Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan scoffed slightly at her brother's objection to her holding off the pirates. "And who exactly is going to help me then, you?" she asked him, perhaps a bit harshly. He had only just discovered his magic though and she didn't trust him to not stab himself with his own sword. Whereas Megan had been in fencing lessons for almost her entire life - well, most of the life that she remembered, at the very least - and knew how to handle herself in a fight. However, before Jack could make his own biting remark, Hansel indicated that he and Gretel were going to hold off the pirates instead so they could escape with Bell. An arrow narrowly missed her, slicing open a cut on her face.

"...Fine," Megan conceded. Hansel and Gretel were capable people - and those going on the boat would need someone to defend them. Besides, Hansel and Gretel had a better chance of escaping from prison than she did - they knew this land, they had people who could help them out, Megan and Jack and Sierra did not. Megan sheathed her sword and climbed down the ladder warily, hoping that Bell at least knew the way to get to their ultimate destination.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:50 AM


Location: House of M Ruins
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Polaris looked like she had gone through hell. Her body was sporting numerous cuts and her green hair was matted with blood. Her nose was broken and a blade was embedded in her stomach. Green magnetism surrounded her hands as she used her mutant gifts to drag five bodies out from the rubble with her, all of their throats cut with some sort of jagged blade. There was a certain numbness in her eyes as she saw the strange creature Kristina had blasted, and with the flick of her wrist, metal shards slit the creature's throat. "Father, Moneta, you survived," Polaris stated.

With the creature dead, Veil and Jack were both freed from their illusions. Veil took a deep breath, suddenly coming to her senses, and she made herself visible again. Everyone seemed to be okay - well, Polaris looked like she was in desperate need of a doctor and then a quiet moment to herself, but otherwise, they were fine. By some miracle, no one had died. "What were these people?" Veil muttered, but she knew that there were probably still other places on the island that needed them. They had just showed up to the tail end of the fighting here - from the psychic messages earlier, it seemed like every inch of Genosha was under attack, so odds were, they were needed elsewhere.

"Yes, although we cannot say the same for the meshugener," Magneto commented. There was a hint of concern in his eyes. "Elixir, would you attend to Polaris?" Magneto requested.

"I'm fine," Polaris said, her voice void of emotion. "See?" she then pulled the blade out of her stomach, blood gushing out. Her pale fingers were stained with her own blood and she must have been in immense pain, but it didn't show. She was numb to the world - likely because of the senseless bloodshed that had just happened, but it was fine - they were all alive - so what had her so shaken?

"Um... I'm going to heal you anyways, okay?" Elixir said timidly, looking like he was worried Polaris would carve his insides out with metal as he approached her. He gently put a hand on her, before his eyes widened with understanding. "Oh.... Oh. I see... I... I can't do anything about that... I'm so sorry..."

"You can't heal her?" Aurora asked, confused.

Veil saw Elixir's hands heal Polaris' wound, but it didn't change the heartbroken look on his face - or wash away the clear trauma in Polaris'. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized what must have happened. She didn't know what to say about it - she hadn't known Polaris that well, they used to have been more or less friends, but that had been years ago. And she definitely wasn't about to ask Polaris if her dead unborn child was Havok's. Now wasn't the time. It would never be the time for that.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

The minds of the ghosts must have been harder for Spark Plug to access, as she simply couldn't get a grip on them (2 on a d20). But perhaps, with another go at things, she could be more successful. Selene slurped down another dozen or so of the ghosts, with at least thirty left in the room to deal with. Horrifyingly, Selene was more or less eating their souls, the ghosts ceasing to exist once she consumed them. It was really for the best that Selene was one of Genosha's upstanding citizens and not a villainous foe.

"He's right - we'll have to kill him. That or if you could use your magicks to stop his mutant power," Selene suggested to Max. "We could attempt the spell together, although it may be permanent, rendering him human... Such a waste of an omega."

Unfortunately for Maria, Ben had been knocked out, his ghostly form fading away as he left this plane of existence for the moment before he could answer her (another 2 on a d20). The ghosts were more or less rushing at Echo and the clones as a mob, their combined force causing the clones to stumble backwards, decreasing the distance between them and Casper, to the point that if the clones were to move back any further they'd be stepping on the unconscious and glowing mutant.

"We aren't killing the idiot!" Sunshine shouted, catching the container of salt that Max had thrown at her. "Just... just kill the ghosts faster!" She could see that they were making progress. Pixie had stabbed another three ghosts with her souldagger and they dissipated like mist. One ghost apparently was in the mood for pranks, pulling Zarina's shirt up and over her head, effectively trapping Zarina's head inside of her shirt and blinding her. The ghosts holding Andy decided it would be really funny to drop her.

Horrifically, one of the ghosts got a hold of Marrow's bone spikes and stabbed her through the heart, the life leaving her eyes as Sunshine screamed in horror. "MARROW!" she shouted, traumatized at seeing Waverley die not long ago, and now, her wife too. She didn't listen to Max. She didn't draw a circle around her in salt. Instead, she poured salt into her hand and balled her hand into a fist, dashing for her wife. Each ghost that popped up in her way she punched, her salty knuckles causing the ghosts to flicker in and out of being.

She made it to Marrow, tears pouring through her eyes as she cradled Marrow in her arms.

"I can heal, you know," Marrow wheezed. "I'm not going to die on you, Sunny."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: N/A

Runa blushed ever so slightly at Lance's wave - by Midgardian standards, she was a bit Victorian in her sensibilities. The thought that she had been with him intimately in Wanda's false reality - at least, in the implanted memories - only served to bring more heat to her cheeks whenever it arose. However, she couldn't focus much on matters of the heart, as her brother was uncharacteristically venomous, glaring at all those assembled and then summoning a creature so monstrous as to make Bilgesnipes cower. "Brother, why do you challenge the Midgardians?" Runa asked him.

Mary seemed to have her wits about her, combating the summoned foe with her command over plants. Runa winced ever so slightly at the damage done to her mother's garden - she didn't doubt that Nanna would somewhat crushed to see what happened. Forseti countered by summoning more beasts and it broke Runa's heart. "My parents should be at home - but seeing my brother like this would break their hearts..." She didn't want to have to fight her brother. She didn't want her parents to see him like this either. She loved him. But she didn't know what had come over him - was he being bewitched by some enchantment, perhaps? How had he become so powerful? "Brother, please don't make me do this," Runa requested, drawing her staff.

Guin Stark

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Telepathy

"Is that a fucking kaiju?" Guin blurted, as Runa's brother decided that rather than be Anakin Skywalker, he wanted to go for a classic evil wizard vibe, summoning the biggest and baddest creature he could think of. Luckily, they had their own classic character with them - Mary in the role of Poison Ivy, enchanting the flowers and plants and whatnot to ensnare the kaiju, preventing it from turning the X-Men into breakfast. But luck wasn't on their side, as more creatures appeared! Guin groaned, before complaining in the mental X-Men group chat, "I've got a bad feeling about this." It didn't help that the classic Star Wars tactic of tying up the large things had already been done and was clearly about to fail.

Guin then heard Annie's suggestion. "So, you mean me, the telepath of the group - unless one of you suddenly developed telepathic powers and decided to keep them secret for laughs?" Guin surmised. She had never really telepathically shut people down before - she hadn't had a lot of chances to practice her telepathy, nor had she really sought them out. Her entire life she had just been able to more or less coast by on her natural intellect and talent, she hadn't needed to practice or try at anything. Telepathy was the first thing where she wasn't automatically the best in the room.


EARTH 257 - 4:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

"What truth?" Bonnie asked, tilting her head as she looked at Niah. It was easier to focus on the weirdness of the current conversation than the jumbled mess of memories in her head. She guessed that the memories of high school were the anomalies, as they didn't line up with anything else, but there was a small part of her that doubted that - they felt too real to just be dismissed. They felt true and that terrified her.

Bonnie nodded though, agreeing with Oliver's assessment of the situation. "They put us in a group as well, meaning they aren't worried about us having contact with each other," Bonnie surmised. "They aren't necessarily trying to isolate us and make us feel alone..." Of course, she had to wonder why? Had the situation been reversed, Bonnie would have interrogated each person individually. She would have isolated them, allowing her to lie to them about the status of the others. It was logical and strategic - so what was this?

The door then opened and a kind looking man in a suit stepped on inside, holding a tray of coffees in one hand. "Sorry about the wait, I figured you all could use some caffeine," he said, setting the coffees down on the table. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a badge appeared in his right hand. "I'm Agent Jimmy Woo," he said, introducing himself as he sat down opposite them. "Would one of you like to get started?"

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Maybe it's whatever drugs they spiked us with?" Amelia suggested. She knew that her memories were a little bit different and didn't make sense, but loads of things didn't make sense to her. She wasn't too panicked about it anyways. She remembered what it was like to fly through the air unassisted, something she had never been able to do before. And now, all she wanted to do was go outside and try it out, to see if she could replicate it, if she could push herself farther than she ever had before. Her mind was so focused on chasing that feeling that she didn't consider the loss of memories - the loss of loved ones she held only in her mind.

The door then swung open, banging up against the wall. A brunette with glasses had evidently kicked it open, holding a breakfast burrito in one hand and a coffee in the other. "You guys mind if I eat while we do this?" the girl asked, talking with a mouthful of burrito. "I don't usually do this sort of thing, but May is sick, so they asked me to fill in. It's not even my division, but I guess since it's my break they were like go and interrogate the criminals, Darcy, it'll be fun! Your PhD qualifies you for that right?" the woman rambled, before taking another bite of her breakfast burrito, some bits of potato falling and hitting the ground.

"Ooh, nice, is that Chipotle? I could kill for some," Amelia said, her stomach growling. Sure, it felt like it was early in the morning for them, but Amelia hadn't had breakfast yet.

"What's Chipotle?" Darcy asked.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

"It's been over two decades since I was last here, they've unfortunately probably updated their security and covered some blindspots by now," Raynor begrudgingly admitted to Maria. He didn't even know how many of his old contacts were still alive and free to help them.

Raynor had no idea what Matt was talking about - the Mandela effect? He had jumped through reality before and nothing like that had ever happened to him. "What are you going on about? That's not a thing," Raynor chastised. "If it was, don't you think it would've happened to me by now?" Or Sparky? Although Raynor left that part out. He still hadn't managed to find a good way to bring this up to Sparky - but if the God of Lies were to be honest with himself, he didn't want to. He didn't want Sparky to know about his past, he didn't want her to know about the world they were both from, he wanted her to be happy and trauma free. But really, he was scared of the way she would look at him - and the longer he went without saying anything, the worse it became.

His eye twitched and his nostrils flared at Flynn's words. "Note to self, brutally murder Oliver at the same time," he muttered under his breath. He looked like he was about to say more when the door opened and a woman in a sleek blue uniform stepped inside, her arms crossed.

"I'm Agent Rambeau. Are we doing this the easy way or the hard way today?" she asked, taking a seat across from the prisoners.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

It was nice having a mage on hand - mostly because of the convenient shield. Of course, the shield was only so convenient until it wasn't there anymore. It had protected them from initial attacks, until breaking with a crack. Jade didn't feel fear coursing through her veins. She hadn't really felt true fear since she had died. Ever since coming back, knowing what was waiting for her on the other side, the fear of dying just didn't do much for her anymore. She wasn't afraid of hell either, as long as she could drag some assholes down with her. Fatale slammed her foot into her stomach, knocking Jade down to the ground.

Jade had been fighting for ages. She had plenty of experience and knew how to take a hit. Within seconds, she was back up on her feet and she slashed at Fatale with her knife, an angel blade Jade had used to kill Lucifer himself with. Fatale's arm was bleeding from the gash. Jade didn't pause for a second, this time stabbing Fatale in the shoulder, missing her heart. She slashed Fatale's arm again, the mutant woman bleeding heavily from all of these wounds. "Any last words, bitch?" Jade asked, her angel blade covered in Fatale's blood.

Guinevere Stark

"How?!" Guin mouthed as Carolina dashed off to try to possess Sabretooth, not actually making a sound as she wasn't stupid. She didn't know how she was supposed to cover Carolina that didn't involve being shredded to pieces by Wolverine's somehow uglier twin (seriously, what was it with the hairy men with claws???) Carolina seemed to have (maybe?) gotten lucky, largely as Sabretooth screamed at the cowering mutants to get out of here. It was evident that she had been successful when Sabretooth started talking about control and clawing at his own throat.

Guin winced slightly. "You know, furbag, suicide is never the answer," she quipped, before going over to the mutants cowering in the corner. "Come on, people, we got to get moving or this will be our grave," she said, doing her best to encourage them - but she wasn't nearly as positive as she once had been. She had more or less already accepted New York would be her grave. It was a question of when, not if at this point. Three of them started to move and head down the stairs, whereas the others were too traumatized. "Hey, you can get up, I know this is super scary but it's much safer downstairs, I promise." If they didn't start moving, Guin supposed she could always switch with them one by one and force them to evacuate.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

At Klara's harsh words, Runa burst into tears. She hadn't done anything to anger Klara, she knew that deep down, but her mind was feeding her insecurities and fears. It didn't help that Klara called them all stupid and reckless, declaring she didn't care if they died. Runa's tears were silent and she was still hiding her face from her, not wanting one of her closest friends to see how hurt she was - she knew the others probably saw her as weak and fragile, and she didn't want them to. She could handle things by herself.

Runa's eyes widened as Loki appeared in front of the group, singled her out, and waved. She didn't know how to respond or react to that. She had seen Loki before in the Hotel, but she had assumed that they wouldn't be seeing him again for a while. It was a magic hotel, couldn't they have added some sort of special warding or spells or something prevent him from coming back here? But even as she thought it, Runa realized it wouldn't have done much good. Loki was the trickster god for a reason - he would always find a way. She didn't know why he had revealed the door in the wall to them - it didn't make any sense that he would want to help them. It had to be some sort of trick, right?

The door opened and Runa's jaw dropped in horror. She could hardly comprehend what she was seeing. Why was Loki doing this? Why put the missing Einherjar inside of those machines? Why show them the bloodied body of the attacker? "What... why are you doing this?" she squeaked out. She bit her lip, tears still streaming down her face from the huge influx of chaotic emotions, as Runa played the game with trembling hands, freeing four people.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda hadn't noticed the fighting going on, largely because she had been focused on finding snacks for the kids and the singing around the campfire was rather noisy. She perked up ever so slightly at that. It wasn't that Leda was happy drama was going on - okay, well, maybe she was a little bit happy. Breaking up a fight (or just full on participating in one) was going to be way more fun than singing some songs anyways. And it would be a good warm up for her before the quest. Her fingers were just itching for a good fight. She spotted Jason taking part in the action, which didn't surprise her - the kids of Ares were always trigger happy.

Arthur decided to put a dark spin on the conversation - trying to determine who was going to take care of Chocolate during the quest. "Right behind ya, luv," Leda said, before heading off after Kiera towards the scene. Jace was there and something clearly had come over him, as he knocked Kiera to the ground. Smoke would've been coming out of Leda's ears if they were in a cartoon and Jace was lucky that one of the gingers seemingly put him to sleep. Leda reached into her bag, pulling out an ambrosia square, and she offered it to Kiera. "I'll kill the wanker next time," she promised.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent -> Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy just smirked ever so slightly at Madalyne's question as to whether or not she was a vampire. If she survived long enough to join the Hunt, she at least would have the immortality in common with the creatures of the night. However, she pulled a face as Mads admitted she'd be entertained by hearing the Greeks sing. "I'd rather stick a lit candle in my ear," Nancy countered. Her father was the god of music, but that didn't mean Nancy enjoyed hearing a bunch of out of tune children screaming campfire songs on the eve before a horrific quest was set to begin. At least a second later, Mads seemed to have retracted her statement, now thankfully calling the songs annoying.

She did raise an eyebrow as Niah mentioned she was saving that information for consideration. Niah hadn't put her name forward for being praetor, she had suggested someone else - and now she was thinking about how to deliver punishments? Maybe she was more interested in one day having the job than Nancy had initially realized. They left the senate tent and made their way to the arena, and Nancy snorted slightly, taking in the scene. Something had definitely happened. "Radical," she said with an eye roll.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan had to bite her tongue to keep herself from laughing at the revelation that Jack's mother was Belle, the princess famous for Stockholm Syndrome and bestiality. She knew that she ought to have more sympathy for Belle, hearing what she had gone through, but it was still a little difficult to separate the real person from the animated character. She was thinking about someone singing a song about how dull her hometown was, not an actual person who seemed to be a victim of human trafficking. Megan then turned her head quickly, hearing the same shouting that Sierra did. Hook's men had spotted Hansel - and Megan's opinion of Hansel's capabilities was dropping rapidly.

Fortunately, Jack's mother saw a solution - a boat that they could drop down into to escape. The other option was to fight a bunch of pirates. As epic as that would have been, they were vastly outnumbered and Jack was more liable to hurt himself than anyone else with his sword. "Get down, quickly. I'll hold them off if needed," Megan said, drawing her sword and more or less guarding the escape route for the others. Once everyone else got onto the boat, she'd head down and get on too.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:40 AM


Location: House of M Ruins
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation

Elixir blushed ever so slightly, an odd appearance with his golden skin, as he went to work healing Miranda, getting her back to full strength. "Everything feel good?" Elixir asked - he was pretty sure he got everything that was wrong with her, but he liked to confirm just in case.

"Whoever it was that messed with my mind, they will not live to regret it," Magneto vowed. His helmet blocked out psychic powers and influence, but it wasn't infallible. His defenses could be manipulated, especially if the source wasn't something psychic - it then occurred to him that it must have not been a psychic power that overwhelmed him. But then, what was it?

A strange green glow then appeared in Veil's eyes. To her, she was trapped inside of her worst nightmare - zombies. Everyone around her had suddenly turned into decaying, man eating beasts. She didn't have a lot of practice with shutting out illusions like Moneta did, so Veil did what anyone in a zombie nightmare would do with her powers - she turned herself invisible. She then threw up a force field around herself, preventing anyone from coming near or touching her. She was panicking, trying to figure out what to do - should she kill the zombies? Or hope for a cure?

A similar experience would happen to Jack, only for him, he would see himself surrounded by fire as the island burned.

"Veil, t'es d'accord?" Aurora said, asking Veil if she was alright. Veil had vanished from view and had shouted about something behind Magneto, but she couldn't see it. No one else could.

"This place is giving me the creeps," Elixir then admitted, as the rubble started to shift, before exploding upwards as someone flew out from underneath it with shocking green hair.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Selene strutted through the portal Max had conjured, Pixie fluttering along after them. When she arrived, Selene's eyes seemed to light up with delight at the ghoulish assembly of ghosts. Her eyes flickered towards Casper, restrained by Max's chains and surrounded by a circle of salt. He was limp but his body had a concentrated blue glow to it, his powers wildly out of control even though he was not conscious. "Why have I not met this young man properly? So much potential wasted in a male though," she mused.

Two others caught Selene's attention - a girl with dark hair like her own and Selene smiled ever so slightly. The other was a young child, doing a feeble attempt at banishment. "My dear, do allow me to give you a demonstration - and what is the saying these days? Use every part of the animal?" Selene then opened her mouth, using her powers to create the illusion of fangs, and she began to feast on the ghosts. With each bite, a ghost would turn into dust that Selene would practically inhale. However, even then Selene was hardly making a dent in the numbers - the room was crowded, overflowing basically with blue spirits.

Pixie was fluttering around the room, stabbing at the ghosts with her souldagger, dispelling them slowly one by one - but again, in the grand scheme of things, she was hardly making a dent. It was like with each ghost they took care of, two more appeared to take their place.

Soon after Echo appeared and began his assault on Serafina, Sunshine and the others would also make their way down. Sunshine's eyes widened, looking at the haunted spectacle. "Oh Hades...." she cursed softly. She had no idea how to fight ghosts. Her heart ached for a moment, thinking of Magik - Magik would've known. She could see James and Casper, both in chains. There was a silver woman, surrounded by ghosts - Sunshine didn't recognize her, so she assumed she was the enemy. She started moving in that direction with Marrow, only to see a horrific sight. The ghosts had swarmed the woman, each grabbing hold, and then pulling until her limbs gave out. They ripped her apart.

"How are we supposed to fight ghosts?!" Marrow shouted.

The ghosts weren't stopping with Serafina either. Some of them were clawing at James' eyes and his eyes hardened into steel to stop them. Ben was busy doing his best to defend Casper, his tentacles throwing ghosts away from his incapacitated bestie as best as he could. "Casper's powers are out of control, we need to find a way to stop him!" Ben exclaimed for the newcomers.

"But he's already unconscious!" Pixie cried.

One ghost was tugging at Zarina's sword, trying to steal it from her. Two ghosts had grabbed Andy by the hair and were dragging her up into the air, now at least ten feet off the ground. Echo would find he could speak again. Max was the other person targeted by the ghosts, as one ghost grabbed for his throat, attempting to strangle him.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: N/A

Runa sighed slightly. Her brother wasn't usually this ill tempered. He was a judge, dedicated to ensuring justice and fairness whenever possible - not a fighter. "Brother, please, be at peace," she urged him. "I see the value in Midgardians that I do in any sentient race - we may be gods, but they bleed and feel just as we do." Her words rang with truth. She knew there were those on Asgard who thought they were better than other beings by virtue of their godhood, believing in supremacist notions. Yet as far as Runa was concerned, the main difference between them and the Midgardians was lifespan, and even then, Asgardians would still die one day. They were not truly immortal.

She then turned to Marygold, knowing that she had to stop the fighting on this end. "Marygold, I understand you are defending the honor of Midgard, but there is no need. My brother was merely mistaken." Her eyes then flashed to Forseti, giving him a silent warning. She still had every intention on helping him get out of this mess, but she didn't want to have him belittle her friends in the process. The people of Midgard had treated her with far more kindness than those on Asgard had. Even those she loved on Asgard did little more than just stand by and watch the way she was cruelly treated by the other Asgardians.

Guin Stark

Location: the Palace -> Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Telepathy

"What the fuck, Bethany? Why'd you throw a rock at me? I don't show up and throw rocks at your astral form!"] Guin complained, more than a little bit annoyed. It hadn't hurt or anything, but it definitely had felt weird - as if a gust of wind in the shape of a rock had hit her in the stomach. She made a mental note to change all of Bethany's passwords as soon as they got back to Earth. That would make them even. She then had one of the most bizarre experiences of her life, as she watched Edus place his hands over her. She wasn't able to focus too much on it, though, as Pietro's words were buzzing into her head rapidly.

If I knew, I would have said! Guin protested. She had no idea how this had happened to her. It was probably some magic bullshit. She hated magic. Unlike science and engineering, she couldn't figure out magic from logical principles - it was like the universe had decided to just let some people selectively achieve glitches. Even the rituals didn't make sense - why would mumbling some sentence in Latin cause things to happen? What if Latin had never been invented? Would another language trigger the magic or would it just never happen?

"If this didn't work, I'm giving you a bad review on Yelp," Guin warned Edus, before walking back into her body. To her relief, she opened her eyes and she could see - she could hear, all of her senses had been restored to her. "Thank god, that fucking sucked." It hadn't lasted very long, but in Guin's opinion, it had already been long enough. Before she could make more quips though, a green light flashed and the next thing she knew, they were standing in some sort of meadow with Runa, Mary, and... some dude?

Guin did a quick mental scan, figuring she might as well put her telepathy to good use, and she made a face as if she had smelled something rotten. She then opened up a mental group chat with her other X-Men members, connecting all of their minds together so they could talk freely: "Gross, that guy I think is Runa's brother and his mind is messed up. Like he's giving me Anakin Skywalker about to kill the younglings vibes."

"Forseti, these are the rest of my companions. Friends, this is my brother, Forseti, God of Justice and Retribution," Runa introduced. "Are you all alright?" she asked.
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