Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic

Guin's eye twitched. Of course Strange had an excuse easily rattled off. But she didn't buy it. He was supposed to be the Wizard King or whatever - and if he had used his magic more appropriately to start with, the Hulks rampaging around wouldn't have been an issue. The structure would've have been in danger of collapsing if the fight had never started to begin with. Guin's opinion of him, needless to say, was rapidly souring. Guin muttered a few choice words under her breath. At least he did pick up the slack finally, sending the last of their enemies (and the two Hulks) through some sort of wizard portal. "ExCUSE ME?" Guin snapped.

She knew that Strange was an asshole - and that his little remark about fixing all of their problems was just something an asshole would say. "We fucking handled that fight, while you were worrying about keeping your walls from being scratched up! You're a wizard, you could have stopped everything before it got to the point of structural damage, but no, you'd rather watch us do all the hard work like we're fucking circus performers! I was wondering why you lived in such a shitty place when we got here, but now I know why - you're a pretentious washed up asshole who wouldn't last a day on a real superhero team. Fix all of our problems for us? Please, you can't even fix your own mess of a reality!"

Runa raised an eyebrow at Guin's outburst. And then decided to ignore it. There was the matter of what to do with the others they had encountered. She thought for a moment, before weaving a spell and whispering it, magic sparking out from her fingers as the fallen foes vanished, transported to the other end of New York State. "There, those are dealt with and should not be bothering us again soon," Runa said. "We ought to go retrieve the others, rather than sitting here squabbling like petty children." Okay, maybe she hadn't entirely ignored Guin's outburst.

She didn't like that the Hulks were trapped in the Mirror Dimension with Frenzy, but Runa felt confident that Frenzy would be the one more in danger than them. Still, she wished to be able to keep a better eye on Lance. "Strange, might you have an extra sling ring?" Runa asked. She had never studied the Mirror Dimension, beyond in that false life Wanda had created, so she only really knew how to access it via sling ring.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:10 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

David looked uncomfortable as Harry asked him how he learned about all of these things. Much like his brother, Casper, David hadn't had the best of childhoods. But unlike Casper, David couldn't directly blame Professor X for forcing him to learn too much too fast - for David, the issue ultimately came down to Professor X's neglect and inaction. "Oh, um... I was possessed by the Shadow King," David mumbled. "Thrown into an asylum for over a decade... Then Da finally realized what was happening and him and his X-Men got rid of the Shadow King... but kept me in the asylum... So didn't really read about this stuff, more of... learned through what the Shadow King tried to make me do."

The Green Lagoon...

Marrow didn't know whether to laugh or yell when Spark Plug casually mentioned that they were going to raise the dead. "Isn't that sort of thing just for X-Men - y'know, the pretty, famous mutants?" Marrow scoffed, deciding on attitude as a response. Most mutants were at least somewhat aware of Jean Grey's death and resurrection. A few bone marrow growths appeared on Marrow's back, a sign of her agitation.

"How are you doing it? Are you sure it'll work? No offense, but Max's specialty is destruction, not exactly resurrection or creation..." Sunshine questioned. She did want to believe that it could work. And despite her misgivings, she could feel hope rising up in her chest. Maybe it would work. But the most pessimistic part of her was afraid it would just be another case of Max promising something huge and instead starting a huge fire.

"And no offense, but won't Ben's corpse be, like... gross as shit? Can you even put someone back inside that?" From what Sunshine recalled, Ben had been dead for a while - like years. That probably meant that his body had mostly decayed by this point (or at least, that was Sunshine's opinion, not that she was any sort of medical authority or whatnot). Even if it didn't work though... Sunshine did miss New Orleans. Not the New Orleans from this world, but from the other one - the one Wanda had made.

Meanwhile, Veil felt like she was in some sort of fever dream. She opened her mouth, about to ask her brother if he was high, before she closed it again. They were on an island filled of mutants and her brother seemed to be hanging out with one of the most unstable yet powerful ones. Anything was possible here. "Barry, what the fuck is going on?" Veil said, her voice as calm as she could make it - but still carrying an edge of tension to it.

"Ooo, my name's Barry too!" Legion exclaimed, giggling slightly. "I'm chuffed to officially meet ya," Legion said, shaking Barry's hand. Legion then held a hand out to Veil and Veil stared, before gingerly taking the hand and shaking it. She felt like she was losing her mind. "Like I been saying, I'm not the one wit' the telepathy - that's Davie."

Veil's left eye twitched slightly. "I see," she said, gritting her teeth a bit.

Outside the Hospital...

"Uhh... yeah, yeah I can do that!" Casper said, still a little bit stunned/overwhelmed at the sight of Doc Nemesis. He knew that people could become mad scientists, but even this seemed a little excessive. When he thought of mad scientists, Casper pictured people making explosive solutions from mixing chemicals together - or Reed Richards getting into a Twitter feud with Tony Stark. He didn't picture someone making their brain into a little Medusa of sorts, with wriggling green things coming out of it.

Casper had to shake his head slightly, in order to pull his thoughts mentally away from what was going on with Nemesis. "We'll be... well, here," he promised James, shifting his grip slightly on baby Daniel, before humming Smells Like Teen Spirit in an effort to try to calm the crying baby down as Casper walked down the hallway, away from Nemesis, James, and the receptionist.

"Hey, hey, no sweat off my back!" Nemesis said, holding his hands up. "I figured I would be nice and offer, but I'm not going to just go around modifying babies. I'm not a monster - and that's more Essex's style anyways. Records, hmm... Do we have records on the kids?" he asked, looking at the receptionist for a moment. She nodded her head.

"Great! Go ahead and take a look, I'm sure they're organized somewhat logically," Nemesis said with a shrug. "Bee, do you mind showing him?"

"Of course," Bee, the receptionist said, getting up from her seat and motioning for James to follow her, leading him to the records room nearby. It wasn't very far. Bee unlocked the door. "If we have anything, it'll be in here..." The room was poorly lit, with about four massive filing cabinets, with drawers labeled with the symbols for omega, alpha, beta, and gamma.

The Rebuilt House of M...

A shadow fell over Magneto's face, as Valkyrie reminded them that mutants were not immortal - that their people were destined to die, often in tragedy. "One day, mutants will conquer death," Magneto swore. He knew of several mutants who already had immortality as a functional part of their being - namely Externals like Selene. "There already exists a mutant Coven who can never truly die - who return to us each time. It is my wish that all mutants join a circle such as that one day - that our lives will no longer be something to be stolen from us."

He then fell silent for a moment. The topic had gotten heavy. And as dramatic as Magneto was, his heart was weary - he ached for the loss his people had experienced, of the genocide committed against Genosha. "On the matter of leadership, the best way to gain skills in leading is by doing. Perhaps as part of our new Brotherhood, you two might recruit others and lead them, learning to work as a team and how to command."


"The Darkhold really is a page-turner, isn't it, Jacques?"

The door to the witch lair closed all of the sudden, and if he were to turn around, Jack would see Selene there. She was wearing an elegant black dress, with a scarlet choker with ruby gems decorating the front. The overall vibe was ~vampire chic~ which, for Selene, was pretty normal. The odd thing would be that in one hand, she was holding a skull - it was definitely a human skull, and it didn't seem to be 'fresh' or anything. But yup, she was holding an emotional support skull. "Nero and I had a passionate night together after I let him borrow my copy for a spell - that, and he brought me a praetor for a snack. Ambition is such a sweet seasoning in a man; but the bitter realization they have that they're going to die, never making consul? Now THAT is divine."

"Which does bring me to you... I could eat you - but I'm still a bit full from all the souls I devoured during the attack. I could let you go - you haven't learned anything that everyone doesn't already know. Or I could take you as my dark apprentice - the last girl I taught didn't work out."

Hellfire Bay...

Purple Mongoose didn't need to be told twice that she could go off and play. Hearing grownups talk was pretty boring and she had a very small attention span. Plus, she could defy gravity - so naturally, Mongoose started walking up the trees, looking a bit like Spider-Man, as her feet just seemed to stick to the trees perfectly. She didn't even need to bend her back or anything, her posture was perfect, as if the entire world was just slightly rotated.

"Ah hell, what's goin' on with you two?" Renegade asked Moneta. She didn't really know what might be going on there. If she had to guess, maybe Magneto was having some trauma response due to the attack Genosha had just suffered - after all, he had been a young boy during the Holocaust and had been forced to experience the genocide of his people. The attack on Genosha hadn't been easy on anyone - but Renegade could imagine it being especially difficult for Erik to process. "Do I need to parent-trap you two back together?"


Pixie didn't seem too phased by Max's suggestion that he might not have been a mutant after all. "I'm only half-mutant myself," Pixie said with a shrug, popping another California roll into her mouth. She spoke while chewing her food, not exactly the picture of decorum or grave. "My mum's a fairy," she added in a very matter-of-fact tone. She did hesitate though as Max turned the conversation to his soul staff. Pixie didn't want to talk about this stuff. She didn't like thinking about what had happened to her in Limbo - how she had been hurt by someone she thought was her friend, tricked into defiling her soul.

"You need to pinky swear that this stuff stays between you and me, kay?" Pixie said, extending a pinky to Max. She then sighed slightly. "People like us, we can sometimes... manifest these weapons, the purest extensions of our souls. My sorta-friend-sorta-enemy Magik manifested a sword, I manifest a dagger," Pixie's souldagger then appeared in her hands, a small blade of shimmering light, "and you manifest a staff... It's a part of your soul broken off from the rest. But it's not the only part. Another part forms what's called a bloodstone - demons go crazy for them. But you don't have your bloodstone, Max..."

"...which means you don't have your entire soul."


EARTH 257 - 8:40 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

Raynor held his hands up defensively - even though Sparky being angry at him worked for his plan of pushing her away, in order to keep her safe. She deserved someone better than him - someone safer than him. "I hate witches," Raynor grumbled in explanation. He didn't hate all witches - his grandmother, for instance, had been a rather wonderful witch. And he knew his multiversal sibling, Runa, was a talented witch - something that amused him. But witchcraft had never been Raynor's thing. It was too messy.

It is not your time, the voice whispered in her mind - Athena's voice. Bonnie's mind was split into what to worry about, somehow managing to panic over several things at once. She didn't need Sparky yelling at her to remind her that she was pregnant and everything that had just happened had to be terrible for a pregnancy. Even just heightened levels of stress were enough to trigger a spontaneous abortion. Then there was Flynn and the rest of her team, who were mostly either buried in the rubble or severely injured, without any medical supplies around to help. And lastly, the horrifying realization that she had died... and it hadn't been the first time either.

She had died before - back when they had faced the Black Order. Much like this time though, something brought her back. Bonnie's eyes darted towards the metal bar on the ground, covered in her blood - and what looked like fleshy pink brain matter. Bonnie then raised a hand, feeling where there should have been a gigantic, fatal wound in her head - but there was nothing there. It was tender as hell, definitely bruised, but fine.

Bonnie then swallowed thickly. No one aside from Sparky had really said anything about what had just happened. And Sparky, ultimately, was right - Bonnie, despite being their best doctor, shouldn't move at the moment for her unborn child's sake. So instead, Bonnie explained what was happening to her, to the best of her knowledge: "I think there's a god in my head."

Raynor then turned, looking at Bonnie as it clicked into place in his head. "Ah, shit," he muttered. "I'm sorry, Bonnie." In his experience, gods could be weird when it came to their avatars - or champions, as they were sometimes called. Asgardians never saw the point in having a mortal host to act through - his uncle had briefly tried it once with someone named Donald Blake and ended up regretting it pretty quickly. Raynor didn't say anything else though, before turning to work on the rubble and those trapped there.

"Hold on, sugah, this ain't a job for you," Rogue said, flying down and setting Gambit down gently. She then rolled up her sleeves, showing off her muscles, before she started picking up the pieces of rubble and tossing them aside one by one, easily throwing them off of the mountain. Soon enough, Rogue had everyone uncovered, wiping a stray sweat off of her forehead.

"Nice view, chère," Gambit joked, looking at Rogue's ass.

"Remy!" Rogue scolded. "Now, where are my moms and that lil human girl at?"

Rogue and Gambit weren't the only ones making a flying entrance. Amelia and Aero gently lowered themselves to the ground as well, clasping hands. They had fallen off the side of the mountain and made it back up together through pure willpower. Aside from the difference in clothing (Aero was in a superhero costume), the two of them looked identical - like twins. "Why the hell am I not surprised you all brought the house down?" Amelia complained. Her memories were still fuzzy and scrambled - but in accepting that Aero could also be her, she had accepted that maybe, just maybe, the people here were telling the truth. "I don't know who you mates all are, but I'd like to figure that out."

"If you killed my friends though, I will end you all," Aero warned, seeing her companions laid out on top of the rubble, all seemingly unconscious. Rogue had been nice enough to get the Avengers of the Blue out as well.

"Our friends," Amelia reminded Aero.

"Right, that's what I said."

In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Guinevere Stark

Just like somehow Palpatine had returned, somehow Guin was able to maintain the switch as Sabretooth. She was white knuckling it mentally, doing her best to hold on. Each bit of distance she could create between Sabretooth and her friends was another shot they would have at escaping unscathed. But Guin had never been in someone else's body for this long before - especially not one taking this much damage. She mostly just had switched with others in the tunnels for practice and training purposes. Piloting Sabretooth's body was uncharted territory. Guin pulled her way out of the small crater she had created from the fall, her stolen body in utter agony.

Fortunately, the pain (self-inflicted) that she was in helped keep her from giggling at what the strangers were teasing Sabretooth with. She didn't know who they were, but they were probably on Magneto's side. And she didn't want them running off to grab a telepath or someone else who could oust Guin from the body. No, she was trusting that Edus was getting himself (and Guin's own body) off to safety, but he needed time. That meant for now, she was going to have to role-play as Sabretooth. Guin bared her teeth and did her best impression of a menacing growl. "Aren't dead men not supposed to talk?" she threatened, figuring that was something menacing enough for Sabretooth to say.

Jade Cornish

"It's not my problem that you're unobservant," Jade said bluntly to Cass, as Cass asked how she was supposed to have known that Sabretooth wasn't Sabretooth. Jade didn't hold it against Cass though for being oblivious - most people Jade worked with her clueless idiots, fumbling around in the dark. So many things that were obvious and salient to Jade turned out to be complete mysteries to others, including her beau Alex. Her eyes darted towards the manhole cover Cass had indicated and Jade nodded. That looked sufficient. She would have pointed it out herself, but Jade wasn't as familiar with the sewer network that the X-Men relied upon; she didn't know if it was continuously connected or portioned off into discrete, separate zones.

Cass lifted up the manhole cover and Jade darted down, climbing down the ladder until she hit the bottom. It looked like any ordinary sewer. Some water sloshed at her feet and the place, Jade was certain, must have reeked. It was fortunate that the mask keeping her from dying of M-Pox also prevented Jade from smelling the sewers; and the X-Men, for that matter, as they must have been ripe after living in all of this. "Left, isn't it?" Jade commented, before starting in that direction. Once they had put a bit of distance between themselves and the entrance, Jade took out her communicator. "Thalia, Edus, we've re-entered the tunnels and are heading back," Jade said simply.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

The first thing Nancy was truly aware of, coming out of the horrific and traumatic flashback, was her own breathing. It was quick and short, truncated - I'm hyperventilating. Shit, she realized. The next thing she processed was that someone had their hands on her shoulders - Zeke. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. She hated it when people saw her like that - like a prisoner in her own body, unable to cope with the horrors of the past. She didn't even like showing that vulnerability, that aching and festering wound, to Niah or Mads. Nancy focused on her breath. In her mind, she listed off the names of singers she adored - a simple task, but one that she found calmed her - Joan Jett. Whitney Houston. Billy Joel. Madonna. Janet Jackson. Gradually, her breath slowed, becoming deeper, until her breathing was normal.

"Sorry, that was a little gnarly," Nancy said softly. "You weren't supposed to see that." No one really was. Nancy couldn't think of the last time she had fully lost her mind like that - to the point where she had almost blacked out, trapped inside of her own head, disconnected from the world around her. But as horrific as that had been, it also had been draining. The tension, the fear, the terror, the anxiety - it had all gone out. And now, Nancy felt fragile and empty - better than fragile and exploding with emotion, but still, not great. It was more a quiet fear now, a soft sorrow.

Nancy fixed her eyes on her pet dragon - she felt a little ashamed of having lost it so completely in front of Zeke, she didn't want to meet his eyes. But her pride also demanded she couldn't just look at the ground, no, she had to make it seem like it wasn't her avoiding eye contact, it was just a coincidence, that she was totally and absolutely fine.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Big House
Skills: N/A

"Oh, shit, they're going to the Lotus Hotel? That's so cool!" Leda said, almost a little bit jealous. "The place sounds totally wicked, like the ultimate arcade. It's on my bucket list to go there." Of course, Leda also wasn't too worried about the ~never wanting to leave~ business. She figured that she'd be able to make it out okay. And the experience of being there had to be mind boggling, world altering - imagine a date there! Plus, everything was free, making it ideal for a demigod on a budget. Of course, it also helped that the Lotus Hotel was the exact opposite of Leda's current situation - where she was being made to wait for what felt like an eternity.

Leda sometimes got a bit destructive when she was bored. She started kicking at the ground ever so lightly, looking up and trying to see if the rest of the stragglers were coming from time to time, and sighing when they didn't appear. "Ugh, I'm so bored..." Leda complained. "Can't we just get on with it? If they're not coming, maybe one of the harpies ate them and it was destiny," Leda joked. She knew the harpies wouldn't start eating campers until given explicit permission to do so.

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic, Darkness Manipulation, Darkness Constructs and Telepathy, Telepathic Attacks

Guin bit down on the inside of her cheek in order to bear the pain, as Pietro sped her out of the way of Frenzy's boulders - having a few broken ribs was the worst. "It would be nice if THE FUCKING DEFENDERS, I DON'T KNOW, DEFENDED!" Guin shouted. She was a little bit pissed off. Best she could tell, Thor and Doctor Strange were doing basically nothing to help out here. She expected better from them, as they were formidable heroes in their world - but here, they seemed to just be trash. She felt a bit better when Klara came over, using her water powers to heal Guin à la Katara - well, more of soothe and comfort her. It helped to take the edge off.

And that allowed Guin to focus on one of the big threats they had to deal with at the moment - namely, the Australian asshole who was setting everything on fire. "Klara, I need you to put out the fire, okay?" Guin instructed, a little annoyed the water goddess hadn't just drowned Pyro already. Guin closed her eyes and reached out with her telepathy, grabbing onto Pyro's mind. At first, she was only making him drowsy - just more and more sleepy - but she then managed to accomplish her task, knocking him unconscious. The fire remained however - hence Klara was needed.

Meanwhile, Runa was PISSED at Phantazia. "Cease your magics!" Runa demanded. Her eyes flashed black for a moment, before Runa used her ability over darkness to send darkness, made thick and real, into Phantazia's head. She forced the darkness on through via the nose and the ears, adding more and more, causing the pressure inside of Phantazia's head to build and build. As Phantazia's suffering increased, Runa's violent pain began to lessen. But she was still enraged, still furious, still feeling echoes of that pain. So Runa persisted, having the end goal of making Phantazia's head explode from the pressure build up.

She didn't manage to get that far, however. Phantazia's pain was immense and she dropped to the ground, on her knees. Runa was vaguely aware that someone needed to deal with the fire and with Frenzy, but she didn't care. She just wanted revenge for this slight. She walked up to Phantazia, staring at her with anger and hatred. "You should know better than to face a sorceress of Asgard, girl," Runa scolded. A lie then fell from her lips - one she only needed someone to deny in order to make real. "You were never born," she said.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:00 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

David nodded, smiling at Harry. "Got it - well, whenever you want to tell her, I'd be happy to be that third person - unless, you wanted to have one of the clones be your third person," David teased. "We can stay here as long as you like. I wish I could say time moved differently, but I'm really bad at remembering things I've read, so I haven't really been able to compare the times... Also I have a terrible attention span," David laughed a bit, before ruffling up Harry's hair. He was so giddy. He'd never been this close to someone before - he had never imagined that someone like Harry would even be remotely interested in someone like him.

The Green Lagoon...

"What do you want?" Marrow asked instantly. She smirked ever so slightly and Sunshine rolled her eyes, shoving her wife playfully. "Be nice," Sunshine insisted. There was no denying that Sunshine was incredibly happy whenever Marrow was around. She had spent her life searching for a place to belong and for someone to belong to, and she finally had it, here on Genosha. She felt safe and loved. The only tragedy was that not everyone she loved was there to experience it - that brought a certain hollowness to Sunshine's smile, a terrible grief in her eyes, the weariness of her young soul.

"What do you want, though?" Sunshine then asked a bit bluntly. She didn't mean it in any sort of aggressive or anti-social way however. She just tended to be a bit blunt at times, for better or for worse. Here, she was pretty certain that Callie had come over to ask them something, especially as Sunshine could see Veil heading on over to where Echo and Legion were standing. "Did something happen? Does someone need their ass kicked?" Sunshine then asked, her eyes narrowing a bit.

Meanwhile, Blob had been pulled away due to the lunchtime rush - but had mentioned that he was, in fact, at least roughly familiar with graverobbing. Apparently Magneto had made him do it once before, back when he worked with the Brotherhood. There was a certain sadness in Blob's eyes as he talked about that time in his life - perhaps as he dwelled on the person he had once been, back when he hadn't had another choice, another option - back when society had pushed him onto that path of violence.

Veil had walked on over to Legion and Echo, raising an eyebrow at the two. "Hello? Harry? David?" Veil called out. She tilted her head as there was no response. Veil waved her hand in front of their faces - nothing. They were still breathing, so she was fairly sure that they weren't dead. She wasn't panicking - not yet, at least. This was probably some sort of weird psychic thing that was going on. If her brother was in trouble or getting hurt though...

No, Veil decided that couldn't have been the case. She took Harry's pulse. He was calm, relaxed. And breathing normally. "Are you two mind fucking? In the middle of the Green Lagoon?" Veil then asked, huffing slightly. "I don't know why I asked that. It's clear you can't hear me. And now I look like I'm insane... Great..."

Then suddenly, Legion began to move. "Oi, luv, get your bloody hand out of me face," Legion said in a thick Cockney accent, his posture changing entirely, his hands going onto his hips.

"What have you done with my brother?" Veil then asked pointedly. "Undo it, whatever it is, or I'll go get a telepath who can."

"I'm not the one doin' it, so I can't - sorry, luv," Legion said with a shrug. "Davie's the one in charge of the telepathy."

Outside the Hospital...

The receptionist looked almost sorry for James and Casper. "He's, uh... He's having a moment... But... He's in there," the receptionist then said, getting up and heading over to a door. She knocked on the door and opened it. "Doc Nemesis? You've got some people here to see you about--"

Nemesis then darted out of the room, wriggling vines attached to his head where his hair should have been. The top of his head was somehow see-through as well - to Casper, it looked like glass. Casper's eyes widened and his jaw dropped, as he realized they could see Nemesis' brain through the glass dome, and that the wriggling plants seemed to penetrate the dome, burrowing into the fleshy pink orb. "Uhh... Is that... I don't want to be rude and be like, why do you have a snake-weed-brain thing but.... why do you have a snake-weed-brain thing?" Casper asked, absolutely gobsmacked.

Casper then put his hand over baby Daniel's eyes. He was pretty sure the baby didn't need to see whatever was going on with Nemesis' head. Casper debated covering his own eyes as well, but decided against it. He'd seen a lot of weird shit in his life - at least half of it, he had to admit, likely something he had hallucinated but still, he'd seen some things.

"Science, my dear boy!" Nemesis exclaimed. "Now, what the devil do you two want? Does your baby need an X-gene grafted onto it?" he then asked. "I have a viable sample of gamma level telepath if you're interested - just strong enough to catch the vibes of what someone's thinking, excellent for learning social cues, but not enough that they can really get under the hood and tinker around with the brain."

"Uhh.... We're here for, like, uh... medical files?"

And as if on cue, poor baby Daniel started to cry! :(

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto nodded at Andy's question. "You may practice anywhere here in the House of M - if you wish to practice elsewhere, there are designated areas at the Akademos for young mutants learning about how to better utilize their powers... even those that are considered dangerous," Magneto explained. "I would recommend investing in a rubber suit - and perhaps avoiding sparring with Rain Boy for now," he then said, the smallest twinkle of a smile on his lips. He was amused with his own little blunt joke.

He then fell silent, listening to what Valkyrie had to say. Magneto had given up on religion a long time ago, so talk of Asgard and whatnot didn't bother him. "Hmm. Remarkable. It goes to show the power of mutant genes, that we can combine with the gods... Well, we are gods - the gods of the Earth. Humanity would do well to learn that." But he more or less took Zari's words at face value. After all, his daughter Wanda had a lot of nasty business with the god Chthon, it wasn't the first brush with the divine someone in his family tree had had.


Oh, this little witch lair wasn't just ANY ordinary witch lair. It was Selene's lair, complete with her personal copy of the Darkhold. The book would have a draw to it almost, as if it were whispering into Jack's mind, tempting him to open it up and read. But if that wasn't interesting enough, Jack would see a photograph of him placed on the altar, along with what had been a lock of his hair. What the hell was Selene doing with that? The photograph was covered in dust, so it clearly hadn't been used in a while, but still... weird, right?

Hellfire Bay...

"I'm older noooooow! What's it mean?" Mongoose asked. She was mildly interested in learning about that word, as everything else was pretty boring so far. She didn't get why grownups insisted on talking about boring things all the time, instead of cool things, like sea witches or zombie dragon unicorn fairies. Mongoose looked around the scenery as they walked, dragging her feet ever so slightly. She was already bored out of her mind.

"Eh, been better - Flower Child's having a hard time sleeping since it all happened, so naturally, I haven't been getting much sleep at all," Renegade admitted. "She's playing with a friend right now, thank god, because I needed a break. Sooo naturally they put me to work, yay me... What about you? How's Erik?"


Pixie's wings fluttered as she stepped lightly on through the portal. Once through, she spread her arms out and flew upwards in a spiral, greeting her homeland with an ecstatic squeal. "Ugh, I know I can go home whenever, but I still miss this place every time," she admitted, coming down to hover a bit above the ground. She wiped a few tears that had formed away. "Ooo, California rolls, my fav. How'd you know?" Pixie teased, before popping a piece into her mouth. "You're fucking talented, Max," she then said sincerely.

Pixie then paused, looking out at the landscape again. "I know I'm supposed to help you with something, but I gotta ask... Do you ever, like, feel like there's something else inside of you? Something scary?" Pixie asked, turning her pitch black eyes to look at him. "Like you're, like, cursed or something?"


EARTH 257 - 8:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

Update sections are organized roughly by combatants...

Maria vs Hercules

Maria would manage to drain Hercules' life-force, but not his powers. His strength was gradually beginning to abandon the son of Zeus, someone who really wasn't known for his intelligence - someone with the subtly of a hammer in situations that required a carefully wielded scalpel. Maria managed to kick Hercules off of her, her godlike strength sending Hercules crashing into one of the structure's support beams.

The building's structure had already become unstable from earlier - and Hercules, even with his life force sapped, was still a beefy man. And he had been thrown at the beam with the powers of a god.

The entire structure came crashing down.

Maria would find herself pinned underneath a bunch of rubble, with one broken piece of wood imbedding itself in her stomach.

Cass and Matt vs Mr. Knight/Moon Knight -

Cass had managed to distract Moon Knight, although he had blocked her blows, but it was enough for Matt to roll out of the way and retrieve one of Moon Knight's weapons, using it expertly. Unfortunately, Moon Knight seemed really good at blocking. "You're light on your feet, huh, señor?" Moon Knight asked Matt. His accent was completely different - before, it had been distinctly British, and now, it seemed much more Guatemalan. Matt and Cass would both manage to identify the accent, thanks to their years of work on special ops teams. "Let's dance," Moon Knight invited, before pressing his attack again.

He threw a crescent shaped dagger at Cass, missing her. He went to kick Matt in the knees, aiming to cripple him, but Matt would manage to dodge the attack. Moon Knight swung a dagger at Matt, but Matt would manage to block it with his own weapon. Maybe their luck was beginning to change - maybe they'd manage to defeat this weirdo.

And then the roof fell down on top of them and the house collapsed.

Moon Knight was unscathed, thanks to his weird suit. Cass ended up being buried alive, badly bruised and concussed, but nothing was broken (due to her skin, basically). Matt would come to near the top of the rubble, able to free himself readily, but bleeding from his forehead.

Rogue and Gambit vs the Scarlet Scarab

The fight was definitely getting interesting here. The Scarlet Scarab managed to knock Gambit unconscious, and she was using her feathers as shields essentially as Rogue used all of her strength to try to beat the girl into submission. Their fight was interrupted however with the house collapsing on top of them. Rogue scooped up Gambit and managed to fly up and out of the rubble, escaping with no injuries. She left the Scarlet Scarab behind, unconscious, buried alive.

Amelia vs Aero

These two were perhaps lucky. They weren't inside the Aerie when it collapsed, simply not built for a full on superhero brawl. But on the other hand, they had just fallen off of the side of the mountain, heading for a painful drop. "I can't reach you!" Amelia shouted, her hand extended as she fell, trying to grab onto her counterpart to save her. Her mind was scrambled and confused, but Amelia was still Amelia - she was still the person who would jump straight into danger to save people, even if she was convinced they were a weird doppelgänger/clone/imposter.

Aero had been caught off guard, her eyes wide. "You're fucking mad, now we're both going to die!" she shouted, but she reached her hand out to Amelia all the same. She didn't have her glider on her at the moment, the thing that allowed her to surf on air currents. Their best hope would be to find some way to slow their descent, and do their best to avoid being impaled on a tree or something.

"If you're me, then there's no bloody way we're dying like this!" Amelia shouted. "Now come on, if we combine our power, we'll not just survive - we'll have a fucking blast doing it."

Aero stared at her for a moment, before breaking out into laughter. "Fuck mate, you really are me, huh?"

And so, the Amelias managed to grab onto each other. They held hands and spread their bodies out, looking a bit like two flying squirrels almost, and began to manipulate the air currents around them - doing their best to propel themselves back up to the top of the mountain - or to any solid ground they could, really.

Everyone Else vs Luminous Basically

Luminous was unconscious (and rather crispy). Oliver's hand will be a bit burned from having punched someone who was on fire, but compared to his other injuries, it was understandable he hadn't quite noticed that one yet. "What the hell, Sparks!" Raynor shouted, his body twitching ever so slightly as an after effect of the lightning. She shocked him enough that it was a small miracle he hadn't developed some sort of heart condition - even for an Asgardian, electricity coursing through one's body was hardly ideal. He had thought she was just angry at Niah, but now it seemed she was pissed at him too? Well, actually, that was definitely understandable... The more he thought about it, the more he thought he knew why she had attacked him.

"I get it, you fucking hate me right now, but would you stop with the electricity?!" Raynor asked. "It's like being around fucking Thor sometimes, I swear..." he muttered under his breath. He didn't often miss his uncle. His uncle had been a rather gassy individual, and had an unfortunate habit of shocking everyone with lightning in his vicinity upon passing gas. From what Raynor knew, that had been a problem relatively unique to 257-Thor. But still, he hadn't felt the need to seek out the god of thunder on Earth-666 for that reason.

"Luminous pos-"

Bonnie's explanation of what had happened to Sparky was interrupted, rather rudely, by the Aerie collapsing around them. Luminous shockingly would end up on top of the rubble once the dust had settled, unscathed, aside from her pre-existing injuries. Raynor similarly would be completely fine and not at all buried. As would Niah and Sparky. Bonnie, Oliver, and Flynn were the unlucky ones.

Flynn's legs would be broken, the bone sticking out of his left leg, while the right one was a little better. Additionally, he would be buried under the rubble. Oliver would end up right next to Flynn, a piece of wood having gone straight through Oliver's chest, missing vital organs but still - not an ideal position to be in.

Bonnie had the worst luck of all. Although she wasn't buried under the rubble, an iron bar went through her head, killing her instantly.

She was dead.

Very dead.

And then her arm moved, and Bonnie pulled the iron bar out of her head, tossing it down on the ground next to her.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan could tell that King Arthur and Queen Guinevere - no, her parents - were happy that her memories had returned to her. While Megan now felt differently about them, it was still going to take her some time to integrate her life in Camelot with her life in Kansas into one cohesive sense of self. She didn't know in the moment if she felt more like a Medical Examiner or a Princess - both seemed almost right, but not quite. But at the moment, this wasn't going to be the place where she could grapple with those questions. No, they had come all of this way to Atlantica for a reason. They had found the two sets of Kings and Queens, as well as a bonus in the form of Jack's mother.

"How do you encourage the sharks to actually devour them? Shark attacks are rather uncommon," Megan asked. She had watched Shark Week a few times - one of the many perks of suffering from insomnia. And as a lover of murder, she was familiar with cold cases where people debated if sharks could've been responsible for the deaths. "Do you prick them first to cause them to bleed? Dress them in some sort of special food to make them more appetizing?" Megan inquired.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy wasn't able to focus on the Demetri side of this conversation anymore. Her chest felt tight and her hands incredibly cold. Zeke's words sounded distant to her. She could see his lips moving but she couldn't really make out what he was saying. She could hear him, but nothing was processing. He might have been reciting a recipe for how to make spaghetti or describing the intricate way he would like to salsa dance with a dragon one day, and she wouldn't have had a clue. Her ears were ringing and each breath felt incredibly difficult. Nancy wasn't even aware of what she said - it felt like some sort of foreign entity was moving her mouth, forcing words out through her lips. "I don't need you to save me," Nancy said. She didn't remember that even seconds after the words left her mouth.

In the real world, Nancy started to scream. It wasn't a scream of anger - it wasn't her screaming at Zeke, furious at him. It was a scream of terror, of pure fear. Nancy's control over sound went overboard again, dirt and sand flying up around her, the force of the waves causing Zeke to stumble backwards.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Big House
Skills: N/A

"Damn, Rosie is just popping them out lately, huh?" Leda commented, whistling a bit. It was probably not a good sign that Rosie had issued another prophecy. That put them at four prophecies, four quests (she assumed the new prophecy had a quest attached to it). One prophecy was already enough to set people on edge, but with the current atmosphere up in Olympus, four was definitely a bad sign. Things might have already gotten worse. But Leda didn't want to worry Kiera about that. So she didn't share her concern that they were already too late to fix things, that the fourth prophecy was a sign that things were going to go terribly wrong.

No, she wanted to have a nice time with her girlfriend, killing monsters - and babysitting the tiny Hades spawn accompanying them.

It was very cute, seeing the two little kids hug each other. Jason's question to Kiera was almost indecipherable - his accent was incredibly thick at times. But Leda was more or less used to it, being a Brit herself and having been to Ireland on more than one occasion. Of course, she didn't know much about the prophecy, just the little tidbit that Kiera had given. She sighed slightly. They were going to have to wait for everyone before they left, weren't they? And everyone else seemed to be taking an eternity to get ready.
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