We were lucky to escape..."

"You should speak to Professor X," Psylocke recommended. "Unless these skrulls have telepathic cloaking, I bet Charles can identify them all. I'd do it for you, but without Cerebro my powers won't have enough range."

New York City: 5:40 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Quebecois (reading/writing), Intuition
It had been almost five hours since they met with Director Hill in D.C. about Captain America. Bonnie didn't know whether or not to expect Captain America to still be at this address - he could have easily moved by now. Of course, they had the advantage that they had traveled by jet to make up for lost time. Even then, she knew that a train from DC to NYC only took about three hours. And what if it had all been a ruse? Was Captain America savvy enough to plant a false lead as to where he was going?

"I'm fine, Cass, really," Bonnie tried to reassure her. "Tout va bien," she added, dipping into French to make a point. Right in the entranceway there were the tenant mailboxes, identifying apartment number and the occupants. Bonnie scanned them quickly, not spotting Rogers anywhere. She didn't spot anything particularly obvious as being a fake name, until she reached the label on Apartment 107. BARNES, J. "This one, apartment 107."

"If I remember my Avengers trivia, that's the name of Captain America's best friend." She assumed that it was an alias Rogers was using, since any of his friends from the war had to be long dead by now. She looked at Cass for a moment, before Bonnie quietly went to the staircase and started going up. On the second floor, there were eight apartments, all of them looking fairly dingy. There were about three more floors up above them and the sounds of a dog barking echoed through the halls.

Apartment 107 was tucked away in the back corner, hard to spot from the stairs. Bonnie waited for Cass to make the first move - whether that was simply knocking or kicking the door down. She didn't envy the idea of fighting Captain America.

New York City: 4:30 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: N/A
Amelia was incredibly surprised to see that Maria's first instinct was to try to blow down the door - but then again, maybe she shouldn't have been. Maria had been obsessed with doing trust falls from thousands of feet up in the air. Maybe she was on some sort of spectrum? It would have explained a lot of her behavior. Weren't people on the spectrum also usually hyper good at something? Was archery considered something like that? Amelia had no idea how any of it worked, never having even glanced at a Wikipedia page on the topic, so it was for the best that she kept her mouth shut before making an insensitive fool of herself. "No worries, cunt," Amelia told Astrad with a large smile. "Today's been such a rush. Hopefully this magician bloke will keep the good times rolling, yeah?"

The door opened ever so slightly, just enough so that way they could see a pair of glowing red eyes. "...Heh. Mortals," a teenage girl's voice said with some amusement. The door opened the rest of the way revealing a demon from Limbo. She had horns and red skin, wearing a collegiate style hoodie that said STRANGE ACADEMY - CLASS OF 2025 - HOME OF THE WEREWOLVES.

"Are you a demon or something? Or a... what's it called in that game? A tea leaf?" Amelia asked, looking at the kid with intense curiosity.

The teenage girl rolled her eyes. "Follow the blood and you'll find him. He's fighting Mephisto in the study." She then took a step forward and a red disc of light appeared in front of her. Once she stepped on it, it seemed to swallow her up and she vanished.

"Blimey... Well! Let's go play Buffy then!"

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 21
Skills: N/A

Runa frowned ever so slightly as the daughter of Heimdall explained that Hel had amassed an army - that was extremely worrying and didn't do anything to help her nerves. But she was also stressed and upset since the woman didn't tell her where Balder was anyways. She knew the answer though - he was in that cold nightmare she had seen earlier, right? She wished that she didn't have to go there, to be surrounded by other lost souls of the dead. Elizabeth, one of her least favorite people, confirmed that location - they had to go to Hel's throne room. She felt like they had a better chance of winning the lottery ten times in a row and marrying super models.

"Uh, giant squirrels? I... I don't think I understand you. I'm sorry. English isn't my first language..." Runa apologized, looking at Arnora with confusion. She was pretty sure that she couldn't have heard her right. Maybe she meant dogs or foxes or tigers? Runa went through a bunch of different animals she could imagine being a logical choice there, but then again, maybe it wasn't an animal at all. English was such a weird language and she hadn't learned it willingly. It had been required in school.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Problem Solving, Battle Strategy, Telepathy
"Hmm, yeah, babe, that might actually work. It's worth a shot at the very least and you can't just nuke a tornado, no matter what the Cheeto thinks," Guin said. She wasn't really a weather scientist, but the idea seemed sound enough to her - if Pietro could match the speed of the tornado and run in the opposite direction, it could disperse the twister.

"Alright Guina if you say so," Pietro responded, before he took off running racing around the opposite direction of the tornado. However, his powers weren't wanting to work quite right yet again, and he wasn't able to get up to speed. Instead what happened was he got pulled into the tornado before it spun him around and sent him flying, slamming into the wall with a rather loud thud, and leaving a giant dent in the wall before he slid down to the ground.

PIETRO?!?!?! Guin screamed into his mind, flying over towards him - literally, thanks to her armor.

Oww... came his response, but he wasn't really moving, his silver hair had a hint of red starting to creep along it, plus she could see the bone sticking out of his left leg. I think I broke something...

Don't move!!!!! Guin stressed, internally panicking. This didn't look good at all. This wasn't good at all. His head apparently had cracked open and his bone was out of his leg. She really wished that she had healing powers. She didn't know if Edus could fix this with his powers on the fritz. But someone had to be able to fix this. Pietro wasn't allowed to die here. He - he wasn't - Guin was trying to keep her breaths steady and even as the panic attack came on, with images of Muscles' battered corpse morphing into the bloody scene in front of her.

Wasn't planning on it whole body is hurting at this point...

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., f-full scan, now," Guin stammered. Her A.I. only repeated the obvious - adding on that with a potential injury to his back, they couldn't move him. He was trapped in the room with the tornado and Guin only had herself to blame. She had been the one to tell him to give it a try. She hadn't thought it all the way through. Her mask hid the tears falling from her eyes. If he died...

"Edus, I need you to heal him, now!" Guin shouted. Luckily the tornado hadn't yanked anyone in.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
The twister was pulling at all of them and as annoying as he found Pietro, Neil didn't wish what had happened on him. He winced looking at the battered and broken mess of a speedster. His injuries didn't look good at all. He hoped that it wasn't enough to kill him, but at the same time, Neil knew there wasn't anything he could do to help Pietro. Instead, he tried to think of what they could do about the tornado. He was from New York - he didn't know anything about twisters or how to handle them. The speedster route was a dead end. He wished that Storm or someone was there, so they could dispel the tornado without a thought.

He bit his lip, not really knowing if this would work at well. He thought a brief word towards Tempestas, before he began to try to telekinetically rip the twister apart. He didn't really make it much smaller at first, but it was like trying to grip sand as it fell through his fingers. He got a bit of a firmer stance and tried again, this time managing to calm the air and pull the twister apart, causing the tornado to vanish. The room was safe - for now at least. "Erm, no one roll until our party member is okay."

Megan Pendragon

Location: the Lake
Skills: N/A

"I just... remembered it," Megan explained to her brother quietly. She had been obsessed some with King Arthur when she was little - her therapist had claimed that it was just a way for her to cope with the trauma of being orphaned, a way to forget whatever terrible thing had happened to her parents. But now, Megan knew - or at least believed - that they really had just been memories, no psychoanalysis required to understand them. It was an odd thing to come to terms with, something Megan imagined would take a while. She had always been comfortable with the idea of meeting her birth parents one day - she just never imagined it like this.

At the lake itself, a woman came out of the water - Megan instantly identified her as the Lady of the Lake. She couldn't quite remember how the sword had got to be in the stone, but her question was answered before it was asked as the Lady of the Lake shoved the blade into the stone. Megan raised an eyebrow as she mentioned her birthright. "I don't believe in birthrights," she said. Being born wasn't an achievement as far as she was concerned. Still though, the sword was pretty cool and Megan set down her belongings. She walked up to the stone and gripped the blade with both hands, giving it a strong pull and it slid on out. The sword had markings on it that were glowing. "I'm guessing it's magic?"

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Ancient Greek

Rebecca hit her palm against her forehead, seeing Demetri blatantly ignore her request and attack again. She understood that it was a steep learning curve as a new demigod, but how hard could it really be to listen to directions? She watched as he then flew off in the direction of the illusion. Maybe he was trying to fix his mistake. The only problem was that Demetri would have to turn around and rejoin them eventually. He couldn't actually commit to protecting the illusion indefinitely. "για την αγάπη του Δία," she cursed in ancient Greek. Andy's praise only helped to lessen the sting slightly. She couldn't help but notice that Arthur seemed to be having a moment of crisis.

"I manipulated the Mist so that way the creatures would see us fleeing in the opposite direction," Rebecca explained to Jason succinctly. Most people were confused when it came to the various ways the Mist operated - it was both a force of illusions, but also a source of magical powers and might. "It was foolish to attack in the first place. We deserve to be killed by the dragons. It was not our quarrel and we made it so." Luckily though, the remaining dragon had been fooled by the illusion, chasing after it. It was just a question as to whether or not Demetri could make it back safely.

She closed her spell book securely, still focusing on the illusion - until she was caught entirely by surprise. A portal of sorts had appeared out of nowhere, depicting the lodgings of Circe. Her entire being was positively vibrating with excitement, nerves, regret, and longing. Rebecca's fatal flaw was the call of the void - the urge when standing at an edge to jump into the abyss. She approached the portal almost like she was sleepwalking, seeing the ticket to everything she had wanted in life. Part of her wanted to justify it to everyone, to point out that it must have been of cosmic importance and that it would connect back to the larger mission.

"Arthur, Andy.... Jason... Accept your true nature and you will find peace," Rebecca said. She was facing away from the portal. "I must see this through." It was an emotional crossroads - her destiny or her friends. But in order to become an immortal sorceress, she had to accept that her friends would likely die and go to Hades one day.

Rebecca took one last look at them all, before she stepped backward and fell through the portal, vanishing.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Leda couldn't say she was exactly surprised. She snorted slightly as Rebecca fell through the portal, chasing the dream of hers. Rebecca couldn't resist the dark arts, that was mostly why the two of them had broken up. The goth aesthetic was cute, but knowing that Rebecca didn't mind ritual sacrifice was a dealbreaker. "Can't say I didn't see that one coming, luv," she murmured to Kiera. "I guess one day we'll get a quest from the Oracle to go put her down." Not all demigods were good after all - and technically, Rebecca was a demititan. A small portion of Leda was angry at the situation, but she didn't know why. She didn't like Rebecca that way anymore. She shouldn't have cared that Rebecca bailed on them and left - maybe that was the source of her anger. Did she feel abandoned? Betrayed? Left behind?

There wasn't time for this sort of emotional whiplash though. She wasn't too sure that the dragon wouldn't turn around and start chasing them. She was pretty sure that with Rebecca gone, her spell wasn't going to hold up much longer. Leda rolled her wrist slightly, getting ready for a sword fight with a flying lizard. Her life was so weird, but she did love the moments where she could just kill monsters like an absolute badass.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Uber
Skills: Strategy

"You act like our religion isn't reality," Nancy commented a bit sharply. "Maybe the schools in Vegas were shit, but none of my textbooks mentioned these cults being right about the nature of the world and all. As for the family bit... Well, if I see my mother again, I'd like to put a cigarette out in her eye." She didn't have any living mortal family as far as she was aware. She was pretty certain her mother had to be dead by now, especially given the life she had led. Her only family came from her father's divine side - for instance, Emily was her first cousin. She shifted uncomfortably as Emily brought up the powers she inherited from Bacchus.

Once Madalyne gave her portion of the plan, Nancy chimed in to elaborate further. The two of them were so in sync sometimes they finished each other's sentences after all. "Marco and Niah are Team Tricking Atlas Into Making an Oath, Mads and Waves can do their magic stuff to make sure no one else sees us, and... erm, Emily and I will be the muscle. Kicking ass. Looking cool. All that rad stuff." When the Uber came to a halt, she scooted on out and stretched out her limbs. Roman armor wasn't always the most comfortable stuff for a car ride. She fell into step next to Madalyne, beginning the hike.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: N/A
"Professor X can suck a dick," Guin told Beth with an eyeroll. She barely had time to process when they moved onto the next challenge, as Ed rolled the dice and the ground around him and Annie turned into quicksand. It was always a horrifying thing in movies, people grasping for anything they could get a hold on in order to escape. The wizard had made shields of sorts to try to save them, but they seemed to be ineffective at best. Guin was wondering if the solution was really to just find a giant stick or something. Her eyes widened though as something horrifying happened - Mira deafened Iris. "Mirembe! What the hell?! You can't just do that to people!" Guin scolded. "Apologize to Iris, now!"

She felt a bit like the mother of the X-Men, a role she never envisioned for herself. She shook her head, making a mental note to have one of the family doctors flown out for Iris. She walked over to the board and scooped up the dice, before letting them fall from her hand. They hit the board dramatically and she did a double take, realizing she had rolled an eight - the magic number for bringing Carolina and Elizabeth out of the Jungle. The two of them were shot out of the game almost in reverse of the way they had been sucked in. She was relieved to see that they were okay.

It twists and turns, and tears up the ground,
it swirls and twirls and swallows up towns.

A tornado appeared out of nowhere, spiraling towards them. "Fuck, what do you do for tornados besides kill the Wicked Witch?!"

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: N/A
Neil was incredibly confused as to why Iris was taking the fall for him. She could have just pointed at him and let the Love Goddess hate him. Why was she taking credit for his actions? They were friends yes, but they weren't really close. Sure, she was in the D&D group but... was that all that was needed to fall on her sword for him? He blushed slightly, sincerely hoping that Iris didn't have any romantic interest in him. The hippos were dealt with, then it was the quicksand floor which Edus easily handled, and now there was a tornado ripping through the room.

None of that mattered to him though, as Carolina and Elizabeth were back. "C-Carolina... Are you okay?" Neil asked frantically, trying to see if she was hurt or anything. He didn't know what she had been put through while trapped inside the game. He was just relieved that she was back in the same dimension as them. Having her back gave him a sense of relief but also immense courage. Everyone was back now. They were at full strength. And hopefully, they'd be done with this game soon and Loki would just forget about them and never mess with them.

February 17th, 2021 - 9:45 AM

Outside the Mutant Underground HQ -

Magneto's Brotherhood was rather formidable, with his best fighters at his side that day. The Mutant Underground was already acquainted with Pyro. There was also a blue skinned woman with shocking red hair, an older gentleman in a suit, a boy with slimy skin and bulging eyes, and a man dressed in a blue uniform with steel armor. The frog-like boy seemed rather sick, hardly able to stand on his feet as he swayed from side to side. The symptoms would be clear to James instantly - he had M-Pox.

"Of course we have a better way, Mr. Potato Head! Now tell me this, pal! Why is your face so swiiiirly?" Toad asked, his voice high and nasally. The rest of the Brotherhood ignored him.

"The humans have a cure in a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in California. Once I have retrieved my daughter, I'll bring the facility to the ground and distribute the cures to my mutant brothers and sisters," Magneto explained, fury in his voice - not at James asking him questions, but at humans withholding critical medicine.

The blue skinned woman's form rippled, before she resembled a prominent member of congress - Senator Kelly. "They weren't going to distribute them to mutants for a while - they've been sending batches to congress staffers, giving them to humans who won't even need them," she said with disgust.

Second Floor of the Mutant Underground HQ -

The door to Havok's room opened up. There wasn't any sign of a struggle in the room, just all of the metallic objects were stuck to the ceiling like a super magnet was nearby. Polaris was on the bed, eerily still. "What? No, it's not Polaris. I uh... I used a lot of the sleeping pill stuff I found in medical, she hasn't woken up yet at all... Magneto's probably looking for her," he explained. A few seconds later, Echo ran on up there, yammering about how Magneto was here and looking for Polaris. Havok hit his head against the doorframe in frustration. In his head, this had all been much easier.

"I guess we're fighting Magneto today. I'm not letting him take her," Havok declared. "He's been brainwashing her, I know it. She'd just be his prisoner."

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
Casper frowned for a moment, tilting his head as he stared up at the random objects accumulating at the ceiling. It reminded him a bit of those lost birthday balloons that would drift up towards the rafters and only begin a sad descent a few years later. But unfortunately, he knew this wasn't the case. He had spent his formative years at his father's school, where they had been attacked by a man called Magneto just about every other week. "Soooo have either of you girls ever fought an old Holocaust survivor before?" Casper asked, looking at Zarina and Andy.

All of the serious people had left the room, leaving him to babysit the kids. Casper always imagined that he would have been a great babysitter. The secret was to let the kids do whatever they wanted. He would have given them candy and paid for them to play cool video games. They would have had their first supervised experimentation sessions with drugs and alcohol. And at the end, they would confess their childhood traumas while watching reruns of old commercials on YouTube.

"Casper, you should get them to hide. This isn't safe," Ben said, ever the responsible one.

Casper, of course, ignored him. "The trick is to not be offensive," he told the girls. "So if you're going to do any battlefield taunts, keep them clean. You don't want to do anything that would be inappropriate. Think of it like you're not only fighting Magneto, but you're fighting intolerance at the same time. You have to accept him for who he is as you scream and try not to be killed by metal."

Veil & Sunshine

Location: Outside Jack's Office Building
Skills: Perception
Sunshine had tuned Jack out as she left the building with him. He didn't understand. The Purifiers were responsible for this. Every human on the planet was guilty. She wouldn't have been surprised to learn that humans had bioengineered M-Pox in a lab or something like that. Their entire society was based on killing mutants. They couldn't even be bothered to lie about it on TV. The X-Men were wrong. They could never live in peace.

Humans had killed so many mutants. Sunshine wanted to even the scales. She didn't want to stop until she was drowning in blood, until human families were too afraid to go out at night, worried that Sunshine would be there to rip out their hearts. She dreamed of making a plague even worse than M-Pox, one that would let the humans choke on their ambition and hypocrisy. Sunshine smiled slightly at the thought, a bit of a manic look in her eyes.

Veil raised a slight eyebrow, taking in Jack and Sunshine. Sunshine didn't look like a kidnapping victim. From what she could tell, it seemed she was there of her own free will. That didn't match up with the story that Waverley had shared with her and she didn't think Waverley would have made it up. The only logical conclusion she could come to was that maybe Sunshine didn't even know she had been kidnapped. The kid had been abused her entire life, she probably didn't know what normal boundaries for relationships were. Earlier in the car, she had told Max it was okay if he needed to teleport Sunshine away, that the rest of them could handle things. Now, she wasn't even really sure what to expect from this situation.

"I'm fine..." Sunshine told Waverley, looking a bit confused. She didn't know why Waverley was asking her that. "Marshmallow said there was an intruder at the Underground..."

Yeah, Sunshine definitely didn't know she had been kidnapped. Veil gave a slight nod at Max. Even though they were in the middle of the sidewalk, she conjured up a force field between Jack and Sunshine, roughly the shape of a tall shield. It wasn't nearly as big as she had hoped for, but hopefully it would give Max enough of an edge to get the kid out of there.










Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 12:10 A.M.

Psylocke considered Oliver and Niah's information carefully. She didn't jump into accusations or fake outrage over them insisting on speaking to her brother as some may have. "Brian mentioned he and the Illuminati encountered the skrulls," Psylocke said, breaking her silence. "From what he told me, if I remember correctly, their primary enemy was the Kree... Has there been some escalation of that conflict spilling into our system?" she inquired.

The surface of the water began to ripple, until suddenly a figure burst out of it, dressed in the uniform of Captain Britain. "No luck. Roma hasn't any clue where Luna is..." he said sadly to his sister, before Brian Braddock turned and took in the two agents. "Who might you both be?" he asked.

New York City: 5:30 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Bonnie was a bit annoyed that Cass answered before Kwassi had a chance to - it ruined her little trap she had set. She wanted to prove that Kwassi didn't know what he was talking about, that it had just been a ploy to get her to like him and to think that he wasn't misogynistic. But since she was best friends with Cass, Bonnie was totally tempted to express her annoyance in the mature fashion of kicking her shin. Fortunately for Cass' fortitude, though, Matt distracted Bonnie from thoughts of revenge with his question.

Her mind conjured up one name in particular after his question. She ignored Kwassi's little speech about how challenging it was to be a woman in science. Ignoring him seemed to be a safe bet. "There is - was - Ben Barres. He passed away from cancer a few years back. He was a huge name, published a lot of papers in Science, I think he worked on the brain some. Well, more specifically the nervous system." Although the non SciTech members of the group wouldn't know, Science was one of the most prestigious publishing journals. A publication in Science or Nature was a dream for most researchers never achieved.

Bonnie got out of the car and looked at their destination. It looked like an ordinary apartment building. The trash cans were overflowing and the recycling bin had tons of flattened down cardboard boxes leaning up against it. A lady walked by with a purebred white poodle, listening to something with her airpods in. "We should be prepared for anything," Bonnie recommended, before heading up to the door of the apartment building. She pulled on it and it swung open easily, not even having a lock.

New York City: 4:20 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: Aerokinesis
Forty minutes of flight time later and the unlikely foursome landed in Manhattan. Amelia was pretty beat as she let go of her glider, the engineering creation turning to look just like a staff. Beads of sweat were coming off of her forehead, but she never looked happier. It had taken a lot of work in order to keep her flight sustained so long, breaking her previous records for sustained use of her powers. She was feeling pretty chuffed with herself and she couldn't wait to break the record again. Maybe she'd see if she could breathe air in space by using her powers next!

They were outside a rather old looking building. It had an odd window on the top floor, shaped almost like a giant egg. People on the sidewalk didn't pay much attention to the building, their eyes naturally just avoiding it like it didn't even really exist. Amelia whistled appreciatively. This definitely was the sort of old, spooky manor she expected wizards to live in. "So like, is there a secret knock or something we gotta do, mate?" she asked Sparky, since she seemed to be the one leading this mission. "Or maybe a special phrase or passcode like abracadabra?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Catacombs -> Into Ze Woods
Skills: N/A

"What was the alternative?" Megan asked her brother, tilting her head ever so slightly. "The skull belonged to a breathing, living being once - and as of such, she already had a name. Would you care to have your skull called something different such as... Casper?" she then posed. She had thought of the friendly ghost when it came for inspiration in giving Jack another name. She wondered briefly if their names had been changed when they were taken to the orphanage - Megan and Jack were rather dull next to Merlin and Tinker Bell. "And nonsense, Mina would never do such a thing. See? She prefers to poison your drink with arsenic, silly brother. She is a sophisticated reanimated killer." She smiled ever so slightly as the ginger praised the skull's name.

She rushed with the others, heading through the door before Merlin sealed it. The reveal of a secret staircase behind a bookshelf made Megan's heart swoon. She loved all of those old Clue-esque style homes, where secret passageways could be concealed in plain sight. Should she ever be a home owner, she wanted to install in several of those - as well as some stairs that led to nowhere. Once up and out, they came into the woods and Megan paused, recognizing the lake in the distance. "That's where the Lady of the Lake lives... and where excalibur was kept..."
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