Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded slightly, taking Klara's hand and getting off of the ground. She was incredibly bewildered as to what had just happened. Someone had been invisible and hiding inside of Helgi's office? Had someone else been investigating? Or was it the culprit returning to the scene of the crime? Her cheeks flushed slightly as Arnora asked, too, if she was alright - Runa had just hit the ground, she hadn't received a real injury. "I'm fine, really," she said softly. She wasn't a very loud person - her natural speaking volume was somewhere between a whisper at the library and a quiet conversation with friends late at night. Arnora then walked off and Runa glanced in her direction, seeing that Arnora was going near the elevators - and a group of people had gathered.

Runa's stomach did somersaults, seeing all of those people. She didn't like crowds before this. Now all she was thinking about was how any person in that crowd could be responsible - or even then, just dumb enough to kill someone before the magic in Valhalla was fixed. "What was that?" she asked Klara, as most of the others had gone off over to the elevators, and Runa didn't really want to go join in the crowd.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, seeing that Hansel had already gotten himself thrown out of the bar. Her estimation of his competency was rapidly decreasing with each passing minute. Wasn't he supposed to be their guide in this little adventure? And now, their other guide, Gretel, was occupied with trying to get her brother out of trouble. Megan huffed slightly. Her fingers were itching a little bit at all of this inaction. Sierra must've been feeling antsy too - that or very bold, as she had gone up to the two conspicuous figures and offered them money for passage to Atlantica.

"How much?" Megan asked, joining Sierra's conversation. "We can pay on arrival." She didn't imagine Hansel and Gretel had much money. However, she was pretty sure that one of the royals hiding in Atlantica would be able to pay. She didn't know if King Arthur and Queen Guinevere would be interested in having a relationship with her - Megan was neutral about the idea at best - but at the very least they could pay whatever bill they accumulated.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Towards Breiðablik -> a River??
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa was a little embarrassed by Edus' reassurances, her face flushing bright red. He really was supremely kind - and was quickly becoming her best friend, even though she was several years his senior. He had been consistently trying to cheer her up, even when her boyfriend didn't (from what she had gathered from watching some films on Midgard, boyfriends were notoriously bad at that, so she figured Lance was above average). "Thank you - I appreciate your counsel," she whispered back to him earnestly. He did make her feel better, embarrassment aside.

Lance then tried to reassure her as well and Runa smiled ever so slightly. She wasn't used to people on Asgard being kind to her. As much as she loved her home and was fiercely protective of it, the people here broke her heart. On Midgard, they didn't do that. It was one reason among many that she spent so much time with the X-Men. However, out of nowhere there then was a large gust of wind and the next thing she knew, she was standing near a river. She heard Mary exclaiming something nearby, but Runa's eyes were trained on the water. She had nearly drowned in this river as a child. Her brother had been so upset when he found out what had happened, when Klara had been babysitting her...

Runa knelt down for a second, scooping up some of the water with her hands and letting it escape through her fingers. She then shook her head slightly. "We're an hour's walk away from my home," she told Mary softly. "Be careful not to tread on any of my mother's flowers - they're her pride and joy," she then added. She got up from the ground and reached into her bag of runes, pulling out the one she desired by feel alone. She had a deep connection with the raidō rune - it stood for journey or ride. Runa threw the rune down at the ground and a ring of black magic emanated from it, and then stepping out of the waters were two unicorns.

Runa mounted her unicorn, before glancing at Mary. "I'm assuming you've ridden something before?"

Guin Stark

Location: Towards Breiðablik -> the Palace??
Skills: Telepathy

It's called what?? Breaklick? Guin asked, not able to understand what Pietro was saying. Yes, Thor had been around for most of her life and she did teasingly call him Uncle Thor at times, but her knowledge of Asgardian words and how to pronounce them was limited. She pretty much knew the basics - Asgard, Mjolnir, Bifrost... and that was it. She couldn't think of another important one off the top of her head. Ask your doctor about if breakellick is right for you - side affects may include dressing like a bad Shakespearean actor, she then joked. It was good to know though that she wouldn't be able to go into Runa's shiny home - Guin was pretty sure her purity had left the station a long time ago.

What's what? Guin asked, before a second later she blinked and she had been whisked off to what looked like a palace. She had read enough Percy Jackson books to know basically every god had a palace, so Guin couldn't even guess who the palace belonged to. There was one thing she could guess though - who had done this. You have five seconds to explain why you whisked me off away from the action, babe.

Uh what? came the response, actually he sounded a bit dazed when he spoke.

Why'd you run me to some random palace with Lance and Annie? Guin asked again, a pit of dread forming in her stomach. She was going to kill Edus.

I... I don't know, what just happened?

Guin's anxiety was getting worse. She didn't even answer, just closing her eyes and trying to switch places with Pietro through the mental link, but nothing happened. She could practically see Professor X out of the corner of her eye, informing her that she needed to train more. Ugh. Babe, I don't think you're in control of your body. Can you fight it?

"I think Pietro's being mind controlled - not sure by who. Guessing the same asshole who's eating realities like a Hungry Hungry Hippo."

Wait when could that have happened? And just what?

Guin forced herself to focus, pacing back and forth slightly. Come here, she said strongly, doing her best to give Pietro a forceful suggestion and hijack his brain. She had no idea if it worked or not though. She had tried more new things with her telepathy in the last 24 hours or so than she had... well, ever.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:10 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Veil yawned slightly, even with the adrenaline pumping through her veins. "I wish there was coffee," she told Kristina with a slight smile, before throwing up a force field. An asteroid collided with the force field and burst into a million tiny pieces, but the impact caused Veil to slide backwards across the rooftop for a few feet. She shook her wrists out, feeling a bit overwhelmed as more asteroids just kept on coming. She could see the person throwing them - although they looked less like a person and more like a man made out of fire.

Veil threw up force fields again, trying to block the next round of asteroids - these ones were smaller, crashing harmlessly against the shield. However, in the blink of an eye, two others suddenly appeared on the rooftop, likely having been teleported to the location by someone. One looked vaguely ape like with ash grey skin and the other was bright orange, like a Tic Tac, and hardly two feet tall. The Tic Tac slapped the ground and suddenly, the structure started to go from a solid to a liquid - he was going to destroy the entire building if no one stopped him. And the other, the grey one, extended his hands and suddenly, each asteroid was hitting with increased forced, as if gravity itself had been modified.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

Casper had some heroic tendencies - but mostly, he had selfish tendencies. Yes, he liked this extended rent-free beach vacation and he was very amused by how everyone claimed to hate capitalism, despite the Quiet Council being comprised of die hard capitalists. But above all else, the things he loved most about Genosha were James and his family. He wasn't under any illusions that his mother needed protecting and Jackie had been avoiding him slightly, so that meant James was the last one standing.

"I'm going with you, babes," Casper said, as if it were a no-brainer. "Ben's sleeping anyways, so I can't really do anything."

"CASPER!" Ben shouted.

"Oh look at that, it's the wind," Casper mused, before falling to the ground from another sudden quake. "Really hope no one left their fine china out last night, because yikes those are becoming more frequent," Casper observed. "So which way is it to this Hellfire Manor? I can hide with all of you squishy people and tell everyone about how my boyfriend is the hottest omega level mutant around. That's your real mutation, by the way - high level sexiness."

The glass of their window then shattered, as a small fragment (roughly the size of a baseball) of an asteroid crashed on through, hitting the ground in front of them. That got Casper moving. "Let's go, babe! Before god kills us!"


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Marauder
Skills: Disease Manipulation

"Oi, I think that's your friend Veil," Marrow pointed out, nudging Sunshine in the ribs and gesturing over at Waverley. "Not sure about the others." Marrow had only met the younger mutants of the Mutant Underground - the New Mutants, if you would. She hadn't properly met the older ones yet, not due to anything malicious or anything, it just hadn't happened. They'd been busy living their best lives on the island - that and getting married.

"What? Oh, yes," Sunshine said with a giggle. She knew Marrow knew Feedback's name. Sunshine waved at the group that had portal-ed in, before continuing her sprint towards the Marauder. The Marauder was more or less a pirate ship, used by the Marauders to ferry mutants home to Genosha. There were a few other ships bringing mutants from the mainland to Genosha, but the Marauder was the most well known ship. It also happened to be the one the attackers had targeted, likely knowing that without it, Genosha would struggle to remain accessible for more mutants fleeing their countries in search of a better life.

"Hola, mutantes," a man with long black hair made entirely out of stone said. He wasn't alone. There was a fifteen foot orange giant carrying a hammer the size of Thor, a mischievous looking kid who was the spitting image of Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus, and a teenager who looked like he was made entirely out of water.

"Get off of my pirate ship," Marrow told the stone man, flexing her muscles and more bone spikes grew out of her body, as she charged forward. She didn't care that he was made out of stone. She figured he had a squishy spot somewhere, even if it was just in the eyes. Sunshine twisted her hands, conjuring glowing green smoke orbs of disease, and went to fling them towards the attackers - only for the aquatic man to create a bubble around her head, cutting her off from oxygen and suffocating her.

The impish boy then started popping in and out of view, teleporting all over the ship and leaving tiny devices behind - bombs. The giant with the hammer took a more simplified approach, swinging his hammer up against the mast, cracking it into two.

House of M...

The structural damage to the House of M was worse than anyone could've expected it to be - as if the earthquake was purposefully targeting the structure. Magneto was able to hold the room he was in with Moneta together through the sheer force of will. Polaris woke up to find that her room had collapsed around her and she let out a slight scream, as she threw all of the metal away from herself, only to reveal that she was more or less completely caved in. She took a few deep breaths, trying to get a sense of the damage, only to feel that all of the House of M had collapsed. And since she knew that her father's new replacement daughters were in the building, any shift to the metal could kill them.

Zarina and Andy were relatively lucky. Yes, their room would collapse around them, but they would end up being flung into the hallway together. There was light coming from the end of the hall, so as long as nothing shifted and fell on them, they'd be able to get out and go to the Akademos... hopefully.

In his room with Miranda, Magneto's face was covered in shadow by his helmet. "Whoever is responsible for this... They'll burn," he swore. He didn't ask Miranda if she was alright. He threw his hand out in front of him, as if shoving an invisible door, and metal cleared out of their way. Magneto had made a path through an outer wall, meaning Miranda and himself would be able to get outside of the structure, and hopefully find whoever was doing this.

He then started giggling like mad.

Poisonous smoke damage - everyone in the House of M will start laughing uncontrollably.


Blackstone looked more like a Roman imperial palace than it did a home. Max's portal would allow him to emerge into the central courtyard, an open green space. Various statues were scattered throughout the courtyard, some of the visages twisted in horrified expressions. The most noticeable one would be a massive statue of Medusa, her snakes frozen in a deep hiss. "Oh good, you made it!" Pixie cheered, her pink wings fluttering either from nervousness, relief, or excitement.

"Is this everyone? Good," Selene said. "Come, gather into a circle and clasp hands. I'll be guiding this spell more than I usually do in our sessions, your experience levels just aren't there yet," Selene added rather matter of factly. She took her own spot in the middle of the circle and Pixie reached out, grabbing Max's hand with her right, before grabbing the hand of someone else with her left. Everyone was circling up.

Selene didn't even wait to see if the circle had closed, just assuming that it had. "Nemo in hac insula ingredietur. Nullus homo locum hunc polluet. Locus sacer, arbor sacra, terra sacra. Solum mutant pedes in solo Genosha calcare. Maledictum est sanguini omni homini qui audeat venire. Mortis sententia in omnem hominem nocet," Selene chanted, speaking fluent Latin.


Here are the end of arc rewards for both Civil War and Secret Invasion, broken down by character. You get one skill for each arc. You have 7 days to edit these in or they will be considered lost. Next arc is Nov 13, 2021 so update your character ages and relations as well. Kwassi is leaving the team this arc so you don't need to do relations with him.

  • Civil War: Season Empowerment (General). Pick a season, Cass is stronger during that time of the year - i.e. winter, spring, summer, fall. Note the season you picked next to the skill.
  • Secret Invasion: Space Politics (General)

  • Civil War: Lie Detection (General)
  • Secret Invasion: Kree Technology (Specialty or General, works in either)

  • Civil War: Norse Mythology (General)
  • Secret Invasion: Foreign Language (Conversational Asgardian)

  • Civil War: Greek Mythology (General)
  • Secret Invasion: Leadership (General)

  • Civil War: Hand-Eye Coordination (Specialty)
  • Secret Invasion: Space Politics (General)

  • Civil War: Hand to Hand Combat (General)
  • Secret Invasion: Kree Technology (Specialty)

  • Civil War: Aerokinetic Attacks (Specialty)
  • Secret Invasion: Air Scooter (General)

  • Civil War: Throwing Darts (General)
  • Secret Invasion: Space Politics (General)

  • Civil War: Stamina (Combat)

Andrew Rossi
  • Civil War: Shrink Attacks (Combat)


  • Secret Invasion: Infiltration (General)


  • Secret Invasion: Space Politics


  • Secret Invasion: Space Politics (General)


  • Secret Invasion: Controlled Power Absorption (Specialty). Basically, Maria has a better chance now of absorbing just the power she wants if someone has multiple.


  • Secret Invasion: Space Politics (General)

The Geneva Convention.: 10:10 A.M.

Inside the Presidential Suite...

Anelle's eyes watered, not because of the discussion turning towards who would speak for Earth, but because of who was at the door. It had been so long since she had seen her beloved - or their child. "Mar-Vell?" she squeaked out, as tears started to rush down her face. The princess moved quickly, embracing the scientist tightly. Mar-Vell dropped the cat carrier she had been holding and the flerkens inside meowed in protest, but Mar-Vell was too stunned.

"Annie? Is it really you?" Mar-Vell murmured, crying as well as she hugged her betrothed, her soulmate, the mother of their child - their son, Dorrek-Vell.

"It is," Anelle mumbled, before standing up on her tip-toes and kissing Mar-Vell deeply.

"Awww," Tony commented, looking a little misty-eyed himself.

"Someone's gone soft," Black Widow commented, looking over at Tony with a smirk.

"Don't be bitter, Romanoff. I'm sure there's a three eyed assassin out there just dying to meet you," he teased.

"Ugh, get a room you two," Hill complained. "The Avengers, not you two ladies - you look very sweet together. And as much as I'm sure there are plenty of joyous reunions to be had, the sooner we handle this situation the better."

Mar-Vell nodded, pulling away from Anelle, but still standing right by her side. "Right, of course. The mission. The flerkens are ready to go."

"Mars could be a good choice for an off planet location. Don't think the inhumans would really want to see any kree on the moon, there's bad history there," Captain Marvel explained, smiling slightly at the reunion between Mar-Vell and Anelle. They were really cute together. It brought her hope too, hope that their peoples could get along and the war could really end. Maybe they could even unite and form a Kree-Skrull Empire, led by Mar-Vell and Anelle.

"Isn't Captain America a fugitive right now?" Amelia asked. "Otherwise, would totes agree. Huge fan of his." She wasn't all too certain on how politics played out and how long it would take for Jakobsen and all to clear Captain America's name. It might not even be enough for them to formally pardon him, if public opinion was still bad. But then again, did how someone was perceived on Earth really matter when it came to space politics?

Carol did laugh as Kwassi suggested Fury. "I think Fury'd just shout motherfucker at everyone until they stopped fighting."

"I don't want to be rude about this, but it isn't really up to us to decide who the negotiator is. That's between the kree and the skrull, who they're willing to listen to. And it's also something that we can figure out later. Right now, it's time to act," Bonnie stressed. She could see people getting sidetracked, worrying about details that weren't really theirs to fret over. They were agents of SHIELD and the mission was to save the Earth - they could figure out intergalactic peace treaties later.

"I don't mind being rude here - this all sounds like politician crap that I'm not majorly interested in. Let Jakobsen and his buddies and the Princess and all figure it out."

Cats, cats everywhere! With stealth unknown to humankind, the flerkens moved throughout the Geneva Convention. No one paid too much mind to the cats, too busy talking to other political figures and making plans to make themselves richer and other people poorer (because capitalism, baby!). No one noticed the occasional politician vanish, followed by a cat licking their lips and meowing innocently. No one saw Goose directing the other cats, pointing with his tail where they needed to go next to check for skrulls.

And no one noticed the small parade of flerkens headed for the United States' Presidential Suite, all of them looking MUCH chubbier than when the day had started....

And Now...

However, the Secret Warriors, Avengers, and others in the Presidential suite would definitely notice as Goose started hacking, only to then cough up the Skrull Empress - Empress Veranke. "-going to KILL YOU!" Veranke screamed as she was coughed up, splayed out on the floor.

"Mother, don't shout," Anelle said sternly. "It's unbecoming of someone of your station."

"What - Anelle?!" Veranke exclaimed. "Is this your attempt at a coup, you stupid girl?" she said with a laugh. She then began to grow in size, until she resembled a Hulk. Veranke then looked over her shoulders. "For those wondering what's going on, check the wiki. In this universe, I have all of She-Hulk's powers. And we all know what Hulks do best... They smash!"

Veranke then rushed forward and snatched Anelle. She wrapped her hand around Anelle's neck and the princess started gasping, struggling to breathe. "Now, you are all going to stand down, or the bitch dies."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Asgard Docks -> Towards Breiðablik
Skills: N/A

Runa hesitated, before nodding. Edus had a good plan. She didn't need to feel sad that Klara had been the one picked to go look, even though magic was more of a hobby to Klara. Runa should have been used to this by now - Klara was the daughter of Thor, the next All-Father. Thor was beloved on Midgard as one of the Avengers, while scarce few had even heard of Baldur. The only time Runa had heard someone mention Baldur was when speaking of a cat, rather than the deity. She wasn't jealous by any means - no, not at all. She just felt a bit of pain in her heart. There was no reason to. It made perfect sense. Why wouldn't people suggest Klara? Everyone loved her.

She felt a strange sense of shame too, as Klara pointed in the direction of her home, and then referenced where Breiðablik, Baldur's hall was. Not many people made the trip to Breiðablik, as it required purification in order to enter - and for mortals, a hefty amount of sunscreen. Her father was the god of light - everything there was gleaming. And the place was overrun with her mother's flowers. Runa's heart broke again slightly. She knew the prophecy that Ragnarok would come one day and claim her father's life, and that her mother would follow him shortly after. This entire situation was giving her so many emotions - jealousy, shame, fear, sorrow.

"... It's in the hands of the Norns," Runa mumbled. "Come. We're headed to my father's hall."

Guin Stark

Location: Asgard Docks -> Towards Breiðablik
Skills: Telepathy

Guin wasn't a huge fan of Pietro dashing off without her, and she shot Edus a bit of a look. She had already spent a lot of time trying to get un-separated from him during the prison incident, and they knew where that light had come from, apparently it was near Runa's place. They didn't need to split the party for this. "I'll conference call in, see what's going on, now let's move it, people. Universe isn't going to save itself," she said, following Runa.

As she walked, Guin used her telepathy to see through Pietro's eyes - making it a minor miracle she didn't trip or fall over anything. It was also a blessing that she didn't get motion sickness instantly. Everything she saw through Pietro's eyes was incredibly blurry - how was he able to not trip when he ran? There were some buildings, but it was all somewhat blurry and just hard to make out. There was some light coming from one of the buildings too, one in the direction Pietro was going. If you get hurt, I'm going to have too much material to talk about in therapy, Guin warned him.

Hey I don't try to get hurt!

Just be careful okay? I've got major bad vibes.

I always try to be careful, you know that.

Says the man who attacked the director of SHIELD

He deserved it.

"He's near some building with a huge light coming out of it," Guin said, letting the others know what was going on.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow at her brother's comment. She knew that Disney tended to romanticize things, but people didn't become kings by being nice to people. Yes, Maleficent seemed horrible and wicked, but she didn't doubt that her biological father was a killer. However, the time to point that out to Jack had came and went, especially since they had the larger problem to deal with - finding a way to get to this underwater kingdom. Jack was willing to state the thoughts that had been going through Megan's head. "So... Outsiders like us," Megan pointed out. She was beginning to wonder what the point of having Hansel and Gretel there was, given how they seemed to basically know no more than the rest of them.

She was a bit curious when they made it to what looked like a fishing village, mostly wondering whether or not the fishermen would attempt to kill them for being outsiders and then use their corpses as bait. It's what she would've done - although she had no idea how effective human remains were compared to, say, worms. She didn't know anything about fishing. As they got closer to the village, she saw that most people there were pretty dirty, aside from two who stood out like a sore thumb and started whispering. "Either there's a tide pod cult or they might be our way to the kingdom," Megan murmured. "Do you think they have underwater coffins? Or do they just... float the corpses to the surface?" she then asked her brother.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Camp Store
Skills: N/A

"What, are you going all Artemis?" Leda shot back at her sister. She wasn't mad or anything - it was all in good fun. Sure, they only had the same godly parent and not everyone viewed their siblings as siblings, but Leda saw her siblings as siblings - such a strange, unusual thought. And as such, she enjoyed having some sibling bickering and rivalry, especially with Tammy (who was secretly Leda's favorite sister, although she'd only admit it under duress). Leda moved over to the part of the store Tammy had motioned them over towards, where there were tons of supplies for all sorts of things. "Wait, you've gotta be joshing, you actually sell chocolate covered strawberries?" Leda asked, before breaking out giggling.

Leda then tried to get her mind to focus on the task at hand. "Well, odds are whatever we get might end up being destroyed pretty quickly, and you don't wanna load up too much or you'll be fucking exhausted from walking before long," Leda explained. "You got a decent backpack? If not, I'd nab one of those. Some ambrosia and nectar can't hurt. Flashlights are great too - and those tiny bags with ponchos in them. Sleeping bags aren't worth it if you ask me, they're bulky and monsters somehow always know to claw at them and rip them up."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Roman Side of Camp
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded slightly, appreciating that Mads was trying to comfort her. Nancy didn't like expressing her emotions. She was like the sun - she ran hot, her most commonly expressed feeling being anger. It had been a little bit since her more playful, joyful side had come out. Everything was anger and stress and guilt these days. She gave Joanie a slight pet on the nose, before heading to the praetor tent with Mads and Niah. They were right - they needed to see if they could get more information out of Leandra, even though all Nancy wanted to do was scream and pummel Leandra to a pulp. She didn't care that Leandra was possessed - she more than deserved it.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear your explanation for one second," Nancy said. Her blood had started boiling, hearing "Leandra" call Madalyne a flea bag. And once again, Nancy's anger and hatred for Leandra ran deep. She walked up to Leandra, fire in her eyes as Nancy punched Leandra in the nose - blood started gushing from the daughter of Cupid's nostrils. "Oh darn, my bad, I just realized you said she was possessed by a... a what again, exactly?"

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:00 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment

"This is Reeva Payge, broadcasting telepathically to you all by means of the Three in One. We are under attack. Mutants with healing abilities, please report to Hellfire Manor. Mutants with combat abilities, confirm your readiness with the Three in One and your assignment will be given to you. All others, seek shelter at the House of M, Hellfire Manor, or the Akademos. I repeat. This is Reeva Payge..."

Veil bolted upright in her bed. Everyone on Genosha would hear the same message buzzing in their ears, sounding off again and again in a sickening loop. They had been there for a few weeks now without any huge issues - beyond Havok running off, Jack turning out to be a clone (a fact that Veil was keeping private), Sunshine marrying her fiancée in a secret ceremony, and Casper's other brother turning up. Okay, there were a lot of issues, but none of the issues involved anyone shooting at them - so that was a plus. Veil glanced over at her roommate, Spark Plug. She half expected to see Sapphire lying there.

"Erm... Confirming," Veil said. She wasn't used to not being the one calling the shots. It had been strange to say the least for the last few weeks, not having everyone's survival depending on her. Images flashed through her mind then, telepathically implanted by the Three in One. Veil was, it turned out, exactly where she was needed. Asteroids were on a collision course with the housing complex, where a good number of Genoshans resided.

Her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know how good her powers were against asteroids - or even what was causing them - but she had to try. "I'm going to the roof," she told Spark Plug, before making a mad dash out of their room, out the apartment, and towards the staircase.


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Mutant Underground Apartment
Skills: Mediumship

"This is Reeva Payge, broadcasting telepathically to you all by means of the Three in One. We are under attack. Mutants with healing abilities, please report to Hellfire Manor. Mutants with combat abilities, confirm your readiness with the Three in One and your assignment will be given to you. All others, seek shelter at the House of M, Hellfire Manor, or the Akademos. I repeat. This is Reeva Payge..."

Casper groaned, rolling over and throwing a pillow over his head, trying to drown out the telepathic alarm. "Damn it, Reeva, I'm trying to sleep!" Casper whined. His father used to do telepathic wakeup calls and Casper had never liked them. He wished there was some sort of telepathic mute button, but instead Reeva's alarm just kept playing over and over again like a siren. It wasn't deafening or anything, but it was enough to keep Casper from going back to sleep. "I'm not a spandex wearing fighting mutant anyways," Casper complained.

Ben looked at him, crossing his arms. "People are in danger. They need you, Casper," he advised.

"Nuh uh, they need you," Casper mumbled.

"Yeah, they do. And the only way they get me is if you get off of your lazy ass!" Ben snapped. He then glanced at James. "He'd want you to do it too. In fact, he probably does want you to do it."

"Too bad ghosts can't hear telepaths. And telepaths can't hear ghosts," Casper said, before throwing his pillow at Ben. The pillow sailed harmlessly through him.

"Real mature, Casper."


Location: Hellfire Bay

Meanwhile, Sunshine was on the opposite end of the island. She and Marrow had gotten married just a few days before and had insisted on taking a 'honeymoon' without leaving the island nation, so instead they just migrated down south. Hellfire Bay was breathtaking. It was where the Marauders (now mostly reformed and with almost all new members) would set sail to bring back more mutants in need of refuge and a place to call home. It was also where Reeva kept her private jet, but the Marauder was much, much cooler.

Sunshine suddenly found herself being shook awake, followed by an annoying telepathic message repeating in her head - if not somewhat muffled.

"This is Reeva Payge, broadcasting telepathically to you all by means of the Three in One. We are under attack. Mutants with healing abilities, please report to Hellfire Manor. Mutants with combat abilities, confirm your readiness with the Three in One and your assignment will be given to you. All others, seek shelter at the House of M, Hellfire Manor, or the Akademos. I repeat. This is Reeva Payge..."

"...Where are we supposed to shelter then?" Sunshine said with a bit of a laugh, even as her eyebrows narrowed. Her home was under attack. It had taken her so long to find a place where she could exist - a place where she could fall in love and now have the most beautiful and perfect wife. Sure, her heart would always ache for Magik, but Magik had died. Marrow was here and there wasn't anyone else Sunshine would rather be with.

Marrow shorted. "Really? You're going to take shelter when we have a chance to skewer some flatscans?"

"How d'you know it's flatscans?" Sunshine asked, getting up off of the ground and then offering a hand to Marrow. They had fallen asleep on a blanket underneath the stars. It had been incredibly romantic. And what better way to add to the romance than an all out fight?

"It's always flatscans," Marrow said. "Marrow and Sunny are ready," she then said, knowing the Three in One were listening.

Images then flashed through Marrow and Sunshine's heads.

"Guess we're pirates today," Sunshine said, holding her wife's hand as they rushed off towards the Marauder. All at once, a tremendous earthquake would ripple through the island, knocking almost everyone to the ground and causing any temporary structure to collapse.

House of M...

Zarina, Andy, Miranda, and everyone else present (Magneto and Polaris) would be awakened by that same telepathic message. The House of M was one of the designated shelter points in case of disaster, largely as it was built entirely out of metal, meaning that Magneto could protect anyone inside with ease.

Of course, that didn't stop the ground from shaking as if a giant were bouncing up and down - or the thick, poisonous looking fog that began to fill up all the rooms.

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