Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa hesitated for a moment, recalling the exact words that the gatekeeper had said to her. The gatekeeper had spoken English to her, so at least she didn't need to translate the words for Klara and Nadia. Things were often lost in translation and she wasn't particularly good at doing sentence to sentence translations. "'You should not be here daughter of Balder, you shall not find him,'" she said, quoting the gatekeeper word for word. It helped that it had been so short and simple, combined in with the fear and trauma she had been facing and it was really cemented into her brain.

She flinched slightly as Nadia bumped back into her, still not great overall with physical contact, especially when unexpected. Runa then nodded at Klara's question. "Yes... That's the one..." she replied softly. She winced slightly every time the ground shook from the gatekeeper shoving his weapon down. She didn't think it would be possible to sneak on by him. There had to be another way into the place, right? Like... some secret back entrance that the gatekeeper wasn't bothering to guard?

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Pub
Skills: Fencing, Self Defense

Megan frowned as Jack's father used magic to knock the bow out of the hands of one of their companions, clearly acting aggressively. She drew her sword and swung, grazing Rumplestiltskin's cheek with excalibur. His comeback made no sense to her. She clearly didn't work there. She was ill suited to customer service, unless those customers were preparing to be placed six feet underneath the ground, and in that case they got along swimmingly. Rumplestiltskin then threw another girl across the room with his powers and Megan went for another swing, only for Rumplestiltskin to place a hand on Jack and then the two of them vanished.

Her nostrils flared in silent anger. Her brother hadn't given his consent to be taken someplace with him magically. And while Jack could throw fireballs now, Megan doubted he'd be able to just teleport himself out of there. There was only one person present with magic that she trusted and last she recalled, he had gone upstairs. Megan didn't sheath her sword as she dashed over to the staircase, only to run into Merlin there - the very person she was looking for. "Rumplestiltskin took Jack," she informed him frantically.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Fields of Mars -> Senate Building
Skills: Strategy, Audiokinesis

Nancy screamed, not out of fear but from fury as a gryphon scooped her up. They were officially on her list of least favorite monsters. She was struggling, trying to stab at it with her daggers when a massive dragon came flying straight at her. "Hey, be careful!" Nancy shouted, as the gryphon dodged and the dragon missed. She didn't have a lot of faith in the Greek's ability to save her without beheading her. She didn't want to die here. She wasn't afraid of death. She just wasn't a huge fan of the system in the Underworld. She wanted to become a tree, and given that there were clearly no gods on their side that day, she doubted any of them would take pity on her as she died and make her into a plant. The dragon snatched her from the gryphon and set her down, shocking Nancy slightly as she had all of her limbs in tact.

But even that small act wasn't enough. They were going to be overwhelmed. They couldn't hold New Rome or Camp Jupiter. The only way to save the Legion - to save everyone who was risking their lives right now under her orders - would be to evacuate. She looked around until she spotted Madalyne. "I'm calling it!" she called out to Mads, knowing she'd understand - and confident that her friend would agree with her decision. And if Mads didn't, well, they could scream at each other over it later - because they'd be alive to do so. And speaking of screaming...

Nancy didn't feel like singing.

She screamed, trying to use the sound waves to blast back every flying monster in the area, to buy everyone else a little bit of time. She took a deep breath and screamed again, this time the waves blasting the monsters backwards, creating more or less a no man's land in the space where they had been. She took a breath, before running towards the Senate Building. They had flares set up there that would signal to the Legion to evacuate. She dodged Greek fire raining from the skies as she ran, having a few close calls but eventually she made it. She got to the flares, her hands shaking with anger and shame and sorrow and making it difficult, but eventually they went off, signaling to everyone that they had lost.

New Rome was going to fall. And they couldn't stop it.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: New Rome
Skills: Superspeed

"Urgh, I'm fine..." Leda grumbled. The bruises weren't fun, but that wasn't a new problem to have as a demigod. Honestly in the grand scheme of things, bruises were pretty good. Broken bones were also fairly typical and extremely annoying, especially if you were low on ambrosia. Leda was feeling pretty great overall - they had defeated the giant, things were looking up. But then, she frowned slightly, noticing something strange in the sky... Her eyes then widened, realizing that the barrels were filled with Greek fire. "Oh we are so fucked..." Leda whispered. She was almost in shock, a speedster standing still.

Luckily, Kiera had it handled, making a protective layer of water around all of them. The heat was so strong, it was like someone had forced them all in a sauna and then added a roaring fire for fun. She frowned, noticing that there were flares shooting up into the sky. She really hoped they were fire absorbing missiles or something. Greek fire wasn't something to mess with. It was pure, unavoidable destruction. But then, an idea occurred to her - she was more of a DC fan, but she had seen a movie once where a speedster saved the day during fiery destruction. Kiera's water shield may not last forever after all.

Leda cracked her knuckles and moved faster than the eye could see. She grabbed each person one at a time, pulling them away from the Greek fire and into a safe location. By the time she was done, everyone would find themselves inside of a cute little tea shop, sitting at a table with tea cups in their hands. Leda smirked a little bit, drinking from her own tea cup.

Guin Stark

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Telepathy

"Yes, arrest us, put us in horrible orange jumpsuits and make a major Netflix series about us fucking each other in prison, the whole deal," Guin clarified for Annie. She didn't mean to sound so harsh, but she was under a lot of stress. Their situation was getting worse and worse by the minute. At least Runa had explained that the Nova Corps didn't have any prejudice against people with powers - so that was a win for space, as they didn't need to worry about being killed in prison for being mutants. They just needed to worry about being killed in prison for... whatever reason prisoners killed each other. "Oookay so... From what I can tell, we're more or less just in the wrong place at the wrong time and that's all the reason they need," she explained, having done another quick mental sweep. "So hooray, Lance, you win space cop jeopardy. Your prize? Hopefully not dropping the soap in prison! Yaaaay!" Guin then laughed nervously.

Her nervous laughter died abruptly though, as she felt an immense source of heat in their fragile little tin can, pressurized with gases and whatnot so they could breathe and fuel sources to power everything. In hindsight, they shouldn't have brought Iris along with them at all. It was horrifying and traumatic to watch, seeing Iris burn herself alive. It all happened so quickly - she blinked and saw Pietro trying to put out the flames, she blinked again and saw Edus was on fire, another blink and Iris wasn't there any more. Pietro put out the rest of the flames in the room. Guin's eyes were wide, as a memory she had almost succeeded in repressing came to the front of her mind - the way Pietro had killed all of those guards at the Baxter Building in Wanda's false world. B-babe, are you okay? Guin asked.

In all honesty? No...

Guin was stuck between a rock and a hard place. They were about to be boarded by space cops, and Pietro had just had to mercy kill Iris. She wanted desperately to comfort him, and at the same time, she wanted to put on her suit and get ready to blast anyone who tried to take them away. But her love was stronger than her fear. Do you want to talk about it? she asked him, going up to him and pulling him in for a hug, even as she was shaking.

No, I don't.

Then with your consent, can I sooth you? Guin asked, sick with worry over Pietro and the space cops. "Guys, Piet is going to sit this confrontation out I think, so I recommend getting ready with your magic things for a fight." His hands were still badly burned, barely even healing despite his powers accelerating his body's repair processes.


Guin nodded, taking a breath. It was hard to calm someone down telepathically when she was feeling horrible and scared herself. She wanted so badly to take away Pietro's pain, but she was also scared that the more she tried, the more she'd make them vulnerable to the space cops. She wanted the world to slow down. They didn't have enough time. She was only able to calm Pietro slightly, and trying again and again didn't change that result. We are out of time... Her eyes were watering slightly.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: N/A

"No, the Nova Corps holds no ill will towards those with powers. Many species across the galaxy have extraordinary abilities. Midgardians are not unique in that regard," she explained. Just about everyone on Asgard could be considered superhuman per Midgard's standards. She knew that the Kree also tended to have a large amount of abilities, and of course there were the skrulls and the super skrulls too. Even the Shi'Ar had some powers. But before she could properly consider how best to deal with the Nova Corps, given Guin's confirmation of Lance's explanation that they were simply after them because no one else was near the anomaly, tragedy struck. It was a calamity of epic proportions, and a tear slid down Runa's face when the sad affair was done.

"May her soul find peace in Valhalla," Runa prayed. She had her head bowed for a moment, before turning her mind back again to what they were going to do. The Nova Corps had announced their intent to board them. She didn't know if the Nova Corps were capable of holding them, although she supposed that perhaps they had prisons designed for those with extra abilities. At any rate though, she tried to have confidence that the truth would prevail - an ironic sentiment from the goddess of lies. She didn't want to hurt the Nova Corps - they were peacekeepers, simply doing their jobs, trying to protect the galaxy. There had to be a peaceful resolution. "We should try to resolve this peacefully," she urged. But even then, she was prepared with her staff at the ready for a fight.

February 17th, 2021 - 2:40 PM


Havok's jaw dropped, staring at Sapphire. He had never seen her like this before - so... happy and carefree. "Well, she's clearly lost the plot," he commented. He didn't dare use his powers to blast them out of here. His powers had caused the cave-in, and while he had done it on purpose, he didn't want to replicate the experiment again. It had been a horrible decision, one done purely in an effort to keep them safe from a legion of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and buy time for them to get help for Stareyes.

"Ben's the ghost that hangs out with Casper, it's why he's always talking to himself," Havok explained to Andy. He was relieved to hear that help had arrived - although he wasn't super excited to know that Waverley was spearheading the operation apparently. She had a similar track record to Max in terms of efficiency as far as he was concerned.


Veil was incredibly lucky. Her skull had been cracked and she was bleeding extensively, but she was still breathing. Her body was badly bruised, somehow avoiding more broken limbs. While her condition was serious, it was pretty much the best outcome that they could have hoped for. All they needed to do was either have someone stitch/glue her head back together or get James to heal her up. It seemed like her own hair had cushioned most of the blow to the back of the head she took.

Casper Theriot

Location: Tunnels
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's eyes were still glowing that alien blue, the same shade that was surrounding his hands like a mist - and the color that Ben's ghostly appearance was tinted. Ben's tentacles had mostly stabilized the structure, but the credit really had to go to Feedback, as she was keeping vibrations from causing more shifts. For the moment, they were going to be completely fine. Casper tried not to puke as he saw his brother change shape and go through a small gap in the rubble. "Ugh, Jackie, why are your powers so gross sometimes..." he complained.

"Wait, Ben, you were a superhero?!" Casper gasped. His best friend had never told him that. "What else have you been lying to me about? Are you even really dead?!"

Ben sighed. "...Yes, because I'm faking being dead, and I have the power to make everyone conveniently not see me unless you use your powers, way to go, Sherlock," he replied, rolling his eyes.

Casper perked up ever so slightly, hearing Jack's voice distantly call out that he had found Veil. He didn't see Veil's ghost, so he assumed that they were good. And he was doing his best to focus on keeping Ben front and center, rather than look at the swarms of S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ghosts who were shouting and yelling at them all. They clearly did not seem to like mutants. "H-hey Ben, any chance you could do this faster?" Casper called out.

"I'm not moving any rocks until James tells me to - he's the engineer, this seems like an engineering problem," Ben replied. He had all of his tentacles fully anyways just keeping the structure from caving in on them all.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine frowned, her eyebrows scrunching together as she listened to the green haired kid explain that some sort of magic mist had been what made everyone sick. She didn't need three guesses to figure out who had to be responsible. It had to have been the humans. Probably some scientist in a creepy lab had come up with it and then thrown the mist up into the air - or tossed it out a plane or whatever. The finer details weren't important. The anger and blame, that was all that mattered. "Stupid flatscans. They should leave us alone or just die," Sunshine grumbled.

"Why would they be moving underground?" Sunshine asked, finding that really weird. The last bit of information made a lot more sense to her though. It was one of the most easily recognized places in D.C., she was surprised the green haired kid didn't recognize it, but she wasn't going to press the issue. Bombs were more important than insulting newbies. "That's the Lincoln Memorial, I think. Unless they made another statue of a dead white flatscan sitting on a big chair, but I doubt it. Lincoln did... something with slaves? So I guess it's on brand for them. They probably think it's ironic or something."

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

Princess Anelle didn't follow them onto the bridge - not at first, at least. It was only when she saw through the opening that Maria had burned three skrulls alive that she ran forward blindly, going into the fray. "Stop, please!" she begged, crying even despite what Flynn had said to her. "They are innocent, they are not your enemy, the Empress is!" She gasped in horror as Flynn roasted alive ten of her countrymen. Two of the skrulls Maria and Flynn had killed were unarmed, defenseless.

"Someone get the civilian out of here!" Black Widow shouted. She had leg-scissored her way into taking out one skrull, and used their weapon to take out two more.

"I'm not a babysitter, someone else can do it!" Tony shouted, swinging essentially a big pipe at a skrull, but the skrull was faster than him. The skrull fired off its weapon at Tony, hitting him in the chest and critically damaging his arc reactor. He was going into cardiac arrest. "Damn... it... Richards... Help..." Tony wheezed.

"I'll cover you," the Invisible Woman said, creating a force field bubble around herself and Reed, as they moved as quickly to Tony as they could. They didn't have much in the way of supplies, but Richards was one of the smartest men alive. If anyone could save Tony, he could (or another Tony).

"Guess I'm the babysitter," Wasp sighed, as she rushed up to Anelle. Anelle tried to struggle, but she was no match for the Wasp, having hardly any training in how to fight. The Wasp dragged Anelle on out of the room with ease, as Anelle was still screaming and begging for the Avengers to stop.

Hill was locked in hand to hand combat with three skrulls, not making much headway. The Human Torch was taking a queue from Maria and Flynn, blasting skrulls with fire - although maybe the drugs hadn't totally left his system, as he only managed to hit one. Captain Marvel was about to fire off an energy blast at a skrull, only for them to take fire on her, forcing her to duck behind a console for cover. She-Hulk meanwhile had grabbed two skrulls and was flinging them around in circles, trying to get them to surrender that way she didn't need to kill them.

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 8:00 A.M.

The previous night, they had managed to finish testing everyone to see if they were a potential skrull. Mar-Vell helpfully explained that flerkens could detect skrulls, although no one was really quite sure how, and Raynor had confirmed that she wasn't lying about that fact. Goose had been showered in some cat treats Bonnie found at a nearby store as a reward (although she had largely gone there to get some more lollipops to use as bribes on Niah). Once everyone was confirmed to not be a skrull, Raynor and Mar-Vell stashed the two extra ships, before being picked up by Barton in his quinjet.

The entire group then flew to an unknown location, arriving in the dead of night. Barton hadn't explained where exactly they were, just claiming that the place was off the grid and he wanted to keep it that way. There had only been three rooms available, so everyone got real nice and cozy with each other and pretty much had to snuggle to keep warm. Captain Rogers and the Winter Soldier had spooned. It was adorable.

Somehow, despite having been asleep for months, Raynor was out like a light. He had snagged one of the few beds in the room for Sparky and himself, playing the pregnant card in order to fight other people's claims to it. He hadn't let go of Sparky the entire night, clinging to her like she was a life raft. He always looked a little more vulnerable in his sleep, almost peaceful. In fact, he would have stayed peaceful if it hadn't been for the pounding on the door.

"Get up, everyone, breakfast is ready!" Hawkeye shouted.

Raynor threw a pillow at the door, only for the pillow to fall short and hit Amelia. Amelia hadn't minded at all sleeping on the floor. It was better for her back anyways, and there was something just a little bit romantic about the entire thing - not romantic as in dating and whatnot, more just... a sort of fantasy type of romantic. She had been able to look up at the little cracks in the roof and catch glimpses of the stars, hearing the quietness that meant they were far away from the city, far away from skrulls and explosions and death defying stunts. "Oi, you better work on your aim, mate!" Amelia shouted, picking up the pillow and throwing it back at Raynor.

"You better work on your aim," Raynor grumbled, only half awake so he didn't come up with a better comeback. He didn't know why he felt so incredibly tired. Maybe it had just been the emotional toll that yesterday had taken on him. Or maybe his body hadn't actually been ready when Sparky woke him up on Asgard. He had been plagued by nightmares that night, largely focusing on the fiery destruction of Ragnarok. He still remembered the events leading up to it - his father's murder at the hands of his brother, his mother's suicide as grief consumed her... It was too painful, but his mind had forced him to relive it over and over again.

"Wow, such a drip insult," Amelia replied, giggling a bit. She stretched her arms out and tilted her head from side to side, before getting up off the floor. She tiptoed out of the room, doing her best not to disturb anyone, as she tried to retrace her steps from the previous night. It had been so late when they arrived yesterday and after all of the adrenaline and excitement, she had been out like a light the minute it was safe to sleep. She had dreams of cats with pasta noodles instead of tongues - and at one point, Amelia was pretty certain she had turned into a meatball and the cats tried to eat her.

Bonnie had spent the night with Niah, ensuring that she wasn't going to die or develop an infection or anything like that. She was incredibly tired, but it wasn't anything new for her. She had had to push herself like this in school, working off of limited sleep and still being expected to produce exceptional results. When Hawkeye had come by to announce that breakfast was being served, Bonnie knew that Niah was likely going to be incredibly stubborn and insist on joining the others - at least they had the room on the ground floor, so there were no stairs to have to navigate. "How's your pain?" Bonnie asked Niah, after she had gotten up. "I can give you some more medicine - and try to keep the dosage at a low enough level that you don't lose your wits, unless you think you need more."

She then backed up, opening up the door and holding it open for Niah as she stepped outside. Bonnie glanced over her shoulder, seeing a comical sight. There was a massive plastic table set up, with high profile Avengers squeezed in, eating Lucky Charms and Cheerios. It was strange to see Captain America, the Black Panther, Spider-Man (with his mask on, of course, only taking it off partially to expose his lips so he could eat), the Winter Soldier, Falcon, Agent 13, Hawkeye, Mar-Vell and... Bonnie did a double take.

"Good of you to finally join us, Agent Chase," Nick Fury called out, scratching Goose behind the ears. "Once this is over, you and I need to talk. I trust I don't need to tell you what about."

Bonnie couldn't help but feel a bit flustered. She hadn't told anyone about what was happening to her, but she didn't doubt for a second that somehow, Fury knew. Fury always knew. He wasn't the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. any more but he was still THE spy, the ultimate spy, the only person who probably knew every secret in the world. "Erm, yes, sir. I look forward to it, sir."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Pub
Skills: N/A

Megan was a little bit intrigued at what the girl with the curly hair was saying about bashing in the head of some idiot. She didn't need to be a detective like her brother to come up with the most likely target of the girl's fury. She wondered then if they had anyone conducting autopsies here - she supposed they probably didn't, which meant that if she did end up killing the boy from earlier, Megan would get to be the one to take a sharp instrument to his head and cut it open, remove his brain, and then do the same to his other internal organs. She sighed slightly, feeling a bit melancholic. Life was so much simpler before all of this. She wasn't as used to talking to the living as she was conversing with the dead.

"I'm alright, thank you," Megan said, when Merlin directed them to go get washed up if they needed it. She was used to being covered in blood - she went through quite a fair number of lab coats in her line of work. A run through the sewers wasn't enough to make her feel like she needed to take a shower, and she doubted that they had any water pressure here. It was probably just cold tubs of water. It wasn't too long until someone was shouting for Merlin up the stairs. Megan was a bit impressed. They had hardly been back and already, someone had found a way to get into trouble. "How much do you want to bet they're crying for Merlin because showers had yet to be invented?" Megan quipped to her brother, taking a seat.

She was very glad she hadn't gone upstairs to look into the chaos with Merlin though, when a stranger walked into the bar and the door shut behind him like magic. He looked like a corpse - like something Megan would've been brought in a bag, with the explanation it had been fished out of the river. She didn't see any traces of her brother in the stranger's face. Megan put one hand on the hilt of her sword. "Just say the word," she whispered to Jack.

Runa Johansson

Location: Nidavellir -> Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa stopped dead in her tracks when the compass started to glow brightly and then leap from her hands. She squinted, trying to shield her eyes from the blinding light. She raised her hand slightly, looking away as the light intensified into a flash, and suddenly a portal was revealed in front of them. It boggled the mind, seeing a portal - although she supposed they had gone through one of sorts earlier when they left Earth and went to the land of the dwarves. The compass was clearly working. Runa didn't need a lot of experience to know that the portal was exactly where they had needed to go - it was the hellish land of her nightmare, or whatever the term was for what she had experienced right after death.

It was a good thing that Nadia pulled her through the portal, as Runa felt like she had been drowning in despair and shock. It was real then. Whatever small part of her that had been denying all of this was happening had to concede now. "This is where I went, when I died," she explained softly to Nadia and Klara. Her eyes widened a little bit as Nadia admitted she was afraid of the undead. Runa hadn't thought that Klara and Nadia were afraid of anything. They were fearless - perfect, even. "...There'll be a gatekeeper, he won't let us pass."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: N/A

"They may have assumed that we were responsible for the anomaly," Runa proposed. "I do intend to ask, however," she then added, trying to reassure everyone. She was confident in her peace of Freyr spell, especially given the damage Guinevere had caused to the Nova Corps ship was extensive and may have disabled their weapons systems anyways. Once Lance had the channel open, Runa nodded and stepped forward, pressing the button to allow her voice to be transmitted - sort of like a glorified radio. "This is Princess Runa of Asgard. We mean you no harm. I repeat - this is Princess Runa of Asgard."

"You are in an unauthorized part of space." came the response again, still not sounding like they wanted to talk.

He wasn't lying. "I apologize. Our ship was temporarily shut down due to an anomaly. We will leave as soon as permitted," Runa replied, hoping that the officer would calm down slightly. Her brother was always better at these diplomatic situations.

"Stay where you are," came the response, she'd vaguely hear what sounded like multiple voices conversing on the other end.

“Acknowledged.” Runa bit her lip, taking her finger off of the button that transmitted her voice. She couldn't help but feel uneasy. They had done nothing wrong, the Nova Corps should have no reason to delay them. And while they had fired on the Nova Corps' ship, it had been in response - they hadn't been the ones to instigate the fight.

Guin Stark

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Telepathy

"I'm good, thanks, Edus," Guin said. Despite Pietro's opinion, she really did feel fine. If anything, she just felt nervous about this entire situation. She had never been arrested before. Yes, she had done drugs, but she was famous and Iron Man's kid - they'd never gotten close to putting handcuffs around her wrists. They'd just take her to a hospital or release her into the custody of her father. It was probably a little ironic, how little she was afraid of cops, but how greatly the thought of incarceration scared her.

But then again, was it really that odd? She had watched Oz by accident as a little kid and it had been in her nightmares ever since. But with the lack of consequences she faced from the police due to her privilege, the fear of incarceration never grew into a fear of cops. "No, no way are we going to space prison," Guin said, her fingers twitching slightly. Runa was talking to the space cops at the moment and Guin scratched at her left wrist ever so slightly. "She's apparently a princess, so it'll all be chill, and we can fly away from here. You'll see."

"We'll see Guina..."

Guin wasn't totally in love with Pietro's pessimism at the moment. So, she decided that it wasn't against any moral codes if she just took a quick peek into the minds of the space cops. She closed her eyes and concentrated, but she wasn't able to get any information from a quick sweep. Guin pushed her mind a little harder, trying to tease out the information, only to recover nothing. Maybe she shouldn't have blown off telepathy lessons with X. Another attempt got her nothing. She didn't know why this didn't come easily to her. Everything else in her life did.

She pushed against the mental walls one last time, and finally, had a breakthrough. "They're going to board us," she said. She dug a little more. "...to arrest us."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Fields of Mars
Skills: Strategy, Audiokinesis, Singing

Nancy wasn't proud of it, but she couldn't help but feel irritated, seeing Marco using his voice to destroy. It had always been her thing - the one thing that set her apart from every other child of Apollo. She didn't know any of her siblings who could do that. It was what made her special. Seeing someone else able to do the same thing... It made her angry, but more importantly, it made her sad. And the more she tried not to think about it and to ignore the feeling, the more the anger threatened to boil over. Her head wasn't in the game as she started targeting the undead dragon. She didn't even want to know how it had gotten like that. Her legionnaires were dying all around her and every monster she killed was another life saved.

"🎶See the people walking down the street
Fall in line just watching all their feet
They don't know where they want to go
But they're walking in time🎶"

The dragon was unaffected by her song, and Nancy's left eye twitched. Not only was she no longer special, but now she couldn't even pull off her signature move? Was it possible for someone to steal her voice like in the Little Mermaid movie? She liked Marco, he made amazing coffees, but right now she wasn't thinking rationally. And the more frustrated she was, the harder it was to pull off her trick.

"🎶They got the beat
They got the beat
They got the beat
Yeah, they got the beat🎶"

Her voice had cracked at the start of the lick. She was clutching her hands so tightly on the hilts of her imperial gold daggers that her knuckles had turned white. She was seeing red. She wanted to kill every single thing here, and then pile the remains so high that Olympus would be dwarfed in the mountain's shadow. Ironically, this time her anger was helping her. She was so focused on wanting to express that rage that she nailed the next verse, ripping the zombie!dragon apart with her words and sending it back to the Pit.

"🎶All the kids just getting out of school
They can't wait to hang out and be cool
Hang around 'til quarter after twelve
That's when they fall in line🎶"

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: New Rome
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation, Superspeed, Sword-Fighting, Agility

"Ugh, yeah, I'm fine," Leda said, wincing at first when the water hit her legs before relaxing as the pain was alleviated. She tightened up again when Kiera stopped and went to tend to Mary, but now wasn't the time to complain about not receiving more medical care. There were harpies and gryphons flying around in the air above them, and they still hadn't dealt with Polybotes completely. They weren't not threatening, but next to the giant she wasn't going to be focusing on the winged menaces exclusively. In fact, they really needed a way to get that giant to be blinded for more than just a few minutes.

She sprinted off at Polybotes, intending on stabbing him repeatedly in the eyes, but the giant saw her coming. She was a little shocked if she was being honest - people usually couldn't see her when she moved. But then again, this was a giant - she should've known. She shouldn't have rushed off. Polybotes grabbed her by the neck and threw her backwards. She hit the ground hard, gaining a lovely collection of bruises. Leda spat at the ground, having learned her lesson - close quarters combat was out. Ranged combat was in.

Leda blasted beams of rainbow light at Polybotes' eyes, but the giant shielded himself. "Fucking cocksucker!" Leda cursed. She tried blasting him again, but her powers more or less fizzled.
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