Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Skrull Prison Ship

"Fun, the United States now gets to create puppet states out of alien races too now," Tony muttered under his breath. "Yay us." His political views had gotten a bit more extreme after his stint in captivity. He didn't care for US Imperialism and this felt dangerously close to that, but he wasn't sure what other choice they'd have. His daughter was on Earth and the love of his life, Pepper, was too - and it seemed like the only way to save them.

"Are you up for this, Princess?" Carol asked, as she was the one with the most space knowhow. "You'd have the chance to end the war - to let the galaxy be at peace."

Anelle nodded. "The war between our peoples... It's gone on so long that even I scarcely know why it began. I believe my people will follow me if they are given a choice... I can do this."

"Great, we have a plan. In the meantime, as this travel will take a while, Flynn, Maria, train the Princess in some self defense. She'll need to prepared."

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 9:40 A.M.

Spider-Man gasped slightly. "They have Star Wars books?!?! Whaaat?" he exclaimed. He seemed very easily excitable, almost childlike. He hadn't removed his mask at all so there was no way for anyone to really tell how old he was, especially since he seemed like a normal height and all. Plus, there was no way the Avengers would just let a kid run around fighting crime, right? They had barely consented to letting the X-Men help with the Galactus issue and the X-Men were largely adults.

Raynor's heart skipped a beat, finding out that they were having a little girl. He would have been happy either way, but he had been secretly hoping for a daughter. He would have been too worried that a son would take after him too much. The women in his life had always been a better influence on him than the men too - although, his uncle/aunt was Loki and he knew that the gender assigned at birth wasn't necessarily what his child's gender would be.

Bonnie made sure that she had a clean pair of gloves on, as she examined Niah's leg. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn't gasp or make any comments. She had a better bedside manner than that. There were black splotches all over Niah's leg that hadn't been there previously. They weren't confined to the direct area of the amputation either, but rather running all the way up her leg, like some sort of demonic infection. Bonnie bit her lip slightly, weighing through the options. They could amputate more of Niah's leg, but there was no guarantee that would fix the problem.

She already had been having Niah take antibiotics, so clearly Niah somehow was spitting them out when Bonnie wasn't looking, or they needed to try a more aggressive treatment. While Bonnie was a doctor, she specialized more in the dead than the living. She knew when she was looking at something that required a call to a specialist. This didn't seem like an ordinary infection from an amputation. "I need to get a second opinion," she told Niah. She debated lying to her and telling her everything was fine, but Niah would notice the black splotches sooner or later. "Sparky, would you take a look?"

Maybe Sparky would have seen something like this before - Bonnie wasn't the only one present with medical training. She hoped they'd be able to figure it out via the people in this room, but if not, they'd need to escalate and call in Doctor Strange.

Raynor was a little bit curious, glancing over and seeing the remains of Niah's leg. He sucked in air sharply through his teeth, making a slight hissing noise. In all of his years of life, traveling the world(s), he had never seen anything like that before. "How'd you lose your leg again, exactly?" Raynor asked Niah. He couldn't recall if she had explained it already to him - he was so tired and worn out that he might as well have just forgotten if she had.

The (Horribly Named) Robert E. Lee Animal Shelter - Missouri: 9:40 A.M.

The cat Evelyn had approached - named ZuZu - meowed slightly at her before a long tentacle snaked out of its mouth and poked her on the cheek. The cat that Matt was petting was decidedly normal in each and every way, and was named Radish. The President was also petting a normal cat, this one was named Butterscotch. Mar-Vell rolled her eyes slightly at Goose. "You're such a needy cat," she teased him gently. "Don't worry, we aren't replacing you. Think of these flerkens as your new recruits."

"Ooo, we found some of the alien kitties?" Amelia said, glancing up from the pair of kittens she had been petting. She went on over to where Goose and Mar-Vell were, her eyes widening as Muffin and Fluffy's tentacles were waving around happily. The two flerkens they had found were very fat - they looked so big, as if they had been eating the other cats at the shelter in order to stay so big and fluffy. With their tiny little legs, Amelia doubted they could run very fast at all. "Aww, so cute! How would you two like to stop an alien invasion?" Amelia cooed.

"Wow, they're so much bigger than I would have expected," Captain America commented. The rest of the group was gravitating over towards the two flerkens that Goose had found, leaving Evelyn pretty much as the only one to have noticed her flerken. T'Challa had a few kittens in his hands that he was clearly intent on adopting, while Bucky and Sam were bickering over something in the corner.

"They're going to lay eggs soon," Mar-Vell explained. "I don't know if we can expect to find more flerkens at the shelter here."

"Wait, lay... eggs?" Amelia asked, her eyes widening like saucers. She hadn't realized that flerkens had eggs and not babies. Now, the kitties being very fat made a lot of sense. Muffin and Fluffy were expecting parents. Could they really ask those two to go fight off an alien invasion if they were going to lay eggs and have babies that way any day now? Wasn't that immoral or something? She didn't even understand how parents of humans did hero work, it seemed too dangerous and risky.

"Yes, flerkens reproduce by laying eggs," Mar-Vell said, very matter of factly.

"I do not feel right using these creatures to help us while they are expecting," T'Challa admitted.

Fluffy then started yowling - and laying eggs!

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: Staff Fighting

Runa nodded. She had put the compass away for safe keeping when they had arrived here. "Yes, I still have it," Runa said. But it may not have been needed, especially as Nadia pointed out the building that they most likely had to go to. It was a little bit eerie to imagine that their destination was so close. Runa didn't even know how to process the idea that her... her father was here. It was so strange and hard for her to accept that her father was really a god.

The undead creatures were really terrifying, it made sense to her why Nadia was scared of them. Runa had her staff to defend herself though with, and she spun it, knocking one of the draugr down and killing it. She swung at a second one, and her aim was true, but there just wasn't enough power in her swing - the draugr wasn't taken out for the count.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 12:10 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Mediumship

Veil didn't have a lot of energy, as her body felt incredibly fatigued, but she had enough strength to roll her eyes slightly at her brother's antics. He used to sing that song as kids when he was looking for her. It was sweet, but Veil was also a rather private person. She didn't advertise details of her personal life with the Mutant Underground, even though she treated them like family. Most of them hadn't even known she had a brother. "Je suis ici, Echo," Veil called out softly, pronouncing her brother's mutant name with a soft French accent - like Ey-koh.

She frowned then, hearing monitors popping around the room. She sat up ever so slightly, looking across the room at Zarina, one of the youngest. Veil didn't want to have to scold her and play mother, but people were gaining a serious problem when it came to threatening each other with violence. "Hey, quit it. We're better than that. We don't need to threaten each other." She then looked around the room, noticing two people were missing. Havok and Sapphire. "...Did Havok and Sapphire already wake up? Are they in another room?"

"Fuck! I knew I forgot something!" Nemesis spat. He snatched his eyeball off the ground and spun around for a second, looking around wildly before he saw Zarina. "You! Stop that!" he shouted at her, before rushing down to the very end of the room. He pressed up against the wall and it spun around to reveal Havok, completely frozen solid in a tank. "I mean it, technopath. Don't do anything to this or he'll die, and you'll be the one the Quiet Council'll put on trial for!" He then started pushing buttons at random, clearly initiating a defrosting process.

Casper was feeling at 100% - his mother and his boyfriend had clearly met, James looked amazing as always, and of course, he was being held up by his boyfriend. There was also something that always felt intimate when James would heal him - even more intimate than sex. His mood was dampened slightly when an eyeball popped out and hit him in the head, his brother teased him, and then some Winona Ryder lookalike said they'd been asleep for months. "What the fuck kinda messed up thing is this?" Casper whined. "This feels like the stupid shit Dad's wonder kids would claim so they could pretend they weren't off in Alaska fucking their mistress who just happens to look exactly like their dead girlfriend!"

"That's incredibly specific," Ben commented, leaning up against the wall now.

"Salut, Moneta," Renegrade greeted, waving at her old friend. She had stepped back slightly to give Casper and James some room. While her older two kids had inherited their father's mental instability, Casper had definitely gotten his more promiscuous nature from her. "Ceremony should be real nice, it's ta show our appreciation, y'all saved DC and all the mutants in it," Renegade explained, looking over at Waverley.

"Oooh, let me guess, the X-Men never showed up and Daddy Dearest left us all for dead?" Casper guessed. Waverley had brought up a good point, Polaris was definitely related to this Genosha thing, but James seemed to trust this place so that was good enough for him. Besides, he was pretty sure his father wouldn't have been welcomed here, which automatically gave it a gold star.

Renegade shrugged. "Eh... Oui."

Sunshine waved slightly to Stareyes - she didn't really know her that well, and it wasn't like they had had time to get to know each other while Stareyes was a popsicle (again). Max, however, she had a long history with. She had thought a lot about what this moment would be like. Somedays, she had planned on bringing him a thing of dirt and placing it in his mouth. Others, she had been intending on going by Voltus Glade and seeing about getting him some sort of magic rock thing.

Instead, she walked over to him and wrinkled her nose, as if smelling something horrible. "You'd think all of the ice would've made you smell better, not worse, but I guess you always liked to try to do the impossible," she taunted. She was glad to see that he was alright, but she wasn't going to admit it. She had learned to be a bit more secretive in her time on Genosha. Case in point, she was doing something later that evening that she knew James wouldn't approve of at all - so she just wasn't going to tell him.

"There, Havok should be dethawed shortly... I hope it won't delay the ceremony," Nemesis muttered, popping his eyeball back in.

"... Where is Sapphire?" Veil asked again, feeling more apprehensive. "Where is she?"

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

"What?" Guin asked Lance, tearing her attention away from the less than helpful console. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just great. Really psyched to die in a space prison." She had almost a bit of a manic look to her, her emotions still swinging wildly from moment to moment. Right now, her fear was expressing itself as annoyance and anger - rather than the crying hysterics it had been earlier in the cell with Mary. She felt wildly out of balance, but she wasn't actively trying to calm down or anything either. All she wanted was to be out of this prison and watch it explode as they flew away in their ship. She was ignoring the tree and the raccoon, as currently she wanted to put both of them through a wood chipper.

She was relieved to see Pietro back again though, pretty much instantly abandoning the console and going to stand next to him. Had she been freaking out the way she had been earlier, she likely would have hidden behind him. Yeah, the raccoon fucking sucks. I want to stuff it at a Build a Bear, she grumbled. "Hey, before he wears himself out already, I can scry for them," Guin said, meaning that she could do a telepathic sweep. She didn't have Cerebro to make it easier, but she figured she could probably pick up the others.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, sizing up Drax for a second. He seemed very strange, but also potentially helpful? If she could figure out where Gandr was and how the Nova Corps was preventing her staff from coming to her, that would be a huge help. She could then just warp reality to get them all out of this mess. However, she doubted that Drax - and his green friend - would believe her claim that she could warp reality through words as long as she had a special object. It sounded a bit farfetched the farther you journeyed from Asgard. Still, the woman struck her as the warrior type.

She was relieved to see that Annie was with them as well. Although, she was still concerned at the lack of Lance. He was awfully squishy and had a frustrating habit of not wearing armor. "I don't have access to Gandr, I'm afraid," she informed Annie, not wanting Annie to judge her for not having gotten them all out of this mess already. "Friend of Drax, do you know where personal weaponry is kept on this ship?" she inquired. She didn't feel like mentioning the magic nature of Gandr, for obvious reasons.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - the Tower
Skills: N/A

Megan's eyes darted over to Rose, as Rose attempted to reassure her. She didn't know Rose at all, so it really didn't comfort her that much - but even then, it was a little bit helpful to know that at least one other person wasn't ambivalent about Jack's fate. She gave Rose a slight nod as a response. She was more focused on what Merlin was doing. It wasn't hard to figure out, just based on the maps, Jack's item, and some magic words - it seemed like the magical version of the Find My Friends app. She took in a deep breath as Merlin announced it was a few day's walk from here, before remembering the world they were in. "If Rumplestiltskin can teleport Jack there, then we should be able to do the same, yes? Your magic can do it, right?"

She had no idea how magic worked, but she was willing to bet Merlin was capable of it. He had transported them between realms after all. And if one person had already managed the feat, couldn't another? Besides, she knew that Merlin was supposedly a powerful sorcerer, she was vaguely aware of King Arthur and Merlin and whatnot from the stories. "I'm going. Obviously." She wasn't going to wait here while her brother was in danger.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

"Oi, be nice to the pegasi!" Leda protested. They were associated with her mother after all - and they were very on brand for Leda's personal aesthetic. She giggled though at Kiera's complaints about the elephant. The elephant always felt so incredibly random to her. Why couldn't the Romans have been normal and had something not so bizarre? Were elephants even really that great for warfare or whatever? She supposed a small flying elephant would have been cute - maybe she ought to go suggest that to one of their leaders. She knew one of them had a pet mini dragon.

She glanced from side to side, before nodding. "Just the one. Mum said the gods are starting to pick sides... Which is probs a no-brainer, but it'd be nice to avoid a repeat of the Trojan War," Leda said. She didn't want to know what would happen if the godly civil war really began, especially since she figured it would spread to Camp Half-blood. They already had the Romans around bringing up tension, they didn't need the cabins fighting each other as well for dominance. Luckily, she hadn't seen anything like that among the Big Three kids - yet.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy glanced up, hearing her half-brother approach the table. While she had been trying not to get close to anyone new here at Camp Half-blood, as she'd inevitably have to leave them behind in order to walk Diana's path, she hadn't been able to do so with Zeke. It was nice to have someone else who understood what it was like to be a child of Apollo - that and the archery lessons, as she didn't want to embarrass herself with Diana's bow. She had gotten fairly good at it since Zeke began training her, but she knew that she still had a lot of room for improvement. "Sure, we can knock in a session, that'd be radical," she told him. "Not too long though, I have to plan for the War Games."

She then glanced down at the map Mads had conjured up. It sounded like a good plan - and a nice change of pace from the usual War Games. They pretty much were always at New Rome, so most variations with the geographic set up had already been done. If they had had a second ship, she would've suggested training the Legion on some naval combat maneuvers in the lake, but as it was, Mads had a good plan. "I like it. Do we want to invite the Greeks to participate?" she posed.

Skrull Prison Ship

"Mar-Vell's my mentor. She was a big deal in the Air Force, did a lot of stuff with experimental planes, and since she's Kree, she helped me to understand that part of me," Carol reflected. She was half-human, half-Kree - a hybrid. There weren't very many Kree on Earth that she knew of, so Mar-Vell had more or less been a role model to her.

"Mar-Vell inspires greatness and possibility," Anelle agreed with a sigh. "It's been some time since I have seen my beloved. I was meant to escape to be with her on a shuttle, but I was captured and declared a traitor to my people... That is why you have found me in the cell earlier today. I have been a prisoner of the Empress for many Earth rotations."

"I'm fine, just listening to the Game of Thrones recap," Tony groaned, finally getting up off his feet. His arc reactor wasn't flickering in and out, so it seemed like he wasn't dying - at the moment at least. "And I'd love to hear this plan, although something tells me it's more like 12% of a plan, and I'll have to fix it."

Hill completely ignored Tony. The Human Torch wasn't conscious yet, although his eyes were fluttering, so he'd likely wake up soon. "I'd like to hear this proposal as well, Wasp."

"Well... We found out from Princess Anelle that the Kree have a weapon that can detect skrulls. If we can steal it from them, we could use it to definitively figure out who all the skrulls on Earth are and expel them," Wasp proposed. "I have another idea though. If we could stage a coup, get rid of the Empress and install Princess Anelle on the throne, Anelle can order the skrulls to withdraw."

"What do we know about the Kree?" Black Widow asked, weighing their options.

"They're one of the strongest empires in the galaxy. Stealing from them would be a suicide mission," Carol said bluntly.

"Speaking as a fan of not dying, I vote we go with the second plan then and throw a coup!"

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 9:30 A.M.

"Oh, that's lit, I'm a huge Star Wars stan," Spider-Man gushed to Cass. "I'm actually working on making a Lego Death Star with a friend right now, when we finish I can bring it over and show it to you guys. I'm guessing you have a secret base in New York somewhere? I'm not much of a guy for traveling out of state very often."

"For the moment? No," Bonnie told Cass, shaking her head. "I'm going to want to clean out the wound again before Sparky does anything with installation of a robotic eye, but given that the eye hasn't been created yet, I think you're fine for the time being. I'd rather sterilize the area as soon as possible to when the device is put in, as it'll sting a fair bit, and I don't want to have to re-sterilize." She then considered Cass' next question, thinking for a moment. "As for being put under, it'll depend on how sensitive the area is. If you're worried about the pain that may be easier, but I wouldn't expect we'd have to unless you really wanted to do so..."

The (Horribly Named) Robert E. Lee Animal Shelter - Missouri: 9:30 A.M.

Mar-Vell scooped up Goose. "Be a good boy, okay?" she whispered to the flerken. He had been her pet before he had been Fury's. She would have taken him back with her during her return to space, but he had become so attached to Earth and Fury that she had decided to let him stay behind. Still, she missed him greatly and was glad to have time to spend with them. "I'm going to go catch up with the kids," Barton said, before jogging into the animal shelter.

"Do you all have any pets?" Amelia asked, falling into step with Cap, T'Challa, Bucky, and Falcon.

"I've got a bird," Falcon admitted, grinning slightly. "His name's Redwing. If you're lucky, you'll get to meet him."

"I have a man named Steve," Bucky said, breaking his silence for the first time in ages.

Captain America rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Very original, Buck. You can really see how I'm being brought to tears over this," he said, before clapping Bucky on the back.

"Hmm... No, I cannot say that I do, although once when I was little I hid a panther cub in my room for a week before Baba caught wind of it. The Dora personally escorted me to return the cub to the wild," T'Challa reflected. "I named it Vlek - which means Spot in this tongue."

Amelia couldn't help but break out into a grin. She had always been a bit of an Avengers fan, and hearing these stories made her so incredibly happy. She also thought it was incredibly rad to imagine the Black Panther will a little panther cub for a pet. It seemed super on brand to her and she had to wonder how deeply the panther aesthetic was represented in Wakanda. And of course, Falcon having a bird was also on brand. The Bucky-Steve thing confused her, but she figured with more context it probably would have made sense.

Inside the animal shelter, a frazzled looking employee was being bombarded by Hawkeye's kids with a million questions. There was a sign on the wall pointing towards where the cats were kept, so after a moment of awkward dawdling, Amelia headed on back there and the others followed. There had to be fifty or so cats back there, all different shapes and sizes, ages and coloring. "Awww, there are so many!!" Amelia squealed. A few of the cats meowed in greeting.

"Goose, go see if any are friends, okay?" Mar-Vell instructed, putting the cat down and letting Goose roam around. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see T'Challa giving ear scratches to a kitten, whereas Bucky was having an intense staring contest with a red one eyed cat.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa opened her mouth to protest, but Klara was already off and running. Her jaw still dropped as the tiny little cat turned into a gigantic beast, a tiger or a lion essentially, and Klara mounted the cat like it was her noble steed and raced off. She didn't know if Klara was bold, reckless, or insane - or maybe a combination of all three - but she had never seen anyone that brave before in her life. Well, her afterlife really. She was still every now and then just not really internalizing the basic fact that she was dead. It was so easy to forget that and just focus in on every other insane event going on around them.

Klara was like a classic hero, swooping in and rescuing Nadia. Before Runa could react, she had been scooped up too and placed on the back of the giant cat. Things really needed to slow down. It looked like they were in luck, until an undead thing knocked Klara off of the cat, followed by Nadia and Runa. There were howls in the distance that sent a shiver down Runa's spine. She got her staff at the ready, not really sure how the undead could be killed, but ready to defend herself nonetheless. "What's the plan?" she asked.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 12:00 PM

Welcome to the island paradise of Genosha, the homeland of mutantkind! No matter where you came from or who you are or what you did, you are valued, appreciated, and wanted here. Our Marauders are standing by at major ports across the globe to bring you here. Bring as much or as little as you like - everything you need will be provided for you! Your money is no good here, as we are beyond such petty human systems like capitalism. Live in a community made by mutants and for mutants, where your only concern will be finding true love - or getting your perfect tan by the beach! Our world class telepaths can download anything you want to learn how to do - time to say goodbye to Duolingo and wake up fluent in French, German, and Italian! And of course, we offer exclusive, cutting edge training sessions to help you master the gifts that make you special!

What's the catch, you ask? It's easy! All you have to do is provide proof of an X-gene* and you're in.

We're so excited to meet you and see you on Genosha!

* artificial X-genes will be considered on a case by case basis by the Quiet Council. Human family members are welcome. Individuals may apply for asylum on Genosha and should contact the House of Frost for more information.


Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: N/A

Everything had happened too fast for Veil to react. In a matter of seconds, their situation had escalated from bad to worse to nightmare. She could only blink, a blast of blue coming in front of her vision, before an intense chill came over her. And then... Darkness. Nothingness. She didn't even have a chance to wonder if this was death coming for her or to mourn all of the lives that they had failed to save. They were out of time. They failed.

It felt like only seconds later that her eyes fluttered open, a harsh light shining down on her. She squinted out of reflex and held up her hand, figuring that it must have just been the glare from a ceiling light - only to smack something hard and metallic. The light vanished and everything around her was a blur. She could vaguely see the outline of a tall man in front of her, dressed all in white. Veil opened her mouth and tried to find her voice, only to start to cough, her throat feeling incredibly clogged.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Veil," an unfamiliar man's voice said. "Your vision should return to you momentarily. You've been on ice for some time."

"What... happened..." Veil coughed out, her voice incredibly weak. It felt like she had been silent for years. She was so incredibly confused. Had X come for them after all? Had they been saved? Was it all just a horrible dream and the X-Cutioner had been defeated? Who was this person talking to her? Why had she been on ice - she wasn't Captain America?

"You were frozen, were you not listening?" the man chided. He was slowly coming into focus, although the light hurt her eyes. Veil realized he'd been holding a small handheld light previously, the sort used to check people for a concussion. And he was all dressed in white - he was wearing a suit, fedora, and a mask. "You should thank Caduceus. He managed to heal you enough that it was safe to bring you out of cryostasis."

"James?" Veil asked, her voice still hoarse. "Where is he? What about the others?" She then became aware that she was wearing what felt like spandex - a tight body suit, completely white as well, like she was cosplaying Princess Leia. "Where are we?" There weren't any mutant friendly hospitals in D.C. Had James gotten them forth maybe to New York?

"Oh, he's here," the man - the doctor, Veil realized - said. "Now, I need to go attend to the others, they should be waking up any second now. Don't try to walk just yet, you're still disoriented." There was then the sound of a loud THUD across the room and the doctor sighed. "See? Now stay put."

Casper Theriot

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Mediumship

Casper was incredibly confused. The last thing he remembered, they had been facing down a third string X-Men villain at the Lincoln Memorial, and now, he was suddenly falling. His fall wasn't long as his body slammed into something - the floor? It felt like cool tile against his face. His clothing was entirely too modest for his taste, he could feel a flexible fabric covering almost all of his skin save his hands, feet, and face. He was about to complain about the color choice when he realized something horrifying - he couldn't see! "I'm bliiiiiiind!" Casper squealed, although his voice sounded like a heavy set 60 year old smoker and not at all like his usual pitch.

"You're not blind, calm down," Ben's voice said near his ear.

"Ben!" Casper coughed, before hearing the sound of footsteps coming near. Things were starting to blur into focus and he blinked rapidly, trying to get his bearings. He wasn't too panicked by being confused and waking up in a strange place in clothes that weren't his - it had happened to him fairly often in his life.

"C'est pas grave, ça va bien," another voice whispered in his other ear.

"Maman?" Capser cried, seeing a ginger blur next to him, helping him off of the floor. "Is James here? You're going to love him, he's so strong. You can really tell he works out," Casper said. He couldn't really make out any images - why was his eyesight so horrible? But he was really hoping that James was there. It was the perfect chance to introduce him to his mother. "James? Baaaabe?"

"I'm afraid I am not babe, but my name is James," a new voice said - the figure looked like a white blob to him.

"Not the KKK!" Casper cried.

"Non, c'est le médecin," his mother explained quickly. "Il s'appelle James aussi."


Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: N/A

Sunshine hadn't wanted to tell anyone how nervous she was about today. It had been so long since what happened with the X-Cutioner, and she had largely gotten used to Genosha. She had friends here. And her old friends were finally going to wake up, as James had managed to heal them from the massive overdose of Terrigen they had encountered. Doctor Nemesis had just finished the defrosting procedures, so any second now, they'd all be awake. And instead of being inside the ward itself waiting for them, Sunshine was out in the hallway, pacing back and forth.

She was scared that something would still have gone wrong - that Sapphire's sacrifice hadn't managed to save the rest of them. She had grieved for Sapphire intensely when she had first woken up. When she closed her eyes at night, sometimes Sapphire was present in her nightmares. So she didn't sleep. She would go out with the other mutant kids at night, finding creative and dangerous ways to combine their powers together. She knew James didn't approve of the crowd she hanged out with, so she hadn't told him about her girlfriend. She didn't talk to Jack much, mostly since he seemed to have more or less checked out. And she wasn't even sure if it was really him.

Sunshine took a breath, before opening the doors and walking into the ward itself, seeing a few people moving around and talking - but not everyone. "Morning, losers - and welcome to Genosha."

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

"He's clearly a trained squirrel from Willy Wonka," Guin told Ed. Her emotions were going all over the place and she couldn't understand her own mind at the moment. Whereas what felt like moments ago she had been a panicking mess, now she felt fine and in control. She suspected Pietro might have been taking advantage of their mental link to mess with her head, but she also didn't feel like asking him about it and potentially causing an argument. They all made it into the larger central area, and Guin tried to scout ahead with her telepathy, but apparently everyone in there was brainless as she came up empty. She even did a second try and it was like anyone alive there was actively thinking nothing at all.

There were panels all around and a central security area of sorts up above. Guin tried to see if she could make out anyone in the security area, but it was too hard to tell. The windows must have been tinted or something. Her left eye twitched slightly and she went up to one of the panels, figuring she'd make herself useful, but she couldn't even access it. Her eye twitched again, as she gave another try, only to find out that the panel contained... nothing useful or helpful at all! She was so irritated with everything that she didn't even respond to Pietro.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa was hesitant, but she nodded as a response to Bethany's question. "I'm rather decent at gambling," she expressed. She could tell when people were lying to her, so poker faces pretty much could never fool her. She also adored stargazing and being out in nature. She knew many stories about the Nine Realms and had visited most of them personally on one occasion or another. She giggled slightly at Bethany's taunts, not too worried if a fight did break out between them and the rather strange man. He reminded her of Thor, only... well, somehow with fewer brain cells, a feat she hadn't known was possible.

"Do you have a name, stranger?" Runa then asked. Hopefully he could help them find Lance and the others - but she wasn't going to hold her breath. With each passing second she had less and less confidence in his ability to communicate with them and recall and retain information. He was basically a walking paperweight. If he didn't know anything, then there wasn't much point in continuing to talk to him, when they'd probably have better luck searching the massive prison on their own.
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