Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Johansson

Location: Loki's Cavern
Skills: Photokinesis

It all happened too quickly - Runa had been doing her part against Loki and the next thing she knew, her staff was gone and he had her by the neck. She was gasping for air, unable to breathe. She felt entirely powerless and helpless. And her friends, she didn't deserve them - they were ready to stand down and unleash Loki and his friend into the world just to save her life. "Don't... do it," Runa choked out. She didn't want to be the reason that Loki was freed. She was scared, but not afraid. She had already died once - she was already dead. She was willing to die if it meant Loki couldn't escape.

But she also wasn't ready to give up and let him kill her. She had already spent so much time in Valhalla scared and timid, uncertain and looking towards others for what to do. She was done with that. She wanted to take control of her life - or really, her afterlife. And maybe, just maybe, it would work - maybe she'd free herself and they'd all go home. But there was no way she was going to let Loki escape. She tried to blast him in the eyes with light, her first two tries didn't work, but on the third try she was able to blind him. The blinding light caused him to release her and Runa gasped for breath, running back over towards the others, safe again. She felt good. She had saved herself.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan felt intensely uncomfortable and out of place. Here was this man, affirming that she was his daughter... but she already had two parents - she already had a mother and a father, back in the real world. They had been the ones who paid her tuition, who took her to fencing lessons, who had tucked her in at night and held her when she was sick. It was the same way that she knew Jack was her brother, even if it wasn't biological. King Arthur was supposedly her biological father, and she understood that it sounded like he and Guinevere had sent her away to protect her. But when Megan looked at him, she saw a stranger.

Hansel offered to go outside and check that the coast was clear - clearly trying to give her and King Arthur some space for some privacy. Megan's heart was pounding thunderously in her chest as pure anxiety filled her. She didn't know what she wanted from King Arthur. She didn't know if she wanted him to be her father. She didn't know what it meant to the daughter of a king - was she a princess? Megan didn't feel like a princess. She didn't know what to say. "I...." Megan paused, not even knowing what she was going to say before she said it. "I don't remember you," she settled on, trying to convey the issue - that while he saw his daughter, she didn't see her father. She saw a stranger.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: Asgardian Magic

"What is it?" Runa asked Pietro, as she continued to cast her spell. She wanted to determine where everyone was and this wood seemed safe enough of a place to do so. Once that was done, she figured they could journey off to retrieve them and see about procuring another craft so they could continue their mission of identifying further rifts in the fabric of space-time. Forseti was her brother - it was the very least she could do, cleaning up his messes. Her spell indicated that Mary was in the same location as Edus. She then cast the runes again, this time focusing in on Annie, who seemed to be with Lance.

She threw the runes again and found that Bethany was up with Mary and Edus, and lastly, Guin was with Lance and Annie. It was awfully convenient that everyone had been placed into groups - and for the best. She knew that some of the X-Men were better at protecting themselves than others. "Marygold, Edus, and Bethany are all together - as are Annie, Lance, and Guinevere. Pietro, do you feel up for a run? Or shall I procure us some magical means of travel?" Runa asked calmly.

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Alleyway
Skills: Telepathy

Guin nodded, thinking that Annie was likely right - it had to have been one of those rifts that Runa's loser brother had caused. It was possible that there were other problems in space, but the simplest solution was usually the correct one - right? She vaguely recalled that Star Trek had some plot about a Mirror Universe or something, maybe if this was a rift, it had taken them to something like that. "If it was time travel, we're not in the past - at least, not too far in the past. And if I had to guess, not too far in the future either," Guin proposed. She could buy that they had been displaced by a few years, but certainly not more than a decade or two.

"Yeah, I can hear him. He's in the woods with the Asgardians - so wherever they are, they're at least in the same timeline and general location as us." She then paused to respond to Pietro, her eyebrows furrowing with concern. Can you run and get out of there then? What's going on? Guin asked. "Something's wrong, I think he's in --" Guin then stopped abruptly in the middle of her sentence. Some rushed past them in the alleyway. Guin caught a glimpse of their mind and it shocked her, so much so that she took another peak.

It was all too much. Guin's hands flew up to her head and she stumbled backwards, crying out. It was hard for her to make sense of it all - the Hellfire Club, the Brotherhood, and the Defenders waging war for control of New York City. Lance's death at Quicksilver's hands and his resurrection. The drug use and the cult. Lance. She struggled to catch her breath. "... This is definitely another reality - we're not in Kansas anymore," she said, her voice a bit shaky. "... Any chance anyone has water? Or Ibuprofen?"
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade let out a slight whistle, looking up into the sky as she saw Sabretooth comically soaring/flailing. He deserved it. She knew enough about Creed to know that he was the worst of the worst, a predator in both appearance and actions. He wasn't just a monster, but a rapist, a man known for sexual violence and dismemberment. The more she thought about it, the more being ejected into the air was probably letting him off easy. She also couldn't help but feel a growing disappointment in the fact that he had managed to survive when others had not. She didn't make any audible comments about it though, as they finally reached the rebel group.

Instantly, Jade's mind went into overdrive. The rebels were from the list OMEN had given them of heroes that may still be alive within the city. Bloom, the kid leader of the X-Men, was present and looking worse for wear. Jade snorted ever so slightly when she saw that Guinevere Stark was still alive. She hadn't known she was a mutant. To be honest, Jade was surprised SHIELD had even taken her as an agent. She seemed like every other rich person's kid - useless and irrelevant. And... Quicksilver? He was still around? "I'm Jade," Jade offered, her accent immediately marking her as British. "We're here to help. They're nuking the city soon."

Guinevere Stark

Guin was frustrated that Lance didn't like her idea of climbing into the shopping cart - it was perfectly reasonable! And logical! It would get him away from Sabretooth quickly and - Guin paused in her mental rant, looking up to see that Sabretooth was blasting off again like he was Team Rocket, flying through the sky. Her eyes then fell to the plant-spring that Mary had made. Well, that was one way to handle things. A small part of her wondered why Mary couldn't have done that to Magneto - if she hadn't tried her hardest - if her family could have still been alive...

"My back looks like a feral cat mauled it, which... is basically what happened," Guin answered, when Mary asked about people's injuries. She really did need to clean the wounds - dying from an infection wasn't on her bucket list. But before Guin could do much else, newcomers arrived - three new assholes. Guin looked at them warily, ready to run them over with her shopping cart at any sudden movements... but they claimed to be nice? Except for one of them was wearing a gas mask like those creepy guys from Doctor Who? And then Ms. Gas Mask said that nukes were being sent?

"... How soon is soon? And by they I'm guessing the US government, Ms. Apocalypse?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy raised an eyebrow at the roasted mouse Joanie brought to her - it felt very much like the offerings they would give to the gods. Her voice had returned to her, thankfully. "Good girl, Joanie," she praised. "Now just roast everyone who gets on my nerves next," she joked. She was in a bit of a mood. The emotional tampering from Niah still left a sour taste in her mouth, as did just about everything vaguely Greek at the moment. She wished that the Legion was back in New Rome where they belonged - things had been so much simpler then. And less aggravating. Leandra had been her only major issue - now, there was an entire squad of Greeks whose heads Nancy very much wanted to separate from their bodies. She didn't really want to go over to Mads at the moment either, not wanting to think about how her best friend was going to her death in the morning, but she did anyways.

Nancy scratched Joanie's nose gently, holding the roasted mouse in her other hand - it felt wasteful to just throw it on the ground. Plus, she hoped that it kept people other than her closest friends from wanting to talk to her - maybe it would scare them away. She didn't say anything though - Mads was still interacting with some of the Greeks, Nancy was fine being silent for a moment, waiting for Mads and Niah to be ready to leave the arena.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda snorted slightly as Kristin brought up baby Hercules. "Yeah, we'll have a cuppa and I'll tell him that." Temporarily taking care of a baby cyclops had been one of the more random things they had to do on that quest. Hopefully if they did run into Hercules, he was growing up to be a nice non-murderous cyclops. Leda would hate to kill him - or at least, that's what she would claim. Of course, at the moment she was more concerned with a different young monster - the poor harpy that had been so viciously attacked. She was surprised to see Cassian actually apologize to the harpy - maybe she had misjudged him. Leda did tend to judge people a bit harshly.

Thankfully, the harpy was okay and it took off into the air, flying away. Kiera asked her where she wanted to. Arthur didn't really seem to need their help at all getting ready. "Eh, if you want we can go to your cabin now?" Leda suggested. There wasn't really anything left on her to-do list more or less. They had gotten all of their supplies and Leda didn't feel a need to hang around other people.


EARTH 257 - 5:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Cover - Niah and Celestine -

"Bloody fucking hell it's freezing!" Amelia exclaimed, her teeth chattering. She held a hand in front of her eyes to keep herself from being blinded by the lights of the plane Celestine had brought down. Unfortunately for duo, the plane had also brought a small legion of friends - seven other planes were approaching, three of them landing to cut off their escape options. The only place they could run to was over the cliff.

"Uh, any chance you can control all of these, mate? Or Oliver, you're coming back... right?" Amelia said tentatively.


Amelia took a hesitant step backwards. If they could just stall for time, then Oliver could come and grab them - or Celestine would have a chance to take over the planes. Amelia took another step. And another. And then, she moved her left foot back, expecting to feel solid purchase - only for her foot to meet air. She lost her balance and her eyes widened. "Shit..." she whispered, before falling over the edge, plummeting rapidly through the air.

Outside Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia, Oliver, Bonnie -

"Oof, friendly fire? That's rough, buddy," Darcy said sympathetically to Sparky. "Maybe you all should be more careful with your bullets, just saying."

Bonnie's eyes narrowed slightly as Sparky pushed her away, insisting that she was fine. "You have a child depending on you coming back alive in one piece, so shut up, and let me save your life," Bonnie told Sparky sharply. Usually her bedside manner was better than that, but her patience felt very thin. Sparky was on the brink of death and insisting on being left alone, as if just bleeding out was an acceptable option at the moment. Oliver re-appeared, asking Amelia if she wanted to help steal a plane, and then the two of them vanished. A few beats later, Oliver showed up with a medical kit.

"I'll take that, thank you," Bonnie said, grabbing the medical kit and opening it up. She arched an eyebrow - it wasn't what she was expecting. There were glowing red vials with EXTREMIS written on them, in addition to what looked like a gun and some standard medical supplies. Bonnie studied the contents of the container, before picking up the gun. It wasn't a gun at all - it looked like it contained some sort of serum. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY was written on the side of the gun.

Bonnie hesitated for a moment, before taking a leap of faith. They didn't have the proper surgical equipment for Sparky anyways. She took the gun and aimed it at Sparky, pulling the trigger. A needle shot out and hit Sparky in the upper left forearm, injecting its serum. Miraculously, Sparky's wound would then begin to heal rapidly, the blood clotting together, the skin knitting back together, until it was entirely healed.

"Did you know that would work?" Darcy asked Bonnie.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Folly's eyes snapped open and she took a sharp breath of oxygen, as she stood back up to her feet. "That was fucking rude," she complained. She hadn't had a chance to reply to what Flynn had said before Maria had more or less attempted to kill her, and with more SWORD agents beginning to swarm the area, she didn't have a chance for a lengthy conversation about Raynor's love life.

"We're going to get overrun, anyone have any ideas?" Raynor asked, deciding to ignore Maria's momentary lapse in sanity - maybe her wife was finally rubbing off on her or it was due to lack of sleep from the baby, whatever it was, Raynor decided he wasn't going to worry about it at the moment. Someone else could worry about it. Right now he was sending blasts upon blasts of light out into the hallway, knocking down a good portion of the agents, but more of them were coming. They couldn't stay in the small room they were in forever.

Folly darted out into the hallway, slashing throats and whatnot while cartwheeling to avoid bullets that were flying. She really hated it when bullets were brought into play - they took more of a toll on her healing factor than the typical Iron repulsor blasts did.

Raynor then got an idea. There was a chance it was incredibly stupid, but they were running out of options. He stopped firing light blasts off into the hallway and instead retreated back inside the room, picking the opposite wall... and just firing off blasts at it. The wall was stupidly durable, the blasts hardly doing anything to it. But after a while, Raynor managed to wear it down, creating a gigantic hole in the wall, large enough for them to move through. It led to another hallway, not outside, but it was at least something.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:50 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship


"... What?" Veil said, endlessly confused as to how Callie had gotten a bee in her ear. It was such a bizarre yet simultaneously mundane problem - Veil couldn't remember the last time they had had one of those. It felt so long since they had had to struggle to survive, hiding in abandoned buildings, picking themselves up each day and trying to save mutants in trouble while barely able to even save themselves. A sense of shame then trickled inside of Veil. Were they like the X-Men now, too caught up in the big picture to help mutants?

"Hold still," Veil said, thinking through what she was going to do before she did it. She concentrated and made a miniature force field inside of Spark Plug's ear, encapsulating the bee. And then slowly, Veil pulled the force field out, the bubble-bee harmlessly leaving Spark Plug's ear. Veil then released the force field and the bee, clearly angry and scared at the entire experience, buzzed off. "Better?" Veil asked. Her eyes felt tired and dry. At least this had been a little problem she could solve - something she could fix...

She knew that she'd have to go speak to Sinister - to bring them back...

Meanwhile, Pixie didn't understand how Kristina was being so... calm? "Don't you want to be alive?" Pixie asked her, her eyes darting around as she tried to figure out what was going on with Kristina. Why wasn't she upset or angry - why was she so peaceful? Where had all her energy gone? Her wings fluttered a little faster, thinking on about what James said - that they just needed a way to jumpstart Kristina's body... She was happy to know that Max apparently had a plan.

"Who do you need for this?" Casper asked Max, still successfully channeling Kristina's spirit. "Is this one of your secret meetings with Doctor Strange? We all know he's your sugar daddy, you don't need to pretend it's only magic lessons he's been giving you!" Casper pointed out. He knew it was possible to bring back the dead, a lot of his stupid father's students tended to come back from the dead like the afterlife was a revolving door, but Casper had never paid enough attention to really know how.

Inside the panic room, Reeva let out a bitter laugh at James' comment. "I thought I had taken care of them, when we handled their scout... Desiree... But they don't stop..." There were tears in Reeva's eyes. "This is my fault, James..." Even though he had healed her, the weight of the grief and guilt was crushing - she was tired. They had founded a mutant homeland, only for the Children of the Vault to come try to destroy it.

Esme opened her eyes. As the realization dawned on her, as everything clicked into place, her body began to shake. She closed her eyes again. "We... we lost 198" Esme Frost said. "Sophie and Phoebe, they made it - they're up here," she then tapped the side of her head. "With Mum and Celeste and Mindee." She was one person with five other minds inside of her.

"198?!" Polaris exclaimed, her grief roaring into anger. Anger at the loss of her child. Anger at the Children of the Vault. Anger at herself for not being enough. And above all else, the horrific realization of what had transpired.

"I'm so sorry, Esme..." Reeva said quietly. She didn't know what to do in this somber moment. She hadn't planned for this. No one had.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

"You can control your hands, can you not?" Magneto reminded Maria sharply. He was clearly incredibly angry with her, having not consented to her stealing his powers and some of his life force. He would've been angry even if she had only sampled his control over magnetism.

Selene cackled, seeing Valkyrie rip the head off of the cyborg. "Oh, I see why you like her, darling," Selene said, purposefully using English, but not being clear as to who she was talking to. "That's positively wicked."

"... You disturb me, Selene," Magneto muttered. "I do not know, child. But I intend to find out." Magneto swooshed his cloak behind him as he headed back the way they had come from, intending to go seek out the others and see if Reeva and the Three-in-One had been located. His helmet prevented any telepaths from reaching him, so the Three-in-One couldn't have reached him anyways.

"... What the fuck..." Sunshine muttered, staring at Zarina. The girl had been a little odd, a little funny, but this? That was downright barbaric - and whatever the cyborg had been, she had been the one who killed Kristina and was part of the invaders who massacred their island. But even that was a bridge too far for Sunshine. She grabbed Marrow's hand and headed in the same direction as Magneto.

"Don't listen to them, I think it's artistry," Selene said again to Zarina.

Runa Johansson

Location: Loki's Cavern
Skills: Staff Fighting, Agility,

Runa felt a mixture of joy and dismay as she heard Dalisay's voice in the darkness. She didn't want to be picky, but she would have loved for it to have been Nadia or Klara she had heard... or Astrid. She felt some heat in her cheeks at the thought of holding hands with Astrid in the dark. It would never happen, of course - Astrid was a Valkyrie and Runa was... Runa. She'd never had any sort of romantic relationship in her life, she didn't think that would change with her death. "Oh... Okay," Runa said, blushing deeply as she felt Dalisay's hand clasp around hers. Dalisay's hand was warm and strong - nothing like her abrasive personality.

Runa followed Dalisay's guidance, doing her best to step carefully, afraid that she'd trip and fall into some sort of ravine. Eventually though, her sight returned to her - things began to appear again in front of her and relief spread throughout her body. She didn't want to be blind ever again, to feel so exposed and vulnerable, like a damsel in distress. She hated that feeling.

There was some sort of godly, mythic looking woman here... and Loki. Runa's blood went cold as she saw him. He seemed to be nearly out of his bonds too. Runa rushed on over, her staff growing rapidly in her hand, as Runa swung, attempting to hit Loki in the head - anything to keep him from trying to escape. Her first swing he blocked, but the second she hit him in the head, leaving a nasty gash. She went for another swing, only for Loki to grab a hold of her staff.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade considered the information that Thalia had brought to them and the choice seemed rather obvious. Yes, they had handled these three, but they weren't going to be enough against Magneto - not yet. Their best chance was to stick with the plan and attempt to rally other resistance forces. Even if those forces likely wouldn't be able to stop Magneto, they'd at least make decent cannon fodder and distractions, allowing them to hopefully take Magneto by surprise. They were all going to die in this mission, but it didn't matter. Jade wasn't doing this for herself - she was doing it for the children, the ones terrified and scared and feeling trapped inside this dead city. She was doing it for the kids elsewhere in the world too, ones whose future could be jeopardized if the government handed Magneto a few nukes for free.

"Agreed. Going straight after Magneto would be a suicide mission right now - we can save the martyrdom for later, hopefully with more allies," Jade said. Edus had a good head on his shoulders, as he had come to more or less the same conclusion she had. There was strength in numbers and they weren't going to have more than just one shot, maybe two if they were lucky, at getting this job done. Time was running out and they needed to act fast.

Guinevere Stark

Guin bit her lip, hearing Lance explain that he couldn't move his legs - she felt like she had jinxed him. Maybe she shouldn't have asked him. Maybe it was all just in his head or he was in shock or something entirely reasonable like that. It really sucked that it was Lance that was injured though, as he was their main/only healer - and Guin didn't think he'd appreciate her shouting physician, heal thyself! at him. "Okay, don't panic, we'll get you out of this," Guin promised him. She couldn't lose him - she had already lost so much. She'd rather switch places with him and find out what happened when she died while in someone else's form - hopefully he would just live on as her.

Guin's eyes darted around, spotting an abandoned shopping cart, the sort people pushed around grocery stores. Guin sprinted on over to it and grabbed the buggy, running with it back over to Lance. "Okay, we're putting you inside the cart, it'll be easier to move you until you can heal yourself, kay?" Guin said, not really waiting to see how he felt about this plan before she knelt down and tried to lift him up, doing her best not to think about Sabretooth rampaging maybe ten feet away from them. She managed to start lifting Lance though, until her grip slipped and he fell from her grasp, hitting the ground. "... At least you can't feel that, right?" She tried again, only to get the same result.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded slightly at Arthur's apology, trying to will herself to feel more comfortable and at ease, but she was still unbelievably tense. She didn't know how to talk to this person. She had never considered the fact that she'd ever meet her biological parents and while she had some time to warm up to the idea that her father was King Arthur... This was all still sudden. Megan thought she would've had a small heads-up that they were about to meet King Arthur, that was what happened in movies, it was all announced, all prepared for, she would've been able to breathe. "My.... You mean Lady Guinevere," Megan asked, although it wasn't really a question.

What did she even know about Lady Guinevere? Megan ordinarily wasn't the type to really blurt out her thoughts as they happened, usually doing some more careful selection, but she was incredibly thrown by everything going on here. "Did you ever get a paternity test?" Megan asked. "Because of, you know, Lancelot - I'm guessing he's real too, right? Be a bit odd if he wasn't." She then realized she was still brandishing a sword so Megan, somewhat awkwardly, returned excalibur to its sheath.

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