Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks

"That's been the plan, I don't think anyone was really looking forward to this," Guin replied to Bethany a bit sarcastically, but not in a mean spirited manner. She was however annoyed at Bethany's running commentary about how they were just making Forseti angrier. That was unavoidable. There was no way to kindly kick the shit out of someone - there wasn't a polite means to handle any of this. Forseti needed to be stopped and it was going to get ugly - it already had gotten ugly. No one was telling Forseti he was only making them angrier when he summoned those monsters to attack them. "Don't overdo it, babe, Guin then warned Pietro. She didn't like the strain in his voice - it scared her a little.

She didn't even know what to do with the information Mary gave her so casually, but she didn't really have time to respond, as Forseti made a fire tornado whip up out of nowhere. Guin's eyes widened and she grabbed onto Amidala with one hand, wanting to keep her space lemur from getting caught up in it, and she felt the force begin to drag her backwards. The heat wasn't overbearing yet, but Guin didn't want to find out how bad it would be if she was actually sucked into the tornado. Thankfully, Mary conjured up some vines and Guin was able to grip onto them tightly, keeping herself from sliding towards fiery damnation. "Fuck, that hurts!" Guin cursed, as some stray bits of fire hit her, burning her skin.

"I'm getting really sick and tired of this motherfucker," she complained, before using the focused totality of her psychic powers on Forseti, attacking his mind over and over again to do as much damage as she possibly could - but it wasn't enough. He was still standing.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs

Runa's patience with her brother was wearing thin - she hoped this was just the stone's influence on him, but she wasn't sure. She was beginning to suspect that this darkness had lurked inside of him all along. She grew tired of answering his questions, knowing that she was just talking past him - he wasn't listening, he wouldn't heed her warnings, he wouldn't stop until someone would make him stop. "Our blood contains fire and life incarnate, brother - this is not your nature," Runa said, her final plea for him to see reason. She conjured up the symbol of her maternal grandmother, a phoenix made out of darkness, and flung the construct at Forseti.

The dark phoenix slammed into her brother, toppling him over and onto the ground. Runa threw two more blasts of pure darkness at him, one of them missing, but the other was true. He was bruised and injured as Runa flexed her fingers clenching her staff. She walked up towards him, not afraid for him, more of pitying him. She didn't know if her power would work - but she had to try. She couldn't treat him like a scared child - she had to see him as the threat he was to the Nine Realms. "You're powerless, brother. The stone is gone," Runa lied, hoping that one of her allies would reject the lie and allow her to rewrite reality to bring an end to this conflict.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa relaxed slightly as the einherjar standing at the door lowered their weapons, explaining that they just hadn't realized there was a door there - that was definitely fair. With all of the magic going on at Hotel Valhalla, doors randomly appearing was still an unusual occurrence - enough to temporarily scare the best of them into raising a weapon, especially with death having been seemingly permanent lately. "I'm okay, really - you don't need to worry about me," Runa told Nadia quietly. She didn't need a comforting hand on her shoulder. She was incredibly distressed, yes, but Runa was able to manage her own emotions - even if her battles with depression and anxiety sometimes made it seem otherwise.

She headed with the others to the elevator, a little confused as to why some people were talking about generic hang out plans at a time like this. Runa paled though as Dalisay started exclaiming that someone was going to go free Loki at that very moment. "What can we do?" Runa asked quickly, her heart pounding in terror. She nodded as Klara provided an answer - that they should go stop Loki. "... How do we get there?" she then followed up.


EARTH 257 - 4:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Agent Woo wasn't stupid by any means. As Celestine laid out her questions again, finishing with a critique of his close up magic, he just smiled. "Go on, then," Woo snapped his fingers and suddenly, a deck of playing cards appeared on the table, just out of Celestine's reach. "I don't normally like to brag, but I have my conjuration license."

"If you have any psychics, have them read our minds - they'll know we're telling the truth," Bonnie offered. She knew that they had some sort of weird psychic damage going on, but she trusted that any decent telepath would be able to see something was going on - to realize that something was altering their memories and that they were really genuine. "Or... I suppose social media works too." Facebook was an inelegant solution, but Oliver wasn't exactly wrong either.

"There aren't any psychics in the Iron," Woo informed Bonnie. "Fine, I'll entertain this crazy idea. So what, you all came from a different reality, where you're the good guys, and you're looking for two fugitives?" Woo summarized.

"Exactly. A speedster named Luminous and a scientist/wizard named Doctor Doom," Bonnie confirmed.

Agent Woo started tapping away on the table, and suddenly, a video was illuminated. It showed the same location in Times Square where they had appeared and the video started to rewind, skipping through their arrival, until it showed a man with an extremely scarred face and a tanned woman with silver hair appearing out of nowhere. "This them?" Woo asked. "Best we can tell, they fled the country together in seconds."

"Yes!" Bonnie confirmed, feeling relieved that maybe, just maybe, everything would work out. They could just cooperate with this organization, apprehend Luminous and Doom, and find a way to get home. They were the Secret Warriors, they did more impossible things than just that on a regular basis. "All we want to do is just apprehend them and then we'll leave this reality. It's a win for everyone involved."

Woo stared into each person's eyes individually for a moment. "Okay," he said. "I'll go talk to my superiors." He then stood up and left the room, the door locking behind him.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

Darcy nodded, not seemingly too surprised or confused by the mention of Latveria - that country seemingly still existed in this world. "Got it, I'll tell them to look into a, uh, Von Doom and a Luminous person with no real name," she confirmed. "And I think so? Not sure, that's how it was always said on Buzzfeed Unsolved, they did a fantastic episode on you, 'course there's all the state secrets and all that they don't know about but yeah. Fun times."

"... I think it is Lana? Like, get off my lawn - uh?" Amelia interjected. That was the way the name was pronounced in Australian English and as someone with an Australian accent, that was how Amelia said it. "How were you saying it? Leena? Wait, ugh, crikey, I can't even get my mouth to make those shapes. Laaana? No?" Amelia was getting a little bit side tracked and she did her best to mentally refocus, seeing that her good friend Sparky was clearly having a bit of a meltdown moment.

"Oi, mate, 's alright. So what if you were born here? You're still Sparky, still Theresa. Doesn't matter where you were born or where you came from, that ain't gonna change anything about your life. Well, except I think then Raynor's a liar? Which I s'pose we shoulda seen coming, since he's the God of Lies or whatever, but if you want me to smack him around, I'll do it. He has a very punchable face. Maybe he made some sort of super secret promise or something to your family here to never tell you, even."

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

"You want me to touch you so that you'll absorb my memories?" Rambeau asked, clearly confused by Maria's logic - and a little skeptical of her reasoning skills. She wasn't hugely convinced either by Maria's claim that she came from another reality, from another world - it was a little too convenient, a little too tidy. She turned her attention briefly to Matt, when he said that he didn't abide Raynor's actions. "That's relieving to hear."

"For the record, I don't abide his actions either," Raynor snapped, irritated at the lack of support from Matt - and just irritated at Matt in general for nearly killing Sparky.

"The problem, Frederick, is that it's an easy, tidy explanation - it seems more like an excuse than something credible," Rambeau explained to Flynn. "You're almost all mutants - we may not officially be at war with Genosha, but we very much are. Unless you have a way to prove your claim, then it's just that - a claim."

The door to the interrogation room then opened and Rambeau stood up, turning around in surprise to see a young woman with long brunette hair and glasses. "Hiiii, I'm Dr. Lewis, I'm here to relieve you?" she said.

"I don't need a break, thanks," Rambeau dismissed.

Raynor kept her facial expression neutral, but he recognized the woman. He had never personally met her, but she had been on SHIELD's watchlist back when OMEN was still up and running. She had been implicated in Satanic murders in a small town in Massachusetts and then got mixed up with Hel. He couldn't remember her name though, but it sure as hell wasn't Dr. Lewis.

"Higher ups said they needed to talk to you, like now, about the Delta Alpha Omega project," the woman pressed. "I'd go right now, it sounded really urgent."

"What did you say your name was, again?" Rambeau asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"Dr. Lewis?" the woman tried. "Oh vassa kattan," the woman cursed, before quickly throwing something out of her pockets onto the ground - and the next moment, the room went dark, as the EMP grenade went off, disabling all technology in the room - including the power inhibiting collars.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

"I don't think they are listening to us," Nancy commented, as Niah asked that very question. Her emotions were being tugged down into a state of calm again, but that wasn't enough to keep Nancy from acting a little bit petty. She could be petty without being angry. Case in point, she was petty enough to not have much faith in Chiron when he claimed he would personally keep the peace. From what she had seen, he was pretty bad at his job. Unlike Madalyne, Nancy didn't offer an apology. She stood by the things she had said. "No objections from me, let's get this bullshit over with."

Her eyes then widened slightly as one of the Bacchus kids - well, Dionysus - volunteered to sit in on the Senate. "No. Not you. Zeke can sit in," Nancy said instantly, her tone tough. She had a deathly fear of Bacchus, barely being able to overcome it in order to interact with her old friend, Em. She also found Cassian insufferable. She wouldn't have been surprised if he was Leandra's soulmate. "Or Ginger. She's fine." Nancy had zero idea what the girl's name was, but she had rebuked Cassian, so Nancy was fine with her - for now.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Arena
Skills: N/A

"It's at least season two, maybe even season three, bet they've got plenty of material for it," Leda agreed. She noticed the Hecate campers starting to get up to something and Leda tilted her head, slightly curious - and slightly unnerved. Ever since her break up with Rebecca, she had been a little wary of her ex's siblings. She wouldn't have been shocked if any of them tried to slip something into her tea - it seemed very much on brand. Zeke's recap of the latest drama though definitely caught Leda's attention and none of it was particularly shocking. "They're Romans, what'd you expect?" Leda asked bluntly. "They're a bunch of stuck up pricks who think they're better than us, they always have."

She made a face though when Zeke said that they were family. They technically were, thanks to Gaia, the great-grandparent the two of them had in common. But Leda never thought about anyone aside from the Iris campers as being family - otherwise, dating got really really messy. She and Kiera were technically related on the godly side as well. "Did you just call us family? Did you hit your head or something?" she asked. She was used to Zeke being antagonistic - not... soft and frustrated. "Oof, sorry to hear that, do you need some meds?" she then asked Janelle.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Can't you just throw a fireball at the crocodile?" Megan asked Jack. He was insisting that he was useful and capable in a fight, so Megan figured that he'd fare well against animals as well as against humans. Unlike a sword, a fireball seemed perfectly suited to getting rid of a crocodile, whether that be lethally or just as a warning for the crocodile to go pursue other quarry. Of course, Hansel then took care of it with a well placed arrow, as the crocodile dipped beneath the water. Bell then navigated their boat to the shore and they all disembarked, with several of the freed prisoners making their way to the tree line.

"How long is a little bit?" Megan asked, wanting to know how long they'd be hiding for. They needed to be on their way, after all. She didn't claim to be excited or anxious to meet her parents - if anyone asked, she just didn't want to stand still, to stay in one place too long where they could be captured or otherwise endangered. She wanted to keep on moving.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade snorted ever so slightly as Thalia set Abyss on fire. That was one way to deal with things. "Same old same old, eh?" she commented, recalling how Thalia had similarly dispatched with the Goddess of Death. "Seems you're losing your touch though, luv, the bloke's still standing." She herself had been slammed backwards by another one of Abyss' tendrils moments prior, and Jade picked herself up off of the ground, her angel blade in hand.

She darted forward, slashing at Abyss with the dagger. She hit, damaging the rogue mutant, and Jade slashed again, this time missing his tendrils as one of them lashed out, slamming into her hand to knock her dagger away. She didn't lose grip of it though, slashing again at Abyss, his bandages seemingly beginning to unravel - which she assumed was good? Stabbing him repeatedly hadn't seemed to kill him, so maybe now with some fire the stabbing was more effective?

Guinevere Stark

The next thing Guin knew, the building was collapsing around her, and her back was stinging with the deep cuts Sabretooth had inflicted on her. She reflexively closed her eyes and stuck out her arms to shield her face, only to feel a pair of strong, muscular arms grip her and suddenly, she was moving faster than her mind could keep up with. When she opened her eyes again, she was outside, the building collapsed into a heap, dust and debris kicking up into the air and causing her to cough profusely. "I'm fine," Guin said, even though Pietro quite literally had her blood on his hands.

"Are you okay? That looks bad," she commented, studying the gash on his forehead. She knew he'd heal quickly - she was more concerned about the wound becoming infected than just not closing up. Once he let go of her, Guin scrambled over to the rubble, quickly scanning the area for anything that they could use to help dig them out sooner, but she didn't find anything. Instead, Guin started methodically adjusting and shifting pieces of rubble, working as carefully as she could. At first, she didn't uncover anything - but then, she heard something moving beneath the rubble. "Over here!"

Genosha: July 31st, 2021 - 6:10 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Mediumship

Casper nodded, trying not to freak out too much about Ben - the last time Ben had been missing it had been because he was high as a kite, shutting off his powers. He had no reason to think that the others were wrong, that Ben wasn't just in ghost!Hawaii telling Sapphire about all of the tea she had missed. Fortunately, there was another weirdness to deal with - James was bending the knee to Magneto and acting like he was a king? "Uhh, did I miss something? Since when did Genosha become a monarchy?" Casper asked. He was used to missing important details or just straight up forgetting them, so Casper assumed at first that he somehow had missed that Magneto was the king here - James had been here much longer than all of them.

"What are you doing to him?" Casper then asked, looking concerned as Moneta put a hand on his James. Casper hurried on over, doing his best to look mildly intimidating, but he had the physicality of a noodle so it didn't really work much. "I don't know if there's like, spouses rights here on Genosha, but I def have them so please tell me what you're doing - or if you're like just giving him a friendly touch on the arm, it's hard to tell."

"I'm fine," Veil told Callie, speaking honestly. She hadn't lost much that day - she had been lucky, with Aurora saving her before any fall could have killed her. She smiled slightly, seeing the sibling reunion between Kristina and a stranger, but her eyes widened in alarm as she realized James was talking about Magneto as a king. She didn't remember the House of M world herself, but she had heard enough descriptions of it. It was like James' memories had somehow reverted or been corrupted. "I think he's remembering the other world," Veil explained.

"What other world?!" Magneto asked, angry and flabbergasted at the same time. No one had ever hailed him as a king before. He saw Maria's arrows briefly aim at him before a young mutant embraced her, and Magneto flicked his wrist, sending the arrows flying up towards the ceiling where they embedded themselves firmly. "We do not have time for this nonsense, while you all have been standing here entertaining delusions, our nation's founders are at stake. If Reeva or the Three in One were to be captured, imagine the cost we will pay."

"I'm actually rather interested in this, Erik," Selene chimed in. Everything was unfolding like some sort of soap opera that she had entered in halfway through and she couldn't decide what thread to pull. Did she tug on the glitch in the universe happening with Champion? Or did she pursue more of this other world talk, where somehow little Erik Lensherr was a king? Things hadn't been nearly this interesting in ages. It made this entire island experiment worth her time.

"Same?" Pixie squeaked out a bit timidly.

It was a good thing no one was looking at Marrow, since she was doing a horrible job at even trying to look surprised. Sunshine had told her everything about the other world - they were two queer women who got together and got married super quickly, they had swapped mind blowing secrets practically on day two. "Is this really relevant? We should go find Reeva and the Three in One," Sunshine interjected. She didn't want to think about that other world and the perfect life she had there.

She had been angry before about Jack abandoning her, but her life had made her the person that she was. The little cajun girl in New Orleans, that wasn't her. That wasn't the person who would've gone on to marry Marrow. And she couldn't imagine a life without Marrow in it.

"Oh, they can wait. It took more than a moment to kill Caesar, it'll take at least five to kill them," Selene said, brushing Sunshine off.

Casper, ever the impulsive individual, promptly more or less blurted the answer to those questions. "We were trapped in this other world made by the Scarlet Bitch, sorry, the Scarlet Witch, where we were all really happy. Except we were all really fucked up? Like a lot? Anyways, you were the king, Magnet Man, and all of your messed up kids were royalty. Humans were just generally kinda shat on."

Polaris, still freshly traumatized from the death of the baby she had been carrying, had no idea at all how to respond to that. She acted on the first impulse that came to mind a moment later, using her powers over magnetism to yank the arrows out of the ceiling, and shot them towards Casper, all of the arrows surrounding him in a near perfect circle. "You can shit talk my father, but leave me out of it," Polaris warned.

"... I'm so confused..." Elixir murmured.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: N/A

Tears were pooling in Runa's eyes, as she couldn't believe what had happened to her brother. "I would lie for you, brother. I would have helped you to escape, provided that you stop this madness," Runa told him. "You need to stop, before you go too far - before you become something you cannot come back from, something that even the renewal of Ragnarok cannot undo." Runa was terrified for him, terrified of the path he was venturing down. She could feel something bubbling up in her throat - the urge to use Gandr, to warp reality, to force him to stop.

"I do not wish to harm you... But I will if I must," she vowed, before swinging her staff again. She missed, but on the backswing, she knocked Forseti in the head. He wasn't down yet and he had thrown a fireball at her friends, so Runa hit him again, this time putting extra force into her swing. Blood blossomed from Forseti's fresh wounds, as he was knocked to the ground from the force. Somehow, her brother was still conscious and he was understandably looking rather angry with her.

Guin Stark

Location: Nearing Baldur's Hall
Skills: Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks

"You know what's weird? Kaiju aren't even Norse. They're Japanese. I guess Runa's brother is really into anime," Guin pointed out. Ordinarily, those sort of stray mental thoughts would've just been directly placed into Pietro's mind, but with the telepathic group chat going, Guin sent the comment out to every X-Man present. She couldn't help but wonder how much Earth stuff Runa's brother secretly loved, despite him making elitist and bigoted comments. She didn't comment again on Annie's telepathy stuff, figuring that it was beating a dead horse at this point.

"Woah, when'd you learn to do that?!" Guin blurted out, her eyes wide as Mary used plants to more or less seemingly teleport herself. Runa's evil brother decided to do more classic acts of evil, as he lobbed a fireball at Pietro and Edus. Guin was connected to their minds, so she knew that neither of them had died or been knocked out, a huge relief to her. But she didn't have time to fret over her husband and the wizard - Runa had bashed Forseti's head considerably and the Asgardian was uniquely vulnerable. "Babe, you okay?" Guin asked Pietro, as she ran towards the Asgardian. She telepathically attacked Forseti, diving into his mind and managing to do a significant amount of damage. He was still fighting her, however, and Guin couldn't force him to fall asleep. Instead, she kicked him in the head, hoping to shut him down the old fashioned way, but he was still awake.

Runa Johansson

Location: Hotel Valhalla
Skills: N/A

Runa winced sympathetically at the traps some of the others set off, especially as Nadia was shocked. "Are you okay?" Runa asked softly. They had freed almost everyone from the ridiculous game that Loki had forced them to play, and it couldn't have been that long, so Runa's nerves were more or less soothed. Everything was going to be okay. Loki wasn't going to escape. His plan wasn't going to come to pass. The gods could handle this - they were capable and wise. After this all blew over, life would go back to normal at Hotel Valhalla, she was certain of it.

Runa slowly but meticulously saved the last four einherjar, and the exit reappeared. She hesitated for a moment, worried that Loki might've put some trick on the other side, but everyone else today had been so brave - so she felt she had to be brave, too. Runa pushed the door open, startingly some einherjar on the other side with swords who had evidently been placed on guard or something. "Er.... hi?" Runa greeted uncertainly.


EARTH 257 - 4:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron

Interrogation Room A1 - Oliver, Niah, Bonnie, Celestine -

Agent Woo didn't believe a word coming out of Niah's mouth. In fact, he was so confident that she was just straight up lying to his face that he didn't even bother pulling up the files to even entertain the notion that she was telling the truth. Instead, he just shook his head at her. "Convenient story, I like how it ties up all the loose ends," he said. "How did she get to your reality then - flying saucer?"

Bonnie was instantly concerned - with what Niah had said about Sparky being Lana Banner and Oliver's admission that his counterpart here was more "fun." Raynor was from this reality - and now Niah was implying that Sparky was too? Or did she mean that Sparky's counterpart here was Lana Banner? She had to assume the former, but that just gave her more questions - mostly why? Wouldn't Raynor have said something? Was this what Niah had wanted to talk to Sparky about earlier? How did Niah know and not Sparky then? (Of course, Bonnie had to admit that Niah knew a lot of things no one else possibly could or should).

Then there was Oliver and his situation, bizarrely, was much easier for Bonnie to read. She had had an influx of memories, he had as well. It seemed he remembered doing some things that were highly illegal. Given that he was the son of Thanos, a cosmic level villain and threat to pretty much life all across the universe, Bonnie imagined that maybe in this world, Oliver had turned out more like his father. That was concerning. If they were gaining memories from this world, what was to stop them from gaining personalities as well?

Would Oliver turn on them and try to kill them all?

"We were investigating an anomaly, we don't know how it works or why it brought us here, it just did," Bonnie answered Woo.

"Sorry, hold up a second - it almost sounded like you were making a confession?" Woo said, looking at Oliver.

Interrogation Room B9 - Sparky, Cass, Amelia -

"Do you, uh, happen to know their real names? I'm guessing no one legally names their child Luminous - and that Dr. Doom doesn't even have a doctorate," Darcy pointed out. "Also, who names themselves Dr. Doom? That's got the same problem the Dark X-Men has, it builds your brand inherently from a place of negative evil shit. No one is going to think someone named Doom has a reasonable argument."

"... I actually have no clue," Amelia admitted. "Cass d'ya know what their actual names are? I don't remember seeing anything else written down on the files and all. I bet Luminous is a Stacy though. She seems like a Stacy. Or maybe a Wendy? I could see that for her too. And Doom... He's from Eastern Europe, right? That can't be his real name, right?"

Darcy then took a moment to answer some of Sparky's questions. "Well, yeah, no one's seen you in decades - you're kind of a famous cold case now, Buzzfeed Unsolved did an entire episode on the conspiracy surrounding your kidnapping," she explained. "As for the charges... I think they're calling you an accomplice, but I'm sure you can, like, claim emotional distress or something."

"Maybe the you from here happened to have been 'napped as a baby?" Amelia suggested. "They've got all sorts of weird tech here, they probably had a pic of what the kid would look like grown up or a DNA sample or something and bam, you show up, and the cold case gets a new lead." She wasn't worrying too much about arguing their way out of the charges, largely because Amelia had the feeling that these people would just make up new ones to hold them here.

Interrogation Room Z11 - Matt, Maria, Raynor, Flynn -

Rambeau shifted in her seat slightly, staring at Maria. She had read Maria's file, she knew the long list of crimes this girl had committed, but she believed her. There was something genuine about her. "Whips aren't really my style," Rambeau answered, contemplating what to do next. "But I'll bite. How do you explain this?" Rambeau then tapped her fingers twice on the table and it came to life, holographically projecting images of people in black uniforms with large golden X's across the chest pieces committing acts of terrorism and violence. Hospitals were blown up, schools were burned, water supplies were contaminated. Still images showed clear shots of three of the individuals - Frederick Lensherr and Maria Novikova. Another image showed Raynor, identified as Raynor Baldursen / Ragnarok, using some large device spewing noxious fumes.

Raynor flinched ever so slightly, seeing the picture of himself. He remembered that day clearly. It hadn't bothered him then. He couldn't remember when the guilt had started, when he began waking up in cold sweats, tormented with nightmares over his past actions. He knew that he deserved to be in this interrogation room - but no one else did. He didn't even know if Sparky was okay. If neither of them made it home, who would take care of little Zarina - who would raise their daughter?

"Too hard to look at?" Rambeau asked him. "You sterilized every human citizen of the Iron that day. You did that and it can't be undone."

"... I know," Raynor said, avoiding Rambeau's eye. "And I'd do it again in a heartbeat," he lied.
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