Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III
Skills: Superspeed

"Pfft, since when do I let things go to my head?" Leda scoffed, although she was smirking ever so slightly. She did really enjoy being the hero. Who wouldn't? There was a certain allure to being self righteous and morally right, and throw in the gifts of being a demigod and boom, you were a bonafide hero. She could imagine her comic book if she closed her eyes - it would have all the colors of the rainbow on the cover page, the artists would be properly appraised of boob physics, and the enemies would be nuanced and dressed to the nines. Mary would be her annoying know it all best friend, while Kiera would be her elusive love interest, probably the daughter of the main villain - and as Leda thought about it, that honestly tracked. Poseidon got up to some shady stuff.

She climbed up the rope ladder, emerging onto the top deck of the Argo III. She inhaled sharply through her teeth, seeing all of the injured - and the dying. It freaked her out slightly, confronting her own mortality like this - it could have easily been any of them in that position. But actions helped her to not think, so she started speeding the injured one at a time down to the infirmary, zipping back up to the deck, and grabbing the next one. In total, she was able to make eight trips before she had to take a moment to catch her breath. She had blood on her hands and she didn't even know who it belonged to at this point.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Senate Building -> Argo III

Nancy considered arguing with Alexandra that she should have gone first, but there wasn't the time to have a contest about who was the more selfless person. "Stay close," Nancy warned, not liking the hole in the ground that was forming one bit. She scaled the rope ladder, coming up onto the deck of the Greek ship. She was relieved to see Madalyne there, and when she spotted Niah, a little bit of tension left her body. Her best friends had survived. Losing New Rome was hard enough, she didn't know what she would have done if she had lost them as well. Nancy didn't have any medical training, otherwise she would have assisted there.

Instead, she unloaded the bags of prophecies and scrolls and everything that Alexandra had given her to carry, before looking for some place where she could be useful. She spotted that a few of the weapons weren't currently in use, and instantly went over to one that she figured she could handle. Madalyne was clearly casting a spell to help them, but just in case it wasn't enough, Nancy was ready to blast some monsters to Tartarus. In fact, she spotted some in range and Nancy started firing, hitting group after group until she had blasted seven groups of monsters into dust.

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

The last of the skrulls on the Bridge had been defeated - although there were doubtless more on the ship. The Human Torch and Iron Man were both unconscious. The Wasp was outside, back in the main area, babysitting the upset Princess Anelle. The Invisible Woman had found a spot to sit and was taking some deep breaths, her pregnancy wasn't feeling all that great at the moment, although she wasn't due to get into labor just yet. It wasn't anything to worry over.

"Richards, what's the status on Stark?" Black Widow asked.

"And then, to repeat Agent Flynn's question - where the hell are we?" Hill then asked. She knew that Mister Fantastic was one of the brightest minds in the world, if anyone present (and conscious) could figure out where they were and how to fly a spaceship, it was him. Although from what she remembered reading in the files, Captain Marvel wasn't a stranger to aliens either.

"Tony's fine, he'll live," the Invisible Woman answered, as her husband was engrossed in thought, looking at the machines and the displays and whatnot.

"We're orbiting Saturn, placing us approximately 1.2 billion kilometers from Earth. At the speed the Cassini probe travels at, this would place our return to Earth as occurring in eight years. We can then postulate that the skrulls either can greatly exceed this speed or that we were placed in stasis during transit," Richards explained. "I find the latter to be unlikely, given that I have already managed to significantly outpace the probe's speed, and that a species capable of warfare in space would likely not place their prison station eight years from the military engagement. Ergo, if I can learn this alien system of travel, I estimate that we should return to Earth in less than one year. I would further guess this travel time is less than one month, but my knowledge of military strategy is lacking for suitable analysis."

"These ships travel faster than the speed of light," Captain Marvel answered. She walked up to one of the displays, before punching in a series of coordinates. "I'm a spacer, this is kind of my thing," she said with a smirk, before the stars around them seemed to blur into lines as they jumped into hyperspace! "We'll return to Earth in four days."

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 8:40 A.M.

Bonnie couldn't help but feel a little bad having lied to Cass - but she didn't regret her decision. She wasn't ready to talk about it with someone else just yet. She still didn't understand it herself and she needed the time to process it on her own. Even though it had happened back in February, she hadn't had much downtime to really look into it - all of her time was spent at S.H.I.E.L.D. working to protect the world, particularly from M-Pox.

"Please, call me T'Challa - there is no need to be so formal," Black Panther insisted. He didn't mind his title being used when he was acting as the king of Wakanda, but here he was acting as the Black Panther for the sake of the world at large. He frowned slightly as Oliver debriefed them all on the situation. He was familiar with the upcoming UN summit. While Wakanda was not part of the United Nations, preferring to remain isolated and closed off, he kept himself appraised of worldly affairs.

"An attack at the UN Summit will cause a global incident whose ramifications we cannot predict," T'Challa commented sagely. "How do you propose we make our stand?"

"There'll be security all over the place - CIA, KGB, MI6, you name it," Agent 13 then chimed in. "It'll be impossible to send a large group in, even more impossible to have the Avengers show up. You're all too recognizable. Rogers can't walk down the street without getting recognized, and Spider-Man is a national treasure."

"I know it won't be easy, but we need to get this done - it isn't just our country at stake, the entire world is looking at us," Captain America argued. "If we send in a smaller team, they could flush out the skrulls, and drive them towards us away from the civilians."

Bonnie tapped her fingers on the table slightly, as the plan was beginning to click into place in her mind. They had another resource present they hadn't talked about - a world leader was seated at their table. Wakanda wasn't part of the United Nations, but the USA was. "We could use the President and disguise ourselves as Secret Service," she suggested. "Captain America will go to the White House to meet with the skrull president, we come in as Secret Service, we quietly take out the Secret Service in the oval office and we seamlessly replace them. Meanwhile, someone else wipes the security footage so we were never there. The President and us then travel to Geneva for the convention."

"I can handle the security footage," Fury volunteered. "Take Goose with you. He can sniff out skrulls. And no one suspects a cat."

Raynor's eyes were narrowed. He wasn't a huge fan of this plan, namely since Sparky was very pregnant and the White House was going to be filled with angry people with guns. He'd much rather leave her here on Barton's secret farm until everything was over, but he wasn't even going to bother trying to argue the point with her. He knew that she would just zap him and do it anyways, and he didn't want to admit it, but he still didn't feel completely 100% just yet. "Great, a spy mission, at least we won't have you trying to kill us, huh Barnes?" Raynor asked.

Bucky just stared at him.

"You realize how creepy it is when you do that, right?" Sam pointed out.

"It's just his vibe," Spider-Man commented with a shrug. "He just be like that."

Amelia was very excited about all of this. Sure, she knew it would have been logical to be a bit nervous or apprehensive, but it wasn't every day they got to secretly sneak the President back into the White House and get rid of an imposter with Captain America and the Falcon! She wasn't always the best at stealth, mainly because she liked to scream and cheer and everything, but she figured she could manage it. She'd figure it out, right? She was even practicing right now, staying silent and vibrating with the urge to blab out a million questions and then some.

"My old team can handle the job," Hawkeye said, more or less reassuring the Avengers that the agents were capable. "...You guys can go five minutes without screaming at each other still, right?" he then followed up.

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Guin had been having a horrible nightmare.

They had been in space on the Millennium Falcon, when suddenly an anomaly had appeared out of nowhere. Iris had set herself on fire, and Pietro solved the situation by jettisoning her. A group of glorified trigger happy space cops had boarded their vessel. Pietro had murdered some. And then, it all had gone dark - but that meant that the nightmare was over. She would open her eyes and she'd be in bed snuggled up to her husband, and he'd calm her down, and they'd chalk the nightmare up to watching Alien at 3 AM.

Guin opened her eyes, and she screamed at the top of her lungs. It hadn't been a nightmare. She was in a prison cell. Her mind unconsciously reached out to inflict that same pain and fear on others - luckily, her telepathic reach wasn't strong enough at the moment for anything to happen. Her heart was pounding so fast she could hardly breathe. She got up from where she had been lying and pounded on the door, finding that it was sealed shut. The air felt like it was incredibly thin in the cell. Her world was spinning. She needed to run, she needed to get out of there, she was just a little NPC trapped on a station with Darth Vader, she needed to get out!

Pietro come get me right now I don't care what you have to do I need you to get me out of here!!!!!! Guin screamed telepathically, just as she was still screaming in reality.

Oww Guina my head...

Guin was kicking at the door now as hard as she could. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!" she screamed. Her toes were throbbing but she didn't care. She felt like a caged animal. Pietro I need you to come get me right now I'm losing my shit and I'll let you be as overprotective as you want and everything just GET ME OUT!!!!!!

I hurt Guina, I can't exactly come to where you are at the moment...

I need you right now, I'll even wear a Star Trek slutty costume, I just need you to come and get me right now! Guin was still trying to force the door down, not even aware of the fact that Mary was probably seriously judging her at the moment, but prison was one of her greatest fears and she wasn't handling it well. Please come save me!!! "Let me out right now or... or I'll make your brains explode!!!" Guin shouted.

Guina, calm down... Please my head was already hurting from everything else

I c-c-can't! Guin replied, hyperventilating and unable to catch her breath. She had stopped screaming at least, but even that wasn't too much progress.

It's okay Guina... Just please don't scream into my head... It's like someone put my head in a bucket and started hitting it repeatedly... That's how bad that's kind of making my head hurt...

No, it's not okay! We're going to die in here. They're going to rape us and shank us and then they'll cut out our tongues and put them in the food and then we'll be shoved into a giant trash compactor and they'll laugh and dissect us and remove our brains and and and - we need to get out now!

...That is nothing like how prison typically works.

It's space prison, it's probably way worse! In Earth prisons they put collars on mutants to make you into slaves and then they kill you if you breathe funny! Guin had slid down to the ground now, hugging her knees to her chest. I can't do this. I need you to come do it for me. You can be in charge I don't wanna be.

That's also not really how prisons on Earth work either, and I got locked up in the freaking Raft and other prisons over the course of my life... And I can't right now... I'm kind of stuck where I am at the moment...

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa had never been in prison before - although a fair amount of people on Asgard had lobbied for her to be placed in one when her powers and dominion revealed themselves. When she had awoken, she took a seat on the floor with her legs crossed as if meditating. There was not much that could be done besides waiting for her cellmate, Bethany, to come to consciousness. She hadn't used her voice earlier and now it seemed she would need to. She could use her abilities to warp reality and ideally solve this entire mess without any further bloodshed, although she was not intending on bringing Quicksilver back with them - he had blood on his hands.

She hadn't noticed any technology inhibiting the use of powers for herself or for her companion. She would have expected better from the Nova Corps. Her brother's prison on Asgard accounted for such things. There were enchantments ensuring that magic and whatnot could not be used to escape. Sure, illusions could be cast but actually leaving the cell? That was out of the question. She did stretch her arm out, calling Gandr to her - and she waited. Hopefully it wouldn't be too long.

February 17th, 2021 - 3:00 PM

The Tunnels

Casper held up a finger as if to ask for a moment, still breathing so heavily it was like he had just run a mile hungover in less than ten minutes. He wasn't even super aware of his surroundings, so it was really lucky that the rubble was all taken care of for the most part, although things were still shifting ever so slightly and threatening to crumble down on them all. The sooner everyone got through Max's portal, the better. "Oh god, it's like my lungs went up my ass," Casper wheezed, after Spark Plug put a hand on his shoulder. He was drenched in sweat, so her hand was going to be wet now.

"Yeah, you're fine," Ben scoffed, rolling his eyes.

Casper forced himself to look James in the eye, as much as just moving his neck made every muscle in his body ache and groan. "You're doing amazing too, babes," he said. He knew that James may not have needed compliments and praise the way Casper did, but he still wanted to make sure he knew anyways.

Waverley was beginning to feel the strain of dampening all of those vibrations (3), even with Echo's assistance. Her trembling limbs would release the vibrations in one wave, with the outcome not being decidedly terrible, but it easily could have been better. The vibrations caused a new crack in the road above them to form, sending fresh rubble falling down. The rubble wasn't stopped entirely by Max's new support arches, and Veil's force fields caught the rubble just in time, a gigantic clump of it suspended just inches away from Spark Plug's face. If Veil hadn't had her force field up, Spark Plug would've been instantly killed.

"Hey, take it easy," Veil cautioned. She was incredibly proud of how well everyone was working together. She knew from her time at Xavier's that there were mutants who could use their powers to allow groups to work better in sync, in harmony really - and right now, she didn't think that the Mutant Underground needed anything like that. Everyone was working together and listening. No one was bickering or squabbling. It made her tear up slightly, feeling like a mother whose children no longer needed them.

Havok hesitated for a moment. The kid was through and Jack had gotten their popsicle. That left him with the loopy one. A little bit worried that Sapphire might freeze him for this, Havok took Sapphire's hand and guided her on out, leading her to the others and then through the portal to safety. "Once James fixes Stareyes, Sapphire's got a screw loose. She's gone all baby Elsa." Casper walked through the portal as well, and Veil would walk through once everyone else more or less had gone.


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine could hear the echo of voices coming from upstairs - they must have been back now from the retrieval operation. Her heart throbbed with pain, remembering how Magik used to be the one who bent space and time in order to relocate them, not Max. The wound was raw and fresh still. She raised a slight eyebrow at Zarina mentioning here - maybe she was from Europe or something. "Where are you from, again?" Sunshine asked. She figured it was another piece of information she had missed, where Greenie was actually from.

"Well duh, figured you'd need to be able to see it or whatever," Sunshine murmured. "Maybe Max can zip you around town to all of the bombs and have you do your thing. Then no one else has to get sick or whatever. Can't believe some asshole is trying to take out the mutants... Oh wait, I can believe it, because all flatscans are evil."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Pub
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow, hearing the blonde exclaim something about a bird attack. She had no idea what that was all about, and she definitely would have pursued it, if it hadn't been for her brother's abduction. While she hadn't been a cop and was instead the medical examiner, she knew that the longer a kidnapping victim went without being rescued, the more the odds dropped that they would return alive. Jack had already been moved to a secondary location and she didn't need John Mulaney to explain the horrors of that. The curly haired boy was annoying her. The answers to his questions seemed rather obvious.

"You shouldn't make promises to a victim's relative," Megan told Merlin, before going up the stairs and snatching up her and Jack's belongings. She then raced back down in record time, her heart pounding with adrenaline. If anyone complained about having to move quickly or wanting to take a shower, she'd skewer them with her sword. "Let's leave, we need to hurry," she then told Merlin. She didn't trust everyone here to not drag their feet.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa understood the reference to the Walking Dead - some people at school would play a game that had been based off of the show. It was never her cup of tea, but it was hard to not know about it. She was more shocked though to hear that Nadia had been killed by zombies. From what she was beginning to understand, every myth and legend existed in some shape or form. She had to wonder if the Norse gods were the only ones out there - or if there could have been others. She decided she'd ask the question later. They had more important things to focus on.

She bit her lip slightly at Nadia's solution to the entrance problem - she wasn't thrilled about the prospect of another climb, although at least there wouldn't be a giant squirrel shouting abuse at them. She took a breath and started to climb down onto the platform after Nadia carefully, managing to not slip or anything and she thanked her lucky stars for that. She then started to walk on the support beam, going slowly and carefully in order to avoid plummeting off of the thing.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Senate Building
Skills: Daggers, Hand to Hand Combat

Nancy was relieved to see Alexandra still alive - and only a small part of it was because she didn't want to become the Augur in the event of her sister's passing. It was selfish and she didn't feel good about it, but that was the way she felt. She had always been very in touch with her uglier emotions. They were raw and vibrant - and she could trust them, they couldn't be manufactured like happiness or joy. "On it," Nancy told her sister, grabbing as many of the bags as she could carry. She slung them over her shoulder and carried them on her back, leaving her hands free for her twin daggers. After all of the fighting, her voice was sore and she didn't know if she'd be able to belt out another powerful blast.

Once they had as much as they could carry, Nancy motioned for Alexandra to follow her. Outside of the Senate Building, she could hear a group of monsters nearby. It wasn't that shocking - New Rome had fallen, the Legion was in retreat, the monsters were claiming the city. It made strategic sense. Still, it didn't make it hurt any less, knowing that these monsters were destroying her home. "I've got this, stay close," she whispered to Alex. Her throat felt too scratchy for her power of song to work, so she had her daggers ready. She followed the sound before seeing a small crowd of monsters.

"Hey there, losers," Nancy taunted. She swiped with her daggers at one, only to miss. Her next few strikes weren't so unlucky though. She carved a safe path for them to escape through, killing six monsters in all. She checked to make sure that Alexandra was still with her as she rushed on through, her daggers out as if daring any more monsters to come near them.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: New Rome -> Argo III
Skills: Superspeed

"A little thank you for saving your life would be nice, Marygold," Leda said, shaking her head. "Also, it's rude to waste tea. Even if the city is burning down to the ground around us." She had mostly made the tea since she had been moving at that fast a speed anyways and she hadn't felt like slowing down just yet. To her, the world moved in slow motion at times - usually when she ran - so making tea before slowing down for everyone else's brains to catch up? It didn't make much of a difference in the long run, just a few seconds really.

She smirked when Kiera gave her a kiss on the cheek - clearly someone knew how to appreciate a rescue! The Roman god then came in, telling them all that they needed to leave and he'd stay behind. Leda wasn't worried about him. Gods were famously immortal after all. "Thanks, appreciate it," she told him earnestly, wanting to show respect anyways. She then grabbed Kiera and Mary and took off at a run, dodging projectiles and whatnot, and coming to a halt at the Argo III. "Ta-da, we know you have your choice in speedsters, so we'd like to thank you for running with us today."

Guin Stark

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Telepathy

Guin never really took the time to make a list of the traumas she had experienced in her life, but even then, some small part of her was able to recognize that therapy would be a really good idea if they got out of this situation alive. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the twisted version of Pietro from Wanda's world killing the soldiers - and when she opened her eyes, she saw the bloody remains of a few space cops. She felt sick to her stomach, unable to speak or make a sarcastic comment. As the cops then fired blasts at Pietro, when she closed her eyes she could see Muscles' limp body. She could see the gigantic hole in the sky that her father had flown up, almost dying in order to defeat Loki.

She wanted so desperately for the pain to stop. She wasn't thinking clearly. She wanted everyone in the room to stop. She wanted meth, heroin, cocaine, LSD, anything to make it all stop. She wanted all of the space cops to be gone, she wanted this dream space trip to stop being a nightmare. A small part of her wanted her dad to show up with the Iron Legion and handle everything for them. Without consciously realizing it, she had tapped into the minds of three of the soldiers, sending them psychic pain. The soldiers grabbed at their heads, clearly unaware of what was causing everything. Guin could feel her head swaying from the gas. Her heart was about ready to burst out of her chest, she was so scared.

"Go... to... hell..." Guin spat out, before collapsing to the ground.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Millenium Falcon
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa sighed slightly, more annoyed than anything else as Quicksilver committed an actual crime - murder. Now he likely did belong in a cell with the Nova Corps. She doubted that his wife would take too kindly to that idea, but it would be the just action to take. Perhaps they could call it self-defense? She'd have to consult Forseti about that. She had been preparing to attack the Nova Corps in defense herself, but with the gas in the air she realized that they wouldn't be able to win this fight. Her companions were collapsing all around her and she didn't have enough time to pull off a reality warp via deception. She did, however, have time for a quick spell.

She whispered the words of power, before sending an SOS to her cousin on Asgard. Klara's name was the first one that had come to mind, and it wasn't like Runa had the time to think through all of the options carefully. The gas was starting to effect her as well and she coughed, going down onto her knees, before wheezing and collapsing entirely, unconscious. She just hoped that no matter what happened, Lance would be safe.

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

The Invisible Woman was both providing cover via force field and brainstorming with Mister Fantastic as to just how to save Tony Stark's life. They didn't have a lot of supplies to work with, but Mister Fantastic realized that if he just morphed the shape and size of his fingers, he was able to repair the arc reactor without any tools. The arc reactor gave off a few sparks, before roaring back to life. Tony was still unconscious though, but he was breathing - a win.

Meanwhile, Black Widow had killed four more skrulls, not believing in non-lethal combat. Hill took out two, as did She-Hulk. Captain Marvel pulled off a mini supernova to take out an additional five. The Human Torch, sadly, was knocked out - he had been surrounded and the skrulls fired on him at once, causing Johnny Storm to Flame-Off and slam into the ground. His head was bleeding and he was out cold.

"You two might want to hurry, the GM is getting impatient," She-Hulk advised, looking directly at Maria and Flynn.

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 8:10 A.M.

Bonnie hesitated for a moment - she didn't want to lie to Cass, but she wasn't ready to talk about this with other people just yet. Fury was intimidating enough that she didn't dare tell him no. "It's nothing, just a side project the director asked me to keep an eye on when he left," she lied smoothly. She then took advantage of the opportunity to go fuss with getting Niah some medicine, so she doubled back into the room she had just came from, fishing around for the pill bottle she was looking for.

T'Challa smiled at Kwassi, always happy to see one of his countrymen out in the world fighting for what was right. He returned Kwassi's gesture with a traditional Wakandan salute, crossing his arms in the shape of an X with his fists closed. "Come, brother, be seated," T'Challa insisted, his accent thick. "At this table, we are all warriors."

Amelia's eyes were wide, and she was positively giddy as she took in everyone seated at the table again. She had always wanted to go to Wakanda one day, she didn't know much about them but they had a king who doubled as a superhero, so the place had to be cool. She wondered if they had an entire army of Black Panthers back there. She wouldn't have been surprised, although again, she knew very little about the country beyond some random facts about King T'Challa and its rough location in the world. "So are you lot all, like, friends?" Amelia blurted. "Like I can just imagine that you all go out to a pub for drinks or something, and Spider-Man is probably swinging around the place, maybe Winter and Cap are arm wrestling while talking about whatever old war stories white people like to dish about, oh and Falcon? Huge fan. Like the biggest fan. Could I get your autograph? And also, I'd love to challenge you to a race. Name the time and place - and I guess type of race - and I'll be there. My name's Amelia Baptiste by the way, I'm the ace of the group - well ace as in pilot, not ace as in asexual, although I am that too, I just don't get the entire appeal of sucking someone's dick--"

Amelia was cut off, thankfully, before she could continue. "Watch your language, young lady," Captain America scolded.

"It's nice to meet you, Amelia," Falcon said, offering her a hand. "I'll race you any time, provided you can keep up."

Amelia looked like she was swooning as she shook Falcon's hand. "I'm never going to wash this hand again," she whispered to herself. It wasn't sexual or romantic or anything like that - she had just gotten to shake hands with her favorite Avenger and they had a race confirmed. It was going to be even better than podracing.

Raynor then came into the kitchen/dining area with Sparky, raising an eyebrow at the somewhat comical sight in front of them. He instantly started more or less staring at Spider-Man, since the web slinger wasn't even removing his mask to eat. It looked incredibly dumb to him. He understood that some people wanted to protect their secret identity, but everyone here had been cleared of being a --

His thoughts stopped right in their tracks, seeing Director Fury with Goose. Goose clearly wasn't freaking out, so Raynor relaxed slightly, figuring odds were low that he was a skrull. Goose hadn't been wrong yet. He was more or less their only foolproof method of skrull detection. His eyes then narrowed. "So Fury - how long did you know about the skrulls?" Raynor asked bluntly, as some of the puzzle pieces started to click for him.

"That's need to know," Fury said coldly.

Bonnie then reentered the room with Niah's meds, feeling a bit awkward with all of the tension. She more or less tiptoed on over to Niah, pouring out a few pills and handing them over to her. They wouldn't make Niah too loopy, maybe a little bit drowsy if anything, and they'd take the edge off of the pain. Her eyes kept flickering back and forth between her patient and between the ex-director.

"I'd say we're need to know at this point, Nick," Hawkeye argued.

Fury sighed slightly. "The Illuminati made first contact with the skrulls. It wasn't too long afterwards that I found the first scout. I let that twitter loving son of a bitch fire me, so that way I could go into deep cover and bring you all together - a group of heroes who can save the world. Oliver, would you go over the rest of the details? I need to drink some coffee."

February 17th, 2021 - 2:50 PM

The Tunnels - Open Area

Veil coughed, before opening her eyes. Her head was pounding like she had been slamming margaritas the night before without stopping, and it took her brain a moment to process everything that was going on. Her first feeling was guilt - she had been taken out and wasn't able to help everyone - but after that, it was followed by pride. Her family was working together to accomplish something, their powers combined more than the sum of their parts. "How can I help?" Veil asked, deferring to those already awake and consciousness for leadership. They had a better understanding of everything going on than she did.

"H-h-h-hey guys... I-I-I can't keep this up," Casper stammered out, his legs like jelly as Ben flickered in and out of visibility. Max's arch took on all of the weight now, as Ben's tentacles were no longer present. The arch buckled in on itself, clearly under a great amount of strain and pressure but it hadn't collapsed just yet. Either way, it was a sign that they were going to need to move quickly. They were lucky Ben had been taken out of commission with the arch already in place, and that he had cleared the rubble blocking them from Jack and Veil to the side already.

"Hey, hey, you did great," Ben reassured Casper. Casper was too exhausted and drained to even be freaked out about the swarm of dead S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. He was panting like he had just run a mile in high heels in the rain, trying desperately to catch his breath. He really did want to help more. Despite being very self involved and selfish, he didn't want to see his family and friends die - and the fewer injuries people had, the less tired James would be later, which meant he'd have more energy for sexy times.

Veil could hear sound coming from near them - it sounded like Sapphire was drunk? She had no idea how that happened and was partially wondering how long she had been knocked out for. But even then, Sapphire wasn't the type to bring alcohol along on a mission. And she didn't think that there would have been booze lying around in the sewer. Maybe Stareyes... Veil's stomach dropped. Had Stareyes survived the collapse? Was her body shattered in pieces? Had her force field been fast enough to help?

The Tunnels - Caved In Area

Havok recognized that the two conscious people stuck in this place with him weren't really doing all that well mentally. The kid was really quiet, a coping mechanism he had seen during his brief time in an orphanage. Sapphire, on the other hand, had apparently regressed to a mental age of Disney princess. With a choice between comforting the quiet one and the crazy one, he ended up deciding to focus on Sapphire. Unless Andy was about to start foaming at the mouth, he had to trust that she was fine without a pep talk for now.

Especially since she hit him with a snowball in the face. Havok spit out some of the snow, forcing his eyes open after wiping the rest of it off of his face. "I know I'm god's gift to women, but I am spoken for," he quipped with a smirk, before the smirk fell. Things between him and Polaris felt done now - done for good. "Or, I was..."


Location: Mutant Underground: Entranceway
Skills: N/A
Sunshine hadn't gone to help the others, for two reasons: first, Zarina was going on about bombs and second, she didn't have the power set to help. She could only hurt people. She felt a little bit guilty that she wasn't there with the others, but she didn't want to get in the way of things - or accidentally make people sick and cause them to die. She didn't want to be a plague bringer. She shook her head slightly as Zarina mentioned something called an inhuman, she had no idea what that was, but the name sounded pretty stupid to her. What was next - nonhumans? Human-lite?

"Yeah, he's the guy on the penny, he wasn't able to tell a lie without exploding," Sunshine confirmed, being completely serious. The education system in juvi hadn't exactly been the best. She hadn't learned how to read, so it was a bit of a miracle she knew anything about Lincoln to begin with. "When everyone gets back, we should go... Do you think you could use your powers to turn bombs off, beyond just sniffing them out?"
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