Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy's irritation grew slightly as Chiron announced that the Romans would also be looking for volunteers for a messenger - she didn't like the idea that he was telling them what to do. She also didn't even know if it would be a volunteer position, more likely they'd just assign someone and that would be that. Volunteers Nancy was worried would end up being people like Leandra, those who would try to launch some sort of vicious propaganda spree. She wanted someone she trusted completely sitting in with the Greeks - and someone with a lot of patience. She had the feeling that sitting in on a meeting with the Greeks would be akin to pulling teeth.

"Is that it?" Nancy asked Chiron pointedly. He had recited the prophecies, got those heading on the quests to step forward, and made an announcement about the eidolons. There didn't seem to be anything else left to discuss. If that was the case, Nancy wanted to leave the arena and take a walk to clear her head - maybe visit the shrine to her aunt and leave an offering. Maybe speak with her new co-praetor about leaving Camp Half-blood and taking the Legion somewhere where they could stand on their own.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda grinned back at her girlfriend, Kiera. She knew that not everyone was pumped to be going on a quest - a lot of people dreaded them, but Leda was incredibly excited. She did feel bad for the little ones volunteering, as they were so young and inexperienced, but the older demigods knew what they were getting into. Leda knew what she was getting into. She had been born to do this. Besides, the last quest she had done had been with Zeke and Kristin - she needed a palette cleanser desperately and a romantic getaway with her girlfriend sounded perfect (well, and the third wheel that was poor Arthur). "Course, love. It'll be romantic," she whispered back to Kiera.

They wouldn't be able to make out all night with Arthur sleeping next to them anyways - unless he was a heavy sleeper. That was always a possibility. She hoped he wouldn't be crying every night - he was so young though she wouldn't have been surprised. All the more reason to get a good night's sleep in Kiera's cabin that night. Chiron asked for the volunteers for the quests to come forward and Leda headed forward along with Kiera.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade was mildly annoyed that the others didn't seem very impressed with her handling Abyss, but she wasn't about to ask for praise from them. She considered the two options - have Thalia fly up high, potentially exposing their location but providing results far more quickly, or continue to scout from the ground, allowing them to keep a lower profile but increasing the amount of time they'd need to spend in their search. Edus was right though - it was likely the fight they had just been in had drawn some degree of attention, even if that was just from the fact that Abyss and the other two were about to go missing. "I agree, an aerial scout is ideal for now," Jade said.

Her mind then thought of another aspect of Thalia's powers that could come in handy if this was the absolutely incorrect solution. She kept it to herself though, not knowing how much Thalia wanted to play that close to the vest. "You should be as quick as you can about it though, the longer you're up there, the more likely they'll see you."

Guinevere Stark

Guin couldn't help but feel a little bit worried, not just for Lance but for Carolina as well. She looked like she was in pretty rough shape, with some serious injuries that would need medical attention as soon as possible. It would've been really nice if her mutant power had been healing, rather than body hopping - much more useful at least. Maybe she could make a robotic doctor to follow the group around, like in that one movie she had seen once as a kid, with the fluffy inflated robot - what had his name been again? "Lance!" Guin exclaimed, seeing a small ball of light come out of the rubble.

Guin moved quickly in the direction of the light, thanking her lucky stars that Sabretooth hadn't come over to kill them just yet and the others were managing to keep him busy. Carolina managed to get most of the rubble off of Lance, and thankfully, he was still alive. Cass then got the rest of the rubble off of Lance, so that way he was no longer pinned. Guin knelt down next to him. "Hey, can you walk? Your legs hopefully are better than Professor X's?" Guin asked him, a little worried that his legs might have been broken or paralyzed with how they'd been pinned under the rubble.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Infinite Deception of Words, Asgardian Magic

Runa heard Edus reject her lie and she felt the power building up inside of her. She didn't speak of it often, but when one of her lies was rejected, she felt almost compelled to distort reality and make it truth - it was nearly involuntary. Runa barely registered the ground shaking as Lance conquered his foe. She hardly blinked as Marygold dispelled her brother's fiery tornado. She didn't even turn her head to see the other rampaging monsters terrorizing the others. "A lie for a lie," Runa whispered, Gandr glowing with dark energy, as she snapped her fingers, expecting to feel a wave of release, for reality to rewrite itself to her will. It was always an exhilarating, intoxicating feeling...

But it never came. Her innate magic did not work. Her staff had ceased glowing. A wave of hopelessness crashed against her - she was the Goddess of Lies, this was the one thing she was supposed to be good at, the very reason why those in Asgard had shamed and ridiculed her for all of those years. But nothing happened - her powers weren't as strong as they should have been. Runa didn't know if that was because of Forseti's stone or if there was something deeper that was wrong with her...

Guin Stark

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Telepathy, Agility

"Was something supposed to happen there?" Guin remarked, a little surprised that Runa's powers had more or less fizzled out. But they didn't have time for snarky remarks, especially with the monsters going on around. Guin nodded when Mary suggested that she search Forseti's mind for the location of the stone and Guin took a breath, diving into the Asgardian's head again. "It's on a chain by his side," Guin informed her fellow X-Men. The tornado was gone and she didn't want to waste a second, so Guin quickly darted at Forseti, attempting to snatch the stone.

Forseti batted her away like a bug, sending Guin flying (and the stone came free of the chain, flying into the grass somewhere). Guin hit the ground hard. "The stone isn't on him anymore!" she then told the others, even though she had no idea where it was anymore. It was small and the grass in this meadow of sorts was a little tall. Guin forced herself back onto her feet, just in time to watch as Runa threw a small object down at the ground by Forseti's feet. Suddenly, a yew tree began sprouting out of nowhere, trapping Forseti's legs inside. "Yikes, hope he's got health insurance," Guin said, wincing slightly. Runa then conjured a pair of handcuffs, connected by a chain - nothing incredibly fancy - as she walked up to her brother.

"Will I need to put these on you?" Runa asked Forseti.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan wasn't shocked to see that Jack too was reminded of Cabin in the Woods. She was an insomniac and had spent countless hours watching horror movies at night with her brother, unable to get to sleep. Sure, she wasn't well rested, but being awake during odd hours had always given her a slight edge in school, as she was able to grab extra time to study. And now, working as a medical examiner, odd hours were more or less normal for the job. She didn't work in the middle of the night as she didn't want to be at work at midnight, but showing up a few hours later wasn't an issue if she needed to sleep in once she managed to fall asleep. Megan nodded when Hansel suggested they take supplies and leave. She wasn't opposed to stealing - as long as they got out of here before...

The door opened. Megan's mind instantly created a profile for the person who entered. Male, caucasian, approximately late 50s in age, tall, average build. It was like she was seeing him as a corpse coming into the morgue, rather than a living person. She didn't recognize the man. Her sword began to hum ever so faintly, and her eyes darted towards it, noticing it had begun to glow. It took her a moment before she put it together and Megan's heart began beating furiously fast by a sense of foreboding anxiety. She didn't know why she felt this way - it wasn't logical, she didn't know this man, he didn't know her, there was nothing that tied them together.

"We weren't expecting you either," Megan said, her voice even and steady. "... King Arthur."


EARTH 257 - 4:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Bonnie thought for a moment, before she shook her head. "I haven't. He's one of the new X-Men, right?" she confirmed, deciding to allude to that fact rather than Lance's infamous father. She had encountered the new X-Men when they had taken down Magneto in New York City, stopping a deadly virus that would've killed every human in the city. Lance hadn't joined until after that, if Bonnie remembered correctly. She wasn't paying super close attention to every member of the X-Men, but when Hulk Jr. joins, SHIELD notices.

Niah's news was, needless to say, a bit mind blowing. Bonnie's eyes widened. Ex-agent Novikova, now current Avenger, could perceive people's alternate selves. If she had looked at Lance and seen Sparky... It explained some things, but also made Bonnie inherently uncomfortable. When had Sparky come over to their world? Had Raynor been stalking a small child, a baby? She shook her head slightly, before glancing at Celestine. "Maybe. I'm pessimistic they'll have any interest in helping us though," she admitted softly.

Some time then passed and Woo returned to the room, looking a little nervous. "So, here's the deal. I believe you, but they don't. Do you want to see more close up magic?" Woo snapped his fingers. Something small and rectangular then appeared in Niah's pants' pocket. Only she would know that had happened. "The trick is, you need to make it look good and believable, otherwise, your audience sees through it," Woo explained, looking at them and hoping they'd catch on.

"Now, you're going to tell me the truth, okay?" Woo then added, before walking over to the other side of the table. "Who sent you here?" he asked.

Bonnie, ever the perceptive one, understood - and promptly head butted Woo, knocking the amateur magician unconscious. Alarms began to blare.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Woah...." Darcy said, looking back and forth between Cass, Amelia, and Sparky. "I think she might, like, need a minute."

Amelia was really concerned about her friend. Even though Cass had told them they needed to get back on track here, she was more worried about Sparky's mental wellbeing. She hadn't known Sparky for a super long time, but coincidentally, Amelia tended to be there for Sparky's more stressful moments - such as finding her lost love again on Asgard or learning that she had been adopted and actually came from a different reality. "Do you want us to shut up shut up? Or do you want us to push through this and have a moment?" Amelia asked.

"Oh shit!" Darcy cursed, as alarms started to sound. "Uhh, don't go anywhere, not that you can," she frantically told them. She wasn't prepared for something like this to happen. Darcy bit her lip, glancing around the room, as if looking for a helpful piece of paper saying what to do when the alarms go off.

"What's that alarm mean?" Amelia asked. If she had to guess, something had just happened. Maybe the others had started doing something - maybe someone had escaped! Or maybe it just meant that someone had been smoking and accidentally started a trash can fire inside one of the break rooms. Either way, it sounded scary and was clearly a big deal. "If you don't free us and it's something like a fire, we could die, mate. Do you want that on your conscience?" Amelia asked Darcy.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

From outside of the room, alarms began to blare - but none inside, as the EMP had disabled all technology. Raynor suddenly gasped, feeling all of the air forcibly removed from his lungs. He didn't need oxygen to breathe, he didn't need to breathe even really, but it was still a somewhat painful and uncomfortable experience. He was begrudgingly impressed that Flynn was even capable of something like that. Raynor pulled the inhibitor collar off of himself, tossing it aside.

Raynor's body began to put off a soft glow, just enough so that he could see. "Are you here to help or to fuck with us, Valeska?" Raynor asked.

Monica would manage to function relatively okay with the low levels of oxygen, Maria would be struggling quite a bit, and Matt... Poor Matt would be gasping for air. Folly was struggling as well, falling to the ground as her head was spinning. Monica was seeing double, but still managing to keep herself standing. "Code... " Monica wheezed, "Red..." Of course, there was no one who was going to hear her, as all the tech in the room had been deactivated.

"Here to... get you," Folly choked out. Her healing factor wasn't helping with the oxygen deprivation.

Monica blasted a beam of energy at Raynor, her eyes glowing as she stumbled about, trying to maintain her balance. The beam missed, the shot going wide.

"Who sent you?" Raynor asked Folly, returning fire with a light blast at Rambeau, hitting her and causing her to fall to the ground, but doubtless she would get up again.

"Magneto... and... the Professor..."

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa nodded, a bit surprised that they didn't actually know the location - she thought Dalisay must have known, as she could see it. She also didn't know if they were really the right people to deal with this situation - surely there was someone more qualified to deal with Loki? They had only done it last time as the Norns had pretty much expressly said it had to be them. She pondered that as they headed out of the elevator and into the Feast Hall. She saw her father sitting at the Thanes' table and Runa felt a little strange - she was still getting used to having a father in general. The god thing was just another hurdle.

He seemed happy - they had saved everyone, but it was ultimately meaningless - especially if Loki escaped. Everyone was telling the Thanes what had happened, and Runa didn't feel the need to add anything. Time was of the essence. If they were somehow the only ones qualified to stop Loki, then they needed to move quickly rather than stand around talking about how much they needed to do something.

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:20 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Casper grinned stupidly at James' apology, just happy to have his husband back - and he was momentarily distracted from the matter of the missing ghost (Ben). "Aww, babes, you don't need to apologize for that - you know I like things a little rough," Casper cooed, winking slightly. "I think we could really add that into our new rotation, it was definitely scary sexy - mostly sexy, in a sexy way, you know? Did I mention it was sexy?" Of course, as happy as he was, not everyone was having a great time right now. Case in point...

Veil's blood turned as cold as ice - for a moment, she looked for Sapphire, expecting to see the specter of her best friend hovering over her. But Sapphire wasn't there. And neither was Feedback. An involuntary shudder went through Veil's body, as her form flickered in and out of visibility. "I... Was she alone?" Veil asked, the words feeling foreign in her mouth. It had been hard enough to lose her best friend - but Feedback was a child. She hadn't lived.

Veil bit her lip, nodding as Echo explained what happened. She had a horrific image in her mind of an army of faceless people surrounding Feedback, ripping her to shreds. "You did what you could," Veil reassured her brother, but her words felt empty. She hadn't been there. She couldn't have known that every possible option was pursued to save Feedback. She just had to trust - and she did, she did trust them. If anything, Veil blamed herself for this failure. If they had left Genosha when they awoke, Feedback would still be alive...

Magneto was similarly stunned, although his feelings weren't tinged with grief. He never said it, but Wanda had always been his favorite child. To learn that she had changed the world to fit his vision... It made him reevaluate the abrupt ending of their relationship. She was an Avenger now, pregnant and married to a robot. What had changed? And if he had had so much power, how had things come back to normal? "מירנדה, ידעת על זה?" Magneto asked Moneta in soft Hebrew. There was a certain tenderness to his words, a sensitivity - a feeling of betrayal. Selene was watching them closely, clearly understanding the words Magneto had spoken - this was definitely a fun soap opera for her.

"Oh my gosh, sometimes I forget how weird WandaWorld was, especially at the end when you were--" Casper began to blurt, before catching himself in time. "Right, you probably don't want him to know, my bad. I'll be quiet." He listened to the stuff people were saying about the Vault, but it honestly was confusing him. It reminded him of when his dad used to give him lectures about things like homo superior or whatever - when all Casper had wanted to do was chase butterflies. "I thought the Vault was like a Disney thing where they hid all their old racist movies?"

Sunshine groaned. "It's a miracle you can even walk, Casper," she complained. Marrow snorted ever so slightly. "It's a magic space where time goes faster, right? That's all it is. It's not a place with movies. If you took half a second to stop thinking about fucking James, you'd be able to pick up context clues." She was harsher with him than she needed to be, but Sunshine was having a bad day. Her best friend had died. And for a moment, she thought that her wife had died too. She didn't have patience for Casper being Casper.

Selene sighed a bit, sensing that the topic had changed from something fun and interesting to something boring and old. "Oh yes, those pesky Children of the Vault," Selene complained. "They ruin everything fun and worthwhile. Honestly, I thought Reeva had gotten rid of the last of them," she commented. The Inner Circles of the various Hellfire Clubs talked to each other and as a member of the NYC branch, Selene was at many parties with the DC group and had heard about Reeva's assassination of one of the Children not too long ago.

"Ego sum omnium mater, deliciae. Ego sum vetustissima mutant," Selene then interjected into Max and Andy's conversation.

"So..." Polaris trailed off, before deciding she didn't want to deal with everyone here. She'd much rather fight something. Maria's arrows were already abandoned on the ground near Casper, so she didn't move a finger to redirect them. Instead, Polaris went in the direction Zarina and the others had gone, finding the opened passageway entrance on the second floor.

"... So, um, secret passageway then?" Pixie commented, her wings fluttering nervously.

"I'll stay here, just in case anyone... You know," Elixir explained.

Polaris descended the stairs, until she caught up with Zarina. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a metal door, which Polaris flicked and it fell over, clattering on the ground. It looked like a maze of hallways and doors, with shining fluorescent lights and bright white walls and floors. The only thing that broke up the monotony was a smeared blood trail going to the right. "Don't get in the way," Polaris told Valkyrie numbly.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

"Seriously?! You've got to be fucking kidding me," Jade complained, as Abyss turned out to contain an actual black hole inside of his chest. She looked around quickly, her brain going into hyperdrive as she calculated the best way to deal with him. They needed a way to 1) knock him out and 2) take care of the black hole, but she unfortunately wasn't an astrophysicist. But assuming the black hole was part of his mutant power, maybe getting rid of the source would settle things. Jade made sure she had a decent grip on her angel blade as she moved towards Abyss, even with the sucking force of the black hole threatening to draw her in. She slipped and fell to the ground, managing to keep a hold of her blade, as she was drawn closer to the black hole.

But it worked in her favor, as it got her closer to Abyss. She popped up, using her natural acrobatic skills, and stabbed Abyss with her dagger. She had been aiming for the head for a kill shot, but instead, she got him in the shoulder. She kept a strong grip on his body, to prevent herself from getting sucked in, and then she went for the hail Mary - something so incredibly stupid it might just work.

And Jade judo flipped him into his own black hole, Abyss vanishing through it, and the black hole closing up as he left. "Not bad for a fucking flatscan, huh?" Jade commented, tilting her head from side to side to loosen up her neck slightly. She had goosebumps. She was a little surprised the universe hadn't just imploded on itself with what she had just done.

Guinevere Stark

"I'm okay - just some cuts, so as long as they don't get infected, we're all --" Guin started to answer, before stopping abruptly as Pietro unearthed the worst possible scenario. It was like they were cursed. A part of Guin wanted to curl up into a ball and cry and just give up. Surviving in New York was so hard on a good day - today, it seemed impossible. What point was there in trying to help others when they could barely defend themselves? Guin knew that she wasn't going to be able to do much, and she was about to go run Cass (who Sabretooth, bursting out of the rubble despite Pietro's attempts to re-seal him, had thrown a boulder at) but Cass managed to roll it off alone.

Instead, Guin quickly darted out to Sabretooth's sight and dedicated herself to finding Carolina and Lance, trusting that the others would have the Angry Carpet handled. She started pushing and shifting the rubble, hoping that she could find them quickly, praying to whatever Asgardian beings were still alive that they'd have just one little ounce of good luck today. Something went right thankfully, as Guin unearthed Carolina. "Carolina! Are you okay?" Guin asked, offering Carolina her arm to help her get out of the rubble. "Is Lance with you?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Nancy felt the shackles Niah had placed on her emotions drop away and her anger flared back up inside of her. She hated that they weren't going to get input on what Greek would come and monitor them - if they sent one of the Bacchus kids on over, Nancy was determined to refuse their presence. Hopefully her new co-praetor's inherent connection to luck would come in handy and they wouldn't get someone who made Nancy want to gag herself with a spoon. Nancy glared at the Bacchus kid for another moment, before going and sitting down next to Madalyne and Niah and the rest of the Legion. They still needed to tell the Legion about the change in leadership, although she imagined that word would've spread by now.

Chiron recited the prophecies and Nancy's mood only worsened. She didn't want to hear them again. She didn't want to dwell on the terrible fate that awaited one of her closest friends - a fate she was hoping that they could avert, but she was at the same time feeling pessimistic. All the great heroes' stories ended in tragedy. And as much as she didn't want it to be so, Mads had all the makings of a great, tragic hero. Having people just sign up if they felt it referred to them was irritating, mostly as it wasn't the Roman way to do things.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda had to resist the urge to barf as two of her least favorite people, Kris and Zeke, hugged. She wouldn't have been surprised to see those two get together one day - even though she was pretty sure their combined awfulness would trigger the destruction of the world. Not even the gods would be strong enough to save them from that fate. Even her girlfriend was being nice and offering sympathy and aid to Zeke, volunteering her own time to play therapist. Leda was on the other hand a bit too faced and selfish - she didn't want to help Zeke with his emotional issues, as she didn't feel connected to him like that. She'd help him kill a monster, but that was pretty much as far as things really went between them.

Things then finally got started, with Chiron reciting the prophecies. As much as Leda knew she ought to be terrified, an electric thrill went through her - she was finally going to get to go out into the world and do what she did best: hacking monsters to death with her sword. She also got to do it with her girlfriend, something she found extremely hot. Leda stood up, as if daring any of her siblings to try to claim rainbow as referring to them.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded slightly. It was a bit odd to do things based on the sun's position in the sky - it felt archaic and strange. She was used to being accountable to precise timepoints - everything was regimented and scheduled, even in the morgue. She raised an eyebrow as Sierra suggested that they hide out in the nearby cabin. Megan really enjoyed Cabin in the Woods, and she somewhat doubted horror movies were on anyone else's mind at the moment. More concerning though was that she recalled in the fairytale that Hansel and Gretel trespassed in a witch's cabin. The others scouted inside of the cabin quickly as they neared it, with Megan keeping a watchful eye on Sierra and her wound. "Unfortunately, it doesn't seem painkillers have been invented yet here," Megan apologized.

She vaguely recalled her medical school classes where they had been instructed that sometimes, it was all you could do to keep a patient just talking through the pain in an attempt to keep their mind off of the pain. They were then waved into the cabin when the coast was clear and Megan's eyes widened with alarm, seeing the food cooking. "This isn't clear!" she hissed. "People don't just leave food cooking unattended for long. Someone's here. We need to leave, now." It was that or they'd need to knock out and tie up the owner of this cabin.

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