Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy caught her flask, glad to see her friend hydrated and healed, and she put it away. She hated alcohol, so the flask may have appeared to be something uncharacteristic for her to own. It had been her mother's. It was the only thing that Nancy still had of hers. She had issues with her mother - loads of them, really - but as her mother was long dead there wasn't much that could be done about it. She kept the flask anyways. It was useful to have nectar on hand as a demigod. Whenever she thought about it too much, Nancy reassured herself it was purely out of practicality that she kept it.

"Beyond taking back the gem?" Nancy teased Mads lightly. She then frowned, thinking it over. "I guess the first question is - are we going to kill the dragon or just steal from it? I feel like we'll inevitably have to kill it, so maybe we can engineer some traps. Like... cause a large chunk of Mount Rushmore to fall on top of it somehow?" Nancy suggested. "Or I can scream at it until it dies, but that might take a while."
Raynor didn't pick up on the hint towards Emzie's age - he had never really met an ancient droid before, and it wasn't like he gave droids much thought beyond the most efficient strokes of a lightsaber to cut them into pieces. He knew that droids were an inevitable part of life, but it was still a little strange for his partner on this mission to be a droid, when they'd likely be facing Separatist droids in battle. They had to destroy the droid factory in order to keep the forces mobilizing on the station from being overrun. They didn't have much time left either - Emzie was right about that.

"Great, I feel a thousand percent better," Raynor muttered. His mind was running. He was training in the way of the Jedi Guardian - a natural fit given that the Jedi Order were heavily involved in the Clone Wars. He didn't have the infiltration skills of a Jedi Sentinel, or the negotiation knack of a Jedi Consular. "How are you with explosives?" he asked Emzie. "There's got to be a primary power source at the factory we can target, between the two of us I can clear the way, and you can rig it to blow."

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Guin ignored Mary. She didn't have the mental or emotional space to deal with her at the moment. Besides, she knew that Mary was probably just trying to get a rise out of her, a way to get a twisted sense of satisfaction. There was no point in even replying to her, as anything Mary said would be more of the same holier-than-thou bullshit. It was really a pity - her friend used to have so much more range than that. "Save your breath, there's no use in talking to her when she's like this," Guin told Bethany.

Guin started opening various panels, moving quickly and efficiently as she more or less had an idea as to what they were looking for. She wasn't the one to be lucky though - Bethany found the correct one and yanked the battery out. Judging by the flashing red lights and whatnot, Guin figured it was more likely than not that Bethany had pulled the right one. "Looks like it," she agreed with Beth. "Do you mind shadow traveling us back on up there, Nico?" she asked, ribbing Bethany slightly. Her powers were a little similar to Nico di Angelo's after all. You hanging in there? Guin then mentally whispered to Pietro, hoping to check in with him again, despite his reassurances that he was fine.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: N/A

Runa was conflicted upon seeing Klara - happy that her call had been answered, but mildly annoyed that Klara was more or less acting like her father in this situation. Still, she smiled upon seeing her cousin. It'd be good to have another Asgardian in this fight. The X-Men weren't too shabby, but even they couldn't fight off the entirety of the Nova Corps by themselves. They needed allies, beyond the rabbit and his friends. "They are trying their best - somewhat pitifully," Runa explained. Klara had taken out a large number of the combatants, but not all of them.

Gandr may not have been working when it came to rewriting reality, but her staff was multifunctional. Runa went back into the fray, swinging her staff around and knocking out combatant after combatant, until she had taken out five in total. She wasn't out of breadth yet, as Asgardians were more or less meant for this sort of thing. Hopefully things were cleared enough that they could begin making their way upwards - the flashing lights told her that those down below had likely accomplished their task.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: the Shrines
Skills: N/A

Leda shrugged slightly. She didn't really think about her relationship with Rebecca as being an old wound - it was more like a cautionary tale. "Nothing to be sorry about, luv. What I had with Bex is old news." Still, it didn't mean she wanted to poke the bear by going to Rebecca's siblings for help. Rebecca had been rather cool about the break up, but Leda didn't know if her siblings felt the same by any means. Leda had grabbed a dust cloth and was dusting thoroughly while Kiera mopped - they were making pretty good progress, Hades' shrine was already looking much better. She smirked slightly as she picked up what Kiera was hinting.

"You mean you want your amazing, total babe of a girlfriend to come with you?" she teased. She nodded, understanding what Kiera meant about it being a little weird looking for half siblings. Leda had never really gone looking for other children of Iris - her siblings tended to find their own way to camp and they got to know each other by living together. But seeking out unclaimed Iris kids? It would have been a little strange. "I'm sure he'll come 'round camp eventually, maybe you two'll hit it off."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Sun Chariot -> Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A

Nancy hadn't considered that other children of Apollo might have been jealous that she had one on one time with their father. She had only ever met her father once years ago and it hadn't been under the best of circumstances. It would have been much easier to hate him, but as much as she tried, she couldn't. She was angry with him. She didn't trust that he didn't have some sort of ulterior motive. The fact that he had given her the Physician's Cure was terrifying. And the conversation she had just had with him revolved around a lot of things she kept private and personal. A few people knew about what had happened in the Lotus Hotel and Casino, and she didn't want to increase that number.

She stepped out of the sun chariot. "I'll go grab the sample," she told Apollo. She then crossed her arms and walked back into the dining pavilion, noting how they had gotten a bit of a break from the winter chill. She went on over to where Madalyne was, noticing that Zeke had left. She'd catch up with him later for archery - assuming they had time. Her vision was ominous and foreboding and she needed to focus on keeping Mads safe. "You can't ask why, but I need some of your blood," she whispered bluntly, only loud enough for Niah and Mads to hear as she stared at Mads.

Genosha: July 15th, 2021 - 1:00 PM

Veil, Casper, and Sunshine

Location: the Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing Complex - Omega Building: Renegade's Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

Veil felt Spark Plug's hand on her shoulder and she reached up, giving Spark Plug's hand a squeeze. She knew that she ought to be thinking more critically about the island, that Genosha had to be too good to be true - but a part of her was hopeful. Maybe it didn't matter how a place was made - maybe all that truly counted was what they did once they were there. Maybe the Hellfire Club was worthy of redemption. It was an uncomfortable thought, trying to remember the pain of the past yet look ahead towards the future.

So many mutants had died - and for what? They had always been fighting to just get mutants to safety, to take them out from a hostile situation and into a new one. It had never been about freedom, just hiding. But it seemed like here on Genosha, they could live openly - children could grow up feeling normal, without having to learn what it was like to be hunted and feared. Veil's eyes teared up again and she wiped them on the back of her sleeve. She then realized her clothes had changed - rather than wearing the white spandex, she was now in ripped jeans and a grey t-shirt with some red converse shoes.

Sunshine glanced at Kristina, and she nodded brightly. "This place is paradise. We can do whatever we'd like," she explained. "There's even natural hot tubs - the Broken Baths - that look out over the cliffs. There's no pollution on Genosha so you can see the stars at night. And wicked parties are thrown at the Carousel, I went to a telepathic concert with my fiancée last night and it was so cool! You could hear the music but also these psychic butterflies gave you the feeling of being the one performing, def recommend."

When Sunshine wasn't insulting Jack, she seemed more normal and calm than she had before Genosha. Yes, she had fallen in with a violent crowd of mutants, but so what? They were free here and each breath just fell so light. She had found a woman who was truly her soulmate and Sunshine couldn't imagine life anywhere else. Genosha really was paradise, where only the worthy (mutants) could dwell. Sure, there were a few human refugees, but Sunshine didn't count them as they were mostly the children of mutants. Sunshine smiled encouragingly at Waverley. "We're safe here."

She bit her lip slightly when Max asked her about the book. "I looked at it some, I dunno it seemed like magic stuff, you'd probably be better asking Selene about it - she's an actual witch." Truthfully, she had forgotten Max had asked her about it at all. She hadn't opened it, but she didn't want to tell him that. For whatever reason, she didn't want to hurt his feelings. Ugh.

Renegade led them into omega building. The entire building was overgrown with plants, vines twisting around it - yet the building couldn't have been more than a year old at most. Natural light spilled in through all of the windows, yet the temperature inside was perfect - as if someone was using the mutant power of air conditioning to run the place. "Forge designed the place, ah think some of you might know him?" Renegade mentioned, as they went up to the top floor and Renegade opened the door to her quarters. There were tons of photographs of her kids on the wall growing up, including one of Casper, age 6, wearing a sparkly pink dress and beaming into the camera. There was one of Jack, age 4, in a fedora with his face covered in birthday cake.

"And here are your things," Renegade said, tapping a large and heavy looking box - it instantly slid across the room as if she had given it a shove. If anyone tried to move it, it would take way more effort than her light tap. Renegade then opened up the lid, revealing only the things they had had on them when the terrigen bomb went off.

Casper was currently ignoring the two ghosts and he peered into the box, before he spotted his things. He purposefully left the ID, phone, and sobriety token behind. He left all of his old clothes too except for the black fur coat, pulling it out and wrapping it around himself. "Daddy's home," he declared with a slight smirk, striking a bit of a pose. He had always been super into fashion, ever since he was a little kid. "Not that your clothes weren't great," he told Max. Casper was in a pink t-shirt and a red skirt thanks to Max's magic. Not as flashy as he would have liked, but the fur coat brought it all together.

Havok had crossed his arms, not all too happy. He was wearing practically an identical outfit to Veil, only his t-shirt was white instead of grey. He didn't have anything on him when everything had happened. And he didn't care how pretty this place was - it gave him the creeps.

Megan Pendragon

Location: the Woods
Skills: N/A

They were getting close to her brother. The makeshift bridge wasn't exactly what she had expected for Rumplestiltskin's castle, but there weren't even decent riding paths in the woods. It made Megan wonder exactly how long he had set up residence here or if he purposefully wanted to make it difficult to reach for anyone but himself. She didn't know enough about him to say, although her gut was leaning towards the latter. He was a magical kidnapper with a castle, working apparently towards evil ends after all. The mermaid problem was at least alleviated for now, as that would have been a serious nuisance.

Megan frowned, seeing that there were some guards patrolling the castle. Merlin proposed a plan - use magic to sneak inside. She assumed then that Rumplestiltskin didn't have any means of detecting invisible people, as she figured Merlin would have known about that. "I'll lead," she assented. It was her brother after all and she was the one with the magic fabled sword. Merlin turned them all invisible and they were then able to slowly creep in through a hole in the wall. Megan kept her hand on the hilt of her sword, ready to pull it out at a moments notice as she headed towards the back of the compound.

Runa Johansson

Location: Helheim
Skills: N/A

Runa cried out, as one of Hel's minions slashed her back. The blade felt white hot as it cut her skin - she was no stranger to cuts, just generally they were not inflicted by others. Runa staggered forward slightly, uncertain about Balder's pleas for them to flee. If they let him stay here with Hel, the prophecy more or less had indicated that Ragnarok would be brought about. It didn't matter if they lived or died, as long as the god escaped, so that way the world would be safe. There were thirty of Hel's minions and Nadia had taken out two. Runa didn't like their chances.

Betty improved the odds quickly, as Klara and her cat took out another four. But even that didn't do much to throw things to them. Runa bit her lip, before making a decision. If they could get the god free, their odds would be even better. She started making a mad dash for Balder's cage, only for three draugr to effortlessly slide in front of her, blocking her path. Runa swung her staff at the knees, hitting two of the draugr and knocking them down to the ground. She started to run again, only to trip and hit the ground.

Skrull Prison Ship

The guards allowed them to pass without an issue, and Anelle nodded at Maria's request. She gestured towards the last door at the end of the hallway on the level they were currently on. "Through there," she said quietly. They were still within sight of the guards, so Anelle couldn't very well lead them into the room without raising suspicions - either Flynn or Maria would need to take charge.

Whenever someone did open the door to the training room, they'd find a state of the art training facility, equipped with Shi'ar hard-light hologram tech. It was enough to make Charles Xavier swoon.

May 18th, 2021

Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 10:20 A.M.

"Oh, the tentacles grow in after a few days," Mar-Vell answered. "Flerkens grow rather rapidly, especially if they are well fed." It was one of the contributing factors that made them so dangerous and widespread across the galaxy - the ease of repopulation. She went into the house with Matt and Evelyn, finding Oliver getting prepared. As a birthing set up went, it wasn't too bad. And from what Mar-Vell knew, flerkens could pretty much give birth anywhere. "I'll go assist," she said. "I am the doctor after all." Mar-Vell then went into the laundry room, opening the door where the poor kitties could be heard yowling their heads off.

Amelia thought about going to look, but then decided adamantly against it. She wasn't scared of anything (or at least, so she claimed) but she wasn't too sure she wanted to witness the miracle of life at the moment. Instead, she decided to play with Perry the Platypus the dog, talking eagerly with Hawkeye's kids about the new pooch, completely oblivious as to what was happening on the quinjet. When the President came in, grabbing some salt, and running out, she was so terribly confused. "Oi, are y'all expecting snow or something?" Amelia asked, looking at Hawkeye.

"Not in May..."

"... Wild. I'm gonna go check it out," she told Hawkeye, before kissing the pupper on the head and heading on out to the quinjet. She spotted Raynor and Spider-Man dashing in ahead of her, so there was definitely something weird going on.
Bonnie was glad to know that Sparky had Cass more or less sorted. It was sad to know that her friend had lost an eye, but that seemed to be a disturbing trend among the higher ranks of SHIELD. At least Sparky was able to craft her something that would be even better than what she had once had. Everyone was becoming some sort of cyborg today it seemed - Niah with her leg, Cass with her eye. "Perhaps with our team's antics, an eye roll shouldn't be the trigger to switch modes," Bonnie suggested to Sparky. "Intentional blinking may be more practical."

She then glanced up, seeing the President walk onto the quinjet. Bonnie was filled with relief. Hopefully, they'd have an answer as to the Niah of it all soon - she really didn't want to have to upload her friend's mind into the Framework to prevent her death. However, at Jakobsen's candid reaction, Bonnie's eyes narrowed and she couldn't help but scold him. "You seriously need to get better bedside manner... sir." Her heart was beating quickly, like a butterfly trying to escape captivity. Jakobsen's explanation of what was going on tested Bonnie's resolve - she did her best to keep her face calm and neutral.

"Like hell am I going anywhere," she responded roughly. She had read a lot of trashy monster romance novels in her time, and it gave her a bit of an idea. She searched through the medical supplies until she found what she was looking for - a sedative. "Sedatives, yes or no during exorcism?" she asked Jakobsen bluntly. "Cass, there should be restraints in the brig, if you could go grab them. Sparky, I want you on standby ready to revive Niah if needed."

She didn't want to risk Niah's heart stopping - Sparky could prevent that.

Two more people then rushed onto the quinjet - Spider-Man and Raynor. "What in Odin's name is going on?!" Raynor shouted, instantly going over to Sparky to make sure she was okay, before looking at Jakobsen. He knew that Jakobsen used to run OMEN, and given that he had grabbed a gigantic bag of salt, Raynor knew something incredibly wrong had to be going on with Niah.

"Perfect timing. Spider-Man, I need you to web up Niah so she can't move," Bonnie instructed.


"Do it or so help me god..."

Spider-Man gulped, nodding before spraying Niah up with webbing so she was more or less immobilized on the hospital bed.

Amelia then popped her head in. "... What'd I miss?"

Guin Stark

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Telepathy

Guin grimaced - she had given Pietro all the food she had found, but it was clearly still not enough. "Babe? Babe, listen to me, you gotta stay down and stay safe, okay?" she told him, before kissing him on the forehead. There was gunfire all around them, as well as sounds of pain and violence. Her heart was beating loudly but she wasn't afraid - not anymore afraid than she usually was in situations like these. Maybe there really was something to be said about exposure therapy. The stupid raccoon had given them the next objective anyways - yanking out the power source.

Mary's voice was pretty faint with all of the fighting, but from what Guin heard, there were several options and she sighed. Bethany shadow traveled away and Guin shook her head. "Maybe next time, don't run off without the fucking tech expert!" she shouted. She spotted the staircase and quickly dashed on over, doing her best to avoid all of the blaster fire. For the most part, she did a great job - she was grazed in the arm at one point, and it hurt like a motherfucker, but she was still breathing. She dashed down the stairs, irritated that no one had brought her along in the first place, until she finally reached the bottom. "Okay, let me deal with this, you two can cover me, kay?"

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: The Kyln
Skills: Darkness Manipulation

Runa shrugged at the rabbit. "Yes," she said simply. She did feel a little bit bad, but they didn't have time for that sort of thing right now - and she didn't want to justify her actions to someone she didn't really know, especially not the rabbit. She just hoped that someone from Asgard would show up quickly, although a sinking feeling in her chest told her that perhaps they'd rather she just died. They wouldn't need to worry about her becoming evil if she was in Valhalla after all - or Helheim as was more likely. She didn't even recall the name of the human looking man who questioned her.

She had the severed arm in one hand and she sighed, seeing the gunfight going on around her. A few people had gone down to deal with the raccoon's next objective, so Runa decided to participate in the melee. She made a long cord, almost like a snake, out of darkness and she whipped it around, catching three rioters by the ankle and sending them slamming into the ground, knocking them out cold. Runa let the darkness then dissipate.
Raynor was beginning to like Emzie - they had a lot of personality, for a droid. He also noticed a certain bit of candor that he appreciated. He didn't want anyone keeping secrets. He hit the button to lower the ramp of the shift, allowing him and Emzie to walk on off, hitting the planetary surface. From what he remembered, it wasn't too far to get to the location by speeder - by foot would take some more time, but they didn't really have a better option. It'd at least give him a chance to think up a plan and then relay it to the droid.

"What are you motivated by then?" Raynor asked. "In my experience, the droids with personalities tend to go a little rogue. Are you trying to save the General?" He then paused, closing his eyes and concentrating. He had a force bond with his Master, but he could not feel her. Either she was dead or his vision was being clouded by the dark side. He didn't tell the droid what he had felt - or more of, hadn't felt - as he began the long walk to their destination. "I'll come up with a plan, by the way, so no need to get your circuits going."
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