Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy, Electronics and Computers

Guin flinched, hearing a booming voice come in over a loudspeaker. They were allowed to leave their cells now. Her body was fighting against two impulses - to run like crazy and find the exit, or to stay hidden in this tiny cell where other prisoners weren't likely to be. She kept going back and forth between the two ideas, before finally, Guin was able to convince herself that their situation couldn't get better if she stayed hidden away. Her fear was strong, but it wasn't manic at the moment - a definite improvement. "I'm great, I'm so fucking great, I'm fantastic, I'm... I'm great," Guin said, nodding a lot. An idea then popped into her head, one that she wasn't going to share with Pietro as she knew that he'd instantly hate it. "I'm going to go see if I can find a guard, switch with them, and get us all out of here. Okay? Okay. Okay? Okay."

Her hands were shaking as she walked out of the cell, only to find (drumroll please....) absolutely no one! She didn't even see any tough looking prisoners that she could body switch with. The one time her power set could have actually been helpful and there was no way to apply it. She looked around frantically, her breath catching in her throat slightly until her eyes latched onto an electronic panel next to her cell. She instantly rushed up to it and started working on slicing into the system. It took her two tries, a personal low, but she managed to do so, only to find (drumroll again, please...) absolutely nothing helpful! The panel just controlled the door!

She laughed nervously, realizing that even Pietro wasn't talking to her at the moment. "Did the game developers forget about this quest or am I just losing my mind?" she said, looking at Mary. "There's no one out there, and there's no one in here," she said, pointing at her head. "Like are you even fully rendered? If I ask you a question you should know, like, when your birthday is, will you glitch out? Or if I recite the Konami Code, do we automatically advance to the next level and get out of this fucking piece of shit murder hole?"

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

"Yes, I am fine," Runa replied softly, glad to see that Bethany was awake. Although she hadn't been fond of her at first, the two of them were now friends - and more importantly, Bethany being awake meant that Runa could receive some assistance in using her powers to get them out of this situation. It was the main limitation of her ability, she couldn't just speak things into existence - she needed someone to reject her words in order for them to work. "Unfortunately, Gandr is not responding to my calls... which means that I cannot use my power to rewrite reality to aid us," she explained to Bethany with a sigh.

She would have expected for Gandr to come, but perhaps the Nova Corps had managed to strap down or secure the weapon. It wasn't entirely impossible. Even Thor's hammer had a bit of a delay time sometimes when it came to weapon summoning. At the very least, she was able to aid Bethany in some information, although she paused slightly as an announcement seemingly came from up above, reminding her of how her grandmother would use magic from time to time to throw her voice. "I believe we're being held in the Kyln, essentially the most secure prison run by the Nova Corps - from what I recall, it's massive, perhaps not too much smaller than Midgard's moon." She then nodded at Bethany's decision to search and joined her cellmate in leaving to go look for the others.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - Pub -> Streets
Skills: N/A

Megan's nostrils flared. She didn't have the time or the patience for everyone's petty, silly arguments. The sound of the kid's voice was like nails on a chalkboard with the long rant of hers. She could feel her insides starting to curl inwards. Each second they spent here increased the odds that they wouldn't retrieve Jack alive. They needed to move quickly and efficiently, like a blade gliding through water, if they were going to get her brother back. They had just risked everything for one family member, they could afford to do it again for another. But if they failed, if they couldn't get Jack back, then Megan was going to reevaluate just who she was willing to work with. She didn't like children - much less squabbling ones.

She had to resist the urge to roll her eyes into the back of her head as she saw one person sit down. Did no one understand crime statistics and trends here? She kept a hand on the hilt of her sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice as she left the pub along with Merlin. She didn't need to be told twice to stick close. They couldn't afford to get separated and waste even more time. She wasn't going to plan a funeral for Jack - she had always imagined her funeral would be first (and of course, she would attend her funeral in disguise as a mysterious widow with a dark secret).

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III
Skills: N/A

Leda nodded at Kiera. It was really crazy - even for demigod standards. She couldn't think of a time in history when the Romans had come to Camp Half-blood without an act of war immediately proceeding it. The two groups rarely got along, they were usually fighting and bickering - and besides, the Romans were annoying as hell. They were all uptight, stuffy, and had weird military fetishes. "Yeah, this is all fucking bonkers," she agreed. "Wonder how long it'll be till the Romans take this place back."

It would be amusing to have the Romans living with them for a little while, from a pure comedic standpoint, but Leda didn't look forward to the idea of the Romans hanging around forever. She technically was getting close to the point where she'd more or less age out, as she would be technically starting her senior year, but even that felt so silly and weird to think about. Camp Half-blood was her home. She couldn't just walk away from that, especially since it was one of the only safe places in the world for demigods - well, the only safe place now really with Camp Jupiter destroyed.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Argo III
Skills: N/A

They were out of range now. They had lost everything. Nancy blinked back a few tears, trying to keep her composure as she stared into the distance, looking at the green flames licking the sky. New Rome had stood strong for centuries, protecting Roman demigods and training them to work as a unit to accomplish amazing things. A heavy sense of guilt and failure rested on Nancy's shoulders. She wouldn't be remember as the praetor who had kept the Legion alive - she'd be remembered as the one who let New Rome burn, an unwilling modern day Nero. She was shaken out of her thoughts by the little dragon that landed on her shoulder - the one she had named Joanie. "I don't have any food for you," she told the dragon, before sighing. "I'll look soon, okay? I need to check on someone first."

She imagined the dragon was pouting, as she went to the infirmary to see Madalyne and knelt down next to her friend. Mads had gone through too much in the last twenty four hours and she didn't doubt the physical toll it was taking on her had to be extreme. The werewolf stuff was one thing, using her magic to protect them against an army of monsters was another. "Hey, don't quit on me just yet, okay?" Nancy urged gently, putting a hand on Madalyne's shoulder. "We've still got more to do." She then turned, looking at Niah. "And you, everything okay?" she then asked, her eyebrows furrowed with concern for her other best friend.

A class skill costs 1 point to increase the rank in; a non-class skill costs 2 points to increase a rank in. For character generation, take your character's age and divide by 2 for number of skill points. For droids, begin with 10 skill points.

For feats, you get the feats for your class. Take your character's age and divide by five, you get those many additional feats (round down, so 3.7 goes to 3 feats, not 4). Droids take 4 feats in addition to class feats.

For Jedi, take your character's age and divide by five, that is the number of force powers you begin with.

For Jedi, pick two lightsaber forms - more can be learned with time
  • The Determination Form, also known as Shii-Cho or Form I, is a defensive style that is ideal when heavily outnumbered.
  • The Contention Form, also known as Makashi or Form II, was specifically developed to combat other lightsaber users.
  • The Resilience Form, also known as Soresu or Form III, is a defensive style developed by the Jedi specifically to counter blaster weapons.
  • The Aggression Form, also known as Ataru or Form IV, is best against a single opponent and is especially weak against blaster fire.
  • The Perseverance Form, also called Shien or Form V, is an aggressive form that does not sacrifice protection from blaster fire. It is most effective when facing blaster-wielding opponents or when outnumbered and least effective against a single foe.
  • The Moderation Form, also known as Niman or Form VI, is strong in all situations, but has no dramatic strengths.
  • The ferocity Form, also known as Juyo or Form VII, is a very precarious fighting style that is best against single powerful opponents.

A list of feats can be found here: strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Knigh…

Jedi Guardian:
  • Class Skills: Demolitions, Awareness, Persuade, Treat Injury
  • Feats: Jedi Sense, Jedi Defense, Force Jump

Jedi Sentinel
  • Class Skills: Computer Use, Stealth, Awareness, Persuade, Security, Treat Injury
  • Feats: Jedi Sense, Force Immunity Fear, Jedi Defense

Jedi Consular
  • Class Skills: Awareness, Persuade, Repair, Treat Injury
  • Feats: Jedi Sense, Force Focus, Jedi Defense

  • Class Skills: Demolitions, Awareness, Treat Injury
  • Feats: Weapon Focus, Power Attack, and Armor Proficiency

  • Class Skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, Awareness, Repair, Treat Injury
  • Feats: Targeting I, Close Combat

  • Class Skills: Demolitions, Stealth, Awareness, Persuade, Security
  • Feats: Scoundrel's Luck, Sneak Attack I

Tech Specialist
  • Class Skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, Awareness, Repair, Security
  • Feats: Gear Head, Caution

Combat Droid
  • Class Skills: Computer Use, Demolitions, Awareness, Repair, Security
  • Feats: Droid Upgrade Class I, Logic Upgrade

Expert Droid
  • Class Skills: Computer Use, Awareness, Repair, Security
  • Feats: Droid Upgrade Class I, Blaster Integration, Logic Upgrade, Droid Interface

Skrull Prison Ship - Orbiting Saturn

Mister Fantastic looked positively flabbergasted at Maria's comment, as if it was impossible to imagine not being the smartest man alive. Banner was long gone, meaning that his only real competition was Tony Stark - and, well, Reed was fairly certain the alcohol had killed Tony's brain cells off more efficiently than any supervillain could have done. "That's - that's incorrect! Anyone can know a fact, that doesn't give you intelligence!" Reed protested.

Sue rolled her eyes. "Honey, be careful, your ego is showing."

Off the bridge and back in the hallway, the Wasp looked thankful to have someone else present. Princess Anelle had lost it. Her eyes were irritated from crying, her hair was a bit of a mess, and there was a wet spot on the Wasp's chest that indicated basically Princess Anelle had been sobbing into the West Coast Avenger. "How'd it go in there?" Hope asked.

Princess Anelle sniffled, looking at Maria and Flynn. It would have been easy for her to hate them, for her to lash out and scream. But instead, her shoulders sank slightly. "It matters not whether I am alright... only how my people fare is important now," she said softly. "Either kill me as well and make me a martyr for my people, or return me to my cell. It is all the same."

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 8:50 A.M.

Bonnie bit back a slight smile at the shade Cass threw at Kwassi. Kwassi hadn't made the best first impression on her, and as a Catholic girl, she was quick to judge. She wasn't going to cling to her judgment though - if Kwassi changed her mind, then he changed her mind. She'd rather see someone change for the better than cynically doubt that it could ever be possible. Case in point, Evelyn annoyed her slightly. "Like I said, Captain America sets up a meeting in the Oval Office. We take out the Secret Service there quietly and take out the skrull imposter." They didn't need to lure the fake President away.

She glanced at Niah, thinking for a moment. She didn't know if Niah would be able to be wheelchair free with their timeline. And of course, Sparky was visibly pregnant. However as Sparky and Kwassi started talking about tech, the puzzle pieces snapped together for her. "Sparky and Niah could be our girls in the chair - essentially running the tech end of this mission, making sure to reroute cameras and whatnot to keep us in the clear," she proposed.

"Ooo, girls in the chair? That sounds wicked cool!" Amelia gushed. "Hey, Sparks, question, do people actually say I'm in and stuff when they finish hacking? I assume you know how to hack, you seem like a tech minded person, really everyone here from SHIELD seems to be pretty good at tech, although Fury I have a personal headcanon that you don't know how to use Snapchat that I would looove to be proven wrong about if you got a mo."

"I think I'm a little old for Snapchat," Fury said dryly. "More of a MySpace guy."

"I like that idea," Raynor said with a smirk. It kept his pregnant wife away from the action. And he was happy that Sparky was getting to use her skills. He knew that she felt invisible at times on the team - a part of him found it ironic she hadn't developed invisibility for her mutant power instead of flight or electricity manipulation at times. "We can sneak the President in as just another Secret Service agent, trust me, all you need is a good pair of shades and no one will recognize you. A baseball hat helps too, but it wouldn't be in character."

"Alright, it seems we have the swap planned. Going off of what... Moss, right? said, we should think strategy for the convention itself," Agent 13 interjected.

"Your cat, it detects skrulls?" Captain America said, glancing over at Goose. He stroked his cheek for a second, thinking. "Any chance you could get some more cats like that? Could be useful."

Amelia tried not to giggle too much, picturing a cat army.

"Yes, actually. There are more flerkens on this planet than you would expect - the Kree had a specific breeding program where they were sent to inhabited worlds. And each flerken lays over one hundred eggs at a time, so they reproduce readily... If we tried enough animal shelters, we should be able to find some," Mar-Vell suggested.

"Sooooo we're going kitty cat hunting? Awesome!"

February 17th, 2021 - 3:10 PM

The Mutant Underground

Veil smiled wryly at her brother's overprotectiveness. It was a little bit bittersweet, having someone so worried about her. She returned her brother's hug, having dropped her force fields. She could feel him crying, she didn't need to visually confirm it. She hugged him a little tighter, hoping that it would calm him down. She had gotten used to things like this happening - she was almost a little numb to the danger and the violence. "Hey, you're not going to lose me," she reassured him quietly. "It'll take more than a few rocks to take me out."

Veil hesitated for a moment, not certain how much was a good idea to share about Glimpse at the moment. Morale was low, with the bomb threat and Stareyes' condition. They had been able to rally together for a rescue effort, and Veil didn't want to ask more of them - but at the same time, she didn't believe in withholding information. She wasn't like Xavier when it came to keeping secrets. "Glimpse killed a mutant in front of some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents," she explained quickly. "She did it to protect us from the Hellfire goons... and she decided to leave. Maybe her father can fix it for her, I don't know. I don't know if she got out before the collapse."

"Seriously, you sound worse the more you talk," Havok pointed out to Sapphire, raising an eyebrow. He had a hand on her shoulder, just to make sure that she didn't fall or anything with the way she was behaving.

Casper went straight after James (or rather, gayly after James?). He didn't know if James was going to hurl, if he had been injured, or what - everything had been completely insane but he knew that his boyfriend needed him. He found James on the floor and Casper knelt down next to him, wrapping his arms around him. He could feel the tension in James' body and even as his own head was swimming from fatigue, none of that mattered. All that mattered was that James was okay.

He rocked James gently, before singing softly a lullaby that his maman used to sing when he was sick. "À la claire fontaine, m'en allat promener, j'ai trouvé l'eau si belle, que je m'y suis baigné. Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublerai," he sang softly. "Sous les feuilles d'un chêne, je me suis fait sécher, sur la plus haute branche, un rossignol chantait. Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, jamais je ne t'oublerai."

He didn't even consider that Max was in the room as well, just focusing on comforting James as best as he could.

Meanwhile in the entranceway, Sunshine nodded at Zarina. They really needed to go tell the others what was going on, at least the potential good news that they had. Zarina was being purposefully mysterious and Sunshine just didn't have the emotional bandwidth to press her about it at the moment. "Come on, then," she said, motioning for Greenie to follow her as she went up the stairs and found the others. She paused for a moment, seeing a human popsicle.

Her first thought was that Max did something horrible, but ice was more Sapphire's thing and Max tended to throw around fire. If there had been a crispy corpse in front of them, then it definitely would've been Max. She tilted her head slightly, trying to tell who exactly it was frozen in there - had Sapphire finally lost her cool on Glimpse? "Soooo you all clearly had fun. Greenie found the bombs, she thinks she can defuse them."

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa listened to Nadia's gruesome depiction of the show - the concept never made much sense to her. It seemed like normal zombies, up until the part about anyone who died turning into a supernatural monster. The show hadn't been her cup of tea at any rate. She liked to watch nature documentaries or sitcoms whenever she was bored and looking for something to watch on TV. Sitcoms were nice - everything was always okay in them, even the obstacles and problems could be solved in twenty minutes or less. They were the opposite of their current situation, as they slowly crossed underneath the bridge.

Nadia seemingly lost her balance, having made the mistake of looking down. Runa carefully reached out and steadied her. "Are you alright?" she asked. She wasn't going to tell Nadia not to look down, Nadia was smart, she already would know that and didn't need it repeated. Rushing wasn't going to get them off of this any safer anyways. They could afford to go a bit slower at a pace that Nadia was comfortable with.
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