Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 12:30 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Mediumship

"Funny, that's what my last boss said," Doctor Nemesis mused with a slight smirk. "Right before I gave him a first hand look at what happens to the human body when placed inside of a glorified pressure cooker. He shouldn't have cut my research budget." Despite all of the clean lines of the hospital, it would suddenly become quite clear to them all - Doctor Nemesis was a bad guy. He was a supervillain running a medical ward. They were lucky he hadn't done some horrible experiments to them and instead had simply assisted James in getting them back to full strength.

"Ya really should go to the ceremony, it ain't everyday that mutants get to be celebrated for doing something selfless," Renegade urged, glancing over at Waverley. "We just want ta thank ya."

Doctor Nemesis laughed though at Waverley - not a laugh of astonishment or shock, or even mockery, but one of malice. "I would sleep with one eye open, if I were you. Or don't. We've been sourcing our anesthetics from the island of Krakoa, they're extremely potent," he warned cryptically. Nemesis then popped his eyeball out of its pocket and polished it off quickly, before popping it back in. "As for you - don't make a habit of haunting my facility" Nemesis warned Sapphire's ghost.

Veil hadn't wanted to talk to anyone or see anyone. She had just wanted to be alone with her grief, her guilt, and her frustration. She loved her brother, but even as he hummed that old melody, one that had brought her comfort as a child, it fell short. Her best friend had been dead for months. Sapphire had sacrificed herself for Xavier's dream - a dream Veil didn't know if she believed in anymore, or more of, whether or not she believed in the dreamer.

But hearing Sapphire return from the land of the dead... that got through to her.

Veil flickered back into visibility, her messy hair somehow a thousand percent messier than it had been moments ago. She stared at Sapphire's glowing blue form - like Sapphire was a hologram from Star Wars. Veil couldn't help but burst into tears, the sound of her sobs only eliminated thanks to her brother's sound wave manipulation. "Sapphire!" Veil exclaimed, wiping away tears. She was smiling even as it hurt. "...Why'd you do it? Why'd you sacrifice yourself like that for us?" she asked quietly. "You had so much to--"

Veil was cut off however, as Havok regained consciousness. As much as his vision was extremely blurry, his hearing was working just fine and he had heard enough. Even as his voice sounded like it belonged to an old man, Havok made up for it with volume. "What the hell, Sapphire?! Get your ass over here so I can smack you for dying on me! Right after confessing love to me! Damnit!"

Sunshine was beaming, seeing that Sapphire was there. This had been one thing that she was looking forward to in particular - Casper could conjure up the dead, let them see them again. He could bring back Sapphire - he could even bring back Erg. As much as Sunshine decided she hated the X-Men and humans, she adored Sapphire even more. Sapphire was a martyr for mutants all across the world, a symbol of defiance against humanity. She wanted to know what Sapphire thought about Genosha.

And a small part of her wanted to know if Sapphire approved of her fiancée as well. "It's about time you showed up," she told Sapphire, her characteristic I-hate-you-but-I-really-love-you tone as strong as ever. It wasn't that different from the way she had greeted Max when he woke up again. Only in Max's case, Sunshine would never admit that she loved and cared about him - it would have been too embarrassing for her.

"Yes, yes, she's back from the dead, huzzah," Casper mumbled, his hands shaking slightly as he continued to allow Sapphire to pierce the veil. He would have preferred to talk about the weird sticky tennis ball thing that had flown into the room than go over the circumstances of a tragic death. He lived his life surrounded by dead people. With the exception of Ben, he preferred to keep his distance. And he didn't think that Sapphire was going to be the sort of ghost he wanted hanging over him all the time.

"You could be a little more tactful," Ben pointed out. "She just died."

"It's July, she's been dead for a while," Casper argued. "I don't think she wants to hang around here all day. She's probably got better things to do, like slapping Walt Disney around for not making Elsa a Disney Princess sooner!" His hands were shaking more and more. "Not to rush you or anything, Sapphire, but unless someone has a magic quarter, the meter's about to run out."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Shrines
Skills: N/A

Leda dipped her sponge in the water Kiera had conjured for them, before getting to work on scrubbing the shrine. It really did impress her sometimes how easily the shrines got completely filthy. Maybe they needed to institute a no shoe policy in an effort to cut down some on the dirt. She paused for a moment as Kiera started asking her questions about her mother, taking a moment to think. "I've seen her on four Winter Solstices, although that's really just seeing that she's there, she's always darting around, messenger goddess and all," Leda shrugged. "Met her once personally though," she mentioned.

She paused for a moment, reaching into her pocket and pulling out her lucky silver drachma. "Got this from her. She gets loads of drachma, from Iris Messages and all. I dunno. I keep it, think that it's a bit lucky, it's gone with me on all my quests and I've always come back in one piece," she added with a shrug. "Mum's nice and all, but not super huge on contact... I think she wants us to sorta make our own way in the world. That or she's a tad upset all her kids tend to fight and all, as she's a huge pacifist. I dunno. What about your dad? You get on with him?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy took the pad and pen from Niah, her brain feeling like someone had just put it through a blender. There was only one sensation in the world she found worse than a hangover and this was it - the post prophetic 'glow'. She never had bothered asking why prophecies were always so hard on her body compared to others, largely since she had come up with her own answer for it. She didn't accept the prophecies - it had to be forced on her. Alexandra and other seers, they accepted them, so they didn't have seizures as a fun bonus gift. Maybe it was her father's way of punishing her for hating his 'gift.' She'd only met him once, so it wasn't like she had been able to get confirmation from him.

Her brother was cradling her head, causing Nancy to internally go aww for a second - it was very sweet of him. Niah was offering her water. As much as she hated the public display of this, and how everyone was probably closer to just writing her off as a seer and not a living breathing person, it was nice to know that she had friends who had her back. But it also made it that much harder, knowing she was going to be leaving them. Mads was pressing some napkins to the back of her head, and Nancy frowned, seeing a very aesthetically appealing blonde boy in his 20's come in.

Despite meeting him only once, she recognized her father. She hated that he knelt down and healed her. She would have rather kept the wound. "What do you want?" she asked him harshly, lifting herself up into a sitting position and then standing up from there. She crossed her arms defiantly, still holding Niah's paper and pen. "And why do you only show up now? We could've used some divine power at New Rome, if you weren't too busy staring at your own reflection to notice children were dying - some of them yours, even." The anger was creeping into her voice, but she wasn't anywhere near as angry as she could have been - whether or not Nancy erupted would depend on what Apollo did next.

Megan Pendragon

Location: the Woods
Skills: N/A

Megan frowned - of course Rumplestiltskin had men patrolling the area. Every villain with wealth had to have their own private army of mercenaries. It couldn't just be as simple as fighting a man with untold magical powers, they had to deal with the grunts as well. Nothing could ever be simple or straightforward, especially in this land of fairytale characters. It did make her wonder how Maleficent and the others had risen to power in the first place - so many of the Disney movies involved the protagonists with magical powers, how had they been defeated? The thunderclap broke up her thoughts for a moment.

At least the storm would make it easier for them to cover up any noise - but it also presented its own challenges she was sure. Once again, it seemed that she was of the same mind with the ginger haired girl. As much as she was focused on getting to her brother, she felt like she owed the only other competent person there the decency of learning their name. "What's your name, again?" Megan asked, looking directly at the ginger. She was pressing onwards as always, just itching to get her brother away from his kidnapper and off to safety.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Outside Dining Pavilion -> the Shrines
Skills: N/A

Leda grinned a little bit, seeing the snowman that was under construction. It was nice to see that despite all of the doom and gloom in the air, kids were able to just be kids. It was reassuring - that even if things were at their absolute worst, there was still a little love and light to be found. "I'm good with cleaning them together if you are, luv," Leda said, mostly because she didn't want to be apart from her girlfriend while doing the task. It'd be more fun to have someone to talk to anyways. "Figure we could start with your dad's shrine, yeah?" she suggested.

Ordinarily, Leda started with Zeus when it was time to handle the Big Three, but she figured it'd be fine if they went out of order, as Kiera was Poseidon's kid. She also really hoped that the gods wouldn't somehow get into more of a fight over who had their shrine cleaned first that day. They were unbelievably petty at times... but hopefully not that petty. "Gotta scrape the barnacles off of it," she teased. "Although more seriously, the main thing is just replacing the water, as somehow dirt and shit always ends up inside of it no matter what."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy had an ulterior motive for not necessarily being the leader during the War Games - she was quietly scouting her replacement. Romans elected their praetors of course, but she wanted to know that there would be someone suitable to step up to the plate once she left. She really didn't want the only person interested in running to be Leandra. After everything Leandra had put her through, she didn't want to imagine what New Rome under her administration would look like - they'd probably be well supplied but instantly wiped out the minute trouble came knocking. "I'm not sure even I could get the Greeks into--" Nancy cut off suddenly, a distant look coming into her eyes. For everyone watching her, it was like she had started to go into a trance...

... And then it became something much worse. Her body stiffened up, before she started convulsing. She fell off the bench she had been sitting on, hitting the floor as her limbs were jerking and twitching all about. To anyone with medical knowledge, it looked like she was having a seizure.

Nancy wasn't aware of any of that though - her mind was somewhere else as her body was twitching and convulsing about. She was in the Labyrinth, with Madalyne, Andy, and... dammit, which ginger was that? They really needed to limit the number of gingers. The group was clearly running from something, but it was too dark to really make out just what it was. Nancy was incredibly confused and terrified, as the group then approached a pit - a pit that something told Nancy didn't have a bottom. Mads had a sword in her hand with a symbol on it that Nancy didn't recognize and Nancy, in her vision, screamed as something impaled Mads. Mads dropped the sword - and the gem? And then some tentacle like thing went after the two items as Mads fell into the pit...

Her vision cleared and Nancy found herself on the ground, her head aching - she must have hit her head during the vision. She didn't want to get up, knowing that likely a majority of the Greeks and Romans had witnessed her go into the prophetic 'trance.' "I need something to draw with," she mumbled.

Skrull Prison Ship

Anelle thought for a moment - she really didn't want to learn in this spot, as so many of her countrymen were either dead or unconscious on the floor. "There may be a training facility down in the guards' quarters," Anelle then said softly. "Those would be on the lowest floor of the ship if I had to take a guess... although they did not exactly permit me to tour this facility when the Empress ordered me to be imprisoned here."

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 9:50 A.M.

Raynor frowned deeply - Niah was telling the truth, but he had never heard of a demon bear before. However, he did know enough about their companions to know who they would have to turn to in order to get an advised opinion as soon as possible - the President. Jakobsen was the leader of O.M.E.N. after the original leaders, the Winchesters, had been murdered. He knew more about Midgardian demons than anyone else currently present did. "If it's a demon, then Jakobsen should take a look," Raynor voiced.

"Wait, the President knows about demons?" Spider-Man blurted. "Oh, wait, guess that checks out, he used to be in that weird organization that did things, right?"

"...Yes, O.M.E.N. did things," Bonnie replied sharply. "They were organized to handle necromantics originally - basically anything that wasn't human. And by handling them, they tended to kill them... like a modern day Salem," she reflected. Flynn had been a part of O.M.E.N. He had defected after O.M.E.N. started to target mutant children, a far cry from the Satanists and demons they had been tasked to track down and eliminate.

"Which is exactly why a demon bear is right up his ally," Raynor pointed out. "And if he doesn't know anything, he'll know who would. Fastest results we can get," he argued. He knew that others probably would want to run straight to Strange with every little problem (such as Cass), but Raynor didn't think they needed to escalate that much just yet. Strange was the nuclear option. And although Raynor wouldn't admit it, part of him was worried that Strange would sooner kill Niah to neutralize the threat than save her.

"I think Cass is right too though, we should try to get in contact with Strange... And it just occurred to me, we don't exactly have his phone number, do we?" she muttered, frowning slightly. That was one of the problems with magic users - they didn't really use phones. She half wondered if Strange already knew that they were debating contacting him and would just show of his own accord... assuming he hadn't been replaced by a skrull. "We also don't know if we can trust him, though. He could be one of them." She looked at Sparky, wondering if the man who had helped her earlier had actually been Strange - did the skrulls have access to magic?

The (Horribly Named) Robert E. Lee Animal Shelter - Missouri: 9:50 A.M.

Mar-Vell frowned, thinking for a moment. "I think that we could get away with ten at most. If we're too badly outnumbered by them, they may just start eating the politicians, which would cause another host of problems..." she trailed off. It was a little bit startling how calmly and emotionlessly she was discussing all of this, but she was a kree - they tended to be more stoic and repressed. She then moved onto Matt's question. "ZuZu there is the male," she answered.

ZuZu the cat stared at Evelyn for a moment, as if he could understand her, and he hissed.

Mar-Vell nodded at Oliver. "Run with them quickly back to Barton's - the rest of us will meet you back there, we just need to find Barton and his children." They were still off somewhere else in the facility, looking for a furry companion for the kids.

"Ooo, so you're like a speedy bloke, yeah?" Amelia commented, looking at Oliver. He didn't look like the speedster type to her - when she thought of speedsters, she thought of Quicksilver, the ex-terrorist from the news. He was pretty much honestly the only speedster that she knew about. It didn't seem to be all too popular of a power set. What happened if a speedster tripped? Did they break their face on the pavement? Did they create a tiny crater in the process?

"I'll go find Clint, if you all want to grab ZuZu and head to the car," Cap offered, before exiting the room.

Amelia glanced over at the non-pregnant flerken - ZuZu - and saw that the cat was still hissing at Evelyn. Clearly, ZuZu didn't want to go anywhere. She glanced around the room next, hoping that someone would have an idea. "Oi, Goose, any chance you can convince this one to follow along with us and help us save the world from aliens?" she called out to Goose. From what she could tell, Goose seemed to have above average intelligence - that or Mar-Vell just liked talking to the cat as a sounding board.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

The howling noise of the undead nearing sent a chill down Runa's spine. Her staff had collapsed back down into a bracelet as to be more portable, and she looked at the wall with trepidation. It took her a moment to come to the conclusion the others had - that they could use Betty, Klara's cat, to leap over it with ease. The idea of a cat being used to leapfrog over things was still a little bit much for her brain to take in. She wondered how long it had taken Nadia and Klara to get used to the way things worked in the Nine Realms. Runa personally felt she could have used more time at Hotel Valhalla before being thrust on a quest to save the universe.

Betty turned into a giant cat, and Runa carefully boarded the kitty once Klara had already gotten on. She gripped Klara tightly from behind, very much afraid that she might fall off, and she figured cats followed the same roles as motorcycles when it came to where to hold onto. Her heart pounded furiously as Betty leapt into the air, clearing the wall with ease, and they landed gently on the other side. She took a slight breath, pulling out the compass and looking at it, trying to get a sense as to what progress they were making.

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Guin put her hands to her head, using a focusing technique that Xavier had shown her - during one of the rare moments where she actually tried to figure out her telepathy with him. The others weren't that far off from them - just down two floors, and not too laterally displaced either. "Runa, Annie, and Bethany are just two floors down from here," Guin told the group, removing her hands from her head. Please do it now, he's a dick. She really didn't like the raccoon, which was ironic, as she was in many ways very similar to the raccoon.

She then glanced over at Lance. "I know that, that's why I'm fucking fantastic," she told him, her voice oddly upbeat yet not quite sarcastic. A truly horrifying man then came on over, bumping into Lance, and a fight broke out. Guin's heart started pounding quickly - she usually wasn't scared in fights, but this wasn't just a fight. It was a prison fight. She was terrified of prisons and prison fights were one of the most dangerous things that could happen in a prison. She squeaked slightly, very much glad to hide behind Pietro. Make it stop make it stop make it stop!!

Make everything stop how?

I don't know, do something!!! Guin then got a bit of an idea. She was a huge Star Wars fan. And she loved to play video games. So there was a concept she had been exposed to before, and just maybe, she could pull it off and essentially make it so everything could end a little faster. She concentrated, feeling the minds of all of her teammates around her, and she just sort of amped everyone up - making everyone think a little better, work together a little better, just do everything slightly better. She thought of it like Bastila's battle meditation, giving everyone a boost.

Well I think trying not to get pummeled is doing something but that's just me.

Do that too! She saw a rioter getting near them and she bit her lip, before kicking towards them, only to miss. She threw another kick, only to miss again.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Infinite Deception of Words

Runa nodded, glad to hear that the rest of their companions weren't as far off as they could have been. With the size of the Kyln, they all could have been separated at far larger distances - perhaps even distances large enough to make Bethany's shadow travel difficult. It was far too large for a prison, especially with the number of prisoners housed. Runa had to wonder how the guards were able to control them all, when they seemed to be so clearly outnumbered. Perhaps it was just the large deterrent of having nowhere to escape to that kept the prisoners in line here. "Near the ships? Excellent. That's efficient," Runa murmured. Something was happening up ahead and Runa raised an eyebrow, moving towards the staircase.

Bethany then shadow traveled them and they were with the others. Runa was relieved to see that Lance seemed alright. She experimentally threw out her hand, attempting to summon Gandr to her. At first, nothing happened. But then, the staff flew through a wall, leaving a Gandr shaped hole, and slammed into her hand firmly. Her staff had what looked like the remains of restraining bolts on it. "Gandr, it is good to see you, friend," she muttered. She then surveyed the rioters and decided she could use her power to end the riot. "All of the rioters, except for my allies, are fast asleep, dreaming of flying sheep," Runa lied.

"What? Oh, nope!" Guin then called out.

Runa then snapped her fingers, feeling her power gathering around her as she went about reshaping reality. And then...

The power just fizzled out.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 12:20 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Mediumship

Veil felt her brother hold her hand, as her ears started ringing. It couldn't have been true. Sapphire couldn't be dead. She had to be just around the corner or something, having convinced James and everyone to do this horrible, horrible tone deaf prank. The walls felt like they were closing in around her and Veil just wanted to disappear. And thanks to her mutation, she literally did - she turned invisible, vanishing from everyone's sight. Her chest felt tight and painful, and she couldn't breathe. She hadn't had the time to fall apart before.

And now, she was falling apart all at once. So many of her friends, so many people had laid down their lives. For what? For the Mutant Underground? She used to believe that the Mutant Underground was a force for good, but now she was disillusioned. Sapphire had died - her death could have been prevented if Xavier had just picked up a phone... She used to think the world of him and the X-Men, but now they were hollow symbols of selfishness and cowardice.

"Oh yes, she definitely isn't here," Doctor Nemesis agreed, chuckling ever so slightly. "But perhaps she's being put to use at the Tiki Bar... The Quiet Council is the government of Genosha and I am Doctor Nemesis," he then added, answering the rest of Zari's questions.

"That's fucked up of you to say," Sunshine cut in, referring to the first bit, and shooting a look over at Doctor Nemesis. She would have given him some sort of disease, but he had been there for her friends and she didn't want to end up on the bad side of the Quiet Council. She didn't even want to be held up as a hero of Genosha. She liked just being an ordinary mutant girl on this island, no one special, well, maybe special to her bae, but to no one else.

She turned her attention back to Max and James. It felt like a million years ago that she had first run into the two of them - when they had ended up running into the sewer and going into the arms of the Morlocks. She missed Erg each and every day. It had been hard at first for her to accept Genosha, knowing that the Hellfire Club had built it. But Erg's murderer - Shaw - was gone. And she felt in her heart that Erg would have liked this place. It was a sanctuary for mutants, a place where they could live freely without humans. "Can't you conjure up some deodorant or something?" she asked Max.

Casper looked at James as he walked away, admiring the view before turning his attention to his family. Jack seemed to be fine more or less - he wasn't really sure if Jack had been awake for a while or not, but then again, he wasn't dressed like Princess Leia so Casper figured that Jack must have been up and about. His mom though, he couldn't help but be really excited to see her there. He was a momma's boy at his core. And knowing that his mom seemed to get along with his boyfriend? That was even better.

"Sapphire's dead," Ben said quietly, drawing Casper's attention.

"...What?" Casper said, staring at the ghost.

"You can give them all closure," Ben pointed out.

Casper stared at James a little longer, before he sighed slightly. He took a deep breath, before sitting on the little hospital bed and crossing his legs. He concentrated deeply, his eyes turning blue and blue energy warping around his hands, as he called forward the ghost of Sapphire. Meanwhile, Havok was beginning to stir.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Camelot - the Tower -> the Woods
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded, although she was a little bit suspicious of Merlin's competency at this point. She didn't trust anyone really when it came to saving her brother. They all had their own priorities and agendas, and from what she could tell, a few of them were clearly emotionally still in high school, if not middle school. Megan didn't hesitate to step through the portal that Merlin had created, emerging into a wooded area. She hoped that they weren't that far off from where they needed to be - she didn't fancy the idea at all of delaying Jack's rescue even more, it already felt like it had been hours.

She bit her lip slightly, hearing what one of the other girls said - Samantha? Megan couldn't really remember everyone's names. She wanted to get to Jack as quickly as they could, but the element of surprise couldn't just be discredited entirely. "...I think the odds are low that Jack's father would travel these roads, given that he uses magic, so I think we'd be okay to press on." The girl with the vibrant red hair clearly agreed with her - what was her name, Ruby? Rebecca?

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Leda kissed her girlfriend back, smiling slightly. She was trying not to get too worried about the entire situation with the gods. There wasn't much they could realistically do about it, especially without a prophecy. Upkeep on the shrines was a small action, unlikely to influence godly relations. "Nah, I'm good," she said, shaking her head. "I'm ready to head out when you are, love," she then added. She glanced over, spotting Zeke over at the Roman table bothering the praetors. "Wonder when that'll erupt into some interesting drama," she muttered.

She stretched her arms out up above her head and let out a yawn. She wasn't really tired, more of just mentally and emotionally waking up for the day. She had eaten a ton and now it was time to get going. She stood up and offered Kiera her hand, figuring that they could hold hands as they walked on over to get some work done. "Later today, wanna go canoeing? We could try to make a jet ski, if we can find some rope and if I can run fast enough," she proposed.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy chuckled slightly at Zeke's eagerness for the War Games. She wasn't sure how cut out for it the Greeks would be, but they had been (admittedly) helpful during the battle. While they had lost New Rome, it could have been much worse if the Greeks hadn't been there to help. She wasn't too sure what to think of their fighting style, though if she had been pressed to describe it, she would have called it disorganized and individualistic. "Mixing it up would be very," Nancy agreed. It might help a little bit with the tensions between the two Camps as well. She knew that the Greeks tended to organize everything by godly parent - which didn't make much sense to her - but they probably felt the same way about the cohort system.

"With the two groups, each group could have one Roman leader and one Greek leader," Nancy suggested. "Doesn't have to be me and Mads, could be any member of leadership from our side, and the Greeks... I dunno, you all could draw straws for two?" she teased Zeke slightly. It'd be an interesting test in cooperation. She wondered if the Neptune kid would end up being leadership for whatever side ended up with the boat - either way, with the naval themed battle, the Neptune kid would be invaluable to whatever side she was on.
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