Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telekinesis, Minor Molecular Combustion
Neil's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Carolina asked him whether or not something had happened. He wasn't ashamed of what he had done - it had made sense, it was necessary in order to get Carolina and Elizabeth back safely - but he still didn't want Carolina to know about it. He was worried that she would start to see him in a different light, just like Sara had when she met his family. He had similar fears about everyone on the team - that, say, if Stark found out he had been raised by Satanic witches, she would demand he be kicked off of the team. Bethany was probably the only one who could truly be cool with it, as that entire thing was basically her aesthetic. "Uh, no idea what Banner's going on about. He's not exactly sane you know..." Neil lied to Carolina.

Runa turned her head, distracted by what Neil had done. It gave Bethany enough of an opening to send her flying backwards and she hit the wall, denting it. Fortunately, her Asgardian constitution meant she didn't sustain any serious injuries. "I'm the original gothic teenager, I'm afraid your entire aesthetic has been based on me," she told Bethany seriously. While she didn't look very old - maybe about fifteen or so - that didn't mean much for Asgardians. Her slight distraction gave another opening, resulting in Marygold hitting her with some vines and then Mira unleashing a sonic screech.

Elizabeth managed to wrestle her staff away from her. Runa smirked slightly, holding out her hand. The staff flew back into her grip. "Children shouldn't touch things that don't belong to them," she chided. "You understand nothing of what is happening here. You are all weak and fragile. Your powers are nothing against me."

"No one say anything to contradict her or her lies become true," Neil said, echoing Klara's earlier instructions as Iris had missed them. He winced as Runa seemingly vanished, only to appear behind Elizabeth and stab her twice, the second stab rather deep. Runa then spun around and whacked Lance over the head with her staff, sending Banner to the ground. He was bleeding profusely and Runa then went for the groin shot with a kick. Neil winced, but the sympathy wasn't needed. Lance kicked Runa in the knee and knocked her to the ground, catching the staff as it fell with her.

Neil frowned, having expected Banner to burst into flames or something, but nothing happened. He saw an opportunity though and he concentrated, trying to make her eyes explode so that way she couldn't see. He failed. But as a trusty DM for his group of adventurers, he knew how to improvise. Neil telekinetically flung Runa up at the ceiling, his movements so quick that she had to let go of the staff as she went flying upwards - only to fly back down, hitting the ground and leaving a dent.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telepathy
Guin raised an eyebrow at all of the Asgardian mumbo-jumbo going on. She didn't see how it made any sense that someone could warp reality by having people call them out on lies. She preferred science and logic over magic and trickery. Still though, Runa was a bit of a beast when it came to fighting, having stabbed Elizabeth and really hurt Lance. People were making some progress against her, but apparently Edus couldn't do magic without getting one of her hairs. Guin was outside of her suit and she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she reached out. Her telepathy skills were rather undeveloped.

At first, she couldn't latch onto Runa's mind at all. But then she eventually managed to hear her, the thoughts in some ancient tongue and she could tell how old the girl really was. Guin manipulated Runa's mind, sending the Asgardian girl to the realm of unconsciousness. She opened her eyes, a bit of blood trickling from her nose due to the use of her powers. She then walked on over to Runa, bent down and plucked a bit of her hair, and then held it out to Edus. "Here you go, Harry Potter. One bit of hair, taken without consent. I believe it's virgin hair too, doesn't feel like it's ever been dyed or bleached."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Leda had spent the night rotating through various activities - drawing in her sketch book, watching Kiera as she slept, sleeping, and staring at the screen waiting for something interesting to happen. Whenever she got tired of one of those activities, she moved on to the next one and just stayed in that cycle. Her dreams during the night had been uneasy. She had been in Tartarus, watching an assortment of villains and fiends dig. The atmosphere was so humid and thick, the air feeling like it was pressing down on her. The only bright thing was a shrine to Apollo, a fact that puzzled her. How had it gotten there? She doubted anyone in the Pit was praying to the archery god.

"Kiera, wake up, luv," Leda said, shaking the daughter of Poseidon. She was fairly certain their shift on watch duty was over now, meaning they could get out and stretch their legs. If they were lucky, they'd be landing shortly at the next stop on their road trip - er, sky trip - across the country. She was getting bored with being confined to the Argo III and definitely needed a change of pace. She had been thinking some on Arthur's situation, with his lack of a mentor - one person came to mind as a potential solution, only she wasn't sure where in the world he was at the moment.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: Strategy and Psychoanalysis

Nancy frowned, hearing that there was smoke nearby on the mountain. California seemed to be on fire just about every summer, as mortals had started doing something called gender reveal parties. The entire concept didn't make much sense to her. It just sounded strange, throwing a party around the supposed gender of an unborn person. Like, what? Why was that celebration worthy? She suspected it ultimately was an excuse to party and ask people to give them lavish gifts. People tended to just act out of self interest like that. "If the mortals started another wildfire, I'm going to scream," Nancy complained.

Madalyne led the way towards the smoke and Nancy followed her fellow praetor. Eventually, she started to hear voices and she saw what looked like some sort of camp set up. Her knee jerk reaction was anger and annoyance at humanity for destroying the outdoors, but once she got a closer look she realized this wasn't a gender reveal party. Her aunt, the goddess Diana, had her bow drawn at some man she didn't recognize. The rest of the people at the camp were the Hunters of Diana. A slight blush colored her cheeks as Nancy instantly felt like they were intruding, but the blush vanished quickly.

"Nah, I think we're going to keep our weapons up," Nancy said, assuming some of the authority of being praetor. "We're from the Twelfth Legion. We don't want any trouble, we're here on a quest." She had to resist the urge to look at her aunt too much. She had been praying to her for guidance quite a lot at Diana's shrine. "I'm guessing this is your monster of the week? How very."

February 17th, 2021 - 10:00 AM

Outside the Mutant Underground HQ -

None of the Brotherhood seemed to really care that Toad had been knocked out. Avalanche kicked at the ground in front of him, creating a chasm that shot towards Andy. Andy would be able to nimbly jump out of the way just in time, but the ground was shaking around her more and more excessively. "You're pretty good... for a girl," Avalanche commented.

Magneto called his helmet back to him, the strange metal fitting snugly around his head. It protected him from telepaths, namely his nemesis and friend, Professor X. "You kidnapped my daughter. Why would I leave her with her captors? You are too blind to see it, I'm afraid. We are not the villains here. You are." He then sent a hail of metallic shards down at the Mutant Underground members. Andy got some minor scrapes. Sapphire, Glimpse, and James were missed entirely, Kris got a nasty gash in the stomach. Echo took the worst of it - one of the metal shards hit him in the back perfectly and sent him toppling to the ground. He wouldn't be able to feel his legs.

"Oi, you okay there mate?" Pyro shouted at Echo. "Maybe you ought to take a lie down or something." He then flicked on his lighter and shaped a serpent out of the flames, smirking slightly before sending it shooting at Kristina. The flaming snake wrapped around her and began to squeeze.

The well dressed gentleman, Mastermind, set his sights on Sapphire. His eyes twinkled as he invaded her mind, trapping her inside a vision of her own worst nightmare. To Sapphire, it would look like there were heavy steel walls pushing in towards her, like the trash compactor in Star Wars. She wouldn't be able to hear or see anyone else. She wouldn't know it wasn't real.

"Which one of you idiots wants to fight?" Mystique asked, drawing two pistols. She didn't wait for anyone to answer. She fired off four bullets in rapid succession at James. Two of them missed, two of them hit - but his skin had hardened just in time and the bullets fell to the ground harmlessly.

"I don't suppose you'll put up much of a fight," Magneto said, peering at Glimpse. He glided through the air, heading towards the entrance so he could go inside and retrieve Polaris.

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
Havok carried Polaris down the stairs, heading into the entranceway. The others had already gone on up to the surface, leaving Zarina, Casper, Havok, and Polaris inside the Mutant Underground. Havok hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether or not he could trust his girlfriend with Casper and the green haired kid. The earthquake had stopped at the very least and the entranceway seemed to be holding up. The ceiling wouldn't collapse on her in here and Havok couldn't stay with her - he was, in his opinion, the best fighter present. He had to go handle Magneto.

"Don't fight with spoons, that's just dumb," Havok interrupted, answering Zarina's question before Casper could. "Look, can you two handle watching Polaris and keep her safe? Shouldn't be much to do, but you know, just in case Magneto sends one of his goons down here. You're not high, right, Casper?"

"Uh, she looks like she was drugged, Cas," Ben commented. He had materialized next to Havok and Polaris, tilting his ghostly head as he tried to listen for Polaris' breathing.

"You're right, Bennie Ben Ben," Casper said, frowning at Havok. "You know that you can't just go around drugging people, right? It's illegal and definitely not chill. I didn't want to do this, but I've decided to vibe check your relationship and.... yiiiikes. It's got worse vibes than a Chipotle during flu season. You need to do a sexual harassment training or something. Do we have HR here? If so, go see HR before you get fired for being a creep. Oh and yes, I'm sober, thanks for asking."

Havok groaned. "Why does anyone bother asking you to do anything?"

"Are you contractually obligated to be a dick?" Casper snapped. His head was pounding and he was exhausted thanks to M-Pox. The adrenaline rush from realizing they were under attack was already beginning to wane, since the earthquake had stopped. He then winced, realizing the kid was in front of him. He really needed to mind his language around children. "Sorry, I meant to ask if you're contractually obligated to be a fucking asswipe," Casper said.

Neither Havok nor Casper saw Polaris' eyes flutter open. Her mind was still addled by the drugs. She didn't recognize her surroundings. The last thing she remembered, they had been outside George Washington University. She could feel metal all around them and she didn't look to see who was holding her. Her heart was pounding and her pupils were small as she sent a piece of metal flying at her captor - Waverley's abandoned rebar - and the metal bar went thunk against Havok's skull. Her captor screamed and dropped her reflexively. He screamed in pain and from betrayal, passing out onto the ground.

"Who the FUCK are you?!" she shouted at Casper and Zarina. She reached her hand back and the rebar flew out of Havok's head, snapping into her hand. His blood was smeared onto her hand now. "And where the HELL am I?!"


Location: Outside Jack's Office Building
Skills: Perception, Investigation, Leadership
"Actually, Max - Warlock - did exactly as I asked," Veil corrected Feedback. She never anticipated that Warlock and Feedback would get along. It was out of the cards for them. Veil would, however, keep them from spreading rumors and lies about each other, whether they were acting with malicious intent or not. Warlock couldn't take back killing Feedback's mother. That deed was over. As far as Veil was aware, there weren't any mutants with the ability to travel through time.

Her expression softened, hearing Jack explain what had happened. He seemed like he was telling the truth. She didn't know why Emma Frost would want him to cart off Sunshine like that and drug Feedback, but it made more sense than Jack deciding over night to kidnap his daughter. He hadn't even done a particularly good job of it, taking Sunshine back to his office - if he had been the mastermind behind this plot, wouldn't he have taken her out of DC and hidden her away? He hadn't attacked them either. Veil nodded, glad to hear that Spark Plug thought similarly. "We'll get you back to the Underground, Jack, and we'll have Glimpse get Frost out of your head," she reassured him gently. "Do you have any idea why Frost wanted you to do that?" she added, opening up a car door and motioning for Jack to head inside.

They were lucky - no cops or purifiers had shown up yet.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: People Reading, Survival
Sunshine was coughing profusely, but that didn't stop her from being mad at Max. He seemed seriously convinced that Marshmallow had drugged her roommate and kidnapped her, which made no sense at all. If Jack had kidnapped her, why would he just take her to his office for doughnuts? Why didn't he tie her up with zip ties and carve out her guts? That's what she would have done as a despicable, maniacal abductor. But even with that information, Max didn't look like he was lying to her. "If - cough - he kidnapped me, then - cough he's the world's worst kidnapper!"

She screamed as they plummeted back into the ocean, flimsy pool noodles appearing. She was clinging onto both Max and the noodle, not too sure which one would aid her survival the best over time. She didn't have to worry about Max killing her mother at least. She would've been happy to see him roast her alive. Max started mumbling something about a boat, but Sunshine didn't see any at all. "What boat, crazy pants?!" she shouted, the waves becoming more wild and thus louder. A large wave of water hit her and her lungs were filled with liquid once again, as she choked and tried to gasp for air. The next thing she knew, she and Max were on the beach. She crawled onto her side and coughed up as much water as she could, her throat feeling like a cheese grater.

"N-no, you can't go to sleep," she said, displaying a bit of concern for Max as she shook him. "Every pirate movie I've seen has had some sort of secret thing to escape the island... M-maybe that palace thing will have a raft," she suggested, her teeth chattering despite the warmth of the shore.

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 314
Skills: N/A

Asha had never seen so many goats before in her lifetime. She knew that this many goats had to exist in the Nine Realms, but having so many in one spot seemed almost recklessly dangerous. If the goats worked together, they could likely overthrow the Aesir and rule Asgard. Klara at the very least could control them and Asha contemplated the limits on her control. Could Klara prevent Ragnarok with a goat army? She filed that away into her mental folder of schemes and plans. As a child of Odin, Asha was always thinking a few steps ahead. "Does this little fellow have a name?" she asked, looking at the goat that had knocked Klara over.

"And his lineage?" she asked. Lineage was rather important in Viking society. Asha more of just found it funny to press people to list all of their ancestors, especially as it usually gave her enough time to come up with a way to kill them. Stalling was one of the finest weapons a warrior had after all. So many einherji forgot that battles were as much mental as they were physical.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded in agreement, finishing the abandoned food she had found. Unlike her companions, she wasn't picky when it came to eating cold chicken. She didn't really care how long it had been abandoned for - as long as there weren't flies crawling around in it, it was all good in her book. Besides, they ate way too much healthy food at Camp Jupiter. The coffee shop in New Rome was her main outlet for her cravings. It wasn't often she got genuine tourist trap chicken strips and fries. It tasted practically like fresh ambrosia. "I'd suggest we could take the Niah Express again, but I'm gonna doubt you're up for that, doll," Nancy said.

She tossed her trash in the waste can, before looking around at the abandoned equipment the mortals had left behind. Most of it was fairly run of the mill stuff - bags of purchases from a shop, the occasional stuffed animal, a pair of cheap sunglasses. In the back of the restaurant though, she hit the jackpot. Nancy smirked, producing three packs of climbing gear. She slung one over her shoulder, carrying the other two in her arms out. "Did I mention how awesome I am?" she asked her companions. She had the ego of the sun god.

Megan Pendragon

Location: the Lake
Skills: N/A

Megan rolled her eyes at her brother. She didn't believe in birthrights. She also didn't believe that skills and talents had any genetic basis. "I'm Megan first, not some stranger's daughter," she corrected her brother. She didn't regret being the first one to approach the stone and pull a sword from it. As far as she was aware, she was the only one experienced with swordplay. The others seemed to favor archery or kitchen equipment. Her eyes darted over towards the dramatic scene unfolding with two of the kids and she couldn't help but chuckle. "If you wish to kill him, I would recommend asphyxiation. You rival him in size so there is an advantage on your part," she called out to the girl. She wasn't too sure what the rules on murder were in Arcadia anyways.

She had no idea what Isabella meant with the title Captain Britain. The properties of the sword were interesting. She liked the fact that it could cut through just about anything. She was wary about people following her because of it. She wasn't the leadership sort. She liked to stay in the morgue and talk to corpses - she didn't fancy herself a politician or anything. She hoped that they'd be following the sword out of choice though and not from some magic enchantment. "I suppose excalibur has cell service..." she mused, since supposedly the Lady of the Lake could speak through it. The magic of it all boggled the mind.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 21
Skills: N/A

Runa looked at Klara in confusion. She had to be mixing up squirrel with the word for some other sort of animal. There had to be other deadly predators who lived in trees and she had just misremembered the English word. "Squirrel? Like... the little bushy things that eat nuts?" Runa asked, hoping to receive clarification. Her education in Norway hadn't stressed the English words for animals. Most of what they learned had been the bare minimum needed in order to move around English speaking countries on vacations or for business trips. Ratatoskr hadn't been covered on any syllabus in English class.

Before she could answer Nadia's question though, the blind girl Elizabeth started talking about airing out grievances. Runa frowned slightly. She hadn't cared for Elizabeth, as her only real interaction had been the girl attempting to scare her to death - but Runa had thought it was handled. She had whacked Elizabeth with her new staff. The interaction had ended there. She got the sense that Elizabeth must have treated everyone like that and she frowned even more deeply. She didn't like bullies. She had spent her entire life being treated horribly by kids at school because she wasn't the same. She had the scars - quite literally - to prove it. "Erm, Elizabeth, yes? Please don't take this the wrong way, but this isn't about you," Runa said softly. "We should leave now, I think, in the two groups..." she then added.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: N/A
Bethany's hand on her shoulder didn't feel comforting at all - mostly since Guin was in a full suit of armor so she couldn't feel the physical contact. She was too focused in on Pietro and his many injuries to even notice her friend's presence. As Edus started off talking and spatting about permission, she had to resist the urge to scream and shake him and demand that he work faster. She didn't care that he wasn't as good as his sister, that wasn't information she needed right now. All she needed was for him to do his job and heal Pietro! She clenched her fists in anger hearing Elizabeth request to be healed. Was she on death's door? No? Then she could wait!

It was a really good thing her helmet made it difficult for people to see her burst into tears as Pietro stood to his feet. She was facing him, away from everyone else, so only he could see her utter relief. Guin stepped out of her suit of armor and pulled him tightly into a hug, not caring that she was exposed to whatever danger Loki was going to send at them next. "D-don't you fucking dare scare me like that again, Pietro!"

"Guina, I didn't mean to... I'm sorry."

Guin blinked her eyes to get the tears to stop. The only problem was each time she blinked, she got a brief mental flashback to finding Muscles' battered corpse at the O.M.E.N. facility. She shuddered involuntarily and gasped a bit for air, like the wind had been knocked out of her. "You're not allowed to die, okay? It's forbidden, like dividing by zero."

"Alright alright, I get it... I don't plan on dying anytime soon."

"Good," she sniffled. She let go of him and looked at Edus for a moment. "Thanks, Battle Nurse." Annoying nickname aside, it was a heartfelt sentiment. Pietro could have died had Edus not been there. She was in his debt now.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: N/A
Neil was still a little bit red from Carolina's kiss on the cheek. The heat seemed to be lingering there like a localized fever. He was a bit worried about her "cat scratch," as his intuition told him it probably wasn't just a little house cat that had been responsible. People were being healed and he frowned slightly, noticing that Iris still wasn't back from wherever she had gone. He really hoped that Mira hadn't permanently damaged her hearing. He had firsthand experience with how difficult it was to adjust to being deaf. His hearing aids were the only thing making up for his horrible skill at ASL.

He glared a bit at Banner for his passive aggressive comment, before scooping up the dice and he rolled. The total was a nine. The orb swirled as the mist formed letters, giving them the latest challenge in this nightmarish game that they would have to overcome:

The jungle witch is filled with strife
Be careful or you'll lose your life

"Uh..." Neil frowned slightly. He figured it had to be some sort of person appearing for them to fight - maybe the Runa person people had been mentioning? He wasn't shocked this time as the game spit out a person. She had long dark hair held up in intricate braids. She wore a ripped black dress, something that had once been elegant but had been ruined by months of use in the jungle to survive. Her eyes looked clouded over. Like she was some sort of snake charmer, she conjured up ripples of darkness and shot them towards Lance and Neil. They rushed into their throats and Neil felt like he could hardly breathe, gasping as the newcomer attempted to choke him to death. He was luckier than Lance - Lance didn't have any air in his lungs.

"You're all powerless."


We here at the Daily Bugle just got a tip from an anonymous source that the Avengers have split up!

Iron Man has claimed leadership of the group - we haven't been able to get a quote from the Playboy Billionaire, but our plucky team is on the case!

We'll be updating this story once more details come in, but please if you know anything about this situation or have spotted Captain America, call us out our toll free hotline here: 1-800-SPIDER.

If you want to read about more Avengers news, check out our piece from last Thursday where we explored the affair between Iron Man and Black Widow!


Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 12:30 A.M.

"Maybe?" Captain Britain said with a slight shrug. "It happened a while ago. Missions tend to blend together and even if they don't, things go so fast that I just can't say for sure... I wish you had asked me these things sooner, I would have been able to be more help." A perfect memory wasn't one of his powers sadly. The chilling appearance of the skrulls had been his defining recollection of that mission - he just couldn't recall for sure if they had been separated and if so, who had been on their own. It was entirely likely everyone had been alone at some point when they were escaping the skrulls.

"Hill's Laws? I haven't heard of those," Psylocke said, an eyebrow raised. "Brian and I can come with you to visit Xavier. We ought to see him anyways to find out more about Glimpse's disappearance."

New York City: 5:50 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition, Throwing Knives
The first detail Bonnie noticed about the apartment was an excessive pile of plums on the dining room table. The next things she noticed were the three Avengers and a man with a metal arm. Falcon, Hawkeye, and Captain America - all of them largely ordinary humans with extraordinary skills (and the super soldier serum in Cap's case). Her mind started cranking out ideas on how to fight. Her top priority would have to be keeping the shield away from Rogers, it defied the laws of physics and could easily take both her and Cass out. With the shield taken care of, Cass could conjure up some elemental might and hopefully subdue everyone in the room. It would have to be quick though - if their opponents made the first move, then that would be it. It would be game over.

"You're right, Cap. This neighborhood really is going to hell," the Falcon said, shaking his head.

"Reed, Chase - you two shouldn't be here," Barton warned. "You know this isn't right."

"What part of keeping kids from playing hero and getting themselves killed do you object to, Barton? What's so bad about keeping vigilantes from playing judge, jury, and executioner?" Bonnie posed. She shifted her weight and had her hands over her pockets, ready to grab her knives at a moment's notice. The tension in the air was palpable.

"The last time I was in a country where people blindly followed orders and those who were different were put on lists, it didn't go so well," Captain America argued, breaking his silence. "Now before we get started, I'm going to give you a chance to leave." Captain America then reached for his shield, it was resting on a chair, but a knife suddenly appeared in his hand before he could grab it.

Bonnie's heart was pounding. She'd never stabbed Captain America before.

New York City: 4:40 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: Aerokinesis
"Whatever gave you that impression, Dr. Sparks?" Strange asked, his words dripping with sarcasm. His unexpected allies had turned Mephisto into a humanoid form, frozen the ground around the demon, and put an arrow through his cloven leg. The demon had been particularly active lately, even briefly possessing the Scarlet Witch and forcing her to attack the West Coast Avengers. Strange levitated a devil's cage in front of him, attempting to direct Mephisto's essence inside.

The demon growled, briefly featuring three heads, before shifting form once more. A gigantic red dragon was in front of them. Mephisto blew a gigantic cone of fire at all of them, Amelia's eyes widening. "It's like bloody Mushu on steroids!" she exclaimed. She twirled her staff rapidly, bending the air as she extinguished the flames before they reached them. Her air bending effectively had been a shield. "Will one of these old dusty things help us?" she asked Strange, looking a bit frantically around the various mystic relics on display.

"Do not touch anything!" Strange ordered. He flew across the room, carried by his cloak, before pulling a sword from a scabbard. The sword was clearly magical, but Amelia had no idea what sword it was. She didn't know if magic swords always had names or if that had just been something she picked up from Harry Potter and Narnia and stuff like that. Mephisto breathed another column of fire at them, with Amelia narrowly managing to dissipate it with her staff.

"What's that sword do, besides cutting stuff and all? It looks all bonkers!"

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Leda snorted a bit as Demetri asked what he had missed. Mary asked the same question and Jason, despite being present, was similarly confused. "Oh, Sabrina the Teenage Witch decided to defect to the dark side, that's all. And I don't mean the one from the 90's show - I mean the Satanic one from Netflix," she answered. There was a hint of mischief in her voice, masking the bitter anger that was boiling inside of her. Rebecca hadn't even really properly said goodbye. She hadn't hesitated before abandoning them all on a quest to save the entire world, jumping through a portal at the chance to learn from an evil sorceress. She hoped that Circe would turn Rebecca into a pig. It would serve her right.

She put her hand on Kiera's, giving it a squeeze. "If we're lucky, we won't have to," she murmured. She didn't want to fight Rebecca. From a practical standpoint, magic users were incredibly challenging to face. They usually had elaborate spells and rituals that allowed them to summon armies and manipulate fundamental forces. Knowing Rebecca, it would likely be a legion of the undead they would need to fight through in order to stop a ritual sacrifice or something. She hoped that Rebecca would die before she got to that point. But Leda also recognized that the Rebecca she had once had a crush on wasn't there now - it was what had driven her to end their relationship. Rebecca didn't just flirt with darkness - she was darkness.

"Oi, this junk yard yeah? Any chance we can get it in writing from the H Bloke that it's all cool for us to go on through there?" Leda asked. The gods tended to be touchy about their things - even trash. For instance, Aphrodite still liked Ares even though he was objectively garbage. She didn't mind Demetri calling her Speedy - she was a huge DC comic fan and she loved the Green Arrow's sidekick.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

"If Atlas could've let go of the sky, he would've done it eons ago. So as long as you don't offer to take the weight from him, we're golden," Nancy explained to Waverley. She had turned around as she walked for a brief moment in order to make eye contact with the young legionnaire. She understood that being new to all of this, there was a lot of information to take in, but she was beginning to get a sneaking suspicion that Waverley might have been skipping some of the mandatory classes in order to play guitar. She couldn't really blame her. Nancy hadn't done well at sitting in a classroom at any point in her life.

Turning back around, she kept on walking in line with Madalyne. It wasn't too long until the ground felt like it was shaking and Nancy froze in her tracks, ready to belt a defense Joan Jett lyric to make anything that moved funny explode. She was as still and tense as she could be as Madalyne signaled for them all to halt. The gigantic scorpion that came into view sent a shiver down her spine. Its aura radiated danger and death. "How very," she commented as Madalyne explained that the pit scorpions were basically a death sentence. "If it comes back, I can pop it like a piñata."
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