Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
"I know we will, I'm not dying because of fucking Loki, he's barely even an A list villain these days," Guin groaned, talking through the immense pain as she answered Annie's well intentioned words. As much as her mind was consumed with the immense pain of having two broken legs, she also was a Stark - and Starks had legendary egos, unlike anything the world had ever seen before. Guin felt that her death would have to be up against some Galactus level threat at least, probably be some event the entire world saw with a snappy catchphrase she could repeat before being epic. Loki just didn't work for that vision.

"Ugh, Iris, when all of this is over, me and you are going to have a chat about self respect," Guin said. She was biting down on the inside of her cheek and it wasn't giving her any relief. Pietro apparently decided to make her choices for her, but she was in too much pain to be properly annoyed. And suddenly, it all stopped. The roaring hellfire in her bones had quieted down to a dull roar. Her legs were incredibly sore, but they were whole, and she could think clearly. "I'm fine, I'm fine," she announced, picking up her helmet and putting it back on. Guess I have Wanda to thank for that? My legs aren't going to suddenly break again under a full moon right?

So kind to my sister Guina, be glad she was able to fix it!

You're right, Guin admitted. "Thank you, Wanda."

I'll be honest I was just hoping she'd be able and wasn't positive she'd be able to.

Maybe you shouldn't call Vision a toaster now then, Guin suggested, as she flew up into the air and aimed her uni-beam and repuslors at Loki. She fired off shot after shot after shot, hitting him only once in the elbow. The guy was infuriatingly hard to hit and injure. His entire strategy seemed to revolve around chaos and distraction, so all Guin wanted to do was shut him up by hitting him as hard as she could with her blasts. She was getting really tired of this crazy guy throwing fireballs at them constantly. He is still a toaster.

And turning their allies against them, that needed to stop too.

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telekinetic Combat
Runa's eyes had turned black as well, as she fell back under Loki's sway. She emotionlessly and coldly targeted the strongest person present - the Scarlet Witch. The magical energy from her was all Runa needed to feel in order to determine that. She threw a blast of concentrated darkness at the witch, only to miss. She growled slightly and threw another, missing again. Her third shot was true though, blasting the Scarlet Witch backwards. She rushed forward and hit Wanda in the throat with her staff, before pressing down on her. "Mortal witch, you should know better than to test the fury of an Asgardian. Your powers are nothing."

Neil, meanwhile, had an idea. One of his least favorite things as a Dungeon Master was remembering to do concentration checks. He glanced at Carolina for a moment, before giving her a slight smile. What he was about to do could easily be suicide. "You're my best friend," he told her quietly, before Neil went off at a sprint. He didn't want them to have to face yet another round of fireball. Their allies were under some strange spell. But if he could break Loki's concentration, maybe he could stop that. He was ran right up to Loki, a little bit shocked that the God of Mischief hadn't done anything to stop him.

He leapt at Loki, attempting to tackle him, only for Loki to sidestep and cause him to hit the ground. He grabbed at Loki's food, trying to use both his strength and his telekinesis to pull Loki down to the ground, but Loki kicked his grip loose and he failed. He got back up to his feet and this time, he hugged Loki, refusing to let go no matter how much the god squirmed and struggled to break free. He then took in a deep breath and Neil screamed in his face as loud as he could, still hugging him, all in an attempt to break Loki's concentration long enough for his spells to fail so they could capture him once and for all.
@Nallore Age is very off :P Years with X-Factor is also very off. Rest looks fine.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: Amokinesis

Runa couldn't help but stare slightly at the dwarf who sat down on the table next to her with BIG BOY written on his shirt. Dwarves weren't really matching her imagery of them from fairytales, although nothing so far had really matched her expectations. She was doing her best to just go with the flow and accept things as they were happening, even if she also wanted to run screaming and demand that the universe find someone else to go and save it. She had never really understood before from books and movies, but some people didn't have a choice - when destiny came calling, they had to answer. "Stop!" Runa called out, her eyes wide as Big Boy quickly took the tools and started to leave the room.

She had no idea what to do. They hadn't planned for someone else to try and steal these tools. Nadia had bet her weapon and now even if she won the game, there was nothing for her. She glanced at Klara, hoping that the elder einherjar would have some idea of what to do in this situation, that she'd already have an action plan. "He's stealing the tools!" Runa added desperately, aware of the deep irony.

Somewhere: Some Time.

"Of course," Larson said. "You don't need to thank me - I'm just doing what anyone would do," she added. She hesitated for a moment, before deciding to unburden something she had been keeping secret, something that even Fury didn't know. "I have a son - he's not even a year old yet. I like to think that this planet, this amazing little blue rock, will still be around when he's older."

Serval Industries, Virginia - Quinjet: 9:40 P.M.

Breacher must have been insane, as he was nowhere near Folly and yet decided to have a conversation with her. It was probably from all of the head trauma he had suffered earlier. Bonnie couldn't help but surmise as much privately, thinking that it would be for the best if he left for Serval with some of the others now that they had arrived. She had strapped herself into a seat as they were about to land and Kwassi refused medical treatment. She gave a bit of a questioning look to Cass, curious about the other end of that phone conversation.

As they landed on the landing platform at Serval Industries, Hawkeye's warning apparently hadn't been listened to by everyone. Cass and Kwassi both stumbled and fell into the wall of the quinjet rather hard, which would definitely give them some bruises. Matt was a bit jostled but managed to maintain his balance. Folly had it the worst. She had been very excited at the idea of a violent landing without safety measures and she fell in the worst popular manner. There were spare arrows for Hawkeye nearby and she accidentally ended up impaling herself with quite a few of them, the arrows going straight through her stomach. "Owwwww!" Folly screeched, although there was a tint of merriment to her scream.

"I did warn you all," Hawkeye's voice came over the intercom, as the ramp lowered so they could leave the quinjet. "Wheels up in twenty. Anyone who is leaving, get off now. That includes you, Princess Crazy."

In A Flying Yellow Spaceship - Above New York State: 9:40 P.M

Amelia couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly as Astrad told her to hail everyone on all frequencies and alert them to their presence. She had really been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he was rubbing her the wrong way. She wouldn't have been surprised if he started mansplaining more things to her too, like how to fly. Amelia turned around slightly, swiveling her butt in the beanbag chair, and she sneezed.

Now, for an ordinary person, a sneeze was nothing. But for someone with the inhuman power to manipulate air, it was no simple sneeze. A huge gust of wind came from Amelia's nostrils and mouth, flying directly at Astrad. The Swede wasn't at all prepared and he was blasted out of his beanbag, soaring to the back of the yellow spaceship and going splat against the wall. "Ugh, I'm beginning to see why women shouldn't fly..." Astrad mumbled.

"Oops. My bad, cunt," Amelia said innocently, before turning around in her beanbag chair. They were making really good time. No one had picked them up on radar and now with a destination in mind, they just needed to detour south to head to New Jersey. Amelia made an abrupt U-turn basically and they zipped along. With the speed they were going at, they'd be at the boardwalk in the next few minutes.

Raynor had actually been saddened to hear that Abercrombie had died. He hadn't particularly liked her, but she had been part of the team - part of his people. He couldn't help but think if he had been there and not some stupid skrull imposter, Abercrombie probably would still be alive. "Sounds like whoever was on the phone was having one hell of a time," he commented dryly, staring at Astrad in the back. The Swede was just sitting there, muttering something over and over again underneath his breath. Raynor couldn't quite hear it, but he already hated the guy and didn't need much of a reason to be suspicious.

Astrad stumbled to his feet, a strange hollow look in his eyes. His words were audible now, spoken in fluent German. "Gute Soldaten folgen Befehlen. Gute Soldaten folgen Befehlen. Gute Soldaten folgen Befehlen." There was a phone in his hand and Astrad dropped it to the ground unceremoniously, as if he didn't even know he had been using it a minute ago.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Raynor frowned.

"Bloody hell, what's he saying, mate?" Amelia asked, unnerved. She did not speak German. She was pretty sure it was German that he was speaking - that or some similar language from Europe.

"Good soldiers follow orders," Raynor answered. He spoke the All-Tongue. He understood all languages through it and he could be understood by everyone because of it. Most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents didn't know he was Asgardian, instead assuming that he had just picked up a ton of languages easily over his career. Raynor pulled his dagger, Lyting, from its sheath at the same moment that Astrad sent explosive bombs of ice flying at them like shrapnel. Amelia blew as hard as she could, sending the bits of ice flying back at Astrad with the powerful gust of wind.

"Gute Soldaten folgen Befehlen," Astrad repeated, even as bits of ice were embedded in his body.

Raynor threw his dagger at Astrad, and his aim was true - the dagger hit Astrad head, killing him instantly.

"What the fuck was that?!?!?!" Amelia exclaimed.

February 17th, 2021 - 1:20 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship
Casper was going into shock. He was only vaguely aware of his surroundings, which admittedly wasn't that unusual for him. Sometimes when he was high, he would dissociate from his body, imagining that he ended up in a place he called the Void. It was the boundary between life and death, and whenever he had gone there, he had felt safe and comfortable. His traumas and pain weren't allowed there, it was all just pure bliss. But he hadn't felt a need to go to the Void in a long time, not since he had started dating James. He didn't need to run away from his life to be happy.

Pretty much everyone had fled the Glitter Factory, aside from a few who were too scared to move. The glitter kept on falling down from the ceiling at odd intervals and WAP was screeching over the speakers. The hooded figure had been knife-to-sword with Zarina, but Echo's dick kick had knocked him backwards, creating the distance he desperately needed. "I know everything about you, Harold Simmons," he replied, his voice sounded inhuman, robotic - like he was using a voice modifier like in Star Wars.

"I have a message for Professor X and his precious X-Men. If they do not surrender to Reverend Stryker by midnight, I will detonate a terrigen bomb that will make Washington D.C. inhabitable to mutants for generations," the figure said. "I am the X-Cutioner, mutants. I am your reckoning." He then pressed a button on his belt and suddenly, he was gone. Like he had never been there at all.

They were alone in the Glitter Factory.


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil was actively maintaining their cover as they moved into the East Wing. They were extremely lucky to have not run into any security officers or just ordinary workers so far. In fact, it made Veil hesitate for a moment. She had excused everything as just being due to people being off on their lunch break, but her paranoia was starting to get the better of her. Something was very wrong here. She frowned. She didn't say it to the others, but she was beginning to suspect that the Hellfire Club had something to do with this, that they had cleared the building and were currently tampering with the President's vaccines.

"Be careful, I don't think we're the only ones here," she whispered softly to the rest of the group, as they approached room 97 - the offices of the White House Medical Unit. The door was slightly ajar and Veil could hear people inside, talking loudly. The only problem was they weren't medical officials. They weren't supposed to be there. In fact, one of them she had gone to school with - she recognized his voice and it filled her with dread.

Kid Omega.

She heard three more voices, but she couldn't make out what they were saying and she didn't recognize them. Unfortunately, she didn't even get a chance, as a voice whispered in her mind, as well as the mind of everyone else present. "Was wondering when you assholes would show up. Come on in, don't be shy, we won't bite," Kid Omega taunted.

The door swung open all of the way, a young adult with pink spiky hair and hipster glasses smirking at them. A black girl with cornrows in her hair was behind him, shuffling a deck of cards back and forth. Next to her was a rather flamboyant blonde man in a pink jumpsuit, and lastly, a girl with skin resembling a domino was busy at work... with the vaccines.

"Kid Omega. Was wondering where you'd washed up. What, you got tired of bullying students, so you decided to join the fucking Hellfire Club?" Havok accused.

"Havok, don't - he's an omega level mutant," Veil warned him, dropping the invisibility sphere around them. There wasn't much point in it at the moment. Kid Omega knew they were there.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine nodded slightly, but she was curious and a little unsettled at everything. "I'm going to go look," she told him, before she made her way up the staircase. She frowned slightly as she looked up and down the hallway. The Mutant Underground wasn't always in great shape, but it looked like an earthquake had hit the place. She turned around and went back down the staircase, her eyes widening slightly as she noticed what looked like a bloodstain on the carpet, although the blood was dried. Had Jack been the one behind all of this?

"Did you all get attacked or something today?" Sunshine asked Max, hoping that he would say yes and explain that the Hellfire Club or the Purifiers or someone had showed up, just so she could write off the possibility of Jack being behind all of this. She was so incredibly confused with her own kidnapping and then her mini island vacation with Max already, she didn't need more weirdness being added to her day.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Sewers -> Prison
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't have a negative reaction to fire - if anything, it was a positive thing for her. It reminded her of spontaneous human combustion, a fancy term for when someone dies due to a fire and no one could figure out the cause. Usually it had to do with the wick effect, probably brought on by someone falling asleep with a cigarette. Even with that rational thought though, whenever she read about cases of it, it always brought on a sense of supernatural awe and terror. It was like her blood had been electrified, her heart beating with fear and excitement all at once. She didn't share these thoughts with the others - probably for the best, a few cases involved bones shrinking down to insanely small sizes and she figured these people may vomit at the thought.

She made her way out of the grate and followed Hansel into the prison, her mind still ablaze. She took the key that Hansel offered her and she studied it for a moment, walking down the cell block until she eventually found a lock that the key fit into. She inserted the key and started to turn it, only for the key to jam. Megan sighed slightly - old keys could be sticky like this sometimes. She once had a dorm key that always jammed. She jiggled it in the lock, managing to get it unstuck, and she turned it, but the tumblers didn't move. Megan took a step back with one foot and put her weight into it, really shoving the key into the lock as she turned it, and this time she opened it on up.

"If you're a murderer, you're obligated to tell me."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: New Rome: Senate House
Skills: N/A

"What? Oh, yeah. It'll be very," she promised Niah, before returning to studying the maps in front of her. She wished that she had military advisers to work with her - typically her fellow praetor would have been there for her to bounce ideas off of.

Nancy glanced up, a bit surprised to hear Madalyne's voice. She had figured her friend would need a lot of time to herself to sort everything out, but she smiled, grateful she was here. Her intuition told her that Mads would want to proceed with business as usual, so as much as Nancy wanted to fret and fuss over her, she didn't. "The Fifth's making a defensive line, Fourth and Third are working on siege weapons, First and Second are setting traps within New Rome. Evacuations are underway, we're going to have a medical tent nearby, we're using the Senate House as the war room. Terminus is going to see if there are any ex-legionnaires who want to help in the struggle, and Alexandra is making sacrifices to the gods," Nancy summarized for Madalyne as efficiently as she could. It hadn't been that long since Mads went off to take a minute, but a lot of decisions had already been made.

She then gestured at the maps in front of her. "These are my ideas for tactical positions. The Fifth will hold the sewers. First and Second defend Camp. Third and Fourth guard New Rome. The Greeks can go with the Fifth - or cause trouble on their own, I don't really expect much from them," she explained. "I was going to call the centurions here for a meeting to relay this information to them once construction has finished - ideally with some tactics added beyond just locations." She pursed her lips slightly, looking at Mads. "Sorry, I know it's a lot. I've got this, if you need time."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: the Ship - Top Deck -> Cargo Hold
Skills: N/A

"We have very different definitions of very soon, luv," Leda teased. She couldn't help herself. They would arrive in New Rome this evening, but she imagined it would still be cutting it close - there had been a large possibility before that they wouldn't even get there until the next morning. Maybe Kiera would be right though, if Lauryn and all could work some magic on the engines and really push the ship, but Leda doubted it. Everything moved too slow for her liking.

She giggled slightly though as Kiera asked for help into the armor, trying to make it sexy. They had played Capture the Flag - Kiera ought to have known that there wasn't anything sexy about Greek armor. It was clunky, old, and smelled like gym socks. The designs were unimaginative too - Leda would have preferred things with more bursts of color, like Sabine's armor in Rebels or something. She started giggling even harder though when they got to the makeshift armory and Demetri decided to turn into an Apollo wannabe. "You don't look at all like your self, luv. Which I s'pose may or may not be a good thing," she said with a smirk, before looking through the armor and finding some that looked like it would fit Kiera. "Here, Kiera, try this."

St. David's Hospital - Cardiff: 2:30 A.M.

"Oliver, the leg can turn into a wheelchair. I'd recommend you do that and help Niah outside. I'll go bring the ship around, I'll be out front, you can't miss it," Dr. Larson promised. She gave both of them a quick smile, before she left the room. Whenever the two of them ventured out of the hospital, Dr. Larson's ship was hovering right above the main entrance way. The boarding ramp would only be lowered once Niah and Oliver approached, since otherwise it would be an access issue for people trying to get into the hospital.

Above Serval Industries, Virginia - Quinjet: 9:30 P.M.

Bonnie heard a shout coming from the tech bay and she sighed slightly. They had enough people with injuries already and apparently, Kwassi had hurt himself somehow. She pinched her nose briefly. She felt like the mother of eighteen toddlers, all of them running around with knives. Cass had rushed off after the shout, only to be followed by the Serval CEO, Andrew. She didn't like the idea of leaving the psychopath, Folly, basically alone with the President. Matt had gone off to check in on the chaos too. It left her, Folly, Agent 13, and the President.

"Sorry, sir. Calling you by your first name feels a bit like calling my high school principal Karen," Bonnie told the President. She had been in JROTC in high school. She was very much a military type of girl and calling one's superior officer - the superior officers of all superior officers really - by their first name just felt wrong to her. It was almost as wrong as leaving the President without tending to his injuries. She had to imagine that the Secret Service and White House staff were probably regularly annoyed by him.

"I can watch her, go," Agent 13 said to Bonnie, sensing what her reluctance really was about.

"I don't need a babysitter," Folly protested, rolling her eyes slightly. "Alex and I go waaay back anyways. I knew him before he was all fancy, back when he was just a mini wannabe dictator - or is the word director? I always get them mixed up..."

"...Right," Bonnie said, before grabbing a medical kit and she went over to the tech bay. Kwassi didn't really seem that hurt to her, but everyone was crowding around him. "Excuse me, doctor coming through, excuse me."

And then, over the intercom: "Hello, this is your fetching and sexy captain speaking. If you look out your window on the right, you will see one of the ugliest corporate campuses in America aka Serval Industries. We'll be making our landing momentarily, so take a seat and strap in - or don't, I'm not the one who has to clean your guts off the ceiling, so I don't really care either way. Hawkeye out."

In A Flying Yellow Spaceship - Above New York: 9:30 P.M

Raynor had spent a majority of the flight wondering exactly what was the deal with Astrad. From what he could tell, he was a condescending idiot who had decided to memorize a dictionary. What would S.H.I.E.L.D. want with a guy like that? He also apparently could only follow orders blindly, leaving Raynor to conclude that he had to be a robot or something along those lines, it was the only explanation that made sense.

The rest of the flight he had been focusing on Sparky, worrying about her and her health. The last he had seen her, M-Pox had been ravaging the world. Now, she was pregnant and had been violated by a skrull. It made his blood boil just to think about it. The anger was good though - it was better than feeling powerless, or dwelling on how he had seen his dead parents again and they hadn't recognized him. "We'll want to find Abercrombie when we get in. She's psychic, she can probably find skrulls easily," he suggested once they entered Earth's atmosphere. He didn't say it, but Amelia really was one hell of a pilot - she was a fast learner and her flying skills were noticeably better than they had been at takeoff.

"Abercrombie?" Amelia asked, as the New York City skyline came into view. "Guessing that's another agent from your crew? Or is she a secret wizard as well?" Sparky had a lot of weird connections - like Doctor Strange level weird - so she wouldn't have been surprised if Abercrombie really was another wizard. Maybe this Abercrombie was a pupil of Professor X or something? That'd be wicked cool. Amelia had never met the X-Men before.

"I'm guessing Abercrombie either quit or got promoted again then?" Raynor asked Sparky.

"Ooookay just ignore my question then, thanks, ta," Amelia mumbled. She was focusing on piloting their craft, only she didn't know exactly where they were needed. She managed to get them into a hovering pattern after a few tries and she tilted her head back to look at the others. "Oi, love birds and friend, where exactly am I taking us? I'm pretty sure the Avengers won't really like an alien ship hovering over New York City, bad vibes and all."

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Even though she knew the plan, Runa couldn't help but be nervous. If Nadia lost the game, then she'd lose her sword. She really hoped that Nadia had a fair amount of luck, since Klara was right, strategy only went so far in games like these. Still though, they did need to get these tools - they had to complete this fetch quest so they could get the information they needed to save the world. She bit her lip slightly, wishing she had the power to turn herself invisible or something like that. She usually was pretty naturally invisible at school and all, but here in a room of dwarves, she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Runa quietly moved towards the corner of the room with the tools, hoping that she wouldn't attract attention. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw someone notice her, and Runa panicked for a brief second, before she got an idea and decided to hope for the best. She leaned up against the tool table and pushed up slightly, so that way she was sitting on the table, and she leaned forward, looking at the game. The dwarf who noticed her apparently bought that she had just been looking for a seat all along and Runa felt their eyes leave her, and she relaxed slightly.

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
Guin gritted her teeth slightly, muscling her way through the pain. "The usual bullshit," she told her father. She didn't dare make a move to attack the Lokis she saw - she had figured out that they were illusions, keeping her from seeing her friends. The only issue was she didn't know where the real Loki was and in her condition, she couldn't very well run off to go look for him. She was barely standing, supported purely by her armor. I'm right-- Guin started to say to Pietro, only to be caught off...

... as a gigantic flaming ball of fire slammed into her. Her armor protected her mostly from the blast, but she could still feel the heat through the suit. The impact forced her to stumble backwards and she screamed in pain from the shifting of her weight, only further aggravating her broken legs. The world looked like it was spinning and Guin could hardly think straight. Her mind was just consumed by the unspeakable pain, it was surprising that she hadn't fallen unconscious yet - although she was barely conscious to be fair. Help, she squeaked out to Pietro.

Guina I can't see you! Pietro responded panicking.

Guin shut her eyes tightly and scrunched up her nose, as she took off her helmet and threw it at the ground at her feet. She hoped that now she wasn't wearing it, Pietro would see it. Helmet, she urged him, unable to think clearly - not really able to form more than one word sentences.

Oh, I can see the helmet! Wait why aren't you wearing it????

Help was all Guin repeated, not even aware that she was crying from how bad the pain was.

Guina? The helmet on the ground is not helping me really find you since I still only see Loki everywhere!!!!! it was clear from the panic in his voice that he was insanely confused as to everything that was going on around him and him panicking was clearly not helping with this entire situation.

Runa, meanwhile, saw even more duplicates of her uncle appearing. She frowned sharply, trying to think of what to do. His flames were incredibly annoying, having charred her clothes partially, but she was used to the heat - her father was Baldur after all. "Uncle, reveal thyself," Runa said. She closed her eyes, concentrating as she manipulated Asgardian magicks to attempt to reveal which duplicate was really Loki.

It turned out to not be any of the duplicates. She kept her eyes shut, sensing where Loki ought to have been. When she opened her eyes, there was just an empty spot there, but she was positive. "Hellfire, mine, come hither and hark this," Runa summoned, before slamming a gigantic ball of fire into the spot where she thought Loki was. It looked almost like a ring of fire and she tilted her head slightly, unable to tell if she had hit him at all, but hoping she had.

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A
Neil shook his head. He wasn't going to leave Carolina. "No, we're going together," he insisted. He didn't want to split up. They were already on a crowded island filled with panicking civilians and it had been hard enough for them to do something as simple as leave the building. He wasn't going to split the party in the middle of all of this chaos, especially since the rest of the team had already engaged Loki. He shot an incredulous look at Annie as she rushed off, just leaving Carolina behind. "Why does everyone always split the party," he muttered, a bit salty.

Once Carolina caught her breath, then they would go and join the others. He was worried that if he had left with Annie, Loki would show up and kill Carolina. At least if he was here with her, he could help fight off any sneak attacks by the God of Mischief. He bit his lip slightly, feeling exposed even as people were rushing past them, not really paying them any attention. He didn't know how long it would take for Carolina to catch her breath after the gas, yet another reason he wasn't going to leave. If Carolina needed medical attention, leaving her alone would be a very bad idea.
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