Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Prison -> Sewers
Skills: N/A

Megan shook her head slightly at Layla. People seemed to really like making comparisons between her and Marvel characters - first Captain Britain, now Star-Lord. She was familiar with the comics, as it was hard not to be with the popularity of the MCU, but she didn't go out of her way to interact with them. No, she was much more interested in horror anthologies. A guard charged at her, only for Layla to take them down with a quick throw of a knife. The guards weren't really much to be impressed by, as they all managed to flee rather quickly and Megan made her way back into the sewer through the grate, excalibur in its sheath once more.

When her feet hit the moist ground of the sewer, she drew her weapon again - just in case. She felt a little bit tense given that her brother hadn't come on down yet and she really didn't want him to be injured here. Judging by the filth and dirt everywhere, she doubted that their medical practices - magical or not - were really hygienic. She didn't know if the guards would follow them into the sewer. She hoped they weren't paid enough to follow them.
3 points for Onyx!
2 points for McKenzy!
1 point for Peep!

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️ and 🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Fields of Mars -> Senate House
Skills: N/A

"Thank you," Nancy told her sister earnestly. She usually would have found a reason to be annoyed by Alexandra, but in times of war it was time to drop all of the bullshit and rally together. "I'd like you to stay for the debriefing, Alexandra - then you can rejoin the Fourth or go where you feel you are needed." Nancy was making an exception for the Augur, knowing that Alexandra may very easily have some sort of sixth sense notion on where she needed to be in order to win this fight. She also didn't blame her if she didn't want to return to a cohort led by the most nauseating and nasty person in all of New Rome.

She nodded as Madalyne asked her if she could run the debrief for the Greeks. She didn't take a seat, having spread maps pretty much all over the place where the praetors sat, and she was too energized to sit anyways. Anything she could do to make things a little easier for Mads. "Right, so there's a lot of information, so save the questions for the end if you can and it'll be bitchin'. The imminent threat is an assault on Camp Jupiter led by the titans and the giants together. They're planning to force Terminus, our resident god, to take Atlas' burden and allow the titan to walk the planet freely. Diana and her hunters secured Prometheus earlier, so that's at least one titan off of the board. We have troops positioned surrounding New Rome and Camp Jupiter, and in case the enemy decides to exploit the sewers, we've got a group down there as well."

"We also have a prophecy issued by," Nancy hesitated, "our Augur, Alexandra. There will be a battle in the Pit, where Greek and Roman demigods alike are chained to a shrine of Apollo. We retrieved a gem last summer and it appears to be connected to whatever is happening in the Pit - Alexandra saw that it was in the center of the shrine. Best we can tell, it's the next Great Prophecy, the defining struggle of our generation of demigods... The odds of survival are grim. If any of you want to leave before today's battle, we can evacuate you, but we'd need to do so now... Alright, I know that was a lot and it was very grody, so questions are game now."

Leda frowned deeply, a chill setting into her bones. The Bitch Boss had almost perfectly described the dream she had had the previous night, of a shrine of Apollo in Tartarus. Only instead of seeing demigods in chains, she had seen monsters digging, as if they were searching for something. She didn't know anything about this gem either that Bitch Boss had mentioned. It was incredibly puzzling - just as puzzling as the prophecy Rosie had issued before, the one everyone back at Camp Half-blood thought was the next Great Prophecy. At least the one that sent Zeke, Kristin, and Janelle off on their quest had been more or less clear as to what it meant.

"Not so much a question, your excellency, as a comment - I saw that shrine in my dreams," Leda spoke up, unable to resist a bit of sarcasm. "But no one was tied up to it. There were a bunch of blokes digging, like they were looking for something. Not sure how helpful that is, but yeah." She couldn't really make heads or tails out of what was going on - but she knew that they were about to face some climatic battle soon enough, and probably it would only be a prelude for what was to come.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Klara's words cut Runa deeply. Her face turned red not from anger, but from embarrassment. She was right, of course - it had been very stupid of her to just shout out about the crime in progress. She should have known to do something else. She bowed her head slightly, determined to bite her tongue and keep quiet before she made a fool of herself any further. These people weren't her friends anyways. They were only just tolerating having her along so that way they could save the universe. Once they didn't need her anymore, then they'd never talk to her again or think about her again - and why would they? They had loads of cool people hanging around, they didn't need a depressing little idiot desperately tagging along for attention.

She left the bar after Klara, hanging back slightly though so she wouldn't get in the way. She didn't want to mess this up again. She didn't even understand why they had to get help from this one specific dwarf to find their way, but she kept her mouth shut - her ideas were probably stupid anyways and she didn't want to give Klara and Nadia another reason to hate her. She bit down hard on her lip and discretely moved her right hand to her left wrist, digging in her fingernails as hard as she could.

Runa just shook her head when Nadia asked if she had any ideas. She didn't know who Utgard-Loki was, so how was she possibly qualified to make a suggestion?

Neil Spellman

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telekinetic Combat, Minor Molecular Combustion
Runa smiled slightly sadistically, beyond amused with the threats from the puny mortal girl. The weapon pressed up against her neck was made of shadows and shadows fell into Runa's domain. Lies lived in the dark and her father was the god of light. She didn't even blink, staring Bethany down as the spear began to shrink and shrink, until it measured only twelve inches in length. "What a lovely toothpick you have," Runa said dryly. "Do be careful - you might scratch me with that if you aren't careful."

"Now watch closely, as I demonstrate proper technique," Runa said. She created a gigantic sword out of darkness - a claymore, in fact, and she rushed at Bethany, impaling her on the sword. She drove it through her as far as it could go, critically wounding the X-Man. Bethany's blood was everywhere. She was dying.

Meanwhile, Neil was reeling. His idea of breaking Loki's concentration hadn't really worked at all - they were still in a horrible position. His arms were bleeding - not an entirely new sensation, he'd cut his arms in rituals before with his family when blood from a non-magic user was required. And just as he had realized how stupid his plan had been in practice, Loki made it rain fire. The burns hurt way more than the stings from the cuts. They were incredibly painful, even as Neil knew deep down that they weren't that bad, that things could have been a lot worse.

So, he decided it was time to go to the good old standby. It was cruel and violent, but that tended to be how Neil had the most success with these things. He had destroyed Klara's eye. When Mesmero controlled him, he had tried to rip out Mira's vocal cords. He just needed to lean into his strengths, so he yanked as hard as he could on Loki's tongue, but it wouldn't sever. Neil gritted his teeth and tried again and this time, the tongue came out. It flew into his hand and Neil stared at it, a little bit in shock. He tried to make Loki's teeth explode next, but he only managed to get one - but even then, it had certainly been violent enough, hopefully enough to help stop Loki for good.

Guin Stark

Location: Liberty Island
Skills: Telepathy
Everything was on fire and nothing at all was fine - so it was more or less a standard day for the X-Men. Guin used to panic in battles like this, but now she was largely calm as long as no one she loved was seriously injured. Annie looked like she was in pretty bad shape, yet nothing that suggested to Guin that Annie was about to die or anything. The rest of the fights were too sprawled out and all over the place for Guin to really judge as to how they were doing, so she blasted off into the air and started firing down shot after shot at Loki. Her first volley didn't connect, but her second did, blasting Loki to the ground.

Huh, he isn't monologuing - weird, Guin commented, as she closed the gap between her and Loki. She grabbed him by the neck and used her suit's strength to bash his head repeatedly against the ground, over and over and over again as she tried to knock him out. He was incredibly stubborn though, refusing to lose consciousness, even as he was bleeding heavily from his wounds. Why can't this stupid god just go to sleep already!!!

Cause he's stubborn?

Can you come knock him out? I'm clearly not really good at this and I don't want to kill him by accident.

No offense but seriously doubt he's easy to kill.

If I kill him by accident doing this, I'm going to remind you we had this conversation then babe.

February 17th, 2021 - 1:30 PM

Casper Theriot

Location: the Glitter Factory
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's brain really needed to decide whether or not he was going to be alert or not. He snapped back into awareness just in time for him and James to fall to the ground, toppling like dominos. He wheezed in pain from the impact, even if his boyfriend softened the fall for him. The pain was still immense and he hadn't been aware enough when James healed one of his wounds to notice that he only had one wound to deal with. "James, I think the food is burning..." Casper murmured. "I smell burnt toast." He didn't realize the burned food smell was coming from him.

He blinked and the next thing he knew, he was off of the ground, with Waverley struggling to carry him. He was about twice her size, so it was basically impossible for her to move at anything faster than a snail's pace. Casper tried to walk on his own, to make it easier for her, but he blinked and the next thing he knew, he was sprawled on the floor again, right by the exit of the club. He raised his hand and pawed slightly at the air above him. "Who you gonna call?" he asked Callie. "Ghostbusters!"


Location: Eisenhower Building - East Wing
Skills: Leadership, Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil took a deep breath, forcing her brain to come up with a plan. She knew all about Kid Omega - he was an omega level telepath. The only other omega level telepath was Jean Grey - the infamous member of the X-Men who merged with some cosmic force and tried to destroy the world. He was telekinetic as well, and there was another power he had that Veil couldn't remember. The other mutants present were wild cards, she didn't know anything about them.

Kristina and Andy started the fight, forcing the inevitable confrontation. "Kid Omega's mental powers are the biggest threat here. Glimpse and Stareyes, double time him. We'll handle the rest," Veil ordered. Glimpse was a telepath with superspeed, arguably the person with the best chance to stop Kid Omega. And Stareyes had a powerful eye beam that could hopefully knock the asshole out.

Of course, their own asshole of the group wasn't in the mood to listen to Veil, as he attacked Kid Omega himself. Havok shot off a powerful blast of hula-hooping energy, sending it on a collision course with Kid Omega - only for Omega to use his telekinesis and deflect it to the side easily, blasting a gigantic hole in the wall. "Yikes, seems you guys got stuck with the worst Summers brother," Omega taunted.

The blast didn't just make a hole in the wall though - it shook the entire room. The lights dangling from the ceiling apparently had a few screws loose, so the force sent them falling down onto the ground, hitting Glimpse square in the head and breaking her concentration. Luck was on Domino's side it would seem, as she was free from the mental hold.

"Oh go suck a cock, Kid," Havok growled.

"Oh, I'm going to kill you you little runt!" Empath screamed at Andy. He was hopping around on one foot, using his hands to hold onto his crushed little toes. He didn't seem to do anything though, so Veil didn't throw up a force field to reflexively save her, but that was because Empath's power was invisible. He could control people's minds and prey upon their emotions. He could convince them they were something else entirely.

And as petty as it was, Empath used his powers to make Andy believe that she was naked - the nightmare of pretty much everyone alive, being completely nude in public.

As if there wasn't enough chaos going on already, as Domino was nearing completion on what she was doing to the vaccines, the quiet girl threw a card up into the air. Red smoke started to form out of nowhere, condensing and taking on the shape of a horrific monster - a beast with horns and hooves. "Devil, escort nos amis off the premises," the girl ordered.

"What the hell..." Veil cursed in astonishment, throwing up a shield just in time. The Devil moved with unnatural speed, letting out a roar as he breathed pure hellfire at the ground. The fire dissipated when it touched Veil's force field and Veil cried out in pain as her hands became severely burned in an instant.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine was confused at first as to why Max was calling Glimpse an idiot, before realizing that he must have meant Havok. There were too many blondes in the Mutant Underground. Of course, Sunshine loved her hair color. It was where she had gotten her mutant name from, because in sunlight it appeared golden and shimmery. She winced slightly as Max mentioned Colossus though - thinking about Colossus just made her think about Magik, and how she had failed her. She had had the power all along to save her and she hadn't been able to do it... She could do it for Max, someone she hated, but not for someone she loved.

"So what, everyone left to go hunt down Havok's ex-girlfriend?" Sunshine asked, unconvinced. She couldn't really imagine Veil mobilizing the entire Mutant Underground for that. If Havok's ex didn't want to be there, she would have just let her go - like she had let stupid Max and stupid Leighton leave to go join the actual Nazis. "Don't you have a phone or something?" she added. She didn't have any of her possessions really. She didn't know if Jack had stashed them somewhere or if they were still upstairs in the room she shared with Waverley.

Mar-Vell's Ship - Above Nova Scotia: 9:50 P.M.

Dr. Larson laughed ever so slightly at Niah's self-deprecating remark. While she was an alien, she wasn't a stranger to humor. "I'm sure you're more competent than you give yourself credit for - Nick spoke very highly of you both," she then added. She smiled a little bit at their kind words regarding her son. Larson was incredibly proud of her bouncing baby boy, but of course, there was still some crucial information she hadn't disclosed yet. He was the son of a skrull princess, making him an heir to the throne. Half skrull, half kree.

If either Niah or Oliver was paying attention to their coordinates, likely via their phone's GPS, they'd realize they were above Nova Scotia. They had crossed the Atlantic Ocean already at incredible - no, impossible speeds.

Serval Industries, Virginia - Quinjet: 9:50 P.M.

Folly might have protested being kicked off of the plane, but she didn't much feel like hanging around with a bunch of Avengers wannabes anyways. From what she could tell, they were pretty much about to go off into hiding, which was boring. At least here there were new places to go and people to see! She was a traveler at heart of course, having been raised in a circus - she never liked to stay in one place too long. "You look like my friend Marygold!" Folly said gleefully as she saw the ginger welcoming them. "Can you talk to plants?"

She shrugged when the subject of her age came up. Her family had never been the type to really celebrate birthdays - well, that wasn't true. Her father had always demanded a large party for his. She and her mother were an afterthought. Her left eye twitched slightly from the abrupt trip down memory lane, her hands shaking ever so slightly. Out of the corner of her right eye, she could see her father's pasty white, jeering face, twisted into a cruel clown's smile.

"This everyone?" Hawkeye's voice came over the intercom. He had given them twenty minutes for this brief little stop and they were about ten minutes in. They'd need to circle back and fly north to meet the others in New Jersey, and then, onto the mysterious safe house that Barton refused to share the location of.

Bonnie was still strapped into her seat and she closed her eyes, taking a chance to just breathe. So much had happened - so much kept on happening. They hardly ever got a break. The universe never seemed to stay safe for very long, there was always some new threat coming to challenge the peace, some tragedy at play. She had set aside her emotions, dedicating herself to this job, trying to use her skills as best as she could to save everyone.

"Seek me in Ἀθῆναι by summer's end," a voice whispered into her mind and Bonnie jolted, her eyes springing open. There was no one out of place. No one on the plane had the ability of telepathy as far as she knew. Her heart was pounding wildly. She had no idea who it was that had reached out to her, but in the midst of this crisis, she didn't have the time to question and ponder as much as she wanted to do so.

In A Flying Yellow Spaceship - Above New Jersey: 9:50 P.M

"You... you just killed a man," Amelia exclaimed, pointing at Raynor. "I know that you were dying or something or just woke up from a flower nap, but you can't just kill people - I mean I suppose it was in self defense, but bloody hell, he should've stood trial... But then again he did attack Sparky and she's major preggo, so, he obviously wasn't a very good person and he tried to kill us all so... Thanks, I think? Like, that wasn't really justice there, but at the same time it was? I don't know what my opinion is on this other than aghhhh. I think I'm going to pipe down and just finish flying, eh, mate? And I'll leave the morality questions for later..."

"... I honestly didn't listen to a word you just said," Raynor admitted. Amelia struck him as a chatterbox and as someone who couldn't handle moral grey areas. She seemed to have talked herself out at least, allowing him to walk on over - carefully, as to avoid falling - to Astrad's body. He pulled out the knife and wiped it clean on Astrad's clothing, before putting Lyting away. "We should throw his body in the harbor when we get a chance."

"Wait, what? Are we covering this up? You killed him in self defense, this wasn't a crime, but.... I guess we really can't just go waltz on up to the police with the aliens and all, but still, when this all blows over someone is going to come looking for him. And it would be pretty fishy of us to just cover up the fact that he's dead," Amelia rambled, continuing to pilot the ship as they were rapidly closing in on their destination.

"I don't want the son of a bitch on my ma-on Nanna's ship," Raynor snapped. "He tried to kill us. He tried to hurt my pregnant wife. I want his corpse at the bottom of the fucking ocean and I want his soul to rot - he doesn't get to go to Valhalla. There's nothing honorable about a fucking HYDRA squid."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Prison
Skills: N/A

"Hmm, don't tell me - Jean Valjean? If I declare that my name is Javert, will you run in fright and terror?" Megan asked the prisoner she had freed, staring at him with such a serious look on her face. She wouldn't have been shocked to find out that somehow, Les Miserables existed in this world along with all of the fairytale characters. She was a bit disappointed that they had yet to run into someone like Frankenstein's Monster, or perhaps even Dracula, but such was life. She'd very much be fascinated if they ran into a mummy, too - but at least there were bound to be witches here, even if they weren't the sort who danced naked in the woods.

The prisoner they had come here to rescue had been freed, and now, it was time to depart - only ten guards stopped them. Megan glanced to her side, noticing that one of their company had drawn their bow and arrows. She didn't say as much, but she agreed - a fight was imminent. She cracked her wrists before drawing her sword, excalibur, from its scabbard. The guards clearly recognized the sword and they hesitated.

"You have two options. You can fight and leave here in a body bag. Or you can leave in peace," Megan said calmly.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️ and 🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Fields of Mars
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't have a good feeling about the battle that was ahead of them. They had done everything they could to prepare - all of their troops were in position and the last few bits of construction were nearing completion. She was certain that Alexandra had to have done those sacrifices by now as well. There wasn't anything else they could do. It was the setting sun that felt so incredibly ominous to her. As much as she loved her Aunt Diana, she was a child of the sun god. And with darkness settling in, their visibility would be poor, making any battles harder for the demigods to fight. The final bad omen? The Greeks had arrived in their ship, an unsettling reminder of the last Greek-Roman Civil War. The only lucky break they had so far was that it wasn't a full moon.

She took in the ensemble of Greeks, raising an eyebrow. They looked more or less as she expected. The orange t-shirts peaked out from underneath Greek armor. A few of them looked even younger than the typical probatio. The one called Demetri bore a striking resemblance to her father. A wicked idea crossed her mind though as he asked to go and help, rather than joining them for a debriefing. There was one centurion present that she did not want to have to be around right now, and Demetri gave her the perfect opportunity to get rid of her. "Leandra, would you escort Demetri to the Fifth Cohort? They could probably use the help with construction." If Fortuna was with them, Leandra would slip and fall in the sewers. It would be so very.

Leda, meanwhile, was itching for something to happen. She could practically smell the tension in the air. The Romans were always so serious and brooding, so it made the lead up to a battle feel even more intense. At Camp Half-blood, they tended to be a lot more casual and fluid when it came to things. They didn't organize into military units or whatever it was that they did here in New Rome. They certainly didn't have anything as fancy as a Senate House - they had a game room in the Big House that Leda was pretty sure the counselors used for meetings with Mr. D., although she had never been herself. Still though, the Romans did provide amazing drama.

"I think the Fifth Cohort or whatever has to be doing something gross, luv," she whispered conspiratorially to Kiera. They had watched the Housewives of New Rome earlier via the Iris Message. There had to be more to this than what they were just saying. Leda fidgeted slightly, adjusting one of the straps of her armor. Hopefully the debriefing wouldn't really take too long. She didn't feel like sitting through a powerpoint presentation. All they needed to know was who they were fighting and how to kill them, that was it. Anything else was just extra pomp.

Category: Dog
1st Pick: McKenzy
2nd Pick: Bowie
3rd Pick: Gizmo

Category: Cat
1st Pick: Onyx
2nd Pick: Suki
3rd Pick: Mosse

Category: MISC
1st Pick: Peep
2nd Pick: Danica
3rd Pick: Enigma
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