Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Of course I want to see the dungeons, don't you?" Megan asked her brother, rolling her eyes slightly. "The medical area is the only other part that has the pure potential to be fascinating - think about it, the state of medicine here has to be unusual, likely propped up by magic. For instance - are leeches still a treatment?" Megan pointed out. She had taken a class in college on the history of medicine, going through the evolution from the oldest practices to the modern day. Some of the old medicine was quite effective; but in Megan's experience, it was still nothing next to the wonders of modern science. Headaches and whatnot could be handled with herbs; deadly diseases needed something more aggressive.

The elevator returned and Megan got into it with the group. As much as she was interested in a few parts of the tour, she also hoped that it didn't take too long. She wanted to be making progress, not sightseeing. And now that her memories were restored, it was both more and less awkward to be standing next to King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, her parents. Speaking of awkward... "Lancelot. Where is he?" Megan asked.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:30 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

For a moment, David's eyes widened, thinking that Harry meant he had four siblings in addition to Veil - but then he realized he just meant his dancing, singing, fabulous clones. David then giggled, shaking his head ever so slightly. "Uh huh, you aren't wrong though, there does seem to be a theme on the island of French Canadian twins - Aurora and Northstar, Echo and Veil... I guess I must be extra lucky then, as I get to have five all to myself," Legion joked, referencing Echo's dear clones. "There might even be a French Canadian one of me in here somewhere - I bet they're adorable," Legion mused.

However, he did realize that they had probably been talking for a while. "Should we go back to reality?" he offered. "Or stay in the astral plane?"

The Green Lagoon...

For a brief moment, Veil didn't even remember what she had been wanting to talk to her brother about - she had gotten so preoccupied with being angry and annoyed at this entire situation that it had slipped her mind. Thankfully as Spark Plug joined them, asking what was going on with Legion and Echo, Veil's thoughts went back on track. She huffed slightly and brushed a chunk of wildly astray hair out of her face. "I'm going to New Orleans soon with Max and a few others. I would invite Harry to come, but he's too busy to even talk to me clearly. If he loses his mind wondering where I've gone, then tell him for me," Veil instructed Barry - the Barry that was her brother's clone, not the alternate personality of Legion.

"Ooo, New Orleans? Is it Mardi Gras?" Barry, the one that was part of Legion and not her brother, asked.

"No," Veil said plainly. "That's Blob, Sunshine, Marrow, you, me, and Max going then." Veil paused for a moment, trying to recall if she had missed anyone or left anyone off the list, but she didn't think that she had.

Pixie rolled her eyes at Max, giggling though at the bravado he was displaying after winning the race. "Not too bad," she told him with a grin. "Who exactly are we grave robbing with? I'm guessing your mates?" Pixie then asked. Despite having agreed to go along and help out, she didn't actually know who they were going off with to do this. Her wings fluttered as she glanced around the Green Lagoon, before spotting Veil and Spark Plug talking with Legion and Echo. "That them?" Pixie asked.

Outside the Hospital...

"Of course, that's fine - I could use the company..." Bee said, her voice trailing off. Nemesis was a lot to handle alone sometimes - a visit from James to pick up some forms would be a nice break.

Casper's heart skipped a beat as he felt someone slide up onto him from behind, perching their neck on his shoulder. "You don't think I should have gone with a different Housewives song - maybe Chic, C'est La Vie by the Countess?" Casper joked, beaming from James' kiss. He adored these physical acts of affection - it was his main love language. He loved to be touched and to touch - kisses, hugs, and anything else. However, Casper did a slight double-take like a cartoon character as James dropped the bomb...

"Our baby is Jack-Jack from the Incredibles? Specifically the one part where he's on fire? And not the other parts?" Casper blurted. "What sort of fire extinguisher do you use on a baby? Aren't there different kinds? Like once we didn't know what kind we had and there was a grease fire, so we.... Wait, sorry, off topic, I can tell you that story later - just remind me about the llama and it'll come to me. But... Again, what do you do to fireproof a baby? Do we keep him in the tub all the time? Won't he get wrinkly? Do babies mold when left wet for ages? Is that possible?"

The Rebuilt House of M...

Polaris' eyes widened, hearing the sort of things that Valkyrie was saying. Now it made sense to her, why her dad had been more or less ranting at the kids when she walked in. The conversation must have hit too close to home for him, forcing him to recall the horrors of his childhood, the genocide committed against the Jewish people. Even for her, Valkyrie's words were extremely uncomfortable, and Polaris hadn't even really tackled her relationship with Judaism yet - she hadn't found out about her heritage and her father until she was an adult.

"Val, wait one sec," Polaris said, looking at Valkyrie. "I know you think you're real slick and you did nothing wrong, but a bit of advice? Don't lecture a Holocaust survivor about death and belief - especially not when invoking Norse beliefs. I won't tell you this again."

"I do not need you to fight my battles, Polaris," Magneto said sharply. He had turned his back on Valkyrie, literally and emotionally. He still held Andy as one of his adopted children; but not Valkyrie. "Before you leave, Valkyrie, I would have something returned," he said. "The token that I presented you."


"Excellent!" Selene exclaimed with a grin, clapping her hands together. "I suppose I won't be eating you after all - not now, at least," she mused. She was starting to feel a bit peckish. But she supposed she could always consume him later. She didn't know if she would have much need for an apprentice once she ascended to godhood, but she could figure that out later. At the very least, he could start a few cults in her name once she became a goddess; that would be a good, productive use of his time and hers. "Now, I was in the middle of a fitting for the Hellfire Gala, so I'm going to return to that - Jumbo has promised me an original piece, one fitting for the Mother of All Mutants, the dark huntress, she who commands the forces of life and death - SELENE!"

Hellfire Bay...

Renegade frowned slightly, listening to what Moneta was saying. She was interested in the fact that her kids had supposedly helped out - and she wondered which ones Moneta meant. David wasn't technically her son - his real mother was Gabrielle Haller, Renegade had just more or less ended up caring for him like he was one of her own as he was Valentine and Casper's half-brother. She didn't know if she saw Jack helping to change the world back - he had too much of his father in him for his own good. "Try me, chère? I--" Renegade cut herself off, a coughing fit overtaking her.

Moneta would notice that Renegade was coughing up blood.

Raynor knew it was probably a bad idea to argue/quip in the middle of a fight, as he blocked blow after blow of the lightsaber strikes, scarlet clashing against brilliant blue. But he couldn't resist. "This can't be a double-one-oh - it's... it's like it's alive, Emzie!" Raynor shouted. He had been using the Perseverance Lightsaber Form, as it was ideal for deflecting blaster shots (i.e., the fire from the Destroyer Droids), but it was especially weak against a single opponent. Raynor was losing ground, being forced closer and closer to the Destroyer Droids. He switched his stance, switching his form into the Aggression Form - ideal for a single opponent, but horrible when it came to blaster fire.

The sound of lightsaber hitting lightsaber filled the air, a continuous symphony of CRACKS from energy colliding with energy. The two Destroyer Droids kept their focus on Emzie, sending near endless volleys of blaster-fire at the droid, until suddenly the fire stopped. It was a stroke of luck, but the droids guns seemed to have jammed, at least for the moment.
Raynor personally preferred ships that were more like glass cannons - ones that were fast and quick, able to undertake mind-bobbling turns, like the Jedi vectors of old. He always liked the idea of a ship that was made purely for a Jedi, one that required the Force to operate with any skill - and the drama of having to use a lightsaber as a key appealed to him. Unfortunately, the ships they needed to acquire had to work for the majority of their forces, the Clone Troopers - and Raynor was pretty sure the odds of a Force sensitive Clone existing were hardly any better than a benevolent Hutt performing a dance routine.

"Right, tough little thing - I know we'll be wanting something similar to the 170 starfighter, but do you have anything with a bit more speed? Even if it's a pain to fly it, a Jedi should be able to manage it." He then glanced at Shakka. She was being incredibly quiet. In the back of his mind, he was working out a way to free her. He hated slavery - just like every other Jedi. And at least here, it seemed he was being given a chance to do something about it. "Miss, are there any you'd recommend in here that I take a look at especially?"

"Good to meet you, Shakka," Raynor said. He found it a little weird that she had explained what her name meant in her language, which he assumed must have been Twi'leki. She struck him as the socially awkward and shy type, so he didn't give her the nickname that instantly popped into his mind for her, based on the sound of her name and its meaning - Shocky. It wasn't quite right, but there was definitely something there.

At any rate, they reached the hangar and Raynor turned his attention to the ships. He doubted there would be any specific evidence of Colbol Corp breaching the contract they had with the Republic here - any real investigating he was going to do would have to wait for that evening. But he needed to keep up appearances, so Raynor walked on up to one of the smaller ships. "She's beautiful. Can you tell me about her?" Raynor asked, motioning at the ship. "How fast?"
"I'm afraid the Council insists that I look through the specs as well," Raynor said sympathetically. This was, perhaps, one of the reasons why he had been selected for this mission - he was rather good at lying. It wasn't something most Jedi were known for, the ability to conceal the truth, but Raynor seemed to have a talent for it - as if he were the favorite of some long forgotten god of lies. "If it's not too imposing, I would appreciate a room for the night - as it is getting rather late and I would hate to rush through examining your beautiful ships."

This was more of a formality, the last thing he had said - the Jedi Council had told him that arrangements had already been made for him to dine with Mr. Colbol that evening, and that it would be expected for Raynor to spend the night due to both the late hour and simply the social rules that the upper elite of the galaxy operated by. "I'm afraid I didn't catch you name, miss?" Raynor then said, following Jarothe out of the room, but his gaze went to the Twi'lek. Slavery was illegal in the Republic - but some corporations did their best to find ways around it, coming up with new words that really meant the same thing - sentient beings being treated as property, as animals, being forced to do things against their will, and receiving no pay for any labor performed.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy snorted slightly - she found it very funny how Niah shrugged about the potential curse, and then suggested they pawn the potentially cursed items off to some unsuspecting mortals. She had a tendency in her mind to see Niah as this pure sweetheart of a person, but every now and then she was reminded of how human - and even somewhat apathetic - her friend could be. "Love that, the mortals could use a good curse, call it an early recession or whatever," Nancy quipped. She pouted slightly when Mads declared that the coins weren't cursed - but that some of the larger items might've been. "Aww, rats. That's too bad."

But hearing that it was all good, Nancy filled up on golden coins as well. They'd have plenty of money for a trip back to New Rome - hell, they could definitely afford airfare as long as they weren't ripped off. Nancy positively swooned at the idea of maybe even getting to go in First Class - the hot towels, the drinks, the little snacks, the leg room - it sounded absolutely divine. And calm. She'd never been on a plane before, having only really seen them in movies, but they seemed so peaceful and quiet. "I'll give you a nice tip," Nancy joked, holding up a gold coin to 'entice' Niah to carry them down - as if Niah wasn't also rich with gold at the moment.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Guinevere Stark

"Where's Lance? Wow, this is failing the Bechdel test so hard right now, but anyways, Lance is off with Carolina and my boyfriend at the moment, working on their end of the mission," Guin told Ed. "Now please let me out of this bubble?" she requested. Her eyes then widened, as people caught up with them - she was a bit annoyed Ed and Thalia hadn't managed to put more distance between them and Magneto's goons - and started throwing fireballs. At least inside of this bubble, Guin was safe. But it also meant she couldn't do much to help.

"Maybe hurry up with the ix-nay on the bubble-ay?" Guin stressed, using sloppy pig Latin sarcastically. Her power required her to be able to make skin to skin contact with someone to activate it. And even beyond that, she couldn't walk up and punch someone if she was confined inside of a bubble. And Ed had to be wasting at least 5% of his magic, if not more, on keeping the bubble up - so overall, things would be a lot better for everyone with the bubble down.

Jade Cornish

"If she can't lead them back, then this'll be a huge victory against Lamarckism," Jade quipped. Lamarckism was the theory that children could inherit traits their parents had acquired during their lifetime - or in this case, the idea that the Starks all inherited some sort of super intelligence gene. Jade was fairly certain that the only "intelligence" the Starks were inheriting was just an effect of having access to the best tutors and whatnot from an early age, and the money to pay for it. It was either that or likely just coincidence - not that the superhero fangirls tended to pay attention to that in their online forum posts about how smart a potential child of a Stark and a Richards could be.

"We're moving, you all should be able to find your way back," Jade said over the comms. She purposefully omitted details, such as how they should head into the sewers, in the off-chance that the group had been caught up in some of the fighting above. She didn't want to give away the resistance's location. She then motioned for Cass that they were ready to move, and Jade started to walk further into the sewer.
Newly minted Jedi Knight Raynor Blake had no idea at all why he had been chosen for this assignment - and he had a bad feeling about it already. He had argued with his former master, Master Mozh, that he wasn't meant for this sort of thing - that he was more of a warrior than a spy. But as most conversations with Master Mozh went, Raynor somehow found himself doing exactly as Sevrina wanted him to do anyways. That was how he found himself here at Colbol Corp, wearing his nicest robes (the stuff they kept around for ceremonies or meeting with politicians in the Senate).

He had been waiting outside of the room, and Jarothe's helper came out, motioning for him to come in. Raynor sighed, before doing his best to look positive and upbeat.

"Mr. Colbol, it's an honor to meet you," Raynor said, coming into the room, his robes billowing lightly behind him. His blue lightsaber was attached to his belt. He extended a hand. "My name is Raynor Blake."


EARTH 257 - 9:00 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

"What's Latveria?" Aero asked Cass, having never heard of that place before. "Ya sure ya don't mean Latvia? Because that's a real place. Latveria sounds like something some geek in a basement made up for their D&D campaign," Amelia scoffed, finishing the thought off. "Right, it's a little weird - not sure how I feel about it," Aero added. They didn't have a chance though to respond to the request about medical aid, as the X-Men had showed up. Aero and Amelia both rolled their eyes and stuck out their tongues in response to Syphon's jab. "Tosser," Aero muttered.

Raynor was having a horrible day. He was really regretting that he and Sparky had gone on this mission anyways - they should have taken time off, stayed at home with baby Zari, and let everyone else sort out this mess. Who even cared if Doom and Luminous were in another universe, terrorizing other people - why did that have to be their problem? "The X-Men are Genosha's secret black ops group," Raynor said, answering Sparky's question. "They do the dirty work so Erik and Charles' hands stay nice and clean, letting them play politicians while other people bleed for their dream."

A sense of fear and panic gripped Bonnie once again - she had managed to steady her mind, but now, seeing the X-Men, she felt like a kid. She felt like she was being told again that her parents had been killed in a terrorist attack, that the X-Men were responsible, and that they were gone - forever. She knew that it wasn't true. But emotions were emotions - they demanded to be felt, she couldn't just ignore them. Her knees felt weak and her head dizzy. She wanted to run, to put as much distance between herself and these people as possible.

But running wasn't the logical move. She knew that they needed to get help with what was happening to their minds. And they needed a means to get back home. A mutant country was likely to have someone capable of shunting them back across realities and who could help them to catch Luminous and Doom. Like it or not, she needed the help of these people - they all did. But more terrifying than all of that was the way Flynn was acting - like he wasn't himself anymore.

Bonnie didn't say it, but she knew that he was gone - that the man she loved had been overwritten, much like Amelia had. She just didn't know if it could be undone. "Do we have your word we'll be safe if we come with you?" Bonnie asked, looking at Firestorm. She didn't know how much his word would mean - but she asked all the same.

Raynor was staring at Firestorm. He could clearly see that Firestorm was Flynn - that much was undeniable, especially with how odd Flynn was acting. But saying that Raynor had known him as a child? That... It all suddenly clicked into place in Raynor's mind. He had a strong suspicion as to who exactly Firestorm had been - how he had known Raynor - remembering the little boy who used to follow him around everywhere on Genosha. "I'm sure your old man will be excited to see me," Raynor said bluntly. "How is Erik?"

"Who all is coming?" Mainfold asked, looking at Firestorm so he would know who to teleport back to Genosha with them.

"Huh, weird..." Cerebella said, tilting her head as she stared at Flynn. "Eye-Boy is right, you two really are the same person..."

"I don't think they're a clone of Firestorm either - they're so... authentic. Clones usually look a little synthetic," Eye-Boy agreed.

"They smell the same," Wolverine grunted.

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