Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded slightly, hearing Gretel's account about the guards. It seemed like pretty much all of them were willing to be paid off or bought - which wasn't too dramatically different from their home. She didn't have an extraordinarily high opinion of police, even as a medical examiner with a detective for a brother. Hansel dragged Sierra back on over and Megan half expected Sierra to turn into a mermaid, just to escalate the situation more. But instead, nothing else really seemed to happen. The moment had passed. She tilted her head, noticing the same thing Hansel did - pirate ships.

Now that caught Megan's attention. She would have more quickly believed she was the lost daughter of a pirate over the child of royalty. Of course, she knew as well as anyone that parentage had nothing to do with how you turned out - that personality traits and talents weren't inherited. "What are they unloading?" Megan asked. She was curious if illegal goods here were similar to illegal goods back home - if the crates were filled with cocaine, for instance.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

"Eh, yeah - in the same way pretty much every hearth is," Leda explained. She wasn't being dismissive of Hestia, or at least, she wasn't meaning to be. She was pretty much just used to seeing the changes in the fire corresponding to the mood of the campers and she didn't think much about its connection to the Last Olympian. Her eyes darted up towards the sky and she didn't doubt that Hestia was up on Mount Olympus right then, likely attempting to stop the fighting between her siblings. That was one thing Leda didn't understand about Hestia - how she was always content to remain behind, giving up her seat for a younger god, it wasn't something Leda would have ever done.

She followed her girlfriend on over to Arthur and Andy, knowing that Kiera was rather close to Arthur as they had come from the same school. Leda was good friends with both of them - having befriended Andy first and that naturally led to a friendship with Arthur. However, as soon as Kiera started asking them how they were, the two more or less let on that they'd been having a horrible day. Leda raised an eyebrow. "You two wanna talk about what's bothering ya or nah?" she asked. She didn't know if this was the prophecies or something more. Her gut was telling her the latter.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy was not surprised to learn that four of the Senators in the room were absolute, total idiots. She didn't doubt for a second how Niah would vote. If Niah had voted against the proposal, it'd only be to come up with a harsher punishment for Leandra (which Nancy wouldn't have been opposed to). There was no universe in which Niah sided with Leandra of all people. With Niah's vote, the die was cast and Leandra's fate was sealed. Nancy bit her lip slightly though, considering Niah's proposal of giving Leandra two guards more or less. She was worried about Leandra's powers as a daughter of Cupid. "Whoever we send, they'd need to be able to deal with her silver tongue," Nancy pointed out.

"Unless you can make some sort of spell against that?" Nancy suggested, looking at Mads. She didn't want to stress Madalyne out or spread her too thin, but they did need to be reasonably confident that Leandra couldn't just use her powers on the guards, escape, steal something else, and cause the second downfall of the Legion in less than a year. Nancy had half a mind to watch Leandra herself, just since she was confident she was impervious to Leandra's schemes (whether that was true or not, who knew), but she needed to lead the Legion. Madalyne was going to leave on a quest. Rome then fell to Nancy.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Asgardian Magic

"These blasted bears," Runa complained, before concentrating her magics. She wanted to cause the bears to burst, to explode into a thousand tiny pieces, but it was no luck. Somehow, the bears actually increased in number, the teddies either clinging to Runa or attempting to eat Marygold. Her heart was torn between claustrophobic panic and rage. It was all she could do to focus on trying to get rid of these things, she couldn't even properly ponder the realization she had come to. The bears were obsessed with her.

An idea then dawned upon her - one of her Uncle Loki's tricks. She twirled her fingers, pulling at the magics of Asgard as she crafted an illusionary version of herself. She set her twin off at a bit of a run and soon, the majority of the damned teddy bears were in hot pursuit, convinced that the illusion was genuine. Not all of them were gone, however, and Runa cast a glamor spell, disguising herself in the visage of her cousin, Klara. The teddy bears only cared about Runa, after all - they had no reason to pursue Klara. The few remaining bears clinging to her Runa then caused to explode, only to be left with a single bear, dangling from her arm.

Runa's left eye twitched and she threw the bear as far as she could away from herself, finally free.

Guin Stark

Location: the Palace
Skills: Telepathy, Agility, Unarmed Combat

I think my werewolf's broken, Guin commented to Pietro, before getting an idea. The moon Annie had conjured was making the werewolves stronger, and it looked roughly the same size as Amidala to her, so what if her new pet could fly on up there and cover it up? "Amidala, go block out the moon!" Guin instructed, pointing at the moon to help her pet. Amidala glanced at the moon, looked at Guin, yawned, and then curled up to take a nap. "We'll never beat the Elite Four like this," Guin grumbled.

Lucky you. Everyone else has werewolves that are clearly trying to kill them.

However, she couldn't just stand around talking, even with how pathetic the werewolf attacking her was. Guin didn't want to get scratched or bitten, as those tended to be really horrible ideas as far as werewolf lore was concerned. Fortunately, she had been taught how to fight with her Aunt Nat, so she didn't need a weapon. Guin swung her leg up quickly in a roundhouse kick, the ball of her foot colliding into the side of the werewolf's head. The werewolf went down almost instantly, dropping to the ground in what Guin assumed was a dead faint. However, she didn't stick around to see if she had killed the wolf or not, instead figuring that Annie could likely use some help. She moved over and kicked Annie's werewolf in the chest, knocking the werewolf back away from Annie.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Aliases: Jady, Cor, London's Actual Finest, That Bitch
Age: 30
Power Source: Deviance (and carries an Angel Blade)
Powers: Heightened Observation
Personality: Jade covers up her intense inner pain and trauma through aggressive comments, sarcastic remarks, and an unhealthy amount of alcohol. She believes that she's better than everyone else, that she's cleverer than everyone else, and being the person to kill the Devil didn't help to reduce her ego. She's even dating the head of the world's foremost intelligence organization, O.M.E.N. But beneath all of her crap and bullshit, she really does care about helping other people - she just has a funny way of showing it.
  • Original Skills:
    • Tracking (People)
    • Disguise
    • European History
    • Criminology
    • Breaking and Entering
    • Basic Forensics
    • Knowledge of Necromatics
    • Dagger
    • Tae Kwan Do
    • Long Sword
    • Acrobatics
    • Pistol
  • New Skills:
    • Motorcycle
    • Improvised First Aid
    • Angel Blade
    • Cyphers/Puzzles
    • Kickboxing
Life Since the Reality Split: Jade's a high ranking member of O.M.E.N., primarily going on investigative missions that require the most experienced of agents. Her reputation for killing the devil has caused her to largely work alone - that and her bad attitude. Since Magneto killed the Avengers and made New York into his own little kingdom, Jade has been keenly interested in helping to free the people who live there - especially the kids. She has a soft spot for kids. As soon as scientists came up with a way to get her inside the city safely, without the virus killing her, she was ready to go. She's already killed the Devil - Magneto should be easy.

In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Aliases: Jady, Cor, London's Actual Finest, That Bitch
Age: 30
Power Source: Deviance (and carries an Angel Blade)
Powers: Heightened Observation
Personality: Jade covers up her intense inner pain and trauma through aggressive comments, sarcastic remarks, and an unhealthy amount of alcohol. She believes that she's better than everyone else, that she's cleverer than everyone else, and being the person to kill the Devil didn't help to reduce her ego. She's even dating the head of the world's foremost intelligence organization, O.M.E.N. But beneath all of her crap and bullshit, she really does care about helping other people - she just has a funny way of showing it.
  • Original Skills:
    • Tracking (People)
    • Disguise
    • European History
    • Criminology
    • Breaking and Entering
    • Basic Forensics
    • Knowledge of Necromatics
    • Dagger
    • Tae Kwan Do
    • Long Sword
    • Acrobatics
    • Pistol
  • New Skills:
    • Motorcycle
    • Improvised First Aid
    • Angel Blade
    • Cyphers/Puzzles
    • Kickboxing
Life Since the Reality Split: Jade's a high ranking member of O.M.E.N., primarily going on investigative missions that require the most experienced of agents. Her reputation for killing the devil has caused her to largely work alone - that and her bad attitude. Since Magneto killed the Avengers and made New York into his own little kingdom, Jade has been keenly interested in helping to free the people who live there - especially the kids. She has a soft spot for kids. As soon as scientists came up with a way to get her inside the city safely, without the virus killing her, she was ready to go. She's already killed the Devil - Magneto should be easy.


EARTH 257 - 9:20 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Times Square, the Iron

"On everything I know about this reality?" Raynor asked - as panicked as he was, he was still a bit of a grump. "I think I'd rather just give you the highlights, but we don't have time for that. If we don't move, they'll send SWORD's Iron Legion. Shit, the fucking AI probably already sent them." Raynor hated this place and its over reliance on technology. He wasn't scared of the Iron Legion capturing him though - he was more scared of what Sparky and the others might learn about him - about the uncovering of his greatest lie.

Raynor hurried down to the stairs descending into the subway. What he saw at the bottom of the stairs made his heart stand still. They were using DNA scanning technology. That was new. They hadn't had that the last time he had been there. If the drones hadn't already flagged him, then the DNA scanner definitely would. There weren't many Asgardians who visited the Iron - and hardly any Asgardians who would particularly want to. "Shit, DNA scanners, we're fucked. We're absolutely fucking screwed," Raynor said, before letting out a nervous laugh. He looked like he was about to have a breakdown. "Why is this happening..." he murmured, shaking his head slightly.

"Oi, mate, in through ya nose and out ya mouth," Amelia advised, noticing how Raynor looked like he was about to pass out. She didn't know what exactly was going on with him, but she knew a panic attack when she saw one. Loads of rookie pilots would start acting like this before their first trick and stunt flights - never Amelia though. Her enthusiasm overrode most fear she would've felt in situations like that. The only time she had ever experienced crippling anxiety had been during a standardized test - as in, the sort of test using pen and paper, rather than relying on her intuition and skill as a pilot.

"Whatever it is, someone here can figure it out. We got so many techies we could open up our own Genius Bar at an Apple Store," Amelia added, before smiling at Raynor. He didn't seem to be calming down at all. She didn't know very much about him, but if this was his home world, maybe he was having family issues or something. There had been loads of weirdness surrounding him and his family when she met him on Asgard. "Right? One of you lot outta be able to shimmy our way past a scanner?" she then asked, looking at the rest of the group.

"...What did you do, Raynor?" Bonnie asked him, her eyes narrowing slightly. She had never gotten along with him particularly well. And the way he was reacting, it wasn't normal. She had never seen Raynor so completely scared. And while she knew that realities could in theory be much different, she didn't imagine that Raynor would be the victim in this world. Her gut was telling her that he had done something, that he had done something huge. The logical decision would have been to part ways from him, to leave him to his fate - but things with teammates weren't logical.

"It's a long story," Raynor said, nervously laughing again.

"When we get to safety, you're going to tell us. Do you know anywhere we can hide once we get through this checkpoint?" Bonnie asked. "Any contacts?" They needed to make a move on soon though. People were beginning to stop and stare at them, whispering as to why there was a gaggle of people in tactical gear avoiding going through the DNA scanners.

"... Yeah, I know some people," Raynor said hesitantly.


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Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:40 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

"I'm fine!" Veil shouted at Jack, hoping to reassure him as the dark haired beauty set her down. "... Comment vous vous appellez?" she then asked quickly, wanting to know the name of the woman who had stopped her from becoming a splat in the pavement.

"Aurora," the woman answered, before moving faster than the eye could see. Jack had taken care of the combatant chucking asteroids, but there were still others that they had to deal with. There was the one who seemed to be able to disrupt anything and the other who had increased the gravity on Veil so much it nearly killed her. Aurora swung a punch up at Perro's chin, but Perro increased gravity so much that it was all Aurora could do to remain up in the air.

Then, something horrific happened. Veil's eyes widened as she saw one of the combatants point at Jack - the one who could disrupt anything - and suddenly Jack's powers would begin to go haywire, as he continuously stretched and stretched, losing a solid form and becoming something more liquid. It looked like he was still alive, but Veil couldn't be certain. They had already lost Jack from his powers once. She made a small force field in her hand and chucked it like a frisbee at Merbavon, but it vanished as soon as it touched Merbavon. Veil threw another one, only to get the same result.

Anything they threw at him disappeared - so how the hell were they supposed to fight him? How could you fight someone you couldn't touch? "We need a telepath!"


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing -> Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

"Finally, something I'm qualified for!" Casper exclaimed after James gave him instructions on looking for places to hide. Casper used to hide wherever he could in the X-Mansion when he was with his father, doing his very best to be out of the telepath's reach. Unfortunately, the telepath part made that more or less impossible to accomplish. His father had always been there whether Casper liked it or not. Even here on Genosha, Casper could feel the edges of his presence, like a ghost that he couldn't shake no matter what. He wasn't just haunted by ordinary spirits - his father haunted him too.

When they made it to Hellfire Mansion, located in the central hub of Genosha, it was eerily quiet. "Shouldn't there be more... I don't know, screaming?" Casper asked. He couldn't see anyone running inside. He didn't see anyone shepherding people to safety. There wasn't even a single person who was just standing around trying to look important. The place felt eerie.

And then, a minute later, the body of a young woman was thrown out the front door, skidding to a halt at Casper and James' feet.


"Dead," Casper finished for Ben. The woman's throat had been slit - no, it had been burned open. It was like someone used a lightsaber on her.


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Marauder
Skills: N/A

Echo's efforts had been valiant, but they weren't enough. The Marauder was entirely submerged under water, forcing everyone to tread water. Sunshine struggled to stay afloat, having never been lucky enough for swimming lessons, only going swimming recently on Genosha. Her head was going up and under the water, but luckily Marrow came over and assisted her dear wife, keeping Sunshine from drowning in the water. Martillo wasn't so lucky. His giant hammer weighed him down and he refused to abandon it, going quickly beneath the water and sinking like a rock.

There was still no sound, everyone continuing to be rendered deaf by Waverley's pain and injury. It wouldn't have changed what happened next though. One second, they were all treading water, trying to think of what to do next - and the next thing they knew, a targeted explosion occurred. The attack hit Echo, burning him severely in the upper chest while simultaneously plunging him into the cold, icy water. It wasn't morning yet - while it was summer, the temperature was bitter, helped in part due to Echo's own powers.

There was something in the water with them - something with sharp claws, Marrow would learn, as blood blossomed from her stomach.

And then suddenly, they were surrounded by easily fifty enemies, all of them looking exactly the same like clones.


"Cadena, I don't-," Aguja blurted out, before vomiting up blood. She stumbled forward, her knees buckling and giving out from underneath her as she couldn't remain standing. It was like the island itself was killing her, leeching her and draining her of life. Her hair and teeth were beginning to fall out and her skin looked like it had begun to decay, but she was still alive, just kept in immense pain.

"What?" Cadena snapped, turning her head to look at Aguja. Cadena's eyes widened in horror, before she turned and pointed an accusatory finger at Zarina. Andy would finally wake up. "YOU DID THIS!" she screamed at Zarina, before lashing at her with her electric chain, only to miss wildly. Cadena didn't slow down though, getting sloppier with each attack out of anger and rage. "I'LL KILL YOU, PRIMITIVE TRASH!"

House of M...

"She's my daughter. She's a survivor," Magneto said confidently, although Miranda would be able to notice the slight defensiveness to his words. He expected a great deal of his children and did not visibly worry about them often. Only those who had been around him for decades would recognize the slightest touch of concern, worry, and fear. Of course, Magneto wasn't the only one grappling his fear.

A bright flash of green light went off in Miranda's eyes, coming from seemingly nowhere. And the next thing she would know, she'd hear the screams of a child, trapped inside of the rubble. "MOMMY!!!!" the child wailed, probably no more than six years old from the pitch. A young boy was screaming as well at the top of his lungs, as if he was in mortal peril.


Selene's spell was reaching a crescendo. The distinction between each member of the Coven was becoming less and less, as their minds and souls blurred together. There was no sense of pervading evil or wickedness though, through the connection they each would know the true intentions of one another - Selene wished to protect the people of Genosha. Pixie wanted to be a hero. And Max... He was a disharmonious note in the chord, an inexperienced musician attempting to play a melody that would not work, that could not work. "Do not be afraid, Maximilian," Selene said - or was it someone else, speaking through her? It was hard to say. The words were echoed around the circle by others, making a strange sort of music.

The music was then disrupted, as the entire symphony was blown backwards, landing on the ground roughly. The Coven was dazed and disoriented as everyone assumed their own forms, only to see a tall cloaked figures with tentacles coming out of where the face was floating ahead of them.

"Whoever you are, you know not who you are dealing with. Genosha's coven--" Selene threatened, only to be cut off.

"means nothing to me," the creature growled, yet it was silent. Its voice was echoing in everyone's minds, as it spoke telepathically to them all. "I am Cripta, rightful Sorcerer Supreme of this realm - and you are but rats scurrying beneath my feet," the creature boasted. The creature traced a complex sigil in the air and then shoved the floating magic towards the Coven. Three members were hit directly and in moments, they were inside out. Their skin was on the inside and everything else... well, it was on the outside.

"Oh my god...." Pixie said, looking like she was about to vomit. "That's so gross..."

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa had wanted to go back to the office to investigate, as things seemed to be much safer there. She was decently worried about dying and never coming back. However, before she could even pretend to investigate the office, Arnora called out that she had a lead - and a bloody elevator. Runa bit her lip slightly as she looked at the inside of the elevator, seeing the blood all over the floor. She wasn't afraid of blood in general, thanks to the fact that (at least when she was alive) she had to deal with periods and all the joy that came with those. She was more just afraid of having all of her blood spilled on the floor like that.

"Okay, I'll come," Runa said softly, before stepping into the elevator delicately, doing her best to not get any blood on her shoes. Blood on clothing was pretty standard in Hotel Valhalla, but Runa did really love these shoes and she didn't want to have to deal with removing the stains. She also didn't want to make a new bloody trail that would only make things harder to follow and figure out who was responsible. What was even up on the 100th floor - was it just housing? Runa couldn't recall.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda shook her head. "Nah, the flames are supposed to reflect the mood - basically they just tell you what the vibe is. Like, if everyone is real down and sad, the flames should be tiny. But if everyone is really feeling things and just letting loose, singing as loud as they can, the fire should be bloody massive and white hot." She wasn't sure why the flames did that, but she didn't think it had anything to do with fire spirits. If she had to guess, it was probably some Apollo Cabin based magic. They were the music heads (and more than a few of them claimed that Apollo was the god of good vibes, from what she remembered).

She wiggled her toes slightly in her shoes. The fire seemed normal now, so Leda figured that it wasn't anything to worry about - probably just a little spike in anxiety or something, nothing more. "D'ya think the gods ever have smores?" she asked Kiera, just to pass the time. They were waiting for the Romans before they could really get on with everything, and Leda didn't hear a parade of feet coming on over, so it was probably going to be a little while. "I bet Zeus makes them on the end of the master bolt," she added with a snicker.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent
Skills: N/A

Niah was always the most practical of the trio, Nancy had to concede. She hadn't even really been considered that Leandra was going to be around, whether they liked it or not, thanks to the earlier prophecy. All Nancy had been focusing on was wanting to send Leandra off to some abandoned island where she could terrorize stranded sailors and be a new line of punishment that the gods could utilize. (Also, Nancy was very proud of Niah for her recent growth spurt of sorts in terms of power. Niah's new ability to more or less force oaths on people was already coming in handy. She only wished Niah could've forced Leandra into an oath of silence years ago, it would've saved Nancy's liver as she wouldn't have needed nearly as much Advil to deal with the ever present headache Leandra caused).

Mads had a good idea - stripping Leandra of her rank would more or less guarantee Leandra could never be in power again in New Rome, but keeping her in the Legion would allow them to keep an eye on her. Nancy just wished they had some sort of anti-power bracelet they could stick on Leandra, just some way to keep her from being able to work against them. But this was the best case scenario - the only way they could protect themselves from Leandra without working against a prophecy, an endeavor that rarely went well. Nancy sighed slightly and nodded. "I second that. Let's take a vote, then. All in favor of demotion for Leandra?"
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