Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: N/A

Runa tilted her head for a moment, running the word Nadia had said through her mind over and over again. It was really hard at times to understand the others. They had so many niche words that Runa had never heard before in English, meaning she had no idea how to translate them in her head to Norwegian. What was charmspeaking? From the way it sounded, it sounded like some sort of way of talking magic, but English was weird so Runa wasn't all too certain. But she certainly hadn't done any sort of magic as well - Runa was just Runa, just ordinary. She didn't have any special powers.

When Arnora explained what it was, Runa's eyes widened. Mind control? Forcing people to do what she wanted? "I-I.... I can't do that," she stammered. She didn't have that sort of power. If she had been able to just mind control people, then their lives would have been much easier when they went off to save Balder from Hel. She was still stunned as she went into the office and spotted the symbol carved into the desk - although Runa had no idea what it was. She bit her lip as Dalisay explained something about invisible footprints - and then the commentary about Loki. Before she could really contribute though, when an arrow came out of nowhere, and the next thing Runa knew she was sprawled on the ground.

The Geneva Convention.: 8:30 A.M.

Inside the Presidential Suite...

Anelle grimaced at the idea of letting the flerkens out on her people to consume them, even temporarily. She knew that the skrulls at the convention were following the Empress, and she truly believed that they were just misguided and could be reasoned with. Perhaps it was her inexperience or naiveness, but she really wanted to try to give them all a second chance before sentencing them to certain death. Consumption by flerken was considered cruel and unusual punishment in several regions of the galaxy. At least this wouldn't be real death - just a temporary consumption. "I.... suppose," she said to Evelyn's idea.

"... That might work," Captain Marvel said, considering. "I'd trust Goose to cough people back up, so as long as he could keep the other flerkens in line... Although I've also never seen a living person come back from a flerken's stomach - I don't know if whatever acid is in there won't just kill them anyways."

"Yeah, I know," Tony told Oliver. "Hope you sleep with one eye open, kid. I hold grudges." He didn't know too much about space politics, but Tony was able to more or less pick up the ideas being tossed around. "How about we tell both the kree and the skrull to go have their pissing contest on another planet? I'm sure you're great, Princess Zelda, but Earth is closed right now."

Bonnie nodded at Oliver's question. "That's what Mar-Vell explained to us," she agreed. "If we ally with the skrulls, we'll be placed into the Kree-Skrull war. If we look too competent in defeating the skrulls, the kree will attack us. And if we ask the kree for help, we'll be forced into their empire." There was no winning if they picked either side. She was skeptical of Princess Anelle's intentions, largely because Bonnie believed that royalty was inherently corrupt, no matter the galaxy. She nodded slightly at Kwassi, not saying much else to him. She was chewing on her lip, trying to find the best solution - if there was even a better solution than the one they had already produced.

"Thought the idea was that it just looks like a wild flerken pack," Raynor said to Kwassi, shrugging his shoulders. Flerken were kind of like cockroaches. They were hard to get rid of and tended to multiply. It wouldn't be too entirely shocking for some flerken to get the Empress, especially if Princess Anelle took power soon after. If anything, the kree would probably be more suspicious of an internal coup than Midgard taking a formal stance in the war.

"I agree with Surtursen," Raynor then said, referring to Flynn. "It is a shit plan." The only issue was he couldn't really think of a better one. They were in a hard spot. And after his own home planet had been destroyed in Ragnarok, Raynor didn't want to have to go to Asgard for help. He didn't want to send this universe's version of his father off to war against the Kree and the Skrulls. He didn't want Sparky and their child anywhere near the horrors of war.

"Oooh, that's a posh idea! We could have the Earth Peace Accords or something!" Amelia gushed. She had joined SHIELD out of her own daredevil pilot tendencies, but she also strongly believed in helping people. Ending wars rather than starting them was exactly what she had signed up for. And how cool would it be to have more alien worlds available for them to explore? She had to imagine that the Kree-Skrull war was causing a bit of a traffic jam up in space.

"Is that something you would consider, Princess?" Hill asked.

Anelle nodded. "My lover is kree. This war... It's senseless. The kree cannot be moved by emotional pleas, only those in solid logic. We would have to find a way to convince their Supreme Intelligence that peace is the logical way forward... but it is possible."

"Then let's do that. Let's overthrow the Empress and bring peace to the galaxy," Bonnie said.

"Ugh, it's like we're in a bloody Star Wars flick - I love this! Raynor, y'know, you kinda look like one of the blokes from the new films. Not the one who was a Jedi, the other one, the pilot. You should check them out, it's super uncanny."

"... I get that a lot," Raynor admitted.

There was then a knock at the door. "Erm, cat delivery?" Mar-Vell's voice called out.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Asgard Docks
Skills: Lie Detection

Runa nodded as Bethany put a hand on her shoulder and told her to ignore the glares of the guards. She noticed Edus walk a little closer to her and Lance glaring at the guards in turn. Her eyes watered and she smiled ever so slightly. Her family had even become accustomed to the way people on Asgard treated her, not even Klara had said or done anything about the guards. Runa hadn't even realized how much that had hurt until her new friends huddled around her in support and it meant the world to her, even though the joy was tinged with pain and sorrow. "Thank you," Runa told her friends, appreciating their support.

She tilted her head slightly as Klara lied as to Loki's whereabouts. Her eyes widened ever so slightly in alarm. She hadn't realized Loki had either been freed or escaped from prison. She bit her lip a bit, figuring that Klara had lied to try to keep the others calm. Klara didn't usually lie unless there was a good reason, and Runa knew she was telling the truth about Loki being cleared from suspicion, so everything ought to have been fine.

The ground then shook and Runa's glance went skyward. A streak of light, a beam really, shot up into the sky and vanished. "I agree, that wasn't the Bifrost... Perhaps some wayward spell... or hammer."

Guin Stark

Location: Asgard Docks
Skills: Telepathy

Guin noticed the way people huddled around Runa, and that more or less instantly drew her attention to the direction of the looks - some guards. Guin scrunched up her nose, seeing the way that they were glaring at Runa. "Eww, fucking assholes," she complained. She wasn't super close with Runa or anything, but Guin hated bullies. They reminded her too much of the people she had gone to boarding school with - judgmental pricks who were really just super jealous that they didn't have an avenger for a father. She was far happier to hear that Loki was locked up and wouldn't be a problem. She didn't want to play the next haunted board game after Jumanji - Zathura (even though in her opinion Zathura was the superior game).

"Not to volunteer Pietro for extra work, but he's a speedster. He could search the entire place faster than we could splitting up," Guin pointed out. She did really appreciate Pietro's speed searches whenever she lost one of her AirPods - it was a lifesaver. And yay, souvenir! Maybe they have a -My daughter went to Asgard and all I got was this stupid t-shirt- sort of thing for my dad.

Wow Guina, I seriously doubt that.

Guin was about to reply, when suddenly the ground shook and Guin grabbed onto Pietro's arm. She had been through a lot already with being thrown into a jail cell and separated from him, she wasn't about to let an Asgardian sinkhole or earthquake or whatever do that. Plus, she didn't trust her ability to run in a dress. "Aww, I missed the sky beam? Lame," Guin complained. "But guess that's where we should go. Where there's a sky beam, there's almost always an evil villain with a plan to destroy the world - or worlds, I guess."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Armory -> Camp Store
Skills: N/A

Leda nodded, a little surprised that no one else had really come through the armory yet, although she supposed the others could've been slacking. That was very on brand for Greek demigods. The Romans also probably had their own gross secret stash - that or maybe they were expected to already have all the gear they'd need on them at all times. She could see something real extra like that being a possibility. "Shopping spree it is, luv," Leda agreed, giving Kiera a kiss on the cheek before heading to the camp store with her.

At the store, Leda rolled her eyes slightly at Tammy. "C'mon, Tam, you're better than sloppy seconds," she teased. Not that she had any plans of breaking up with Kiera, but still. Tammy could do better than dating someone Leda was currently dating. "We're stocking up for a quest, super romantic, very deadly. Do you have anything that's right for the vibe? Like maybe some chocolate covered strawberries?" Leda joked, although she was partially serious. They did need to stock up on supplies.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Roman Side of Camp
Skills: N/A

Nancy's stomach dropped as Niah said they had to approve the quest. She didn't want to think about her vision. She hated her gift of prophecy. It was one thing to hear there was a prophecy about her friend's death - it was another to witness it, to experience it, to feel it in her bones. Nancy had never loved anyone in the traditional romantic ways - the only love she had ever felt was platonic. And the people she loved most in the world were her best friends, Mads and Niah. She had already failed Camp Jupiter as New Rome fell - and now she was going to fail Mads too. She looked at Niah, wondering how long it would be until she would mourn her as well, how many of her friends she would have to watch die around her. Nancy blinked back tears, but she couldn't stop one from falling down her cheek.

She was about to say something to Niah when Mads showed on up and Nancy struggled to regain her composure. She didn't mind that Joanie was eating her hair. "Leandra tried to steal the gem. And something possessed her," she explained quickly to Mads. "The grody ass mega bitch might actually be a victim this time, as much as I'd love to kick her ass out of the Legion." She paused again, shifting on her feet. "We need to go chat with the Senate - and get Joanie a snack, poor baby's starving and I might not have enough hair to keep her satisfied."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Merlin's Tower -> Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan stared at her brother, a little surprised at his optimism. She honestly would've expected him to be a bit more morose in this situation, given that he had just been kidnapped by his father - but perhaps Jack shared her opinion that their birth parents weren't really their parents. They were just donors of genetic material - it was a clinical way to look at things, but it was the way Megan saw things. She caught a glance in her direction - no, a smile - from Rose and Megan felt some heat rise into her cheeks. "I'd rather sleep in a graveyard," Megan muttered to her brother.

Megan took the necklace, and while skeptical, stepped through the portal Sierra and Taylor had gone through. She wrinkled her nose. She hated the beach. It was too warm and the sand got everywhere and the sea water was so salty it made her want to gag. The only thing she liked about beaches were the fact that sometimes, if you were lucky enough, severed feet would show up in sneakers. Hansel didn't inspire confidence in her when he admitted he didn't know how they got to an underwater kingdom - Megan also noticed a lack of deep sea diving equipment. "This is a complete disaster," she complained to her brother.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla - Feast Hall of the Slain -> Outside Helgi's Office
Skills: Amokinesis

Runa grimaced when they arrived at the reception desk. It was rather horrific. She wasn't by any means used to the amount of death in Hotel Valhalla yet, but seeing the outline of the trace of a body and the way it was treated like an actual crime scene... It made it all uncomfortably real. No one did this sort of thing before from what she knew - death was meaningless, a joke, something trivial. She bit her lip slightly, recalling how she had met the goddess of death in her search for Balder. Hel couldn't have been behind this... right? This was outside of her scope of power... right?

She took a slight step back as the door to Helgi's office opened - Runa had almost jumped, really, as if she had seen a ghost - but it wasn't a ghost at all who came out to greet them. She swallowed thickly. It was one of the gods - Heimdall, she was almost certain. Arnora lied weakly and didn't have too many people coming to her defense, and while Runa normally felt tongue-tied, some small part of her said that she had to speak up. "She's telling the truth, uh, sir," Runa pleaded, unaware that she was charmspeaking - and successfully, too.

Please check your inboxes for your individual collabs for Episode Two

These collabs are on 10 day counters, based on this post - once this post hits day 10, your collab needs to have been completed + posted.

Tea Time with Magneto & the Miranda collab are both completed - those ones do not have an additional 10 day counter.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Klara's Ship -> Asgard Docks
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, not entirely reassured by Klara's words. The All-Father claiming acceptance wasn't always enough on Asgard - something Runa knew all too well. Her grandfather never feared her, but that didn't stop the rest of the realm from believing that Runa was a thing of darkness, a wicked and vile witch, the next Loki who would come for the throne. Odin not thinking such things did not cause everyone to fall in line. And she was not even too certain that Odin would welcome the presence of mortals on Asgard. Odin was used to being worshipped by mortals, not aided by them. Yet she held her tongue. There was no point in arguing otherwise. She spent the time in transit to Asgard sitting with Lance, quietly holding his hand.

When they finally came into view of Asgard, Runa's spirits lifted - she had missed her home more than she had realized. She hadn't been home in a month or so. Asgard was always breathtaking and dazzling to look at. There was no sight on Midgard that could even begin to compare. She glanced over at Klara as Klara dismissed Asgard's splendor - Runa wasn't taken away or anything from seeing her home, but she was incredibly proud to be Asgardian at the same time. "Our home really is beautiful," Runa agreed softly, as Klara directed and docked the ship. She took Lance's hand and headed off the ship with him. As she stepped into view of the guards - the ones Klara had waved at - Runa's heart sank into her stomachs. The guards had stiffened noticeably and started glaring when they saw her.

"We should move quickly," Runa mumbled, looking down at her feet.

That was the one thing she hated about Asgard - almost everyone who wasn't her family was afraid of her and hated her.

Guin Stark

Location: Klara's Ship -> Asgard Docks
Skills: Telepathy

Asgard came into view and Guin practically swooned. She loved space travel and it felt like she was looking at something straight out of a Star Wars movie. The glittering building, the rainbow bridge, it was all completely stunning and amazing. The city was gigantic and it looked like it was essentially floating on a cloud. "Holy fucking shit," Guin said, before whistling slightly. "Maybe we should move to Asgard, babes," she teased Pietro, before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Do people fall off the rainbow bridge? Is it like rainbow road and super hard to stay on? I'm guessing no one floats you back on up if you fall - is there a giant net maybe?" she inquired. She just had this image of school kids just running around on the bridge and falling off.

Lance's sentiment about the sense of wonder going away was infuriating - one, because this place looked amazing and two, because he was basically bragging about all of his previous space trips. The ship went into the dock and Guin was practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. Yes, she was still upset about being put into an Asgardian dress, but she was also really excited about going and exploring Asgard - and saving the universe, that too. "Wow, Mary, ye of little faith," Guin complained.

I think you can move, as long as you take me with. Also, we definitely have to get souvenirs. If you got me an Asgardian necklace I'd wear it. Ooo too bad we don't have your Star Trek cosplay with us, we could pretend we're exploring a world for the prime directive or whatever it is.

But weren't we told not to mess with anything? So wouldn't that mean no souvenirs since that would likely mean me stealing stuff.

... Do you think they take Venmo here?

Probably not.

Maybe you can just steal something small.

The Geneva Convention.: 8:20 A.M.

Inside the Presidential Suite...

Princess Anelle stepped into view, shifting back into her ordinary form. She looked like a petite young girl - almost a Princess Zelda type, with braided black locks. She was wearing some clothing she had salvaged from the wreckage of the ship, traditionally garb for members of the Royal Family to wear. She had on a shiny silver headpiece, similar to the scarlet one Wanda Maximoff wore, a green cape, and a sleeveless purple tunic. Large portions of her skin were exposed. This outfit wasn't necessarily designed for combat and protection, as the skrull princess was supposed to be far away from the fighting. "I am on the side of my people," Anelle corrected softly. "The Empress is the one who sees your planet as a holy promised land. She is our common enemy. She will bring my people nothing but death and ruin."

Bonnie was a bit gobsmacked with what Kwassi had said - had someone been telepathically messing with his mind? "No," she told Kwassi, shaking her head. "Nothing about what the skrull did was at all mechanical. There were no hinges. He had no robotic parts or interfaces. It was purely biological. I don't know what you think you saw, but his abilities were similar to that of one of those kid X-Men... Jubilee." Kwassi was giving her a headache. He needed to be evaluated.

She was feeling incredibly irritated at the entire thing. She knew that some people likely saw her as this sweet and innocent person, but at the moment she had half a mind to jab Kwassi with a hypodermic in order to get him to just stop talking. She cringed slightly at what he said to Black Widow. Yes, she had him pinned to the ground, but Bonnie was just rubbed the wrong way by the way Kwassi responded to it. She pinched her nose in distress. Maybe she needed a break.

"You're new at this," Black Widow said, releasing her pin on Kwassi. It wasn't a question or anything like that - just an observation. She knew that a majority of people in the room had saved the world at least once before - Kwassi seemed inexperienced and confused.

"No shit," Tony commented. "And Sullivan? Unfortunately, yes. It's like having a little stalker," he said, rolling his eyes. "If you broke into any system you shouldn't have while I was gone, fess up now. Or I'll call in a drone strike. JARVIS, arm the bombs, chop chop!"

Unfortunately, JARVIS wasn't there to listen - Tony hadn't been able to grab any spare suits of armor.

Raynor and Goose were then able to clear the rest of them, confirming that no one else in the room (besides Anelle) was a skrull or lying about their identity.

"... So you have the princess of the skrull empire here," Raynor observed, raising an eyebrow. He was technically speaking a prince himself, but he didn't advertise that fact. The princess didn't look like much - she seemed young, naive, and inexperienced... a lot like Kwassi from what Raynor had seen actually. "Too bad she was their prisoner, she'd make a good hostage," Raynor added with a slight sigh. "No offense."

"... None taken," Anelle said uncertainly.

"I'm guessing you all have figured out the elephant in the room - also known as the Kree?" Raynor asked. No one had brought it up yet. He didn't know if the other group also knew that they had to play dumb enough to not freak out a separate space empire. They could go to Asgard for help if the Kree came to conquer Midgard, but it would be a galactic war - a war he didn't want Sparky or their child to be anywhere near. He also didn't want to have to ask Odin for help. Returning to Asgard had been... uncomfortable.

"The Kree?" Captain Marvel asked, her eyes widening a little bit. It then all clicked into place for her. "Oh... Shit. That makes this harder." She huffed a bit, kicking at the ground slightly with her toe - and due to her strength, there was then a small little dent in the floor. "If Earth looks like a threat, the Kree'll come and destroy it."

"Yeah, so we have to pretend to be real shit at our jobs - like mates, we gotta fuck up real bad, make it look like it was just dumb luck," Amelia explained. She wasn't one of the science experts, she didn't know about a million different alien civilizations, but she could understand strategy. The Kree and the Skrull Empires were in a massive war together. If Earth kicked the skrulls' asses too easily, the Kree would get scared and try to stop a new threat before it could form. "But don't worry, we got a kickass plan. We're going to use the cats."

Amelia grinned, a bit confused as to why the Avengers and all seemed really... let down by the reveal of her plan.

"The cats?" Director Hill asked.

"Yeah! We found loads more of the flerkens at some racist ass shelter. They're on their way now, some of them had the most adorable kittens, and we're just going to have them identify all of the skrulls for us at the convention today. We just gotta be sloppy about it and once the skrulls are identified... I guess we just beat them up and hope they don't come back?"

This was where Princess Anelle stepped forward. "All you need to do is defeat the Empress... If my people will follow me after her defeat, I will order them to withdraw and leave Earth in safety, you have my word. Your planet will be a recognized ally of the skrull empire."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Armory
Skills: N/A

Leda perked up slightly at the idea of painting rainbows onto her armor. Maybe it was a bit derivative of her mother, since her mom was the rainbow goddess, but Leda did adore rainbows. They were little symbols of happiness in her mind. Even in the darkest of times, the most terrible of storms, rainbows could be found as a shining light, a beacon of hope. And all of their colors, they just represented to her a spectrum of possibility, a wide field of answers and joy. She grinned slightly as Kiera wrapped an arm around her. Leda loved having affection like that.

"Hmm, I dunno what comes next, luv. We already got our armor picked out. I guess we could go ahead and pack our bags," Leda said with a shrug. Quests generally needed tons of supplies - even the right amount of supplies was never actually enough. There was always something else that would require more - more weapons, more food, more bandages. It didn't really matter. Nothing was enough. Demigods were always under equipped, no matter how much they packed away beforehand.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Roman Side of Camp
Skills: N/A

Nancy frowned. She didn't want to admit that Niah was correct - that Leandra was part of the prophecy. She wanted to complain that prophecies were fluid, always in motion - that Leandra could simply be deleted from one, that she didn't have to be part of their destiny. But in her experience, prophecies were set in stone - one way or another, they always came true. Leandra would be at the shrine with them. That was fate. That couldn't be avoided, no matter how much Nancy hated her. Even if she tried to kill Leandra, the Fates had already decreed Leandra would be at the shrine. She couldn't change that.

A chill ran down her spine as something overtook Leandra. She would have preferred that Leandra be solely responsible for her actions - that it wouldn't have been a form of possession. It would have been easier to hate her that way - to blame her for her actions, hold her accountable, and then exact some sort of punishment, some form of revenge. Nancy frowned, unnerved as her Legionnaires dragged Leandra away. The golden eyes were particularly alarming. "We're properly fucked," Nancy muttered bitterly to Leandra.
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