Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Yes, he can't see us, but I want to know where exactly he is so we can at least see our death coming! Guin replied to Pietro. It was a basic principle in any video game - never take your eyes off of the Big Bad. That was how people ended up getting killed when playing Breath of the Wild. They couldn't see Hulk right now, so they had no idea what the Hulk was going to do - maybe the Hulk in this universe had some sort of secret move, like a laser cannon, that could go right through the barrier. Guin didn't know. She just knew she was anxious to not have eyes on him.

Speaking of video games, it just so happened Guin's ideal solution was also inspired by a video game strategy: when the Big Bad is too strong, sometimes it's best to just run. If the barrier breaks, grab me and run. We can always meet up with the others again later. Provided we're still alive. That was also one of the downsides of the barrier Lance and Runa had made - they couldn't really tell what anyone else was doing against the Hulk. Hopefully at least someone was doing something helpful over there, Guin didn't want to die - not here, at least. She hadn't even gotten to finish watching her favorite shows!

Meanwhile on the other side of the barrier, Runa was less than impressed with the Sorcerer Supreme's attitude towards the Hulk. For all of the power of that office, he should have been the one dealing with the threat. Annie, bless her, had tried to come up with a solution - but instead made an angry herd of cats. Runa took a step back to avoid getting swatted at by one of them, a little impressed with how realistic Annie's illusions had become.

She then swung Gandr around, casting a quick spell, and suddenly, a hoard of puppies fell from a portal and landed in front of the Hulk, barking and sniffing and peeing and chasing their tails and demanding pets. Runa raised an eyebrow, almost unable to believe her eyes as it seemed to be working - the Hulk was focusing a bit on the puppies now, rather than trying to destroy the barrier in order to murder Guinevere and Pietro. "There, now stop this nonsense, Banner."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan couldn't help but wonder how much pressure the carriage they were in could withstand, as she presumed they would be going more or less to the ocean's floor. Even then, if one of them were to try to leave the carriage at any point, it wouldn't be as easy as peacefully floating back up to the surface. Leaving any sort of well-sealed structure would be certain death. As of such, Megan found the ambiance really quite lovely. The ocean really was a horrifying place of mysteries and death.

"Huh, he used a spell. That's cheating," Megan said with a slight sigh. She was hoping to find that they had done something more creative than take the magical route. For something that was supposedly creative itself, magic really did seem to hinder out of the box thinking. "Which of the knights survived?" Megan then asked. She didn't know very many names of the Knights of King Arthur - if she were being honest, the only one she knew through pop culture was Sir Lancelot. And Sir Robin, the one from Monty Python.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 11:00 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon...

David's face lit up. "So it is Tuesday then!" he said happily. "Don't tell the others I said this, but sometimes it really sucks to just... wake up and have missed an entire week or so of my life," he complained. However, he didn't want to let those thoughts get him down. He had come to seek out Echo for a reason. "I came to ask you something, though... Can we talk in private? I mean, the others will probably know what happens, but..." his eyes flickered more towards Sunshine and Marrow.

"Ugh, fine," Sunshine said, getting up. "Come on, babes," she said, taking Marrow's hand as they walked off to another table.

Now that they were alone, Legion looked almost nervous and bashful. "Soo I was hoping to ask... Do you need a boyfriend? And if so... Could that boyfriend be me?"

Hellfire Manor...

Mongoose looked at Miranda for a second, seemingly seriously considering the offer. "Will I get to have candy for dinner? I want candy for dinner," Mongoose reiterated. "And dress-up gowns!"

Casper nodded, knowing that James was right. They couldn't actually take care of all of these babies. Casper didn't even know if he was qualified to take care of one baby - he had never had a particularly paternal instinct before, but with James... With James it just felt right to try and raise a little kid, especially one who life had been so cruel to. And the instant Casper's eyes fell on the little baby James had been drawn to, with the beautiful grey eyes, Casper's heart grew three sizes.

"Awww, hey there Grey Eyes," Casper cooed, wagging a finger at the baby. He didn't actually know how to interact with a baby. The baby gurgled and raised a hand up at James and Casper, a bit of drool dribbling down the baby's chin. The baby was wearing pajamas with little X's - like the X-Men logo - on them. Stacy X had an interesting sense of humor, it seemed. "I'm sorry about those clothes. We'll get you something better. You look like a straight person dressed you."

Outside the Green Lagoon...

"Of course I could do it - except for there's a pesky little problem, Selene has warding against magic users taking her blood and I've happened to dabble in some magic, sooo I can't actually do it. But you can, boyo. As for how you do it - aren't you a con artist? Figure it out. Do the Essex name proud and I'll ensure your mother gets her cure.

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto had perhaps been a bit overdramatic - the Council had other initiatives in mind towards the safety of the island, with the party they were putting on being designed towards boosting morale. Of course, Magneto didn't think very highly of the current safety measures put into place on the island. They hadn't been enough to prevent this attack, not even Selene's promised spellwork had been able to stop the invaders - her Coven had failed. It was time for Magneto to build a Coven of his own. The X-Men weren't here to protect Genosha - but the Brotherhood of Mutants would.

He was a bit intrigued by what Valkyrie said, but he assumed she was a Norse pagan from the beginning - especially with a name like that. "That may be your culture, Valkyrie, and perhaps it is what the Council wishes to establish as our mutant culture... But I have seen too many of my people slaughtered to celebrate in their wake," Magneto said bitterly. "To create our War College, our new Brotherhood, I believe it would be apt to organize into classes of power types... Do you two have any suggestions on how to group up powers?"

Max's Room...

"... Is this, like, a published method?" Veil couldn't help but ask. She could understand the candles, sort of, but the petals and the McDonalds was throwing her off. It was like Max had pitched a romantic candlelit dinner of burgers, chicken nuggets, and fries for Ben - which Veil was sure Ben was probably very moved by, but she didn't know if that would actually help him to use the Spirit Box more. Of course, she didn't know anything about contacting the dead, so it wasn't like she could offer any constructive feedback.

The static in the box increased tenfold, Veil plugging her ears once more, before a voice cut through - this time, able to utter out more or less a complete sentence - "-- little formal, but okay."

"Shit, I retract my skeptical view, apparently McDonalds dates with a ghost really do work," Veil said, her eyes a little wide. She had gotten somewhat used to Casper always talking to ghosts, but something still sent a chill down her spine as they talked to Ben. "Ben, what were you trying to say about Sinister?" Veil asked again.

"--trust--him--it's too dangerous, you'll get yourselves killed. Don't do it."


EARTH 257 - 7:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

Niah would not detect more traces of the Phalanx present on the ship. However, given that the ship had been stolen from the Iron, it wouldn't be a bad idea to junk the ship upon arriving in the Blue and switch to something else, if only just to be more discrete about things. As for Cass' question, Raynor had gone more or less silent after Sparky screamed wanting everyone to stop talking about him, so she didn't get an answer as to whether or not he had more enemies.

"This is it," Folly told Amelia. They had been gradually descending for the last ten minutes, with Amelia flying relatively carefully. They were in what they would call Colorado back in their world - but here, it was just the Blue. "There should be a landing strip to put her down."

"Okie dokie," Amelia said, flying carefully and cautiously. It was a good thing she was, in her opinion, one of the best pilots out there - not many pilots would have the nerves to land a plane in the Colorado mountains, without air traffic control or someone on the ground to coordinate a landing. But her skills spoke for themselves, as Amelia saw a gigantic mansion built into the side of a mountain - and true to Folly's words, a landing platform. Amelia put them down gently, the landing nice and slow and easy. Once they had landed, Amelia killed the power to the engines of the plane. "Alright, mates, we're here. We know you didn't have a choice in airlines, but we're happy you picked us anyways," Amelia joked.

She felt incredibly awkward - and a little bit stressed out. Celestine had just died. They were stranded in a bizarre strange world where Big Brother had been made a thing. And she didn't have a bloody clue how they were going to get home. At least she could now say she had flown a fascist country's stolen aircraft in an alternate universe - not too many pilots could boast that. "I'm going to kill the power to everything, just in case the Borg happens again..." Amelia said, before powering down the aircraft completely.

"Huh. The Aerie's still here, then," Raynor said, somewhat quietly. He had lived here for a time. Back when he ran with the X-Men, they would sneak to the Aerie and lay low there when the Iron was on high alert. It was faster to get to the Aerie than going all the way back to Genosha. And even though he had been a part of the X-Men in order to enact violence for violence's sake (the others, of course, were there in order to help Genosha as a black ops unit), the Aerie had always been a place of beauty to him. It was a cross between a mansion and a cabin, built into the side of the mountain, with gigantic beautiful trees all around it. Snowflakes were drifting down softly in flurries, stirred up by a breeze.

His expression darkened for a moment, remembering one particularly painful event that had transpired here - his one encounter with the force of nature called the Phoenix. He didn't say anything else though, his eyes glancing over at Sparky. And then without another look, he pressed the button to lower the boarding ramp and walked off of the plane, stepping out into the chilly, thin mountain air.

"Ragnarok. A shame you have made it back here alive," a woman with a gold, terrifying mask and blue robes said chillingly. She wasn't alone, though. A blue skinned woman with scarlet hair and a belt made of real skulls stood protectively by her side.

"You're looking good, Irene, for what... 80?" Raynor said.

"Can't we kill this moron?" Mystique complained to her wife, Destiny.

"No. If we were to kill him, half of his companions would seek to avenge him. The other half would be glad he was dead. In the ensuing battle, I see three outcomes. In one, I am taken prisoner and traded for information on Doctor Doom. In one, you are slain and I return to Genosha and seize leadership in a coup. In one, we slaughter them all and flee to space, forever running from Genosha's dogs."

Mystique groaned, rolling her eyes - but losing her wife wasn't an option. "Fine."

Bonnie disembarked from the plane, as did Amelia, Darcy, and Folly. She heard an inhuman whisper in her ear: Trust the Oracle. Bonnie startled ever so slightly, her eyes darting around for the source of the voice, but she didn't hear a single soul. There was no one there who could have said something like that - no one in their party who even sounded like that. Her eyes then landed on something unnatural in their vicinity. On the branch of one of the nearby trees was a barn owl, its eyes seemingly staring right at Bonnie.

"As you can see, Ragnarok's brought some extras with him. I'm sure you'll tell the X and M that I expect to be paid extra for this," Folly stressed.

"I already told them," Destiny said simply. She then paused for a moment. "Come inside. I know you all will be better behaved than our other house guests."

Then, as if on cue, everyone would hear a female shriek from inside the Mansion - "Remy, Ah told ya not ta try that!!!"

"... Can we kill him, at least?" Mystique asked her wife pleadingly. "Our daughter deserves better."
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade Cornish

Jade raised an eyebrow at Edus and his insistence it was a figure of speech - she wasn't too confident in that with this group. They had already shown themselves to be ineffective and ill-equipped, so she wasn't going to trust that they would know to not start shouting in the middle of this mini-operation. She wasn't even, if she was being honest, that confident in Edus' and Thalia's abilities - they weren't spies, they had never been agents of any sort. But at any rate, Jade went off with Cassandra in the other direction once they got nearer to some of Magneto's group, her careful skills of observation already coming in handy.

"Yeah, I see things," Jade told Cass simply, keeping her tone light and quiet. The area was rather sparse for the sort of population she'd expect in this zone of the city, there was hardly anyone present. "Or rather, the absence of things. This area is a weak point - it's under-guarded," Jade finished. This would do nicely. They'd be able to sneak in through here and make it to Magneto without facing as much resistance as she had anticipated.

Guinevere Stark

Guin shrugged, not really caring that Edus was Welsh - to her, that was just another word for British, like how both people from California and Florida were part of the United States. She didn't think deeply about the history and distinctions that people might think about when it came to stuff like that. "Love that for you," she said absentmindedly, walking off in the same direction that Edus had, away from Cassandra and blegh Jade. She did wish she could have gone off with Cassandra. She had known Cassandra longer than just about anyone else in the group, besides Lance of course.

There was some of Magneto's men nearby, near enough for them to spy on them ever so slightly without being seen. There was a dozen or so from what Guin could tell - maybe more, maybe less. But more importantly, she didn't recognize any of them. "They're all relatively new players, I don't know any of them," she whispered to Edus, knowing that that would be helpful information to have. If this was the area Magneto's amateurs were guarding, this could be a weak point to exploit.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Niah witnessed her oath - and guilt flooded Nancy for a moment. She had made an oath on the River Styx impulsively, forgetting that her friend would need to seal it - that Niah couldn't help but seal it - another curse masquerading as a gift from the gods. Nancy had sworn on the River Styx as in that moment, she couldn't deal with the thought of living in a world where they lost - if that were to happen, she would gladly face the wrath of the Styx, as it would be nothing compared to the wrath Nancy would inflict upon herself. She felt the pressure of Niah's forehead up against her back. Nancy hoped that Niah understood.

Mads echoed her sentiments, in a less dramatic way, and then said that they needed to get back - that the others would be waiting for them. Nancy didn't want to move. She didn't want to leave this beach, this moment where she had her two best friends. She didn't want to face other people. She didn't want to think about the horrific prophecy she had witnessed - she didn't want to tell others what it had involved. She didn't want to send people to the Lotus Hotel and Casino. But... There was one person that Nancy could somewhat stomach the idea of relaying the prophecy to.

"I'll stay here for a little longer," Nancy finally said. "You two go back. And when you do... Have someone send Zeke Kel here. Tell him I have a prophecy for him."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Dining Pavilion -> the Arena
Skills: Superspeed

After Kiera's goodbye-for-now kiss, Leda was surprised to hear someone coming up to her. It was someone she didn't immediately recognize, before it clicked into place in her mind - this was one of Mr. D's kids. "Yeah, that's me, luv," Leda answered. She was blanking on the boy's name. The more she looked at his curly hair, the more she pictured Mr. D as a stylized cherub - which meant that the familial resemblance was more or less there, as expected. She tilted her head for a moment, considering his offer for a sparring session. Ordinarily, she would've said no - the quest was bound to start any minute, after all...

... But she wasn't exactly inspired by the speed at which the counselors' meeting would go. "Eh, why not, could use a bout," Leda answered. She then scooped up Cassian and ran with him over to the arena, but he must have been heavier than she was expecting or something, as she was feeling winded when they got there and she typically didn't after speeding someone off from point A to point B. She set him down at the arena. "Give me a mo'," she requested, catching her breath. She then tugged on her necklace, pulling it off, and it transformed into her celestial bronze sword that glowed with colors to match her mood - right now it was a nice, bored shade of white - Ultraviolet. "Alrighty then, when you're ready, mate."

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Darkness Manipulation

Guin was very much thankful for Pietro's speed, as Banner came into the room, saw the pair of them, and instantly transformed into the rampaging Hulk. What she would have given for a convenient set of Hulkbuster armor at the moment, however... Pietro could dodge, but offensive tactics weren't going to be very effective against the green rage monster. She did remember, however, that the Hulk was weak to magic. "Would one of the wizards PLEASE stop him from killing us? Thank you!" Guin shouted. The Hulk was basically immune to telepathy, meaning that she couldn't hop inside of his head and take him down, or force him to see sense.

Runa pulled herself away from the small Asgardian reunion. She was one of the wizards after all - and a goddess, making her more than qualified to deal with the Hulk. She could survive a blow from him when others could not. "Banner, whatever quarrel you have with these two, they are not your enemies. We come from a different world. They are not the people you think they are," Runa cautioned.

The Hulk didn't seem very convinced and Runa sighed. She didn't want to fight the Hulk. But she would, if that was what was needed to protect her friends - they were from her world, and this Hulk was not. Lance had crafted a wall of light to protect Guinevere and Pietro from the Hulk, so Runa concentrated her magics and crafted a wall of darkness to reinforce Lance's barrier, the two opposing forces standing ready to fight the Hulk.

"... I guess that works, but now we can't see out, hooray," Guin grumbled. The darkness layer that she assumed Runa had put up against Lance's light wall, was, well, dark. And kept her from getting a clean view of the Hulk. She could try to use telepathy to see through the eyes of others, but she wasn't very practiced at that. Whenever she had tried in the past, she ended up being severely motion sick.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 10:50 AM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon...

"Oh," Sunshine said, when Echo explained the reasons for liking Harry better. "Well, flatscan names are still dumb... I guess yours is fine or whatever," she said with a shrug. It was pretty much the closest she would get to walking back what she had said. She didn't usually express positive feelings or emotions in words, but she did care about Echo - at least as much as she had cared about Fred the Rat, her long lost best friend.

"Yeah, imagine naming your kid Electra," Marrow teased.

"Hey!" Sunshine protested. "As flatscan names go, it's not as bad as, like, Bob or whatever... Or Sarah." she giggled. Marrow rolled her eyes at her wife, before kissing Sunshine on the forehead and downing her own drink, while Sunshine began to sip hers.

"I do? Oh! I do," Legion said with a laugh, looking at his clothes. "Is it concerning if I admit I have no idea how I ended up like this?" Legion then asked. "Did I look like this last time you saw me? The last thing I remember was.... what's today? It was a Tuesday last I remember."

Hellfire Manor...

"Well, duh," Mongoose told Moneta, giggling. "I'm the scariest sea witch alive! I have to be impressive or people won't love me." She then broke out into a huge grin, revealing some gaps in her teeth from where baby teeth had fallen out and new ones hadn't quite come in properly yet.

"Do you know how to handle a baby? Like... how do we feed it? We don't have boobs. Do we just... borrow milk from someone? Oh, duh, there has to be milk at the.... store? Wait, we don't have stores here really. Is there a baby milk line somewhere on the island?" Casper inquired. Food tended to be served at the Lagoon and then in other random locations on the island. James, as he was the type to pay attention to things when Casper didn't, would know that the hospital distributed formula and whatnot to parents who needed it for their babies for whatever reason.

Casper had wandered over with James to the cribs, and he peered down into them. There was a decent selection/assortment/whatever of babies there to choose from - a fact that made him actually tear up slightly. All of the trauma from the attack had been a lot on the island, but seeing these little babies, all alone because of it... It really struck him in a moment when he hadn't been expecting it. "Can we adopt all of them?" Casper asked James, sniffling a bit."It's so sad..."

Outside the Green Lagoon...

Internally, Magneto was a bit relieved when Andy came over and said Valkyrie would be joining them - he held nothing against Stretch, but Stretch wasn't saying anything particularly engaging. Magneto had expected more from him - after all, he was Renegade's son. And Renegade was anything but lukewarm when it came to an interaction. "Ah good. I'm glad you'll be coming with us, Valkyrie. Stretch, I am afraid we must be off - we have important business to attend to," Magneto said, before offering a hand to each Valkyrie and Andy if they wished to hold his hand, before sweeping out of the Green Lagoon and heading in the direction of the rebuilt House of M. The House of M didn't have any non-metallic furniture in it at the moment, but it was at least functional.

"I need a favor of you, my boy," a voice then whispered into Jack's head.

Max's Room...

Veil winced slightly as Max turned on the spirit box - it was essentially screeching what sounded like random static at them and she covered her ears. "I can see why Casper's mutant name is after this thing," Veil quipped. It reminded her of really bad, screech-y techno music. She couldn't help but wonder if it hurt the spirit's ears just as much as it hurt hers - or was it somehow softened in the afterlife? Was there some sort of audial distortion?

The pitch of the box changed for a brief moment, becoming a lower sound, before going back to its normal horrible screeches. "... Was that you, Ben?" Veil asked, uncovering her ears ever so slightly, before covering them up again. This thing was really getting on her nerves, but it sounded like something had tried to come through for a brief moment there - or maybe it had been her imagination entirely. It was too bad Casper wasn't there to communicate with Ben, but at the same time, Veil did wonder if Casper was always a reliable translator.

"I'm here," the spirit box said. It was hard to say if the voice sounded like Ben's or not. The screeching static then resumed, before the tail end of a sentence came through, "Sinister."

"...Is there any way you can make this easier on him? Clearer, maybe?" Veil asked Max.


EARTH 257 - 7:20 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Iron

Stolen Ship

"I mean, yeah fires are generally a no-no inside a ship like this, buuut I think I'll make an exception for stopping us from all being turned into the Borg, as that would ruin the vibes," Amelia said. She liked having free will and autonomy. She didn't know how this sort of thing spread - if it was just limited to computer people and things - but she didn't wanna risk it. The thought that her will and thoughts would be taken away from her was just too much. Every fiber of her being wanted to be free at all times, to soar higher and higher.

"I don't think it can spread through anything beyond, like, signals - so if none of you have a computer brain, then you should be fine," Darcy said, thought she seemed uncertain even as she said it.

"Tell that to Candy Southern," Folly snorted darkly. "All she ever did was love a mutant, she didn't have powers or anything, and it took her."

"I'm not the one who did this!" Darcy protested. "Don't shoot the messenger, geez..." She paused, before nodding hopefully at what Matt said. "I think so? Maybe. It probably depends on whether machines are considered alive."

"We should still destroy it to be safe," Bonnie argued. She couldn't afford to think of Celestine as a person right now - whatever the thing was, whatever the Phalanx was, it wasn't human. The talk of machine gods did intrigue her, mostly as Bonnie had realized she had been given the powers of an avatar of Athena, an ancient Greek god. They already knew that the Norse gods were real, but what else? It seemed like each day, more and more insane things were turning out to be true - the impossible was possible all along. If there were machine gods out there, what else was waiting around the corner that even human consciousness couldn't comprehend?

Thankfully, Flynn did just that and Bonnie relaxed slightly. If she was being honest, they didn't really have the time to worry about machine gods and everything going on in the Iron. This wasn't their world - these weren't their people. They needed to find a way to get back home, back to where they belonged. She hoped that everything here would just live on as a chilling nightmare, a cautionary tale as to what certain people they knew could be pushed to do if things went too far. And of course, their time here had illuminated who Raynor really was - that he couldn't be trusted - that he didn't deserve to be an agent of SHIELD.

"Are you all done interrogating me?" Raynor asked, breaking the momentary silence. Flynn had asked what they were going to do with the rest of the time they were in flight - and it seemed like they still had a little ways to go. To be honest, he was hoping they'd touch down sooner rather than later. At least some Genoshan ex-pats probably wouldn't treat him like he was the devil. He hadn't missed the way Sparky had said that they weren't married, with what felt like venom in her words - but it was good. The further away from him she was here, the better...

"Who exactly are we meeting, Folly?" Raynor then asked. Most of the people he had known and worked with back in the day were a little older now, so it was entirely possible that he didn't know their contacts.

"They're old friends of yours, Ragnarok... Destiny and Mystique," Folly answered.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Now Arthur had said something that caught Megan's interest, professionally speaking - he and Guinevere had faked their deaths. How? Did they use some sort of sleeping draught that looked like poison, allowing their bodies to be tossed? Did they find corpses that looked close enough to them and dress them in their clothes? Did they supposedly die inside of a burning building, the flames removing any trace of them except for a left behind ring with the seal of Camelot upon it? Megan's mind hadn't been spinning over potential methods of faking one's death this much since BBC Sherlock had been on air.

Megan climbed into the carriage, the last one inside. She didn't want to be responsible for these people being enslaved by Hook and his men, so she didn't dawdle. However, that didn't mean her mind had moved on from the interesting question of how King Arthur would fake his death. How had excalibur ended up where it had? "How did you fake your death? Did you plan it out in advance or was it just blind luck? Is that how you lost excalibur?" Megan pressed. "Are your graves empty or are there corpses of someone else in there?"
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