Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Shrines
Skills: N/A

Leda gagged. "I'd rather not ask the praetor, she has a blood stick so far up her ass it's a miracle she can walk!" Leda complained. All of the Romans were so uptight it was downright nauseating. She didn't understand how anyone got along with them - except for maybe Kristin, but that was largely since Kristin was also a bossy know-it-all. She wouldn't have been shocked to find out Kristin was secretly Roman all along. She shook her head at Kiera's next question. "I haven't heard shit from her. If I had to guess, she's enjoying her little magic academy experience, not caring at all that the world is on fire and may end."

Perhaps it was a bit harsh of Leda, but she believed it. She had seen the darkness in Rebecca and she didn't think that her ex actually cared about anyone besides herself. It was always about Rebecca's dream of becoming an immortal sorceress, remembered alongside Medea and Circe. Leda picked up the rest of the cleaning supplies and trudged on over to the Hades shrine. It was basically a completely different vibe from the Poseidon one. "You think you'll go or nah?" Leda asked, dusting the little tributes and whatnot that were in the shrine.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion -> Sun Chariot
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't really even fully know what she was going to say to her father, as she nodded at her friends and left the dining pavilion, following him to his chariot. She swallowed slightly. She'd never been in the chariot before. She tried not to look too interested in the flashy car, even though it was very much exactly her style. She got into the shotgun seat, before turning and looking at her father, taking a slight breath. "What the fucking hell is your problem?!" she then blurted. "We were dying, we lost New Rome, and now you show up with the most ominous gifts in the history of everything, acting like we're all good? Is this a bribe to make me like you? Is one of my friends going to die?"

Apollo went and sat down in the driver's side seat as he turned to face his daughter as she suddenly laid into him, he didnt show any sign of pain as she yelled at him. "I may be the Sun God but I cannot be everywhere at once. I was in Tartarus looking for my shrine that ended up somehow falling down in there. It's not a place that isnt exactly easy to get out of. And the gift isnt a bribe it'll become very useful, and I am not sure it could possibly happen if events change."

Nancy's left eye twitched slightly. She wished he would have had something more of a reaction, rather than this peaceful and passive nothingness. It was so grody she couldn't believe it. "Oh I'm sure you couldn't do without one of your shrines, that definitely sounds like an emergency," she said sarcastically, even though she knew that the shrine was relevant to the prophecy and all she had seen.

"Hey it's one of my favorite shrines to visit!" Apollo protested and stared at Nancy knowing that it would probably get a rise out of her as he leaned back slightly in the car seat and faced her. "But seriously there is something big going on down in the Pit, why do you think the Big Three are even fighting right now?"

"Oh wow, your favorite shrine! This must be so fucking hard for you! It's not like you have a THOUSAND OTHER FUCKING SHRINES TO VISIT! BUT NOOOOO! THIS ONE MOTHERFUCKING SHRINE IS IN THE PIT, EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING, APOLLO WANTS YOUR SYMPATHY!" Nancy shouted. She was angry about Mads - angry that Mads was cursed to spend her life as a werewolf. She was angry that her father didn't actually care about her or any of her siblings. She was practically daring her father to yell back at her, to smite her, show her some of the anger she had inherited from him.

Apollo looked a bit hurt as Nancy started to hurl more abuse towards him, but knew that he most likely did push one of her buttons as he glared at her. "I am here to help you in what I could you are my daughter, you need to understand giving you the Physician's Cure Zeus or Jupiter whatever you wanna name my pops would have my head for even finding out that I asked Asclepius to make a new one."

Nancy hesitated, completely confused and bewildered - her father actually looked hurt. Was it some sort of ploy for her to go easy on him, so that way instead of shouting at him she'd just sing his praises? She knew he wasn't lying about Jupiter's wrath - the Physician's Cure was forbidden after all. She stared at him, counting to ten in her mind as she tried to not scream at him some more. "But why are you here now? You've literally never been there for me. You.... You gave me this fucked up power of prophecy, this curse," she then said, her eyes watering slightly.

Apollo thought about just putting a comforting hand on Nancy but thought that she might end up blowing up on him again, maybe it was because when he was mortal last he didnt want to become more like how his father was. "I want to be a better father for all my kids, I know that I can't be there for you all the time and trying to make up for that. I know that the power of prophecy is a curse for some but it is something that is needed for the months ahead."

Nancy clenched her jaw. She knew that there were horrible things on the horizon. The fall of New Rome had just been the start of something bigger. The vision she had seen, with Mads falling into the Pit... It was horrifying. She knew that they'd end up chained in the shrine of her father, the one that was in the Pit. She didn't know if they'd get out of it all alive. They'd already lost so much, they couldn't bear to lose anything more. She clenched her fist. "Did you give me the Physician's Cure because I'm going to die?" she then asked quietly, looking straight ahead.

Apollo looked down for a moment he really couldn't see what was going to happen or who was actually going to live or die this time as he turned to look at Nancy. "I honestly don't know I can't see what will happen, I gave the Physician's Cure in case something did happen to you use it on yourself or someone else or don't use it the decision is completely yours."

Nancy nodded slightly, turning and looking at her father. She was scared for her friends. She really wanted to be angry with him, but instead of rage, she just felt tired and weary. "Can I ask you for another favor then? Since you want to be a good dad and all, and don't worry, this one won't risk Jupiter gagging you with a spoon." It had been something she thought about from time to time, a question she hadn't been willing to ask Diana, but one she was willing to ask Apollo. Maybe he had changed.

Apollo looked towards Nancy for a moment as she asked for a favor, if it was something that was in his power to he would do it. "What do you need?"

"If I die, turn me into a tree," Nancy requested. "I-I can't go to the Underworld. The Isles of the Blest, Elysium... It'd be too much like... like the Casino." Her voice was shaking and her knuckles were bright white. She of course was assuming that she'd be judged as a hero if she died, that she wouldn't be instead be sent to eternal punishment - but to her, the rewards for heroes were really the same. "And I'm not going to go for reincarnation, since I-I already know what it's like to feel like I've lost myself," she then admitted quietly, referring to the horrific night of her sexual assault.

Apollo nodded towards Nancy knowing what she had been through and wished that he could have helped her back then and then pulled her into a hug, feeling like she needed one before letting go. "Of course, i'll make sure that it'll happen for when the time does come." Apollo said to her and smiled for a moment. "Don't tell anyone that I was being super nice." Apollo said trying to get her to smile some.

She flinched slightly at first, hesitating, before hugging her father back. "I'm sure no one would believe that," she said sarcastically. She wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her sweater. "But fine, as long as you don't tell anyone that I hugged you. I want to join the Hunt, it'd seriously damage my rep."

"My lips are sealed, it won't leave the Sun Chariot. If Pops found it he'll probably never stop bothering me about it either." Apollo said with a laugh. "Is there anything else that you need?"

"Do you know if there's a cure for Mads?" Nancy asked, figuring that if one existed, Apollo would likely know about it.

Apollo thought for a moment, he knew that the curse was originally something his father created to punish Lycaon way back then, as far as he knew there wasn't any known cure. But maybe his son Asclepius would be able to he was the one to create the Physician's Cure that could reverse death. "It's a curse made by Pops there isn't a known cure sadly but If you get me a blood sample of hers I could get it to Asclepius to look into it."

"You'd really do that?" Nancy asked, surprised. She had always figured that her father only cared about himself and his own image. It was easier to be angry with him that way. "Um, yeah, I can definitely get you some of her blood."

"As long as you can keep it a secret he can't find out about it. I also can't guarantee that Asclepius will be able to make a cure either." Apollo told her it would be a long shot to get a cure for the werewolf curse.

She nodded again. "I can keep it a secret - I swear on the River Styx," she promised earnestly.

Apollo smiled and nodded back, he tended to break the whole swearing on the River Styx thing though. "Also don't tell Zekey either. Just gather that sample for me and i'll be on my way."

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 12:50 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: Emma Frost Memorial Hospital - Terrigen Ward -> Outside the Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing Complex
Skills: Mediumship

Veil nodded morosely at Callie, returning her friend's hug. She still couldn't believe that Sapphire was gone, even with her ghost having been right there. It was all so surreal. They had missed so much - what felt like just moments ago had really been months ago. She wished that they had a way to stop time - or to reverse it entirely so that way they could save Sapphire. But in her gut, Veil could feel that this was all final. There was no undoing what had happened - this was forever.

Sunshine rolled her eyes at Jack. Things between them hadn't exactly improved since coming to Genosha. She wasn't a huge feelings person and she wasn't a fan of expressing those feelings, so she hadn't explained to him why she was feeling angry - that she had actually wanted him to want to be her father, to fight a little bit for that right, but instead she was just passive aggressive - and sometimes just straight up aggressive towards him. "Yeah, it's very clear that you know fuck all."

"Oi! Ne parle pas à ton père comme ça1" Renegade snapped, her eyes narrowing at her granddaughter slightly. She knew that her granddaughter and son had issues - some of them warranted, others not - but she didn't want to see her granddaughter taking shots at him regardless. They were family after all.

Sunshine's French had gotten rusty since House of M, where the Scarlet Witch had made Sunshine bilingual. She was out of practice when it came to speaking it, but she could understand her grandmother when Renegade switched into French. "I can talk to him however I fucking want," she said defiantly, her eyes blazing with a challenge. She was daring Renegade to do something to her, to force her to be nice to Jack. She was also partially daring for Jack to escalate things, to turn this into a screaming match.

"Il est ton père - tu auras seulement un père. Cette île ici, elle est pour tous les mutants. C'est une renaissance2" Renegade advised. Renegade had only been half paying attention to Zarina, as she was more concerned about stopping the brewing family feud, but she nodded at Miranda's suggestion. A change of scenery might be good for everyone - let them stretch their legs, see the sunlight, and whatnot. "D'accord, allons-y tout le monde3" she said, motioning for everyone to follow her as she went to the door.

As for the ghosts, Ben nodded, looking a little bit excited that he'd have someone to talk to who wasn't Casper. Most of the ghosts that they'd meet tended to be pretty upset over their deaths, they weren't exactly great conversational partners. But now that he had someone to talk to, Ben couldn't really think of a good way to strike up a conversation. "So... If you hate Hawaii, where's your ideal vacation spot?" he asked Sapphire.

"Really, Ben? Are you trying to bore her to death?" Casper groaned. "Or do you just really not know how to talk to other people now? Have I ruined all conversations for you?" Casper asked, a hint of glee creeping into his voice. He liked having Ben's attention all on him sometimes - at other times, he found his best friend very annoying and wished that Ben would just leave him alone. Every now and then, they'd have a chat about boundaries, although it was rarely a productive one.

"No, just talking to her and trying to get to know her," Ben said, defending himself.

"Even Waverley's conversation about ghost Hawaii would be way more interesting!" Casper protested. He didn't know all too much about the afterlife - the rules always struck him as contradictory and inconsistent, ever-changing as if the afterlife hadn't quite made up its mind on how it was going to work. Or maybe it just was different people perceiving it differently. He didn't know. It was only recently that he had gotten clean enough to even begin to ask questions like that - and he hadn't done it for curiosity, he had gotten clean for the love of his life, for James.

Casper pressed a kiss to James' forehead - he was the center of his universe.

"I-I'm fine," Veil tried to reassure Waverley. She didn't feel fine, but she also knew that sitting in this room wasn't going to change matters. Doctor Nemesis gave her the creeps and she didn't want to get involved in whatever latest family drama was going on with Sunshine and Jack. That entire family seemed to have mental illness and being overdramatic in the genes in addition to the X-gene. "Let's go," she then prompted, getting up but staying close to her twin.

"Yeah, whatever, let's leave," Havok said moodily.

Renegade then led them out of the hospital - it was about the same size as any other hospital, except everything looked brand new and state of the art. "This is the Emma Frost Memorial Hospital," she said once they had gotten outside, acting the part of a tour guard. The island was beautiful (ref. images: 1 2 3). The sun gave the trees an almost pinkish red hue, with the grass a lush and vivid turquoise. The air smelled so sweet, it was easy to imagine that they really had died and gone to heaven. It was paradise. Across the way from the hospital was a smaller, yet just as sleek looking building.

"That there is the lab, Nemesis and the science types work out of it," Renegade explained, gesturing towards it. She then directed them onwards, moving through the trees along what looked like a natural path, lined with glowing lights. The next structure that they came upon was a magnificent mansion that looked like it was made out of pure crystal, sparkling in the light and a little difficult to look at. "Hellfire Manor," Renegade narrated, as they then went on an upward slope for a while, gaining and gaining in elevation until they came upon what looked like a massive apartment complex, completely built into the natural glory of the island, not an ugly piece of concrete flooring in sight. It was as if the island had grown all of the buildings. And behind the complex was a massive, beautiful lake.

"Magda Memorial Housing Complex, ah'm in omega building, c'mon and we'll fetch your things."

Veil was a little bit speechless and stunned. She didn't trust this place yet, but it was beautiful - and it felt so calm, so serene. She really wanted to believe in it, to accept that there was finally a mutant homeland - the thought made her a bit teary eyed. "James... Is this really happening?" she asked him softly, not caring if Renegade overheard. There were so many of them, they could take her easily she figured. Plus, Renegade seemed old.

Casper wasn't nearly as impressed, more focusing on his boyfriend than their new surroundings - it wasn't the first time he had woken up in a strange place, so he was more or less at ease. And of course, Sunshine was used to all of this by now.

Megan Pendragon

Location: the Woods
Skills: N/A

It was infuriating to have to hide and watch as Rumplestiltskin's men went on by. Her mind was coming up with a thousand different ways that they could take them all out - a thousand different paths that would ideally end in Jack's liberty. She had to hope that he was alive, but she had never been big on hope. It was too elusive and abstract of a concept for her to really put much weight into it. She moved from her hiding spot once they had gone on through and they had the all clear. Hearing Merlin announce that they were losing time didn't help her mood at all.

Rose shared something absolutely dreadful to consider - but it wasn't surprising either. "We should be able to move more quickly than a large group," she responded, as they had fewer numbers and thus should be able to go faster, but her eyes darted towards the mermaid. She was going to slow them down. She was going to hinder their progress when it came to retrieving Jack.
"Emzie, nice to meet you. I'm Commander Blake - but call me Raynor," he said, introducing him even though he knew without a doubt that Emzie already knew his name. He raised an eyebrow, hearing that a protocol droid could use blasters. It wasn't the weirdest thing to hear, but it was definitely strange, especially considering that all of their enemies that they thought were droids. If droids were sentient and had souls, he figured that would have been a little bit weird for Emzie. The next thing was particularly interesting - designed to work with Jedi? Designed by who? He'd never heard of a droid like that before.

"Let me recap - you're a protocol droid who can shoot blasters, rolls with the Jedi, and was designed to escape hostile situations?" he summarized. He looked more impressed than confused. "Who built you? And why aren't you, no offense, working with the clankers? I'd've thought droid engineers would be making bank with the Separatists." He rolled his head from side to side, cracking his neck. Some Jedi liked to meditate before a mission. Raynor just liked to hear bones go pop in his body. "Yeah, yeah, I'm ready," he answered, following the droid.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded, panting a bit herself. "Work on your upper body strength," she reminded Niah cheekily, even though she was fairly certain it was something they could all use a little more work on. She was definitely going to have to lobby for more climbing in the War Games. If they were this winded after scaling the mountain, she didn't want to imagine how the poor probatios would have done. While she was a centurion for the First Cohort, she really cared about making sure that everyone in the Legion was safe. The Legion had saved her from the Lotus Hotel and Casino - they were her family, it was the least she could do.

Nancy searched through her pockets for a moment, before producing what more or less looked like a flask. "It's not water, but it's nectar," she offered. She figured for the purposes of getting Mads' throat to not feel like sandpaper, it would probably do the trick - they were both liquids, right? And plus, a little nectar couldn't hurt after what they'd all just gone through.

Skrull Prison Ship

"Convince them to stand down... You mean persuade them that if they do not wish to be killed in combat, they should surrender," Anelle corrected softly. She was clearly not a fan of violence of any sort. Anelle sniffed slightly as Flynn asked her what her life was like before. "I am a princess, so it was mostly tutoring sessions in etiquette and society," she summarized again. "I was kept to the estate and its grounds, with a strict schedule, and I was only permitted to interact with others of my social standing... until Mar-Vell."

Unfortunately for the trip down memory lane, as they neared the sparring facility, they ran into a squad of heavily arms skrulls! There were about ten of them. "The Exile - what is she doing out of confinement?"

They had assumed that for whatever reason, some other skrulls had shifted to look like humans and were escorting the princess somewhere.

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 10:10 A.M.

Bonnie stopped in her pacing for a moment, nodding at Niah. Niah shouldn't have been the one comforting her at the moment - Bonnie wasn't the one dying. "Of course. I'm not going to let you die," she promised. Her promise was like an oath, and if there had been a certain deity listening out there, it would have been finalized on the River Styx. She looked at Niah, remembering everything she had read in her medical file, before she couldn't help but voice one thought in particular. "If we can't figure this out, I think we could host your consciousness in the framework - and then work with Pym to build you a body."

It was bleak and grim, but Bonnie wanted Niah to know that they were prepared for the worst case scenario. She was feeling antsier by the minute, waiting for the President to walk through the door and determine whether her friend had a demonic infection - their lives were insane. But she wouldn't have traded it for anything. She had experienced so much loss at SHIELD, but so much joy as well. She had gotten to meet amazing people and do incredible things. One of those people of course was Niah. She loved her the way someone loved a friend.

Bonnie then nodded at Cass, a bit glad for her friend prompting her. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with Niah, but at least she could get data on it. She prepped for a blood draw, before going over to Niah. "This might hurt a tad," she told her friend, locating a vein before extracting a not too small amount of blood. When she finished, she put a bandaid on the wound and then went on over to her equipment, getting to work on inputting the sample for analysis.
"Well, when Clint isn't around I run the farm, so animal husbandry is right in my wheelhouse," Laura admitted to Oliver. "But birth is pretty much a universal experience, so lots of towels, somewhere warm - this works - and then steady hands," she recommended. "I've got this, if you could go round up some more towels, there'll be some in the barn that should do the trick."

The (Horribly Named) Robert E. Lee Animal Shelter - Missouri: 10:10 A.M.

The kids nodded at Matt, still petting their new pooch. "His name is Perry the Platypus," the youngest informed him eagerly. "He's a spy, he works with Dad at SHIELD and takes down the evil Victor von Doofenshmirtz!" the eldest added. "And we're gonna get him a special hat!" the middle kid finished.

Mar-Vell glanced at Evelyn and winked at her knowingly. Perry the Platypus the Pupper woofed affectionately at Evelyn, wagging his tail and clearly loving the attention. However, when Perry the Platypus the Pupper spotted Alexander, the dog started whining, clearly wanting his attention too! Everyone had to give the pupper love or else!

Amelia was all too happy to oblige, of course. She went over and joined the little group petting the dog, admiring the dogs ears (they were floppy in the best way possible), giving the dog a little chest rub (she had read on wikipedia that was supposed to be calming) and just cooing over it. "That's such a fucking wicked name," Amelia gushed. "Perry the goddamn Platypus."

Hawkeye's eyes widened, but he only had two hands, so he settled with covering the ears of his youngest child. "Seriously, stop swearing around my kids!" Hawkeye requested. Even Captain America looked disappointed.

Amelia blushed intensely. She sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. She had spent so much time in military settings where swearing was just part of life. "Sorry about that mate. I wasn't thinking," she admitted. She really had just been focused on the dog, as Perry the Platypus the Pupper was extremely adorable, and she was definitely fighting the urge to go adopt a dog of her own. She'd have to get one that liked to jump out of planes - were there dogs like that?

Mar-Vell then took in Kwassi's questions, thinking for a moment. "I believe it can vary, but anywhere from ten minutes to two days later. Flerkens are very adaptable and self sufficient, although the parent tends to stick around until the tentacles have grown in. That's their primary defense mechanism."

"I believe we are ready to depart," T'Challa then announced. Everyone was more or less gathered up, and they all piled back into Barton's truck. Barton drove them and their new fluffy friends back to the farm.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa giggled ever so slightly at Nadia's joke, trying to not let the general aura of doom and gloom get to her in this place. She knew she had a tendency to wallow in self pity, doubt, depression, anxiety, fear - the list went on and all, but was more or less descriptive. It was hard to manage her emotions when she hadn't been able to really come to terms yet with her own death or her strange new surroundings. A chill went down her spine as they went into the next room - the throne room. It was absolutely hellish. The green flames were unnatural. The garish face of the woman on the throne was nauseating.

Runa then saw a man in a cage - and at first, she had assumed that they had come to the wrong place. He didn't look anything like her. But there couldn't be any mistaking it... he had to be Balder. If anything, that made her feel a little bit better. They didn't look anything alike. It was easier to live in denial that way. Runa then frowned slightly, hearing Hel's wager - that if they defeated her goons, then they could go free. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to do really, but she got her staff at the ready, feeling hopelessly outclassed - but they had to try. They had to least try to save the universe.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Mercifully, the harpies were all dealt with. They still had the gravity problem though, as Nancy dug into the side of the mountain, doing her very best to avoid the laws of physics. They really hadn't thought this plan through. She wasn't afraid of heights - she was more afraid of what happened at the end of every fall. Thank the gods that Mads was there, as she managed to stop Niah's fall, helping to prevent the horrible laws of physics from killing them all. "Have I ever mentioned to you how much I love that you have magic, Mads?" Nancy called out.

They weren't too far from the top now. Nancy gritted her teeth and continued her ascent, climbing as carefully and methodically as she could. Even though they were all connected, at least if she was up on the top, she didn't need to worry about hanging onto the side of the mountain while trying to get the others to safety. Her arms were aching by the time she managed to summit and her breath was heavy. She made a mental note to put in a request for more climbing obstacles in the next War Games.
"I can walk!" Raynor protested a little too quickly, his eyes slightly wide in shock. He'd never heard a droid be so... brutal and candid like this before. They were usually programmed to be either devoid of personality or overly apologetic. He had to wonder how old the thing was. Droids tended to get a little weird if they went on too long without a memory wipe. Had this been the droid General Mozh had acquired, the one she jokingly told Raynor was his replacement went his time as a padawan concluded?

He swung his feet off of the bed, spotting a fresh set of clothes sat aside for him, as well as his comm link and lightsaber. Raynor quickly got dressed, glad to no longer be in his underwear in front of the droid, and he clipped his lightsaber onto his belt. His entire body felt incredibly sore, and his left arm hurt to move, but he didn't care. What the droid had said to him when he first woke up resonated with him - ride or die for the Republic. "What's your designation and capabilities?" Raynor asked. "No offense, but a protocol droid won't do much against battle droids."
The last thing Raynor remembered was the mine field. His old master, General Mozh, had told him to take a squad and scout ahead. He still only had the rank of Commander - he hadn't yet been promoted to the rank of General, even though he had passed his trials and became a Jedi Knight over a year ago. It bothered him, as he felt like Master Mozh was holding him back - but he pretended that it didn't. Jedi were supposed to be beyond those things. They weren't supposed to be attached - even in the heat of war, they were supposed to find strength in calm and serenity, never passion or anger. It was what he struggled with the most. Most Jedi in his lineage did - they traced back to Revan, the Prodigal Knight, the woman who brought the galaxy to its knees and came back from almost certain death.

The next thing he knew, he was being slapped awake by... a protocol droid? Raynor frowned, reaching out through the Force but feeling no one nearby. "Droid, what happened? Where's General Mozh? Or Commander Firtick?" His eyes darted around the room - he was in the medical bay. There was a bacta tank nearby that looked like it had been recently used - his mind was piecing it together. He must have been injured by the mines, placed in the tank, and... left with some protocol droid?

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