Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan rolled her eyes in amusement as her brother poked her with the wrong end of the rapier. At least his joke confirmed to her that he did know what he was doing, at least in terms of the most basic idea - to use the pointy end to attack with. She kept her face neutral though as the guard asked Merlin questions. The security seemed to be rather lax, as they didn't even ask for papers or.... Well, Megan supposed they likely didn't have an ID system in Camelot. And as for the weapons they were carrying, those weren't really out of the ordinary. They looked like everyone else here, even though they were strangers in a strange land.

It was an odd sensation as she walked into Camelot. Logically, she knew that she must have been born here. Her earliest memories were of this place. She expected to have some sort of overwhelming emotion, some physical reaction to being here but... she didn't feel anything. She just felt out of place. She had never been ordinary by the standards of their world, she had never quite fit in and now, she had a similar sense here in Camelot. It didn't feel to her like home - there was no instant sensation of belonging.

She wished that she had the time to contemplate and process these feelings, but they had to keep moving.

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 1:30 A.M.

The imposter stared at Niah with shock, as she had just shot him in the chest. "I remember you being a lot more pathetic," he sneered. The bullet was pushed out of his wound and hit the floor lamely. It seemed whoever this was, they had a healing factor as well - or perhaps that was just an artifact of his superspeed?

"And you, I remember I was a lot smarter than this," he told Oliver, shaking his head with disappointment. "You sent me, Oli. I'm you. Just better. Smarter, older, freer. This is just the beginning for us. This is when we stop playing the hero and realize that the only way to get what you want, is to take it."

A loud scream came from the floor below - somehow, Niah would recognize who the scream belonged to almost instinctively. It had to be Dalisy.

"Oh good. It looks like my girlfriend's joined the party. I'm sure you remember Luminous, Niah," he taunted.

Kingdom of Avalon - Otherworld: ???

Most Arthurian Legend can trace its way to Otherworld. A mystical realm, Otherworld serves as the nexus of all realities. Comprised of various kingdoms, Maria had the great (mis)fortune to fall in the kingdom beholden to Queen Morgan Le Fay. Not only that, but Maria had appeared inside of a long throne room lit with green flames. Statues of what appeared to be frightened commoners served as artwork. Knights in gleaming, ebony armor stood at every entrance and exit, with the Queen sitting upon an ornate throne.

The Queen sniffed the air, tilting her head in curiosity. "You look like a witchbreed, but you smell like... something else," she mused. "Now, tell me child, who sent you? Why are you here?"

New York City: 6:30 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Perception, Gymnastics
From the fire escape, Bonnie could clearly see what was going on. Cass was across the way on top of the other building, where the rogue Avengers were. Hawkeye was down for the count. Captain America was limping, one of his legs frozen up. As long as they prevented the Avengers from fleeing the scene, then they would be able to win this. Cass had swung with the rope on across, so it was no longer an option for Bonnie to make her way on over. The gap was far too big for her to leap across.

Their luck turned for the worse though. A quinjet flew over to the top of the building and Bonnie watched as Agent 13 threw a ladder down. One by one, the rogue Avengers made it up the ladder, the Falcon and the Winter Soldier sending out cover fire so Cass couldn't stop them. As soon as they were all onboard, the quinjet sped off quickly and cloaked itself, no longer visible by the naked eye.

"Merde..." Bonnie cursed, feeling a bit deflated. She couldn't help but believe that things were only going to get much, much worse.

New York City: 5:20 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: Aerokinesis
Sitwell answered the phone, although it seemed he was a bit busy. Astrad would be able to hear the sound of heavy gunfire in the background, as well as explosions and some heavy breathing. "Damn it, Lungren, can this wait?" Sitwell asked gruffly. "We're having a situation here at the Cube."

Amelia stared at Sparky for a moment, before glancing off in the direction Astrad had gone. No one seemed to really care that Maria was missing and Doctor Strange hadn't lifted a finger to help bring her back. Amelia's face scrunched up in frustration. Did no one care about anyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. these days? First there had been Maria's horrible trust falls, now this. She had assumed that Maria and Sparky were friends, but at the very least, shouldn't professional courtesy have dictated at least a little bit of concern? "Are you all out of your damn mind?!"

She marched up to the door and started banging on it. "Doctor Strange, you get out here right now! Our friend is missing because of one of your artifacts and you'll bloody well get her back from whatever dimension she's in!" Amelia demanded. The door didn't open so she started trying to blow it down with a large gust of wind, only for it to remain firmly shut. She backed on up, not noticing that the ring Sparky had on her was starting to glow, before running at the door and throwing her entire weight into it.

Nothing. Amelia was flung onto the ground, the door just as shut as it had been before.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
Runa raised a slight eyebrow at the X-Men's attempts to activate her power. It was a simple concept, but one that mortals still appeared to struggle with from time to time. The Mage combined their shields into one large bubble and offered her his hand. "This may hurt a bit," she warned him, taking his hand. With her other hand, she took Klara's. She had put her arm through the open circle of her staff, so that way she could hold it while taking the hand over her fellow magic users. "I banish that which does not serve me," she cast. A dark wind rushed through the room, blowing up against the monkeys. The knives vanished, as did the majority of the creatures, leaving by her count less than forty.

She felt incredibly drained by that, having needed to rely upon Klara and Edus' magical strength in order to complete the spell. She let go of their hands, her head pounding slightly. She gripped her staff properly, using it to steady herself. "The X-Men cannot be harmed here today," she lied. She hoped that one of the mortals would contradict her - if not, she had faith that her cousin would.

Neil was swaying slightly, unsteady on his feet. His wound wasn't losing bloody rapidly anymore, but nothing the Asgardian had done had managed to give him blood back. The precious red liquid was all over the ground around him and his shirt was so stained even Wolverine would've been impressed. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision and concentrate on what was going on. Banner had turned into his Hulk form and Neil couldn't help but feel anxious, worried that Banner would go after all of them once he finished with the monkeys. The knives were gone and the monkeys were down to a pretty low number, their obnoxious screeching was making him a bit tempted to turn off his hearing aids.

It was a bit hard to get a telekinetic grip, the monkeys were still pretty active and Neil's head wasn't quite feeling right. He kept on trying to rip out their throats, figuring it would be the easiest way to kill these things. He really hoped none of the Asgardians present would turn out to be the Goddess of Monkeys, as that would be awkward to say the least. Despite his challenges in focusing and using his powers though, he managed to knock down six of the monkeys in the hoard - and while it wasn't a lot, it was definitely at least a noticeable amount now.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telepathy
Guin sighed, seeing that her strategy hadn't worked. The monkeys apparently were vibing with Justin Bieber's music, rather than running away in terror like she had hoped. That did not go at all like how I'd imagined it, she grumbled to Pietro. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, switch it up, will you? My ears are bleeding and it isn't making the chimps run away," she asked her A.I. A moment later, a better song filled the room - Mr. Blue Sky. Guin grinned, nodding her head in time to the music. The tide was finally turning in their favor after the goth chick, apparently the future Mrs. Banner, caused a majority of the monkeys to vanish and got rid of all the knives. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Guin shot up into the air, charging up her uni-beam. She went large blasts towards clumps of monkeys, managing to hit and knock out about six of them - the rest of the monkeys were more agile than she had expected, so they jumped out of the way of her blasts. A lot of people were seriously injured and they needed to finish off this latest round of humiliation that Loki had arranged for them. She'd never be able to properly enjoy watching Dwayne the Rock Johnson in the latest Jumanji movies again - and more annoyingly, she'd never be able to sigh contentedly at Karen Gillain's midriff. "Come on, we've almost finished off these assholes! Whoever gets rid of the most monkeys I'll give $10,000 to!"

When lacking in inspiration, bribery was always a good idea.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Floor 21 -> Lobby
Skills: N/A

"I'm fine," Runa mumbled to Nadia when they were alone. She was used to telling people that - that she was fine, there was no need to worry, the marks on her arms were from an accident out in the garden, everything was alright. She felt like the Ten of Swords card illustration in reality though - ten blades piercing into her flesh as she just struggled to keep on moving. Everything felt surreal and bleak. The day before, she hadn't even thought remotely about the end of all life - she had been alive, living a (miserable and unhappy) life in Norway. And now, now she wasn't even sure what or who she was.

Runa stared at Klara in shock when she returned. The cat on her shoulders was surprising - she didn't think this was the sort of trip to bring pets on. She also didn't realize you could have pets in the afterlife. Had the cat died a warrior's death and been brought to Valhalla? Had Klara purchased the pet down at the same shop where Runa had received her staff that day? Did the cat just... sneak in or wander in somehow? She had so many questions and those questions only compounded once she saw what the cat had clutched in its teeth - a knife. "Is the cat..." Runa's question died off. She wasn't even really sure what to ask as she got into the elevator with the others. It wasn't long until they were in the lobby where the others were waiting. Runa's courage was rapidly dying.

February 17th, 2021 - 10:30 AM

Outside the Mutant Underground HQ -

James and Sapphire would receive a text from Veil - Jack is sus. Emma Frost may be manipulating him. Have Glimpse ready for psychic rescue. ETA 10 min.

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
Casper shook his finger seriously. "Nope, I never talk to myself. I give horrible advice, so it's really best if I just tune myself out," he told her with a slight grin. It was hard to tell whether or not Casper was being serious. Even now that he was sober, he still smelled crazy - he was like a bunch of deranged cats were trying to imagine how human beings were supposed to act. But given his parents, it wasn't that surprising - both of them had mental issues of one flavor or another.

"That's shockingly self aware of you," Ben mused.

"Aww, thanks Ben!" Casper squealed, beaming. "And maybe they're called smurfs? I guess it'd make sense if the elf called them that, since they were blue and smelly and kept on popping up all over the place. You couldn't take a piss without one of them showing up and looking. Not that I'm shy or anything, but it's spelled c-o-n-s-e-n-t you know? Not just anyone gets to see my magic wand."

Ben sighed. "Casper, she's, like, twelve... Can you not talk about your dick? This feels like an HR violation."

"Fiiiiiine," Casper whined. "But as for the fighting thing, I don't really do that. My official job here is to be cute, get cuddles from James, and provide insightful commentary on the fashion choices of the villain of the week. My mutation lets me make a whiny ass appear named Ben, so I can't help out much."


"Ben, can you not right now? I'm talking to the youth of tomorrow or the elderly of today or whatever the expression is! The middle aged of yesteryear?"


Location: The Car
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
"Glad to hear it," Veil told Feedback with a slight smile. Her pain from having her hair yanked on had faded away pretty quickly - she was a mutant in the United States after all, she had to be made of stronger stuff than most. She took a breath and concentrated. Once they went down into a tunnel she used her powers, causing the car to seemingly vanish and disappear. She figured that likely someone might notice the car wasn't there anymore, but hopefully the change in light as they went through the tunnel would be enough to persuade them from screaming muties!!!

"I'll shave my head if you shave yours," Veil bargained with Spark Plug. She had no intention of shaving her hair. As messy and wild as it was, she loved it. She had surrendered so much of her identity in order to lead the Mutant Underground. Her hair was the last bit of her former self left around - the last part of a girl who didn't have the weight of the world on her shoulders. If she ever got tired of going by Veil, Atlas wouldn't have been a bad fit.

The mutants that they saved, even the others in the Mutant Underground, their lives moved forward. The real challenge of being the leader was that Veil had to remain still. She had to stay in an endless cycle, losing more and more pieces of herself with the more she was needed by the hopeless and helpless. One day, she'd mean everything to everyone - and be nothing to herself. She would just be her job. It was a chilling realization, but there wasn't anything she could do about it. Heroes sacrificed themselves all the time, just in different ways.

She didn't hear Jack muttering under his breath, otherwise she might have said something. "I'm going to see if Max and Sunshine are back," she lied, pulling out her phone and texting the two people she had left in charge - James and Sapphire.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Enhanced Accuracy
Sunshine turned sharply and stared at Max. She couldn't believe the words she was hearing. The anger set her heart on fire. There were so many things about him that she despised, she couldn't even think of them all at once. "You abandoned Erg and then you joined the people who killed him!" Sunshine screamed at Max. "You don't get to ask me to be united with you, idiot! You're the one who can never pick a side! You'll get tired of the Mutant Underground soon and join the X-Men, probably. Or maybe the Avengers. Or the Fantastic Four. Anything so that way you can feel powerful and once you get bored, you'll move on because you don't care about people - you just care about nice clothes and soap!"

She was so enraged that she went further into the room and grabbed the first thing she found - a baseball - and threw it at Max as hard as she could. The baseball hit him in the groin. She didn't show it off very often, but Sunshine also had the mutant power of perfect accuracy - she could never miss a shot. "And whatever, no one's been here for years! This place is abandoned!" She then took a step backwards, her foot brushing up on a nearly invisible wire. Ropes came from out of nowhere and they encased Sunshine as they yanked her up high towards the ceiling. The lights in the room flashed.

"Max, this isn't funny!!!" Sunshine blamed Max for this. Everything was always his fault.

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 1:20 A.M.

The door creaked open softly as Oliver knocked. Inside, the room was cast in shadows. There were two living figures in the room - one was on the bed, covered in blankets and breathing softly. The other was sitting on the chair, a solemn expression on his face. It was hard to identify any features in the dark, but the figure would look almost familiar nonetheless.

"Olly, Olly, Olly... I was beginning to wonder if you were going to show up," the seated figure said, his voice tinged with relief and sadness. His voice was so incredibly familiar, it was as if... The figure stood up, stepping forward and into the light. He looked just like Oliver, only older with a gigantic burn scar on his right eye. "There are so many things I could say to you... But even now, I just hear these words echoing back to me. The good news is, you're right. Iron Man was replaced by a skrull last week. The bad news is, well... You won't like what I do next. But you can't avoid or change destiny," the man said.

There was a sudden blur of movement. The form on the bed was no longer breathing.

The Astral Plane: ???

Maria had so far touched two different sides of the cube. The first side she touched was no longer glowing. The second one currently was. With only four sides left remaining, she essentially had four more possible options for returning to Earth - assuming that one of these was even designed to return her there. Fortunately, there weren't any issues with oxygen in this ghastly and spooky looking plane of existence. Ectoplasm was floating through the air and every now and then, a face would be illuminated - some of them would even be identifiable to her as different prominent psychics.

New York City: 6:20 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: 616 169th Street, Queens
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Hand-to-Hand Combat
"Funny, we weren't the ones who started this fight," Bucky pointed out to Kwassi. His super soldier serum was pumping through his veins, keeping him from succumbing to the paralysis. His limbs were a little stiffer, his reaction times just a little slower. But while he wasn't an official member of the Avengers, it was clear that Bucky was of the appropriate caliber to go toe to toe with people like Thor and the Hulk. "But we will be the ones to end it," Bucky threatened. He swung a punch and missed, but then managed to grab Kwassi's right wrist with his metal arm. Bucky applied pressure, starting to twist it.

"Ma'am, when was the last time S.H.I.E.L.D. was held accountable? Signing ourselves over to their command would just be a way for us to shirk our personal responsibility and let others take the fall for our actions," Captain America argued. One of his legs and one of his arms wasn't responding at all, but he wasn't going to stop. He could do this all day. "What checks and balances are there for S.H.I.E.L.D.? The safest hands are our own." He then threw his shield, aiming for a non-lethal blow but he put too much power into it. The shield went THWACK against Cass' head and her skull would feel like it was vibrating.

Hawkeye was quick to read the room. They couldn't be taken prisoner. He shot an arrow through the hole in the window and the arrow attached itself to the roof of the building next door. He grabbed onto Cap with one hand and helped him along, running out the window as they crashed on through. The arrow/bow/cable combo served as a grappling hook, swinging them on across the way.

The Falcon had Bonnie pinned. She tried to break his grip, but his strength was too much for her. She needed to find some way to trick him, to be clever, in order to get free. She wasn't able to do this by brawn alone. But as fate would have it, Falcon noticed his buddies fleeing the scene. He got the idea. He had giant metal wings folded back on him already, so escapes were easy. He got up off of Bonnie, heading for the exit.

She threw three throwing knives after him - two missed, but one hit dead on. It was lodged into the back of his neck. But by some miracle for Falcon, it didn't hit anything vital. He was able to keep on running outside, his wings splaying as he reached out a hand to grab the Winter Soldier, and the two of them then flew over to the next building to rejoin their allies.

Unless they went in pursuit, the fight was over. Bonnie silently cursed. They had needed a win there. Now, Captain America was going to go and radicalize even more people. They would have the Civil War that Hill had been so afraid of. Hero would fight hero and at the end of the day, there wouldn't be anyone left to protect the people. They would cause so much destruction instead of being able to build something better.

New York City: 5:10 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: N/A
Strange waved his hands and a bubble of sorts formed around the dagger. The bubble pulsed with light, followed by a similar glow from the blade. "This blade is named Lyting, owned by Raynor, God of Light and Lies... Previously by Frigg, Goddess of Witchcraft and Marriage and forged by... Eitri of Nidavellir," Strange murmured. "The blade was cursed by Frigg so that way only the soul bound to it would be able to hold it without pain. It's more effective than a worthiness enchantment, although not foolproof as I imagine you have learned, Dr. Sparks. It cannot distinguish between its bound soul and their soulmate."

All of this magic talk was going completely over Amelia's head. The names all sounded like people from Lord of the Rings to her. She knew that gods and all were real - everyone did since Thor was a member of the Avengers and not at all camera shy. Still though, she hadn't ever really heard of Frigg and all. Raynor was apparently Sparky's husband - meaning she was married to a god? She looked over at Astrad, hoping he would be just as confused and baffled, but she couldn't see much of an expression on his face. Her only hint towards how he was doing was the bit of snow he had conjured up and that probably spoke more towards boredom than anything else.

"... Sorry, what's going on again?" Amelia asked, really hoping that she could get a quick recap. She got that Sparky wanted Strange's help in finding her husband, but she was really confused as to why Strange was going all in depth on the lore on this knife. It certainly looked like a cool knife, but she wasn't sure how it was going to help them.

"Ironically Dr. Sparks, you do not need my services. This dagger would suffice as a compass on its own. But as you have come all this way, I will at least cast the spell for you as asked," Strange announced. He started to levitate and suddenly, it looked like he had ten arms as he began some intricate magic. A third eye appeared on his forehead. "He's on Asgard. Now, I am very busy, so I must," Strange began, as suddenly the scene shifted and they were all out on the sidewalk, "ask that you do not call again unless it is a dire emergency. Good luck!" the door then slammed shut.

"... What.... But... Maria..." Amelia stuttered, blinking rapidly.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck -> the Galley
Skills: N/A

"Dear gods, what's got his knickers all bunched up?" Leda commented with a bit of a whistle. Demetri had gone from zero to one hundred incredibly quickly. She knew that Kiera hadn't done anything to him since they had been on watch duty together. It was possible he was just another stupid teenage guy with no handle on his emotions, but she suspected that maybe Mary had turned into a gorilla or something and whacked him upside the head. "Did you do something to him? I wouldn't blame you if you did, I'd just be a bit cross you didn't let us watch," she told the daughter of Demeter. Mary definitely was in a mood - it reminded Leda a bit of the way Demeter in the stories would act when Persephone was down in the Underworld.

"Pfft, if he wanted advice on girls, I guess there are worse people he could've gone to for help," she said, chuckling a bit. She smirked slightly as Kiera gave her a kiss on the cheek, before taking her new girlfriend's hand and following her down to the galley. Leda piled her plate high with breakfast food, easily taking enough for three high school football players to consume. She figured there would be a lot of times where her speed would come in handy during their stops that day and she didn't want to be running around on an empty stomach. That was one thing that DC comics got right - the speedster metabolism was a beast.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

Nancy's foul mood only deepened, seeing the way that Waverley treated the curse so gleefully. She had thought that cursing her to only speak in rhymes would be enough to teach her a lesson, but clearly more was needed. It baffled her to learn that Waverley thought this was a prank war. But her confusion was swept aside as Waverley went nuclear, accusing Nancy of having feelings of lust towards her aunt Diana. Diana wasn't known for being merciful towards those who wanted to sleep with her and then for Nancy, the thought of being intimate with anyone made her want to puke. It also made her feel like ants were crawling all over skin - as if she was unclean just from the very idea.

She was surprised to hear Emily defend her first - Nancy had a lot of complicated emotions towards Bacchus. He seemed to be the living embodiment of the Lotus Hotel, of the men that night when they... Nancy forced the thought to end before its conclusion. She didn't want to remember what had happened. "Thanks, Emily," she said earnestly. "I'm glad to know you think I'm cool. You're not bad yourself. Now as for what Waverley said... If you ever say something even remotely like that again, I'll ensure that every time you pick up an instrument to play, it will not be in tune. You'll never perform a successful song again. And if that somehow isn't enough to teach you not to tell lies about me, you're going to wish that Pluto was determining your punishment and not me."

Nancy breathed out through her nose, but she was still enraged. She had no idea how Lupa had determined this one was ready for the Twelfth Legion. She wasn't going to spend any further time on Waverley right now, but she had to defend her reputation and her honor. She hoped that Madalyne understood. Nancy bit her lip slightly, hearing that her aunt wanted to speak to her alone. The hunters were going to escort them up to see Atlas - a nice favor and it was a good sign that Waverley hadn't completely destroyed relations between the Hunt and the Roman Legion. Nancy nodded at Madalyne, putting her twin blades away. She didn't need them out to speak with her aunt.

"Aunt Diana... If this is about what Waverley said, it's not true at all. I swear on the River Styx. She's never even been to my villa and I wouldn't do anything to dishonor you like that. She's just being totally grody."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Nearing Camelot
Skills: N/A

"You do know which end is the one you strike with, yes?" she asked her brother seriously, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Merlin gave the group alibi, indicating that they were pretending to be wedding guests. She had to wonder if wedding guests in Camelot typically carried swords around. She supposed that it probably wouldn't be too unusual, as this place was all about knights and whatnot. Their entire government was based on whoever a woman in a lake gave a sword to as well. She still didn't believe that birth rights were such a thing and she didn't have any intention on 'ruling' Camelot. She would help to raid the city of its oppressors, but then they could have a democracy or something or whatever the people wanted. She was a medical examiner, not a politician.

They were rather close to Camelot now - she could see the walls up ahead. Caravans of people were attempting to enter, with some of them being searched by guards. She frowned ever so slightly. She doubted that the guards would be thrilled to see excalibur, as she assumed that they would be allied with Morgana and Maleficent. And even if excalibur wasn't an issue, they had on them a lot of possessions from their world. If someone had an iPhone with them, how would the guards react to what would appear to be alien tech?

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telepathy
Oops. Guin had forgotten to verbally report the results of her telepathic investigation to everyone else. She had gotten accustomed to Pietro just learning what she had going on in her head instantly, especially since they had just gotten back to New York after a lengthy honeymoon. Her honeymoon had been uneventful, which was surprising given the events happening for the superhero community - with her father battling Captain America in a civil war, only for the shocking reveal of an alien race called the skrulls. From the photos Tony had showed her, they looked a lot like the little green aliens from Toy Story.

She frowned, hearing what Iris said to Mira. That wasn't right. She was about to verbally scold Mira, but she thought better of it, instead using her telepathy to speak directly into Iris' mind: You didn't make her do shit to you. You're a cool person, Iris. Don't let Mira kick you around, okay? She made a mental note to keep an eye on Mira and Iris after all of this was over. Iris' behavior was uncomfortably similar to a victim of abuse. And as much as Guin was constantly cracking jokes, she really did care about the others on the X-Men - she didn't want to be part of a team that just tore each other down like that.

Before Guin could dispense any further Older Sibling(TM) wisdom, though, Iris rolled and their next threat appeared. Monkeys. She wasn't too worried about them at first, figuring that they'd be pretty easy. That all changed though as their situation went from mildly annoying to horrible. The Asgardian had woken up the goth chick and somehow, the monkeys now had knives. Guin had been expecting them to throw poop around, not cutlery! The monkeys were crazy and formidable, cutting up Pietro's arms and quickly overwhelming them - Guin blinked and found herself safely back in her armor just in time, before the monkeys tackled her and her husband to the ground. The monkeys were apparently limitless in number as more and more were coming.

"We're the X-Men, we're not losing to monkeys damn it! We'll be the laughing stock of X themed superhero teams!" Guin exclaimed, before unleashing her suit's uni-beam. It blasted the monkeys off of her, letting her fly back on up to hover above them. She was a little bit worried about them trying to grab at the feet on her suit. "What do monkeys like? Bananas?" The ones she blasted were already getting back up and everyone seemed to be drowning in chimps. She blasted the ones on Pietro with her repulsors, managing to chase them off of him.

She then got an idea. She loved reading the Percy Jackson books. If violence couldn't get rid of all of these monkeys, maybe horrible music would! "F.R.I.D.A.Y, play the worst song in the world full blast!" Guin instructed her A.I. She couldn't help but snicker when she saw the song F.R.I.D.AY. started to play as loudly as possible in the Hangar: Baby by Justin Bieber.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
Neil nodded, accepting Carolina's offer of mutual protection. He liked the arrangement, as she was one of the people on the team that he trusted completely. He mostly trusted pretty much everyone in the Dungeons and Dragons group, but the older members of the team were a bit weird at times. Case in point, he was pretty certain that Quicksilver wouldn't hesitate to kill everyone if it meant saving Iron Star. He didn't have much time to think about the weird dynamics of the X-Men though, as Iris rolled and killer monkeys with knives appeared. He half expected to hear them in a thick New York accent proclaim what borough they came from as they slashed and stabbed.

One of them knocked Neil to the ground, the world spinning as he felt a sharp and sudden pain in his stomach. It felt like being stung by a thousand angry bees at once and Neil tried to whack the monkey off, only to feel something wet and sticky. He pulled his hand away, dazed slightly at the sight of his own blood. He had been stabbed in the gut by a monkey - one of the most dangerous spots for a wound like that. He tried to use his powers to fling the monkeys off of him, but he couldn't quite manage it. It was only one the second time with all of his focus that he managed it and Neil slowly stood to his feet, clutching his wound with one hand. His head was spinning as he inched towards Carolina, trying to get back to back with her.

... Why was Justin Bieber music playing???

Runa's eyes snapped open and she rose to her feet. There were monkeys everywhere, strange creatures that she did not quite recognize. She reached her hand out and her staff, Gandr, flew to her. She closed her eyes and opened them again, seeing the world in terms of magic. The monkeys she realized had been summoned and enhanced with magical abilities. She took a breath, planting her staff in the ground in front of her as she began to cast. Her staff glowed a soft black. The spellwork was intricate, but she attempted to dispel it in order to cause the monkeys to revert to normal.

"I require the aid of another mage in ending this spell," she said calmly, as if the room was not being overrun by monkeys and horrible music.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

"Only a shrug? No standing ovation? Tough crowd," Nancy commented, shaking her head slightly. Niah's non-reaction hadn't really been what she was looking for - at least Madalyne said what she found was perfect. She'd just have to up her game a little bit more, she thought with a smirk. Maybe she would see if she could cause the dragon to explode by her singing. That would definitely cause their jaws to drop. She cared a lot about her friends and keeping them safe, but Nancy was also very prideful. She liked people being impressed and in awe of her deeds. It was the type of attention she wanted - unlike the attention she had received back in Vegas on the strip.

"I think that's a good plan though - Niah first, she can fly as needed, and if we slip we'll just dangle from her," Nancy mused. "It'll definitely beat scaling things in war games," she chuckled. She hoped that neither of them were afraid of heights. They didn't bother her really. She wasn't scared of going up high - she didn't feel a sense of panic at the thought of falling. She had her own fears to deal with.

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