Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't appreciate her emotions being messed with, even though she knew the situation was getting out of control. If it had been anyone other than Niah who had done that, it would've been the start of a long grudge. She hoped Mads didn't regret sharing her secret with the Greeks - and Nancy almost wished Mads had kept it to herself. It would've made it easier for Nancy's secret deal with Apollo to be kept under wraps, as her father made her promise to not tell anyone about him going to her half-brother to get a cure for Mads made. Nancy snorted slightly as Chiron said that all of this was devised by someone wanting to create a rift. "Uh huh," she said. She didn't buy it. Things were always like this with the Greeks anyways.

Ezekiel continued to argument, and had Niah's forced calm not been in effect, Nancy would've exploded at him again. "If you had listened, the eidolon we encountered was non-violent. We weren't attacked. There was no attack to report to you. And I'm not apologizing for us meeting to approve the quests with the Senate without you all. If that's going to be a problem, let me know now, and we'll be gone by first light." She had put the ball more or less in the Greeks court - if they continued to berate them for the Roman way of doing things, then this alliance was over. "And you, again, there was no attack to report, it was a non-violent possession, if you need a messenger for every little thing like that, then we expect the same in return... Wait, we did tell your messenger - the graecus who came to tell us about this meeting came to the Senate. We told him and asked him to tell Chiron since we would be delayed due to it."

At least the ginger seemed to be somewhat reasonable - although Nancy couldn't for the life of her remember her name. There were so many of them.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda's ears were ringing. "Guess the Real Housewives of New Rome just got renewed for another season," she commented, chuckling a little bit about Kiera's comment about Ares kids. From what she could tell, the screamer had been the Apollo girl, one of Rome's leaders. It made sense to Leda that Apollo's kids were over dramatic and easy to anger - take Zeke, for example. He loved to blow up over things and was generally not a great person to be around. She still couldn't believe she had actually gone on a quest with him and Kristin, the thought made her want to take a disinfecting bath. "Ten drachmas says a fight breaks out before the quests start?" Leda wagered.

She didn't particularly want to go on over there either. Thanks to the sound boost, she had heard the screaming words of the praetor - it seemed like there was just generic drama going on over there, people arguing about little things, and bringing up other things randomly in order to land more attacks. Leda's only motivation to potentially go on over would be in order to get the good gossip, but with everyone present, the gossip was going to spread easily anyways. And she could pretty much see everything happening from here. "Just peachy, thanks," she told Zeke as he came over, asking how they were. "You and your sis make a good show."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: Medical Science

Jack was Megan's brother - it was part of her job to tease him. Her first instinct, even when seeing that he was feeling wounded from her remarks, was to follow up on them with, "of course, you make a lovely human shield," she said softly. She then rolled her eyes at him. "Yes, I know you are handy in a fight, brother of mine," she then reassured him. She wasn't the most warm or nurturing of people and she wasn't used to Jack needing that sort of validation from her. It was probably just a bunch of emotions from everything going on - emotions that Megan, at least she claimed, did not share. She didn't have any reason to be upset or angry or nervous or even happy about all of this, nope, not a single reason at all.

The pirates were firing at them, Hansel and Gretel diving into the water, and Megan ducked her head down, trying to avoid the bullets flying their way. She felt relieved when none pierced her and their guides, soaking wet, scrambled up into the boat without anyone capsizing. That's when she saw the blood blossoming from Sierra's wound. As a medical examiner, Megan had gone to medical school, completing all of the required units and rotations, including one in emergency surgery. "I'm a doctor, let me help her," Megan said, using her words to more or less shoo everyone else away. She made her way carefully over to Sierra, ripping some strips of cloth off of her own clothing and using them to put pressure on Sierra's wound, stopping the bleeding. She managed to stabilize her. "You'll live, although you'll want to clean the bandages regularly once we have one, infections are a nasty way to die - colorful, but painful."

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:00 AM


Location: House of M Ruins -> Outside Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A

There were days where Polaris felt the highest highs - and the lowest lows. The melancholy she was trapped inside was so intense, her first instinct had been to become numb to it, to shut out the world. But with the others gathered around her, with Moneta reassuring her that it would be okay, Polaris cracked. She started to laugh ever so slightly. "I'm fine. I would've been horrible at it," she said, crying at the same time.

Magneto was not stupid by any means - with Elixir's words, he caught onto what had happened too. And inside of him, a white hot fury ignited once more, as he clenched his fists. His daughter had survived, but his unborn grandchild had been a victim of this genocide. No more, he had vowed. And he had failed. He couldn't bear to look at Polaris, to see the symbol of his failure.

Where are we needed next? Veil thought, hoping that the Three in One would pick up her thoughts. She didn't really know if thinking louder or not would do anything to help or hinder a telepath - it was pure guesswork how that worked. Unaware of the difficulties the rest of the island was having with contacting them, Veil was overwhelmed with a quick series of feelings, not images. Fear. Helplessness. Pain.

"Something's wrong with the Three in One, they... they're afraid, I think," Veil said. "I don't know where they want us to go but... Hellfire Manor is as good a place as any to start, right?"

"I'll bring us there," Aurora said, acting on impulse. A second later, the group would be standing outside of Hellfire Manor.

Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Selene slurped up the remaining ghosts, but it was clear that it was somewhat of a stopgap measure, as Casper was still surrounded in an eerie blue glow. Selene, for her part, was absolutely fascinated - pleased, even. "The boy is a portal to the other realms, one that I see now cannot be closed by any other being beyond himself," she observed. "To think of the cosmic multitudes of unharvested souls on the other side..." Her eyes flashed in the direction of Andy, as a duplicitous smile graced her face. "I have studied the arcane arts since time immemorial," she continued, before grasping Casper's face in her hand. "Expergiscimini!" Selene commanded in Latin.

Casper's eyes snapped open, his pupils strangely glowing blue. "Wh-wh-what?" Casper stammered, trying to force himself up into a sitting position, seeing Echo's clones encircling him and Selene hovering over him, her breasts more or less right in his face. "Your tits are out...." Casper began to say, before trailing off. "Wait, wh-where's Ben? Ben? BEN?!" Casper screamed, looking for his emotional support ghost/friend.

Pixie was looking at James in confusion, wondering which crown he meant. He didn't sound British to her, neither did Maria, so she was coming up completely blank. "Is he like... okay?" Pixie then asked, nodding slightly at James. He didn't seem like himself. She had seen him around Genosha for a while and he was usually pretty happy and nice and friendly even. It was like someone had turned him into a completely different person.

Sunshine was holding onto Marrow rather tightly, even as Marrow's healing factor had her largely healed by now. She helped her wife up to a standing position, before taking stock of the situation. Casper was awake and screaming for Ben, clearly panicking - Pixie was flying up above them all, her wings fluttering almost uncertainly. "Casper, stop it, we already dealt with enough ghosts," Sunshine said bluntly. She hadn't heard much of what James had been saying, so Sunshine didn't really know there was something majorly wrong going on there - she had been focused on her own wife.

"Ben's always here though!" Casper insisted, as a handful of ghosts exploded out of him, only for Selene to more or less slurp them up instantly, Pixie stabbing the rest with her souldagger.

"Young man, as much as I find your endless supply of souls quite appetizing and rejuvenating, you must stop. You are a gateway, a portal, a being with which others may pass through - a mutant conduit - and as of such, only you have the power to close the portal. Do so or else we may have to take unfortunate, drastic measures."

"I... I can't!" Casper cried, as ten more ghosts exploded into being.

"You must!" Selene hissed.

Casper nodded slightly, his heart beating erratically as slowly, the blue glow faded from his eyes, and the ghosts vanished.

"Much better," Selene praised.

The doors then opened, revealing Magneto & company. Magneto's eyes were ablaze with fury. "Where are Reeva and the Three in One?" he shouted.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs

Runa nodded slightly at what Mary said - she imagined her mother would understand and likely be more preoccupied with what had happened to Forseti than to her flowers. "I'm sure she would appreciate that," Runa told Mary. Runa sent out tendrils of darkness to bind her brother, managing to partially ensnare him as he continued his tirade against Midgardians. "I stand by Midgardians as I would by any sentient creature," Runa reminded him. She wasn't like Thor. She had never had a soft spot for Midgard. If it hadn't been for her love of Lance, she wouldn't have had much interest in the planet - certainly not more than any other person on Asgard.

"You know this is not just," Runa answered, as Forseti asked her why she was trying to stop him. The monsters Forseti had summoned were sending the X-Men flying around, yet swerving to avoid her. She couldn't deny that Forseti was behind all of this - and that her elder brother was trying to protect her, even as he was consumed by this madness and rage. She didn't want to hurt him. Runa used the darkness ensnaring him to pull him towards her - she was hoping that the stone would be visible in his hand and she could just take it from him, but she didn't see it. She wanted to ensnare him further in darkness, but it was impossible to bind him. "This pains me, brother," she said softly, before swinging her staff and hitting him as hard in the head as she could. It was a painfully strong blow, as her brother's head began to bleed, but he was still conscious. Runa hit him in the head again, but it wasn't as strong as the first.

Guin Stark

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks

Jumanji? I guess, but this is definitely off-brand for that franchise, although the newer movies are moving away from the jungle setting so who knows, maybe they'll head to Japan and have kaiju attacks in the next one? Guin was pretty used to having telepathic conversations with Pietro, but it was a little strange to be facilitating a group chat among the X-Men. She had left Runa out of the conversation mostly because she had started this in order to talk about how Runa's brother seemed like bad news - and she didn't think Runa necessarily wanted to hear stuff like that.

Of course, idle chitchat didn't mix very well with kaiju. One of the kaiju let out a shriek and swung its tail, colliding into Guin and she went flying. For a split second, she was stunned that Pietro hadn't intervened to catch her - he was usually overprotective like that - maybe this was character growth on his part? She didn't have much time to ponder it as she hit the ground hard, her body scraped up and battered, and she could already feel the bruises forming. I'll keep trying to shut him down. And if I had a suit, I'd use the suit, Guin then said into the group chat, forcing her aching body to get up into a seated position, and then to rise up so she was standing.

Guin slowly walked in the direction of Forseti, concentrating as best as she could on telepathically attacking his mind, to bypass the barriers she had felt earlier. The barrier was as strong as ever and she couldn't get through. She stopped walking, standing still now, and tried again, and for a split second, she was inside. Guin did her best to do as much damage as she could, but he tossed her out again quickly enough. And try as she may, she wasn't able to get back in.


EARTH 257 - 4:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Bonnie couldn't help but be curious as to what it was Niah wanted to share with Sparky, but she understood why Niah had stopped talking - they couldn't trust this agent who had walked into the room. He was dressed in a white collared shirt, khakis, and a dark navy jacket with a sword looking logo on the chest that Bonnie didn't recognize. It was unfortunate (or maybe secretly for the best?) that they didn't have Raynor with them - he might've been able to identify it. She didn't touch the coffee that he brought for them, mostly because she didn't trust it not have been tampered with (who knew what sort of drugs this weird 1984 like state would use in interrogations) and she was pregnant - caffeine wasn't great for a developing fetus.

"Actually, the coffee was free - well, one of them was, I finally filled up my stamp card," Agent Woo said, laughing ever so slightly at his own joke. Bonnie kept waiting for some sort of tell, something to tip off that he was the manipulative mastermind Oliver was implying, but she didn't see anything suspicious. He was either an incredibly good actor or just being... genuine? "And oh boy, I can try, but history was not my best subject. I was more of a band geek."

Bonnie couldn't help but do a slight double take as Celestine told the agent about everything about them, directly contradicting what Oliver had just said and the rest of them had more or less agreed on. "... Like Celestine said, we're from another reality and we're here on a purely peaceful extraction mission to apprehend two wanted criminals," Bonnie said. Celestine had already come clean, so there was no sense in hiding any information from the agent. "We're the good guys, agent. As soon as we catch Luminous and Doom, we'll go back to our own reality."

Agent Woo paused for a moment, before he started chuckling, shaking his head as he took a sip of his coffee. "I wasn't born yesterday, but nice cover story. It's much more original than what we usually hear. What are you, a Genoshan terrorist cell? As it stands, you're only implicated in the kidnapping of Lana Banner - but if you don't come clean, it'll only get worse for you."

"Lana Banner? We have no idea who that is," Bonnie said, her eyes narrowed slightly. "We didn't kidnap anyone, if you look at one of the numerous drones you'll see us appear seemingly out of nowhere I suspect, and if you rewind a fair bit, you should see the two individuals we mentioned - Luminous and Doom - appear before us."

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Huh, so if I fought them, teaming up with like Matt and Oliver, it'd be Inhumans versus X-Men right?" Amelia posed randomly to herself. Amelia was confident that that little bit of information wasn't something bad for her to reveal in front of the agent - but to be fair, she more of just said whatever came to her mouth anyways. There was a reason she was a pilot and not an interrogator herself. Of course, the agent seemed just as qualified as Amelia to run an interrogation, as bits of breakfast burrito fell onto the table in front of her and Darcy frantically tried to clean up her mess.

"Honestly, they didn't tell me," Darcy informed Cass with a shrug. "But! I can answer where you are. And if I can't answer, the suits watching the screens better come in here and stop me, as I'M NOT QUALIFIED FOR THIS!" Darcy then fell silent, using her fingers to count down from five. "Well, no one came in to stop me, so you're at S.W.O.R.D.'s HQ - we call it the Keep or well, I call it the Keep since it kinda looks like the tower of a castle and just Tower sounds kinda laaaame."

"Yeah, Keep is wicked cool, completely agree with you there. I used to think that the keeper in like sports and all had to be born in a castle or otherwise they wouldn't be allowed to have that position, since it's the keeper, not the non-keeper y'know?" Amelia chimed in. She had taken some mandatory courses on being under interrogation before at the academy and her instructor had more or less recommended to Amelia that her best (and only) strategy would be to ramble away on things completely irrelevant. Amelia could handle that.

"Kaaay, no, but we are going to pick up this plot thread later. What's your star sign? Wait, let me guess - Gemini!"

"Sorry, mate, I'm a virgo actually - naturally a badass and all," Amelia answered. "What about you... Pisces?" Amelia guessed.

Darcy's eyes widened. "I am! Okay, sorry, getting waaay off topic here. From what they told me, you all were arrested for tampering with the DNA scanners at the metro, fighting the Iron Legion, using powers without a license, and operating without chain codes. So, like, wanna tell me your side of that entire crazy story? Like, how do you get an Avenger, an illegal clone, and a long lost baby alongside the old leader of the Dark X-Men? It's like someone designed what happened with a dart board or something crazy."

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Raynor raised a slight eyebrow when Matt mentioned Asgardians taking over Norway - that had happened in this reality. Raynor had been a part of that. After Ragnarok destroyed their home planet, they conquered a sizable portion of Midgard and resettled, preserving the Asgardian way of life on this planet. The Norns had told them that Baldur would return and Asgard would be remade, but it never happened - so they had to make do. Midgard was as good an option as any.

"Citizens of the Iron are allowed lawyers - terrorists are not. Given that most of your group is part of the Dark X-Men and are wanted for serious crimes against the Iron, including the genocide he committed, none of you will be getting lawyers," Rambeau said sharply. She pointed at Raynor during her answer and rather than look back at her defiantly, guilt flashed over Raynor's face.

He had committed genocide here - the very reason he never wanted to return to this place. He liked to think that he wasn't that person anymore, that he had matured and evolved into something better, but he didn't know whether or not that was true. He was the god of lies, but he could still lie to himself. "You can't make us talk. There are no telepaths in the Iron," Raynor asserted, hoping that things hadn't changed - a little over twenty years ago, all the telepaths on Midgard were mutants.

Rambeau waited for Raynor (and Flynn) to finish, before speaking again. "I see this is going to be the hard way," she said flatly. She didn't give any indication as to what was she was going to do differently now, though. "Why did you teleport to the Iron this morning? Ragnarok, you haven't been spotted in over two decades, and you, our intel indicates that you belong to MI13 across the pond."

"We wanted to get good coffee," Raynor told Rambeau, obviously lying, but he couldn't force her to believe the lie thanks to the collar on him. "The coffee in Genosha tastes like plants."

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Loki's plan didn't make sense to Runa - if he was so powerful that he could do this while imprisoned in that cave, why did he need a distraction at all? She wasn't sure if any gods beyond Balder were looking into this matter too, so hopefully Odin had some valkyries stationed to stop Loki or something. Still, she knew so little about this world that Runa didn't feel like voicing these concerns - she didn't doubt that Loki was clever and tricky, he probably knew what he was doing, even if it wasn't obvious to her. But hopefully since it was just them trapped in this room, things would be okay. They couldn't be the only competent people in Valhalla, right?

"... It's fine ..." Runa mumbled to Klara, lying. She watched Klara's movements carefully, seeing how she found some sort of button on the machine and managed to save dozens of souls at once. Runa bit her lip slightly, her mind berating her that she was likely too stupid to replicate it, and she tried to do the same thing, pressing the button and moving the joycon around - and to her surprise, she managed to save twenty people. "... Someone else has to be able to stop him, right?" Runa then asked softly, looking at the others. "It can't be just down to us..."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: Audiokinesis

Nancy was basically in lockstep with Madalyne, catching up with the Greek's leader, Chiron. She was a little bit surprised to hear that some of the Greeks had also been dealing with possessions, largely because she assumed that Leandra had done something to get herself mixed up in it all. She wouldn't have been surprised if Leandra accidentally summoned a ghost and got herself possessed in some sad, desperate ploy to seize power. However, her thoughts were cut off abruptly by someone shoving their way in the middle of Chiron and Madalyne, and Nancy saw red. Her rage only barely subsided when she realized it was her half-brother, Zeke - one of the few children of Apollo that Nancy actually felt connected to. "Zeke, don't you dare touch her again," Nancy warned, her voice like sharpened steel.

Zeke was LIVID. He shouted at them and Nancy felt like he was talking specifically to her. He didn't say that she was a failure of a leader or that she was the reason New Rome fell, but Nancy felt that. She could feel the weight and expectations of being the praetor of Rome, and a daughter of Apollo, and it was like a flame flared up inside of her. Nancy wasn't good at processing emotions and feelings. She wasn't good at admitting that they should have sent a messenger earlier, but Nancy had been so focused on doing anything in her power to exile Leandra and/or have her otherwise stripped of her power that she had forgotten. But not only was Zeke laying into her, now others had as well? Any chance of Nancy swallowing her pride and admitting her mistake went out the window.

"Oh, gag me with a fucking spoon!" Nancy snapped, the campfire flames reflecting in her eyes and making it look like her eyes had fires dancing inside of them. "The minute we were able to, we came on over to tell you about Leandra. We'd been in the Senate ever since the incident happened, trying to sort all of it out and the deadly array of quests that are assigned, so SORRY that we didn't send you a note that our problematic little traitorous bitch was possessed by a ghost! Honestly, I figured she likely did it to herself! Do you send us a note every time one of those Pluto kids raises the dead or sicks a zombie on someone? No? Then how about you mind your own damn business and just be grateful we're telling you now!"

She didn't stop though, having only made herself angrier. "Also, for the record, we don't need your grody asses to keep us safe - we were fine without you all! We're not the ones who die before you're old enough to smoke pot! You're the ones who constantly send small children out into the world and just fucking shrug it off when they get killed! Have you ever stopped to think about why no one here is older than 18? And why Greek demigods in adulthood are about as fucking rare as a unicorn that plays the piano and ran for President? Because you're all a bunch of disorganized screw-ups with delusions that you're heroes, when you're not, you're just shitty tragedies waiting to happen!" Nancy screamed. "And you!" she added, staring at Cassian. "Don't you fucking dare think you can order her around."

Now, beyond just screaming at them all, Nancy was unconsciously using her powers over sound. All of the sound in the arena was being amplified to louder and louder volumes, to the point that everyone in her vicinity would feel like they had their ears pressed up against the speakers at a club, the sounds so loud they could feel them in their throat.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

"You better live, we're due in a quest," Leda joked, tucking some of Kiera's hair behind her ear. Hopefully the ambrosia would get her girlfriend healed up pretty quickly, it'd suck if Kiera had to start a quest with an inconvenient injury - those were usually better placed in the final stretch, since at least when it was over they could usually find a plane or something to just take back to New York pretty quickly. (Of course, Leda often did wonder if stories about flight attendants falling out of planes were actually monsters encountering demigods...)

One of the Apollo kids started tending to Kiera and Leda's eyebrows knitted together in worry as Kiera groaned from the pain. "It's okay, luv, just breathe through it and you'll be right as rain in no time," Leda encouraged. Kristin, Ms. Know It All, then came on over and Leda had to resist the urge to preemptively roll her eyes. Leda shrugged when Kristin asked what had happened, as she honestly didn't really know herself, she had arrived more or less late to the party and was just here for Kiera (and to catch any good tea). Of course, the universe didn't let her be a bystander, as suddenly the noises around her became unbearably loud and Leda quickly plugged her ears, trying to block them out, but she could feel the vibrations in her throat from every noise being made, as if she was standing right in front of a powerful speaker.

In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

"Oi, mate, that one was mine," Jade complained to Edus. She did appreciate that he seemed to at least be somewhat of a team player, meaning the odds of him leaving her to her death were rather slim - or at least, slimmer than she had initially believed. There were two foes remaining and Jade was hoping they'd be able to handle them relatively quickly, in order to avoid drawing a lot of attention to themselves. One of them, Abyss, shot out tendrils, the tendrils grappling her and making it nearly impossible to breathe.

Jade didn't panic though, even with the lack of oxygen. She had her angel blade in her hand and she neatly sliced at the tentacles, the tendrils falling to the ground by her feet, and Jade sucked in a deep breath, filling her depleted lungs with air. She didn't waste much time though, before stabbing Abyss in the chest with the blade, expecting to see the mutant fall to the ground, dead. Instead, it was like something was trying to pull her dagger in. Jade tilted her head, "bloody hell?" she muttered, before digging her heels in and pulling with all of her might - it was like trying to pull the sword from the stone, the force she was using almost made her stumble backwards when she finally got the dagger free. And somehow, bizarrely, Abyss was still standing - they needed a new plan.

Guinevere Stark

Thankfully, the cowering mutants were leaving - finally. Guin let out a small sigh of relief, really wishing that she had some more useful powers in order to actually help out. The main thing her power was good for was keeping her from dying due to the virus Magneto had released into New York City - the virus that had killed her father. A few seconds later though, it looked like Carolina's possession came to an end, as Sabretooth was mad and growling once more. Lance threw up a shield to protect himself and Carolina, Sabretooth started pounding away on it, Lance attacked Sabretooth again, and horrifyingly, the building started to come down around them. Carolina and Lance needed an escape route.

Guin rushed forward, touching Sabretooth's back and trying to pull off a switch with him, in order to help make things easier for Carolina and Lance to escape the building. She concentrated, trying to leave her body and go into his, but it didn't work. The one time she needed to do it quickly, she was stuck. Sabretooth spun around and swiped at her with his claws, Guin narrowly jumping backwards. Her eyes darted rapidly around her and she grabbed a small piece of rubble, tossing it at Sabretooth - and missing horribly. At the very least, she had his attention. Maybe she could get him to chase her on out and leave Carolina and Lance an opening to escape. "Hey flea bag, you're so fucking ugly Magneto thought it was a secondary mutation!" Guin shouted.

Sabretooth growled at her and Guin took off at a dash for the exit, Sabretooth's claws carving into her back as she managed to escape. She couldn't even stop to think about the pain from the bleeding, as she made her way down the stairs and hit the ground floor of the building, hoping Carolina and Lance would make it out okay.
Raynor followed Emzie's finger (finger?) in the direction they pointed, doing his best to sweep his eyes past the corpses. He couldn't do anything for them now - they were one with the Force. All he could do was honor their memory and complete this mission - to protect the Republic and the billions relying on the Jedi Order to stop the Separatist threat. "Emzie, can you scan for life signs? This place... It's clouded in the Dark Side." He wasn't too prideful to admit that his mind was disturbed here. The afterglow of death emanated into the Force, making it difficult for him to sense if there were any living beings here. He was a Jedi Guardian of course, not as skilled in the Force as say a Sentinel or a Consular, his primary talents lying in combat.

They reached the door - just past the piping as Emzie had said. And suddenly, a deep feeling of distrust and suspicion burst inside of Raynor. He paused. "There's something here, I think - not droids, but..." his voice trailed off, as Raynor closed his eyes, trying to focus on what it was that he was sensing - what was lurking around, using the darkness of this slaughter to conceal themselves from his sight.

The door then glided open with a puff of air, as Emzie successfully unlocked it. The hallway was shrouded in smoke, likely from some sort of damaged coolant or whatnot, and sparks of electricity from exposed wiring brought the occasional flashes of light. Something was at the end of the hallway - a figure, difficult to make out whether it was a droid or something alive. There was then the sound of something heavy rolling on the ground, as three destroyer droids popped up in front of them, their shields going live as they opened fire on Raynor and Emzie!

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy was moving lightly on her feet even after the dragon's death, her blood pumping thunderously throughout her body. She felt like she had just downed seventeen coffees all at once, the caffeine going straight to her heart and sending it into overdrive. "Thanks, it felt pretty badass, not gonna lie," Nancy told Niah with a wide grin. She felt so incredibly alive. It was like the world around her was clearer, sharper, more in focus. She felt everything more intently, like her senses had been kicked up to an entirely new level. But mostly, she was living completely in the moment, her mind focused on where she was, the when and the now of it all. This was what Nancy did best - she was a hunter at heart.

She chuckled a bit as Mads handed her a gigantic dragon fang - it was easily the size of her arm. "Neato," she commented, feeling the weight of it. "Yeah, taking some of this back would be rad, as long as we avoid anything that's cursed. Isn't that a thing with dragons and their gold?" Nancy asked. She vaguely recalled hearing some things about how it was bad luck or that misfortune would come, but if a little gold meant they didn't need to worry about Niah dropping them to their deaths on the return trip, Nancy didn't care about a minor curse.
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