Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: History of the Nine Realms, Asgardian Magic

It had been a while since the horribly tragic events with her brother. Runa had decided to continue journeying with the X-Men, hoping that it would take her mind off of things. Her brother's trial had concluded on Asgard and he had been sentenced - it wasn't life imprisonment thankfully, as otherwise Runa might've done something reckless. Asgardians were long lived. She just had to be patient. But she couldn't bear seeing him imprisoned and with her parents' blessing, she left with the X-Men once more. The month or so on Asgard had been.... not nice, more of strange really.

But so was the odd rips and tears in the fabric of reality - especially the one that they were all pulled on through. Runa recalled a blinding flash of red light, the ship vanishing around her, and then suddenly, she hit the ground in the woods. Runa took a moment, taking in the scenery around her. It looked like Midgard - scenery like this was unlikely to occur on other planets in the Nine Realms, but not impossible. Of course, they could be in some other portion of the universe entirely - there were hundreds of planets out there and Midgard was not entirely unique. Still, the fact that Pietro seemed able to breathe was promising - Midgardian lungs could be a bit picky about oxygen.

"It may be Midgard," Runa said softly, standing up to her feet. She reached into her bag of runes and pulled the mannaz rune, and twirled her finger in a circle around it, concentrating on Lance. A flash of insight then came into her mind. "Lance is several miles north from here." She then twirled her finger in the opposite direction, focusing on Edus. "And Edus is an even greater distance north."

Guin Stark

Location: New York City Alleyway
Skills: Telepathy

Sure, Guin was a little homesick having not seen her dad, Pepper, and Happy in what felt like fifteen years, but it was SPACE! How often was she going to have the chance to go on a fun space adventure? Didn't everyone go traveling crazy places in their 20s anyways? It was a rite of passage, an experience that she deserved to have. She was already married pretty young, there was no reason to forgo the rest of the fun 20s life experiences ahead of her. Besides, Guin adored space. She had wanted to be Princess Leia ever since she was a little kid, of course, Princess Leia as a Jedi - lightsabers were just way too cool to pass up. And hanging around Asgard had been nice, 1) as it was a cool alien civilization and 2) she and Pietro got some much needed privacy. The little ship hadn't exactly been soundproof.

"What the fuuuuck?!" Guin screamed, as the universe decided to swallow them whole, engulfing them in strange red light, making their ship disappear, and then spitting Guin out. The next thing she knew, she was inside of a dumpster, Amidala clinging to her head in terror. "Owww... I think we ought to sue for that one, do you think the universe can be sued?" Guin grumbled, debating just taking a few minutes with her eyes closed in the dumpster, but the smell was awful. She slowly pulled herself out, finding herself in... New York City?

Home! Her heart soared and she teared up slightly, not having realized how much she had missed this place. The skyline was so gorgeous and beautiful, she could even see her home from here, Stark Tower. But then she realized it wasn't what she saw, it was what she didn't hear - the city was quiet, dead, and it was the middle of the day. "Umm... Did we miss something? Why's it so... dead? It looks like a club at opening on a Wednesday night out there...." She then noticed that the only people with her were Lance and Annie. Where were the others?! Babe? You there? I think we're in the fucking zombie apocalypse here, it's freaking me out. Babe? Baaaaabe?!

Where exactly did you end up? I'm in a wooded area with the Asgardians.

In a dumpster in New York City, somehow? The city's like fucking dead - there's hardly anyone out on the streets, it's trippy. Did something happen while we were gone?

We would have heard something though right? We weren't exactly gone for too long, it was like what, 5 or 6 months or something? Things can't go that much to hell right?

I mean it's not like super villains have a cooldown window between attacks or even coordinate to make sure it's a good time... It's possible that... Something happened... Guin bit her lip and tugged on her hair, dislodging Amidala ever so slightly. She really wanted to check on her family now, make sure that everyone was okay.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy arched an eyebrow as her new co-praetor asked if she was alright or if there was anything she needed - she was about to open her mouth and make a remark that Danielle was a praetor, not a waitress when no sound came out. Nancy didn't panic though. She had been screaming a lot and unintentionally used her control over sound - she probably had just killed her voice in the process. Was she going to communicate that she couldn't speak? Of course not. Even if she didn't want Danielle acting like a waitress, Nancy wasn't going to let herself look weak or incapable around her - and certainly not in front of the others of Rome. The Greeks should couldn't care less about - they could all eat her shorts.

She caught Mads' smile and Nancy nodded in return, standing up. It was time to go. She motioned for Danielle to follow her, figuring that Niah would be busy with quest business. Nancy hoped her voice would return soon, that way she could explain to Danielle that they needed to convene the Senate again to figure out what poor soul was going to have to chill with the Greeks during whatever sort of chaotic fiasco they passed off as meetings. She did a double take though as a harpy grabbed one of the campers, only for the girl to hack herself free. And then the horrible Bacchus kid started tangling the harpy up with vines. Nancy felt a bit bad for the creature.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda didn't really want to stop by the camp store again, since they had already been there, but her girlfriend was probably right - Arthur might need some help. He was such a tiny thing anyways, the backpacks were probably about the same size as him. And hopefully she could make sure things were quick so they weren't stuck in there while a half dozen other demigods were also fighting over who could get the best water bottle and who could grab that spare compass. It just sounded like a madhouse to her, like a mini version of a Black Friday shopping trip.

"I don't think he heard ya, luv," Leda commented to her girlfriend. Arthur seemed to be busy running around with Andy and Madalyne, the praetor. She debated whether or not to just ditch Arthur here and head back to Kiera's cabin, but at least one of the harpies had decided to be moderately entertaining. "Oi, don't hurt her!" Leda shouted at the Dionysus kid. "Harpies are friendly, mate. Probably just another weird ghost possession thing."


EARTH 257 - 5:10 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Cover - Niah and Celestine -

~paused until Andromedai returns~

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver and Bonnie -

"... Okay, that's good to know, so we're still on the east coast," Bonnie surmised from Oliver's description. The Appalachian mountains covered a large amount of land, but at least they knew what mountain range they were in. The new, added memories didn't tell her the geography of the Iron - it was more memories of people and places, not encyclopedic knowledge, as much as that would've been helpful. They could try fleeing North into Canada - if Canada existed here and the Iron hadn't taken land from them. That could be their best bet.

Oliver sped off to search, returning seconds later with news that he had found some of the others. "Are they okay?" Bonnie asked, before Oliver took a hold of her and sped off.

Outside Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia, Oliver, Bonnie -

"Well, it's complicated - there's ways out, but it's more of how do you get out once you're out," Darcy explained. "That's confusing. Uh, well, we're in a mountain - so if you get outside, you can't really go much of anywhere, so you'd need to get a craft to fly down from the mountain." Darcy then blinked, taking the leg from Sparky. "A... what the fuck?" She shook the leg a little bit, expecting to see something happen, but it just remained a leg. "Where were you... were you hiding this in your vaj?!"

"It's our friend's leg," Amelia explained, which didn't really help Darcy at all. "If we can get outside and snatch a craft, I can fly it. I can fly just about anything." It was her special skill on the team - no one else was born to fly, no one else spoke planes more than they did English. Plus, she was pretty certain that whatever the aircraft were like here, it would be something new and exciting - and it would mark off fly a plane in an alternate world from her bucket list.

"Wait, shit, you're bleeding!" Darcy exclaimed, dropping the leg accidentally as she stared at Sparky. "You shouldn't be moving! Is that a bullet wound?" If Cass' crash hadn't been loud enough to draw attention, Darcy's voice definitely was. Then suddenly, Oliver appeared, disappeared, and then returned with Bonnie.

"Where did you come from?!"

"Bloody hell, it's good to see you two! Oliver, any chance you got some medical stuff on you? The leg fell out," Amelia requested.

Bonnie's eyes widened, taking Sparky in. Sparky's injury looked to her like it had healed some, but she was petrified of what would happen if Sparky moved too much or aggravated it - it was still bleeding even. Bonnie hurried forward and took Sparky's hand, placing it on the wound and then Bonnie put her hand on top. "Oliver, I need you to get me a medical kit and get Sparky to a secure location as soon as possible, or she'll die. Cass, Sparky, why'd the leg come out?"

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

"Don't worry, I'll drop you," Raynor promised Matt. He raised an eyebrow seeing Maria go down the hallway and then double back quickly. He figured she must have seen something. The main issue was that a group of ten agents then appeared from the direction the sound of the boots had come from, all of them armed with guns. Flynn would be able to see them coming, allowing him to drag Maria out of the line of sight.

"You, absorb my healing factor," Folly whispered to Maria, having ducked back into the room. "It's just me here - I was only hired to get him, the rest of you aren't part of the job, but I'm feeling nice."

Raynor put Matt down, tilting his head from side to side as he stretched his neck. He then stuck his hands outside of the door, creating a blast of light designed to blind the agents - but the bullets kept on coming. "... Don't tell me these assholes are wearing sunglasses indoors," Raynor grumbled. He then held out his hand, calling his dagger Lyting to him, but it didn't come - something was stopping it.

"They're containing Ragnarok, they know your tricks," Folly pointed out.

Runa Johansson

Location: Outside Loki's Cavern
Skills: N/A

Runa took the apple from Nadia, staring in confusion at the words written on its side - for the fairest. She had no idea at all what that meant. Had Loki put those words there? Had someone else? She hadn't ever heard of anything about writing messages like that on apples either. Maybe it was something normal, although Nadia seemed equally confused about it. Setting the apple back down on the ground felt wrong and a little bit silly, so Runa held onto it - maybe someone would be able to figure out something by the handwriting... if apple handwriting was something to be analyzed? She shook her head slightly, before suddenly, everything went dark.

Runa assumed that the cavern must have somehow lost light, but she didn't hear anyone saying anything about it. "...Guys?" Runa called out tentatively. "I can't see..." She hoped the others would say similar things, that they were just so used to things suddenly going completely dark that they didn't bother to freak out about it, but she had a deep sense of dread that it was just her. "...Hello?" Runa called out. She didn't know that the others had already gone down the rest of the tunnel. "... Is anyone there?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan's eyes went wide as King Arthur approached her. Her heart was beating insanely fast, so fast that she was certain it would burst. But then he hugged her - and Megan's body felt like it was screaming. She stiffened up and froze, not making any sort of movement. She didn't like it. She didn't know him. She didn't even hug her brother - she couldn't remember the last time she had hugged anyone. And having basically a stranger hug her... Megan didn't know why she was so violently opposed to it, but she would've rather taken a swig of arsenic. When he released her, Megan gradually relaxed her muscles bit by bit, but she was still tense. She wasn't a touchy feely sort of person.

"The... the sword?" Megan asked. She didn't really need to ask - there wasn't anything else King Arthur would've wanted to see. "You can look at it, but if you want it back, you'll need to win it fair and square." She didn't say it to be mean or anything - but the sword was hers. She wasn't going to give it back to a man even if he was her father without a fair duel first. Megan unsheathed excalibur slowly and held it up in front of herself, not offering the hilt to Arthur, but still allowing him to see the sword.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:40 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

First Floor...

Elixir felt incredibly awkward, seeing how clearly Miranda didn't want to really talk with him about any of this. He looked around the room, as if wishing for a pack of injured children to come, but it was silent - eerily so. It was just him and Magneto's girlfriend. He didn't know anything about Moneta really. She wasn't the most outgoing of people. But he also knew that, despite Callie's suggestion, going down into whatever battle was going on wasn't necessarily the best idea - he was a medic, not a brawler. And they'd need him in one piece.

But at the same time, standing with Moneta was incredibly awkward. "I think I'm... I'm going to go after them," he said. He awkwardly paused, before realizing he didn't know where they had all gone. He was sure that he'd figure it out, right?

Instead, he got hopelessly lost (1 on a d20).

Veil nodded slightly, listening to what Jack was saying. She understood that he didn't want to talk to his father about all of this - she didn't even want to talk to Mister Sinister. However, she was alive and breathing air - Kris, Feedback, Cayden, Sapphire... They weren't here. She owed it to them to at least try. They would do the same thing for her, she was certain of it. And there were other mutants in the world who had died, ones she didn't know, if they could bring them back... Veil didn't know how many they could, but she knew that she had to try.

She just didn't know what the cost would be - what Sinister would demand in payment. He had brought his own son back. He didn't seem like the type who would do anyone else for free, without asking for something horrible in return. She didn't have money to bribe him with. The only thing she had of value was her mutant gift. "I'll leave you out of it," she said quietly to him.

"Spark Plug... What's wrong?" Veil asked, noticing her friend start to freak out. She saw the ghostly specter of Kristina in front of them and tears began pouring from Veil's eyes again, but she couldn't focus on just Kris - not when Callie was clearly having some sort of a crisis.

"Are you... okay?" Pixie asked Kristina's ghost. "It doesn't hurt still, right?" Pixie's eyes weren't like normal eyes - they looked like solid black spheres, with a little shining spot of white indicating where her pupils were focusing on.

"I... I know," Casper told James, his voice trembling. "But... I'm tired of being scared... and losing people," he admitted. For someone who was always talking, he wasn't always the best when it came to emotional vulnerability. The really deep feelings often times were kept back, with just the surface thoughts being blurted out. He turned his attention to Kris, still channeling her, wishing that her sister was still in the room with them - so that way those two could talk.

"Yeah, you... You fucking died," Casper admitted. "Some toaster just... just fucking killed you and I'm so sorry. If... If you want to hang around, that's cool, Ben's good company... wherever he is... but there's also ghost Hawaii or whatever if you want to... you know, move on..." He didn't know what Kris wanted - he didn't know her enough to really know that. He didn't know if she believed in an afterlife or what she wanted done with her body now that she was dead.

"Can we... put her back in her body?" Pixie then asked, looking at Casper and James. She knew James was a healer - could he heal Kris' broken body and then bring her back?

"I don't think so?" Casper said, his voice squeaking slightly as honestly, he didn't know. He'd never had someone try to heal a corpse before.

Meanwhile, at the end of this hallway, Andy zapped the lock and fried it, allowing the door to unlock. Polaris came up behind her and snapped her fingers, the door creaking open. Behind it, Reeva was leaning up against the wall in a seated position, covered in blood, a gigantic gun in her hand. She fired reflexively and Polaris stopped the bullet, the bullet dropping harmlessly to the ground.

"Oh thank god it's you," Reeva said, breathing out through her nose. "We need a medic quickly, Sophie and Phoebe have lost a lot of blood, but they're going to pull through. They're amazing telepaths, Emma would be so proud of them, they're a credit to her legacy."

Polaris' eyes drifted over to the other side of the small panic room. The Three-in-One were sitting there, only one of them breathing. The other two were clearly dead, covered in blood, their hands limply covering the fatal wounds. Polaris didn't have the emotional strength to comfort anyone right now. Her own hands were shaking and each minute, she gravitated wildly between numbness, uncontrollable anger, and incomprehensible grief. "Sure, we'll get them a medic," Polaris said.

"They're going to be okay. Girls, we're getting you help, just hang in there," Reeva said to the Three in One - now just the One. Just Esme. Poor Esme was unconscious, unaware that her sisters were gone.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

Maria grabbed onto Magneto with her bare hand, aiming to absorb powers from the Master of Magnetism. She absorbed a fraction of his power, but more than a fraction of his life force, sending the elderly Holocaust survivor down to his knees. But for all that power, Maria wasn't as skilled at using it as she perhaps should have been (as her dear wife could also control metal), only managing to cause some dents in the cyborg. "If you steal my vitality from me again, it will be your last act," Magneto warned Maria, practically growling.

Echo's clones had some difficulty as well - even though the cyborg was largely disabled and immobilized, the material the cyborg was composed of hurt to punch and kick. The clones ended up with hands and feet that would sting greatly and most likely bruise pretty badly, and not much damage was done to the cyborg.

"al'anzima δυσλειτουργία," the cyborg said, their voice sounding like nails dragging on a chalkboard. "Siostaman オフライン. Trusler saptanmış." They weren't speaking in one language - it was more a mismash, constantly bouncing from one to the other. Zari must've disabled something to do with language output.

"What's she saying?" Sunshine asked, looking at Zarina. "You speak iPod, right?" she then asked. She didn't see much of a point in continuing to attack the cyborg, as it seemed to be out of commission, but she also would fully support everyone hitting it like a pinata in order to avenge Kris. Her eyes were already getting a little red and puffy from crying. Marrow had a bone spike in each hand, ready to go stab the cyborg once the clones were done surrounding it.

"Oh, she's saying that her systems are malfunctioning," Selene translated. "Well done, Valkyrie. Perhaps later you can help me with my OnlyFans - the interface is a bit perplexing."

"You have an OnlyFans? Aren't you a little old?" Marrow asked. Selene looked at least 45 to her, if not older. But then again, Selene seemed a little cooky with all the witch stuff anyways - and the things that came out of her mouth.

"...What's an OnlyFans?" Sunshine whispered to Marrow.

"I'll tell you when you're older, wifey," Marrow whispered back.

"Selvdestruksjon i loko ntlanu, katër, trei, два, एक..."

"She's activating her self destruct," Selene translated, before springing into action. "Since time immemorial, I have been able to manipulate inorganic matter - including the bomb concealed in this woman's body," she explained, before rapidly rotating her wrists. The cyborg's body began to come apart piece by piece, and Selene pulled out the bomb inside of the cyborg. The bomb exploded and Selene pushed her hands together, containing the explosion by pure force of will.

She then walked forward, her heels clicking on the ground, and Selene tilted her head. "Such a tragedy, they made your heart into the bomb," Selene said, before shrinking the exploding down further and then popping it into her mouth like it was a piece of popcorn chicken, and swallowing. Her skin took on a luminous property and Selene smiled, licking her lips ever so slightly.

"... That was hot..." Sunshine whispered.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Runa felt horrible for her brother. He had been soundly defeated, embedded partially into a tree, and had sustained grievous injuries. He wasn't a fighter by any stretch of the imagination - he was a god of justice, the deity in charge of running Asgard's courts and ensuring that the sentences were just and fair. She whispered a spell and scanned him again quickly, detecting no enchantments or any other magical means that would've explained what he had done. It didn't match up with the brother she knew. She wanted nothing more than to spirit him away to some parts unknown, where he could be afforded a second chance, rather than rot in Odin's dungeons. She adored her brother.

It killed her to place the handcuffs on his wrist. She turned her head, her eyebrows furrowing as one of the monsters started hugging Annie - but it was soon explained as Klara appeared with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. It would've been helpful for them to arrive earlier. Luckily, it didn't look like anyone was fatally injured - just some serious injuries but nothing too serious. She bit her lip slightly, as Lady Sif asked for the stone from Bethany, and as they were directed to turn Forseti over to the Warriors Three.

Runa wished that she had screamed and fled with her brother in that moment. "It'll be alright, brother," Runa whispered. She then stood back, allowing the Warriors Three to take him away.

Guin Stark

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Telepathy

"What the fuck...?" Guin asked, staring as one of the kaijus started to hug Annie - maybe Annie really did have some sort of telepathy. She was about to comment on that when the actual person responsible for enchanting the kaiju appeared, Klara - as well as some other Asgardian stragglers. "You know, would've been really nice to have you all here, hope the cup smashing competition or whatever it was went well," Guin pointed out, rolling her eyes. But at least, everything seemed to have turned out okay. Guin ended the mental group chat. Bethany had recovered the stone and Runa had dealt with her brother, and now the rest of the monsters were gone as well - well, aside from the one that became besties with Annie.

"Do we get a loot drop for dealing with that for you all? Because I think we deserve some XP and some gold," Guin then added, seemingly incapable of not running her mouth at all times. She jogged on over to Pietro, raising one eyebrow at his injury, and also doing her best not to scream internally about it. He was going to be fine. Maybe he was going to be limping around for a little bit. She knelt down next to him on the ground and booped him on the nose with her finger. "You okay?" she asked softly.


EARTH 257 - 5:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Tree Cover - Niah and Celestine -

SWORD HQ looked like it was built into the side of a mountain - think fortresses from Legend of Zelda's Breath of the Wild. The mountain cliffs were incredibly steep, with just a few winding paths that were difficult but not impossible to use to climb down the mountain. Trees were dotted sporadically and providing some cover. Aircraft seemed to be the main method of transportation, with some patrol craft periodically sweeping the area with search lights.

Luckily, no one spotted them and the search lights weren't passing over the tree cover Oliver had stashed them in. Unluckily, it began pouring down rain and the temperature was freezing.

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver and Bonnie -

Thanks to Niah, Bonnie's cuffs and inhibitor collar were removed. Instantly, Bonnie's mind felt clearer and sharper - and her body more alive, stronger, faster, even better rested. It was a change that she wouldn't have noticed about herself had it not been for the collar, giving her proof - Athena had done something to her with her blessing. She wasn't the same human she had been before. And Bonnie didn't know how to feel about that, so she compartmentalized it, shoving it into a mental drawer to deal with later. She exhaled heavily through her nose in slight amusement as Niah explained that Sparky still had her leg. Only with the Secret Warriors was that something normal to say.

"We can do this," Bonnie said, hoping to reassure the others. Oliver then rapidly sped off with Niah, returning shortly, grabbing Celestine, and dashing off again only to return alone. Only a few seconds had passed. Agent Woo was either still unconscious or merely pretending to be. Oliver looked extremely exhausted and Bonnie couldn't exactly blame him, he had just run an unknown distance carrying someone twice. "Breathe, take a moment, it's all good," she replied. "What's the terrain look like outside - any idea what our location is?"

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

Darcy felt like this super wasn't protocol, but also, she was strongly against dying for a job that didn't pay her very well. Sure, the sign-on bonus had been great and all, but the healthcare plan was a bit lacking and the retirement package was skimpy. Honestly, some company could come along and poach her at any time - she was frequently seen in the break room talking about how little extra money someone would have to offer her in order for her to quit. "Okay, but if I do this, you all can't attack me," Darcy warned. She was a little unnerved by Sparky. She didn't seem particularly stable at the moment.

"Cross our hearts and hope to die, we wouldn't do anything of the sort," Amelia promised. Her gut was telling her that the alarms were probably due to their friends trying or succeeding in breaking out of here, meaning that Darcy was making the absolutely wrong call for her organization, but Amelia wasn't going to say anything. She talked a lot but she wasn't stupid - she knew when to be quiet about certain bits of information. "Don't worry too much about her, she's just a bit of a downer at the moment, mate. You know how it is," Amelia then added, her eyes flickering over towards Sparky.

"... Fine. Whatever. I don't get paid enough anyways," Darcy said, relenting as she undid the handcuffs and then inhibitor collars. She then unlocked the door and pocked her head outside into the hallway, seeing an entire squad of armed men running down the hallway. "They don't seem to be coming here..." They were going somewhere else - not in the direction of the A block of interrogation rooms, Darcy could tell that much.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Inside of Maria's head, she would feel another psyche, another personality battling for control and dominance. For now, Maria would be able to hold the other person at bay, preventing them from taking over her body. "What did you do to me?" the Monica personality screamed inside of her mind. In the real world, Monica was still struggling with the oxygen deprivation, and she weakly sent off blasts of energy at the group, hitting Folly and sending her skidding backwards again.

Flynn then opened the door and oxygen rushed into the room. Monica was incredibly disoriented from the lack of oxygen, and Folly hurried out the door, holding it open for the others. She could hear the sound of heavy boots hitting the ground from nearby, coming closer. They didn't have much time. "Come on, we need to be fast, there won't be another rescue after this one," Folly warned.

Raynor saw how bad Matt was doing and he considered just leaving him here to figure things out, before he sighed. He picked up Matt in a bridal hold. "If you puke on me, I'm dropping you." Oxygen deprivation did weird things to people, even when they regained a proper amount of air.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:30 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship & Enhanced Accuracy

First Floor...

"I'll be fine," Veil reassured Callie. She wasn't the one they needed to be worried about - she was more concerned about Waverley. Maybe they could talk to Sinister and see if he could repeat the process done on Jack, but would Waverley want that? Sinister was essentially the devil, dealing with him was making a Faustian bargain, and they didn't have a will to consult to figure out what Waverley would have wanted. If it had been her, Veil would've preferred to stay dead than be indebted to Sinister for the rest of her life.

Magneto's eyes narrowed, hearing Miranda's explanation. "I would want to know - I do want to know. A man is his actions, not his words, and if I do not remember either, then what sort of man am I?" he posed. He was clearly angry, but the source and direction of his anger was up for debate. So much had happened in such a short period of time. He turned without another word and headed down the stairs with the others to search. Only Elixir remained behind upstairs.

"So... That must be fun, dating mutant royalty?" Elixir asked awkwardly in an attempt to fill the silence.

Polaris clenched her fist, digging her nails into the palm of her hand, as she came into view of Kris' dead body. She had seen her just moments ago, full of life and beyond ecstatic to be reunited with family. And now, she was dead. It was senseless. Polaris was tired of this. She was tired of watching mutants die pointlessly. The metal lining the hallway distorted in response to Polaris' mood, warping and taking on an irregular shape.

James would be able to remove the stake from Andy, with the caveat that her bleeding would increase dramatically as the wood was dislodged, increasing the size of the wound and removing the natural dam that had been reducing the bleeding. His first attempt at healing the wound would be disastrous, as the wound actively increased in size. The second attempt, though, he'd be able to heal her up the rest of the way - she'd be sore and would have a scar, so crop tops may bring up questions in the future, but she'd live.

"Oh my god, what..." Veil stammered, startled beyond belief. Her brother had been trying to comfort her as they walked down there and she was already reeling from Feedback's death - but there was Kristina, lying on the ground, dead. Tears gushed from Veil's eyes. Another young mutant she had failed. Another one she had lead to their deaths. Was she any better from Professor X? Guilt and shame welled up in her throat. "How..."

Her brother's clones had surrounded James, Harry, and Andy - although there was no sign of the threat that had killed her. "No more!" Magneto vowed, his eyes boiling with fury as he came upon the scene. "No more!"

"Kris..." Sunshine choked out. She was similarly shocked. It hadn't been that long ago that she had been telling her friends about how Genosha was safe, how they didn't need to worry here, and now, two of them were dead. Waverley and Kristina were both gone. It was cruel. This was supposed to be mutant paradise, a place where they were able to be themselves without fear - a place where they weren't hated for who they were.

Even Casper had tears in his eyes. He had barely known Kristina. And usually, he was a little bit flippant when it came to death, a small psychotic quirk he had developed thanks to his father. But this was too much for him. They were living through a genocide, a holocaust. He reached out his hands. "Kris?" he called out. There was no answer. "Kris?" he repeated, his voice shaking. Nothing. "KRIS!" he screamed and suddenly, Kris' astral form would appear for everyone to see. Casper's eyes were glowing blue and his hands were surrounded by a blue light. He was channeling her, the way that he would channel Ben, allowing Kris to use her mutant gifts and interact with the world from beyond the grave.

Pixie eyed Casper nervously, hoping his powers weren't about to rocket out of control.

"Hmm, she wasn't gone long," Selene commented, before heading off to search for the mutant killing cyborg. Magneto, Marrow, and Sunshine went along with her, leaving the others behind for the moment.

Basement - A Few Hallways Over ...

"Your genetic code has an abnormality beyond mutation," the cyborg said, staring at Valkyrie. "Origin... Asgardian? Incomplete pattern matching... Records indicate structural similarities to the Hulk." The cyborg then spun and kicked Zarina in the stomach, sending Zari flying backwards. She then began firing off blast after blast of some sort of energy from the palms of her hands, which Zari would be able to narrowly roll and dodge out of the way of.

"Stop!" Magneto shouted, coming into the room with Marrow, Sunshine, and Selene. He closed his fist in a crunching motion and the cyborg's metal components began to compress. Sweat was beginning to bead up on Magneto's face as he continued the crushing motion - something was actively fighting back against him. It was like the cyborg had some sort of protective field.

Marrow tore bone spikes out of her flesh and threw them at the cyborg, missing. "Give them to me," Sunshine urged, as her aim was perfect and she had no idea if this cyborg looking lady could even get sick. Marrow handed Sunshine a few spikes and her aim was true, but the cyborg caught them and threw them back, with a few of them hitting Sunshine and leaving nasty gashes.

"Foolish creature. My magics give me control over all inorganic matter," Selene boasted. It was her specialty. Her mutation allowed her to consume energy - her magical skills were a separate matter. Selene cast an enchantment and flicked her wrist, planning on sending the cyborg flying across the room like a puppet - but nothing happened. Something was blocking her too.

"She has some sort of defensive energy field!" Magneto cursed, realizing what was wrong. "We need to disable it somehow."

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla -> Outside Loki's Cavern
Skills: N/A

Runa's eyes widened slightly, as her father explained that he would be accompanying them to inspect Loki's prison, but she nodded. Her heart was filled with fear and felt like it was going to explode out of her chest, but she knew that she had to be brave - she was an einherjar, after all. She had gone on a quest and rescued a god from the clutches of Hel in helheim - she could do this. Runa took a breath, before stepping through the portal. Instantly, a shiver went down her spine, as her body registered the dramatic drop in temperature. She could see her breath out in front of her. Runa rubbed her hands against her arms quickly, coaxing a bit of warmth back into her body.

"... An apple?" Runa whispered, completely confused as to why there was an apple on the ground. Nadia had picked it up and it definitely looked strange - it looked like it was made out of gold. She'd never seen an apple like that before. And this definitely wasn't the right climate for apples, right? There was tripwire as well here and Runa bit her lip, wondering how they'd make it to Loki's prison - or how anyone could, really, without a full squad of demigods with useful abilities.
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