Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Street -> Pub
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow. She had known her brother to lie from time to time and hide the truth. He wasn't naturally deceitful, but they had played a few games together where the outcome might have gone differently if everyone had been a little more honest. "I believe you," Megan said stoically. To someone who wasn't familiar with them, it might have sounded a little passive aggressive - but to Megan, it was more just continuing along in her mission of teasing and annoying her brother to death. He also was a detective by trade, meaning that he more than likely was good at keeping secrets from everyone.

She stood a little ways back as Hansel rapped on the door of the pub. The door opened a few minutes later, allowing them to go inside. She snorted very slightly in amusement as their ex-prisoner immediately went to get a drink upon entering. It reminded her of some classmates in med school who had always gone straight to the bottle of vodka after a challenging exam in one of their units. Megan stayed quiet otherwise though, her eyes sweeping around the room as she waited to hear what they had missed - and ideally, find out what the next step was going to be.

Guin Stark

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Telepathy, Electronics and Computers

Guin raised her hand behind her, giving Bethany the middle finger. They were stuck on this tiny tin can with basically nothing to do, and she hadn't said a word about the edibles that had been brought on, no matter how tempting they were. Besides, she figured people would rather Pietro be sitting still and kissing her than running around the tiny ship at top speeds. "Are you inviting me to go have sex with my husband, instead of just kissing him, Mare?" Guin teased. Yuuup, but it's not like they can report us to HR or anything, Guin then whispered back to Pietro.

She wasn't making out with him anymore, as she actually didn't want to make people too uncomfortable - mainly to avoid any further drama. She had enough of that with pressuring Mary to get some therapy. As Pietro asked her if she wanted an emergency to happen, she couldn't help but chuckle. No problems would be ideal - or at least, no problems that we can't fix, she added. Not a second after she had made that mental comment the power went out. The lights weren't what was concerning her - no, Guin was stressed about the life support. This is bad. Very bad. No power means no life support, which means we'll run out of air and the temps will drop so we're either suffocating or freezing to death, take your pick.

The universe seemed to be messing with her, as then everything turned back on, only she could hear a lot of alarms and sensors going off in the cockpit. Lance's description confused her, but not to too much of an extent. Stark Industries had some stealth tech - maybe the explosion was just cloaked from them so they couldn't see it. "Hey, babe? Just breathe, okay, we're gonna be fine," Guin told Pietro, kissing him on the cheek before getting out of his lap.

"Yeah no, fine, kind of made peace with the idea of us being blown up or something..."

She didn't really believe him at all when he said that. "We're not going to die in space. I'm not wearing red, you're not wearing red, so we're good," she told him with a smile, referencing one of his favorite things - Star Trek. She also did an added little trick - with her telepathy and their telepathic bond, she sent him a soothing, calming sensation to ease his anxiety and fear.

"Yay for not being red shirts."

Guin gave him another smile, before heading into the cockpit and quickly accessing the monitor for the life support system. She let out a sigh of relief, seeing that it was fully functional. In fact as far as she could tell from running some quick diagnostics, nothing was wrong with their ship - aside from their sensors going haywire. She closed her eyes for a brief second and did a quick telepathic sweep. There was no one nearby - no one alive at least. "Systems are fully operational and there's no sign of life," Guin reported. "Try jettisoning something at the area the sensors think is freaking out, and we can see if it deviates from its course," she suggested. Basically - throw something at it and see if it crashes into something invisible.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Asgardian Magic

"Oh, I was simply consulting the runes," Runa explained to Bethany, holding up raidō to show her. Of all the runes that Runa had, it was the most well worn, as it had been frequently handled for hundreds of years. "Its name is raidō. It can tell you a story of what is to be of your journey, or with enough talent and luck, you can use it to find a horse or a ship when you are in need," she explained. It was the rune of traveling, of journeys, and a bit boringly, of transportation. Runa used it whenever she could, as she felt connected to its message. Her life was hard, but there were spots of beauty to it - just as not every journey is easy, but the good can still outweigh the bad.

She tilted her head slightly, considering Lance's question as to who occupied this region of the galaxy. She was about to answer when suddenly everything was plunged into darkness. She frowned deeply. Raidō hadn't shown her this. She reached into her bag of runes and searched until she found the one that she wanted - algiz. Her eyes glowed a soft yellow as she held the rune, visualizing a dome of magical protection encapsulating the craft. She felt the magic come into existence and she let out a soft exhale, the yellow glow vanishing from her eyes.

Runa rose to her feet, listening to the varying reports everyone was giving. It reminded her of a story her grandmother, the All-Mother, had told her. It was just a myth though, a legend. Such a thing was impossible. She kept her mouth shut, not wanting to trouble the Midgardians. There was no way that a reality could just disintegrate and crash into another. "I've put up a protection spell," she said, adding nothing more.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Fields of Mars
Skills: Audiokinesis, Singing

Nancy huffed slightly, hating the rules about needing a god to help with killing something, but there was no point in arguing with the laws of the universe. Luring Neptune's evil twin to New Rome went against every instinct she had as a praetor. There was no other way though. If they didn't have Terminus' help to kill this giant, then everyone there would die. And she didn't exactly see any Olympians lining up to help the cause. They were on their own. "You heard your praetor, we need to lure him to New Rome!" Nancy repeated, pausing for a moment as a small purple dragon landed on her shoulder, like a parrot.

She raised an eyebrow. "You can stay there as long as you don't shit," she told the dragon. Joanie, as she affectionately dubbed the dragon after Joan Jett, wasn't the only dragon on the field though. A dragon came from behind their lines and Nancy heard Marco before she spotted him - he was singing a song, one that she dimly remembered hearing in the Lotus Hotel and Casino. She wasn't really sure what time period it was from, but it wasn't from the 80's. Still, it had been the elevator music for... she really didn't know how long. She couldn't help but know all the words. Music was her thing after all.

"🎶Am I original?
Am I the only one?
Am I sexual?
Am I everything you need?
You better rock you body now🎶"

She wasn't a huge fan of that third lyric and it showed on her face, even as she hit her lines. The sound waves billowed out but they didn't do anything about the cyclopses, just brushing by them harmlessly. Nancy took another breath. She could sing more than just hits from the 80s. She was Nancy fucking Parker, the most bitchin' praetor Camp Jupiter had ever seen. The show was going to go on.

Rock your body
Rock your body right
Backstreet's back alright🎶"

One of the cyclops' heads burst, as her song resonated with the cells that made up his body. Nancy couldn't help but grin, feeling herself falling into a rhythm, getting her groove on. Each song was different and she hadn't really sung this one much before, but now she was starting to understand it. It wasn't about sex - at least, not to her. It was a promise, a dare, a challenge. A show of strength and confidence. Nancy understood that.

"🎶Now throw your hands up in the air
And wave 'em around like you just don't care
If you wanna party let me hear you yell
'Cause we've got it goin' on again🎶"

This time, six cyclopses exploded like pimples that had been squeezed until they burst. Nancy let out a slight little laugh, tapping her foot now in time to the music. She was getting into the song now, feeling the way that the words vibrated in her throat. It was pure energy and power that she was pushing out of her lungs, weaponizing her voice and using it to protect everyone who stood by her side.

"🎶Am I original?
Am I the only one?
Am I sexual?
Am I everything you need?
You better rock you body now🎶"

No cyclopses exploded this time, but one of them started to bleed from its eyes and ears as Nancy's music pushed and pushes, testing the limits of its constitution.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Fields of Mars -> New Rome
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation, Superspeed

Leda was a little bit amused. She had New Rome pegged all wrong. She thought this place was going to be a reality TV show with drama and infighting, but instead it was something way better - "Oi, I didn't know this was the inspiration for High School Musical!" she teased. The Apollo girl was scary with her voice, exploding monsters. And then another person was currently singing from on top of a dragon. She wondered if they split their time equally between learning how to march and fight as an army, and rehearsing for the latest musical number. Unfortunately with a giant trying to kill her girlfriend, now wasn't really the time to find out.

"'Course, guess I'm your Uber, huh? Better rate me five stars or I'm throwing you at a cyclops," Leda teased, before scooping Kiera up and taking off at a run. She was a blur of rainbow light as she sped from the Fields of Mars to New Rome proper. There was some sort of living statue person standing near the boundary, but Leda was more interested in the giant that was definitely chasing them and coming nearer. "Alright, what's the next part of the plan, luv?" Leda asked, setting Kiera down.

February 17th, 2021 - 2:10 PM


Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Leadership
Veil didn't want to have this conversation now. She wanted to get everyone home safely before thinking about the damage and what their options were. She needed time to clear her head and approach this rationally, that way no one would make any rash choices. The Morlock tunnels weren't a guarantee that they were going to get out of this safely - S.H.I.E.L.D. could still easily catch them all and thrown them in the Raft. "Right now, I don't think we have much of a choice," Veil told Glimpse honestly. "You're easily identified. You killed someone in front of S.H.I.E.L.D. Your best chance - and our best chance - is to go separate ways," she admitted.

She sighed, not liking at all what she had just said, but there was no good way to convey this information. Glimpse was going to be made into a terrorist and put up there with Magneto. She was going to be hunted down. She had killed someone, yes, but it hadn't been just anywhere - it had been blocks from the White House. It wouldn't be hard for people to spin it as an act of aggression against the President. If they caught Glimpse, they wouldn't just lock her up... They'd make an example of her. They'd execute her as a terrorist. "I'm sorry, Luna," Veil said softly. "But you need to run... Start a new life. Go underground. Get as far from the United States as you can."

Veil felt her phone buzz in her pocket and she took it out. Her face fell when she read the message. Nothing was going their way lately it seemed. The M-Pox cures had been a small victory. She rubbed her face, trying to avoid the urge to hyperventilate and cry. The X-Men were busy fighting Magneto, she was surprised that they had managed to get into contact with one of them to begin with. They were on their own with this. And if they failed, all of the deaths would be on her conscience.

Copy that. Keep trying them. Q mentioned they were fighting M. Veil texted back, using shorthand as Quicksilver and Magneto were too long to type out. They had less than ten hours to get the X-Men to either surrender to a maniac or to find this bomb. They had time. Veil breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth. They had time. Ten hours. Ten hours to save Washington D.C.

"Veil, what is it?" Havok asked her, suspicious. He didn't seem particularly happy about Glimpse being told to run.

"One crisis at a time, Havok," Veil said, leading the way forward through the tunnels.

Case in point, S.H.I.E.L.D. had definitely heard all of the yelling and fighting, and currently were going down the ladder as fast as they could to catch up with all of them! Even though Veil had them all invisible, it wouldn't be hard for an agent to shoot them all in such an enclosed space.

Sunshine & Casper

Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
Sunshine honestly didn't really care about the ghost she had seen on the trip with Max. Weird things happened with Max all of the time. No, if there was something she was upset about when it came to a soul of the dead, it was what had happened to Magik. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced at Casper, wondering if he had even tried to conjure her up. But at the same time, she didn't want Casper messing around with Magik. He'd probably find some way to screw it all up and kill her twice or something. "If we're going to ask her to do something, how about she brings Magik back to life?" Sunshine challenged. "I don't care about the ghost in the spooky island. For all I know it was Max's conscience come to life and trying to kill him."

Ben nodded encouragingly, assuming that James was going to pull Casper aside so they could talk through some sort of plan to save everyone with. "Atta boy," Ben praised, smiling.

Casper, meanwhile, read the situation completely differently. Arm around the waist? Check. Invited up to the room? Check. Something else that he forgot but would certainly remember to add to his checklist of things that come before sexy time? Check. Casper grinned and gave James a slightly sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Of course, whatever the doctor orders," he replied cheekily. He had thought that James would've been too tired for sexy time but Casper wasn't going to protest. He was always up for sexy time.

Casper rolled his eyes at his brother though. "Hey, I'm not the one that had a breakdown and kidnapped someone," he pointed out, before sticking his tongue out at Jack. They had always been a pair, just like him and James or him and Ben. He couldn't really remember a time in his life without his little brother being there. And as his big brother, it was Casper's job to annoy him and remind him who was older at all costs.

Of course, Sunshine took Jack's comment about family psychosis a little differently. "Do you think I'm crazy then? Or will be crazy?" she asked Jack pointedly. "After all, I get what, half my blood from you?" She'd never taken a science class or anything like that, so she didn't understand how genetics and inheritance worked at all. She didn't even really know what an X-gene was, despite being a mutant.
Meanwhile, upstairs at the end of the new hallway Max had created, Doctor Strange was looking at Max with an expression that was somehow a perfect mixture of annoyance, impatience, pride, exasperation, and amusement. "Of all my students, you are the most unconventional, Mr. Grey. Now, please tell me what is so important that I needed to take a short break in the midst of exorcising Chthon out of Wanda Maximoff?" Doctor Strange asked bluntly. "And do be quick about it, unless you are eager to live in another false reality, albeit one with more hellfire and brimstone than tea parties and cucumber sandwiches."

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

"Sure, as long as the Scarlet Witch promises not to warp reality if she loses," Hope told Maria. She wasn't a huge fan of having a reformed criminal on the team, but it would have been hypocritical for her to protest given her boyfriend, Scott Lang. It was (sadly?) pretty common for Avengers to have come from a less than stellar background these days. Not everyone was up to Hope's standards, so she had to settle. "Huh, didn't peg you for a Man-Child," she then told Flynn.

Princess Anelle nodded. "The fleet is comprised of nearly sixty ships, each crewed by anywhere from five to one hundred," she said, her voice had a tone of authority to it. "This ship is for high security prisoners, so if I were to guess... I would estimate fifty are stationed here," she finished, referring to how many skrulls to expect. She then frowned. "Loyal to the Empress, no doubt... This Zelda, if she is a goddess as you say, I would like to meet with her and make a plea on behalf of my son."

Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 10:40 P.M

"Wait, so I tell you he might be a skrull, and you want me to calm down?" Raynor asked Cass, incredulous. Finding out that there was another impostor among them should have been a reason to not be calm - a reason to take up arms and win the battle before it had even begun. Sparky was pregnant and he wasn't going to let any harm come to her or her unborn child. The other people here he had begrudgingly begun to care about as well, even if his concern for Sparky was infinite by comparison.

He huffed, hearing Oliver's statements and seeing that they were truthful. "Kid's cleared - an idiot, but cleared." He didn't understand how someone could just "mess up" like that and accidentally lie. He expected better from the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Were they letting just anyone into the academy these days? He half expected to find out that Oliver had done something recklessly stupid to endanger Sparky's life while he was gone and Raynor's eyes twitched slightly at the thought.

"Err, thanks?" Amelia said awkwardly to Niah, trying to think of when she had been screaming - and then it came to her. She loved jumping out of planes and she tended to scream while doing that, but they were screams of joy, not pain or fear or anything. She more thought of the screams as happy shouts, although she supposed to other people it was probably pretty hard to distinguish them.

She was taken by surprise though with the hostility and anger Sparky was expressing. The hurt and sadness was plain in Amelia's face - she didn't hide her emotions. She had thought that they were friends and she had tried to do the right thing. She didn't understand why Sparky was lashing out at her. However, she then plastered a big smile on her face again, trying to cheer herself back up.

"Sparks is good, obviously," Raynor said with an eye roll.

"I'm Mar-Vell," Dr. Larson introduced herself. "I was sent on behalf of Fury to help these two out," she explained, motioning towards Niah and Oliver, "and I'd like to help save this planet from being occupied by the Skrulls or the Kree."

Quinjet - New Jersey: 10:40 P.M

Flabbergasted. That was the best way to describe Bonnie's reaction to Kwassi's rant. She had already been getting the feeling that he was misogynistic, but now she was wondering if he wasn't a little bit bipolar as well. She didn't have a professional background in psychology, so she knew she really ought not assume that, but the idea persisted nonetheless. His mood had changed so rapidly and the way he spoke to the President was unlike anything she had seen from him earlier - granted, she hardly knew him. She didn't have an inclination as to what was normal behavior for Kwassi.

"I'd like to apologize on his behalf, Mr. President," Bonnie said first, before considering her words carefully. She didn't like to gossip. She wasn't one to talk about someone behind their back. "Truthfully, I haven't known him much longer than either of you, so I couldn't say." She then heard a crash, followed by loud yowling, like there was a cat somewhere. Bonnie frowned, her thoughts rapidly coming together to provide a hypothesis. This ship had belonged to the skrull Avengers...

"If you'll excuse me," Bonnie then said, getting up and heading towards the source of the sound. She passed a bunch of awake Avengers who were discussing with each other the current situation in the holding area, moving into the cargo bay. It was there that she saw a cage that had been knocked onto its side, containing the one and only...

"Goose?" Bonnie called out, going over to the cage. It had a combination lock on it. "Hold on, let me find some bolt cutters, okay? How did you end up here?"

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa frowned, incredibly confused by everything that had happened. Why did the giant need those specific tools? Why was he claiming that they would need his help? Why had he just vanished in a flash of light - was he really powerful? And if so, why couldn't he just force them to do what he wanted? She got the sense that there were more rules to this world than she understood - and she didn't know if she would live long enough to have a chance to learn them all. "Why did he want us to do something for him?" she asked Klara, as Nadia had already started marching off towards their next destination.

She followed along after Nadia, not exactly wanting to get separated from anyone in the group, although she had a feeling Betty would likely be the best companion for a solo venture if she ever did get separated from the rest. They went back into the shop and found the dwarf working on some sort of metal-work, although Runa couldn't quite tell what it was supposed to be just by looking at it. He seemed to not hear Nadia when she announced that they got his tools and she sighed ever so slightly.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Sewers -> Street
Skills: N/A

Megan's eyes widened, watching as her annoying almost-twin brother summoned an orb of fire and threw it at one of the guards. She hadn't known that he was capable of that. She instantly wondered whether or not he had been able to do that in their world or if it was something about this realm that bestowed that capability upon him. She shut her eyes reflexively at Hansel's warning and when she opened them again, she saw that their remaining opponents had been stunned. "When did you learn that, and why, dear brother of mine, am I only now finding out about it?" Megan asked playfully.

They were moving through the sewers once again and Megan was feeling a little bit lost - physically. She was glad that they had a guide, as the twists and turns were numerous. Eventually though, they arrived back at the ladder they had used to descend into the sewers in the first place. The rescue mission was almost completely at an end. When it was her turn, Megan climbed up the ladder, emerging in the street near the pub that they were based out of.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Senate House -> Fields of Mars
Skills: Strategy, Audiokinesis, Singing

Nancy glanced at her maps again, her eyebrows furrowed. All of the lines were holding. The Third and Fourth were defending New Rome, the Fifth had the sewers secured, and the First and Second were in the thick of it. She didn't like being sequestered away from all of the fighting. It felt hypocritical, asking others to die and remaining in relative safety. "Go, join your cohort," Nancy encouraged her sister, before deciding to take her own advice. She was needed more on the front lines than she was in the Senate House. She rolled up the enchanted maps and tucked them under her shoulder, before leaving the Senate House and heading for the front lines.

When she arrived, it wasn't a pretty sight. A gigantic, lumbering form was flanked by easily twenty or more monstrous snakes. Some of the legionnaires looked like they had been hit by acid and Nancy winced sympathetically - but only for a moment. Pity wasn't in her nature. Anger was. Enraged at the pain her brothers and sisters in arms had endured, Nancy took a breath. "Keep these safe," she ordered a legionnaire, handing them the enchanted maps. She then took out her twin imperial gold daggers, walking out in front of her comrades. She didn't need a shield to defend herself.

She inhaled and began to sing.
🎶 "I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
Living in the past, it's a new generation
A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do" 🎶

The sound waves pouring out from Nancy's body rushed forward, colliding with the basilisks. Each one hit by the sound would be able to feel its vibrations intimately, as the sound adjusted, resonating at just the right frequency that the monsters exploded. It was like shattering a water glass, only with flesh and blood. Nancy's anger was still bubbling within her, even seeing that eight of the monsters had been taken out. It wasn't enough.

🎶 "An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation
Oh no, not me

An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation
Never said I wanted to improve my station
An' I'm only doin' good when I'm havin' fun
An' I don't have to please no one" 🎶

The sound waves collided again with the remaining basilisks, hitting three of them squarely. The resonating frequency was a little bit off though, so rather than killing the creatures, the notes triggered them to fall unconscious on the ground in a heap. Nancy cocked her head slightly, as she had been about to sing again - only to notice a rainbow like blur dashing along through the remaining basilisks. She didn't want to hurt a demigod ally - her power was more or less an area attack, meaning that she couldn't discriminate between targets if someone got in the way.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Fields of Mars
Skills: Greek Mythology, Sword-Fighting, Agility, Superspeed

"I told you, I was going to scout - I was about to run back in a mo'," Leda insisted, a bit annoyed that her girlfriend didn't trust her. What was the point of having superspeed if she couldn't use it to help people out? She wasn't stupid. She wasn't going to just attack by herself. She really had been about to go back and join the others, but now they were all here and they needed to make a stand. "Bloody hell, a giant... Think that's Polybotes. Not sure what his entire deal is, but he smells you, so be careful," Leda warned Kiera. "Hopefully someone here remembers how to kill a giant."

Leda readied ultraviolet, just as the Roman leader decided now was a great time to sing. She tilted her head in confusion, not really understanding why that was happening, until she saw the way the sound waves were hitting the monsters - they were being destroyed by them. It sent a chill down her spine to witness. Was Zeke that powerful, too? The awestruck horror changed to annoyance though - if Zeke was that powerful, why the hell didn't he actually contribute more on the quest they had gone on?

"Back in a sec," Leda then said, as the Apollo girl had paused her song. She sprinted as fast as she could go, moving at superhuman speed. She slashed and hacked and bobbed and weaved and dodges and stabbed. To most people, they would just see a rainbow blur, followed by eight of the basilisks collapsing, leaving only one behind. Leda came to a halt, grinning a bit. Her skin was glowing like a rainbow, like she was made out of pure light.

Guin Stark

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Telepathy

Guin was a little bit disappointed that she wasn't the one flying the ship - she had always seen herself as more of a Han Solo type, rather than Princess Leia. Although she supposed with her telepathy, that would make her a Jedi. Maybe Ahsoka Tano? Or was she someone from Star Wars Legends, like Jaina Solo, Sword of the Jedi? Or was she someone else entirely? She giggled slightly, amusing herself with the thought that Pietro might have been Hando at one point in time. He certainly fit the profile - a criminal who ended up on the right side of history.

It was really cool - incredible, if she was being honest - being out in space. If she could have changed things, they would have made some stops at different planets and explored, but that wasn't the point of what they were doing. They were on a mission to try to find Banner, using a device that detected gamma radiation... Essentially, using a metal detector to try and find a needle in a giant stack of scrap metal. It wasn't impossible, but it was going to be difficult. Maybe it was impossible.

Guin glanced up from her switch as Pietro zipped on over - she had been playing Breath of the Wild again to pass the time. She was trying to 100% the game this time. Well, you have a few options. You could continue running around like a maniac and risk destroying the ship. You could make out with me. You could come reenact some things from our honeymoon with me. You could prank people. We could see if there's a board game or something around. You could just talk to me. Or you could watch me play Breath of the Wild.

He looked a little bit like a puppy who had been told that wagging its tail would cause the downfall of society - conflicted, deeply troubled, and just a little bit pouty. ...But running around is fun? But destroying the ship or whatever with all of us on it is bad.

Guin rolled her eyes slightly. She was married to a Man-Child it seemed. Yeah, I kinda don't wanna die in the cold, harsh vacuum of space.

Fiiiiiiiiiine... Pietro responded, as he stopped racing around. So what are you doing?

Guin hit pause on her game and looked up at him. Kicking Ganon's ass.

Sounds like fun. Pietro was no longer zipping around, stopping for now to stand next to Guin, like he was her bodyguard or something like that in a club. She was pretty used to it. In fact, she was a little surprised he wasn't being even more protective, given that they were in a pressurized tin can and his speed couldn't do much to protect her here.

It is. So, what have you decided to do from the list I gave you? Guin asked, setting her game aside. She did feel bad for Pietro. They hadn't really gotten off of the ship since they left Earth, which meant he had been confined to a small space for a few weeks or so now.

I don't knooooooooow, Pietro whined.

How about you make out with me, then? Guin suggested

I mean I'm fine with that, he said with a slight smirk.

Guin giggled slightly. Wow, what a surprise. She knew exactly what sort of gutter his mind went into - and she didn't need her telepathy to determine that. No, it was written clear across his face.

So nice, Pietro complained, but he was still smirking.

So are you going to kiss me or what, Silver Balls? Guin asked him - no, challenged him. She had a little smirk of her own, as she waited to see what he would do. He answered the challenge of course by moving at the speed of light - she blinked and the next thing she knew, she was sitting on his lap as he kissed her, one of his arms wrapped around her and the other gently holding the back of her head.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa was no stranger to space. Her parents had a great deal of wanderlust, so they usually took a family vacation once every revolution or so to some exotic destination. The ship that she was currently traveling in was not as high-tech as she was used to, but she didn't mind such things. She had been overjoyed to see her parents again and they had no objected to her courting a Midgardian boy, despite the mismatch in terms of lifespans.

She was sitting cross legged on the floor of the cockpit area, a little bag in front of her. She spilled the runes from the bag onto the floor and searched, until she glimpsed her personal rune - raidō. Its literal meaning was ride or journey, yet Runa often thought of it in terms of personal transformation - a metamorphosis, a beginning and an end, the inevitable path of change. She did not glimpse anything in her mind's eye from the rune as she meditated on their journey, so she assumed that the path was clear. "I do not see anything worrisome in our path," she told Lance from her spot on the floor.

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

"I don't think she'll get the reference," Hope commented, before pausing for a moment. "Also, isn't Zelda a boy?" she then asked. She wasn't big into video games - not like her on-again-off-again boyfriend. She was worried his daughter, Cassie, would grow up addicted to them. Thankfully she still basically a baby, so Hope had time to persuade Scott to change his parenting habits. The Wasp didn't even get a chance to engage really, as her companions used fire to take out the two skrulls.

"Ugh, gross," Hope complained. Charred skrull wasn't an ideal scent. The smell from Flynn burning through the door was even worse and she looked like she might puke a little bit. The skrull girl though, she didn't seem to really mind it at all. She had a hardened look in her eyes, like she was somehow used to such things despite her prim and proper posture.

"Thank you, I owe you a debt of gratitude," she said, curtsying to them. She doubted this was a trick, with how brutally they had just murdered the guards. "I am Princess Anelle, heir to the Skrull Empire... or at least, I was," she finished, sighing slightly.

"As much as I've love to hear about the skrull version of the Crown, we need to move," Hope urged. "Come on, your majesty."

Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 10:30 P.M

"Reed, Bautista, and Moss are clear," Raynor announced, before his eyes narrowed slightly. Unfortunately, his power didn't tell him exactly what people were lying about - if someone read off a list of facts and only one of them was false, Raynor wouldn't be able to pick out the anomaly. He would just know they had said a lie - everything on the list could be false for all he knew. "Oliver is lying," he said bluntly. He conjured up a ball of light in his hands, waiting for Oliver to make a sudden move, to confirm that he really was a skrull.

"...Erm, maybe Oliver should be next, yeah?" Amelia suggested to Niah. She would have asked to go next, figuring it was best if everyone was confirmed twice, but she didn't. She was watching to see the way that Oliver would react to this - although, there was a chance to somehow Raynor was a skrull and he was setting up Oliver as the fall person. It wasn't something Amelia would've done, she was too nice, but Raynor seemed to be a bit of a jackass so far. She also couldn't help but notice how quiet Sparky was being - did she not want to go through with being tested, because she knew that she'd turn up as a skrull?

"I don't know what the hell you're lying about, but it's something you said. So how about you try that again, and Bautista does her thing, and if you're cleared, I won't smash your skull in. But if you are a skrull, and trust me, I'm hoping you are, I will rip out your spine and shove it so far up your ass that a colonoscopy will seem like a fun Saturday activity in comparison. Got it?" Raynoe threatened, in typical Raynor fashion. It was very possible that Oliver was just lying about when he found out about the skrull threat, but Raynor didn't know why he'd say something like that. It was equally likely though that he was lying about his name and that he wasn't really Oliver.

"Wow, that was... that was graphic," Amelia muttered. This entire situation was putting her a bit on edge, making her nervous. She didn't like not knowing who to trust. She was always really bad at deception games, like Secret Hitler and Ultimate Werewolf. She didn't like not being able to trust her friends. "But, um, Sparks? You should get tested. Say your words or whatever. Since I'm totally not accusing you of being a space alien, but it looks kinda odd that you haven't done anything to prove that you're not a space alien. Right? Right. Good talk. Yay. I don't know how to finish this conversation. Sorry."

Dr. Larson then came out of her ship, raising a bit of an eyebrow at the intense scene she was seeing. "Oh, so it's one of those terran teams," she said, partially to break the tension.

Quinjet - New Jersey: 10:30 P.M

Bonnie knew that Evelyn was trying to argue against mutants being responsible, but her point about human-mutant relations being horrible was more of an argument for why mutants would want to help an invading race wipe out and/or enslave humanity. She kept her mouth shut though, as she had no interest in playing devil's advocate. So many people felt compelled to do so and she just didn't understand it. The devil could advocate for themselves - and by saying that you were advocating for the devil, you were acknowledging inherent evil in your words and thoughts.

Truthfully, she found it more interesting to hear Jakobsen defending mutants. It wasn't very long ago that he had tried to kill the X-Men. He had been the leader of O.M.E.N., a government agency based on hate and fear - rather than love and hope like S.H.I.E.L.D. "You both could be right - they could be keeping prisoners. It's also possible they only keep... high profile victims. You, Mr. President, aren't an ordinary target. They have an incentive to keep you alive. That may not be true for the others..." She got the sense that they were all wanting to treat her with kid gloves. But she was fine.


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