Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

February 17th, 2021 - 2:00 PM


Location: Eisenhower Building -> Morlock Tunnels
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Leadership
In that moment, Veil wished she had her brother's ability of self replication. Then she could have one version of herself keep everyone invisible, while the other version went with Kristina to ferry people across. "Hmm, that won't work," she told Stareyes. Veil then shook her head at Glimpse. "Your speed doesn't solve the issue of not having a way past the cops," she pointed out to her bluntly. She was twitching her fingers against the back of her hand, maintaining their cover of invisibility. They had to make a move. They couldn't stay there forever. She didn't notice as Andy over-eagerly climbed onto Kristina's back.

"You're welcome, I know critical thinking is hard for you," Havok told Glimpse. He didn't need to say anything else though, as Sapphire was more than happy to oblige with tormenting Glimpse and chewing her out over her actions. He couldn't help but snicker slightly, enjoying the show Sapphire was putting on.

Veil, meanwhile, was getting a bit of a headache from all of the bickering. If they didn't focus, there wouldn't be a Mutant Underground to... Her eyes lit up as she got an idea, a feasible, working plan. She could have kicked herself for not thinking of it earlier. The odds that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have agents stationed down in the sewers weren't nonzero, but it was at least a path they could take. It would have been better if they had an ex-Morlock with them, but they'd make do.

"Come on, we're going into the Morlock tunnels," Veil explained. As if the universe decided to give her its blessing, she spotted a sewer grate not too far from them in the middle of the street. She walked up to it, maintaining the cover of invisibility. She then extended the invisibility to include the manhole cover, so no one would see it move - and odds are, no one would notice it had vanished. "Get in, come on," she whispered to everyone.

Havok looked a little bit disappointed that they wouldn't have a dramatic stand-off, but he nodded and climbed down into the sewer. At the bottom, he found himself in pitch darkness, the stench of urine all around him, and there was something squishy and alive near his feet.

Rats. Thousands of rats.

Sunshine & Casper

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
Sunshine took the plate of soggy, cold waffles from Waverley and she picked one up with her hands, biting off a hunk of it. She usually was a bit more emotional when she ate, but instead it was like she was going through the motions. Her usual comfort mechanism wasn't really doing it for her. Maybe Max had cursed her or something when they were off on that island. "The ghost was real there," Sunshine said to Waverley with a shrug.

"I hate to see him leave... but boy, do I love to watch him go," Casper said, whistling slightly as he watched James' booty as James rushed up the stairs to go save the day yet again. He needed to borrow a camera from someone and take a photograph of James from behind at some point, it'd be a nice little keepsake to have. The thing was tight. But at the same time, almost paradoxically, it had a nice softness to it as well, letting it be enjoyable to grab and squeeze.

"Are you seriously admiring his butt right now? Am I the only one who hasn't forgotten about, oh, I dunno, the BOMB?!" Ben shouted.

"It's a work of art, Ben," Casper argued. He didn't hold grudges very long - especially not with Ben. He was closer to him than he was to his own brother - maybe even than he was to James. Speaking of his brother, Casper rolled his eyes as Jack tried to call him insane. "I'm not insane, I've been tested, you know this Jack-a-rino." The doctors had concluded that Casper was just very floaty and flamboyant, not clinically insane.

Sunshine, meanwhile, was still not too sure about Jack. She was looking at him critically, not debating whether or not to say this stuff in private or not. She just decided to go ahead and say it. "I don't want you to play dad to me," she told him bluntly. "And it's not because you suck at it. So you can chill or whatever, Marshmallow Man. I don't need someone taking care of me. I can do that already." She paused for a moment, before deciding to finish with some more emotional honesty.

"I just need friends." Her eyes darted over to Waverley at the last part.

"Awww, so cute! Roll credits everyone, that's a wrap on this week's episode!"

🌟 Iron Star and the Scarlet Witch 🔮

Location: West Coast Avengers Headquarters, California

To say Guin had no idea what to expect from this evening would be an understatement. She didn't have any siblings, so she had no frame of reference for what sort of relationship she was supposed to have with her sister-in-law. Most of the time she had spent with Wanda had been in combat anyways - and usually, it was against her. Guin was fairly certain that Wanda hated her, or at least strongly disliked her, but she wanted to try and change that. One, it would be nice for Pietro if the two of them could get along and two, Guin figured it would be way too awkward if she couldn't learn to get along with Wanda by the time they were, say, sixty years old.

She had taken a plane out to San Fransisco, where the West Coast Avengers were established. Guin got out of the limo she had taken from the airport and stared a bit at the iron gates, before walking up to them. She pressed the intercom buzzer. "Uh, Wanda? I'm here."

"Hold on a moment," came the response to Guin, and after another minute the gates opened allowing her to enter the area and into the building.

"... So ominous," Guin muttered under her breath, as she walked through the gates. The gardens were rather pretty, although the statues of famous Avengers seemed like a bit munch. Guin much preferred the New York Avengers Mansion upstate to this one. She knocked on the door, feeling a little weird since she knew that her father had been the one to fund this entire place anyways. "Hello? Wanda?"

Wanda opened the door and looked at her, "Hello Guinevere," she responded to Guin, stepping aside to let her into the building.

"It's Guin, actually - Guinevere's kinda a mouthful. Usually only use it if I have to pretend to be a rich snob, instead of just a rich asshole," she corrected her, walking inside. She put her hands in her pockets and glanced around. The decor wasn't really her style in this place, it felt very much like the 1950's or so, something her grandparents would have enjoyed. The family villa in Switzerland was decorated like this. Her grandmother had been the one to design it and her dad had forbidden anyone changing it.

"If you say so," she said, before walking along after closing the door, before heading towards the living room area, and she went and sat down on a couch, not really sure what to expect herself. She wasn't typically one to do this sort of conversations thing, so Wanda wasn't sure what would be a conversation to have with Guin, guess she was going to find out.

Guin internally screamed slightly. Somehow, this was much, much worse than fighting Wanda. She didn't know if Wanda was being passive aggressive or if she just had the social skills of Pietro's turtle. Add in the fact that her sister-in-law was pregnant and that meant she couldn't even suggest day drinking as a way to break the ice. She followed Wanda into the living room and sat down on an armchair, staring at her. "So... You're getting big...."

"No really?" she responded to her with a bit of an eye roll. "That sort of thing happens when you are pregnant." Guin was sort of bugging her at this point with her one comment, then again, her brother's wife was supposedly smart, at the moment she wasn't seeing that at all.

"And here I thought when you were pregnant, you turned into a dolphin - thanks for clearing that up," Guin couldn't help but quip. She knew it was probably stupid to be sarcastic with Wanda - that Wanda would probably see it as her being antagonizing, or maybe Guin was just overthinking this, she was feeling seriously on edge and regretting a little bit coming here - at least coming here alone. She should have made Pietro come. Or better yet, Pietro could have gone and she could have stayed home and read up on polymers. "Got any ideas for baby names?"

Wanda sort of glared at Guin, there was a slight reddish glow to her hands, as if she might send Guin flying backwards or something, but after a moment the glow dimmed and she shrugged slightly at Guin in response to her question, "A few..."

I think your sister definitely hates me, Guin commented to Pietro. She shifted in the armchair, sitting with her legs crossed even though it was a bit of an awkward position. "Is there anything you need? Like, I dunno, I could build you a special baby monitor that has different outputs, like UV, infrared, the works?" she then asked, figuring maybe she could at least trick Wanda into not hating her by being nice.

What makes you say that?

"I don't really need anything," Wanda responded, clearly calming down a little bit, "Though something like that might be nice," she admitted with a slight smile.

Guin's eyes lit up slightly as she got an idea. "Have you ever seen the Incredibles? The first one, not the second one. Never mind, you probably haven't, anyways so the baby has powers - like, every power - and the suit designer makes him a cute little baby suit that can withstand anything. I've been doing a lot of reading on polymers lately, trying to make a suit without metal for obvious reasons, but I bet I could make bullet proof baby clothes for you. And flame proof and whatever else proof."

"That actually sounds like it would be surprisingly helpful. If you don't mind that sort of thing..." she commented with a slight smile. This wasn't too bad of a conversation, at least at the moment, perhaps this wasn't going to be as horrible with regards to everything as she thought it would be.

"Nah, it won't be any trouble at all. Gives me something to do when Pietro is having zoomies like he's a puppy, you know?" Guin said, giggling a little bit. She let out an internal sigh of relief that Wanda probably wasn't going to kill her - but she also was genuinely excited about the challenge of making protective clothing for baby Avengers.

"You think that's bad you should have seen how fast he moved when he first discovered his powers, he wouldn't sit still for even a moment. Always moving, until he passed out from not keeping up with how much he needed to eat..." she responded with a bit of a laugh.

"Him and those fucking twinkies," Guin said, shaking her head slightly. "Once, he took me to a fancy restaurant for a date, and he had run out of twinkies, so he ended up eating all of his food, mine, and the food on the seven nearest tables to us. You'd think food just runs straight through him."

"Don't get me started on the twinkies thing, I don't know why he's so obsessed with them honestly, that's just my opinion on the subject, but he's always been stealing the things for years."

"The entire twinkies don't expire thing is a myth anyways," Guin pointed out. "They do go bad. Just waiting for the day he saved one too long and it ends up making him barf his brains out." She took off her shoes and set them down on the ground next to her chair, so that way she could get more comfortable. Okay update - I think she doesn't hate me as much.

That's good!

"Oh I've been waiting for that to happen at some point, but so far he has been insanely lucky, then again he stashes them around everywhere and eats them so quickly I doubt that will happen anytime soon."

Guin hesitated for a moment. "Not to ruin this lovely bonding moment we're having, but I gotta ask. Do you hate me? It's totally cool if you do."

She raised an eyebrow more or less at her, "In all honesty? I just find you somewhat annoying at times, not sure what my brother sees in you, but no, I don't actually hate you."

Guin paused for a minute, before nodding. She knew that she could be a lot. She had a very loud, attention-seeking personality and not everyone found that endearing. "I respect that," she told Wanda. "I'm just glad you're not actively trying to murder me - you can be scary as shit. But also, I do enjoy having someone else who likes to tease Pietro and making super baby clothing will be a fun challenge... And you did let me meet my grandparents, which I never got to tell you thank you for."

"If you hurt my brother though that sort of thing likely will change," she commented, just letting the sort of threat hang in the air.

Huh, now I know how you feel whenever Dad threatens you, Guin chimed in. The thought of her being capable of hurting Pietro was a little bit amusing, although she knew that Wanda more likely meant emotionally rather than physically. "The only way I'd ever hurt Pietro was if I was being mind controlled - and even then, you have my permission to bitch slap me so hard I wake up in a Mario Party game."

"If you say so, though something tells me hitting you across the face will be enjoyable to me if that ever comes up."

"Wow, rude," Guin commented, putting her shoes back on. She wants to hit me - in the face. "And here I thought we were starting to get along, just a tiny bit."


"Being able to coexist is one thing, not entirely sure if we will ever get along."

Yes really! Guin crossed her arms. She could have sworn that they were making progress when she was bribing Wanda with baby clothes. Maybe that was just what she'd have to do with her sister-in-law - distract her with shiny new toys in an effort to keep from being punched. In a matter of minutes, Wanda had gone from finding her annoying to now threatening violence and making it seem like coexistence was in the question. A small part of her was pretty angry. She'd never done anything to Wanda, but Wanda had attacked her repeatedly - she had trapped her in a mental prison and put her body and mind through enough stress that her X-gene popped. "Hmm, what color for the baby clothes? Oh, who am I kidding, you're the Scarlet Witch and you married a synthezoid with red skin, I'll have the clothing be red," Guin said, getting up from the chair. "I'll have Pietro bring the clothes when they're ready."

"Of course, red is my favorite color... And alright, I will see you later then, probably at some point..."

"I'll show myself out," Guin said, leaving the living room. When she left the mansion entirely, she pulled out her phone and checked the time - she had been inside with Wanda for a total of ten minutes. It felt like it had been eighteen years. Or maybe just one really brutal month, say, March for example. Can you come pick me up? I don't feel like taking the jet home.

Something wrong Guina?

"Wait," came Wanda's voice, and Guin would see Wanda coming up behind, "I am... sorry, I don't typically talk to many people aside from those I am constantly around or my brother... I am not used to conversing with most people..."

Guin turned around, looking back at the Scarlet Witch with some confusion. Wanda had ended their interaction, clearly setting up a you should go now sort of moment with her talk about seeing Guin later. "You don't have anything to apologize for, fam," Guin told her. It was ironic - Wanda really was her fam. "We're cool, really. I was going to head out since you more or less signaled you wanted me to leave, and I'm not arguing with a pregnant lady."

"....Alright, good bye then Guin..." she said, before walking back inside.

Nothing's wrong, just ready to go home, babe, Guin then replied to Pietro. She was slightly happy that Wanda had said her name, even pronouncing it correctly - which, according to Pietro, wasn't very easy with a Sokovian accent. And of course, an interaction with her sister-in-law that didn't involve being beaten up was always a plus.

There was suddenly a flash of silver and Pietro was standing next to her, "So, how'd it go?"

"Well, she finds me annoying, she wants to hit me, and I agreed to make her baby clothes," Guin summarized. "So... better than expected?" she admitted.

"...Well at least no one got hurt or anything, so definitely a step in the right direction."

"Hey, she's usually the one who attacks me!" Guin protested. She couldn't think of a time when she had been the one initiating an attack against Wanda, mostly because she wasn't stupid enough to go toe to toe with someone who could control the fabric of reality.

"I know Guina..."

"Look, I'm trying okay? I really am," she promised him. "So let's go home?"

"Alright let's go," he responded to her, picking her up and racing off.

💐 Marygold Isley & Guin Stark 🌟

Location: Grounds of the Xavier Institute

It had been a little while since the entire incident with Loki, and currently Mary was outside underneath a tree, reading a book and was leaning against the trunk. Her head was hurting a little bit at the moment, but she seemed to be having no problems at the moment. Instead he seemed rather calm, which was a bit surprising given how bad things tended to be going in her head.

Guin had been debating back and forth for a few minutes in her head as to what to do. She had been trying to convince Mary to get counseling for a while now, and in typical Mary fashion, she had refused. She couldn't force her to get help. However, Mary's mental health was rapidly deteriorating as far as she could tell and she didn't want to watch her friend suffer. She sighed slightly, before waving at Mary as she walked on over. "Sup?"

"Oh, hey there Guin," she said, giving her a slight smile and looking up from her book. "How are you doing lately?"

"Kinda tired," Guin said with a shrug. "Who would've thought it'd be so hard to make baby clothes, right? What about you?"

"I feel like you are enjoying yourself doing it though," she commented with a bit of a laugh. "Okay, just reading a little bit, being outside is always nice..."

Guin made a face. "The baby stuff, not so much. I have the maternal instincts of a cheese grater. But the high end polymer research? That's pretty cool. I read a fascinating review earlier on wearable electronics, only issue is everyone is using metal and I'd like to avoid that if I can for obvious reasons."

"I mean yeah, we are kind of known for going against someone who is the self-proclaimed master of magnetism, so anything metal based might not be the best things in the world," she responded with a slight laugh.

"Speaking of things that might not be the best things in the world... Could I convince you to try therapy?" Guin asked bluntly, doing perhaps one of the worst segways in the history of everything. "Here me out - if you go to therapy, I'll go to therapy too. And we'll both self actualize and have tons of growth and get mature and all that shit. It'll be fun!"

"...Guin I feel like we've had this conversation before," she commented, not even looking at her friend as she waved her hands slightly at the ground and flowers started popping up next to her. "I don't need therapy..."

She sighed. Guin knew Mary was going to react like this, she really shouldn't have been that surprised. But still, she cared about Mary a lot and she wanted to try her very best. She couldn't force her to go to therapy or get help - she could just ask and be supportive. "You don't need therapy - but we'd all benefit from therapy," Guin argued. "It's like how we go for check-ins at the doctor once a year, even if you're not sick."

"Would it be sad if I pointed out that in reality I don't really tend to have annual checkups or whatever either? Typically not required or whatever so I don't get one unless someone actually forces me to... Got them every year until I was an adult, after that honestly didn't really pay attention to how long it had been since my last one and just... Stopped all together..." she admitted.

"...Okay, well annual checkups are important and you should get those too. That way things can get caught in time before they become a huge issue," Guin pointed out. "You don't want to end up like Jane Foster and find out too late, Mare."

"If you say so, though I am still not going to therapy, I don't need to. I'm fine."

"...Mare, you have two distinct personalities and identities... That isn't healthy."

"...I have it under control."

"Like I had my drug habit under control?" Guin asked Mary, arching an eyebrow.

"Guin, I'm fine, really. Don't worry."

"Fine, then if you won't get therapy, I think you should step down as leader of the X-Men. It's added stress that isn't good for you," Guin countered. "Besides, with the episodes you've been having, you're not able to be reliable in the field anymore as a leader. The team needs someone who's 100% there."

"I am still reliable!" she instantly protested, clearly getting annoyed with what Guin was saying at this point. She had no idea what it was that Guin was going on about with that one. Sure, she's had a few episodes, but they typically were only when she was seriously injured and the adrenaline kicked in. Or if something truly freaked her out or scared her. Cause that happened too, every so often.

"You've lost your shit on members of our team during missions, Mare - that's not okay," Guin argued. "Whenever someone annoys you, they run the risk of you losing it and trying to kill them - that's not a healthy leadership dynamic."

"I haven't actually actively tried to kill anyone!"

"Mare, have you or have you not tried to hurt members of your own team?" Guin asked her point blank. "Excluding cases of being mind controlled by Mesmero."

"Would Loki when he made it so we couldn't tell who was who and I attacked someone only after your husband did count or no?" she asked her, "Cause if it doesn't then not really."

"What about when we were at Stark Tower and you called Sara a bitch and threatened to hurt her?" Guin prompted. She remembered the scene vividly. Sara had disagreed with something Mary said, and Mary had lost it. Neil had tried to step in and ended up attacking Mary, and Mary had barely been able to stop herself from responding in turn.

"I've snapped at people before that isn't exactly a crime you know," she pointed out, everyone has lashed out at people before, hell she remembered more then a few times she lashed out at people before her mental break. When everyone was arguing in Stark Tower for instance during the whole OMEN incident stuck out to her, since people had more then annoyed her a little bit during that point and she had been stressed out.

"Yeah, but this wasn't normal snapping, which by the way is still grossly inappropriate for a leader, especially calling Sara a bitch. That wasn't okay. But you remember what you told me afterwards? That it was because of the little voice in your head. That it was because of mental illness. You shouldn't be the team leader, Mare. If you don't get therapy, I'm going to go to Xavier and I'm going to ask him to pick a new leader. It's that or... or I quit."

"Really Guin? Why won't you listen to me when I tell you that I'm fine..."

"I'm serious, Mary. Deadly serious. So what'll it be? Are you going to get therapy? Are you going to step down as leader? Or should I go tell the West Coast Avengers to get a room ready for me?" she asked, staring Mary dead in the eye.

"I'll be honest, not sure if therapy actually would work for me Guin... There isn't a whole lot of cases of my problem, and when it has popped up there isn't exactly a set way to fix it..."

"One session. That's all I'm asking for, Mare. Even if it does fuck all for helping you, that's my condition," Guin said clearly.

"Alright fine... Not sure what therapist would even want to talk to me, but fine. Happy now?"

Guin beamed. "Extremely."

"Cool, but once again not sure what therapist would be crazy enough to talk to me with regards to my issues."

"What rehab clinic would be insane enough to see me?" Guin argued. "Tons of superheroes see a therapist. I'll ask my dad for the list they keep of recommendations for the Avengers and we'll find one you like together, okay?" Guin promised.

"Alright whatever you say Guin. Still think it's a bad idea but whatever."

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa giggled ever so slightly at the way the cat wiggled her butt before pouncing. She never really understood why a cat would do that sort of thing, but she had seen it once or twice before. She replayed the moment again in her mind and couldn't help but smile, giggling a little bit more. And that just made her think about the butt wiggle again, until Runa was honestly giggling and smiling - the most Klara and Nadia had seen her smile so far, and the most she had smiled since her untimely death. It was probably that bit of honest mirth that caused her to not stiffen and tense up when Nadia put an arm around her. She really wished they had that moment on video.

"We should just ignore him," Runa recommended. Nadia didn't trust the strange person, and neither did Klara, so as far as Runa was concerned there was no way she would trust him. She did have to wonder how he knew about their quest - they had only just received it. Did the entire universe know that she was one of the three sent out to fix things? If everyone died, would they use their final breath to curse her name? The smile on her face faded away at that thought. Would her mother blame her for failing?

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Sewers
Skills: Fencing

Megan raised an eyebrow, noticing that law enforcement at least seemed rather consistent between the two worlds in the phrases they used when encountering criminals. She wondered if they also had cop codes here, and if so, would they be the same ones? Could Jack communicate to them various offenses without having to say a single word, relying only on numbers and letters? Of course, her musings didn't last very long, as a guard rushed up to her and swung his sword. "It's dishonorable to attack one's opponent before they have agreed to the engagement," Megan scolded. She drew excalibur. She hadn't been the one to start this fight. But she would be the one to finish it.

The sword was different than the foil she was used to, but many of the principles were still the same. The blade felt well balanced in her grip and she swung excalibur at the guard, aiming to for a non-lethal flat blow to the side of his head. The blade connected and the guard fell to the ground, unconscious. Megan repeated to maneuver on the next guard and the one after that, until she had taken out three in total. "My score is three, brother dear - do try to keep up," she teased.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️ and 🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Senate House -> Camp Jupiter Outskirts
Skills: Superspeed, Greek Mythology

Nancy returned Niah's smile, even though she didn't really feel like smiling. When she wasn't acting on behalf of New Rome, with the weight of everyone's survival pressing down on her shoulders, she could be a quite happy and carefree person. Mads and Niah had seen glimpses of her like that during their downtime moments on their quests - as for other people, they usually only got hints of it when she used her voice to take down monsters. She could have just screamed in order to make their heads explode - she actively chose to sing instead.

She relaxed ever so slightly, hearing that Madalyne agreed with her - that Waverley could wait, while the gem couldn't. "Sounds radical," she told Mads. She was keeping her voice even and steady, knowing that one responsibility of a praetor was to project strength and calm when everything was horrible. With the lack of updates on the Waverley crisis, at least it seemed like everything there was probably getting under control, something they desperately needed to have happen. The attack could begin at any second. She then went back to studying her maps, biting her lip slightly as she analyzed their positions and movements.

She cursed under her breath in Latin. "Gag me with a spoon..." she then muttered, seeing small little blips on the map approaching Camp Jupiter. "The attack is about to begin - the enemy is approaching Camp. Alex, could you please sound the alarm? And Greeks - might be a good time to put your ship to use."

Leda hesitated for a moment, looking at Kiera. She really did want to be on the ship with all of her friends. But her speed would be limited on up there. With how bad all of this was sounding, maybe there were other ways that she could help. "I'm going to go scout, see what's coming - I'll be back in a wink, I promise," Leda told Kiera, before giving her a peck on the cheek. She took off at a run, way more sluggishly than she would have liked. She was probably overdoing it lately - that or maybe it was the fear.

Whatever it was that held her back, there was then a BOOM as Leda fully kicked up to speed. She dashed through New Rome and through Camp Jupiter, making it to the very edge. She skidded to a halt, kicking up a lot of dirt in the process. She blinked, doing a bit of a double take. There were nine basilisks heading towards them, and a miniature purple dragon flying around breathing flames. She couldn't remember anything about how to kill a basilisk. And she knew she was outnumbered. "This... this is going to be a dam problem..."

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy, Basic Serbian
Guin raised a bit of an eyebrow, seeing Wanda and Pietro bicker with each other. She couldn't help but feel a bit nervous with an angry, pregnant Wanda - the last time Wanda had gotten upset, she had rewritten all of reality into a horrible nightmare posing as a dream. She shivered ever so slightly, remembering how in that world, she had asked Pietro to kill her.

"Mislim da izgledaš toplo - wait, fuck, no... Mislim da izgledaš zgodno, dušo - i to su ipak naše boje venčanja,"Guin repeated, fixing her little language faux pas, while stepping out of her suit. She was definitely going to need to scrap it and create a new model, it had gone through a lot of wear and tear in just a few hours.

"...Od kada je mogla da govori srpski?" Wanda instantly asked, looking a bit stunned.

"S obzirom da se cela stvar za koju volimo da se pretvaramo nikada nije dogodila i zanemarujemo da je ona ikada postojala." Pietro responded with a shrug.


Guin had to play the sentences back in her head a few times in order to get the gist of what was being said. She scratched at her left wrist ever so slightly, unconsciously really, before her mind was able to supply a translation. "Honestly, being taught Serbian as Pietro's fantasy was much better than being forced to wear dresses," Guin commented, crossing her arms slightly.

"Glad to know I can't have a spoken conversation with my brother now without you possibly over hearing us," Wanda responded, clearly sounding a bit annoyed with her.

"Wanda be nice..."

"I still think the shirt looks horrid."

"And I still say it looks great!"

She never really understood sibling dynamics, as she was an only child. Until she was about ten years old, she had just been screaming for her father's love and attention. The best years were from ages 10 to 12, when he had reformed and become Iron Man, but before he almost died. After that, it almost hurt more that he was trying to be an attentive and caring father. So when faced with her sister-in-law passive aggressively implying she didn't want Guin around, her solution was to be dramatic. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Wanda. Here, I'll go and leave you alone, so you can talk shit about me behind my back. And don't worry, I won't read your mind, I'm more of a mech than a telepath anyways."

"Good, no one likes you."

"Wanda just shut up."

"Make me!" Wanda snapped back, her eyes having a reddish glow and her hands had that aura around them.

"So now you're going to freak out on me? Really Wanda?"

"At least my husband's a person and not a piece of second rate Pym tech that'll blow its circuits in a year!" Guin snapped, seeing red herself - even though that sadly didn't give her a cool glow.

"Shut up!" Wanda snapped before she sent a blast of energy directly at Guin. Except Pietro instantly got in between them and got knocked backwards instead and stumbled back.

"Can you two stop it? Seriously! Wanda, stop attacking her, Guina, she was teasing me and making life difficult for me, that is kind of what siblings do."

"Why? She stepped into a conversation she hadn't been invited to join!"

Guin's heart skipped a beat as Pietro was blasted backwards, but at least he seemed to be okay. When she blinked, she could still see Muscles on the ground, dead. "Oh, since when do I need a formal invitation to step in and tell my husband that he looks hot as fuck? If we need invitations for conversations, then Wanda, you're uninvited from this one!"

"Shut up, you are nothing!" Wanda snapped, before she looked like she was about to blast Guin backwards, raising her hands, and once again, Pietro stepped in. He instantly hugged his sister and pinned her arms to her sides. "Let go of me Pietro."

"Not until you calm down," he responded calmly. You do realize that both of you are giving me a headache and making things worse right? he then said to Guin mentally.

Guin took a breath. Communication skills were never something really prioritized in her family. "...Sorry..." she mumbled, before stepping back into her suit and walking off to give Pietro and Wanda some space. She didn't know why Wanda was able to get under her skin so easily - why she lost her cool like that.

Are you okay Guina?

Yeah, I'm fine, focus on Wanda.

I can multi task, so how about you tell me the truth?

I honestly don't even know what's bothering me, okay? Guin admitted. She didn't really like this awkward moment they were in, when the battle was won but they hadn't left the scene yet. It felt like when sports teams lingered on the field after a game, without really knowing what was going to come next.

It's okay Guina... And don't worry about Wanda, she doesn't like much of anyone, so she kind of is rude and mean to more then a few people...

If it bothers her so fucking much that I know a little Serbian, which only happened because she made me learn it, I'll ask Xavier to remove the information from my mind, Guin replied a bit grumpily. And I know. I'm pretty sure she hates me more than she does most people.

Guina... It's okay... And clearly you haven't seen her around everyone she has ever met for the first time, most of the time she tends to throw people around...

Come to think of it, she's the reason I'm a mutant, too. If it wasn't for her fucking around in my brain, trying to scare me to death, my X-gene wouldn't have popped.

Guina... Can you calm down please? Pietro asked her mentally. Wanda had seemingly calmed down and they were just standing off to the side talking now.

I am calm.

If you say so...

I do, okay? You don't need to worry about me. Just hang out with Wanda, honestly maybe even spend a few days with her, she really seems to miss you.

You do realize that you might also be subjecting me to dealing with the toaster right?

I dunno, trick him into saying control, alt, delete - it might work to shut him down. And if not, just plug in a bunch of appliances to him and watch him get overheated and power off. But you clearly miss Wanda and she misses you, so go spend some time with her.

Alright Guina.

Guin nodded, making some mental plans. She could always just stay at the X-Mansion while Pietro was gone and take advantage of it being summer, meaning most of the students weren't there. Or she could go spend some time with her dad and Pepper. The most appealing option though was going to New Orleans for a little vacation. Maybe she'd convince Mary to go with her, but she also felt a bit like going solo. Disneyland was also an option, especially since she hadn't had a chance to check out Galaxy's Edge. A small part of her had expected Pietro to put up some sort of fuss about the idea of spending time away from her, but he hadn't. She didn't know how to feel about that.

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A
Neil nodded, looking up at Edus in confusion. He didn't really understand what he was being told. He certainly didn't have any ability to resurrect the dead - his aunties had explained it to him when he was little that while everyone else in the Spellman family was special, he was ordinary. He took Carolina's hand as he got up to his feet, relieved to see that she was completely healed - that everyone was completely healed. Against all odds, they had made it out of the conflict with Loki in one piece, without any casualties. "Carolina... Maybe we shouldn't..." Neil said softly.

He was scared of what they would find - that maybe if they looked into it, it would turn out to be some horrible curse. He'd rather not know. He'd rather just be ignorant about it all and just accept the simple gift of life. Of course, he knew that Carolina likely would insist that they'd have to figure it out and he knew that she was right from a logical perspective. It was just fear that was holding him back from agreeing with her wholeheartedly. Deep down, he couldn't help but feel that whatever happened... was wrong. And that if Carolina knew more about him and his family, she'd run away too - just like Sara had.

Meanwhile, Runa was still lying down at the bottom of the crater. She stared at Lance as he came over and asked if she was okay. Why was he being so nice to her, after everything she had done? Perhaps this was why mortals and Asgardians were not supposed to court, she couldn't help but reflect. "I am well," she lied. "Thank you for the offer of assistance, but until I know any residual magics of my uncle's have gone, I think it would be best to avoid physical contact," she said practically. "... I am sorry for the harm and trouble that I have caused. I will take my leave to Asgard, if that is what you wish," she said, looking at Lance mostly with those last few words.

Lance wasn't sure what to think with Runa's words, however, he instantly walked to her and pulled her into his arms and hugged her, saying nothing.

Runa's chin wobbled and the air filling up her lungs felt unsteady. She didn't realize she was about to cry until it was already too late, and she was sobbing into Lance's chest, the tears hot and sticky. "I-I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry, I-I know you m-m-must hate m-me," Runa choked out, her composure gone.

"Why do you think I hate you? It wasn't your fault... And don't try convincing me otherwise..."

"I-I-I s-should h-h-have stopped him," Runa stammered. "It w-was my fault that h-he was able to enchant us."

"Runa, it's okay."

She bit her lip and shook her head. "Y-y-you would be wise to find a mortal for companionship... I-I c-can't do anything but hurt you."

"I've been trying to find you Runa..."

"Do you regret that?" she asked quietly, sniffling as she tried to regain her composure, so that way she could hold her head high instead of sobbing into Lance's shoulder.

"Nope, I definitely don't regret it."

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

The prisoner stared at them, her young eyes hardened with suspicion. Even as tattered and beaten as she was, she still had a regal quality to her gaze. She looked like the sort of person who should have been ordering troops into battle and negotiating treaties, rather than wasting away as the sole occupant on this prison block. "If this is a trick, I do not care for it," the girl finally said.

"Look, we aren't here to hurt you - we aren't shapeshifters," Hope said, as gently as she could - but even then, it came out a bit blunt. "We were prisoners on this ship, too." she added, hoping that might get the girl to trust them.

Suddenly, a lone pair of guards came into view and they gasped. "The terrans are after the Princess!" one screamed, as the other took off at a run to go sound an alarm. The remaining skrull raised his weapon and opened fire on the group, not giving them any time for warning shots. Luckily, he was a terrible shot, only grazing Hope in the arm. The skrulls tended to rely on surprise for their attacks, as well as isolating their targets so they could gang up on them - so essentially, the opposite of this situation.

Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 10:20 P.M

"...It was just a joke, Sparks," Raynor said, shaking his head. He knew that she had been terrified and alone. He didn't doubt that she was strong enough to make her own choices, hell, he liked knowing that Sparky could make do without him. It calmed his nerves, knowing that whenever the day came that his past caught up with him, she would be okay.

"Yeah, so if you're wondering, that's more or less a summary of what traveling with these two cunts is like," Amelia explained to Cass with an awkward shrug. She wasn't too worried about anyone present being a skrull. The only skrull she had ever met had been Maria and she had been super weird about the entire thing - what with her trying to do trust falls mid-flight with a pregnant woman. No one here was asking for weird potentially fatal activities, so they seemed chill enough.

"Are you even really Reed?" Raynor asked, narrowing his eyes and ignoring Amelia's rambling. Was he the only one concerned about how easily this entire thing could be a trap? The skrulls had managed to overpower him and leave him for dead - if it hadn't been for pure dumb luck, he would have died. He wouldn't have ended up in his mother's healing garden. Sparky would be alone, without anyone to protect her, and their child (gods, he hoped it was their child) would grow up fatherless.

He frowned, hearing Niah babbling on and on. She wasn't at all like herself. If it hadn't been for the obvious recent amputation of her leg, he would have been certain she was a skrull. That, and he knew instinctively that she wasn't lying. It was one of his abilities - he always knew if someone was lying to him or not. "No, it didn't," he answered her bluntly. "You seem psychotic, Bautista."

Raynor huffed slightly, annoyed that apparently Oliver was the only one taking all of this seriously too. He assumed Oliver wasn't likely to be a skrull, given that no skrull would insist on being tested by the God of Lies and... Niah... to see if they were an impostor or not. "Alright, if everyone would just introduce yourselves, I'll suss out who the skrulls are," Raynor said with a slight sigh.

Amelia had no idea how that was supposed to work. She only knew the bare minimum when it came to what was going on. She also didn't really know what powers everyone had, beyond Sparky who seemed to be able to fly and shock people who irritated her. "Uh, well, I'm Amelia Baptiste, callsign Thrill Seeker. I'm an Aussie, I'm 27 years old, and I recently learned that I'm inhuman or whatever the term is. I'm terrified of needles and I hate taking exams. I love animals, flying, karaoke, and camping underneath the stars at night, even if there's a wicked amount of spiders crawling all over the place. I was adopted, my dads could be described by that and they were roommates meme thing, very gay, very in love. One of my dads died in a plane crash, that was real rough... Kinda destroyed my other dad... I ended up joining the RAAF, but they didn't let women train as fast jet fighter pilots which was a load of bullshit, so I ended up joining S.H.I.E.L.D. so I could fly faster and higher... Is that what you needed from me? That was too much, wasn't it?"

"...Yeah, she's not a skrull," Raynor said, shaking his head. "I need a drink after that."

Quinjet - New Jersey: 10:20 P.M

Bonnie had decided to stay on the plane as well - they didn't need everyone heading off in order to greet the people they were picking up. She wondered what would be done with the other two ships, given how adverse Barton was to giving out the coordinates of their ultimate destination to anyone else. She got the sense that it wasn't an issue he would budge on. She also didn't want to leave the President alone. She only knew for certain that she herself was not a skrull. She didn't want to walk off on the off chance that Kwassi and Evelyn were both skrulls.

She pursed her lips slightly, listening patiently to Kwassi's explanation, even though she had more experience when it came to studying the skrulls. Once he finished, she paused for a second before offering her own thoughts. "They're perfect shapeshifters - even DNA samples extracted are indistinguishable. We'd never been able to take a live skrull into custody before, so we don't know how they are able to access the memories of whoever they shapeshift to act like, but I doubt that they're being helped by a mutant telepath. Our first encounter with them was in December. It was likely just a scout, but we weren't able to interrogate the skrull, as it died. The Asgardian out there, Raynor, he's the only one to return so far after being replaced... We have no reason to suspect that they keep hostages."

February 17th, 2021 - 1:50 PM


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Leadership
Seconds before Sapphire managed to construct her icy barricade, Glimpse rushed Tarot. Tarot's eyes widened in surprise as she moved her hands to shield her face, but she was too slow. Glimpse's punch at super-speed to the head was akin to shooting a gun at pointblank range, with deadly effectiveness. Tarot's head caved in underneath the force of Glimpse's fist and the mutant crumpled to the ground like a puppets whose strings had been cut, dead.

Sapphire's ice barricade went up seconds later, with Sapphire increasing its thickness until it was no longer see-through. Veil didn't need someone to explain to her what to do next, as she cloaked everyone in the group with invisibility. It would be easiest for her to maintain if everyone stuck close together - spread out too much and it would be harder for her to make them all disappear. "Stay close to me, we need to get to the van," Veil ordered. She didn't feel a need to impress upon them all what would happen if S.H.I.E.L.D. caught them, especially after Glimpse killed Tarot in plain view of the law enforcement agency. It was a mistake on the same level of what Max had done to the cops. Once they got out of here - if they got out of here - she'd have to lecture Glimpse about to use of force... and prepare Glimpse for a life on the run.

With Tarot gone, the tower and the dragon disappeared. The sudden absence of the tower only further damaged the structural integrity of the building. The entire place was shaking and could come down on them any minute. Sapphire's icy barricade was withstanding the shots by the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, but it wouldn't hold up for long.

"You idiot!" Havok hissed at Glimpse, not sharing Veil's inclination to wait. "You just fucking killed someone in front of the super-cops! And it's not like you're a nobody, you're Captain Britain's kid, they'll have you ID'd so fast it'll make your head spin!"

"Not now, Havok - we need to work together to get out of here, or we're all going to be executed as terrorists," Veil reminded him. They didn't have the time to get Kid Omega and Empath out of there. They'd be lucky to escape themselves. Veil exited the room of the White House Medical Unit, grateful to see that the East Wing was deserted. Havok followed her, as they headed down the corridor and emerged back into the lobby they had come from.

Veil cursed under her breath as she looked outside. S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't just have eyes in the sky, they had boots on the ground. Each end of the road had a blockade made out of cars. They'd have to find a way to sneak on past the barricades to get to where they had stashed the car. "Stareyes... How many people can you carry at once?" Veil asked, getting a bit of an idea.

"There's no way we can just slip on past them, we have to fight," Havok argued.

"Fighting S.H.I.E.L.D.? If we do that, that's it for us - we'll be cut off from the rest of the Mutant Underground at best, and at worst, Xavier'll shut the entire thing down."

Casper Theriot

Location: the Mutant Underground - Garage -> Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
"Ha, ha, very funny!" Casper shouted at Spark Plug, rubbing his face. He was purposefully not looking at Ben, so that way he wouldn't need to see the righteous, smug smirk on Ben's face. However, his will power was pretty low and Casper looked at him, only to groan to see Ben looking so proud.

"Nice to meet you too, Waverley," Ben said, even though Casper wasn't actively channeling him. It had been weird enough that he had managed to slap Casper, which Ben figured was probably some small part of Casper actually being self-aware of how badly in need of a slap he had been. Ben rolled his eyes at James though - "He started it."

"I did not, Benjamin!" Casper whined. "You gotta believe me, bae, he was the one who started it. He's acting all high and mighty, telling me to go commit suicide for the greater good. But you know what? Our lives are in danger too. I don't want to see myself die - or more importantly, see you die, babe. Ghost sex isn't one of my kinks. In fact, it's my anti-kink, just ask Ben."

"...What? We have never slept together, damn it, Casper!"

Casper sort of shrugged at Ben, before allowing James to lead him out of the car and into the Underground proper. He felt a little bit jealous seeing James hug Sunshine, Waverley, and Max - but he didn't say anything about it. Despite popular belief, Casper did know that he was a bit of an attention hog, and that was his problem to deal with, not James'.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine flinched as Waverley ran up to her and wrapped her into a hug. She wasn't very big on physical affection - even emotional affection and closeness was asking a lot of her. She awkwardly patted Waverley on the back, her little way of returning the hug. "I'm fine, he tried to annoy me to death with how bad he is at magic, and he teleported me to some freaky haunted island," she answered Waverley. She left out the entire part about how she had healed Max and didn't totally hate him anymore.

She stiffened more as James came on up and added onto the hug. Veil's twin brother touched her head. Casper, the big goof, joined in on the group hug as well. "Next person who touches me loses an eye," she grumbled. She was being squished by so many people who cared about her or whatever, and her skin felt like it was on fire. She couldn't watch her back. She couldn't decide when to end the contact, since she was in the middle. Her breathing kicked up slightly, but she was too proud to hyperventilate, so she more or less tried to muscle her way through it. She tensed up, seeing that Jack was back, especially as he called her Rookie.

"So are you losing your mind or what?" she asked Jack, as Casper finally let go of her.

"Honestly, it's not that shocking if Jackie did go crazy. Davie and Val both already did, so the odds are against him. Guess it's from Maman's side of the family. Thank god I didn't get the crazy gene, right? I'm the sane one in the family."

"Shut up, Casper."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Sewers
Skills: N/A

Megan wasn't shocked, to say the very least, that they had been pursued. In fact, given the level of volume the group was making, it would have been more unlikely for no one to find them down in the sewer's depths. She quietly and without complaint moved into the alcove that Hansel had indicated, keeping her sword sheathed for the moment. She didn't feel the need to draw it just yet. If their pursuers came into their hiding place, then she would draw her blade - but for now, excalibur could rest. Besides, the space was rather cramped with them all pressed in together, there wasn't much room for drawing weapons.

She glanced at her brother for a moment, trying to ascertain his thoughts by the lines on his face. The dim lighting made it difficult though, so she turned attention to the opening of the alcove, waiting to see a metallic sheen emerge as some guard came forward. She breathed quietly, not wanting to couch and give away their position. Their pursuers were rather noisy and rowdy, she could hear their voices being carried through the tunnels, echoing.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa gaped with astonishment as Klara's kitten transformed into a giant beast, easily the size of a tiger. She was still having some trouble wrapping her head around everything that she was seeing and experiencing since dying. In some moments, she wanted to run from the information - but she knew that really her only path forward was just to accept the chaos swirling around her. Like for instance, she still didn't know why they couldn't ask someone else for directions, but apparently that wasn't an option - that or Klara and Nadia just hadn't heard her suggest it. She bit her lip slightly as the bully offered to give them the tools, in exchange for an IOU more or less.

Nadia didn't think it was a good idea, and Runa trusted her when she said that. She didn't know what sort of favors the bully may ask for, but if Nadia thought it was a dangerous deal, then there was no way Runa was going to support taking it. "No thank you," Runa told the giant, speaking softly but still loudly enough that he would be able to hear her.
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