Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

February 17th, 2021 - 2:30 PM


Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation
Veil hadn't known what to expect when they took on this mission, but this certainly wasn't it. Stareyes was a human popsicle - and if they were lucky, she was still alive. Havok had dashed towards the ground, cradling Sapphire in his arms. Veil had only ever seen Havok so protective over on other person before - Polaris. Yet before Veil could even ask if Sapphire was okay, she felt a gigantic force crash up against her force field. The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had used a rocket launcher. The impact against her force field sent Veil flying, as everyone became visible and unprotected against the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Veil hit her head against the wall of the sewer, her skull cracking and blood soaking through her hair. She blinked her eyes, groggy but aware. This was all going horribly wrong. It was like they had angered some fundamental force of nature. She should've never accepted this job. Everyone was going to die or worse, be captured, and she'd be the only one to blame. She had been the one to make the choice to take the cures from Quicksilver. She lifted her hand, trying to create a shield to protect the others, but she couldn't do it. Her shields kept flickering in and out of existence.

"Damn it, Veil!" Havok cried out. He gently set Sapphire down on the ground. Bullets were flying through the air, miraculously not hitting them. Havok didn't have time to think on a strategy. He didn't have time to consider the repercussions. He let loose one of his hula-hoops of death, the golden ring of energy slicing through the air, curving upwards and colliding with the ceiling above the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

It happened almost in slow motion. The ceiling of the sewer collapsed, crushing the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in rubble. Some cars from the street up above fell through the cracks, their anti-theft alarms blaring. The ceiling up above the Mutant Underground group was shaking, cracks beginning to form, but still in tact somehow.

And then, it collapsed all at once, burying everyone alive.

At the last second, Veil managed to throw up a force field, forming a bubble around the group. The rocks hit her force field and slid to the side, and that was the last glimpse they'd have of Veil, as they were separated from her.

"VEIL?!" Havok shouted, his voice echoing around him. They were trapped.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: People Reading
Sunshine raised an eyebrow at Spark Plug, not really understanding why she was being sent off to deal with Zari. She hardly knew her. But she wasn't going to argue the point, not when there was a massive bomb that could go off, although she still didn't know what terrigen was. She had to guess that it was poison. Maybe the humans could've helped them, but there was no way they'd believe them. Stupid flatscans. "Fine, but I still don't know what this bomb is," Sunshine reminded Spark Plug, before glancing around to see where Zari had gone off to.

She paused in her tracks though, as Waverley explained what the bomb was. It wasn't explosives. It was... disease? Her heart started pounding, realizing that what everyone was so afraid was... her. It was a bomb that could do everything she could. Were they all afraid of her? Mutants weren't supposed to be afraid of each other. They were supposed to be accepted. Did they know she wouldn't hurt them... well, not much anyways? "I don't even know how I'd do that," Sunshine admitted. "Like, I only control diseases that I cause, well except for--" but then she cut herself off. She didn't want to talk about what happened with Max.

Sunshine then abruptly went and walked over to Zari. She stared at the girl for a moment, seeing the look on her face that some of the kids in juvi had had. She was lonely and sad. Sunshine didn't want to play babysitter or therapist for her. She didn't like talking about feelings. "There's a bomb. People are going to get really sick. Can you help me find it?" Sunshine asked Zari bluntly. "...Are you sad or something?"

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: James and Casper's room
Skills: Mediumship
The blue glow had finally faded from Casper's eyes, Ben returning to his usual invisible state. His heart beat had slowed down to a comfortable rhythm and he was snuggled up into his boyfriend, enjoying the quiet moment of peace. He had spent his entire life looking for things that were noisy and loud and bright and distracting, all in order to get away from the ghosts that haunted his every move. He had become addicted to everything and anything, never maintaining meaningful relationships out of fear or perhaps narcissism. But with James, everything was different. Things could be quiet and calm, without a pack of ghouls screaming for his attention.

He was about to drift off to sleep, only to hear a loud knock at the door. Casper sighed. His brother was such a prude sometimes! They weren't even having sex! They were taking a nap! Casper pulled himself away from James, sitting up in the bed so that way James wouldn't have his ears explode. "Come on, we're just taking a nap, I don't even have the condoms on standby, Jackie!" Casper shouted. "You know, a wise woman once said... My evening is in danger. And that's what's happening here, so I'm rescuing my evening!" Casper then added, referencing Honey from the Incredibles.

"Are you Honey, then?" Ben asked.

"Of course I'm Honey. I'm always Honey!"

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

Anelle tilted her head at Maria. "I could do that easily, yet unless the Empress is actually on this vessel, it would be seen through easily as a ruse," she pointed out to her. Anelle doubted very much that her mother would be on this ship. If she had been, she would have come on by to gloat - and to solicit more information as to the whereabouts of Prince Dorrek. A moment later they were back with the others. Upon seeing the skrull with them, a majority of the Avengers tensed.

"Wow, Princess Leia, you've aged horribly. I always said moisturizers were bullshit, but looks like Pepper was right. Yikes. Do you break mirrors when you look into them?" Tony asked, holding what looked like a pipe as if it were a baseball bat.

"Stark, is it physically possible for you to stop quipping?" Hill asked, holding her own makeshift weapon. It was then that she realized a large problem with the scouting mission. They had no way of knowing if the return team were skrulls or not. She had to make a leap of faith and assume that they were all human, well, except for the skrull prisoner they had taken.

"Nope, it's a medical condition, Hill," Tony replied with a smirk.

The Wasp rolled her eyes slightly, sharing a bit of a glance with Black Widow. For a bunch of superheroes, they could be awfully childish. Mister Fantastic was helping out his wife with some breathing exercises, but thankfully she didn't seem like she was about to go into labor or anything. Captain Marvel was slowly coming to her senses, as were everyone else who had been drugged. "This is Princess Anelle," Wasp introduced, gesturing towards their new ally. "She's been filling us in on why the skrulls want Earth. Their planet was destroyed by Galactus."

"Yes, that is true," Princess Anelle spoke up. "The Empress has convinced my people that a prophecy gave your planet to us, to be our new home world... My people are misguided and confused. The sin is the Empress' alone."

Black Widow frowned, taking in all of the information. "Got it," she then said, figuring they could interrogate the princess more later. "I think it's time to storm the bridge. Everyone's ready, if we rush them at once we should be able to take them all by surprise." she reasoned.

"I wish Ben were here to say this... but it's clobbering time!" the Human Torch cheered, as he flamed on. On Black Widow's mark, the group of superheroes rushed down the hallway to the bridge, kicking down the door to find forty four skrulls, all but four of the skrulls armed.

Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 11:00 P.M

Amelia was too naive and innocent to really consider whether someone she barely knew would have missed her smile and personality - that and once more, Kwassi's presence among the crew was comforting and reassuring to her. She giggled slightly as Kwassi repeated the nickname that she had used for Raynor - Thor Jr. - knowing very well how crabby and ill tempered Raynor was. He seemed to have the emotional range of a pack of hungry wolves. She really hoped that Kwassi wasn't a skrull.

Raynor shot a glare at Kwassi for the Thor Jr. comment. He hadn't been happy when Amelia said it and he didn't want it to become a regular thing. He didn't want to be reminded about his uncle - especially not when Thor was one of the biggest buffoons he had ever known. He hadn't cried when Thor died due to Ragnarok. "Asokho's clean," Raynor announced gruffly. "And for the record, the next person who calls me Thor Jr. loses an eyeball - and yes, I can confirm that I am in fact telling the truth there."

Bonnie shook her head slightly at Kwassi's description of the President's behavior. She had a different opinion about the entire matter, one that was vastly different than his, but she also didn't have the time to debate with him about it. Niah needed to be seen to ASAP and it was incredibly late - she was exhausted. It was almost midnight. Thankfully though, Niah didn't seem like she was going to fight her about it, and Bonnie directed Niah to the medical bay on the ship.

"Fine," Raynor grumbled to Sparky. "Someone needs to test me though," he added. He wasn't a skrull, but he hadn't been tested at all and he knew it would only be fair to do so. Niah was on the ship again though getting treated, so he figured he'd just follow on after her, only to pause as Goose came rushing off the quinjet and leapt into Mar-Vell's arms like they were long lost friends. He frowned, trying to figure out what that was about, before something clicked in his head.

"So you're how Fury ended up with a flerken..."

Mar-Vell nodded, smiling as she scratched Goose behind the ears. "Hmm, were you good for Fury, little one?" Mar-Vell asked, before kissing Goose's forehead. "Who's my little bouncing ball of photons? You are, yes you are!"

"Erm, not to be rude, but what's a flerken? Is that like a posh breed of cat that I don't know about?" Amelia asked. She never really thought about it before, but she supposed since there were tons of different kinds of dogs, there had to be lots of different kinds of cats too. But was a flerken just an alien cat? Were there alien dogs? Could she end up with an intergalactic corgi? Did they have purebred standards in space or was that a weird Earth thing?

Quinjet - New Jersey: 11:00 P.M

Guiding Niah into the medical bay, Bonnie raised a bit of an eyebrow at her descriptions. If she had to guess, the story was somewhat embellished due to the painkillers Niah had been treated with - yet she couldn't discount it entirely, clearly something had happened as Niah was missing a leg. "Even if I were a skrull, I would still be mad at you," Bonnie said, putting on a pair of exam gloves as she started examining the job done on Niah's leg. The work wasn't the best she had seen, but it wasn't the worst. It was mediocre. "Do you happen to know what drugs they gave you?" Bonnie asked, feeling very strongly the answer would be not. "It's okay if you don't, I'll just need to run a panel first before giving you anything... Well, besides this," she said, pulling a lollipop out from a bag and offering it to Niah.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Pub
Skills: N/A

Megan frowned for a moment, hearing Red mention that Rumpelstiltskin was in Camelot in order to observe her would-have-been execution. The name belonged to her brother's biological father. And given that Jack was suddenly able to conjure fireballs, she assumed that Rumpelstiltskin was likely some sort of sorcerer. Merlin and Maleficent had magic, it wasn't that unreasonable to assume that Rumpelstiltskin would as well, especially if magic was something inherited genetically. How would Jack feel about being asked to capture his biological father? Did he consider Rumpelstiltskin to be his father? Or was he more like herself, feeling that biology did not mean family?

"I can accompany you to the tower," Megan volunteered. She didn't see much point in sitting around in a pub. She wasn't sleepy either, given her curse(?) of being an insomniac she hardly slept more than a few hours each night. Accompanying Merlin promised to give them more information though, and she wondered if perhaps her brother could do with another activity to focus on at the moment. She had no idea what was running through his mind and she couldn't help but worry slightly. He could be terribly sensitive at times.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa glanced at Klara in confusion, mouthing the word thingmabob. She didn't know the meaning of that. By context, she guessed that it just meant thing, but English could be incredibly confusing at times and she wouldn't be surprised if it meant something else entirely. She made a mental note to ask later, preferably when Klara was a little less hyper. She was right too - they were on a time limit and needed to focus on accomplishing a million impossible things in order to keep everyone in the universe from dying horribly. She nodded at Nadia when she told her to lead the way and she looked down at the compass, seeing that it was pointing towards the northeast.

She wasn't really sure what to say, so she just started walking in that direction. She didn't really know what she was looking for, nothing seemed to happen, and she had no idea how long they'd need to walk to get to their destination. She was filled with anxiety over the entire thing, and she didn't want to turn around and ask the dwarf for more detailed instructions on how to use the compass. She'd just have to trust that they were going the right way.

Guin Stark

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Telepathy, Electronics and Computers

Guin shook her head at Bethany. "We'd see a solar flare. Kinda in the name and all," she answered dismissively. She was more or less the team's science expert, with Lance being her intellectual rival although his knowledge tended to be based more in radiation and radiophysics. Everything seemed to be calm for the moment and Guin wondered if maybe just there had been some sort of bug in the ship's programming - although that on its own was a worrying thought. She didn't want to be remembered like the Challenger had been.

But just as everything had gone quiet and still, the sensors started picking up a ship coming near. Maybe they were coming to check out the anomaly as well - or maybe they had been the ones who caused it. Before she could even make a cheesy Star Wars reference though, the ship suddenly lurched! Electricity shot out at her from the consoles, throwing her backwards and slamming her into the ground of the ship. Her body felt strangely cold and hot at the same time, like she was a piece of toast that had been shoved in a furnace and a freezer all at once. Urgh... I feel like a frozen eggo that just got blasted out of a volcano... Guin grumbled, picking herself up off the ground despite the immense pain. The ship was shaking again as they took more impacts, and Guin steadied herself against the wall.

That isn't good!!!!!

I'm fine, really, Guin protested, checking the console quickly. "Life support is chill, but steering is shot. We're not going anywhere until that's fixed," she told everyone, wishing slightly she could be in more than one place at a time so she could fix everything faster. But the number one priority was to save the ship and from countless hours of playing video games, she was a pretty good shot. She went to the back and sat down in the chair in front of the gun, locking onto her target and pulling the trigger.

BOOM! It was a direct hit. The other ship's shields had been knocked down and they were sparking. "Now this is podracing," Guin said with a smirk, not really thinking about the fact that she was firing a weapon at a ship with the goal of blowing the ship up, as she fired again. She hit, but it wasn't nearly as powerful as before, and she fired again, hitting once more.

"Now is not the time for jokes!"

"Look, if you want to fawn over me like I'm a wounded bird, that's fine - I'm just going to blow this ship up while you do it," Guin told Pietro. Her hair was sticking up slightly, like she had just rubbed a balloon all over it. Gotta love that static, right?

"Seriously Guina you need to be more careful..."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "How exactly was I supposed to know that we would be attacked and it would cause the consoles to zap me like Pikachu?" she couldn't help but ask him.

"We knew something weird was going on at least."

"Yeah, so I was making sure the life support was still working, so that way we didn't all suffocate and die," Guin replied, feeling a little bit angry with him now. It was like he didn't trust her to be able to take care of herself, and she didn't see anything wrong with what she had done. She wasn't a child. She was a competent and capable member of this team.

"You still got zapped which is not good..."

"I don't see you getting on Lance's case," Guin pointed out.

"...And you act like in all honesty I care a whole lot about everyone else on this ship," he muttered so only really she could hear him.

Guin hesitated for a moment. She wasn't sure how she felt about that sentiment exactly. But she also didn't want to get into it at the moment. "I'm fine, trust me. Now, can you man this while I go start working on some repairs?" she asked him, gesturing towards the controls for the guns.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa tilted her head slightly at Bethany, thinking over her request for lessons on rune magic. She had been doing some studies with Edus, largely in order to learn from the different magic systems. Asgardian magic was not the same as that used by those on Midgard. However, she couldn't think of any rule that said she couldn't teach the Asgardian ways to Bethany. "Of course. We'll begin with crafting a set of runes for you," Runa said, smiling slightly. The smile then vanished as she went back to the task at hand. Her protection spell was holding for the moment, and everything was calm, so she relaxed.

Relaxing turned out to have been a poor choice. A ship was nearing them and Runa frowned, recognizing the insignia. It belonged to the Nova Corps, a peacekeeping force based out of Xandar. She assumed that they were coming here to deliver aid perhaps, assuming that their ship had been damaged by the anomaly. Before she could share this knowledge though, the ship fired, ripping through her protection spell and causing their vessel to rock.

"Lance, are you well?" Runa asked, as Guin told them all that the life support was still working and rushed off to fire. Runa's eyes widened as she glanced out the window and saw the shots being taken. This was not good at all. It must have been a misunderstanding to cause the Nova Corps to fire on them. She dug into her bag of runes and threw the ingwaz rune up into the air. "In the name of Freyr, let there be peace," Runa cast. Her spell, she thought, took. It would essentially prevent either side from launching weapons.

"They're the Nova Corps. They're peacekeepers. This must be a mistake," Runa told her companions. "Lance, can you hail them? I would speak to them."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: Daggers, Audiokinesis

Nancy's eyes widened, seeing Niah start to fall. With the system they had rigged up, they hadn't really put much thought into what would happen if Niah fell and the other two were still clinging to the mountain. She hoped that Niah would be able to stop her own fall, especially since one of the harpies was currently trying to take Nancy's pack from her. "Eat my shorts, you oversized chicken nugget!" Nancy shouted, carefully clinging to the side of the mountain with one hand. With her other hand, she took her imperial gold dagger and stabbed at the harpy, managing to get it to break away from her.

She then whistled, using her powers of audiokinesis to manipulate the sound and the pitch. She had been aiming to just blast the harpies backwards, but instead when the sound waves of her whistle connected with them, it did more than just that. It pushed three harpies away from the side of the mountain, ripping apart the winged beasts like they were made out of confetti. The remains of the harpies sprinkled away to the ground. "Niah, you good?" Nancy called out.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Fields of Mars
Skills: Strategy, Audiokinesis, Singing

The Greeks had the giant taken care of, hopefully - Nancy noticed the big lumbering bane of Neptune head towards New Rome and she prayed to the gods that everything would go according to plan. The brief distraction though cost her, as she was hit in the head with some tools. Her head was throbbing and she glared at the monsters responsible for it. To make matters worse, legionnaires - soldiers following her orders - were burned alive by the dragons. She narrowed her eyes, before deciding that Backstreet Boys weren't going to cut it. No, she needed something similar to Joan Jett, but new. Something fresh.

"🎶That girl thinks she's the queen of the neighborhood
She's got the hottest trike in town
That girl, she holds her head up so high
I think I wanna be her best friend, yeah

Rebel girl, rebel girl
Rebel girl you are the queen of my world
Rebel girl, rebel girl
I think I wanna take you home
I wanna try on your clothes, uh🎶"

As she sang, her voice pushed out dangerous, explosive sound waves that collided with one of the dragons. The sound ripped the dragon to pieces, killing the mighty creature as easily as someone would swat a fly. Nancy didn't admit it to herself, but her voice was beginning to feel the strain from overuse. She should have done some more vocal warmups before all of this. But instead she just kept on pushing herself, using her anger and rage as fuel for her destructive powers. For so long she had been expected to sing for other people's entertainment. Now, she sang as a weapon, as a sword, as a bomb.

"🎶When she talks, I hear the revolution
In her hips, there's revolution
When she walks, the revolution's coming
In her kiss, I taste the revolution🎶"

Just as in the original performance, Nancy's melodious song turned into more of a scream at the close of the verse. The abrupt change in the quality and length of the sound waves she pushed out had an impact though - rather than killing the second dragon, the waves simply pushed into it and then faded away. In the second half of the verse, her voice had actually cracked when she went into the scream, causing the sound waves to harmlessly collide with the dragon again. Still, she wasn't going to stop. She wouldn't stop until all of these monsters were dead, until they paid in blood for each and every legionnaire that they had killed. And whenever they rose from the Pit and reformed, she'd burn them alive - slowly, listening to their screams...

She had her father's rage.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: New Rome
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation, Superspeed, Sword-Fighting, Agility

"Arghhh!!!" The basilisk's acid had hit Leda in the legs and it burned, like someone had set her legs on fire while simultaneously chilling them to the bone with ice. "Fucking bloody cocksuckers!" she cursed, her sword Ultraviolet glowing red from anger as Leda moved so fast that her image blurred, looking like a rainbow streak. She weaved in and out of the basilisks, slicing them open with Ultraviolet with deadly accuracy and precision. She didn't kill as many as she would have liked, but these things were dangerous - they weren't as easy to hack away at as, say, cyclopses.

When she skidded to a halt, five of the original ten basilisks were gone. She then took a breath, before remembering that Kiera had asked her to do something important in order to help her and the rock god. She threw her hands out, like she was shoving the air, and bursts of rainbow beams shot out of them. The beams hit the giant in the eyes, blinding him with every dazzling color of the rainbow, like it was a commercial for Skittles. "There ya go, luv!"

February 17th, 2021 - 2:20 PM


Location: Morlock Tunnels
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Leadership
Veil couldn't help but be surprised at how surprisingly well connected Kristina was. Did Kristina's sister know that she was a mutant? Was her sister one as well? S.H.I.E.L.D. agents tended to be neutral towards mutants at best in Veil's experience. So many of them had been part of O.M.E.N. before it disbanded and it wasn't easy for them to unlearn so much hatred and prejudice. She bit her lip slightly, thinking through the pros and cons of having Kristina try. "If you trust her, then sure - just don't incriminate yourself or anyone else," Veil instructed. Her heart ached as Glimpse said goodbye and just like that, the speedster was gone. All that was left of her really were the echoes of her words taunting the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Unbeknownst to Veil, only half of them had gone after Glimpse. The other half were still hot on the heels of the Mutant Underground. While Veil had them all cloaked, it didn't stop the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from firing bullets. They were using silencers so Veil didn't hear them in time to throw up a force field. One bullet hit Havok in the shoulder. Another grazed Sapphire's cheek. Veil was missed entirely. One grazed Andy's neck. And the last shot hit Kristina in the chest, fatally wounding her. They needed to get her medical attention ASAP or she'd bleed to death. They had seconds, maybe minutes, at best.

Veil threw up a force field, protecting them from any further attacks. Havok caught Kristina before she fell to the ground, her blood soaking through her shirt rapidly. "Sapphire, do something!" Havok shouted. They didn't have a teleporter on hand - but they had a doctor. They didn't have James there to heal her. More bullets were coming at them, bouncing off of Veil's force field - but each impact drained her powers a little more. She wouldn't be able to keep this up forever.

"Kid, take my phone from my pocket and call the number saved as Spark Plug. Tell her to have Warlock get here ASAP and bring Caduceus," Veil instructed Andy. She didn't dare turn her concentration from the shield just to make a phone call. She also wasn't about to use anyone's real name in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Her invisibility and force fields didn't prevent sound from traveling after all.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Sunshine frowned, not really understanding what Spark Plug was saying. She didn't even really know what terrigen was. Sure, she knew about M-Pox and all, but she didn't know that she had pulled terrigen crystals out of Max earlier that day. "What do you mean, a bomb?" Sunshine asked. She couldn't help but be a little irritated that this hadn't really been brought up sooner - or maybe it had been and she had just been a little bit distracted. An idea then occurred to her, since from context clues it seemed that the X-Men weren't answering their calls. She didn't like her idea. She didn't like it at all. But bombs were bad... bad enough to maybe do something crazy.

There was another group of mutants who might not like a bomb being blown up - assuming that they weren't the ones behind it. She let out a little growl of frustration, feeling like she was about to puke or something, but she had to mention the idea. "If they're not the ones behind it... Maybe we can ask Max's old friends to help. They probably don't want this terri-whatever bomb to go off either," she suggested. "Also, the PowerPuff Girl should see if she can find the thing, since it sounds like tech and I'm guessing that's her deal with the little robot things that follow her around."

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

Princess Anelle's eyes widened, hearing how casually Maria suggested killing fifty skrulls. "While they are loyal to the Empress, they do not deserve such a cruel death!" Anelle exclaimed. They deserved to die honorably or ideally, to not be killed at all. It wasn't their fault that the Empress was on the throne. They were sworn to serve the crown. And without a home planet, how could she ask them to abandon their hope for the promised land, however ill-fated Anelle feared it would be?

"By invading, she means invading Earth," the Wasp specified. She wouldn't have been surprised if the skrulls were invading countless worlds, setting up a nice little empire for themselves. If she were the leader of an evil race of shapeshifters, it's what she would do. It was practical, really. Why put all your eggs in one basket?

Anelle nodded, as they reached the elevator. She didn't press the button to call for it, likely a habit of being royal - pushing buttons and opening doors was beneath her. The Wasp ended up pressing it and the elevator came down quickly. "My people... Our home was destroyed by the World-Eater. The Empress believes that the Skrull Empire will be rebuilt on your world. She claims it's prophecy."

Jersey City Boardwalk - New Jersey: 10:50 P.M

Raynor glanced over at Kwassi in confusion - he had absolutely no one idea who exactly this man was supposed to be. He didn't remember ever seeing him before, but if he had to make a guess, he was likely another S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. The guy looked like he had a giant stick up his ass. "So this is my replacement, then?" he asked, staring at Kwassi. He didn't look very impressive to him. Raynor was pretty sure that he was the more muscular of the two - and that was all that mattered, right?

It also was strange to him to hear that the President was onboard - but after a moment, it made sense to him. Jakobsen had been personally victimized by Raynor's sort-of-cousin and he used to head an organization dedicated to killing anything that wasn't 100% human. Of course he'd be messed up in an alien invasion. His first day on the job he probably was asking to see all the files on Area 51, whispering to himself that the truth was out there.

"Oh, hey, welcome back!" Amelia called out cheerfully to Kwassi. She wasn't going to voice it aloud, but she was a little more relaxed seeing another person who looked like her there. It was the same sort of feeling she'd get when she spotted another girl in the academy at Operations after being placed in a squad of just guys for a while - a sort of kinship and security. "But yeah, just like the boss lady said, you just say who you are so Thor Jr. can do his polygraph mumbo jumbo, and then Niah can touch ya - well not you, something you're holding and ideally have had for a while, it's not sexual or anything like that so don't worry about it - and she'll get an idea if you are who you say you are. And if they both clear you, then you're not a squid! But I guess we don't really know if they are who they say they are, so it's all about trust... Huh, this is way more intense than the trust fall not Maria tried to do earlier with ya, Sparks."

Raynor shot Sparky a bit of an irritated look, clearly asking how anyone was able to stay around Amelia without drinking excessively. He also wasn't happy with how long this was taking. It was pretty dark and only some of their ships had been cloaked - people were pointing and staring, taking pictures, it was going to be a mess. They might as well have lit up a sign saying HEY SKRULLS, WE'RE IN NEW JERSEY! "You're telling the truth, Mar-Vell, but I need to hear you say that you aren't a skrull," Raynor said, keeping his hands ready to attack.

But Mar-Vell nodded. "I'm not a skrull. I'm actually Kree," she explained.

"She's telling the truth," Raynor affirmed. "I get why you want to hurt the skrulls, but why turn your back on your own people?" he asked her. "The Kree are emotionless assholes who obey their glorified super robot without question."

"I did it for love," Mar-Vell answered simply, not offering any elaboration.

Amelia squealed ever so slightly. Just because she wasn't interested in romance for herself didn't mean she didn't find people being in love absolutely adorable. She really wanted to know more about this special someone of Mar-Vell's. She knew nothing about the Kree, well nothing beyond what Raynor had said. Did they actually take orders from a computer? Was it like the computer wife in Spongebob? Were the Kree living out Iron Man's ultimate fantasy?

Quinjet - New Jersey: 10:50 P.M

"He's not a cat," Bonnie answered Evelyn somewhat unhelpfully, as she was searching the cargo area for a pair of bolt cutters. She had found a small hammer and a wrench so far, which could work in a pinch but she didn't want to hurt Goose in the process. She was crouched down sorting through a tool box she had found when the President came in, told them to give him a minute, and then returned with the missing pair of bolt cutters.

Goose rushed out of the cage and Bonnie couldn't help but smile, scratching him behind the ears as he ran up to her. She knew that it was one of his favorite spots. He didn't stay long though, before rushing up to the other two. Bonnie then stood back up to her full height, seeing that Matt had also come in and joined them. "They... They what?!" Bonnie exclaimed, her eyes going wide. "Why did no one tell me this as soon as you arrived?!" she then added, narrowing her eyes as she went from surprised to angry.

"Goose, behave yourself, no eating the President," Bonnie said sternly, before dashing out of the cargo area, back into the main area of the quinjet, and then off the ramp. "Niah Bautista, report to medical this instant!" Bonnie snapped, her voice raised as she surveyed the scene. "Oh, welcome back, Sparky, Raynor," she then added, before resuming Angry-Mom-Mode and pointing a finger at Niah.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir
Skills: N/A

Runa couldn't help but notice how loud Klara was. Everyone tended to be louder than Runa of course, but Nadia wasn't nearly as bubbly and outgoing. It made her smile ever so slightly. She would have assumed that after being dead for so long, Klara would've been numb to the world, her emotions worn away like a river carving away at rocky shores over thousands of years. It was really admirable. If she was so lucky to still be... well, not alive, but not completely dead, she didn't think she would have been so full of life. She wondered what Klara's secret was.

She looked with interest as the tools they had gone to such lengths to retrieve were just sloppily tossed onto the table, and Runa flinched a little bit from the loud noise. She winced each time the dwarf threw something carelessly out of a drawer, feeling a little bit bad for the small inventions. Some of them were doubtlessly breaking and they didn't deserve that. The poor things hadn't done anything wrong and they were just tossed aside... Maybe she did need a therapist if she was starting to relate to spare inventions...

Runa tilted her head at the compass when Nadia gave it to her. It didn't look special. She had a suspicion that they had been conned, but she kept her mouth shut - at least on that note. "Thank you, this is very kind," she told the dwarf. "Erm... Shall we go, then?"
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