Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

February 17th, 2021 - 10:50 AM

Let's get this wrapped up folks. Once we resolve the Jack situation, we'll be moving onto the next episode - I'm itching to move on and get to the good stuff!

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
"Why does everyone always think that I'm high?" Casper whined. "I'm sober. Look, I can prove it even, ask me a math problem! Anything that a third grader could do. Nothing more advanced than that, I'm not Einstein, and believe me the public schools in New Orleans were not that great... Wait, Ben, did I even go to public school? Or did I just block it all out?" he asked his ghostly companion.

"You skipped most days," Ben reminded him. "And you were expelled for putting laxatives in the food for the junior prom."

Casper snickered, remembering how much fun that had been. He wasn't usually a prankster sort, but one of his friends had talked him into it. They had done some edibles, showed up to prom, and decided to make an epic event out of it. So many people had been wearing white dresses or tuxedos going in - so many were in a lovely shade of brown as they left. He stumbled slightly backwards and took a seat at the table, brushing some debris off of the table and letting it hit the ground. His head was pounding like nobody's business and each laugh hurt, but he couldn't help himself. It was too good a memory to look back on.

"Wait, who gave you that? I wasn't paying attention," he asked Zarina, coming back to reality.

"Magneto!" Ben shouted in Casper's ear. Casper jumped and fell out of the chair, hitting the ground hard and bruising up his elbow.

"Damn it Ben, rude!" Casper complained.


Location: Mutant Underground Garage
Skills: Quebecois
Veil snapped to attention as Callie produced some homemade ketchup and fell into a giggling fit. She didn't understand M-Pox at all. One moment, people seemed fine and normal - the next, they were ready to be sent into the loony bin, as if they were at the mercy of some plague god who was rolling the dice just to see what would happen. "Deep breaths, okay?" she urged her friend. Her eyes were on Spark Plug as Feedback talked, yet Veil listened intently to her theory. Sunshine's primary ability was to spread disease. With the M-Pox crisis raging on, she could understand why some people would be afraid of the teenager. "You might be onto something, Feedback. I imagine Glimpse might be able to find the answer in Jack's mind..."

She trailed off at Sapphire's jarring news. What had gone on exactly with Echo since they left? "What... His legs...," she began to ask. Only seconds later, her twin brother showed up, rushed her, and began squeezing her tightly. She studied his face, seeing the wetness of his eyes, and Veil hugged him back. "Je t'aime aussi1" Veil mumbled to her twin. She was a private person with emotions, and at least not everyone around spoke French. "Après ça, nous allons parler, d'accord2?" she then added. It wasn't a request.

"Where's Glimpse? Sapphire, can you grab her and get her in here ASAP?" Veil then asked. "And James too, someone needs to get Spark Plug sorted. Then I want everyone together to debrief what happened."


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival
"Was it an accident when you joined the people who killed Erg?!" Sunshine shouted down at Max. Bits of twine and whatnot were stuck in her teeth from her attempts to gnaw herself free from the rope cage. And as much as she wanted out, she wasn't going to let Max have the final word in the argument. If joining the people who murdered Erg was how Max moved on from the past, then Sunshine was perfectly happy to cling to it. Her eyes widened slightly as he summoned a knife and threw it at her... and missed pathetically. "Seriously?! You throw like a Barbie!" Sunshine shouted.

"Are you trying to make a fool of yourself? Because with the fancy clothes and the stupid hair and the drooling over people and setting everything on fire, it really seems like it. It's not that hard to throw things and hit your target! If you're throwing the knife at me, you have to mean it, damn it Max! Look at my forehead, visualize the knife hitting it, and then fucking throw it and kill me. And if you can't do that, then you're more of a loser than I thought." Sunshine then went back to gnawing on the rope, confident that Max would miss again.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Perception, Battle Strategy
Guin could have chosen to not be petty - she was perfectly capable of just nodding at Edus' comment and accepting that maybe he had some musical knowledge. After all, he had saved Pietro's life a few turns back. "Dear god, I think Edus has been replaced by a skrull who digs music," she quipped. She noticed Lance decide to start flirting with the goth Asgardian chick in the middle of battle and she had to resist the urge to instruct F.R.I.D.A.Y. to record the entire reaction so Guin could make a set of reaction gifs out of it.

The vines were apparently a problem, even with the goth's spell preventing any member of the X-Men from getting hurt. Iris was making flames after flames and while the vines were on fire, they weren't breaking. "Huh, so fire does shit all to them. Lovely." Guin's mind kept bouncing back and forth, wondering if any of the weapons in her Iron Star armor would actually hurt the plants then. She considered her repulsors, uni-beam, and lasers to be different from fire - but these were magic vines, so maybe they wouldn't share her definition. There wasn't much point in wondering though - experimentation was the way to go here, so Guin shrugged slightly and let the vines have everything. She fired off her uni-beam, repulsor blasts, and even used her precision laser!

BAM. Bethany was down. BOOM. Mira was free. ZAP. Neil was out.

"Hey babe, mind catching those people?" Guin called out to her husband.

"Sure thing," he responded as he zipped around catching people and setting them on the ground.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
Vines had ensnared him, like a snake constricting around its prey. Neil really hoped that the Asgardian's spell had worked out, as he didn't want to be killed by plants of all things. His wound at least wasn't bothering him as much anymore - probably since the raw fear and terror pumping through him as the plants lifted him off the ground and into the air was one hell of a distraction. He let out a whimper/scream, kicking his legs as if that would help him somehow. Annie had been freed by one of the Asgardians and Neil's eyes widened as Stark fired off a LASER AT HIM! He shut his eyes instinctively, feeling the grip of the vines vanish and then he was falling. He screamed, only to feel a pair of sturdy, muscular arms catch him - he couldn't help but feel like he had just been caught by a Greek God or something.

When he opened his eyes and realized that Quicksilver had saved him, he threw up slightly in his mouth. He really hoped none of the telepaths had heard that thought of his... At any rate, he focused his energy up at the two people still ensnared by the plants. He used his telekinesis and ripped apart the vines that had caught Elizabeth, before then using his powers to catch her/slow her descent to the ground. He put her down as gently as he could, before turning his attention to Iris. It didn't work at first - maybe the vines being on fire were interfering. But he tried again, hoping to free his teammate. "Iris, can you stop flailing?" Neil asked. He couldn't really pull it off.

"Hello," she said softly to Lance. She gave him a slight smile, although it faded when the vines charged towards them. There was work to do and a more serious nature took over her. Runa knew that they needed to retrieve this game board in order to proceed and end Loki's spell. Fortunately, she was familiar with the magic used to enchant it, as it was the same magic used to trap her inside of it. She began to chant softly under her breath, casting a tracking spell so she could pinpoint where the game had been taken. She divined the location of the game and raised an eyebrow. The game was being dragged towards a giant yellow carnivorous pod. "There," she called out, pointing at it. She conjured orbs of darkness in her hands and then threw them out, tendrils elongating and wrapping around the game as she played tug of war against the vines.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - the Galley
Skills: Greek Mythology

Leda nodded as she heard Demetri's questions, smearing some marmalade on a piece of toast as she munched on it thoughtfully. While she felt obligated to help the new demigod out, her primary duty was to her stomach. She didn't even notice the cheeky wink he gave her, which likely was for the best. Sons of Zeus, winking at girls? That was a story she did not want to live out. She also wasn't too bothered by Arthur's lack of interest and attention. He was probably majorly depressed and traumatized at this point, so the fact that he was putting sentences together was impressive to her.

"You joke, Isley, but it'd be a real pity if your Iris Messages never went through," Leda teased. She didn't mind the title Princess Rainbow Unicorn. She finished her piece of toast, a bit tempted to burp but she refrained, trying to be a bit lady like. "Maybe Morpheus? He's the god of dreams and all," she answered with a shrug. "I don't know anything about a shrine to Phoebus in the Pit. Fun fact, that's where monsters go when you kill 'em. They reform in the Pit and when they're ready, they pop on out, like Lauryn said."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

"Pfft, for Apollo to teach me how to shoot, he'd have to remember I exist," Nancy said. She blushed a bit red a second later, hoping that she hadn't offended Diana or anything with that. She had issues when it came to her father and she knew the way he apologized was through gifts. He hadn't noticed when she was trapped in the Den of the Lotus Eaters for decades. She doubted that he would even notice if she died on this quest. Oh, wait, I had a kid named Nancy? She died? I missed the funeral? Whoops, my bad. "Thank you, Lady Diana, again," Nancy said, slinging the bow over her shoulder. She did an awkward little head bow, before leaving the tent to rejoin the others.

Outside, she noticed that people seemed to be crowded around Prometheus. She couldn't help but be wary of the titan. Only Niah, Mads, and Marco were there - she wondered briefly if Emily had gone off to kill Waverley somewhere. She walked up to the trio. "What did I miss? Anything very?" she inquired. Marco was off to the side staring at some sort of makeup compact from what she could tell. She hoped it was a magic item, and not that he was concerned about having an acne breakout or something.

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 1:50 A.M.

Nothing seems to be making sense, is it? Oh well.... Let's get on with the story!

The ocean sounds were still coming off from somewhere in the distance, although Niah would not be able to hear them. The head stopped screaming, growing still in Niah's hands. Perhaps the universe realized that such a thing shouldn't have been possible. Had her hearing been operating, she would have heard footsteps before the face loomed into view - a dark skinned man, one eye covered with an eyepatch.

"Any of you motherfuckers want to tell me what's going on?" Nick Fury, ex-Director of SHIELD, demanded. And had Niah been using her super hearing, she would have noticed that he had no heartbeat.

Ellis Island - New York: 7:30 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: Ellis Island: Quinjet
Skills: Blessing of Athena, Intuition
The quinjet touched down on Ellis Island in the large and expansive field, about a football field away from Team Captain America. Bonnie's heart was beating incredibly fast, knowing that they were about to do something that they couldn't turn away from - they couldn't just take this back. The events happening today would be brief but their consequences would ring for years, maybe even decades to come. Even though Flynn had been replaced with a skrull, she could imagine what he would have done - he would have defected to Cap's side, throwing his flames in a rage.

As they got off of the plane, Bonnie let out a slight sigh. No one had made a move to attack yet. Iron Man and the others were all assembled into a line - on the other side, she could see that Captain America's side was all in a line as well. It looked like the start of a sporting match, as if this had just been a friendly skirmish and not the first (and hopefully last) superhuman Civil War. "I've got a bad feeling about this," Bonnie mumbled to Cass. The group then moved forward, decreasing the distance between them and Captain America's group until they were only twenty feet away.

Something was really bugging her, eating away at her. She recognized a lot of people who had sided with Captain America. Hawkeye was the only one that hurt. The only one she felt an emotional connection to.

"Last chance to surrender, Cap," Iron Man called out, wearing his full armor.

".... You didn't assemble a small army to come here and talk, Tony."

"Neither did you."

Folly Valeska

Location: Ellis Island: Far Field
Skills: Regenerative Healing Factor (Passive)
Folly's life had fallen into a bizarre rhythm since she escaped the mental hospital. She had fled the country and went to her ancestral home, Romania. She had stayed there for a while, until the voices got too much and she woke up covered in blood - for the safety of those around, she moved. She kept on going from place to place, having a complete breakdown that resulted in a need to move, and so the cycle repeated. She made a bit of a name for herself as a mercenary, ending up in Madripoor at one point.

It had been by chance that she was in New York when all of this went down. Wolverine had found her in a dive bar. He had asked - no, insisted that she join them all on this quest, pointing out that if registration went through, she'd be put back in a mental ward. Or even worse, she'd be taken into SHIELD custody and placed in a coma for the rest of her life.

"Are you actually that young?" Folly asked Elizabeth. She gave her a strange sort of smile. Her life had started going odd when she was young. The ugly, prominent scar on her neck was proof of that. She hadn't bothered covering it up with a scarf today.

A screech sounded off in the air, as Iron Man's uni-beam fired off, slamming into Captain America's shield. The first shot of the war had been fired.

Asgard - Breidablik: 11:20 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: The Meadows of Nanna
Skills: N/A
"Mate, you sure she speaks English? I never like it in the movies when everyone just assumes the aliens or whatever can speak English, it seems kinda silly that our language should be the universal standard," Amelia said softly to Sparky. The singer's image looked rather strange to her - her form was shifting. Her hair seemed almost animated, reminding Amelia of cherry blossom trees. The woman's eyes were a glowing amber and she radiated warmth - Amelia's heart couldn't help but feel light and airy, filled with joy.

As if they were in some sort of Disney movie, a trio of hummingbirds - or what Amelia thought looked like them - flew on over and landed lightly on the flower crown in the woman's hair. She laughed and it sounded like the peeling of bells. "I am afraid you have me confused with a different goddess," she said, smiling at Maria. Her smile would fill Maria with joy and bring up all of her favorite memories, the things she held most dear. "My name is Nanna, Goddess of Joy and Devotional Love. Welcome to Asgard."

Amelia's jaw dropped slightly. The glowing ring had worked then - they had had the answer all along, just like Dorothy with the slippers in the Wizard of Oz. She wished that she had brought a little primer or something on the who's who of the gods and goddesses of Asgard, as she had no idea who Nanna was beyond what she just said. Devotional Love sounded a little weird, a little stalker-y to her but maybe it was just an old stuffy way for something innocent, like normal Love. "Uh, thanks! We're looking for this bloke, her husband... I guess she should probably be the one to tell you, uhhhhh, yeah."

Nanna nodded seriously, walking up to Sparky and taking her hands in hers. An intense feeling of love and warmth would wash over Sparky. "Who is your husband, little one? Marriage is within my dominion and such bonds are sacred to me."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Things were rather odd. The lack of security had been picked up by most members of the group. She wondered if things had always been like this in Camelot and if they had been, it certainly explained what it had been so easy for someone to depose King Arthur. Her father. Megan's lips quivered ever so slightly into a frown at the thought. She had to remind herself that her only real connection to him was biologic - and, she supposed, the magic sword that she now possessed. The next stop on their trip was at a rather dingy tavern, complete with a guarded door and the mention of someone called the boss.

The door locked behind them as they entered and Megan's frown only deepened. She didn't know if there was another exit, another way to get out of this tavern if they were in a hurry. She also wanted to know who the boss was. She assumed it wasn't King Arthur, as Merlin would have mentioned if he were in Camelot. She tried to think of other fairy tale beings and for a brief, fleeting moment she wondered in amusement if Peter Pan were about to stroll on out and greet them. At any rate, she was tensed and guarded, prepared for anything.

She took a seat at a table, her hand resting on her scabbard.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
Neil nodded numbly, wincing as Carolina put pressure up against his wound. Her image was going in and out of focus. "I'm fine," he mumbled, trying to reassure her. He didn't have any qualms about lying, especially if it meant that Carolina could focus her energy on keeping herself alive instead of worrying about him.

A monkey then sucker punched him in the wound and Neil inhaled sharply, feeling a level of pain similar to a kick to the groin. Malice and anger filled him as he saw red. All he wanted to do was make sure that the monkey felt a similar level of pain. He lashed out, using his telekinesis to twist the neck of the monkey. The creature fell down to the ground, no longer breathing. Neil didn't feel any regret. They had killed so many things so far that day, it would have been odd to feel bad about killing a monkey. "I'm okay," he told Carolina again, sounding a little more convincing this time.

Runa found Bethany's rejection of her lie to be a bit over exaggerated, but it was enough to work. She could feel the ancient magic stirring in her bones, aligning along the energy centers of her body. She imagined a river of light rushing towards her left hand, spilling out her fingers as she snapped them. The sound was supernaturally loud and air rushed through the wound, as the powerful protection spell took effect. The X-Men could not be harmed here today. She had been careful with the words she chose, limiting it to a time and place. Reality warps were best left controlled and small. Unfortunately, the exact phrase she used meant that she and Klara were not included in the protection, but she didn't mind. They were Asgardians, made of stronger stuff.

"In the name of Frey, I command these vines to retreat," Runa invoked, as she mentally prepared for the next spell she could cast.

Guin Stark

Location: the Blackbird Hangar
Skills: Mechanics, Problem Solving, Engineering Design
Guin was a bit irritated with everyone's comments on the music choice. Of course, she hadn't really explained what she had been trying to do with the horrible song earlier. And she wasn't in the mood to say it again for anyone who hadn't caught her slight explanation. A large part of it was since Edus of all people had to weigh in on it. She knew that he didn't like her and the feeling was mutual. Fortunately, Iris was so loud and extra that Guin was distracted before her mood could become pissy. "Yeah, 10 grand might buy you a few plaques there, but probably not more than that. Rich people love putting their name on shit."

"I'm bribing them because money is one of the great motivators of the world! Sometimes, being able to buy some nice shit is just more of a motivator than surviving the latest round in a seemingly endless series of attacks," she reasoned. Adrenaline could only last so long. People were bound to be feeling tired, if not extremely injured at this point. They had been going round after round with hardly any breaks. Case in point, her armor was clearly feeling like it was time to stop, as all of her weapons systems jammed. It must have been all the magical energy people were shooting off, tech and magic never mixed well. She cursed under her breath, quickly making repairs to her system - namely, turning it off and turning it back on again. The systems were all back online and she unleashed her fury on the monkeys, knocking the rest of them out.

"Heh, looks like I win the 10 grand."

February 17th, 2021 - 10:40 AM

Outside the Mutant Underground HQ -

Everyone will hear the garage door open and close, but no one will have seen a car pull up - this in itself isn't unusual though, given that Veil was with the away team.

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining Room
Skills: Mediumship
"Ben's my friend - and a pain in the ass, he seems to think that I lack basic responsibility and hygiene," Casper explained to Andy, rolling his eyes at the ghost in question. He loved having Ben around, but sometimes he was a complete and total nag. Ben never appreciated the lifestyle Casper led, claiming that he was "wasting" his time on Earth. It was like being the kid of someone who almost won the local beauty pageant and now expected you to win the title for them.

"You do lack basic responsibility and hygiene. If it weren't for Jack, James and me, you'd be dead," Ben pointed out frankly.

"Wait, so why did you not call yourself Sparky Sparky Boom Man, er, Woman?" Casper asked Andy, his eyes wide. "Have you never seen Avatar the Last Airbender? Do you know about our lord and savior, Prince Zuko? Have you never sung Secret Tunnel as loud as you can while high off your ass with mint oreos taped to your nipples?" he asked her seriously. By the way he was reacting, it was like Andy told him she had never heard of Star Wars or something like that.

Kristina then came in, asking if there was anything she could do. "Yes, you can explain to her the joys of Avatar the Last Airbender, pronto! This is priority number one!" The other new kid, the one with the green hair, then came in. "Have you seen Avatar?"


Location: Mutant Underground Garage
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil groaned, reading the text that came in from James. She banged her head softly up against the seat in front of her, wishing that she could take an icepick and give herself a lobotomy. She had a working theory in mind as to what all had happened. Emma Frost messed with Jack to distract them, leaving the Mutant Underground vulnerable so Magneto could go in and grab Polaris. She prayed that everyone back there was fine. James' text hadn't indicated any serious injuries, but with Magneto involved... it would have been surprising if everyone came out unscathed. "Magneto attacked while we were out. They were after Polaris. This whole thing was probably a set up by Frost to keep us away from the base," she explained to everyone.

The car then pulled up to the Mutant Underground and Spark Plug would be able to park in the garage with ease. "Everyone with me," she ordered. She wasn't going to let Jack out of her sight until Glimpse verified that he was no longer a threat. She stopped cloaking the car, since there was no way they could have been followed by this point, and the machine (and its passengers) became fully visible again. "They're all outside. We might need to assist with any injured," she then added. She got out of the car, and waited for the others to head on out. If it hadn't been for the Jack issue, she would have just gone on ahead.


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: Survival, Greek
Sunshine was dangling in the rope trap about a foot or so below the ceiling - she was nine feet off the ground. There wasn't anything within her reach that she could use to cut herself free. She felt her pockets, hoping that she had something useful, but they were entirely empty. She realized that Jack must have taken her things, but she didn't want to give Max the satisfaction of being right. Maybe the Marshmallow had been up to no good. Unfortunately though, Sunshine would rather die in a rope cage than admit to Max of all people she had been wrong.

"Why would I kill you? You're the murderer, not me!" Sunshine snapped at Max. She turned her attention upwards, figuring that maybe she could ruin the knot that was keeping her suspended on the ceiling. She didn't think Max would do anything to get her out of there - well, it was more that she didn't want his help. Every time she looked at him, all of her anger for Erg's death came rushing back to her. She forced herself into a semi-crouched position, pushing her head out through one of the gaps in the rope cage, and she tried to bite the rope keeping her suspended, figuring that she could chew her way out. The rope cage was twisting and turning slightly with each movement she made, with there being a nonzero probability that she would end up killing herself with this stunt.

"Ηλίθιος γαμημένος καθαρός, ηλίθιος γαμημένος Max," she cursed in Greek, spitting slightly. Her mouth tasted like rope.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Lobby
Skills: N/A

Runa blinked rapidly, processing the onslaught of information Klara had given her. The cat had been on quests and knew how to... stab people? Maybe her brain was overheating and all of this had been a construction of her dying synapses, randomly firing off as she drowned. It would make a lot more sense than everything that was going on currently. She just sort of nodded numbly as Arnora assured her that she was in good hands - or paws, Runa supposed. She didn't even have mental space to wonder about if Elizabeth was a common name back in the era Klara had been alive. She flinched as there was a gigantic flash of light, followed by the appearance of a present of some sorts.

She was very curious as to what was in the box, but she had a feeling it would only make her more confused about everything. She walked forward with the rest of them, heading down the flight of stairs. She poked her head out of the door slightly, her jaw dropping as she saw gigantic branches, like they were in a giant treehouse of sorts looking out. "So to get to Earth we... we climb this tree," Runa murmured, trying to decide if she felt totally insane or not. "What happens if we fall?" she asked nervously.

TO: jjj@dailybugle.com
FROM: jewel@thepulse.com
SUBJECT: [Pulse] Iron Man's Press Conference


This isn't going to be pretty. I can cover this beat for you, but you need to promise no civvies will be out on reporter duty. I'm sure you've seen the conference - Captain America is public enemy number one. The Avengers are going to war.

Also, my usual fee will be doubled for this - let's call it hazard pay.

Keep it sleazy,

P.S. I mean it. If I see a single civvie pounding pavement for this, I'll break your face in :-)

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 1:40 A.M.

Despite Niah's fears, she and Oliver would run into each other - literally. They would collide at an intersection in the hallway, just a few feet away from the source of the screaming. It was so incredibly cold there that they would see their breath in front of them. Oliver would begin to feel sluggish, his natural super speed ebbing away - perhaps speedsters didn't like the cold? Anyways, the lights in the hallway in front of them would start to flicker, turning off completely, before coming back on. Niah and Oliver would both see Dalisy's severed head.

Horrifyingly though, the head was still screaming.

Ellis Island - New York: 7:30 P.M.

Captain America's allies had put out the call. They knew that it was only a matter of time before they would have a full out brawl with the Pro-Registration team, so they decided to pick the time and place more or less. They had mustered in a large open field on Ellis Island. There was hardly any tech there, which would put Stark at a disadvantage. And more importantly, Captain America felt that it was symbolic of everything they were fighting to protect - the freedom of individual citizens against oppressive governments. He wasn't happy to be fighting one of his closest friends, but Cap wouldn't let his principles be ignored in the name of friendship.

He had to do this - he had to protect everyone's liberty.

He was a little disappointed with how few had come in the end. The Scarlet Witch had been a no-show. Same with Doctor Strange. Captain America looked at the small group that they had assembled, briefly registering for a moment that the only woman there was Agent 13. He gave her a slight smile. "Looks like it'll be just us. That's fine. Tony's people will be on their way soon. They're still our friends, so pull your punches - no kill shots. We're going to fight clean and fair. As long as our conviction is stronger, then we will win this fight - and more importantly, when the sun rises tomorrow, it will shine on a stronger America. We will get through this. I'm counting on each and every one of you, so Avengers.... assemble."

Team Captain America
  • Captain America/Steve Rogers - super soldier
  • The Winter Soldier/Identity Unknown - super soldier
  • Falcon/Sam Wilson
  • Hawkeye/Clint Barton
  • Agent 13/Identity Unknown
  • Black Panther/T'Challa - super soldier
  • Wolverine/Logan - healing factor, adamantium claws
  • Spider-Man/Identity Unknown
  • Breacher/Identity Unknown @The Man Emperor
  • Sparrow/Kwassi Asokho @TrainerBlue192
  • Alchemy/Elizabeth Flame @Natsu
  • Woolf/Identity Unknown @Morose - image

New York City: 7:30 P.M.

Bonnie Chase

Location: Stark Tower: Quinjet
Skills: Blessing of Athena
Maria Hill had messaged the team, instructing them to report to Stark Tower and take whatever orders Iron Man gave. Bonnie felt slightly out of place amongst all of the heavy hitters - so many people here had fantastic, terrific powers. She knew that something had happened to her back in Cardiff, but she still didn't know what. The only clue she had had so far was when asked for what codename she wanted to use, she felt a compulsion to answer Athena. It hadn't even been a choice. It was like some other force or being had already decided for her. But as terrifying as that had been, she didn't feel violated or dirty. Primarily, she just felt angry and sad.

"J.A.R.V.I.S. just got a hit for Cap - they're on Ellis Island. Once we get there, we try to convince them to register and surrender. If they don't, we hit them hard. Everyone happy with that? Good, great! Let's roll then. You'll love the new tricks the quinjet has," Tony said, chuckling slightly. His armor's helmet snapped down and he led the way outside onto a hangar of sorts where the jet was waiting. "Widow is going to fly this thing. I recommend not pissing her off," Tony added.

He then took off, flying via the Iron Man suit to Ellis Island. Captain Marvel, the Human Torch, and the Wasp flew after him. The rest of them would have to take the quinjet, since they hadn't been graced with the power to fly. People tended to stick together with those they knew - the two Fantastic Four members huddled together, and the She-Hulk went and sat next to Black Widow at the front. The S.H.I.E.L.D. crew were in the back. Bonnie couldn't help but wonder how the others were doing. Niah and Oliver hadn't gotten in contact with them yet. Neither had Sparky and Maria.

Team Iron Man:
  • Iron Man/Tony Stark - genius billionaire playboy philanthropist
  • Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
  • Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers - power cosmic
  • Mister Fantastic/Reed Richards - elongation
  • Human Torch/Johnny Storm - flame on!
  • She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters - hulk form
  • Invisible Woman/Sue Storm-Richards - invisible energy manipulation
  • The Wasp/Hope van Dyne - size manipulation
  • Angstrom/Andrew Rossi @BlueSky44
  • Titanium/Cassandra Reed @Nallore
  • Paralyzer/Matt Moss @Kirah
  • Athena/Bonnie Chase @Morose

New York City: 5:20 P.M.

Amelia Baptiste

Location: 177A Bleecker Street, Manhattan
Skills: N/A
Amelia took Astrad's hand and stood back up, giving him a look. That was an incredibly stupid idea to her. If they had learned anything from talking with Doctor Strange, it was that he didn't really seem to care what happened to Maria. How could being stuck in another dimension without back up not be dangerous? Sure, it sounded like loads of fun to Amelia, but there was the matter of choice - Maria hadn't chosen that at all. And it was pissing her off that no one here seemed to actually care about the lives of those around them.

Her irritation faded though when Sparky had a gigantic meltdown. She didn't know if it had been caused by pregnancy hormones or what. She didn't know what she could say to comfort her, since most of Sparky's ramblings honestly hadn't made sense at all. So Amelia did the only thing she knew - she walked up to the crying woman and pulled her in for a hug. Amelia's body was naturally warm and she had been complimented on her hugs before, so she hoped this would help Sparky some. "It'll be okay, mate," she said softly. "Just have yourself a good cry, okay? And then we'll figure out why your shiny ring is glowing..."

She was relieved to see Maria reappear. She wasn't going to touch the cube she was holding out though - that was a bad idea. "She's having a wee breakdown," she explained to Maria.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - the Galley
Skills: N/A

"I'm not a god caretaker," Leda said with a mouthful of food. She swallowed, before continuing. "A better term would probably be, I dunno, priestess or something. Yeah, I dig that. Call me the Priestess if you need to give a label to what I do," she said. She took another large bite of food, mulling over her recollections from her own dreams the previous night. Dreams honestly were the number one currency when it came to information for the questing demigod. Without them, they'd never show up in the right spot prepared. She winked at her girlfriend after catching her smile. She then put both of her arms up and stretched.

"Okay, crash course in dreams. They're basically godly abilities. They'll show you things as they're happening in real time usually, though I s'pose it's also possible to see things that happened in the past. Not sure the future is possible. But at any rate, your dreams are most likely real, unless you see marshmallows eating Manhattan or something. Some people spill the tea completely on quests, others keep the dreams close to the chest. Key things to look out for are titles and symbolism - like, a lot of times different gods and goddesses will have specific nicknames people like to call them. Or you might see a symbol that matches up. Oh, also look for landmarks - lot of times in our dreams we can find things and then use the information when we're waking, kinda like using MapQuest."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Diana's Tent - Base of Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

Nancy's entire body was vibrating with nerves as her aunt offered her a spot to sit and then stared her down. She didn't move a muscle at first, only relaxing once Diana confirmed that she believed her. She slowly took a seat, wondering if that was all or if the Goddess of the Hunt had more to talk to her about. The chest placed down in front of her only furthered her confusion. From what myths she recalled, goddesses and special boxes were never really a good sign. But as much as she was worried and tense, she also couldn't help but be in awe. Diana was the original tomboy, the first badass. She didn't need a man to tell her what to do and she was the best hunter in the world. There was a reason that Nancy prayed to her.

"... Me? You want me to join the Hunt?" Nancy repeated, looking stunned. It was as if Stevie Nicks had just asked Nancy to go on tour with her - like if Joan Jett had invited her to join the Runaways. Nothing could ever be as rad as that moment. She so wanted to say yes, to pledge herself to the Hunt and travel the world hunting down cool monsters while learning from the very best. Yet she couldn't do that. She still had a duty to Rome and her friends. She couldn't leave them behind, especially not now, with the horrific prophecies she and Alexandra had produced.

"I... That would be so incredibly rad. The idea of being in the Hunt, it gives me goosebumps, it feels right - it's so incredibly very, I just can't explain it," Nancy admitted, rambling slightly. Her cool persona was slipping away. "I can't now though, Aunt Diana. Rome needs me. But if I survive everything that's coming and fulfill my duty, then, yes." Her hands were shaking slightly as she opened the chest, seeing the amazing bow and the card. She pocketed the card, realizing it was a means to contact Diana. "Is now a good time to admit I've never used a bow before? And does it have a name?" She knew that it must have had a not-so-bright history. Kallisto had been Diana's best friend, up until Jupiter raped her, Kallisto hid the pregnancy, and Diana turned Kallisto into a bear and threatened to hunt her down. Nancy really hoped it wasn't cursed.
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