Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:10 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Veil nodded. Kristina had a solid idea - they really ought to bring that last one in and figure out what exactly was going on here. "Erm, would you--" Veil began to ask. Kristina and Jack had just jumped off the roof, Veil assuming that they made a pleasant descent down. Aurora nodded, scooping up the man and flying him down to the ground, only to scream out in alarm.

"Mon dieu!" Aurora exclaimed, looking at Kristina. Jack didn't seem to be hurt at all, but Kristina looked like she was in pretty bad shape. People weren't supposed to just walk off of buildings and fall after all. "Can you move?" Aurora instantly asked, skipping the usual are you alright or what happened? She had seen young mutants drop like this before, usually while they were still young and getting a hang of things. "I don't suppose you have a healing factor?" she then added hopefully.


Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Casper swooned at the kiss from James. It was such a simple thing, but it really gave him the energy to keep on going - as well as the energy to do something else, although that special thing would have to wait for later when they had some privacy. "Awww, babe, you really know how to make a fella feel special," Casper said playfully, his hands trembling a little less. His eyes were still unnaturally blue and there was a blue fog of sorts around his hands, as he continued helping Ben cross from one world into the next.

Ben rolled his - well, Serafina's eyes. A moment later, it was like everyone in the room came to life again. People were crying, some of them looked angry, others were just afraid. And all of their eyes fell on their captor, Serafina. No one had made a move yet, aware that Ben was inhabiting her body, but doubtlessly waiting for a chance to kill her and get their revenge.

"... She says she'll talk. She says," Ben pauses, "they're what comes next."


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Mercury
Skills: Disease Manipulation

"Been - trying - that!" Marrow shouted back at Spark Plug. Marrow wasn't brand new to using her powers, she had been in plenty of fights. The main issue was that her bone marrow spikes were breaking off into the clones and new clones kept on taking their place. She could only make so many spikes at once, her body was beginning to fatigue, running out of material to use.

The clone Sunshine had been fighting - the one who killed Waverley - had collapsed onto the surface of the Mercury, little more than a living boil. Sunshine didn't hesitate before raising her foot up and stomping down as hard on the clone as she could, the boiling exploding and pus raining everywhere, getting on everyone. But Sunshine didn't care. The clone had killed her friend. He deserved that. Hell, he deserved more than that.

Bowser went to swipe at Spark Plug, but now blinded, he wasn't able to get anywhere close to her, just clawing at the air! Echo was lucky too, as the clones seemed to be incredibly disgusted by what Sunshine did, momentarily distracted. Marrow benefited from this as well, finally managing to break free from the little circle she had been forced into.


"That almost tickled," Smokey taunted, before chucking fireballs at random. She wasn't aiming at anyone in particular, but the fireballs were large enough that when they impacted, everyone in a five foot radius was at best mildly burned and at worst roasted. Some of the students screamed, until Rain Boy made a cloud of rain appear, dousing the flames that were threatening to spread. Cosmar started warping reality as well, making a shield of sorts to keep Smokey's fireballs at bay.

House of M...

"Why did you abandon me, Mommy?" the little boy asked, as he started to cry. Only instead of crying tears, he was crying blood. In the blink of an eye, a thousand cuts appeared on his small body and his clothing was soaked in his own blood. "Did you hate us, Mommy?" the girl asked - only she didn't look like a girl anymore. She looked like living charred remains, as if she had been burned at the stake but somehow did not die. "Do you love him more than us, Mommy?"

Someone was standing right behind Miranda.

Roll a d20 in Gifted chat - a 10 or lower and she doesn't notice them. 11 to 15 and she has the feeling of being watched. Higher than a 15, message me.


"Anchor yourself, Warlock. Sink your soul and essence into this plane," Selene advised.

"Be careful, Max!!!" Pixie then shouted. She had no idea how to do anything that would help Max in this situation, her wings fluttering behind her nervously. Pixie waved a bit sheepishly at the newcomer, figuring she must've been Max's girlfriend or something. Hopefully she was an immensely powerful witch, someone who could help them defeat Cripta before Cripta killed them all!

Cripta waved their hand and suddenly, a wave of daggers, crafted from pure energy, flew at our heroes. The dagger flew through Max harmlessly. Maria was hit in the stomach, which'll hurt a fair deal. Selene shielded herself and Pixie with a quick spell of her own, before launching into a counter-hex to attempt to shut off Cripta from their own magic.


EARTH 257 - 9:40 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron

Raynor let out a bit of a weak, pathetic chuckle. "Good luck getting any clothes in the Iron without a chain code. They act like everything is cocaine or a bomb." He had never gone to the Iron before because he liked it there - he hated it. It was suffocating and the entire country made him feel caged. He didn't understand how anyone could stand to live there. He knew now that the things he had done weren't... great, but he wasn't entirely convinced they were wrong either. The Iron was all about control and taking away people's freedoms.

He rolled his eyes at Maria, not making another reply to her Star Wars reference comment. In his world, the main killer was called Luke Starkiller and had no connection to Darth Vader - it was basically an entirely different set of movies. Han Solo didn't even survive past the first one. He froze though as Celestine mentioned Ragnarok. It was the event that had killed his family and destroyed his world. The name Raynor had then used when he took out his pain on others.

Meanwhile, Bonnie couldn't help but notice how fearful Niah was for Oliver. It was concerning, Oliver suddenly having an issue with his phasing when he never had before - but a certain part of it was heartwarming, seeing how Niah was so clearly falling in love. She frowned, though, listening to Oliver's explanation that he was actively trying to be in phase with their world now. The beginnings of an idea on how to cure him were beginning to form in her head. "Hmm. I think if we can temporarily stop the source of your speed somehow, you should no longer have to fight to be in phase - since you're out of phase due to rapid oscillations..."

The easy solution would be to find some sort of inhibitor to give Oliver, only there was the problem as to whether or not 1) this world had inhibitors, 2) would one even work on Oliver, given his alien heritage, and 3) would he be able to remain in phase long enough for them to administer it.

Raynor looked down at Sparky, as she asked him quietly if he was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine," he lied softly.

"If ya need to go slow, maybe ya should go really fast first? Like sorta tire yourself out," Amelia suggested. "That's what my old mans used to do with me, if I was bouncing all over the place, they'd have me go run laps around outside until I puked and then I'd be curled up in front of the telly for a few hours before it started again." She didn't know much about the science of being an inhuman-alien hybrid thingy, but if he needed to slow down, maybe what was going on wasn't that different from a sugar high?

They were all on the train now and luckily (or not) they had the carriage to themselves. All the innocent bystanders wisely went into the other carriages to avoid them. A voice crackled over the intercom, announcing the next stop, as the train kicked into motion. The train was hurtling along and it would sound like raindrops were pounding down on the roof.

"Does it rain underground in your world too?" Amelia asked.

Seconds later, the carriage decoupled. The emergency exit hatch sprang open and down dropped, in a perfect superhero landing, a group of ten individuals in black Iron Man-esque armor. The leader's face shield popped up, revealing a familiar face. "Raynor Baldursen, Maria Novikova, Frederick Lensherr - you're under arrest for extreme acts of terrorism and violence. Any resistance will result in immediate termination... Nice work, Chase, Novastrov. Hayward'll be elated," the woman said. Unlike Cassandra, her accent wasn't British - it was American.

"Woah.... Doppelganger..."

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:00 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Veil nodded, noticing that Jack seemed a little bit quiet, but she figured he was probably just shaken by everything that had happened. "Is everyone out of the building?" she asked. It didn't seem structurally sound at all. If there was no one left inside, then it was probably for the best for them to abandon it. She was also pretty certain that other people would need their help. This attack, it was never ending. She didn't even have time to comprehend how tired she was or admire the beauty of the sun rising above the horizon, flooding their surroundings with morning light.

Aurora touched down on the roof. "I'll look, cherie," she said, before dashing off faster than the eye could see. She returned only seconds later. "There's no one else inside."

"Then we should get out of here - before this building kills us," Veil advised grimly. They already had more close calls than she would care for. They were lucky to have made it out of this in one piece so far and she didn't want to push that luck, as she had a feeling that their fight was just beginning - that they'd have to combat more and more of these invaders as time went on. Whoever they were, they were powerful, powerful enough to challenge an island full of mutants.

Had they made themselves easy targets by gathering all together?

Was there really safety in numbers?

Or had they condemned everyone on Genosha to die?


Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

"What if she's Jewish?" Casper asked James, referring to his plan to deal with Miss Colossus by lighting her up like a Christmas Tree. He felt a little tired, more so than usual, and then Casper glanced at his hands, seeing the soft blue glow. He must've been powering Ben so he could possess Metallica or whatever her name was. That was waaaay too much responsibility for him. He really liked James' idea of hiding basically until this was all over. That seemed much safer. Of course, he would've preferred for James to hide with him.

"I don't think that matters, Cas," Ben pointed out. While Casper was feeling drained, Ben seemed to be more or less a natural at this - to Casper's annoyance. Ben had been dead for ages and he was still a natural when it came to saving the day - not that Casper really cared about saving the day, he just didn't want to be the weakest link. "....I think her name is.... Serafina? And she's.... She's from something called the Vault," Ben then told James, Serafina's face scrunching up as if she was deep in thought.


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Mercury
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Enhanced Accuracy

Sunshine turned her head just at the right (wrong?) moment to watch Waverley's final moments. Her eyes widened as she let out a scream, instinctively running towards her friend. Yes, she wasn't always the nicest to Waverley, but Waverley was more or less the closest thing she had ever had to a best friend. The clone who had killed Waverley unceremonious dropped her to the ground, and Sunshine swung a punch at his chin, her fist cloaked in the green smoke of her disease powers.

This clone must've been smarter than the others. He caught Sunshine's fist and twisted it, forcing Sunshine to bend her knees and lower her body to keep her wrist from snapping like a toothpick. But all of that brain wasn't enough to change the fact he had grabbed her fist, the fist covered in disease. The infection spread rapidly throughout the clone's body, as every inch of skin erupted into gruesome hives and blood filled his lungs. "You killed her, you fucking flatscan!!!!" Sunshine screamed.

More clones were appearing - somehow, they were multiplying. One of them punched Echo in the throat, temporarily preventing him from being able to speak or sing (for one round). Bowser clawed at Callie, leaving a nasty gash on her shoulder that would definitely scar. Marrow was currently surrounded by clones, doing her best to fend them off.


Zarina was more than a little bit out of it, dazed due to the electricity. While Andy was doing her best to contact the Three-in-One, there was radio silence - it wasn't like Andy wasn't doing it correctly, rather, it seemed that there wasn't anyone listening on the other end. Had something happened to the Three in One during the fighting? Her first-aid training would tell her that Zarina was in excellent shape all things considered and it looked more like she had been tased than anything else.

"Come on everyone, follow me!" a younger mutant squeaked out. He looked ordinary, except for her had a beak where his mouth was. The other young mutants started to follow him nervously, until a gigantic ball of flame slammed in front of them. A ghastly, almost spectral form had appeared in front of them, riding what looked like a motorcycle made out of pure smoke.

"Which one of you is the leader?" the smokey woman asked, before sending another ball of fire slamming into the crowd, hitting poor Beak.


"Squidward?" Selene asked, visibly confused. She took in a breath, about to cast some complex enchantment, when Cripta conjured an athame and flung it at Selene. It would have hit her in the heart, killing her instantly, had one of the Coven members not jumped into the way of the blade - just a child, easily no older than ten years old. So many of them had already died because of Cripta, there were only a handful of them left now, each of them conjuring up their own magic defenses. Pixie made a glowing dagger, others were sending the elements to attack Cripta, lightning bolts circling around Cripta's head.

Cripta cast another enchantment on Max. "FEEL THE VOID," Cripta commanded, before a pervading sense of nothingness would begin to overcome Max. It would feel like everything about him was being erased, as if he was being unanchored from reality, as if he was becoming nothing. His fingers would appear translucent.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: Greek Mythology

Leda's eyes widened, hearing the outpouring of emotion coming from Andy. The poor thing had a lot going on. It was really easy to see how little Andy was in this moment, as she cried about her family and being separated from Arthur. Then, Andy pressed for specific details on Tartarus and the Doors of Death. Leda bit her lip for a second, trying to think through how much actual information to give - she didn't want to scare Andy further, but she also didn't want to keep things from her. "We call Tartarus the Pit," Leda began carefully, as more information came to the front of her mind.

"The Underworld, it's down deep and all... The Pit's deeper. That's where monsters go when they die. I only know of two demigods who ever survived the place, by leaving through the Doors of Death." She looked at Andy and Arthur, trying to gauge their reactions. She didn't want to think about those two kids ending up in Tartarus, by they were children of the Big Three. The Fates probably had huge things in store for them, now more than ever. "If you're thinking about going to the Doors of Death, you have to promise me you won't try it alone - swear on the River Styx," she added sternly.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy nodded. She wasn't surprised to hear Madalyne step down as praetor - and she had no right to feel sad about it. Nancy was going to step down one day, once things were calmed down, so that way she could follow Diana. Mads had to follow the prophecy - she had to focus on surviving. She wouldn't be able to run the Legion from the Pit and keep New Rome safe. She was about to make a motion that Niah should be the new praetor, when Niah went and recommended Daniella, daughter of Fortuna, Centurion of the Fifth Cohort. Maybe they could use some luck on their side. And as much as Nancy hated to think about optics and the more silly parts of politics, picking someone from the lowest ranked cohort after demoting Leandra probably would be a good idea.

She stared at Niah, studying her face. She would love for Niah to be praetor. But if Niah wanted to be praetor, why would she have nominated Daniella? Nancy trusted her friend's judgment. Daniella clearly wasn't crazy too, since she had voted in favor of demoting Leandra. Nancy gave Niah a slight nod. Maybe Niah wasn't ready yet to be praetor. Or maybe she was planning some sort of scheme that being praetor wouldn't give her the time to do. "I second Daniella's nomination."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan tilted her head, hearing the sound of ticking. A crocodile's head bobbed above the waves, moving along... after the pirates? Before suddenly, the crocodile disappeared beneath the water again. Megan's eyes were dancing with amusement - it reminded her of trips to the zoo as a child. She had always loved the more fierce and deadly animals, rather than the cute and harmless ones. Gretel told them that they shouldn't interfere, which Megan had to admit was probably the wise decision, even if she couldn't help but be slightly fascinated with the pirates.

She wasn't flattered by the Captain's greeting - Captain Hook of all people. She wasn't interested in men. She was more interested in what sort of healing process he had gone through with his hook, since she figured modern medicine was hardly a thing here. He was probably lucky to have not died of an infection. "Either that or someone's Halloween costume is ready," Megan said to Sierra.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Everyone had tried in different ways to help Runa calm down with varying degrees of success. It was probably for the best that Astrid wasn't the one helping her out - she was already freaked out enough, she didn't need her crush helping her through a panic attack, she'd probably just panic more. Dalisay's words weren't reassuring at all, largely because of that salient usually. Usually people came back from the dead in this hotel. Usually wasn't happening anymore.

Runa was trying her best to keep her breathing even, as much as her lungs felt like she was running a marathon while being chased by a pack of werewolves. Squeezing Arnora's hand helped ever so slightly. Thinking about how at any second the elevator could drop and plummet to the first floor did not. She shrieked slightly as Dalisay crashed onto the floor of the elevator, proclaiming that the hatch was open. They were all doomed. They were all going to die - again.


EARTH 257 - 9:30 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Times Square, the Iron

"I'm fine, Sparks, really," Raynor lied. He winced as Cass walked past the DNA scanners. He knew the Iron and he was certain that the recording of a new piece of DNA would raise alarm bells - especially from a mutant. Neither the Iron or the Blue had been openly hostile to mutants twenty years ago, but after what the X-Men had done... Raynor would've been surprised if things hadn't changed. He honestly expected that the Iron would be at war with Genosha - or that Genosha would have long since been blown to smithereens. He laughed nervously as Maria suggested he call someone he knew for help. "They're probably all dead. And if they aren't, setting foot in the Iron would be even worse for them."

He didn't even expect that his cousin would be alive back in New Asgard - the woman who had practically raised him after his parents had died. New Asgard made the Blue look tame when it came to casual violence and a lack of laws, with fights to the death being a regular occurrence. His cousin could've easily died in one of those. Somehow, he doubted that Ragnarok's final stage had been fulfilled in his brief absence - his parents were still dead, his father unreturned to co-rule Asgard.

"Stark's the President of the Iron - well, not elected, but still," Raynor then added, more or less answering Niah's question. Raynor remembered when Howard Stark founded the Iron after the Great Schism - and he remembered when any pretense of democracy was more or less killed when his son, Anthony, assumed power.

Bonnie tilted her head, a bit confused as to why Niah was bringing up Novikova. Of course Sparky had talked to her - both of them had more or less become mothers at the same exact time? She had no idea what Niah could be getting at with this. She also didn't think now was the time to bring up any friendship drama or just idle conversation. They needed to be focused, they were in a world that wasn't their own, and the only one who knew what was going on was Raynor and he had lost his cool. "Can this conversation wait, Niah, Sparky?" Bonnie requested.

"I mean if we're really worried, then you stick out like a sore fucking thumb," Raynor commented nervously, gesturing at Celestine. "Tron doesn't exist in my world, so you can't even be a cosplayer."

"Oh I love Tron!" Amelia chimed in. She knew it wasn't the most helpful of comments, but all of the science and hacking stuff was beyond her. She couldn't help with the DNA scanner, but she could do her best to keep team moral up. Raynor still looked like an anxious mess, but he was acting snippy as well, which Amelia took as a good sign - he was acting more like his adorable grumpy self. "The chick in that movie is sooo cool. I tried to cut my hair like hers as a kid. It did nooot work out very well."

Oliver then phased the rest of them on through the scanners, and given the lack of red flashing lights, Amelia assumed that they made it through okay. Her eyes widened though when Oliver explained that he couldn't stop phasing. "Oh bloody hell!" she exclaimed, instantly trying to reach out and touch her bestie, but her hand just went straight through him. "Okay, stay calm, we're going to fix this, ya aren't going to spend the rest of your life as some sort of ghost man."

Bonnie bit her lip, trying to think of cases of people remaining intangible before that she had seen, but only one came to mind. She had seen an old SHIELD file on a young girl who progressively became more and more intangible. The file never indicated if there had been any successful treatment routes, but given the lack of information... Bonnie had assumed the worst. "Can you make it on the train?" Bonnie asked.

The train had arrived, the automatic doors opening up. Passengers were stepping off of the train, and given that it was a subway train, they'd have less than a minute to decide if they were getting on or off.

"...I don't know why they aren't here yet... I've got a bad feeling about this..." Raynor muttered, as he boarded the train.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 4:50 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

There was only one enemy left on the rooftop now - Perro, the gravity manipulator. Veil had tried her best not to feel nauseous or disgusted when Jack lost his form, only to regain it after some quick thinking from Kris got rid of Merbavon's threat. Merbavon screamed in pain and fell unconscious almost at the same exact time that Kris destroyed the portion of the roof beneath his feet, likely condemning him to death. But truthfully, Veil didn't care. They had been attacked, their home was under attack, and these people, they weren't going to stop. These were the sort of people who only wanted to kill.

And Veil always believed in treating people the way that they treated others.

The structural integrity of the building was holding, but just barely. Perro was still locked in a battle of wills with Aurora, increasing her gravity as she put more and more effort into maintaining her flight. Both of them were strained, sweat beading up on their forehead. Veil thought for a moment, before turning invisible. It took more effort than she would've liked - she needed sleep, coffee, and a doctor, preferably in that order. Veil made her way around Perro, until she was right behind him. She looked on the ground for something to use as a weapon, finding only a chunk of asteroid. Veil gently picked it up...

And then SLAMMED it into Perro's head. Perro crumpled to the ground, and with his hold gone, Aurora shot way up into the sky.


Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Casper really wanted to take a peak inside, so rather than stay behind, he quietly followed alongside James, craning his neck to try and get a better view. The silver woman looked more like a robot modeled on Britney Spears than a person to him. He was about to make a comment about that, when he remembered that James had motioned for him to be quiet. Ben though, Ben didn't need to be quiet at all.

"Doesn't she remind you of Britney Spears?" Ben asked.

Casper gave him a pleading look, as if to scream - Beeeen, I'm doing my best here to not taaaaaalk! Ben smirked in turn, enjoying the slight bit of revenge. Ben's revenge didn't last long though, as James asked Casper a question - and Casper quickly reminded himself a few times of the need to be quiet. "My main fantasy to kill my father is putting him at one of those landings between floors, where you can only use stairs to go up or down," Casper admitted, with a malicious twinkle in his eyes. "He'll be trapped for ages up there. And you can't telepath stairs."

"...Really Casper? Stairs is your plan to kill Professor X?"

"I don't hear you having a better plan, Ben!" Casper whispered, although his volume rose a bit at the end.

"How about James' plan?" Ben asked.

"I dunno Ben, can you do that?" Casper asked. He was pretty sure that Ben was capable of it, mostly since it sounded weird enough to work, and Casper was very easily persuaded to believe that all horror movie concepts applied to his powers. It was one of the reasons he was so terrified of ghosts - he didn't want them all up in his body!

"I'll do it," Ben told Casper. "Be back in a few." Ben then walked into the room, heading straight up to the silver Britney. "He's going now," Casper whispered to James, since James couldn't see Ben.

A moment later, it was like an evil chill or a shudder went down Silver Britney's spine. "Who's there?" Britney accused, looking around defensively. "Get out of my body!" she then snapped, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head, revealing just white pupils. "Hey guys. It's me - Ben," she said.

"Hi Ben!" Casper shouted, waving at his friend.


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Mercury
Skills: Disease Manipulation, Enhanced Accuracy

The ship they were all standing on wasn't anything like the Marauder - the Mercury looked like a UFO to Sunshine. It was sleek and smooth, humming as well. She couldn't see a single line on the ship to indicate an entrance or a window. If it hadn't been for the name scrawled onto it and the fact that it looked like a UFO, she wouldn't have known it was a ship at all. It was strange and alien. Her ears then popped as Waverley's deafness field finally ended, allowing them all to hear.

"OH MOTHERFUCKER!" Marrow screamed, cursing from the pain. She had one hand pressed up against her stomach, doing her best to stem the bleeding. Right next to her was what could only be described as Bowser from the Mario Series. The creature's claws were stained red with Marrow's blood. And Sunshine, realizing that was the thing that had hurt her wife, saw red in turn.

"You hurt my wife!" Sunshine lobbed a ball of disease at Bowser, and as always, her aim was perfect. In another life, she could've competed with Hawkeye, maybe even beat him. Such was the nature of her secondary mutant gift. The disease crawled inside of Bowser, ensnaring his organs and bringing out the mother of immune responses. Bowser was feeling feverish and coughing up a storm, his throat feeling like sandpaper.

Echo had killed half of the Dupes, but there were still twenty five left standing. Ten Dupes rushed at Echo, seeming him as the majority threat. They didn't seem to have any special powers, mostly just hitting and kicking at him. One of them scratched Echo beneath the eye. Another one kicked him in the small of the back. Three of them went up to Sunshine, pulling at her hair to attempt to force her down to the ground. None of them bothered Spark Plug. Ten of them went for Waverley, one of the ten putting hands around her throat. And two went for Marrow, attempting to kick her in her wounded stomach.


Cadena was dead by Zarina's hand. Aguja died soon after her, killed by an unknown hand. For the briefest of moments, no one was attacking the Akademos. However, the young mutants who studied there were completely terrified and a fair number of them were injured, some of them critically so. Zarina and Andy's work was far from done. They were just getting started.

House of M...

Magneto's eyes flashed green as well. Whatever he saw, no one else knew. But by the way the blood drained from his face, the Master of Magnetism was truly scared. Metal began to whip around him like snakes... only to then go flying towards... Miranda?!??!?!

Meanwhile, Miranda would still hear the screams of her children. Her son was begging for her to help him, screaming that he was stuck under the rubble and his leg was broken. His daughter's cries had turned into wails, the desperate pleas just pure emotion.


Cripta (or perhaps better named Cthulu?) seemed to enjoy the hydra Max had sent their way. All of their magical focus was going into what looked like a shield, but within moments, it would be clear that it was more of a siphon. The hydra was decreasing in size the longer it rammed up against the shield, until it was so small that it could scarcely be seen, and then, it was nothing at all. Cripta had acquired a strange orange glow and their tentacles wiggled. "Mm, I was a bit peckish," Cripta taunted. "Thank you for the snack."

The tentacles then went taut, as a fiery beast of Cripta's own design flooded into being. It looked like a kraken, its flames blue. The kraken ensnared Max in one of its tentacles, and he should've been burnt alive, if not for some quickly placed purple runes wrapping around him - Selene's magic!

"Max!" Pixie screamed.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade's eyes swept over her companions on the mission, studying them for a brief second. She was gifted - or perhaps cursed - with the ability to see things that others couldn't. In her opinion though, she wasn't talented - everyone else was just a supreme idiot who couldn't see Godzilla if the monster stepped on their home. The well dressed gentleman, Edus, clearly cared a great deal about appearances. He had a healthy addiction to nicotine as well, a habitual smoker. And he obviously wasn't from the United States. In fact, if Jade was pressed to guess, she'd say he was Welsh. Of course, she never guessed. Thalia was even easier to read. Her discomfort with OMEN was practically a neon sign and there was something odd with her hand - maybe scales, maybe nothing. At the very least, she seemed more mature.

Jade took the gas mask that was just for her. She figured there were decent odds the mask would come off of her at some point, but she had faith in herself - not so much the others - to see this mission through. She took one of the watches and slid it onto her wrist, and took one of the comm devices. "This'll be about as much fun as nicotine patches," Jade replied to Thalia. "Which, by the way, may add several years to your life. Assuming we don't die," she then said, looking at Edus. She guessed that there wasn't an extraction plan. This mission very much had a you're on your own vibe to it.

Guinevere Stark

Unlike the others, Guin didn't have any sort of combative power. The pistol she had been equipped with as an agent of SHIELD was useless in a city run by a man who controlled metal - which also made the idea of scavenging one of her father's suits almost pointless. Her mutant power allowed her to switch bodies with others, but didn't prevent them from doing as they pleased with hers. More or less, the only contribution she could really make was in outwitting people and setting up makeshift traps like in Home Alone. Or she supposed she could drag people out of the wreckage of the building while the others fought.

Guin put her hands in her pockets, trying to ground herself in what she could do, rather than what she couldn't. Each day she wanted nothing more than to fly on up to Magneto and rip his head off of his shoulders, but she couldn't do that. If she was being honest with herself, unless somehow his powers were turned off, she couldn't even fight him. Guin clenched her hands into fists, feeling her nails cut into her skin, before walking with the others, walking in line with Lance. He also tended to run support. He also knew what it was like to feel powerless and useless.

Guin's hair fell in her eyes and she didn't bother to move it. She liked the way her hair could hide her from the world, even if it was just briefly.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa turned bright pink as Astrid nodded at her, thanking her for joining them. Runa mumbled something incoherent, trying to say you're welcome but what came out was more youecme. She turned her attention to the elevator doors, trying not to take too many peaks at the Valkyrie. She had never seen someone more beautiful, kind, or courageous before. It made her heart stop beating, standing this close to Astrid. And she didn't dare let Astrid know that she made her feel this way. The thought of being so vulnerable... it was more terrifying than dying. She also didn't want Klara or Nadia to know about her feelings - especially not Klara. Klara was a bit obsessed with love.

But then, the universe decided for something even more terrifying to happen. The elevator stopped and they were plunged into darkness, having not even made it to the 100th floor. Runa could hardly breathe. She'd never been claustrophobic before, but the terror of being trapped in here - of attempting to force open the doors only to be cut in half, of the elevator dropping into a free-fall and every bone in her body breaking on impact... It was enough to make Runa sick. She stumbled backwards in the dark, har hands clammy and sweaty. "... I can't breathe..." she choked out, her heart beating out of control.
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