Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts


EARTH 257 - 10:20 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron

"That's more like it," Hayward commented, seeing how everyone had more or less stood down. "Let's wrap this up, boys." She then twirled a finger and the remaining members of the Iron Legion fired a series of darts, each member of the Secret Warriors getting hit by one, and the next thing they would know, darkness had claimed them as they fell unconscious.
EARTH 257 - 4:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

It was difficult to tell how much time had passed. When Bonnie opened her eyes, the world looked like it was swirling in front of her, the faces of her companions almost entirely distorted. She was a bit shocked to see that Celestine wasn't in her armor. In fact, no one was in the clothing they had on earlier - they were all dressed in bright orange prison garb. The main difference from traditional prison wear was that they all had collars clamped around their throats, with soft glowing red lights.

Bonnie then realized that she was seated, handcuffed to a long, pristine table in front of her. The table glowed softly, like it was some sort of touch screen - a gigantic iPad made into furniture. "What happened?" Bonnie asked softly, her ears ringing slightly. "Is everyone okay?" Her mind was groggy, but she knew the answer to her first question before she even asked it. They had lost. They had been captured. The odds of them apprehending Doom and Luminous were growing ever smaller by the minute. How long had they been here?

Suddenly, then, she had an influx of memories, as something rewrote her mind. Her head was pounding ever so slightly as the memories played through her head. She was at her private school in the Iron, learning that her parents had been killed in a terrorist attack committed by the X-Men. They had died screaming, pleading, begging for their lives. She was an orphan now, a ward of the state. But... how could that be true? How could she remember that? She had talked to her parents on the phone last week and they were fine - but she could remember so clearly seeing their bodies at the funeral, crying as she was taken to the state home for wayward girls.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Crikey... I feel like I had one too many..." Amelia murmured, as she came to. Strangely, she felt incredibly heavy - as if someone had increased the pull gravity held on her. It took her a moment to come to the startling realization that she hadn't felt like this since before the entire terrigen bomb thing, where she had been reborn as an inhuman. She instantly started to stand up, only to realize she was handcuffed to the table and her feet - as if by some weird precaution - had additional weights strapped to them. Around her neck was an odd collar and she was wearing a ghastly orange jumpsuit.

Sparky still had Niah's leg inside of her, keeping her alive.

Amelia blinked and some of her memories were rewritten too. Rather than teenage years spent in Australia, she suddenly remembered growing up in the Blue. She had perfect recall of just showing up to school on days that suited her, goofing off and flying her plane erratically on days that she didn't. She had never felt so free, not even needing a license in order to fly. She remembered emerging from her cocoon after exposing herself to terrigen mist and finding she could fly unaided, soaring high through the sky. Amelia's eyes were shining as she recalled it all, she didn't care that it didn't make sense with the rest of what she knew, all she cared about was the feeling of what it was like to soar through the air under her own inhuman power.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Raynor's eyes snapped open. His mouth felt swollen and numb, probably due to the paralytic that the Iron Legion had given him. He quickly whipped his head around, trying to find Sparky in the room, and he didn't know if he should be relieved or not that she was gone. Maybe she had escaped. That would've been for the best - he shuddered to think about what the Iron Legion and SWORD would do to her, they had to know who she really was by now...

"COME IN HERE AND FACE ME LIKE A FUCKING MAN!" Raynor shouted, certain that their jailers were hiding just out of sight. He was struggling against the handcuffs and the chains, only to suddenly be zapped from an electric discharge from the power dampening collar, forcing him to stop - at least for the moment. His eyes narrowed spotting Matt next to him. "When we get out of here, we're fighting. Be ready for that." He fully wanted to pummel Matt for firing that stray bullet that had nearly killed Sparky. But that would have to wait. He struggled again against his bonds, receiving another shock.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

The inside of the city was more or less what she had expected - and the very opposite of what New York City had once been. Jade had gone to NYC a few times back in the day, when it was still a functioning environment. The lack of life on the once bustling streets gave it an apocalyptic aura. She could have sworn she felt a slight magnetic tingle in the air, as if even the metal most buildings were constructed from had decided to side with Magneto. Suddenly, three people - a woman and two men - appeared out of nowhere. Jade's mind instantly went into overdrive, pulling every possible bit of information from them.

The woman - a teleporter, she'd appeared out of nowhere. The first man - the scythe was connected to his arms, he had some tech augmentations, and a sort of energy surrounded his weapon. The second man - there was something ominous under the coils on his body, he had the face of a demon, and a familial resemblance to the teleporting X-Man Nightcrawler. Jade gripped her angel blade firmly, but she didn't make a move to attack. There were teleporters in this group. It would be pointless for her to charge - easier for her to respond with a quick strike to their movements. "Amazing, you can see with your eyes and make coherent statements, I'm half proud of you," Jade mouthed off, speaking to Fatale. "And who are your friends supposed to be - value brand Nightcrawler and Colossus?"

Guinevere Stark

Guin was a little bit relieved to hear the loud crash, largely because she didn't want to be smelling eau de corpse much longer - it was such a nauseating smell, one that she hoped to never again experience. "Amazing," Guin said, stepping out of the noxious room and back into the main area. The stairs thankfully weren't too hard to locate and she walked on up, doing her best not to be too noisy, as they had no idea who was upstairs exactly. There was then the sound of a large blast and the building began to shake, cracks forming in the walls and the supports. Guin clutched the railing of the stairs to avoid falling, her heart pounding a bit from the sense of fear and danger. They had to move fast. They didn't have much time.

When she reached the top of the stairs, Guin froze. She could see a bunch of people huddled in a corner, shaking in fear. And right in front of them, thankfully with his back turned to her, was Sabretooth. She remembered him from the day at the Power Plant - her heart clenched. It had been one of the last days she had seen her father. It wasn't too long after that... that he had died. She shut her eyes for a moment, trying to hold back her tears - sometimes, it was so raw as if it had just happened minutes ago. She opened her eyes again, waiting for Lance and Carolina to catch up before doing anything, figuring that her or Carolina could more or less possess Sabretooth if Lance could run interference.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

"I'm fine," Runa told Nadia - it was the truth. She was no longer confined inside of that small cramped space and already, her nerves were beginning to calm. She wasn't entirely anxiety and fear free, due to the situation that they were in, but her knees weren't trembling and she didn't feel like she was about to collapse. She glanced at Klara as Klara emerged from the elevator, noting that Klara looked a little bit angry, and Runa's mind instantly suggested that Klara was angry at her. She had no reason for the thought, it wasn't bound in logic or reason, but Runa couldn't shake it all the same and she quickly looked away.

Dalisay took the lead, finding a trail of blood and identifying the door that the killer had gone through. Despite telling Nadia she was fine, Runa's stomach flip flopped in anticipation. Runa waited a moment for those more keen on searching to head on, before joining the others, more or less making up the rear of the group. She didn't really know what she was doing, she was just a kid, she'd never tried to find a murderer before.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda raised an eyebrow, genuinely confused where the dog had come from, although it was probably just someone's pet. Arthur was pretty quick to claim the dog and Leda glanced around, looking for any sign of an owner, but she didn't see anyone. "Oh, duh!" Leda exclaimed. She could have kicked herself. It wasn't a dog at all - it was a hellhound puppy. And those came from one place. It was probably some sort of present for Arthur (or Andy, maybe Zeus was into hellhound puppers these days). "The pupper's a hellhound - they're from the Underworld and they can shadow travel. I'm guessing Hades may've sent it on up to you? That or the little fella's just lost."

The puppy was adorable and Leda let the pupper sniff her hand, before giving the dog a quick pet. "Think it's been a minute, lovelies, so what are ya naming it?" she asked. It was honestly her favorite thing to do with animals - coming up with a name. You could name an animal just about anything, making animal names vastly superior to people names. There was a similar rule for weapons - case in point, no one would name a person Ultraviolet, but it was a perfect name for her weapon. Mostly though, Leda was just glad that the dog seemed to be distracting Andy and Arthur a bit - the two of them were really going through it.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy forced herself to smile and laugh at Mads' joke, even if she didn't feel it. She knew that Mads was trying to make them feel better about this situation, but that wasn't right - Mads was the one who apparently was fated to die, Niah and Nancy weren't. They didn't have a death prophecy hanging over their heads. They should have been the ones comforting her. "I have always wanted some of your blood," Nancy tried to joke, hoping to lighten some of the tension Mads had to be feeling.

She didn't really care that the Greeks had been waiting for a while. The Greeks probably hadn't even noticed. From what Nancy could tell, the Greeks didn't have a god in charge of punctuality, instead favoring chaos and disorganization. It was baffling to her that any Greek demigods made it to adulthood, when their entire system seemed to revolve around crossing their fingers and hoping for the best. "Walk sounds great. And fuck the Greeks, they can wait. They probably have fifteen more songs about S'mores to sing anyways."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan's shaking hands brushed the armor and suddenly, it wasn't there anymore. She blinked, stunned by the sudden act of magic. The crate was empty save for a single ring bearing King Arthur's crest. She had seen a lot of magic so far, but it was still shocking to see such a violation of the laws of physics. But somehow, she knew that the armor had merely just transformed into the ring and she picked it up, expecting it to be impossibly heavy, but it wasn't. She paused for a moment, feeling like a child taking something that didn't belong to them as she slid the ring onto her left ring finger. It fit perfectly, as if it had been meant for her.

"We should take them with us," Megan decided, trying to refocus her mind and bury those troubling emotions. She raised an eyebrow at Jack's sword. Of course he had found a flaming sword. She didn't even know why she was really surprised at all. This was classic Jack, just casually holding a flaming sword as Belle from Beauty in the Beast claimed to recognize him and embraced him. "Old babysitter?" Megan guessed, not sure how exactly Belle could have known Jack otherwise. "You might want to put that fire out, it'll draw attention, brother dear."

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 5:30 AM


Location: Magda Eisenhardt Memorial Housing - Rooftop
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Perception

"Of course - anything for a hero of Genosha," Elixir said kindly, taking Kristina's hand. "I'm Elixir - or, well, Josh too if we're using our human names." He looked a little bashful, as if he found her cute as well. "Everything feeling good?" he then asked her.

Veil couldn't help but notice the slight romantic connection between the two. They didn't have time for it though. Genosha was being attacked from multiple locations, and while she hadn't heard any updates from the Three-in-One, she had a strong feeling that they were needed elsewhere. She just didn't know where. And then she wanted to kick herself, realizing that with Aurora, they could move pretty much anywhere instantly and know where they were needed. She blushed slightly, feeling strangely vulnerable. "Aurora, would you go see where-" Veil asked.

"Of course," Aurora interjected, before dashing off into the sky.

A few seconds later, Aurora returned. She looked at the foursome. "Magneto needs your aid," she said, before one by one transporting them in the blink of an eye to the ruins of the House of M.

It took Veil a moment to get her bearings, as she felt sick from the rapid travel. It looked like the House of M had collapsed and Magneto was fighting... a cartoon version of a sentinel? Moneta was bleeding out on the ground and she didn't see any sign of anyone else - she hoped that Valkyrie and Andy had made it out okay. She was confident Polaris was fine, Polaris had been through more than most. "Magneto, what's going on here?" Veil asked.

Elixir instantly sprinted over to Moneta, knowing where he, as a healer, was most needed.

Aurora blasted the sentinel with light, whereas Veil noticed something out of the corner of her eye that almost made her heart stop. It looked like a monstrous thing, standing right behind Magneto with a twisted smile. The creature was invisible, so the others could not see it - but she could. "Erik, behind you!"

But Magneto didn't listen, instead turning on Veil and sending a volley of metal blocks at her that she only narrowly managed to shield herself from with a quick force shield.


Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

"Uhh... I'm out," the purple skinned kid said, darting for the nearest exit. This was way more than she had bargained for when she just wanted to take revenge on the silver telepath.

Casper's vision began to clear, as his mind expelled Serafina - that or Serafina was so unnerved by the gaggle of ghouls that she lessened her grip. He no longer saw his father in front of him, he no longer saw the confining small space of the mausoleum, but what he did see was almost worst. It was like the ballroom filled with ghosts in the Haunted Mansion ride, only it was real. They were shrieking and screaming, demanding to be looked at, flickering in and out of view rapidly. They were covered in ghastly wounds and blood, enough to make Casper's stomach feel sick. And the noise, oh the noise was deafening, he couldn't even hear Ben as his legs gave out and Casper collapsed to the floor. Blue light was enveloping his body and he was shaking like a leaf, completely unaware of his surroundings - unaware that the ghosts could now touch and hurt the man he loved.

A ghostly axe came down on James' head, his reactive adaption turning his body into an organic steel and the blade shattered. Serafina was repeatedly shot with ghostly bullets, although they did little more than bruise. She looked freaked out though, as she tried to control her foes with her mind - but couldn't. They were beyond her control.

"James, you need to knock out Casper!" Ben urged, his ghostly tentacles grabbing ghosts and flinging them away as best as he could. If he stopped though, one of them would make it to Casper, so he didn't dare try to do it himself.


Location: Hellfire Bay - the Mercury -> Roof of Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

Sunshine flinched slightly at Spark Plug's touch. "Why are you saying sorry to me? You should be saying sorry to her - she's the one that's dead!" Sunshine snapped, rising to her feet and gesturing angrily at Waverley's body. She kept on replaying the promise of Genosha in her mind - that they were safe here, that they didn't need to worry about being murdered, that they could relax and live. She didn't know who had sent those monsters, but it didn't matter. She blamed humans for it all the same. One way or another, it was always a flatscan's fault. "We should've killed all the stupid humans, they're the ones who did this, they're the ones who should be dead instead of her!"

"C'mon, Sun, we'll go kill the rest of these assholes," Marrow said encouragingly. At Echo's words, the Mercury began to vibrate and then it shot off, heading in the direction of Hellfire Manor, as if the craft could sense exactly where it was needed to go. In a matter of seconds, the craft descended on top of the Manor and from below, there was the sound of ghastly wails and shrieks. They could see a group of mutants who had evacuated the Manor, staring at the main entrance as if anticipating some sort of monster to emerge.


"Is... is it safe now?" Rain Boy asked timidly, his eyes wide. The other students looked similarly freaked out, most of them having never witnessing violence like that before. They were used to humans trying to kill them, but not people who might as well have been other mutants. It was difficult to tell how Cosmar was doing, with how distorted her body was, but Glob was jiggling slightly from fear.

"...I like your horse," one student, with antlers coming out of her head, said somewhat timidly, looking at the pegasus in awe.


Pixie hesitated, not wanting to share her own trauma, trauma that had come at the hand of someone she trusted, a Russian mutant sorceress. She didn't notice the way Selene was watching her and Max intently, as if dying to know the explanation herself. Pixie then nodded, before a similar weapon appeared in her own hand, a dagger surrounded by glowing light. "It's part of your soul, Max. But as long as you have the bloodstones, it should be okay... It'd be really bad if you didn't..." There was a ruby gem in the hilt of Pixie's dagger - but Max had no such stones.

"The Frost Sisters are silent," Selene said. She looked at the bodies of the Coven. Only a few others beyond Max and Pixie had survived. Her face fell. "We ought to aid them, if you all are ready for another battle. I won't ask you to risk your lives again today. With the false supreme's power, I can handle this threat myself and spare you the cost."


EARTH 257 - 10:10 AM Nov. 13th, 2021 - Metro, the Iron

Oliver's blade sliced cleanly through Hayward's skin, something that would have been impossible for their universe's Cass, thanks to her dermal armor. It seemed Hayward's mutant powers - if any - were remarkably different. Bizarrely, she didn't seem to feel any pain or cry out. In fact, the wound started to glow orange and then a deep red, as if the blood had turned into lava. The strange blood-lava substance extended outwards, taking on the shape of an arm, and then gradually became solid, as muscles and veins and whatnot took their place, finally ending with a fresh layer of skin. "I don't need to reattach it. Gotta love Extremis."

"...Since when could you do that?" Amelia asked, positively gobsmacked. She looked over at Cass for some sort of explanation, but instead Cass looked like she was in the middle of a mental breakdown. Sparky had been shot and Raynor was motionless on the ground. They were barely making any headway in this fight - Amelia didn't want to be a pessimist, but they were losing, badly. The only people making any real progress were Maria and Flynn, but there were still so many members of the Iron Legion to deal with.

Bonnie had been thrown into the wall of the train car, so she was hardly any help at the moment to Sparky - or anyone, really. The necklace she had acquired during her trip to Seattle felt white hot against her skin, but she didn't have the awareness to really think about it. Her head was ringing and she was completely dazed and disoriented, with no idea of what was going on - the very ideas of time and space were eluding her. She was hardly more coherent than Raynor and he was seemingly unconscious, if not just paralyzed.

A horrible feeling was growing in Amelia's stomach. She tried to push through it, to blow back Iron Legion members with a gust of air, but instead Amelia took five repulsor blasts to the chest. The last thing she knew was the smell of burnt hair - her own hair, maybe? - before darkness overcame her, as she fell to the ground unconscious. The Secret Warriors were horribly outnumbered and outmatched. Any efforts to move Sparky would kill her, but if they didn't get her medical attention right then and there, she would die.

"You're a medic?" Hayward said with a snort. "If that's the case and you just want to help, stand down, all of you. I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold." She had her repulsors aimed at Sparky, threatening the others to comply. She had three Iron Legion members left with her, all of them targeting those still standing. Hayward knew that even if they lost, Sparky would die - and she was fine with that outcome, no matter what HQ said.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

It was slightly anticlimatic how they had to walk for a while before they could even enter the city. Jade had put on her gas mask already as a precaution. She knew that it prevented Thalia and Edus from seeing her award winning smile, but fortunately the mask didn't cover her eyes, so they could see her world famous eye rolls instead. Case in point, her ever so slight smirk at Thalia's question was completely obscured. She already knew what Edus' profile was, largely because she had been involved in planning this mission from the start. "He's a witch with extra backstory," Jade then summarized once Edus had finished speaking.

She had met plenty of witches in her lifetime, ever since the strange events in Altsoba. For instance, she knew that one use of a victim's hair could afflict them with a rhyming curse. She couldn't recall other uses off the top of her head, at least nothing nefarious, and she didn't want to seem outwardly untrusting of Edus. "Sure, but I'd like for you to swear a blood oath or something that that'll be its only use," Jade requested. "I'm being serious, in case that wasn't obvious." Thinking on it more, she actually didn't care if Edus and Thalia knew that she didn't have complete trust in them. She didn't have complete trust in anyone but herself. It made life simpler.

Guinevere Stark

Guin raised an eyebrow, looking around the building as its foundations were shaken by the earthquakes. If nothing too serious happened, the building would stand for an hour, maybe two she guessed, eyeing some cracks already appearing in the support structures. But with their luck, the battle outside would topple the building in minutes. She was going to disagree with Carolina and advise that they split up to cover more ground quickly, but arguing about it was only going to take up more time than they'd save. "Let's hurry, then. I want to die but not like this," Guin said - it wasn't clear if she was joking or not.

Lance had opened up one door and poked his head inside, clearly not seeing anything interesting, so Guin went ahead and opened up the next door. She quickly plugged her nose and covered her mouth with one hand, fighting the urge to gag. She had found what looked like an office, but that wasn't what had given her such a wild aversion. No, there was a rotting corpse in the corner. It wasn't at all fresh and the entire room smelled like death. Guin physically staggered backwards. "Someone needs to use some fucking deodorant," she quipped. The room was clear otherwise, void of a living soul.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded slightly, relieved to see that the elevator doors had opened up - and doing her best not to imagine them closing at any moment, slicing her in half as she tried to escape. "I know, I know, I'm going," Runa mumbled, her cheeks turning slightly red with the realization that Arnora was waiting on her. The more terrifying thing about where she was going was that Runa could hear the growls of the wolf and she could see one in the hallway too. But she couldn't stay in the elevator. Runa began the process of climbing on out, her shirt getting snagged on the edge and tearing in the process, as she emerged into the hallway.

The wolf was dead by the time she got up there. She didn't hear any more howling, so it seemed that the danger had passed. A part of her felt more embarrassed that she had just been cowering in the elevator while others were brave and able to fight the beasts. And another part of her felt sad that such intelligent creatures had been slain. She didn't know what they should do next - taking the elevators at all seemed risky and they were almost at their original destination, doubling back to tell Balder about the wolves seemed pointless.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena -> Dining Pavilion -> Arena
Skills: Superspeed

Leda honestly didn't know much about the process of becoming praetor, but knowing the Romans, it probably involved at least ten interviews, fifteen thousand letters of recommendation, and probably a fair bit of nepotism. Survival skills fell somewhere in one of those areas, right? Rather than ponder this aloud, Leda nodded encouragingly, trying to back up the reassurance that Kiera was giving the kids. It was fine to lie to them as long as it made them feel better, Leda had already determined this, so was it that much more of a stretch to agree on the survival skills of someone she barely knew? There unfortunately hadn't been very many more Real Housewives of New Rome scenes happening when Leda was around to watch.

"On it, be back in a flash," Leda said, kissing Kiera on the cheek and then darting off at superspeed, turning into a rainbow blur to anyone who happened to be watching. She hit the dining pavilion first, figuring that it was most likely to have some snacks laying around, and she was in luck. There were some Oreos, Doritos, and Cheetohs sitting out unfinished. Leda scooped them up and then zoomed on back to the arena, coming to a halt in front of Andy, Arthur, and Kiera. "Junk food has arrived," she announced, setting down the items. "Dig in."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Senate Tent
Skills: N/A

Nancy guessed what Madalyne wanted to talk to them about - probably something to do with the potentially fatal quest they had all just approved to send Mads on. Nancy's throat felt dry. She didn't want to talk about this. Talking about it would only make it real, would only force her to confront the fact that this could be the last time she'd see her best friend. Mads could die before Apollo would even get around to finding a cure for her condition. She could die and be forced to wade through the Pit to reform on Earth as a monster.

While the rest of the Senate left, Nancy stayed behind with her friends. She tilted her head slightly as Mads pushed a small box towards them, opening it up to reveal necklaces with what Nancy assumed was a small sample of Mads' blood. "This is scary grody, but cool," Nancy admitted, picking up one necklace and then putting it on. "You're going to be fine. It's all going to work out," she said. Nancy didn't know if she was reassuring Mads or herself.
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