Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

February 17th, 2021 - 12:40 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Garage -> Outside the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship
Casper wondered how easily they'd be able to stick together in a strip club. He hadn't been to one that wasn't filled with flashing lights, glitter cannons, and a layout designed to get people one on one with the in house talent. They weren't really group affairs, although he supposed it would be pretty awesome to rent out the place for a party. Maybe if his terrible dad tried sending him money again, he'd use it to rent out the place for the Underground. It'd be a neat solution for a birthday party for Waverley, as she had apparently forgotten her birthday. "Dear little Feedback, they don't card at this place. And if they did, almost everyone here carries fakes."

"Wait, you all do have some decent fakes, right?" Casper asked. He sort of assumed that everyone would, at least those who were under twenty one. There was no reason for them to use their real ID's at any point, as it would just give people a way to figure out where they were. Casper may have been a bit silly and insane, but he wasn't dumb. He knew the sort of life the Mutant Underground had to live.

He got into the car next to James, resting his head on James' shoulder and trying his best to look adorable. "You can't really run in a strip club, if that's what you mean," Casper started to explain.

"I can make a scene, if you need it," Ben offered.

"Look who decided to be helpful for once," Casper quipped. "Ben says he can toss people around if we need it." He raised an eyebrow as Echo said that they didn't want to be seen at the Glitter Factory. What was wrong with being in a male strip club? Casper didn't really care about the ~image~ factor and he didn't feel like he needed to be a representative of a model mutant. He was just a person and tons of humans went to strip clubs, way more than mutants anyways. "If we're worried about being seen as deviants, I think that ship has already sailed because of moi."

He pouted as Jack forbade drinking. The new kid apparently hacked into everything, including people's phones, which struck him as a huge invasion of privacy. Although, it was also funny to learn that Big Brother was actually a Big Sister. It wouldn't be too long until they'd arrive at the street the Glitter Factory was on. Luckily, they managed to get parking. There were people lined up halfway down the block waiting to get in, with the line moving slowly.


Location: On the Road to the Eisenhower Building
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
"Trouble," Havok answered Kristina unhelpfully.

"Professor X's intel says that the Hellfire Club is doing something to routine vaccines sent to the White House - Tdap ones to be specific. X doesn't know what exactly they're going to do, but it's the Hellfire Club, so doubt it's anything good," Veil said, explaining what she knew to the team. "We need to get to the Eisenhower Building, find the White House Medical Unit room, and stop the Hellfire Club before it's too late. Best case scenario, we get there first and we can destroy the vaccines and all in there, just get rid of everything. Worst case... it'll be a fight."

"I think we ditch the car nearby, and move in as a group. I'll keep us invisible. We find that room and get the job done." She then bit her lip slightly, looking outside the window of the car as Sapphire sped them closer and closer to their destination. It was an unnerving plan and they didn't even properly understand the stakes involved. "Sapphire, you're our medical expert - any idea on what exactly the Hellfire Club might be doing? I'm thinking poisoning but... That seems too simple. Why use a vaccine for that? Why not tamper with the food?"


Location: Ronald Regan Airport
Skills: N/A
Sunshine felt incredibly motion sick as her feet landed in the airport. Her head was swimming and she closed her eyes, just trying to focus on her breathing. She had spent too much time on the streets to turn her nose up at food, even if she felt a little bit like upchucking. She opened her eyes again once she felt just a touch better, looking around at their surroundings more properly. She'd never been in a place like this before. It looked like a bus terminal, just indoors and shiny and clean. Sunshine squinted, struggling to read the time displayed on one of the boards - it was 12:40 PM. They'd been gone longer than she had thought. Had they lost time?

Her stomach grumbled again, thinking about food. She could see a few little stands - Dunkin Donuts stood out to her. But then, right next to it, she saw the golden arches - McDonalds. "Chicken nuggets, fries, and a vanilla shake," Sunshine requested. The doughnuts had reminded her of Jack and she didn't really want to think about him right now, as she was coming to grips with the fact that he had indeed kidnapped her.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa's face dimmed slightly with the revelation that Klara didn't know what she was saying. She really wished that she had a dictionary with her, or even better, Google Translate. There were just so many niche words being said that she couldn't quite translate within the context. Nadia thankfully came to the rescue - Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. That must have been the English name for the movie, it sounded right to her so Runa nodded. "Erm, I like exploring nature, especially at sunrise... And, um, reading fashion magazines," she admitted, her face turning a bit red as she figured Klara and Nadia probably weren't into fashion at all.

She didn't really have any suggestions on what to do, as Runa didn't even really understand why they were there in the first place. She didn't understand how travel between the realms worked, as everything seemed to have arbitrary rules. Thankfully, Nadia took charge, asking a dwarf for directions on how to get to their ultimate location - Niflheim, the realm of Hel. Her mind briefly flashed to the visions she had had shortly after she died, with the lines of dead and the gatekeeper. She shivered a bit at the idea of going there in person.

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A
Am I your favorite customer then? Guin asked with a slight smirk, amused by her husband's analogy of being a taxi service. There was one downside though to Pietro being on ferrying duty - it meant Guin was going to have to find someone else to partner up with. She had gotten so used to fighting side by side with him that it felt a little weird to think of someone else to work with, especially since there were already several natural groups formed. She considered briefly working with Iris, but maybe that wasn't the best call, as Guin could already be reckless enough on her own.

"Maybe let's not terrorize the people with fire - we don't need a repeat of Stanley in the Office with Dwight's fire drill," Guin recommended. It did, however, lead to one of her favorite episodes - where Dwight cut the face off of the CPR dummy and freaked out the instructor. She couldn't help but be a little miffed that the Office wasn't on Netflix anymore. It wasn't like she couldn't afford multiple streaming services, it was more of a principle thing. "Yo, Mare, wanna be buddies on this one?" Guin asked, flipping her suit's helmet down. She figured Lance would go with the Asgardians, and Carolina and Annie were partnering up as well.

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A
Neil didn't really need to think about who he wanted to partner up with on this one. He was already standing next to Annie and Carolina, more or less forming a group of three with them. The thought of going after Loki did send a chill down his spine, especially since there were still so many civilians around and he didn't know how long it would take Bethany and Quicksilver to evacuate them all. Loki had so much magic on his side, he had been able to force the Asgardians to fight them, he couldn't help but feel afraid that Loki might do something even more malicious. He didn't want a repeat of Mesmero, where he had been forced to fight and injure his friends. "I'm in," he said to his friends.

They needed someone with some combat skills anyways. Carolina was really good when it came to astral stuff and Annie had some odd intuition thing going on, but neither of them could really fight. Annie had fireworks she could summon from her hands now, but Neil hadn't seen her really use them effectively yet. If Loki attacked them when they went looking, Neil was going to have to use his telekinesis to defend them, and he was comfortable with that. He'd die for his friends if they had to.

Runa glanced at Lance and blushed ever so slightly. "Lance, would you care to accompany me?" she asked him softly. She knew that if she didn't ask Lance, Klara would end up orchestrating events so they'd be paired together anyways. There was little use in fighting it.

๐ŸŒˆ Leda Storm ๐ŸŒˆ

Location: the Ship
Skills: N/A

"Story of my life," Leda murmured with amusement as Demetri asked if the ship could go faster. Leda was never satisfied with the standard travel speeds of demigods. They tended to be way too slow, moving at a rate that bored her and put her to sleep. It was one of the problems that came with the territory of being a child of Iris - some of the Hermes kids had the same thing. It also was why she related so strongly to her favorite superhero, the Flash - he knew what it was like to move in a world where everyone was standing still, spending an eternity waiting for someone to respond whereas to them, the response had been as fast as they could make it.

She kept a steady grip on Kiera, making sure that her new beau wasn't about to fall off of the ship and land in the junk yard. Leda didn't express it, but she was worried that someone on the ship may have to pay the price for them stealing from Hephaestus. The gods weren't exactly that fond of people just taking things from them, even if it were their own kids. She gripped onto the railing with her free hand, her pendant glowing an intense red as it reflected her focus and worries. The sudden lurch of the ship sent her and Kiera sprawling backwards and she caught a glimpse of Demetri going overboard - the bill comes due, then she thought sadly.

Leda was happy that she was wrong though - Demetri had clung to the side. "Someone's got Tyche on their side today," Leda observed.

โ˜€๏ธ Nancy Parker โ˜€๏ธ

Location: Mount Othrys
Skills: N/A

Nancy finished her seasonally inappropriate song, just in time to witness her best friend be a complete badass and summon a portal to the Senate. She wasn't sure what she had done to Waverley in order to make it happen, as magic wasn't really Nancy's area of expertise. She was just happy that they'd be able to flee the scene before Atlas could make his play to try and convince Terminus to hold up the sky for him - a choice that she still felt was odd, as she doubted Terminus would leave New Rome for anyone. A werewolf left a nasty gash on her arm and Nancy sucked in air rapidly through her teeth, her coping mechanism for the pain.

"Get through the portal now, I'll hold them off!" Nancy ordered. Emily, Marco, Niah, and Waverley needed to get through that portal and Mads probably couldn't keep it open forever. Her fellow praetor was already doing the heavy lifting - it was the least that Nancy could do, returning the favor. She pulled her twin imperial gold daggers, the bow that Diana had gifted her resting on her shoulder as she didn't know how to shoot one and wasn't about to learn on the job. She twirled the daggers before beginning her attack.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot
Skills: N/A

Megan wrinkled her face in disgust at the idea of consuming alcohol this early in the morning. While she was an insomniac, that didn't mean she wanted to pound shots bright and early. Alcohol was firmly an evening beverage in her opinion - maybe it would be suitable for breakfast at a wedding or a graduation ceremony or a funeral, but those were the main exceptions she could think up. Oh, she supposed it would also be suitable for an early morning murder. "I'd rather drink rat poison this early," she commented, before leaving the room and heading down the staircase to the main part of the inn.

There was one other thing she didn't like first thing in the morning - Isabella. She was clearly obsessed with Jack and now she was accusing Megan of sleeping with her brother? That was disgusting. She forced a sweet smile and sat down next to Isabella for a brief moment. "Aren't you funny?" she asked, although it wasn't really a question. Megan put some eggs and toast on her plate, before picking up a fork and she turned to Isabella, stabbing her in the hand with the fork. She left it there. "Oops. I'm so dreadfully sorry, let me help you. I know an old remedy for easing pain in flesh wounds," Megan apologized. She roughly yanked the fork out, grabbed the salt shaker, and started vigorously adding salt to Isabella's wound.

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 1:50 A.M.

Ordinarily when someone dies, their vital signs fade away to nothing. Yet the heart rate monitor for Oliver's mother kept on beeping steadily, getting even stronger in fact. His father stared in astonishment as Oliver's mother opened her eyes, burning with new intensity and light. "I love you too, sweetheart," she said softly, smiling at him, beaming with so much pride in her son.

Quietly standing in the doorway was a doctor smiling gently at them all. Dr. Wendy Larson wasn't about to interrupt the moment, even though she had come here with an urgent message for Thane, son of Thanos. Her eyes flickered briefly over to the blood transfusion bag she had used before Oliver's arrival on his mother, noting that the bag still had an ever so slightly blue tint.

As for Niah, things weren't nearly as charming. The doctors were working rather quickly on her, beginning the nasty process of amputating her leg from the knee down. They put her under anesthesia for the procedure, so we'll check back in on Niah later :)

Ellis Island - New York: 8:50 P.M.

Bonnie shook her head sadly. "If it worked, we would've known Flynn had been replaced beforehand," she said truthfully. She wasn't one to claim that she could do things beyond her abilities, to boast and brag about her scientific prowess. From what she could tell, the only way to tell if someone was a skrull would be either using Niah's power to look into the past or getting a telepath on hand. Unfortunately, the most powerful telepaths tended to be mutants and they didn't have the best relationship with SHIELD.

"Crazy acrobat? That's so rude of you, jeez, you know my name! We survived Hel together, Alex!" Folly shouted. Falcon had her arms pinned behind her back and he wasn't about to let go any time soon, but it was helpful that Folly wasn't really struggling either. She was just having fun trolling the President of the United States.

"I don't recall electing you team leader, but whatever," Hawkeye told Kwassi. The person present with the most experience there was the Winter Soldier and Hawkeye wasn't about to suggest Bucky for leadership - the dude was crazier than a bag of cats. "I've got a secure location we can go to," he added, lowering his bow. "Crazy can't go though. We'll need to drop her off somewhere. Maybe rich boy can take her at Serval."

The Winter Soldier nodded, lowering his weapon as he went onto the quinjet, although he kept a close eye on Jakobsen. Agent 13 followed suit, as did Falcon and the rest. Bonnie bit her lip slightly, wondering what they could even do. If Jakobsen really was Jakobsen, then that meant that a skrull had impersonated the President. And if he wasn't, then there was another line of issues directly stemming from that. It did make sense though. It was easier to take over a country from the inside.

She didn't like the idea of whether or not skrulls were taking out other world leaders as well. "We need to make contact with Niah and Oliver," Bonnie said quietly to Cass. "And Sparky and the others, too." Hopefully they weren't being replaced by skrulls - she really hoped that Niah was still Niah, as they were going to need her.

Asgard - Breidablik: 1:00 A.M.

Forseti, God of Justice, Reconciliation, and most recently Retribution as well, strode into the healing meadow with his father. Forseti had a certain burning intensity in his eyes as he stared at the captive skrull. "I'll hear her in my court once the sun rises," he determined. He snapped his fingers and Maria vanished. The Asgardians would know that one of Forseti's abilities was a teleportation of sorts, where he could instantly transport people due to stand trial into Odin's dungeon.

Forseti then took in the rest of the room, his eyes lingering on Raynor longer than anyone else's. Amelia couldn't help but find the guy really creepy - but then again, she'd never been a huge fan of aliens throwing people into prison, although she knew that skrull!Maria deserved it. It didn't seem like they would have gotten any information out of her anyways, short of torture and there was no way Amelia would have any part in that. "Is there anyway you can, I dunno, ban her from Earth or something, mate?" she asked Forseti. "Just in case you find her not guilty or whatever - like a space version of a restraining order, just for an entire planet..."

The God of Justice, Reconciliation, and Retribution didn't answer Amelia. Baldur, the ever joyful god, looked incredibly troubled. From what he had surmised, Midgard had been invaded by shapeshifters. "Forseti and I will go speak to the All-Father. Perhaps the Host of Asgard can provide some aid for our Midgardian friends," Baldur proposed. "Nadia, would you mind asking the same of Lady Freya? We could use our allies from Vanaheim."

Raynor didn't hear anything anyone else was saying - he was just staring at Sparky, considering the implications of what she was saying. She figured out he had been replaced a day later. There was a chance that the baby wasn't his. The logical conclusion then was that Sparky had been raped by a skrull and his eyes lit up with rage and fury. His anger and hatred consumed his thoughts and emotions so much that the sight of his long dead father didn't cause him to choke up with tears. "I'm going to fucking kill every last skrull," Raynor growled. "I'll rip them limb from limb, starting with the one who raped you. Where is he? Is he in SHIELD custody?"

The color drained from Amelia's face as she heard what Raynor said. She had no idea what to say or do in this situation. She had just met these people and it was as if they were on season six of a soap opera and she was just a new cast member. Even Nanna seemed visibly uncomfortable with it all, instead waving her hands as the flowers retracted from Astrad's wound and while there was a visible scar, it was all healed.

February 17th, 2021 - 12:30 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Garage
Skills: Mediumship
It felt like Christmas morning to Casper, realizing that James was indeed going to be coming with them! He was going to a strip club with his two favorite people in the world, both of who had a name starting with the letter J! He wondered briefly if Sinister's real first name also started with the letter C and if that would explain his mother. He still didn't understand how she found his father attractive at all. But then also, given the significant age gap between them, Casper doubted that their relationship had ever been all on the up and up as well.

"I think that our first step should be margaritas," Casper suggested. "I remember Sunshine told me once her favorite place to hide was at the bottom of a bottomless alcohol beverage in a strip club!" He grinned widely at his brother, hoping that he would just sigh and accept the fact that they would be getting drinks on this rescue mission. "And we all know Max would love a male strip club - the Glitter Factory is a male strip club, by the way, for those of you playing along at home," he added. "Maybe Max strips there. He could dress in drag as the Scarlet Bitch!"

He waited for James to get into the car first, since Casper not-so-secretly wanted to sit in James' lap to "save space" for others.

"Casper, come on, maybe be serious about this?" Ben prompted with a sigh.


Location: Mutant Underground Garage
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil had a bad feeling about this entire mission. The address Quicksilver had given her was more than foreboding - it was terrifying. And she knew that that was the real reason the X-Men weren't showing up on this job. If the X-Men went to this place and the media got news of it, it would set back mutant rights for decades. The Mutant Underground though could be written off as a small group of insane people, probably even just lumped in with the Hellfire Club, and shipped off to the Raft while the X-Men remained the perfect mutant citizens. "The Eisenhower Executive Office Building," Veil told Sapphire, her voice feeling hollow. "Right next door to the White House," she added.

Veil closed her eyes for a brief moment, concentrating on the car and everyone inside of it. Slowly, the car vanished from sight, becoming invisible. No one from the outside would be able to see them, but crucially everyone inside of the car could still see. If they were seen at all, the Secret Service would be all over them in swarms, even though they were the good guys. Who would believe them though? It also didn't help that the current president was the ex-leader of O.M.E.N., an organization infamous for killing mutants. Veil didn't buy that he was reformed. People like that didn't just change overnight.

"So this is a suicide mission," Havok commented, breaking his silence.

"If we get caught, yeah," Veil answered honestly. "We're expendable. Xavier doesn't give life saving cures without a price." She wasn't bitter though. She knew that Xavier had to make choices and decisions to protect mutants across the globe - she had signed up for this, accepted the reality that in order to help others she herself would be in danger. The others had too when they joined the Mutant Underground. "If anyone wants out, say the word. Last chance."


Location: Island M, the Bermuda Triangle
Skills: N/A
Sunshine's mood was pretty soured now. It was much easier to be upset than it was to be happy, so she decided to just wallow in her poor temper. "Is that a spell book or something?" she asked. She couldn't read the title really, due to her poor reading skills, but it looked old and musty to her which usually in the movies meant an ancient book of spells. Hearing that the book didn't help that at all just caused her irritation levels to rise. What was the point of Max having magical powers if he could only use them to strand them on a weird island and not get them back to D.C.?

"If I have to pick between dying talking to you or a coconut here, I'm picking the coconut," she muttered bitterly. Yup, Sunshine's prickliness was back in full force. Had someone just walked into the room at that moment, they wouldn't have had any idea that Sunshine and Max had reached a major milestone in their frenemy relationship. "Like seriously, what's the point of you being a wizard or whatever if you can't just poof us back to DC? Magik could've done it blindfolded," Sunshine complained, sniffling slightly. Her stomach then growled loudly.

Runa Johansson

Location: Boston, MA -> Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa was incredibly confused as to why Boston had a bar filled with little people. While she was fluent in English, their vocab tests in school hadn't really covered mythological creatures. She had to use context clues and when Klara explained that dwarves were shorter than average, she assumed they were just little people. Maybe it was nice that they had a place like this to gather, who was she to judge? She certainly didn't have any idea of what that life must have been like. She had blushed slightly though when Klara offered to help her go fix up her makeup. "It-it's fine, thanks," she said meekly. Nadia had started moving towards something purposefully and Runa followed her, having very little idea what they were doing there.

She followed Nadia through the door and frowned, confused as to what had just happened. They had taken a tree and now they just had to walk through the door in a bar of short people? Nadia repeated the word dwarf and Runa realized that she probably wasn't understanding it correctly. "Oh, do you mean dverg? Like... the little men in Snehvit og de syv dvergene? Who sing to the princess?" Runa asked quietly.

๐ŸŒˆ Leda Storm ๐ŸŒˆ

Location: Junk Yard of Hephaestus -> the Ship
Skills: N/A

Leda chuckled slightly at Demetri's fear of their evil twins being in the Roman Camp. "Nah, mate, that isn't really how any of this works," she answered. The confusion was understandable though. The Greek gods had Roman aspects and personalities, but they weren't separate deities. They were the same. If anything, it was more likely that every demigod could one day have an identity crisis and realize they had a distinct personality living in their minds that was Roman rather than Greek. But even that, Leda knew, was impossible. Their reality was strange but it wasn't that strange.

She helped Kiera along back to the ship, climbing up the rope ladder after her. She had hardly gotten on board before she saw the lumbering giant heading slowly towards them. Her heart sank slightly, but she wasn't surprised. The gods didn't like people taking their stuff, even from a junk yard. She had hoped that having some Hephaestus kids with them would be enough to bypass any curses or traps, but clearly that wasn't the case. "No one do anything stupid," Leda recommended. "We just gotta get clear. I doubt it'll follow us out of this place."

โ˜€๏ธ Nancy Parker โ˜€๏ธ

Location: Mount Othrys
Skills: Audiokinesis

Nancy raised an eyebrow at Atlas' reveal that they were going to force Terminus to take his burden. As far as she was aware, Terminus wouldn't leave New Rome. She resisted the urge to laugh a little bit at the idea of the God of Boundaries holding up the sky. She doubted he would leave his post for any demigod, so it just made her feel better about how foolish and unachievable Atlas' plan was. She didn't flinch with surprise at the howls as a pack of werewolves appeared, shifting back into their human forms. She had already known someone else was there and she had killed werewolves before.

"Consider it done," she promised Mads. Marco's charmspeak seemed to be working and others were slowly picking off the werewolves, so Nancy cleared her throat slightly. It would have been better if she had a proper vocal warmup, but beggars couldn't be choosers. They didn't have the time for that. She started tapping her foot to the beat of Last Christmas by Wham!

๐ŸŽถ "Last Christmas, I gave you my heart /
But the very next day you gave it away /
This year, to save me from tears /
I'll give it to someone special" ๐ŸŽถ

She could feel the vibrations in the air from her song. She could feel the vibrations sweep out into the expansive space, brushing up against the werewolves, moving inside of their ears and into their brains. She manipulated the waves through her song and right as she finished the first verse, five of the werewolves' heads exploded. Nancy smirked slightly, still tapping her feet to the beat. She went to start the next verse and her voice cracked - she really should have warmed up - but ever a performer, she pushed through it.

๐ŸŽถ "Once bitten and twice shy /
I keep my distance /
But you still catch my eye /
Tell me, baby /
Do you recognize me? /
Well, it's been a year /
It doesn't surprise me /
I wrapped it up and sent it /
With a note saying, "I love you, " I meant it /
Now, I know what a fool I've been /
But if you kissed me now /
I know you'd fool me again" ๐ŸŽถ

Blood started trickling from three of the werewolves ears, but none of their heads exploded. Nancy was really wishing that she had a glass of water or something with her at the moment, she knew that her vocal range was usually much better than this. Of course, it wasn't that her singing skills were bad - they were amazing, she was a child of Apollo using her natural gift. She just was a bit of a perfectionist when it came to her performances.

Neil Spellman

Location: Stark Tower - Top Floor
Skills: N/A
Runa wasn't offended in the slightest by Edus' insistence on going to face Loki, nor did the other X-Men reacting similarly bother her. She had stated her case for why it was best for Loki to face Asgardians and not mortals - she had more or less warned them should any ill fall to them due to the upcoming battle. Beyond that, each warrior could make their own choice as to where they go. She had done her moral duty. "Very well then. I will not press the issue further, X-Men," she said. She felt incredibly calm - calmer than she had in decades. She didn't care to raise the point that while she and Klara had been defeated, many of the X-Men had nearly died in the process.

The loud mouthed one confused her especially. "....Throuple...." Runa murmured, tasting the word and trying to figure out what it meant. It sounded like something Klara would know all about.

Neil was rather silent, realizing that no one who was talking really had a plan. Everyone seemed to be easily sidetracked with their new favorite hobby - verbally abusing the Asgardian girl. Yes, he thought it had been a bit of a stupid thing she said, but with the way everyone was piling on about it he couldn't help but feel a bit bad. There were too many people around though for Neil to voice that opinion though. No one seemed even to be bothering with moving to the next location to fight Loki. It felt a lot like a group of friends in the lobby of a hotel bickering and being late to the movie they wanted to see because of it.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," he murmured to Carolina, softly enough that only she could hear. "There's no plan and no one seems to care about leaving," he then added. He would have expected that someone would've been like okay, we're going to take the Blackbird or you know, we can walk, it's a lovely day outside. There was no plan either on how exactly they were going to face Loki and going in blind was a horrible choice. Even in Dungeons and Dragons, the party knew they needed to have some sort of plan when they faced the big bad.

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower - Top Floor
Skills: N/A
"Yeah, I could have, but it's way funnier to use yours," Guin informed her father with a smirk. "Might I recommend changing your password every now and then?" she teased. She always loved when she could find something wrong with one of Tony's systems, even if it was as simple as a password she managed to crack. Most of the fun she got out of it was purely from seeing how her father would react - seeing the expression on his face as she used his secure password to access all of the systems. She ignored the pile on fest with the Asgardian girl, since it really wasn't too much of an issue. She found Beth's points to be much more interesting and worth discussing.

"If we fly on over, we'd want to go in stealth mode - although he probably figures the Avengers are coming, if not us too," Guin mused. "I think teleporting would be better. The Avengers confront him, the X-Men then do a sneak attack, and for the civilians... Dad's Iron Legion can evacuate some of them, but I think Piet and Beth would be the fastest combo to get everyone out of there. Piet can run groups to safety, Beth can teleport them. Edus can shield groups to buy Piet and Beth more time. And once they're done with that, they can rejoin the fight."
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