Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
"Yeah, I don't really care if you're on top of her, beneath her, dangling sideways, whatever - as long as you heal her," Guin said dismissively. She normally enjoyed quips and snarky comments, but not when her best friend's life was dangling precariously by a thread. She watched attentively, like a hawk, as Edus worked his magic and Mary's wounds begun to heal themselves. She sighed in relief, knowing that her friend wasn't going to die - not today, at least. Yeah, Edus took care of it, she replied to Pietro.

In the next few moments, so many things happened at once - Guin caught a glimpse of Wanda protecting Pietro furiously, and she felt closer to her sister-in-law than ever before. She spotted Loki go down for the count, her father proclaiming that he had delivered the final blow. The Asgardian girl, Klara, was rambling her apologies, hopefully the spell was actually broken for real this time. Speaking of which... Guin flew quickly on over to where Loki lay and she blasted him with her repulsors in the face. It would definitely bruise badly. "Just checking he's actually down, I've had enough of his stupid fucking tricks," she explained to her dad.

"Understandable, I was going to fire again if you hadn't," Tony responded.

Guin fired off another repulsor blast, hitting Loki once more. "Double checking," she told her father, biting back a smile.

"I mean in all honesty he deserves it."

"Oh, completely. Pietro almost died because of this asshole. Honestly, I wouldn't cry if the God of Losers stopped breathing," Guin admitted. It was a bit of a dark thought, but so many of the people she cared about had been put in extreme danger because of him. Loki had almost caused her father to die when she was a young girl. He had almost killed Pietro and then, his actions almost killed Mary. The world would be better off without him.

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: N/A
Neil looked at Carolina in confusion. "...Did you bring me back to life, then?" he asked her, puzzled. She had weird astral projection type of powers - maybe she had stopped his soul from leaving his body somehow using them? He didn't understand at all what had just happened. He had a massive headache, but otherwise, he felt fine. He knew that he didn't have the power to raise the dead, much less return from death himself. His entire deal was moving things with his mind and making them explode. It was all destruction. That was what he was good at.

He had returned her hug when she gave it, and when she released him, he wiped some of the tears from her face. It was a little strange to know exactly how someone would react when you died, but now he did. She was his truest friend he had had his entire life. His best friend. He didn't want to mess it up. "Or... maybe Edus did something, some spell?" he then asked. He looked around, expecting to see Edus right behind him, but he wasn't there - he was over by Mary.

At the bottom of the crater Runa had been thrown into, Runa was motionless. She was still breathing, fully aware, but she could not bring herself to pick herself up and leave. She had attacked these people twice today. She didn't trust that if she went to greet them, they would treat her as a friend - and even if they did, Loki's spell could still have some sick hold on her. She closed her eyes, wishing that the earth would swallow her whole.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️ and 🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Senate House
Skills: Greek Mythology

Leda knew quite a few Greek myths, and the ones relevant to the Labyrinth came to mind as Jason asked for information on it. Mary had covered the basics, but not its history. "It was created by Daedalus, son of Athena, in order to contain the Minotaur. The Minotaur was Pasiphaë's son - you may be more familiar with her more famous sister, Circe, the Witch of Aeaea," Leda summarized. It was a glorified cage, a prison, designed to confine the monster within and trap its prey. It struck her as heartless, hearing the Roman leader order that no one could go in to help their comrade. Had that poor soul even known what they were walking into? Demetri apparently was down there near the Labyrinth, trying to convince the other Roman Leader to bring a clear sighted mortal there to help the stranded soul.

"Since when does he know what a clear sighted mortal is?" Leda murmured conspiratorially, her voice low enough so only Mary and Kiera could hear her. She guessed that maybe someone had told him about what it meant and all, but Leda had assumed that Demetri knew next to nothing about the world of gods and monsters. She also guessed that there was a nonzero chance he would charge into the Labyrinth, not realizing that they'd need at three people in there in order to stand a fighting chance. Three was a good number - anything more or less was doomed, with only a few exceptions.

Nancy, meanwhile, was grateful that Madalyne didn't undermine her authority. She glanced at her fellow praetor, thinking for a moment before she spoke. "We need your magics protecting the gem - not bringing some mortal here to help a girl who would see us all burn before lifting a finger to help us," Nancy told her, her voice calm and steady, although there was anger bubbling beneath the surface. She was angry at Waverley for refusing to learn anything of their world, for mocking and ridiculing them at every turn, for telling lies to Diana, for wandering into the Labyrinth and forcing them to choose between saving her and saving New Rome. She took a breath, breathing in and out of her nose to try to temper her rage.

"We should go and retrieve it, keep it on your person here. Once the battle is over, I'll fetch her myself. Maybe she'd be better off throwing her lot in with the Greeks," she suggested. Waverley was a danger to herself and others with the way she acted. Maybe the Greeks would like that sort of chaos. But if there was one thing becoming abundantly clear to Nancy, it was that she would have to choose between Waverley and the lives of everyone in New Rome - and that Waverley wouldn't even realize or care that the choice had been forced upon her. Demigods died all the time. Many were going to fall in this battle today.

If Waverley couldn't face the Sphinx - and Nancy doubted that she could - she would just be one more funeral shroud... but at least New Rome would stand.

February 17th, 2021 - 1:50 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Car
Skills: Mediumship
"Oh, I'm greeeeat," Casper told Callie, snuggling happily up to James. "Bae's skin is like a balm for the soul," he said with a sigh. He breathed in James' scent. He could never quite describe it, but if they could use it for scented candles, the Mutant Underground would never have money problems again. It was somehow the smell version of calm - of pure bliss, a state of zen. He didn't mind that Callie seemed to be taking the long route home. It gave him more time to spend cuddling with his beau.

"Didn't Veil tell you all the X-Men were busy?" Ben pointed out. He was squeezed into the back of the van, with barely enough space for his ghostly form to be there. Of course, no one but Casper could hear him and Casper was ignoring him, just enjoying some domestic bliss before the next horrible thing happened. There was always something.

"Shouldn't we contact someone more qualified?" Casper asked, finally joining the relevant conversation - what they were going to do about the X-Cutioner and his threats. "Since let's face it, if my asshole dad is anything, it's a self serving coward. He'd let all the mutants in D.C. die before he gave himself up," Casper commented.

"Would anyone you called believe you?" Ben pointed out. "You're a drug addict, Casper. And everyone else here looks pretty shady to the government and other superhero teams. Someone has to save the mutants here."

"Then why don't you do it, Ben! God, I cannot take a shit without you critiquing the way I bent my knees!" Casper complained.

"Real mature. People's lives are on the line, Casper! Do you know how many mutants there are in D.C.? Do you even care about anyone but yourself?!"

"Shut up, bitch!" Casper shouted at Ben. Ben's ghostly blue form flickered into view for everyone else, as Ben slapped Casper across the face. Casper's spit went flying from a result of the blow, landing in Waverley's eye (gross).

They would then arrive at the Mutant Underground.


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
With Empath and Kid Omega down, Veil sized up the rest of their opponents. They had the woman with the tarot cards, who she had nicknamed Tarot in her mind, and then Domino left. Veil didn't really know what Domino's powers were and that made her nervous. She knew what Tarot's power was and that made her all the more nervous. She wished that she had gotten into tarot cards, so that way she could have an idea of what other monsters Tarot could call forth, but she had always found them silly. She didn't believe that they held any power.

The dragon roared and blasted them with a gigantic column of green fire, so hot that Sapphire's hair would begin to turn brown. Veil threw up the strongest force field she could manage, digging in her heels as she tried to remain firm, but her body was being slid back across the floor from the force she was holding off. "Veil, drop the shield so I can roast this lizard!" Havok shouted, charging up a blast of his own.

"Not... a... good... time!" Veil grunted. She was sweating profusely now, feeling the heat that her force field was holding back away from them. With all of the chaos, neither Havok or Veil noticed that Domino had vanished, leaving out the other exit of the room, ditching Tarot in the process. It was lucky that Domino did that. While Veil was straining against the dragon's fire, search lights shone down on them - the Tower had destroyed the ceiling, exposing them to the open air.

"WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! STAND DOWN OR WE WILL SHOOT!" a voice boomed. Up in the air above them were several quinjets with S.H.I.E.L.D. logos, all of their weapons trained on the mutants down below.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Greek
Sunshine raised an eyebrow, a bit curious about this person Max had contacted. She didn't like thinking much about that other place. Her life had been much better there. She didn't understand why people had to go ahead and ruin everything, just because they couldn't handle happiness, but she kept her mouth shut about it. There was no use in lashing out and screaming about it - she had other things to scream about and blame people for. "Μιλάω ελληνικά, ηλίθιοι," Sunshine scoffed.

Of course, her reading skills were abysmal - in every language she spoke. She would need someone to help her sound out the letters in order to translate it for him, but she wasn't going to pass up on a chance to feel a little bit superior to Max. "What's the book on?" she then asked him. He seemed weird, but he was always like that. She didn't know what exactly he meant by getting help. His spell books seemed pretty useless so far anyways. Was he asking a friend for help getting better at his job? Or maybe for help at not being a traitor?

"... If you can sound out the words, I can translate. Or whatever," she then offered, not looking him in the eye.

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

"I think I'll go to the beach - feel the sand beneath my toes," Hope answered honestly. She figured that Maria had meant once everything was over, not just when they immediately arrived back to Earth. It was so strange to think about, not being on that little blue rock. They had no idea where they were. They could be anywhere in the universe.

The elevator took them down one level and the doors opened up. Everything looked pretty much identical to the level they had just come from - there were hallways splitting off from the elevator, with an unpleasant drop awaiting anyone who stumbled and fell over the side. Hope picked one at random and walked down it, her eyes widening slightly. "You'll want to see this..." she said, calling out to her companions.

There was only one prisoner in this cell block - a young skrull girl. She was wearing the sort of gown that would suit Princess Zelda, but it was in tatters. She looked weary and battle-worn, despite having no scars. She looked like she was maybe 18 or 19 years old.

Mar-Vell's Ship - New Jersey: 10:10 P.M.

Mar-Vell looked surprised as Niah mentioned she had three realities inside of her head. While the Kree were an incredibly technologically advanced race, they hadn't dabbled with changing the timeline or venturing into alternate realities. Such knowledge was forbidden. If the Kree Empire knew this sort of thing regularly occurred on Earth, they would certainly destroy it. "I'm dying to know more about what you've experienced, but be cautious who you share that information with. That sort of thing is exactly what will force the Empire to destroy your world."

She shook her head, not seeing any visuals on people from the craft at the moment. However, the question of the skrulls wants and desires was at least something she could answer. "The World-Eater, Galactus, consumed the skrull's home planet, Tarnax IV. They need a new home. And your planet is in a strategic position for the war against the Kree Empire, as wormholes are easily opened in this system. It is how your Asgardian friend can move so quickly from his planet to yours," Mar-Vell answered. She was holding something back though, something clearly painful and sad.

She turned her face so Niah and Oliver could not see her pain. Mar-Vell landed the ship down right next to the Asgardian's craft, lowering the ramp so Niah and Oliver could disembark. "I'll be out in a moment, I need to run some diagnostics on the engine system."

Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 10:10 P.M

Raynor's eyes widened, seeing the baby kick - he didn't need to be able to feel it to know that it had happened, with the way Sparky suddenly put a hand on her belly. "Damn it, Sparks! I come back from the dead for what, an hour, and you already won't listen to me?" he complained, rushing off the ship after her. He glanced up in time to see a Kree ship land and he instinctively went in front of Sparky protectively. "Get back to the ship, these Kree assholes make human bones look like toothpicks," he warned her.

The Kree were one of the few alien races capable of matching an Asgardian in strength. Not all of them achieved that upper limit of power, but Raynor had run into enough Kree mercenaries back in his home reality that he knew better than to just ride on the strength of his own ego. He had Lyting drawn and he conjured up a ball of light in his other hand, ready to strike.

"Uh, mate?" Amelia prompted, tapping Raynor on the shoulder. "Not to burst your bubble or anything, but if they were hostile, they would've attacked by now. Also, they aren't this Kree or whatever you mentioned, look," she added, pointing. From the base of the ramp, she could make out two familiar faces and one stranger up inside of the craft. She was pretty sure two of them people there were her ex-teammates and Sparks' friends. "Sparks, ya know them?" Amelia asked.

Amelia waved up at the occupants of the ship, as Raynor relaxed and his ball of light evaporated, but he didn't lower his knife. "Oh, will you relax?" Amelia chastised. "They're probably just here to rendez-vous as well. If you're worried they're evil shapeshifters, then we can ask them some questions and figure it out, yeah? Like... Say, we ask them to tell us something so bloody random that no alien squid could've come up with it?"

"Yeah, like hell am I just going to trust them," Raynor growled slightly.

New Jersey - Quinjet: 10:10 P.M.

Bonnie nodded, giving Matt a slight smile. Internally, she was a little bit annoyed that everyone was treating her with kid-gloves. She didn't need them to reassure her that everything was going to be okay. She wasn't going to have a mental breakdown - not this time. She was a strong, confident, independent woman. She took a breath, her mind flashing briefly back to the asylum she had been treated in, where she had felt like little more than a living corpse. That wasn't going to happen again. She wasn't going crazy. "That's really sweet of you, but I'm fine, I promise," she said, trying to reassure Cass. "I don't need a vacation."

Learning that Evelyn was a mutant wasn't really surprising - the Secret Warriors team had more mutants than any other sort of member. They were practically the S.H.I.E.L.D. version of the X-Men. She watched the President's reaction to learning Evelyn was a mutant carefully. She knew that Jakobsen had once been strongly anti-mutant and she wondered how much of his change of heart had been real - and what was just for the cameras so he'd be elected. His answer to Evelyn could have been genuine, but Bonnie could easily see it being fake.

"Commencing landing sequence - a.k.a., strap in assholes," Hawkeye's voice chirped over the intercom, as they began their descent. They touched down next to two other ships, creating a massive traffic hazard. Some tourists were gawking and taking photos, convinced that the Avengers had arrived.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Sewers
Skills: N/A

There didn't seem to be much of anything happening, which was for the best. Megan put excalibur back in its sheath. She didn't mind the scent of shit that pervaded the sewers - she had smelled worse during autopsies. Some people had extraordinary bad hygiene - and of course, decomposition processes breaking down the human body had their own odors that they unleashed. If anything, it would have been concerning if the sewers didn't smell like shit. She hadn't been in the sewers in their world before, but she imagined even there they would stink. It was a comforting commonality between the two worlds.

She was glad that they had been successful in their rescue mission - while she may often be confused for being cold hearted, Megan didn't wish death on just anyone. It was nice that a mother and her child were reunited. Of course, her attention as she walked was more on the brief, fleeting impressions she had had of Camelot. The current ruler seemed to be a classic villain, imprisoning people who tried to take care of their families - another commonality, as America was hardly any different. She wondered if King Arthur was just as cruel and intolerant.

She imagined it was probably so.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa flinched ever so slightly as she felt something rub up against her - only to look down and see that it was just Klara's cat. As much as her mind wanted to just wallow in self pity and self hatred, a disastrous combination, she couldn't help but smile ever so slightly at the cat. Animals were so pure and kind - they weren't malicious or evil or anything of that sort. They also didn't know if someone was being an idiot or not, so Runa felt like animals could never judge her. The cat didn't stop her though from digging her fingernails into her wrist. She had done it so often that she was almost numb to the action at this point.

Her eyes widened as Klara, without any warning picked up Nadia and threw her up into the air. The Utgard-Loki person was just laughing at them and Runa narrowed her eyes slightly. At the risk of sounding like an idiot and making a complete fool of herself, she spoke up. "Can't we just ask someone else for directions?" Runa asked softly. "Do we really need to get directions from that one specific dwarf?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️ and 🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Senate House
Skills: N/A

It was a little bit of culture shock to hear the Greek girl say Hecate - it was like suddenly hearing pop instead of soda for instance, or care-uh-mel instead of car-mel. Nancy had to think for a minute as to the Roman equivalent of Hecate, but it came to her quickly enough. The Greeks had been visited by Trivia then, Madalyne and Waverley's mother. Nancy frowned deeply at the news that the gem was a part of Tartarus. They hadn't known that. It was a little chilling to think of what could have happened if their request to retrieve it had been a failure - if it had fallen into the wrong hands, well, more wrong than the hands of a dragon. It wasn't terribly shocking to hear that Atlas had lied, but still, Niah had bound him under an oath... She bit her lip slightly, not liking the conclusion she was coming to. There was one obvious reason as to why the monsters would want that stone.

"We can't let them get that stone - if we can't hold New Rome, we need to either smuggle it out or destroy it," she said. "They're probably going to try to use it to resurrect Tartarus, which would obviously be grody to the max." The things that came before the gods tended to be world destroyers. She didn't want to know what agenda Tartarus would get up to if he were able to manifest a physical form beyond that of the Pit. Saturn was puny in comparison to Tartarus and he had caused enough damage, from what some of the retired legionnaires had told her. And of course, Terra hadn't been a cakewalk either.

"Sounds rad, Niah - maybe bring your fancy armor with you, things might get gnarly," Nancy suggested. She somehow doubted that the Greeks had anything equivalent to life vests for their flying ship, so Niah's flying armor would pretty much be her only line of defense if she were to go overboard. She didn't want to add onto scaring the little kid, and Nancy was still a bit skeptical as to the Greeks bringing people so young along for this, but she didn't say a word about it.

Leda nodded at Kiera - she was going to stay as well. There was no way that she was going to sit out on all of this action, even if it killed her. She'd much rather die a hero today than live as a coward. Besides, the two leaders of New Rome sounded to her like they were from Stranger Things or something with the way they talked and she wanted to get to the bottom of that. The thought of fighting up on the flying ship wasn't ideal, since she liked to zip around and run as fast as she could, but she wasn't about to abandon her friends. She could do some fancy rainbows and sword fighting anyways.

"Sounds like we've got a smashing plan," she commented, feeling a little bit awkward. Did they need to wait for the Romans to dismiss them or something? What was the exact protocol for aiding the Roman legion? She imagined that they probably had a binder somewhere with all of these stuffy rules and regulations written up. As a child of Iris, Leda hated the idea of that. She was a free spirit. She wouldn't have lasted here. She wondered if her mother had any Roman children around.

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
"Fuck!" Guin cursed, as Loki threw her off of him. She activated her suit's thrusters at the right moment to stabilize her and keep her from crashing down to the ground, allowing her to hover in air as she tried to think of what to do next. Loki went to try to kill Neil, only for her father to stop him. Wait, what do you mean Mary collapsed? Guin asked frantically. She had been so focused on Loki, she hadn't noticed how Mary had been doing with whoever she had gone to fight.

She's kind of pale and on the ground. Like a lot of blood, when did she get stabbed or whatever?

Shit, shit, shit, shit! She looked around the battle field quickly, before taking off as fast as she could and flying over to Edus. She grabbed him, lifting him by his armpits and flew him on over to Mary as fast as she could, setting him down. "Heal her!" she said, although it sounded more like an order than a request. Her best friend was bleeding out and he was the only person who could stop it. She wasn't going to let Mary die. No way in hell. She could be nice and use please and thank you after Mary's life wasn't in jeopardy.

That's really really bad.

Everyone needs to start wearing fucking armor!

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Necromancy
Neil inhaled sharply, feeling the sting from all of the wounds Loki had given him. He still had the god's tongue in his hand, it felt like he was holding a gigantic, fat worm. He understood why Loki was lashing out at him, he wasn't really that powerful without his ability to use his words to manipulate people and make them feel small. He staggered backwards as Loki threw a dagger at him, the dagger using his body as a sheath as Neil fell to the ground. He was bleeding so much his white-blonde hair was stained red in parts. His clothes were ruined, looking like he had been mauled by a bear.

He hit the ground, the world spinning as he struggled to focus on something. He could hear Carolina, but her voice was distant, as if she were very far away. Even her features were blurring, not really that clear or distinct. There was a hulking figure looming over Carolina's shoulder and instinctually, Neil knew that his time was up. With his last bit of strength, he pulled the dagger out of his body, dropping it with shaking hands limply. "It's not.... your fault..." he whispered to Carolina, hoping that once he was dead, she would move on - that she wouldn't try to avenge him.

Neil bled out. He died.

Runa was restrained by vines and in immense pain. In some respects, it was ironic - she had been raised in a place surrounded by flowers. Having plant life be used against her seemed almost unfair, as if the plants should know that her mother was essentially an unofficial flower goddess. The speedster and the witch had wounded her greatly and each breath hurt. She couldn't move, but she didn't need to move to hurt them. She took in a deep breath and let out a scream, darkness shooting out from her mouth and crashing into the speedster as he moved to protect his sister. Quicksilver crashed into the ground, hard, and Runa took another breath, letting out another darkness scream. The witch blocked easily. That only made Runa angrier, as she screamed again, only for another block.

Meanwhile, Neil opened up his eyes and sat up, breathing easily. His wounds were healed, all closed up. He felt incredibly dizzy as he grabbed the dagger Loki had used on him and held it in one hand, holding Loki's tongue in his other. "... Carolina... What just happened?" he murmured.

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

The assorted superheroes had huddled up into a bit of a group, with the Invisible Woman sitting on the ground and doing some breathing exercises while her husband examined her. A lot of them were in need of medical attention after everything that had been done to them, with Captain Marvel being in pretty bad shape, almost as bad as the Human Torch. Maria Hill had some combat medic experience so she was also giving everyone a once over, while Black Widow was assessing what sort of combat strategies they had access to - and Tony, of course, was boasting about his feats, "I'm just saying, in a fair fight, I would have stopped all of these skrulls in like ten minutes tops," he said to She-Hulk, who just rolled her eyes and nodded politely.

"Hey, I'm coming with you," a woman with dark bobbed hair said - Hope van Dyne aka the Wasp. She didn't want to be around for Tony Stark's dick measuring event and she didn't have the medical expertise to help those who were drugged out of their minds. But she did have one thing compelling her to go with Flynn and Maria - she didn't trust anyone but herself. She figured they would turn out to be idiots and if she left her life in the hands of idiots, well, nothing good would come of that.

Mar-Vell's Ship - New Jersey: 10:00 P.M.

"Of course - I'd be happy to teach you, hell, I'm in need of a new collaborator if you'd be interested," Dr. Larson said, smiling at Oliver. Unlike the Kree, who were an emotionless warring people, Mar-Vell was all about kindness and curiosity.

Dr. Larson then nodded, pulling out her phone and quickly googling Jersey City Boardwalk so she could quickly get the coordinates for it. Even with all of her advanced Kree technology, sometimes it was just faster to Google search something. She plugged in the coordinates and continued to fly the ship so smoothly it was like they were flying in a cloud - an insanely fast cloud, given that in less than ten minutes they had journeyed from Nova Scotia to New Jersey. Dr. Larson peered down at the boardwalk on her monitors, looking for a good spot to land.

"Hmm, parking looks pretty full..." she mused. The only open spots would be right in the walkway and she then hesitated, noticing something on her scans. There was an Asgardian ship parked in the middle of one of the walkways. It had its cloaking drive turned on, but it wasn't a match for the Kree ship's sensors, not after Mar-Vell had specially modified them of course. "Do you know any Asgardians?" she then asked them.

Serval Industries, Virginia - Quinjet: 10:00 P.M.

Bonnie glanced up at Cass as she felt her friend put a gentle hand on her, and she considered how to answer for a moment. A lot had happened - not just this week, but over the past year or so. She still didn't have an explanation for what had happened with the Black Order, how she had survived when her neck should have been snapped so easily. And between House of M and Ultron, they had experienced their fair share of alternate realities. Flynn was missing too, replaced by an alien and shapeshifters had taken over the Avengers. "Yeah, I'm fine - just thought I heard something," Bonnie answered. "It's probably just stress."

As if to make her point, Bonnie rubbed at her eyes slightly - she could feel the little bits of rheum in at the corners, signs that she was in need of some rest. She was hopeful that wherever Hawkeye was taking them could actually accommodate everyone. They had about half of the Avengers, half of the Secret Warriors, the President of the United States, and some random lady from Serval Industries on the plane. They weren't exactly a small party.

"Taking off now, a-holes. Let's do better about strapping in this time, Hawkeye said over the intercom, as the ship lifted off. "Next stop, god help us, is New fucking Jersey."

Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 10:00 P.M

"I still think dumping the body is a bad idea..." Amelia protested, but Raynor didn't really give her a chance to say much else. He grabbed the body and went to what looked like a glorified trash chute, shoving it in and having to kick at it a bit to get it to go through. Amelia glanced at the monitors and saw a brief blip indicating that the body had indeed been tossed and would end up going splat somewhere in Jersey City.

"I said fiancée, not wife, you need to get your ears checked Sparks," Raynor lied to Sparky, rubbing his hands on his Jedi robes a bit.

A few minutes went by and Amelia now needed to figure out a crucial and vital maneuver - how to land the flying yellow spaceship they had borrowed from the Asgardian hippies. They were hovering over the boardwalk and as far as she could tell, no one was screaming and running in fear, so they must have had some sort of cloaking active. She tilted controls forward, but that only made the ship tilt, and she frowned, before getting an idea. She lowered the controls and noticed that the ship began to descend slowly - she continued this pattern, just lowering the glorified Wii-motes until she was practically touching the ground with them. The ship settled in nicely onto the boardwalk, a giant invisible obstacle that was definitely disrupting the flow of traffic.

"Hopefully this is quick, I really don't wanna know what sort of tickets you get for parking an alien spaceship in the middle of a walkway," Amelia commented, pressing the power button on the left Wii-remote and the ship hummed as it powered off. There wasn't a ramp for them to use, instead they'd need to just open up the one door and walk on out, but the door wasn't really high up so it wouldn't be much of an issue. "Aaanyways I call this a successful flight! By the by, this means we're all officially astronauts now, eh? And I'm a space pilot or whatever the exact term is, think they still might be sorting that one out, maybe space ace? or just spAce, with an extra little umph on the ace part?"

"It's just pilot," Raynor told her, as he got up and offered a hand to Sparky. He then frowned slightly. Despite living on Earth for so long, he still didn't know a lot about Midgardian biology. "Sparks... Shouldn't you be lying down or something anyways? The baby's Asgardian, if it kicks, it might break you," he explained, unaware of the ironic parallel of their situation to the plot of Twilight Breaking Dawn.

Meanwhile, Amelia headed to the door and popped it open, staring out into the electrified darkness of the downtown Jersey City. Hotels and restaurants lined the boardwalks, with a steady crowd of tourists and college aged kids strutting the boardwalk in their finest.

February 17th, 2021 - 1:40 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Glitter Factory -> the Car
Skills: Mediumship
"I'm heavy because I have matter and therefore I mass," Casper explained to Waverley, butchering the joke as he swapped the two important concepts. However, he was too delirious from the pain and the shocks, and add on top of that his already slightly spacey personality, and voilà. It was like he was high without even having touched a pill or a joint in months. He gasped as James told him that he was well done. "But I wanted to be pink!!" he whined. Pink was his favorite color. He had always wanted pink hair as a kid growing up. His dad didn't let him dye it.

"Sometimes, I think it's hard to tell if you're high or not," Ben told Casper, leaning up against the wall. "You act almost exactly the same when you're on drugs and when you're off."

Casper blew a kiss at Ben in response. A moment later though, he felt brand new! His chest wasn't burning with pain - well, not any more than was normal. His thoughts cleared and he burst out into a grin, realizing that his adorable and amazing boyfriend had healed him. He adored James. He loved him more than he had ever loved anyone before (besides himself). "If you want your powers to shut off, I'd recommend a healthy amount of cocaine and heroin. Kid tested, Casper approved."

He was able to support himself as they walked back to the car, but that didn't stop Casper from pretending to need James help so he had an excuse to hold on to his precious beau. When they arrived at the car, Casper couldn't help but overhear Echo prattling on about how proud Charles had to be - and other annoying statements about the X-Men and their mighty leader. Casper rolled his eyes and did his best nasally old man voice, before then putting his fingers over his eyes and spreading them out so he had a crazy, maniac looking sort of stare.

"Ah yes, good job my X-Men! Now, lovely Jean, if you wouldn't mind assisting me in the Cerebro room? I'm quite afraid you'll have to wear a bikini for this, make sure you're adequately waxed down there or it won't work! And bring refreshments and energy bars, yes!" Casper mocked.


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Kid Omega's beautiful nose had been broken, thanks to Kris' (successful) shot. That didn't stop him though from using his telekinesis to suspend Glimpse in the air, forcing her to run in place without making any real traction. "You know, you're not the speedster I was prepping to fight - but I have to give it to you... You're waaaaay slower than I thought you'd be," Kid Omega taunted, snickering. While continuing to suspend Glimpse in the air, he then started telekinetically throwing things at Kris, like the desk and some cabinets and whatnot, but they all missed her.

"Omega, stop that! We can't leave this place looking like a wrecking team hit it or they'll toss the vaccines!" Domino hissed. She had finished her job and now, she just needed to make the room look spotless and harmless. The main obstacle in her way? The pesky Mutant Underground team. She picked up a stapler and opened it up, before chucking it into the fray. Her aim was true, as the stapler soared and hit Veil in the head, with Veil's force field not coming up fast enough to protect her.

Veil rubbed her head slightly and her hand came away with blood, but at least it wasn't a lot. She glanced up in time to see the Devil scoop up Sapphire like a rag doll, and start to carry her out of the room like yesterday's trash. "No," Veil hissed, refusing to let the monster make off with her friend. She turned and looked at the girl who had summoned the creature, noticing the card floating in the air above her, and Veil thrusted her hand out, sending a gigantic force field crashing into Tarot like a tidal wave. The card fell to the ground and the Devil vanished, causing Sapphire to fall to the floor, landing on her butt.

Empath was cursing enough to make a sailor blush, although his swears weren't really that creative. His eyes were glowing red as he glared at Andy, trying another tactic since apparently making her believe she was naked wasn't enough. He tried to make Andy believe she was a bubblegum princess who was madly in love with him, but it didn't work. He couldn't concentrate properly as he was still nursing his wounded foot. In fact, his previous manipulation would vanish and Andy would realize she had been fully clothed the entire time.

Tarot frantically through up another card - one that caused Domino to curse at the incompetency of the crew she had been sent with - the Tower. A massive tower, the sort that Rapunzel would throw down her hair from, started to grow in out of nowhere. It was covered in vines and fire was coming from each open window. As the tower continued to grow and grow, it broke through the ceiling and continued to go higher and higher, until it was as high as the Washington Monument. It'd be impossible to cover up.

And of course, where there's a tower, there's also a dragon.

"Son of a bitch - I guess our princess is in another castle," Havok muttered, before deciding that he wanted to continue fighting Kid Omega. Sapphire, Veil, and the new kid had the weird tower nonsense handled. He let off three powerful blasts of energy - the first one missed but the second two were perfect hits. Kid Omega, a bit of a glass cannon, crumbled from the effort - meaning that Glimpse was then released from the telekinetic hold.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine couldn't help but do a double take when Max's eyes turned into swirling spheres of galaxies. If he wasn't eternally annoying, she might have found his eyes to be beautiful in this moment, if not breathtaking. She huffed slightly, blowing the air upwards so that way her bangs moved a bit out of her eyes, and she tapped her foot impatiently. She didn't like how empty the Mutant Underground was and she wanted answers already. When Max started to explain what happened, her eyes narrowed.

The Brotherhood of Mutants had attacked them? They were supposed to be pro-mutant, protecting them from the hated of stupid flatscans. She had always seen them more as being heroes than the X-Men, but then she remembered - Magneto was their leader and he was part of the Hellfire Club. He was one of the assholes who worked with Nazis and murdered Erg and didn't care about the innocent Morlocks living underneath the ground. Her fist clenched slightly. Why couldn't it be mutants against humans? Why did it have to be mutants v mutants v humans? Why was everyone such an egotistical, greedy asshole?

Before she could ask Max though, especially with what he meant by Jack being fixed, he excused himself and ran off, leaving Sunshine alone. She huffed and kicked at the ground. The Brotherhood were officially on her naughty list. She stared at her hands, thinking for a moment. If she could take away Max's M-Pox, maybe she could punish the Brotherhood by ensuring they got the disease.
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