Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

🐺 Asha Jabari 🐺

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 314
Skills: Battle Strategy

Asha chuckled slightly. "Adalsteinn the Bloodthirsty? How very," she mused, staring at the goat. She wondered if the goat was just super into Halloween or vampire stories. Had Klara named him after a Twilight marathon, perhaps? It wasn't the worst movie series she had ever seen, but it was definitely in the bottom five. Klara seemed to really be into love and romance though, so it made sense that she would enjoy something like that. Asha didn't really have time for matters of the heart. She liked women, of course, but she preferred to spend her time crafting new weapons rather than dating.

Case in point, she was gifted when it came to strategy. "Well, the lobby would be an ideal place from the amount of traffic it gets. We could also send them to various floors to infiltrate people's rooms. The Feast Hall of the Slain could be useful, but... they may be eaten, which I imagine you wouldn't be a fan of," Asha proposed. "I also like the idea of leaving a bunch of them in the elevator to attack unsuspecting einherji."

February 17th, 2021 - 10:20 AM

Outside the Mutant Underground HQ -

Three members of the Brotherhood were unconscious - Avalanche, Toad, and Pyro. The others were relatively unscathed. Mastermind yawned with boredom, perhaps wishing that he could have inflicted mental torture on Sapphire for longer. He owed his daughters vengeance after all. Mystique was smirking a bit as Zarina asked who they were. "We're the Brotherhood of Mutants, kid. The only ones who can keep the humans from slaughtering us all."

Magneto nodded. He levitated a small piece of metal towards him and manipulated its shape, until it was a small ruby red token. He then sent it over towards Zarina. She looked like the youngest of the group and her naiveness was palpable. "There will be a place for mutants soon called Genosha. If you go there, bear that token and you will be cared for."

Then just as suddenly as they appeared, they departed. Magneto levitated himself and the unconscious members. Polaris did the same for herself, Mastermind, and Mystique. They must have all had metal threaded through their uniforms.

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway -> Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
"That's fucking typical," Ben complained with a sigh. "Give it to all the human politicians first, since who cares about the people who are actually sick and dying?!" He tried not to watch politics if at all possible, since it only made him angry. It also reminded him of how powerless he was - he couldn't vote and Casper always managed to lose his ballot.

"Now now, Caduceus, we must always kiss the asses of the humans because they are afraid of us!" Casper said in a mocking tone, crouching down to look like he was in a wheelchair. His father's "dream" felt so foolish and childish at times. Though to be fair, Casper was usually too drunk or high to really pay attention to the events of the world around him. He knew that it was a horrible time to be a mutant, but he passed for human. People just assumed he was crazy and that he couldn't actually be talking to the ghost of his dead best friend. He didn't have blue skin or webbed toes or a forked tongue.

Ben snorted, amused with the impression.

The green haired child - who had such a striking resemblance to Polaris that Casper had to wonder if she was another kid of Magneto or not - had run off. Less than a minute later, the brunette kid had returned, going into the dining hall. Casper thought for a moment, debating who he would rather go on off after - Magneto and everyone, or the kid. He decided the kid, heading into the dining room just in time to see the kid hugging a leather jacket and whispering something.

"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness," Casper teased gently. "Or a reeeeeally good trip. You aren't tripping, are you? Or maybe do you see faeries or something as one of your powers? Or what are they called, the blue smelly things... bamfs, I think?"


Location: The Car - Outside Jack's Office Building
Skills: Perception, Leadership, Deception
"Ouch!" Veil yelped involuntarily as Feedback used her hair as a handhold. Despite popular belief, it was still incredibly painful for long hair to be pulled on - Rapunzel must have had no nerve endings in her head at all. Instead of shaking Feedback off though, Veil tried to support the girl's weight so as to alleviate the need for her to grip. But once she had buckled Feedback in, the girl then tugged on her hair, forcing Veil to kneel and awkwardly fall into the seat next to her.

"I feel like Mia during the makeover scenes in Princess Diaries..." Veil grumbled. If she didn't love her long untamable hair, she definitely would've been shaving herself bald at this point. She frowned ever so slightly at the important news Feedback had to share with her. They had already established something was wrong with Jack - he had been controlled by Emma Frost. She was worried about Feedback - she sounded terrified.

"Yeah, we're fine - Feedback's just got her hand tangled in my hair," Veil lied. She was used to telling little lies like that in order to keep harmony between various people in the group, so Callie and Jack wouldn't likely have a reason to suspect anything. Jack's lack of recollection sounded so incredibly genuine to her, Veil couldn't help but believe him. It was only because of the intensity of Feedback's fear that she kept an open mind about this situation - about whether or not they really had all the facts.

"Spark Plug, can you take us the long way back? I'm worried about us being followed. Maybe make a few wrong turns on purpose."


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Survival
Sunshine rolled her eyes ever so slightly at Max's comment. "Way to point out the obvious, Captain Fatso," she said with a slight sneer. Her opinion on Max had pretty much gone more and more downhill since she first met him. He was a walking disaster and even though he had left the Hellfire Club, he still had joined their enemies. He had turned his back on his friends. Any other day, Sunshine would've fantasized about putting an arrow through his eye. She realized she could easily use her powers on him and leave him here to die. No one in the Mutant Underground would know.

Her hands were slowly surrounded by green mist as she conjured up a seasonal flu. She stared at Max, imagining him dropping to the ground, succumbing to disease. She raised her hand, about to strike - but she hesitated. The green mist disappeared. If he died, then she wouldn't be able to make his life hell. He'd get off the hook. He'd be let off too easy. And per her beliefs about the afterlife, he'd probably skip out on being judged and wouldn't get eternal torture and suffering.

"We need to make sure we're alone here first. Then find clean water and food. And then pick an area to shelter in," Sunshine instructed Max. She was used to exploring abandoned places and moving in to live there indefinitely. With practiced ease, she went to the hallway on the right. Light was spilling in through the windows, barely illuminating the place. She opened up the first door off the hallway, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

The room smelled like boy. Posters of Felicia Day and old bands covered the walls. The ground was a mess, covered in clothes and random belongings - and there were various highway and traffic signs from around the world just leaning up against the wall.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 21 -> Runa's Room -> Hall
Skills: N/A

Runa was happy with the team she was assigned to - as happy as she could be given the circumstances. She trusted Nadia and Klara - Nadia was very sweet and Klara seemed immensely capable, probably since she had been dead for centuries. Runa still couldn't quite wrap her head around the idea that after failing so epically earlier that day that she had died, she was now the prime candidate to save the universe. It felt like a sick cosmic joke - akin to when the kids in school would invite her to a party, only to throw eggs at her the minute she arrived with glee. Was that going to happen when they went looking for Balder - would the others in the hotel pop up and egg them?

"I'll... I'll go get some clothes then," Runa said quietly with a nod. She didn't want to intrude on Klara's personal space. And having a minute to breathe in her room - it didn't really feel like hers - would be nice. She tried to force a smile but she couldn't quite manage it as she retraced her steps to her assigned room on the floor. Inside, she found what looked to be the closet and she threw a few outfits into a bag. She didn't want to bring too many, as it would be too much to carry and would just slow her down. Everything she picked was black of course - she even found a pair of fishnet tights that would go fantastically with some denim cropped shorts. She dared a slight smile looking at everything in the closet. She loved clothes.

She then left the room, not too sure how exactly she was supposed to lock it, before awkwardly rejoining Klara and Nadia in the hall.

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 1:10 A.M.

The ride had been relatively short to the hospital. Once both Niah and Oliver left the vehicle, the chauffeur gave them his card and said they could call if they needed another ride. The car then left, leaving the two of them on the pavement outside of the hospital. As it was the middle of the night, there weren't very many visitors present if any. In fact, the hospital was relatively empty. They wouldn't see anyone else there to visit a loved one. The front desk was unattended, with a piece of paper next to the sign in sheeting saying Be back soon!! :) in purple pen.

Per the map nearby - and due to Oliver's familiarity with the hospital - they would know that his mother's room was on the third floor at the end of the corridor. Easy listening music played from the speakers, creating a relatively pleasant and calm environment. The hospital gift shop was closed, but the vending machines were an option if either of them were hungry.

Neither of them would see any doctors or nurses - but then again, they were in reception. It wouldn't make sense to see them here anyways.

The Gates - Mojoverse: ???

Had Maria ever talked extensively to the original X-Men team or perhaps Serval Industries' X-Factor group, she might have heard about the Mojoverse before. Unfortunately, she hadn't. This would all be new and strange to her. If social media and reality television could have comprised a universe, this was it. Floating advertisements covered the skies. Everyone dressed like they were characters from the Capitol in the Hunger Games. There wasn't much to do here besides getting into the line and heading towards the gates.

The Cube in her hand had one side - the side she touched - glowing a soft, eerie green.

New York City: 6:10 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Perception
The man with the metal arm was out on the fire escape. Kwassi had hit him with a paralytic, and at first, it seemed to have worked. Unfortunately, the Winter Soldier wasn't so easily defeated. The compounds pumping through his veins, keeping him alive, weren't going to let him lose the fight so easily. He rose to his feet, looking around quickly before moving forward and turning the corner, spotting Kwassi. He threw a punch, narrowly missing - his fist hit the brick wall of the apartment building, leaving a small crater.

Meanwhile, inside the apartment, "I don't like hitting a woman, but I'll do it if I have to," Captain America said to Cass, shaking off the paralytic that he had been hit with. Only one of the three shots made at him had hit and it didn't slow him down at all. Another agent had tried to do something, although he didn't quite know what. It seemed like he was trying to poke him? Definitely an unusual fighting style.

Bonnie noticed the slight glance Matt gave her. It telegraphed his intentions and she nodded ever so slightly. She did a dramatic and attention grabbing leap over towards Captain America, spinning as she aimed a butterfly kick towards his head. He deflected it with his shield, but his attention was all on her. It was the perfect opening for Matt to attack and he would be able to move flawlessly.

Hawkeye let three arrows fly - one went towards Bonnie just as she spun for the butterfly kick so it missed, another went for Cass and although it hit, her skin was impenetrable. The last arrow went for Matt and hit him square in the shoulder, lodging itself painfully and limiting his range of motion. "Would it kill you all to just surrender and realize you're on the wrong side of history?" Clint called out.

The Falcon had gotten up from the ground and he went in for a punch, targeting Bonnie. She ducked under his fist. She tried to sweep his legs again, but his reflexes were fast this time and he grabbed her leg, knocking her to the ground on her back as she struggled to get free from his grasp.

New York City: 5:00 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: N/A
Strange's mouth twitched into a smirk. He couldn't help but laugh ever so slightly. Among heroes, he wasn't known for having a particularly helpful bedside manner. "I was wondering when you would come to ask for that favor," Strange mused. "I suppose you finally decided to go fetch the boy?" He traced a circle in front of him, glowing golden lines appearing, before he tossed the trap containing Mephisto on through. Strange then retraced the lines and the hole closed, as if he had just accessed an interdimensional closet.

"Where did that thing go? Do you have a special magic shoebox or something that you can hide things in?" Amelia asked. She then experimentally waved her arms through the space where the glowing portal had appeared, half expecting to feel the cage with her fingers - but there wasn't anything there except for air. She grinned, completely and utterly bewildered. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that she had left S.H.I.E.L.D. Maybe she could stick around here and enjoy the craziness of the wizard's stuff.

"It's in my vault, of course," Strange answered her. "Don't - " he began to say, as Maria picked up what looked like an ordinary cube, "touch that... Oh well. I'm sure she can figure out how to come back." He had warned them after all not to touch things that didn't belong to them. And in the order of things he absolutely had to do, helping an agent undo their own mistake was low on the list. His daily schedule was rather full as Sorcerer Supreme and he just couldn't miss his haircut appointment later that evening.

"... Is she also in the vault?" Amelia asked, her eyes wide. She glanced at Astrad, as if to say are you seeing all of this too?? Sparky seemed right at home with all of this weirdness. Amelia backed away slightly from a pillar near her that contained a bottle with a rose inside of it, not wanting to touch it and end up vanished to Doctor Strange's magic closet. She'd rather get a closer look at his cloak anyways - it let him levitate. How cool was that?

"Hmm, there are five possibilities. She could be in the astral plane, Otherworld, Limbo, the Mojoverse, or Nightmare World," Strange answered with a shrug. "Now, Dr. Sparks, do you have anything of his? I'll require something that belonged to him for the tracking spell. If you don't, then the hair of someone related to him would also do nicely." He paused for a moment, tilting his head. "Although I don't suppose your baby has any hair yet."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Leda raised an eyebrow, curious as to what Demetri wanted to talk to her about. Maybe he needed advice on coming out of the closet to someone? Her mother was pretty much the patron goddess of the LGBTQIA+ community. Aphrodite was way too vain and shallow for that role - plus, rainbows were Iris' symbol. It was meant to be. "Oh, hullo Marygold," she said with a smile, greeting her friend as she came on by. She had to resist the urge to give Mary her thoughts on Demetri's dark secret. Kiera gave the most likely explanation as to why Demetri wanted to talk to her - a dream.

She was the mythology expert on the ship. "Yeah, let's get some food, I'm positively starved. And then, we can all go around and chat about our dreams. Demigod dreams usually have loads of easter eggs and stuff in them, so we might be able to learn a thing or two about our apocalypse," she explained, pretty much for Kiera and Demetri's benefits. Marygold she anticipated would already know all of this, as she wasn't new. Leda's stomach growled loudly. As a speedster, she tended to need to eat more than the average person whenever she ran a lot and she had been using her speed quite frequently.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: Audiokinesis

All demigods had fatal flaws, things that could cause their undoing and likely contribute to their demise. Some struggled with personal loyalty, sacrificing the world to save a friend - others had the vice of pride, believing that they could rise to heights higher than the gods. Nancy Parker's fatal flaw was anger. She was hotheaded and prone to fury and rage, especially when slighted. As one of the newest members of the Twelfth Legion gave her an order in front of her favorite goddess, she saw red. The arrow that sliced Waverley's cheek hardly registered in her mind. All she could think of was how to teach Waverley a lesson about respect.

"Until you can respect your praetor, you'll only speak in meter," Nancy told Waverley, locking eyes with her. It was an application of her gift that she didn't use often. Nancy liked manipulating sound and music in order to make things explode. But as her father was the god of poetry, she could also use it to curse people to speak in rhymes. Hopefully it would teach Waverley a lesson - and if it didn't, she would just need to get more creative and find another solution. Her godly parent presided over far more than just poetry after all.

She took a breath, trying not to let her anger cloud her thoughts more. When she was enraged, her anger was like the heat of the sun. It was fine for a few seconds from a distance, but if the people she cared about got too close they tended to get burned. Prometheus was here. She needed to focus her thoughts. He wasn't really a villain, as he had given fire to humanity and all, but he was on Jupiter's naughty list so it would be a good idea to keep her guard up. "Lady Diana, we're paying a visit to Atlas. We just need safe passage through your camp as we continue on our way, but thank you for the offer of aid."

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telepathy
Yeah, I'm fine - better than fine, actually, I finally did something with my fucking powers! Guin replied cheerfully. She did a quick psy-scan of the unconscious Asgardian, noting that Runa still hadn't woken up. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to decipher the thoughts to determine whether or not Edus' magic had actually worked. Had he not just brought her husband back from the brink of death, she probably would have teased him for his performance issues - 2/3 isn't too uncommon.

Just don't hurt yourself or something that would be bad. She nodded, brief flashes of the horrific scene from just moments ago echoing inside of her head. Pietro's broken body was merging with Muscles' and she shuddered, the tension rising in her muscles. It was easier to focus on his next question at least - though she didn't have the emotional capacity to appreciate the answer. He has to be her soulmate.

Oh fun.

Yup, looks like he's going to get space herpes! Guin snickered ever so slightly. Lance had never really been the type for relationships, despite her many attempts to set him up. He hadn't gotten with Carolina or Annie or anyone else she had tried to get him to date. Awkwardly, he had been in love with her. It was probably for the best that he fell in love with someone new, since Pietro tended to be the jealous type.

Wow you clearly find that sort of thing incredibly amusing, Pietro responded with a bit of a laugh.

You won't need to be all pissy and jealous around him anymore you know, she couldn't help but point out. They were waiting on Iris or Mira to roll anyways to start the next round off, so she was allowing herself some time to just breathe and telepathically chat with her husband. They didn't get a lot of space to do that during fights, but this fight was clearly a marathon, not a sprint.

I was not pissy and jealous around him, Pietro protested somewhat.

You realize you can't really lie to me, right? Guin mentioned, verbally giggling a bit.

I know that.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: N/A
Neil felt a little bit guilty about lying to Carolina, but she seemed to believe him. The sense of relief for not having to come clean to her about his less than stellar actions was more than enough to outweigh the guilt. He chuckled a bit awkwardly at Bethany's joke, hoping that it really was something okay to laugh at - he didn't want a bunch of people on the team screaming at him if he laughed for the wrong reasons. He was jumpy as Banner threw the magic Asgardian staff around the room. He knew that some magical items could have distinct personalities and he didn't want to see if the staff could attack them without anyone holding it.

They needed Iris or Mira to roll so that way they could continue on with the game. He really hoped that they were nearing the end. Everyone was safe and accounted for. He wanted them to be declared the victors so this nightmare could end and they could call the Avengers and let the adults handle Loki. They weren't equipped for this. They had almost lost a few members - if it hadn't been for Edus, their speedster could have been dead.

Megan Pendragon

Location: the Lake
Skills: N/A

Megan hadn't really formed an opinion on whether or not she was annoyed by Colby - until he told everyone to get over it. She raised a slight eyebrow and decided that his mannerisms were distasteful. She loved the strange and unusual, the macabre and the mysterious - but she didn't have a similar fondness for rudeness. He had caused the situation and now he was acting flabbergasted that the others were not pleased, cruelly telling them that they were overreacting. Megan didn't voice these thoughts however. She didn't feel a need to waste breathe on the matter - especially when the boy with wild hair had seemingly appointed himself as Colby's emotional guardian.

"Yes, I do," she answered Willow. "I trained with a foil," she added, referencing her love for fencing. Excalibur was a different sort of sword, but many of the principles were the same and carried over. She had the rapier and excalibur now, with the skull settled in her bag. She wasn't about to abandon her prize. "Here - you may need to be better armed," she said, handing the rapier to her brother. She didn't know if the others could handle a sword, but she imagined that Jack might have picked up some tricks from attending her fencing matches.

February 17th, 2021 - 10:10 AM

Outside the Mutant Underground HQ -

Avalanche and Toad were unconscious. Pyro was barely holding on, his flames becoming weaker and weaker as he fought to keep the snake wrapped around Kristina. He had been losing way too much lately, he needed a win. Mastermind was sort of yawning as he kept Sapphire inside her mental prison. He would have done the same thing to Echo, but the boy put off a gigantic laser light show and seemed to be freaking out over his injuries. He didn't really need to do anything at all to take care of him. He set his gaze on the young girl, Andy, but failed to get inside of her mind.

Mystique decided to take care of Andy. She fired off several bullets at Andy, but Andy was too quick - her reflexes let her dodge every shot.

"Enough, Mystique," Magneto announced, as he emerged with Polaris. "Our work is done here. Let them lick their wounds. I doubt they will challenge us again."

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
Magneto swept into the entranceway, quickly observing the scene. His daughter appeared to be unharmed - a sense of relief rippled through him. He had lost too many of his children already. He wouldn't let any danger befall his favorite child. Her ex-boyfriend Havok was unconscious on the ground. One of Charles Xavier's children was here, the drug addled one, along with a young girl Magneto didn't know. His resolve strengthened whenever he saw mutant children. It was for them that he had to fight, that he had to take on the label of supervillain in order to ensure they could grow up safe and protected.

"I'm not dead," Polaris told Zarina a bit incredulously. "My stupid ex-boyfriend fucking kidnapped me and drugged me. And you all fucking helped him do it?? Honestly, no wonder the Mutant Underground can't make any change happen."

"... Huh. You know, you do have a point," Casper chimed in. He was holding back from his usual rambles, as he didn't want to mansplain anything. He also couldn't help but feel guilty as well. They would have been so angry if Magneto had done something like that to one of them, they would have stormed his fortress and fought to bring them back. Why was it okay for them to break the rules and be mad if other people did it? "I can't speak for Havok, but on behalf of the Mutant Underground, I'd like to offer an apology, Miss Polaris - oh, hi babe!" he perked up, seeing that James had come inside.

"Are you alright?" Magneto asked his daughter, his voice somehow both cold and tender.

Polaris was ignoring Casper. "Yeah, I'm fine," she grumbled. She then looked at James, as he seemed to be the only competent one here. Casper looked as sane as a bag of cats and the kid apparently couldn't tell the difference between the living and the dead. "When he wakes up, tell him it's over - for good this time. And if he tries anything like this again, I'll kill him." She trusted that he would relay the message to Havok.

"Jesus... Remind me to never fall in love with someone from Magneto's family," Ben whispered to Casper, whistling a bit.

Casper gave him a nod. The tension in the room was high, even with Havok unconscious and drooling on the floor. Magneto and Polaris left the entranceway, going back to the surface. Casper didn't make a move to stop them. He didn't see the point in channeling Ben and trying to help Havok keep someone hostage. The entire situation just made him feel dirty - it made him feel like his own father. He shuddered, trying to get that mental barf off of himself.


Location: Outside Jack's Office Building
Skills: N/A
Veil staggered backwards, feeling a piercing pain in her back for a moment. It faded almost instantly and as near as she could tell, nothing had struck her. She frowned slightly, unnerved by the experience. Something seemingly had effected Waverley too, as Waverley was doubled over in pain not too long after breezing through the airwaves looking for signs of trouble. "I've got her," Veil said instantly. She wasn't about to lose anyone else. Her heart was pounding at the idea that Waverley had contracted M-Pox.

Veil only would have herself to blame if that were the case.

She picked Waverley up bridal style, struggling slightly with the weight but she didn't make any comments. She carefully and slowly walked over to their car, loading Waverley into the backseat. She buckled Waverley in, not giving her any chance to protest and claim that she didn't need help. "Jack, can you ride shotgun? I'll stay in the back with her," Veil explained.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival
"I can't catch a cold, it's impossible," Sunshine corrected Max. She was dressed in the clothes that Max had given her. She had more or less jammed the hat onto her head, looking out of place in the indie-esque outfit. Well, it was more that she didn't really look right in clothes that didn't have several layers of grime on them. Sunshine scratched a bit at her arms, feeling uncomfortable with the fabric. It felt freshly laundered - and was that a hint of lavender scent? She didn't look like a little kid - she actually looked her age, 18 years old, ready for college. She could've been an ordinary person complaining about teaching assistants and their annoying policies, or how hard the chemistry midterm had been, and who was going with who to the engineering formal.

Sunshine didn't answer his question about Jack, just sort of shrugging her shoulders. He was weird all of the time. He had traveled back in time and hadn't been careful about not accidentally fathering and then abandoning a kid. His dad was a supervillain. Normal people didn't really do any of those things. She kept a wary eye on Max as they headed towards the palace, making sure that he didn't fall over and die. If he died, her odds of survival went way down. She needed him or she'd be stuck here forever.

... Wherever here was.

It wasn't too long until they reached the ruins. Up close, it became obvious that the place hadn't been built by humans. Every portion of it was constructed from metal, aside from the glass of the windows. There were cameras all over the place, but Sunshine didn't see any indication that they were on. The front doors weren't even locked - she was able to push them open easily. Everything was pitch black, but she could spot the glint of a ruby red helmet and cape.

She stiffened, recognizing who they belonged to. Magneto. This was Magneto's palace. "Max... Why the fuck did you take us to Magneto's lair?" Sunshine whispered tersely.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 21
Skills: N/A

Runa wasn't really comfortable with people asking her permission to go off and do things. She was the least experienced of them all. They had known they were demigods for a long time and they had gotten used to things in Valhalla. Runa only really brought to the table her knowledge of Wicca and its slight correlations with mythology - although, she supposed the myths weren't really myths now. Her only qualifications for this were that she apparently was the child of a missing god and she had been designated via prophecy for this effort. Her one and only encounter with the supernatural had resulted in her death. The mission seemed doomed to fail.

The universe was going to end and Runa could only blame herself.

"Erm, please go ahead?" she told Lara. Arnora reiterated the plan and Runa tried to have confidence in it, rather than a horrid sense of overwhelming anxiety. There weren't any belongings that she needed to get. She had the only two possessions she owned on her - the jacket that doubled as armor and the magic staff. She had no idea what else they would need. Did dead people need to eat? She supposed they did, since they were feasting, but maybe that was just out of a sense of routine? Would they need changes of clothes? A GPS? "... I have no idea what supplies we need..." she then added quietly, looking at Klara.


5:59 PM Update - Iron Man is holding a press conference at the Stark Foundation Headquarters. He is joined by superheroes Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Mister Fantastic, the Human Torch, She-Hulk, the Invisible Woman, and the Wasp. CLICK HERE to view the livestream!

We here at the Daily Bugle just got a tip from an anonymous source that the Avengers have split up!

Iron Man has claimed leadership of the group - we haven't been able to get a quote from the Playboy Billionaire, but our plucky team is on the case!

We'll be updating this story once more details come in, but please if you know anything about this situation or have spotted Captain America, call us out our toll free hotline here: 1-800-SPIDER.

If you want to read about more Avengers news, check out our piece from last Thursday where we explored the affair between Iron Man and Black Widow!


Braddock Academy - Cardiff: 12:40 A.M.

Psylocke looked at Oliver with sympathy. There wasn't much privacy when it came to telepaths, especially with how loudly both Niah and Oliver were thinking about the situation. It was almost a challenge to block it out. "Our driver can take you wherever you need to go," she said. It was the very least her brother and she could do for them, without confessing to having read their minds on that matter too.

"Whatever it is, I hope it goes well," Brian said earnestly. "Now... I'm going to go to bed. It's past midnight and traveling to Otherworld and back always leaves me a bit jet lagged these days."

"Old man," Psylocke said with a chuckle. While they were twins, she looked extremely young next to him - and of course, she appeared to be Asian. There was probably a long story there.

New York City: 6:00 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition, Hand-to-Hand Combat
It was two on four. Bonnie didn't like the odds of their victory. They increased should Matt and Kwassi join the fray, but even then, things were definitely tipped in the favor of the Avengers. Cass' powers were impressive, yet Bonnie couldn't help but feel that they wouldn't be enough to give them an edge. The knife in Captain America's hand hadn't slowed him down at all. Rogers had just pulled it out and it dropped on the floor, the blood from his wound trickling down his hand and spilling onto his shield.

Bonnie quickly calculated their chances of success being 46% - dropping exponentially with every second that they didn't take out one of their opponents. Captain America threw his shield at Cass, hitting her in the throat and temporarily stopping her ability to breathe. Thanks to her dermal armor, the shield bounced off and hit the wall, before snapping back into Captain America's hand. It all had happened in the blink of an eye. The stranger with the metal arm unloaded a clip of bullets, hitting Cass in the stomach - it was a good thing she was bulletproof.

Falcon ran at Bonnie, swinging his fist for a punch. The world seemed to slow down before Bonnie's eyes as she ducked under his fist, weaving to the side. The Falcon used his momentum to swing again at her, Bonnie expertly avoiding the blows. She swept his legs and sent the Avenger tumbling down the ground. His head hit the side of an end table as he went down, leaving bloody residue. He wasn't out for the count though. He was a special sort of crazy - the kind that kept on getting up and going back for more.

"Someone's been working out," Hawkeye quipped. He aimed at Bonnie's face, letting a taser arrow fly. She dropped to the ground just in time, narrowly missing being hit by the master archer.

New York City: 4:50 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: Aerokinesis
"Why are we fighting a bloody panda?" Amelia shouted. She hadn't managed to give Maria cover earlier, mostly since Maria hadn't given her enough time to even process the words she had said before acting. "Shouldn't demons be something a bit scarier, like maybe a rabid koala bear? Or a dingo? Those things eat babes, you know, it's rather weird. The little cunts have no morals." Her eyes widened as Doctor Strange stabbed the panda through the chest with his magic sword. Rather than shifting into a different animal though, the demon turned into smoke. It looked like one of those horrid gender reveal things, red mist floating and swarming in the air.

"Try not to be possessed, I'm quite sure S.H.I.E.L.D.'s insurance doesn't have me as an approved provider," Strange instructed.

"Oh hell no!" Amelia saw the red smoke coming towards her and she swirled her staff as fast as she could, kicking up quite a current as she tried to blast it backwards. The demon kept on coming though, condensing into a small little sphere of evil smoke. Despite Amelia's best efforts, it was beginning to make headway. It was closing in on her - three feet, two feet, six inches, and it was just about to go into her mouth - until suddenly, it was sucked into the spherical cage like it had been a vacuum.

Strange sealed the little ball and smirked with satisfaction. He was uncomfortably close to Amelia and he backed off. "Sorry about that. What can I do for you all?" he asked, tossing the ball up and down. Every now and then, it would glow red and shake.
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