Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa was thankful for Pietro's assistance, moving her out of the path of his counterpart. It seemed his counterpart had been easily fooled by her magics, but the same couldn't be said for Sabretooth. He seemed more formidable of a foe than the other Quicksilver anyways and Runa quickly devised a plan in her head, fiddling with her raidō rune, the rune she had the best connection with and provided her strongest magic. At first, nothing happened. But then, on the second attempt, Runa managed to horizontally display Klara, Pietro, and herself by 500 feet, Sabretooth and Quicksilver no longer in sight. She wasn't satisfied though - they needed to be farther away, ideally a few miles.

Runa shifted them again, this time they appeared still in the trees, and nearby there was an entrance to some sort of bunker. She didn't take much time to ponder it, switching the rune she was concentrating on to the laguz rune. It was a water rune and Runa cast a simple spell based on it, removing their scents so that way ideally Sabretooth's trail would run cold. "I removed our scents," she whispered to Pietro and Klara, quiet enough to make sure no one else could hear. "We should keep moving."

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Alleyway
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks

Guin noticed that Annie had reinforced her telepathic manipulations with an actual concrete illusion. For a brief second, Guin realized that Annie could've been an excellent spy - SHIELD would have loved to recruit her. But that thought was cut short as Lana demanded they stay away from her brother and then shocked her, every inch of Guin's body pulsing with dangerous electricity, as she was flung backwards. Not only was the electricity physically painful, but a memory played out in front of her - in this memory, she watched as Pietro snapped Lance's neck. The scene physically disgusted her. But she didn't have time to crumble and dwell on it.

She really didn't want to get shocked again.

Lance evidently knew Lana, somehow, and had gotten into a screaming match with her. Good. That would distract her at least. "Go the fuck to sleep," Guin telepathically commanded. Her command echoed throughout Lana's mind and Lana became visibly drowsy, swaying some on her feet. Guin pushed more though, not letting up her psychic onslaught, and Lana collapsed to the ground, fast asleep. "Ugh, finally," she muttered, secretly proud of herself for doing a classic telepath trick. She peered her head around the corner of the alleyway and saw that there was a sketchy hotel not too far from there - and looking down the alleyway, she could see the vague impression of a doorway, almost completely hidden to the naked eye. She figured that had to be where Lana had come from.

As much as she didn't like Lana (due to being attacked), she wasn't going to leave her in the alley defenseless. But she also got the impression that whoever else was behind the door Lana had come from would react similarly to her presence. "One of you help me with her, okay? There's a hotel nearby - we can get a room there for her, one for us too."
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Guinevere Stark

Guin was mildly annoyed with Mary speaking to her like she was a child who couldn't process information. Of course she knew that humans couldn't be in NYC due to the virus, it had killed her entire family. She knew it was airborne, she had been heavily involved in figuring out Magneto's plan in the first place. The more she thought about it, the angrier Guin felt, and it didn't help that her back was majorly fucked up thanks to Sabretooth. She felt like screaming and rushing off to be by herself for a moment, so that way she wouldn't be tempted to strangle Mary, but there was nowhere to go. She was stuck.

"I hate it here," Guin muttered under her breath. Maybe it would be for the best if the government did send nukes, maybe Magneto then would finally put her out of her misery. Guin set off ahead of the group for the nearest tunnel entrance, opening it up and hopping on down. She didn't really want anyone to talk to her, mostly since she only really wanted to scream at people or curl up into a ball and cry - either option would do. She didn't have a good outlet for all of the complicated feelings threatening to overwhelm her.

Jade Cornish

Jade wasn't very impressed with the group that they had found. They seemed rather shellshocked, which was a given considering everything they must have gone through, but there was evidently a reason as to why they had been unsuccessful at fighting Magneto. They were child soldiers - and not even good ones. Jade sighed. At least they might be able to get some information out, but she wasn't going to hold her breath as to it being useful. The stakes were incredibly high here and the aid in the city was just lacking. Maybe their energy would've been better devoted towards another strategy, but it was too late now. They couldn't change course.

"Ta, that sounds good," Jade commented, the annoyance and lack of faith somehow hidden in her voice. The Stark kid led the way into the tunnels, Jade noticing her body language that very much radiated angry - not surprising, but didn't boost her opinion of this group at all. They had a speedster and still hadn't managed to defeat Magneto - a waste of resources if Jade had ever heard of one. "Are there more of you or... is this it?" Jade asked, doubting that they had anyone waiting in reserve, but willing to be pleasantly surprised.


EARTH 257 - 5:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Line

Amelia had gone over the edge, beginning to fall down what would have been a straight drop - only to, at the very last second, manage to grab onto the side of the cliff. Her grip wasn't incredibly secure, with small rocks falling from the area near her handhold. She only had one hand firmly grabbed onto the cliff, keeping herself from falling to the ground below. Oliver shouted down at her that she needed to fly up to him - but Amelia had never flown unaided before. She didn't know if she could do that. She knew she could glide through the air more or less, but fly?

"Alright, mate!" Amelia called up to Oliver. She wasn't scared, even as the adrenaline was pumping through her veins. This was the sort of thing she loved to do - to take risks and try something new. And beyond that, if she knew one thing about herself, it was that she was born to fly. Amelia took a deep breath, before kicking downwards with her feet, hoping to propel herself up with the air currents, and pushing up quickly with her hand.

She shot up into the air (15 on a d20), landing safely on the ground by Oliver. The aircraft opened fire, deadly laser blasts firing at the two of them. Luckily, Oliver would manage to grab Amelia's hands and phase the two of them, the blasts passing harmlessly through them (19 on a d20). Celestine, meanwhile, had ducked down for cover, somehow avoiding getting hit.

"Into a ship now, yeah?"

Outside Interrogation Room B9 -

"Uh, yeah, I think they would arrest me," Darcy said. "Kinda figured helping you all would mean a career change. Maybe I'll pick a fun new name - like Jane Foster, that'd be fun." She quickly identified that this Celestine person though seemed to be the Jerry of the Parks and Rec TV Show, given how they had messed things up by summoning one of the aircraft. "At least two, maybe more," Darcy chimed in helpfully, giving a count on how many people were in each craft.

Bonnie pinched the bridge of her nose, irritated with the information Niah gave about Celestine. She honestly had to wonder if she was surrounded by idiots sometimes, between Sparky's refusal to take care of herself and Celestine's insistence on making everything harder than it needed to be. She hadn't even had a moment to spare to dwell on the memory rewrites they had all just experienced and whether that was something they'd need to be incredibly focused on solving quickly - they had no idea if more of their memories would be rewritten and if so, when. For all she knew, they could have less than a day to solve that issue.

She definitely wanted a raise after this.

Bonnie moved with the others to the evidence lock-up, gathering her own things. She put on the necklace she had been given and activated it, her clothing transforming into Greek armor, complete with circlet. It wasn't really her style, but armor was better than no armor, even if it felt like Magical Girl Armor.

"Woah! You're like Sailor Moon!"

"... Huh, did not expect that to exist here, interesting," Bonnie said absentmindedly, before following the dagger with the others.

Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 - Basically everyone now -

Suddenly, Raynor's dagger Lyting rushed at him and he grabbed it with his right hand, feeling the surge of energy coursing through his veins. It took him by surprise for a moment, his eyes glowing with a soft golden light, before he understood. He hadn't noticed it when he first arrived here. Back on Earth-666, he was Raynor, an Asgardian from another dimension; here on Earth-257, he was the God of Light. Flynn called from up ahead that Sparky was there and a sense of shame mixed with urgency filled him.

He was a different person in this world - but she wasn't.

Raynor rushed forward, eventually coming into view of the fight going on. "Everyone has a fucking gimmick these days," he cursed. Not only were these two members of the Iron Legion, but they had swords - because of course they did.

Folly instantly recognized the blades. They were re-forged, stolen relics from Madripoor. "Those are re-forged Muramasa blades, they can cut and kill anything," Folly warned. "Even me."

"Great, just fucking great," Raynor complained, before flashing his palms open, sending blasts of light straight on at the two Iron Legion warriors. His aim was fantastic and the warriors were temporarily blinded, their helmets not being able to filter out that much light and struggling to re-calibrate.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 9:10 AM

The island had taken a few days to rebuild. A nation of mutants, they were able to reconstruct most of the structures and heal the wounded. Telepaths were able to provide private therapy sessions to those in need, particularly those who had lost a loved one in the attack. In the southern portion of the island, not far from the Broken Baths, Genosha's first graveyard was established. The 198 were buried and memorialized. The mutant nation had survived its first tragedy, its first holocaust. Things were going to be different now.

To that end, the Quiet Council was restructured. Twelve mutants in total would sit at its table. The Winter table, for those mutants with more criminal and unorthodox pasts; the Spring table, for those would walked in both the human and mutant worlds; the Summer table, for the true heroes of Genosha; and the Autumn table, for the elders who blazed the trail.

Autumn Table:
- Magneto
- Reeva Payge
- Selene

Summer Table:
- Veil [invited]
- Caduceus [invited]
- Spark Plug [invited]

Spring Table:
- Esme Frost
- Polaris
- Moneta

Winter Table:
- Mr. Sinister*
- Mystique
- Destiny

* not actually a mutant


Location: The Grove
Skills: N/A

Veil had received a telepathic summons from Esme, the only surviving Cuckoo, to come to the Grove. She hadn't been the only one. Callie and James had received a call as well. They had eaten breakfast with the others, promising to meet up again afterwards. Veil didn't know what the Quiet Council wanted - they had already spent the last few days doing everything they could for Genosha. She kept thinking about how Jack had been resurrected and whether that was possible for Kristina, although she was aware Max was spearheading that project - an attempt that didn't involve Sinister was worth a shot, provided he didn't burn down the island.

Arriving at the Grove, Veil couldn't help but think it was more beautiful than any other government center she had seen. Seated at four tables, with a yellow X embossed in the carpet in the middle, were some of the most infamous mutants: Magneto, Selene, and Reeva; Esme, Polaris, and Moneta; Sinister, Mystique, and a woman Veil didn't recognize. She wore blue, alien-like robes, and a horrific golden mask. Veil could see her own face reflected in it. One of the tables, with its back to a gorgeous waterfall, stood vacant.

"...You wanted to see us?" Veil said tentatively. She stood in the center of the tables, looking directly at the 'head' table where Selene, Magneto, and Reeva sat.

Reeva rose to her feet. She was in the middle, with Selene and Magneto on either side of her. "Veil, Caduceus, Spark Plug... Take a seat," she said simply, gesturing at the vacant table. "After the tragedy... it is more important now than ever before that the heroes of Genosha have a place on this Quiet Council."

"I came up with the themes~!" Selene said giddily. "We're the Autumn Table, for those of us who are leaders of mutantkind. You'll be the Summer Table, for the heroes. They're the Winter Table, for the eeeevil ones, pfft. And then the Spring Table, for the mutants who haven't gotten bored of doing business with humans yet but don't quite fit into the entire hero brand. I tried to make them a little spicier, but I was outvoted," she finished with a sigh. "Think of it... Winter Sluts, Autumn Whores, Spring Hoes, and Summer Bitches..."

Mr. Sinister started to snicker. "Oh, I've missed you, Selene dearie. Your theme party in 1931 was to die for! You remember it, hmm, Raven, Irene? You two never missed a sapphic soiree."

Veil blinked, not really too sure what to make of all of this. They had just lot 198 people not that long ago and here, in the governing body of Genosha, a bunch of maniacs were... cracking jokes? Esme, Polaris, Magneto, and Reeva didn't seem to be amused in the slightest. Mystique had her feet up on the table in front of her and the mysterious Irene didn't move a muscle, and her mask hid any chance of a glimpse at a facial expression. If anything, Sinister and Selene's behavior was a motivation for Veil to accept the offer.

She wanted Genosha to work - she didn't even realize how much she needed it to work. "... Okay," Veil said. "If only to keep you under control," she added bluntly, looking at Sinister before taking a seat at the Summer Table.

"And you?" Magneto asked, looking at Spark Plug and Caduceus. "Will you join our number to help your fellow mutants?"
Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Green Lagoon
Skills: Mediumship

At the Green Lagoon, the atmosphere was still heavy. Most of the mutants on the island had just been traumatized to varying degrees, and while the damage to the island had been repaired, the damage to the psyches of its inhabitants was another issue entirely. Dazzler and Lila Cheney were providing live music at the Green Lagoon, but not enough the musical-light show was enough to really cheer everyone up. People were still just going through the motions, trying to process everything.

"Thank you, that was Homo Superior, an original single by me!" Lila Cheney said into the microphone. "Up next is Dazzler's hit song Beautiful Dreamer!"

Alison Blaire, the Disco Dazzler, then began to sing:

🎶 "Beautiful dreamer, wake unto me
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee
Sounds of the rude world, heard in the day
Lulled by the moonlight have all passed away
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song
List while I woo thee with soft melody" 🎶

Casper was sitting with some other ex-Mutant Underground members, picking at his waffles. He was a little upset that James had left to go deal with some sort of mysterious summons from the Quiet Council, but Casper also knew why he hadn't been asked to go. He didn't really ever do quiet. The loud music at the Green Lagoon, while not exactly his style, was much more his speed - as was the can of whipped cream that the bartender, the Blob, had lent him. Casper had already injected basically all of it into his mouth.

"Freddie, hit me again!" Casper called out.

"No, you're cut off, Theriot!" the Blob shouted back, manning the bar. He had been a major foe of the X-Men in years past - but here on Genosha, he had cultivated a real love for bartending.

Casper sighed, pushing around the waffles on his plate with his fork again. "I hate it here," he grumbled, whining under his breath.

"No you don't," a ghostly voice said behind him and Casper dramatically threw his plate into the air - the plate came crashing back down, hitting the table and shattering into pieces, but Casper didn't care. "BEN! YOU'RE BACK!!!!" he screamed ecstatically, tears pouring from his eyes.

"Uh, yeah, I'm back, wheee?" Ben said. "How long was I out for?"

"Uh, you know me and time, Ben, we aren't friends. Maybe a few days?" Casper guessed. He didn't exactly look at the calendar on Genosha.

Sunshine rolled her eyes at Casper, even though she was secretly happy to know that Ben was back. She couldn't see Ben unless Casper allowed her to, but he had been a constant in their lives - it had been weird to think that he wasn't there. Just knowing that he was back, albeit invisible, was comforting. Marrow, meanwhile, raised an eyebrow. "Is he talking to himself?" Marrow asked.

"He's talking to Ben, his dead boyfriend," Sunshine answered, before downing a shot of tequila. She coughed instinctively, the alcohol burning her throat. Day drinking had become common on Genosha in the last few days. Marrow couldn't help but chuckle at her wife.

"Someone's weak," she teased.

"Shut up," Sunshine groaned, but she couldn't help but smile slightly. She was ridiculously in love with Marrow. Marrow had one arm around her and Sunshine felt so incredibly safe and secure. She couldn't imagine her life without her - and if it hadn't been for Genosha, they might have never met.

"Make me," Marrow invited.

"Fine," Sunshine obliged, before pulling her wife in for a deep kiss.

Runa Johansson

Location: Loki's Cavern
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded as Nadia asked her if she was alright - she really was. She was proud of herself for having freed herself from Loki, for not needing to be rescued by the others, for them not sacrificing the world on her behalf. Seconds later, Nadia tried to attack Loki, only to be knocked backwards. Her father knocked Loki down in turn and Runa was hopeful that they'd prevail - they seemed to have the upper hand here. Loki then kicked her father and rose to his feet. There was then a blinding light and Runa covered her eyes instinctively - when she opened them again, Loki and the other goddess were gone.

"No.... No, no, no, no, no..." Runa stammered. It wasn't supposed to end this way. Loki didn't have her as a hostage. He wasn't supposed to go free. The entire universe was in danger now with him on the loose. And then her father broke somber news. Runa didn't know that other mythologies existed, but she didn't doubt that he was right. She didn't want to imagine what Loki and a goddess of chaos were up to together. "... If she's Greek, surely the Greek gods can help us?" Runa then asked softly. Maybe together they could be strong enough.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan could tell that King Arthur was really trying, he was trying to be kind, and he seemed to want some sort of a relationship with her. She just couldn't wrap her head around having a father that wasn't her father - she knew that she had been adopted, but she never had wanted to seek out a connection to her biological parents. She loved her adoptive parents and considered them to be her real family. But a small part of her figured that she had to try. She just needed a way to wrap her mind around all of this and her brain presented an easy solution - she casually talked to the corpses in the morgue all the time. She could just pretend that King Arthur was one of those corpses and maybe that would ease the anxiety.

"...Okay," Megan said, hesitating slightly before taking a seat. "Merlin told us why we were sent away... but I want to hear you explain it." She didn't know where else to start. Should she have asked him what his favorite color was? Or where he'd go on holiday if he had the chance? Or what he thought of the Star Wars reboot? Should she tell him that she was queer? Did they even have the concept of being queer in this world? Would he hate her for that? Did she tell him about how she worked in a morgue? Did it even matter if he told her stories about when she was little, as she wasn't that person anymore? Was it even possible for her to forge a connection to that life?

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Pietro had more or less ignored the question Runa had asked of him and she sighed slightly, annoyed. For someone so fast, he could be painfully slow at times, missing important questions - and sometimes even events. She was about to repeat her question again for the hyperactive mutant when suddenly, she could hear voices in the distance. She followed behind Pietro to investigate, figuring that at the very least whatever they saw would give them more clues as to their whereabouts. What she did see was surprising. There was a beastly looking man, growling and hitting at the air, where a silver blur was zipping about.

It was Quicksilver.

Runa instantly cast a spell using her algiz rune - it took her a few moments to concentrate, but a cloak of invisibility then shrouded herself, Pietro, and Klara, protecting them from being noticed. With that put in place, Runa then silently began to work divination magic, using the ōþila rune as a focus. She concentrated on the other Quicksilver, eventually beginning to pry small pieces of his backstory, his history, the baggage that he possessed. He was a killer, a mad one at that. Her eyes darted over towards the Pietro they had come here with. She knew he wasn't much of a killer, nor was he mad, but as someone from Asgard, Runa didn't necessarily see being a killer as a bad thing. Warriors killed. She held a finger to her lips, indicating for Klara and Pietro to be silent, before mouthing a word while pointing at the other Quicksilver - killer.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Alleyway
Skills: Telepathy

"Basically the story bible for an alternate world where everything went to shit," Guin explained, taking another breath as she tried to keep her head from spinning. She had gotten a little bit better at her telepathy, mostly because it was annoying to not really understand her own powers, but she was still nowhere near the level of expert telepaths like Professor Xavier or Jean Grey. Getting that rush of memories and information had been a bit much for her. She could practically imagine Pietro going this is because you don't practice enough and she rolled her eyes instinctively. Before she could say anything else though, things got interesting.

Lance - not her Lance, but the other one, the one who had gone through hell, took off sprinting. And then seconds later, a vaguely familiar looking person popped up, who Guin realized, thanks to her accidentally downloading the Dungeon Master's Guide to this world, was Lance's twin sister, the creatively named Lana Banner. The girl who had been abducted by a cult. And not even the fun sort of cult. "Your brother ran off that way, Lana," Guin said, pointing in the direction the other Lance had gone. She then concentrated, tapping into Lana's mind, and altering the way that she perceived Lance. She managed to tweak her perception of him slightly, but Guin was out for perfection. She tried again, but was unable to transform Lance into a perfect likeness of Lando Calrissian. Instead, he would look slightly like Lance to Lana. "You've got the wrong guy, he gets mistaken for Lance all the time."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy hated the way the suggestion of a walk, just the three of them, felt like a goodbye. A chill then ran down her spine as she realized she had been so busy being moody and fretting over Mads, that she hadn't considered she could lose Niah as well. Both of them would be striking out on their own, without Nancy to protect them. She was the brawler in the group, the one who dealt the maximum amount of damage, allowing them to do their schemes and spells. Would their Greek companions even be able to protect them? She could feel her heart tighten up in anxiety. She wasn't a romantic person - she didn't experience those sorts of feelings at all. But in the truest sense of the word, Niah and Madalyne were her best friends, her soulmates. And she wasn't going to be there for them.

Her heart was filled with fear and bitterness. "Yeah, a walk sounds nice," she said, trying to sound normal and fine and calm. Mads and Niah were the ones going off on quests - not her. She didn't need anyone to comfort her. She'd feel ashamed if they even tried to reassure her, she was the one who was supposed to reassure them. Nancy hated prophecies. She hated the pre-destination of it all. It made her want to scream - again. Just scream until the entire world fell to pieces.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena -> Poseidon Cabin
Skills: N/A

Leda grimaced slightly as the Hecate Cabin kids checked them for possession on the way out, the strange charm glowing green. She had half expected one of them to hold a grudge and pretend she had been possessed - but then again, maybe they didn't care anymore about Leda dumping their sibling. Maybe she was the one still dwelling on everything that had happened. It had been ages since she had seen Rebecca anyways, her ex girlfriend dipping out on all of them when aboard the Argo.

They made their way to Kiera's cabin and instantly, a salty sea breeze hit Leda's nostrils. She didn't hate it, but she wasn't over the moon about it either. The best thing about this cabin was the peace and quiet. Kiera, unlike Leda, didn't have a million siblings, meaning that they could have some much needed privacy. She smirked slightly as Kiera asked what she wanted to do. There was a very obvious reason as to why they had come here to this cabin, away from prying eyes, and there was something they wouldn't be able to do with Arthur nearby. "I could eat you out, if you'd like, luv."


EARTH 257 - 5:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Outside Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Niah, Bonnie -

"Umm, I'm a science lady, not actually an interrogator," Darcy explained again. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head, as if struggling to recall something. "Maybe... They're probably just in other interrogation rooms if I had to guess, they didn't really tell me more than what I needed to know to talk to you." Technically she had only agreed to help them out of the room, not to fully escape SWORD's custody, but then again... Darcy was digging their vibes, she wasn't paid enough, and she didn't have anything particularly strong tying her to the Iron. Part of her always did dream about moving to the Blue.

Bonnie was feeling a little bit done with Sparky at the moment. They were all going through it at the moment and Sparky, best as she could tell, was acting like a petulant child. Still, she was glad to see that her intuition had paid off and Sparky was alright. Once they got out of there and had access to a medical facility, she'd want to run tests to confirm that everything looked okay, and if Sparky complained about any of it, she'd hit her with a tranquilizer so fast it would make her head spin. She just wasn't going to deal with any of it.

"Niah, are you good to move?" Bonnie asked, not wanting to abandon either Sparky or Niah at the moment. She was the doctor, after all.

Heading down the hallway, Cass wouldn't see any guards - and she would walk right past the evidence lock-up, unfortunately missing it.

Hallway Adjacent to Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Luck was on Maria's side. She would manage to find an emergency exit that would take them outside of the facility. Through the small window of the door, she would be able to see that they were on the top of a cold mountain, with steep drops due to the incline making escape challenging. Blinding lights passed by every minute or so, the searchlights of gigantic aircraft patrolling the facility.

Matt was similarly vibing nicely with the universe, as his keen eyes wouldn't notice any immediate threats or agents.

"Weapons are helpful," Folly agreed with Matt. She reached into her boot and pulled out a knife, before handing it over to Matt. She wasn't worried about him hurting her. She knew that it would be difficult, although not impossible, to kill her - her mutant powers were great but nowhere near the level of Weapon X's.

Folly and Raynor moved through the hole Raynor had created, with Raynor then aiming his light beams up towards the ceiling, firing off his light beams to try to create a small, controlled cave-in. Nothing happened though. Blast after blast after blast until finally, on the fourth try, Raynor managed to cover their escape, rubble blocking the way for the SWORD agents in pursuit of them - but it would only be a matter of time until more came.

"Where the hell are the others?" Raynor grumbled. He wasn't going to leave this place without Sparky - and he supposed the others as well, although he definitely was going to prioritize Sparky. That was more or less a given - it was just as he'd anticipate Maria to prioritize Novikova over the rest of them.

"Likely in the interrogation block still - where we just came from," Folly answered, thinking a bit more on the maps and plans she had studied for this job.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 7:00 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship


"Don't mention it," Veil replied, returning Callie's hug. It occurred to her that they had been awake for hours now, having been roused early in the morning to defend their homeland. She wasn't just emotionally exhausted - she was physically drained. The moment she sat down, Veil was convinced that she'd fall asleep and perhaps wake up a week later, just to find some new tragedy. She had started to believe that they could live in Genosha safely, apart from the human world, but it didn't seem to be true. They would always be hated and feared, no matter what.

She was tired of just standing around and taking it - of the collective trauma mutants had to face. She didn't know if she could even return to the human world after all of this. If it hadn't been clear to her when she ran the Mutant Underground, then it was now - there would be no peaceful assimilation. They would always be treated as the other. Veil walked with Callie down the hall until they stood outside of the panic room of sorts that Reeva, Esme, and Polaris were in.

Reeva nodded at James' words, truly appreciating what he was saying, even as her spirits were so low. She knew that he was right. Those still alive on Genosha needed her - no, they needed the Council. Magneto, Esme, Selene, and herself were the leaders of Genosha. But James and the others, they were the heroes of Genosha. "Thank you, James," Reeva said softly, her eyes following him as he left the room.

"He's right. Veil, Spark Plug, Polaris," Reeva said, getting those three's attention. "If you three are able, I'm sure there are mutants on the island who need our help still. Esme, can you coordinate?"

Esme nodded, blinking to try to stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. She placed a single finger against her head, digging in deep with her telepathy, doing the best that she could. Her range was limited without the aid of her sisters. "Green Lagoon - about ten people are trapped," Esme then said, her eyes opening up again.

"Let's go," Polaris said, her eyes flaring.

Outside of the panic room, down the hall....

Pixie felt horrible for Kristina - she couldn't help but start to cry a little bit in sympathy as well. Max's idea seemed promising to her though. She didn't know anything about resurrection magic and the only person she knew who had come back from the dead... it hadn't gone well. Of course, a demon had brought them back to life, so maybe it would be different this time - maybe Max could pull it off. "It'll be okay, Max knows what he's doing," Pixie said, trying to cheer up Kristina.

Meanwhile, as Max listed off the people to participate in his mutant circuit, his mystical intuition would tell him that he was missing a vital component. The more he would think about it, the more a singular word would pop into his mind - Hope.

"Have you, like, ever done soul magic before?" Casper asked Max. He wasn't really sure what Max's powers were - he had only ever seen Max just sorta make things appear. Casper wasn't a detail oriented sort of person. If someone had said that Max had the same powers as the Scarlet Witch, he probably would've believed them - and if they had said that Max's magic worked via clown blood rituals, he also would've believed them. "Since I know you can make things appear but... Is that the same thing? Do you need like a special class for that?"

Magneto stared at the ghostly apparition. His shoulders slumped ever so slightly. He wasn't a religious man - he had given up on religion long ago. No, his soul was aching for the loss of mutant life. He had given his word to protect the children of Genosha and there, floating right in front of him, was proof of his failure. He hadn't been strong enough - he hadn't built a society that could protect the weak and defenseless. "I'm sorry, child... You did not deserve this," he said, using his powers to remove his helmet from his head so that way Kris could see his piercing blue eyes, filled with sadness.

James would struggle to heal Sunshine, his powers spent for the moment (1 on a d20).

Sunshine leaned on Marrow slightly, her wife wrapping a strong and secure arm around her. "It's fucked up," she sniffled. She had lost both of her best friends that day - Kristina and Feedback. Both of them were supposed to have grown old on Genosha. They were supposed to fall in love with some of Sunshine and Marrow's friends and then they'd all build a treehouse or something to live in together, having fun queer domestic island bliss, away from the problems that humanity brought.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

"Have fun, dear," Selene said, waving Andy off nonchalantly. "And do be careful not to get wet - water has a purifying effect and tends to displace unwanted spirits." Selene then gave Andy a not so subtle wink. She looked like Andy's wicked evil fairy godmother in that moment, as if she were warning Andy that she might turn into a pumpkin if she wasn't careful.
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