Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, agreeing with Mary's statement. Her father's halls really were beautiful, largely thanks to the expertise of her mother. Nanna could have been the Goddess of Interior Decorating in addition to Joy and Peace. Runa was somewhat distracted though, namely by the appearance of more red mist, swirling chaotically around them. She arched an eyebrow as the fog dissipated quickly, revealing her brother. Her eyes darted over towards Marygold. She had already more or less come to the conclusion that her brother was involved in all of this - and she wanted to protect him, just as much as she wanted to stop him.

If she could convince him in private to stop, she could help him get rid of the evidence and prevent him from having to go on trial in his own court. He probably didn't even realize what he was doing - he was noble and just, he was the very best of Asgard, he wasn't one to throw around destruction and ruin. "It has not been so long since I have left, brother," Runa reminded him. To an Asgardian, the entire lifespan of a Midgardian was the blink of an eye. "This is my brother, Forseti, God of Justice and Reconciliation," she said, making introductions. She left out the fact that her brother was also the God of Retribution. "Brother, this is Marygold of Midgard - a warrior and a friend."

Guin Stark

Location: the Palace
Skills: Telepathy

"We don't have nearly enough alcohol for this to be a party," Guin pointed out, glad to see some more familiar faces - especially ones who were able to throw werewolves around like rag dolls. Unfortunately, the werewolf was pretty durable (and still wearing armor, a point that made Guin jealous, as she would have loved to have her armor on her at the moment). Edus (whose name Guin snickered every time she recalled that it rhymed with a certain part of male anatomy) did his magic, surrounding the werewolf with a bubble. She raised an eyebrow as the werewolf fought back, pounding against the bubble cage, and cracks appeared. Before she could let out another quip however, a beam of red light shot out, accompanying a massive shockwave.

And then Guin couldn't see a single thing.

She couldn't hear anything.

She couldn't feel anything.

She couldn't smell anything.

She couldn't taste anything.

She had heard about sensory deprivation chambers, largely from some of her old schoolmates' parents insisting on their health benefits. She had always thought that the concept was stupid - now she realized it was terrifying. "What...." Guin didn't know if she had actually said anything. She didn't know if she had screamed or whispered. She didn't know if there was anyone there with her or if she was all alone in this void. For all she knew, she could've somehow fallen off of Asgard. Maybe she was dead.

She tried to force herself to take a deep breath, but she had no idea if she did. She didn't know anything her body was doing. That raw fear and anxiety drove her, as she scrambled with a way out of this situation. She vaguely knew that telepaths could project their minds out of their bodies, taking on astral forms - almost like Carolina could. It was one way to know where she was - to test if this void was really it. Guin concentrated, doing her best to focus the totality of her telepathic powers, and it worked.

She stepped outside of her body, appearing like a lightly glowing purple hologram more or less to everyone else. Guin's anxiety faded for a moment. She could see her body, still on Asgard, still in the Throne Room. Her anxiety then spiked. What was wrong with her senses??? "Hey everyone, not to be alarming, buuut it seems like my body decided to just crash. Like I can't see or hear or feel or sense anything. If there's a magic cure for that, that would be aweesome and would help stave off my inevitable panic attack. If not, I'll just... go tell Obi Wan Kenobi he's my only hope?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded, appreciating that Hansel was willing to help keep watch. It comforted her to know that he had similar moralities to her - namely, that they both agreed that human trafficking was bad regardless of the location. Sierra had a heart of gold as well. She probably had the best moral compass of everyone present. Megan never really had spent much time thinking about morality before, largely because she had immersed herself in her studies and then her work. There were surprisingly few moral considerations needed when conducting autopsies. "I've got this," she told Sierra, before drawing excalibur from its sheath.

She gave the padlock of the cage a good whack with her sword and it broke open, allowing the captives to be freed. Megan repeated this process until all of the cages were open, in total freeing roughly twenty or so people. Some of them looked like mermaids and another one looked a lot like Princess Belle - the one who was really into bestiality. She spotted a nearby crate and it gave her somewhat of a funny feeling. Megan popped it open to reveal a suit of armor and she recognized the crest - it was the symbol of King Arthur and Camelot. Her fingers shook slightly as she stared at it, uncertain of what to name the strange feeling that had overtaken her. It was some odd mixture of fear, regret, and certainty.


EARTH 257 - 10:00 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron

"Did you really just punch pure adamantium?" Hayward asked, perplexed with Cass' actions. "Your brain must not've formed properly in the tube. Also, what's with the fake accent?" she then added. This was all a game to her. She was going to toy with them until it wasn't fun anymore and then she'd just throw them away. She truly believed that there was nothing they could do to fight her. Hayward threw a punch at Cass, but Cass would manage to block it.

"No problem, fam! Do you got more of those special arrows?" Amelia asked Maria. It seemed to really be the only way to fight these people - that and Flynn apparently just roasting one of them. It gave her a newfound appreciation for every villain who managed to go toe to toe with Iron Man, this was hard. Niah had managed to pick up one of the missed EMP arrows, leaving two left, and she stabbed it into one of the Iron Legion's suits, shutting it down and turning it into a paperweight. In total, there were six Legionnaires left. Matt would be able to put pressure on Sparky's wound.

Bonnie's eyes widened, seeing the bullet ricochet and hit Sparky. "Don't fire any more bullets, they're bulletproof!" she quickly warned the rest of the team. They were in such a small space it was a miracle stray fire hadn't been an issue so far. Matt and Celestine were responding to Sparky, they didn't need a third person crowding her. Bonnie took a move from Niah's playbook, dashing and picking up one of the EMP arrows, and then stabbing it into one of the Iron Legion members, taking them down.

Raynor, if he had been able to talk, would've been screaming. Intense light began to radiate off of his body. Anyone who looked at him for more than a few seconds would've gone blind. The light continued to increase as the temperature in the train car started to rise steadily, as if a small sun had began to burn around them. The Iron Legionnaires were blinded as Raynor slashed and stabbed with his knife, the Asgardian metal cutting through their armor as he behaved more like an animal than a man.

Raynor jumped onto the next member of the Iron Legion, just stabbing them repeatedly. It wasn't about efficiency. It was about pure revenge. Goodness knew what he was going to do to Matt when he was done gutting everyone he possibly could. But the Iron Legionnaires weren't stupid - they weren't about to just be easily overwhelmed. The second one Raynor attacked managed to inject him with something, and suddenly, the entire world was just a blur of colors. Raynor collapsed to the ground, barely breathing.

Legionnaires started firing off repulsor blasts, one of them hitting Bonnie and sending her flying backwards. An ordinary human would've been killed as Bonnie's head slammed into the corner of a train seat. Miraculously, she survived - just with a significant head wound. Athena's blessing was still powering her, even in this universe - a fact that Bonnie was barely coherent enough to acknowledge.

"Oh this is not good, we're so fucked," Amelia murmured, knocking the Iron Legionnaires down over and over again with blasts of air, but air could only do so much to hurt people wearing Iron Man suits. They needed a new strategy to turn the tide and soon.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:20 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

"We'll have to get James - I guess, any healer, really," Veil decided. "I think it's too dangerous to move you, we'd end up making things worse..." she bit her lip. She wasn't used to having only a limited knowledge of where her team was. She didn't know where James was at the moment - and she didn't know if there even were any healing mutants available on the island at the moment to help Kristina. At least in the Mutant Underground, even with their limited resources, she had been in control of every situation - she knew where everyone was and could strategize around it. But now, she felt almost as helpless as Kristina - stuck in place, uncertain as to whether or not she could make a move without making things worse.

"I'll go find someone," Aurora said, before running and leaping into the air faster than the eye could see, effectively vanishing.

Veil nodded slightly, again feeling vulnerable and out of her depth, just waiting for an (admittedly gorgeous and powerful) woman she didn't know to save Kristina's life. Fortunately, there was then a blur as Aurora re-appeared, carrying someone with her. "Elixir here is going to heal you, ma petite," Aurora said. Elixir had pure golden skin and wore what looked like an X-Men uniform, as he crouched on down next to Kristina. He concentrated and slowly but surely, her body began to stitch itself back together, repairing her injuries.


Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

At first, it looked like the majority of the mutants had listened to James - they were leaving the manor, going to find somewhere safe on the island to hide. One of them though, a short girl with purple skin and spikes instead of hair, was staring at Serafina/Ben as if mesmerized. She then raised her hand and pointed at Serafina. "No more," the girl whispered. Like ink, darkness rushed out of her finger, enveloping Serafina/Ben. The ink then exploded, as Ben fell out of Serafina.

Serafina was unhinged and unleashed. Her anger was directed first at James, as she knew he was the one with the brains. She delved into his mind and smashed everything that she could, determined to break him - and in some ways, she did. She then turned on Casper, and Casper screamed, backing away until his back hit the wall. He wasn't seeing what everyone else saw.

He was trapped inside of a mausoleum, the only living figure he could see was a man, seated in a wheelchair, with a strange blue and silver helmet obscuring his face - a Cerebro unit. The man had his hand outstretched, trying to comfort Casper, but when he opened to speak, his tongue was forked. Casper screamed for his mother.

And in the real world, Casper's powers went into a horrific meltdown, as not just Ben but dozens of ghosts popped into being, all of them channeled and tangible, confused and wailing, begging for others to feel their pain. They circled James and Serafina like vultures.


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Mercury
Skills: N/A

Marrow spat blood at the floor of the Mercury. "Just peachy," she said. She flexed her arms and more bone spikes sprouted, as she weaponized her body once more. The singing dupes were doing a number on the clones and Marrow joined into the fray, hacking and slashing and killing as many as she could. Eventually, she got lucky - she killed the original and the rest of the clones suddenly became lifeless, dropping to the ground. The Mercury's top was ever so slightly curved and the clones slowly slid off, before falling into the waters below with a series of splashes.

Sunshine took a breath. They had won, but it didn't feel like that. She felt empty and scared and angry and sad all at once - she didn't feel happy. She crumbled down to her knees, taking another deep breath, before she couldn't help it anymore and she let out a heartbreaking wail. Tears ran thickly down her face and she didn't know what she could do beyond just feel. Genosha was supposed to be a safe place. It was supposed to be somewhere they didn't have to worry about being hunted. She had told Waverley she was safe there.

Her best friend had died.

Marrow gingerly approached her wife, putting a somewhat bloodied arm around her and holding her close as Sunshine cried.


Smokey could feel it in her bones(?) - she wasn't going to win this fight. But it didn't matter to her if she survived. If she didn't return, the Vault would make someone to replace her - someone better to fight off these halfbreed mutants. Her eyes locked on Zarina, before Smokey charged at her, going straight through Zarina. In that moment, Zarina would have a splitting headache and her body would feel as cold as ice, as if she had been violated on some deep, spiritual level. Smokey continued on through, passing through Andy as well, and Andy would have a similar experience.

What had Smokey done to them - what trick had befallen our heroes?

House of M...

The figure didn't speak, merely raising their hat as if in greeting to Miranda, before they vanished. She would sense that they were still there, merely invisible, watching eagerly. There had to be something more to their plan, right? Were they just planning on jump scaring her the entire time? What was the end game?

The rubble then began to move, as metal creaked and groaned, supernaturally propelled up into the air - and suddenly, a field of metal shards flew at Miranda. Magneto's face was obscured in shadows, giving him an almost demonic visage. "You killed my daughter. You killed Anya. You will pay for your sins with blood!" Magneto shouted.


"Max..." Pixie whispered, her eyes growing wide. Something shimmering had appeared in Max's hand, growing larger with every minute until it was a tall, occult staff. It was blindingly bright and seemingly made of pure magical energy. She recognized what it was, as she had something similar herself. She had a souldagger, thanks to a series of unfortunate events that had happened to her. "What did you do to yourself?" she asked, tears in her eyes.

Selene created a magical whip of sorts, lashing it out and wrapping it around Cripta's tentacles. Her eyes glowed a strange dark black as she began to feed, sapping away at his magical power, and leaving Cripta vulnerable to an attack - perhaps one with a newly formed weapon...
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade snorted, hearing what Congress' plan was to handle Magneto. She was surprised they had even managed to come to an agreement on a course of action in just over a year. Of course, she wasn't really surprised that their great idea was nuking New York City to rid themselves of Magneto. Either they were stupid or just blinded by their own sense of immortality and the notion that nothing bad could ever happen to them. This was exactly why Jade was going into the city to try to stop Magneto, even if it killed her. There were innocents in New York - kids - who could be caught in the crossfire. But now, it wasn't just the damage to one city that they had to consider.

Jade took the list, her eyes briefly flashing over the faces, before she folded the list up and pocketed it. "Yeah, let's go. Alex, if I die, don't bother recovering my body," she then added, looking at Jakobsen. She didn't care what happened to her body when she was gone. She had died once before anyways, so the idea of death wasn't as frightening as it might have been to someone else. Yes, she had done to hell, but that didn't bother her much either. She probably deserved it.

Guinevere Stark

"Oh, me? I'm fantastic," Guin told Cass, forcing a smile. She knew that she likely needed serious therapy - that and medication. If it hadn't been for the X-Men, she probably would've been using drugs to cope with everything that was going on in her life - or rather, the loss of what had been in her life. She hadn't had the best relationship with her father, but they had been getting closer - and now he was dead and Guin could only blame herself for it. She should've asked for the Avengers to help. She shouldn't have blindly gone along with the plan to have a new team handle a threat of that scale.

Ironically, she was still doing that - she was still counting that they could stop Magneto. The only difference was, Guin didn't have anyone to lose anymore that wouldn't be doing the same exact thing. She didn't even care if she died, as long as Magneto bled. The ground shook and an explosion pierced the air. "They have to run out of buildings to blow up at some point, right?" Guin muttered. "It's not like Magnet Brain's got a construction crew going around building new ones for him to destroy."

There were seven assholes apparently responsible for this explosion. Guin wondered why Mary even asked who was going to go where - they pretty much regularly knew who was going in which group. Case in point, Guin was going to be with Carolina and Lance, the others who struggled with actually being able to effectively fight. "I'm with you too, Lando."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda hesitated for a moment, considering lying and saying that all prophecies could be changed, that they were all malleable. From what she knew, some prophecies were more or less fate - whereas others were warnings if the wrong path was taken. Andy was looking at her with those sad puppy dog eyes, literally in tears. Arthur looked like he was doing his very best to be brave. "Yeah, prophecies can be changed and all, some of them are just sorta like warnings of things that could happen," Leda answered. She decided that telling a small lie and giving them some comfort now was for the best - and it wasn't a huge lie, more of an omission. Some prophecies couldn't be changed.

But telling them that wasn't going to help them at the moment. "Do you two want some chocolate or something, maybe? I can dash off and see about getting some. Chocolate always helps me feel better, got a bit of a sweet tooth and all," Leda suggested. She wondered briefly where Andy's brother was. Shouldn't he have known how upset his little sister was? His absence was weird. "Or if you got something more specific in mind, I can get that too." Sugar always made people feel better, right?

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy was at least mildly curious as to how Daniella would be as a praetor. She had only been co-praetors with Mads, no one else. The praetorship was all about partnership and a new dynamic could have interesting results. Of course, she was only mildly interested because her mind was largely preoccupied with doom and gloom and anxiety - and anger at Leandra, even if it wasn't technically her fault for being possessed by an angry ghost, but Nancy chose to blame her anyways. They had a lengthy uphill battle up ahead of them - a fight against fate in Mads' case.

Her throat caught for a moment as Niah made a motion to approve the quest. Part of her wanted to say no, to forbid it, to lock Mads up somewhere safe to keep her from ever venturing towards certain death. But she knew that trying to fight the will of the Fates was futile. It was in the prophecy - it was going to happen, one way or another. Nancy raised her hand as well, voting to approve the quest, even as it filled her heart was sadness. She was going to have to get used to this. One way or another, all of her friends would die one day, whether it was in battle or due to sickness or old age.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: N/A

"Oh, it's rather beautiful and splendid. It isn't grand in the way that the All-Father's palace is, largely because my family finds no value in gold or coin," Runa explained, relaxing ever so slightly as she talked more about her childhood home. "It is called Breidablik, which in the All-Tongue means broad-gleaming, as my father is the God of Light. To enter the halls, you must be pure - anything unclean will burst into flames for all eternity. When we arrive, I will need to fetch you a protective balm to prevent you from bursting to flames in the presence of my father as well, as he emits more light than your body can handle."

Runa then smiled ever so slightly, thinking about the various rooms and whatnot. "The hall is adorned with flowers and many endangered fauna stay as handmaidens to my godly mother. I have a deer who is like a second mother to me. And when people come to my father's court, the halls are filled with the roars of laughter and good cheer. There is no other place like it on Asgard, a place where anyone is welcomed and all can belong..."

Guin Stark

Location: the Palace
Skills: Telepathy, Unarmed Combat, Agility

Guin gasped in pain, as the werewolf slashed her left arm with its claws. She really hoped these werewolves couldn't spread their disease through gashes - she didn't want to be condemned to a life of Twilight cosplaying. Guin bit down on the inside of her mouth, trying to force her mind to focus through the pain as she cradled her arm, putting pressure on it in an effort to stop the bleeding. The Asgardian outfit Runa had put her in was going to have some major bloodstains, not that Guin cared. She hated the thing anyways.

It took her a moment to stitch her thoughts together, even as she heard Pietro's voice echo in her mind, asking if she was okay - and then as she saw him rip out the heart of the werewolf who had attacked her, killing the beast instantly. He looked dazed and out of it, and as much as she was in pain, Guin wanted to try to help him a bit - he had done the right thing, after all. And he looked like he was experiencing somewhat of a mental breakdown. Hey, babes, I'm fine, really. Scars are sexy anyways, Guin said, trying to reassure him. She concentrated and tried to send a calming influence into his mind, something to just help him regain some control and stability.

Nopenopenopenopetheyarebadandyoushouldn'thavegottenhurtandthatthingdeservedtodie!!! Pietro's words whizzed into her mind. She was hit by an overwhelming feeling of anger and fear, which was only matched by the expression on Pietro's face - he looked like he was one second away from snapping, just moments away from killing the younglings in the Jedi Temple, his left eye kept on twitching and his fingers were spasming, like he was still pulling out the werewolf's heart.

"Hey, you're okay," Guin repeated, before trying again - this time, it seemed that she actually helped to calm him down - mostly. Mostly was going to have to be good enough though. They still had a werewolf and Guin's ability to ignore the pain of her massive gash was decreasing by the minute. Guin turned her attention to that wolf, kicking at it as hard as she could, hoping it would go down easy but she only managed to hit it in the shin - barely doing any damage to it at all. It made sense. It was much bigger than the others and had armor, because that was normal.


EARTH 257 - 9:50 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron

The other!Cass paused for a moment, her eyebrows knitting together briefly, before she relaxed and just started to laugh. She wiped a stray tear from her eyes. "I think this clone you baked is defective, Chase," the other!Cass mused. "Knew you couldn't have been perfect. It's kind of a relief, actually." Her eyes then drifted over towards Sparky, a bit amused with the fire behind her. Ordinarily, she would've beaten anyone to talk to her that way, but she had her orders. For whatever reason, the Director didn't want this one brought in just yet.

"And of course it's your last name, did your brain blow a fuse or something, Novastrov?" Cass commented, laughing at her own joke. "Maybe you ought to let the mechanics take a look at you, change out your oil or something."

Bonnie had caught on, of course, thanks to her heightened intuition. This doppelganger seemed to trust only her and Celestine, as well as only singling out Maria, Raynor, and Flynn as criminals. The others could potentially get out of this, if they just slipped away quietly. "Cass, she's telling the truth. We're not from this world. We're here trying to apprehend two criminals - Luminous and Doctor Doom," Bonnie explained carefully, holding her hands out in front of her, her palms open. "Maria and Flynn aren't from here. They aren't the guilty ones." She couldn't say the same about Raynor. He was from this world. And from the way he was acting, he was incredibly guilty.

"Yeah, mate, it's all been fucking bonkers. There's so much tech stuff here it's making my head spin. But if we could, y'know, agent to agent, I'd LOVE to check out your planes and stuff. Maybe you could even help us catch our crooks that we're after? We're the good guys, really, and in those all black Iron Man uniforms you definitely don't look like villains or anything at all like that..." Amelia rambled. She noticed that Bonnie hadn't said anything to defend Raynor, but she assumed that Bonnie had just forgotten. The entire situation was super stressful - and weird. Mostly weird.

"Yeah, we aren't the--" Raynor said, beginning to lie, when a device sprang into the air. It looked like a mechanical spider or a crab. Its legs gripped around Raynor's head and he stumbled backwards, pulling at the contraption with his arms to try to get it off of him, but it only tightened its hold on the Asgardian. The more he struggled, the stronger it became - as if his own strength was serving as a power source. The body of the machine had effectively formed a muzzle or a gag around his mouth, preventing him from saying a single word.

"What the hell is that?!"

"Agent Hayward, should we call in a psych referral on Chase and Novastrov?" one of the goons asked.

"Yeah, seems like it," Cassandra Hayward replied, before flipping her visor down. "Now let's get to work. I love it when they resist." She kicked off, her suit propelling her forward as she slammed straight into Raynor's stomach, latching her arms around him. Or rather, that's what she wanted to do. Instead, Raynor dove out of the way just in time. One of the goons went in to pummel Raynor, only for Raynor to blast the goon with light, blinding him permanently despite his suit's protective visor. Raynor still couldn't speak but he pulled his dagger and stabbed through the visor, killing the man.

One of the goons went straight for Flynn, or rather, two of them did - one goon went on for a forward attack, while the other went at him from behind. The second goon managed to put a device on Flynn's left arm which paralyzed his left arm completely, embedding itself into his skin. To remove it without bleeding heavily would require a skilled doctor.

Maria had the worst luck of all. Seven goons went after her, all of them blasting repulsor blasts at her from essentially every possible angle, surrounding her completely.

"Oi, leave her alone!" Amelia exclaimed, before sticking her arm out and bringing it in quickly, kicking up a gust of wind that knocked three of the goons surrounding Maria to the ground.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded quickly, even as her heart was pounding. She knew that it had just been Dalisy falling, but in the moment, it could've been anything. And it really wasn't helping that Runa had discovered she was claustrophobic, having never been trapped in a small confined space like this before as a murderer was on the loose trying to re-kill everyone or something. She was doing her best to take deep breaths, going in through the nose and out through the mouth. However, what especially did not help at all was the actual HOWLING, as if a wolf was trapped inside of the shaft with them.

Klara was braver than most, something Runa had come to expect from her. Klara climbed on up to where Dalisy had been and Runa didn't realize she was holding her breath, staring up for any sign of trouble from her friend. Her mouth went dry as Klara told them to stay in the elevator and try the door. It didn't take much for Runa's imagination to run wild, especially with the howling. Runa hurried over to the elevator door, even though she didn't have any sort of super strength, and she tried to pry the doors open with her fingers. "Please please please please open," she whispered.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan actually disagreed with Sierra's assertion about winning costume contests. She was an insomniac and spent a lot of time on the internet late at night, and she had read so many stories along the lines of 'RDJ loses Tony Stark costume contest' and whatnot. She didn't have a chance to say as much though, as Sierra decided to start wandering off in the direction of the crates. Megan sighed ever so slightly. "Yeah, might as well," she replied to her brother, before heading off in that direction. Sierra seemed to have a really pure heart and want to save everyone, but it was probably just some illicit drugs and they needed to keep a low profile and --

Megan stopped in her tracks once she caught up with Hansel and Sierra. There were people in cages. "We're not leaving them like this," Megan said. "Either we bust them out of these cages or we see how much money is backing our parents' names to buy them. I can overlook drugs, but this? This is wrong. Those pirates deserve to burn for this."
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