Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts



Ringo Vinda, once loyal to the Galactic Republic, has fallen under Separatist control. It is two years into the Clone Wars and there is no end in sight. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Masters Tiplar and Tiplee, are planning an assault on the space station encircling the planet. However, the droid construction facility on Ringo Vinda makes a direct assault risky. The 257th legion of the Grand Army of the Republic, led by Jedi Master Sevrina Mozh have managed to land on the surface of Ringo Vinda. In the ensuing battle, Commander Raynor Blake, was gravely injured. Left under the care of protocol droid MZ-33, the young Jedi recovers in a bacta tank on one of the 257th's ships.

But when Commander Firtick, aka CT-4827, does not radio the all is well signal to MZ-33, the fate of Ringo Vinda rests in their hands...

Episode One - Friendship Can Come From Unexpected Places

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Guin had been so focused on maintaining her battle meditation and doing her best to help everyone out that she almost didn't notice the prisoner coming at her until it was too late. Her husband, ever the overprotective speedster, managed to take out the threat - at the cost of being conscious. Her eyes widened. "Oh shit!" she cursed, looking around wildly to see if there was any food. Pietro normally kept food in his pockets, but his prison garb was severely lacking. And the only food she spotted on her first sweep was the raccoon and they needed him to get off of this space rock. "Shit, shit, shit," she added, looking again and spotting some rations sticking out the pocket of a knocked out prisoner.

"Yay! Fuck yes!" she cheered, dashing on over and grabbing the food. She then sprinted over to Pietro, sliding to the ground like she was a baseball player getting to the next base, and she cradled his head in her lap. Closing her eyes, Guin forced him back to consciousness. "Eat, it's food and not poisoned hopefully," she explained. Luckily, her stubborn husband complied. He started eating the food and Guin felt relieved. She wasn't as scared as she had been, but she didn't want him knocked out in the mild of a riot/prison escape attempt. "You're not getting out of the fighting that easily, Silver Balls."

"I'm tiiiiiiiiired, and my head is spinning."

"Yeah, well we're on the clock! And I assume you want to be alert to keep me from being murdered, so use that as motivation."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Darkness Manipulation

Runa sulked ever so slightly at the lack of acknowledgement from Lance, but then turned her attention to more pressing matters. Hopefully, the host of Asgard would be there at any moment to secure their freedom. If not though, it'd be in their best interest to follow the plan that had been proposed. In all of the chaos, she looked around, trying to spot where guards were. She could see some running in their direction, but far more up above. She used darkness to propel herself up into the air, slamming her body against the glass but it didn't break. It clearly wasn't actually glass.

Runa frowned. She then flew down, speeding on over to the other guards she had seen. Runa spotted one with an armband and she descended down on top of him. She tugged on the armband, perhaps a bit too forcefully (she was an Asgardian, after all) and his arm ripped off. Blood splashed diagonally across her face. Her eyes widened slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't need the arm, just the band," she apologized. The guards didn't seem to forgive her, shooting at her as she shot upwards, flying back over to the others. She was hit a few times in the arm, but she hid the pain of it well.

"Rabbit, I have the armband. What's next?"

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Shrines
Skills: N/A

"An actual charm or just a pretend charm? Because I'm not sure how Bex's siblings would feel about helping me make a charm for my girlfriend," Leda pointed out. The break up with Rebecca hadn't exactly been amicable. Rebecca hadn't wanted to end the relationship - and Leda had been too scared to do anything but end it. She was tempted to kiss Kiera, but she knew that the gods could be extremely touchy when it came to people kissing in their sacred places. That's how Medusa had been formed after all - and it had been the downfall of Atalanta. Still though, she couldn't deny how beautiful Kiera looked, even with the dirt and grime.

"Hmm, let's do Hades next? Save Zeus for last," she suggested. From her limited awareness, Zeus and Poseidon were the ones with the huge rivalry - Hades seemed more content to do his own thing. This way, just in case any gods were somehow being annoyed, Poseidon could argue first was best and Zeus could argue last was best. "Have you heard anything from your brother yet? He's a bit of a legend around here," Leda recalled. Percy had been before her time, but she still had heard tons about the son of Poseidon - he was a modern day Hercules after all.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy supposed it was inevitable that one day, she'd be forced into the role of the old woman who could see the future. This moment felt like a small taste of that fate. It was sour. Nothing good ever happened to oracles and rarely did they make the choice to be one - it was always thrusted upon them. Her father wouldn't understand that. He had given her this curse, along with a magical deck of cards that were supposed to help her to control and channel it. She hadn't been compelled to draw cards this time - the vision had been enough. She didn't hate her father. She was deeply angry with him - but she didn't hate him. It would have been simpler that way.

Her eyes narrowed at him, seeing the 'gift' he set down on the table. It felt like a bribe - like a way to magically erase all of the abandonment and neglect with one sweeping, meaningless gesture. She had known people like that in Las Vegas, who would scream and hit people, and the minute they wanted something, came back with something expensive as if that washed away all the pain. The last time she had seen him, he had given her gifts to 'apologize' for not noticing she had been trapped in the Lotus Hotel and Casino since the 80's. She didn't count when he showed up to New Rome, stuck as a mortal - she hadn't interacted with him, being too angry.

"Thanks," she said dryly, picking up the gift. Even if it was a bribe, at least it'd be something to hopefully keep Mads safe - to stop the future from coming true. She opened it up though and her jaw dropped. "This... You're... you're giving me...?" she asked, absolutely gobsmacked. She didn't finish her sentence. She was holding the Physician's Cure. It could reverse death. It was absolutely forbidden by Jupiter. She could save one person. She purposefully didn't voice what it was - she didn't want someone to steal it. "Can we talk in private?" Nancy asked. Despite her (now famous) screaming matches in the Senate Chambers, she was a private person when it came to more emotional matters.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 12:40 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward
Skills: Mediumship

Nemesis looked almost offended at Sapphire dismissing the hospital as a potential place to haunt - he didn't want her to haunt it, but he also didn't like the idea that she didn't want to haunt it. It was like someone had just called his baby ugly. "You'd be lucky to be able to haunt a facility of this grandeur," he argued, turning his nose up slightly, attempting to heal his damaged pride.

Veil stared at Sapphire, at a complete loss for words. She didn't know how to respond to that. She didn't know what she could argue. She couldn't be mad at Sapphire for what she had done - Sapphire had saved them all. She had been able to react fast enough to save them when no one else could have. No, Veil wasn't mad at Sapphire for what she had done - if anything, she felt guilty. She should have been the one to sacrifice herself. Not Sapphire. Sapphire should have been alive, able to pine after that SHIELD agent she was obsessed with. What was the point in fighting for a new world if no one was alive to live in it? And apparently, there was a mutant nation now... the Mutant Underground was obsolete.

"My brain may feel like a soggy microwaved burrito, but I know what you said!" Havok shouted. James had healed him up, so he got on up and walked on over to Sapphire's ghost, getting within inches of her.

Renegade was curiously silent with the topic change as to how her son, Jack, was still alive - as if she knew something that the rest of them didn't. Sunshine, however, tilted her head, thinking it through. She had never really played with silly putty as a child - most of her toys had been made out of scraps and trash. Her favorite toy growing up had been a plastic spoon she had found in a parking lot - only to then be almost replaced by a trampled on Happy Meal toy some kid had tossed away. She had seen silly putty in commercials though on TV in juvi and she tried to imagine it freezing, figuring it was something like Jack, and she then understood Sapphire's point.

"Fantastic, another secret my sperm donor is keeping from me, praise the gods," Sunshine muttered, crossing her arms. She wanted to be happy to have Sapphire back, but instead she was just feeling irritated with her father. She hadn't meant it when she had told him she didn't want him to be a father - she had been feeling angry and emotional. But Sunshine had too much pride to take it back - and she also figured she'd be grumpy and emotional again and change her mind once again. But it didn't matter. Her fiancée and her were going to start their own family from scratch - no humans allowed.

Veil was crying softly, but she couldn't help but laugh ever so slightly as Sapphire asked for Agent Flynn to be told about her death. Sapphire was a bit of a player - confessing her love to Havok, now denying it, and asking for someone to tell another crush of hers she was gone. "You and that fucking agent," Veil said, shaking her head. "You really want to hit that," she added, not even phrasing it as a question or anything. She turned her head to her brother, still crying a bit. "She's really obsessed with him. It's a lot."

"I don't know where your things are," Nemesis shrugged. "I'm not your nanny."

"Ah got 'em at my place, figured they'd be safe there - although I know some kids have been trying ta take some things out for a spin, like the robots," Renegade answered.

Meanwhile, Casper hadn't been kidding about only having a little bit more juice left in him. He couldn't indefinitely channel someone - having Sapphire hang around was easy, having her visible to everyone else? That was difficult. And he didn't dislike her or anything, he just never had really been friends with her. It was selfish of him, but he just didn't feel a need to grieve and mourn. She had saved his life and he was thankful for that, so he was giving her this chance to say goodbye. But at the same time, people died all the time - it was part of life. He lived with death ever since his mutation activated.

No one had called him out on it, but his dismissive behavior and selfish choices were eerily similar to his father's. It was probably for the best that no one had mentioned it. Casper would have lost his shit. "Have fun in ghost Hawaii or wherever!" Casper wished, waving slightly at Sapphire. She was flickering in and out already and then suddenly, she was gone. Well, she wasn't gone from Casper's view - just from everyone else's.

"Are you leaving? Or hanging around?" Ben asked Sapphire, wondering if he'd have company.

Megan Pendragon

Location: the Woods
Skills: N/A

Megan's eyes flashed in anger, hearing someone in their group scream loudly. However, the anger turned into fascination as she saw an actual mermaid in the ditch. She had so many questions about mermaid biology. She wanted to know how exactly their internal organs functioned. Did they have body farms in this land? If so, she wanted to know how mermaids decomposed as compared to humans. If there weren't body farms here, then perhaps she'd have to start one.... Megan then caught her thoughts for a moment, a bit surprised at herself. She hadn't had any intention on staying here. At least, not consciously.

She'd have to ask Merlin later if body farms existed here. They had a mission that she needed to remain focused on - her brother was counting on her. Her anxiety and adrenaline were ebbing and flowing, like waves crashing up against the shore. One of the others present - the girl with the bow and arrow - announced that people were coming. Megan nodded, quickly hiding herself behind the bushes so that way she could not be seen. A portion of her wondered if it would have been better to face whoever was coming, kill them, and use their clothes as disguises.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa was very glad to see a lack of undead zombies on this side of the wall. The compass was insisting on them going through a particular door, which she supposed was both good and bad. The good news was that they were closer to accomplishing the goal of this quest - the bad news was that they were closer to accomplishing the goal of this quest. She still didn't know how she felt about having a god for a father and apparently, he was just around the corner - and the fate of the universe depended on his successful rescue. She didn't understand why the god couldn't have rescued himself, although she suspected there was likely some rule that had to be followed.

The classic haunted house music that played as they entered though sent a shiver up her spine. In movies, it was always ominous but never really threatening - in the real world though, it was very threatening. The bones all around didn't do much to help matters either. "Land of the dead or not, this is creepy," Runa said softly. The compass was pointing towards a nearby door, but she really didn't want to go through the door first, just in case there was a skeleton or something waiting on the other side.

Skrull Prison Ship

Anelle hesitated, before leaving the bridge with Flynn and Maria. She had never really been trained in how to fight, although she had observed the Royal Guard training prior to her exiled status. It had given her somewhat of a fascination with warriors, one of the things that had appealed to her about her beloved, Mar-Vell. Mar-Vell was a fierce warrior, a keen scientist, and a pure heart. She had compassion in a war where none was to be found.

"I haven't had any instruction in combat," Anelle admitted. "I was largely raised to be a socialite, someone who could be married by a warrior or prince so that way the empire would continue to prosper. As of such, most of my education concerned how to be ladylike... nothing in the way of combat."

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 10:00 A.M.

"If it was a demon, he'll know," Raynor told Niah with a shrug. "I'm not an expert on Earthly devils and whatnot. And if it wasn't a demon that did that to you, well - Strange'll be able to figure it out." He was comfortable with the idea that Jakobsen and Strange were the experts to reach out to here. He didn't believe that he knew everything.

Bonnie, however, was feeling anxious. She didn't know how fast Niah's condition would spread throughout her body. Niah had already lost one leg - she didn't need to have more limbs amputated in a futile attempt to save her life. And she refused to let Niah die. Niah was too young for that. She'd sooner upload Niah's consciousness into a computer than let her die. Her thoughts flickered towards the Framework. That would be one potential solution.

It didn't help that they had little idea on how long it would be until Jakobsen got back. Bonnie was pacing back and forth nervously. She wanted something controllable to deal with for once - rather than their usual nonsense, never-ending chaos that spiraled more and more out of control the more they attempted to fix things. They didn't just have a superhuman war to deal with - there was an alien invasion. And on top of the alien invasion, people were missing. And on top of that, Niah was dying and there wasn't anything she could do but sit and wait.

"What about Kirby as a name? Kirby's cute. Works for a boy or a girl," Spider-Man suggested.

Raynor gagged at the thought. The only Kirby he knew was a weird pink little cartoon character. And he didn't even know much about the character, except that little kids on Midgard seemed to be absolutely obsessed with it. "Kirby? Seriously? Were you born stupid?" he snapped at Spider-Man, more concerned now about name ideas rather than Niah potentially dying. They weren't that close.

"No, but I can tell you were," Spider-Man taunted.

"Seriously you two?" Bonnie snapped. "Get out, both of you, now."



Raynor stared at Bonnie. She stared back at him. He huffed. Raynor and Spider-Man then left the quinjet, both of them grumbling under their breath.

"Men sometimes..." Bonnie said, shaking her head.
The other heroes were off in the quinjet, so the only person still in the house at the moment was Hawkeye's wife, Laura. Laura raised an eyebrow, staring at the towels Oliver had set out and the yowling cats who kept on producing eggs. "I'm guessing this was part of the plan?" Laura asked hesitantly. While her husband was a superhero, she didn't ask him too many questions about work - they tried to keep his work life relatively separate from his personal life.

The (Horribly Named) Robert E. Lee Animal Shelter - Missouri: 10:00 A.M.

Mar-Vell smiled slightly at Matt. She liked seeing people who took an interest in things they didn't understand - it was a quality that she prized highly. "I'd be happy to answer them," she told him. "Although perhaps once we've gotten them all back to Barton's home," she then added. She glanced at Evelyn, hearing her question. "You would likely bleed. The claws aren't the problem - it's the tentacles. And the limitless stomach."

ZuZu tilted his head sideways at Goose, before purring and rubbing up against Goose's face. Clearly, ZuZu liked Goose and would most likely cooperate.

T'Challa picked up an egg with care, examining it. "They do not appear to be too fragile," he said. He let Oliver take the egg from him, a bit curious about the man's abilities. He didn't know too many who were graced with superhuman speed. T'Challa made it his business to keep up with the various superheroes active in the world and the first one who came to mind was Northstar, the Canadian speedster. He watched closely as Oliver took off, before looking at ZuZu.

T'Challa walked forward, scooping up the pet. "Let us see about adopting you, little one," he said, before heading out to reception with the cat. ZuZu seemed to really like T'Challa.

"Sooo... Guess we're heading off then, yeah? Since Cap is looking for Barton and his kiddos and T'Challa has the cat," Amelia surmised, before heading out after T'Challa. T'Challa was talking to a rather plain looking lady at the reception desk, quickly filling out some forms to legalize ZuZu's adoption. Meanwhile, Barton and Cap were petting a shaggy looking brown dog that his kids had clearly picked out.

"Awww, puppy!" Amelia squealed.

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy, Unarmed Combat

Guin glanced up for a moment, noticing what looked like a bunch of birds starting to dive bomb them. Had Anita still been around, she would have guessed that the shapeshifter had made some friends - it took her a moment to realize that Annie must have been behind that. Her powers reminded her of Miranda, Magneto's girlfriend from WandaVision. Ed was apparently trying to diffuse the situation by putting Taserface - one of the absolute worst names she had ever heard, and she had once read a SHIELD file by a Fantastic Four ally named Impossible Man - inside of a giant fish egg. It really looked like Nemo was going to pop out of the glowing orange bubble at any minute and look for his father.

I think that the collective IQ here has to be dangerously low, Guin observed to Pietro. Seeing how stupid everyone was acting was actually helping her feel much calmer.

What makes you say that?

Well for starters, one of them is called Taserface, and their idea of battle strategy is to mindlessly charge at the people with amazing, if not incredible, powers, she pointed out. Guin put her hands to her head and concentrated on reaching as many minds as she could. Pietro was starting to get worn out, so it was up to her to protect them. "You're all really chicken - like super scared - and want to run away," Guin instructed. She managed to get through to about half of the prisoners involved in the riot, as they stopped fighting and started trying to get away from them all.

I mean yeah, but is that really that surprising?

Guin smirked slightly. Yeah, you're right, it's impossible for criminals to be smart, she teased. She tried to send out another telepathic command, but it didn't really work out. So instead, she looked at the prisoner nearest to them that was trying to hurt them, and Guin kicked him in the head, instantly knocking him out. So kind to me.

"Lance, really? You know we don't have a change of clothes for you." She was clearly feeling much better.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa stared at her fingers in disbelief, snapping them again and again. Nothing happened. It was like the universe had taken a secret vote to strip her of her powers and she hadn't been notified about it. She couldn't help but feel angry and afraid. She had always had those powers to fall back on - and here, with friends, she had thought she'd be able to use them to protect them all. They lended themselves well to trickery and deception, but Runa didn't want any of that - she just wanted to be good. Maybe this was the world punishing her. Maybe she wasn't allowed to be good. Maybe she wasn't allowed to have power and love. Was she being forced to choose?

Runa didn't say anything, didn't offer an explanation to the others as to why her powers weren't working. Instead, she used her staff as a melée weapon, swinging it around and knocking out rioter after rioter. She experimentally tried to give a blast of darkness off with each hit and was relieved to see that it was working. At least some of her powers were functioning. By the time she had come to a pause, she had taken out seven people in total. She turned and looked at Lance, seeing that he was large and green - but not monstrous, at least, not in her eyes.

Runa waved ever so slightly at him.

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