Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts


The Galactic Republic is at war! Defended by the Jedi Knights and the clone army against the Separatists and their battle droids, the Republic relies on weapons and ship manufacturers to sustain the war effort. From space stations to star-fighters, hundreds of millions of credits are awarded in contracts by the Republic Senate each week. But for some manufacturers, Republic credits are not enough. There are rumors that Jarothe Colbol, the cruel and aggressive head of Colbol Corp, has been selling assault ships to the Separatists at a heavily discounted rate and declaring them as "missing," despite signing an exclusive contract with the Grand Army of the Republic.

Desperate to find proof and seize Colbol's assets, the Republic Senate has tasked newly minted Jedi Knight Raynor Blake with investigating Colbol Corp and its "missing" assault ships...
Raynor was startled for a moment - it had to be a droid, right? But a sickening feeling in his stomach told him that something was very wrong here - that there was some grave imbalance in the Force. If it was a machine they were facing, it was somehow...

The thought vanished, as Raynor's instincts took over. His lightsaber ignited - a glowing shade of blue, the weapon of a Jedi Guardian. He spun his blade through the air, deflecting the blasts back at their source. Emzie had hit the figure from behind the droids, and the destroyer droids had their shields up, continuing to send blast after blast. While he didn't consciously think it, Raynor knew the two main weaknesses of destroyer droids - their shields did not stop stationary/extremely slow objects, and they were blind from behind.

Ordinarily when working with a Jedi, Raynor wouldn't need to tell them the plan - they would sort of feeling it, coming to work together in harmony. He didn't know if Emzie knew what he was going to do. But there was no time to stop. Whatever the thing was behind the destroyers, it was wrong. He just had to hope that Emzie had grenades or something on them, something to help them kill the destroyers.

Raynor force jumped over the destroyers, landing down behind them. He slashed his lightsaber from up high, the figure he was attacking still mostly in shadows, expecting to be able to slice the thing in half -

But instead, his blue blade met a scarlet red.

"What are you?!"

Runa Baldurdattir & Guin Stark

Location: New York City Defenders HQ
Skills: Asgardian Magic

"Oh no, buddy, it's really fucking clear that you aren't at all like the Doctor Strange we know," Guin shot back. Digs to her intelligence really got under her skin. Had he not said that, Guin might've de-escalated - but now, it was war. "The biggest clue being that our Strange is competent - and you're anything but." She didn't know if she trusted him to actually be able to use a spell to send them home across the dimensions, so Guin's mind started thinking up alternate plans. If Strange couldn't help them, then maybe Mister Fantastic and all were around, or hell, even Doom might be a good option. Thor was a dud, but there was Asgard - they were experts in traveling the Nine Realms, maybe they had some sort of artifact that could cross universal boundaries.

"I will not break it unless I must," Runa vowed, taking the sling ring from Doctor Strange. She felt more comfortable now, knowing she had a means to access the Mirror Dimension. Hopefully, Lance and his father would return to human form soon. Strange was right though - the Hulk couldn't mix with Guinevere and Pietro, it was just too much baggage, far too painful for him. Runa could respect that. She knew that grief could warp the mind, cause people to do unimaginable things. "We'll find the rest of our people and secure lodgings elsewhere, as to avoid further incident. I'll stay in contact," Runa then said.

It had been a moment since Runa had used a sling ring, but it was a rather nice object to focus on. She checked on her earlier tracking spells, noting that the rest of the group were moving in their direction. Perfect. She assumed Edus must've been using mystical means of his own. It took her two tries, but Runa managed to open up a sling ring portal, seeing their wayward members on the other side. "Step on through, please - I was human last time I used a sling ring, I'm a bit out of practice," Runa instructed.

Guin glanced at the sling ring portal, happy to see that the others were on the other side - and looking mostly unharmed. At least Runa seemed to have found her mojo again, her magic was doing much better than it had been previously. Still, there was one thing that was still missing (not Amidala - the little space lemur was hanging upside down from the rafters, completely content and unbothered by everything that had happened). No, the most important thing of all was missing - God fucking damnit they don't have my suit... My poor baby is gone...

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach -> Big House
Skills: N/A

Nancy appreciated what Zeke meant, when he claimed he would blind anyone who tried to push her. She knew that he meant well. But she didn't want him to do that if that happened. Nancy didn't like other people fighting battles for her - if someone decided to push her too much on the gnarly details, Nancy wanted to handle it herself. Sure, she didn't always handle things in a super healthy and helpful way, but at least she could say that she had done it herself. It was a personality trait that had both helped and hindered her in her life - her almost incapability to fully trust someone else and let someone else take care of her. "Joanie's been around, she just doesn't like the archery range," Nancy told Zeke, giving her tiny purple dragon a friendly scratch on the snout. Nancy didn't say when she had gotten Joanie though - mostly as that day had also been rather traumatic and Nancy had had her fill of trauma for the day.

She nodded when Zeke said he would see her inside. A part of her was glad to see Niah and Mads, not just because she loved them both dearly and was going to miss them terribly, but also because it meant another moment's delay from the horrible gauntlet of her own trauma she was about to have to undergo again.

Nancy returned Mads' hug, a little tighter than normal - she didn't want to let her friend go, either of them. But she released Mads. She smiled a bit sadly as Niah pointed out she had slain a dragon before. "You'll scare Joanie talking about that," Nancy joked. "But the thing is... I couldn't have done it without you two. I can do anything if you're by my side," she told her friends sincerely, before joining the group hug that Niah had opened up.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Big House -> the Van
Skills: Superhuman Speed

Leda smirked slightly as Kiera accepted her challenge, even adding on a fun set of conditions. Leda yawned, stretching her arms out above her head. She tilted her head from side to side, loosening up her neck slightly. Leda then reached down, touching her toes on either foot. By this point, it had been at least a minute or so. "Mm, s'pose that's enough of a start," Leda mused, before taking off at what - to her - was a light, casual pace. Rather than an indescribable rainbow streak, Leda was actually moving at a pace that allowed others to clearly see the outline of her body - still moving faster than the most gifted mortal runners and athletes, but not so slow as to become just a beam of light to the naked eye.

Even then, the Rainbow Princess made it to the van way before the others. She smirked, spotting her girlfriend coming down from the hill. "Hurry up, slowpoke!" Leda shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth to project her voice some. Andy and Arthur made it down and Leda waved at them slightly. She was already growing slightly bored, her brief bit of entertainment ending. She knew better though than to swipe Argus' book and skim through it quickly - she didn't doubt that with all of those eyes, he'd be able to see a speedster coming and react in time.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was mildly surprised that that had been enough to persuade Ariel and Eric to help them against Maleficent. Either they were push-overs or they had already been inclined to make the decision to help them out; Megan didn't know them enough to say one way or another. She raised a slight eyebrow as Eric left to deal with war, while Ariel was then delegated with giving them a tour around the palace. Megan suspected gender norms at work. But she didn't say anything. As much as she was curious about how the shark executions worked, she didn't want to experience it firsthand - not today, at least.

A tour around the palace sounded mildly interesting, but also dull at the same time. They had been traveling all over this realm, trying to accomplish all of these tasks, and it felt like they more or less just went from place to place to talk to people. Megan was itching for a little more action, something to get the blood pumping through her veins. Her thoughts drifted towards excalibur, the sword securely at her side. "Do you have dungeons we can see?" Megan asked. "Or any sort of medical facility?" She was a medical examiner, after all - Megan was curious as to what medicine looked like here.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:20 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...

David nodded, his eyes tearing up a bit. He gave Harry's hands a grateful squeeze. "Sorry, talking about my da is bad vibes for me," he said, trying to make a slight joke out of it. "What about you? What were your parents like? Did you get your cuteness from them?" he asked, his eyes still watery, even here on the astral plane.

The Green Lagoon...

"I never said that only the X-Men should get to do it - but that's the way it's always been for people like us. We don't matter to them. We're just background characters in their operatic stories," Marrow complained. She sighed slightly though. "Why the fuck not, though? Guess it's time for us to change things."

"I still think that Ben is going to be in worse shape than Fred was," Sunshine said, referencing her deceased pet rat. She had lost Fred before they had made it to Genosha. Even though he had never been alive while she owned him, Sunshine did have a soft spot for that little dead rat. She hadn't had it in her to willingly leave him behind - to leave his dead body to decay without anyone to care. It was one of her regrets from everything that had gone down, that she hadn't been able to retrieve him.

"Guess that's why James' an omega," Marrow commented with a shrug. She didn't get too hung up on who was and was not omega level status - it seemed to her like a stupid new version of a class system, a social order she didn't care for.

"Fine. It'll be weird being in New Orleans, but whatever." Sunshine had told Marrow about what had happened - about the false reality, where she had grown up in the care of her father, rather than being abandoned as a little kid by her cruel mutant-hating mother. But even now, when Sunshine actually finally wanted something of a relationship with her father, where was he to be found? Nowhere. He had made it clear - he didn't want a relationship with her. He had been distant ever since they got to Genosha and Sunshine wasn't going to keep trying to make the impossible happen.

Meanwhile, Veil was doing her best not to grind her teeth too much. James might have been an omega level healer, but she didn't know how he did as a dentist. "I see," Veil muttered. She knew that she should have been doing a better job controlling her temper, but Veil tended to wear her emotions openly. She was extremely annoyed at the moment with her brother and Legion, and neither of the two Barry's was giving her any sort of indication as to when they would be back from wherever they were off to.

"Well, if he's not back in the next ten minutes, I'm going to go find the nearest telepath - there's dozens of them on the island - and I'm going to drag him back," Veil said bluntly. She didn't know why she was bothering though. Neither Barry seemed to be capable of passing on a message.

"Relax the face, luv - you're going to get mad worry lines," Barry aka Legion said, smiling unhelpfully.

Veil felt like screaming.

Outside the Hospital...

Bee jumped slightly, startled by James' slamming the papers down on her desk. She had been so deep in her own train of thought (really, she was just playing Candy Crush on her phone) that she hadn't noticed him come back. "Oh! You found it - nice!" Bee said. She grabbed a pen that had a frilly pink lace-y thing attached to the top. "If you can make the corrections in pen, I can get a fresh copy made for us," Bee offered.

From down the hallway, James would also be able to hear the distant sound of Casper singing a soft "lullaby" to baby Daniel, "Tardy for the Party" by the Real Housewives of Atlanta's Kim Zolciak:

🎵 "Hurry up baby, don't be late
I'll meet you at the place
I've been waitin' for this day
This weekend, let's celebrate
Lookin' like a cover girl (whoa-oh-oh)
Covered in diamonds and pearls
Take the Benz out for a swirl
Drop that top, yeah, it's my world" 🎵

The Rebuilt House of M...

Magneto's carefully crafted persona and restraint shattered with Valkyrie's words - how carelessly she mentioned that death was just something that happened. Had they not just faced a gigantic island-wide tragedy, a genocide of their people, perhaps Magneto would have reacted differently. "Death. Is. Just. Something. That. Happens?" he repeated through gritted teeth. "Young lady, be you from the realm eternal or not, there is no cheerful afterlife waiting on the other side for us. Our bodies are destroyed, our minds obliterated, our future, our destiny, each little thing that makes you you is stolen from you. Death is not something to brush aside - until all mutants are eternal, then death remains the ultimate devastation, the ultimate terror that humanity can inflict upon us, the--"

Mercifully, Magneto was cut off by the arrival of his daughter, Polaris. She was wearing a purple tracksuit, her green hair wildly curly and spilling out in all directions. As much as she looked fashionable and comfy, there was a clear sadness to her, a weariness of her spirit. "Lay off of them, Dad," Polaris interjected. "They're just kids."


Selene didn't really seem too bothered by Jack's first two points, about how suspicious it looked for her to talk about him not discovering anything, or about how death didn't phase him. She was an external after all, one of those special mutants whom death could not touch. Hers was life everlasting. "Mm, well you'll firstly be in charge of running my social medias, particularly my TikTok - I would like to be much more worshipped and adored than I currently am. Shockingly enough, politics is starting to get a bit dreary, this entire Genosha project is in a real flop era if you ask me."

Selene twirled a bit of her hair around her finger. "Oh, I would also teach you dark magics, as well as some spells that'll need to be running during the gala. It's going to be the perfect moment to ascend to godhood. Hence the social media presence will need to be sorted, a goddess needs her followers after all. And I'm a bit over my entire mystery-cult era, I want something more mainstream. Like Jesus of Nazareth, he had an excellent PR team. I want that."

Hellfire Bay...

Purple Mongoose was having fun playing in the trees!

Renegade was not having fun! She did a bit of a double take, uncertain what to make of what Moneta just told her. The Scarlet Witch had remade reality, ending prejudice against mutants? Magneto had been made king? Casper kept this a secret from her? Moneta killed Magneto? None of that made any sense to her. "Okay, I'm just thinking out loud here but... Why the hell would you want to change that back? Even now, chère, humans are still killing us. If Wanda had found a workaround, why didn't you keep things the same?"

"Also, what the fuck is even your life that this is just a normal thing for you to have experienced?" Renegade asked, laughing ever so lightly. They both moved in the same circles, but Renegade had never had anything like that happen to her before. Her life had always been pretty standard - protect mutants, attack humans.


Pixie blinked a bit, when Max asked if a demon was going to come claim him when he died - that was incredibly specific and not what she expected. "What? No, you watch too many horror movies. No demon is going to come get you when you die, although... I don't know if you can, like, properly die. Like you can die, but I don't think your spirit will be able to move on... Like we wouldn't need Casper to pull your spirit from the afterlife into our plane of reality, you'd just be stuck there on your own..."

"But don't worry about that. That's not the bad part of some of your soul being missing. Whenever you formed that weapon, you must've also made a bloodstone. These bloodstones, demons use them to do the most wicked and horrible of magics... If they get five bloodstones, they can unleash the Elder Gods - think the actual Cthulu and stuff - on our world... And that would be bye-bye world... So that's why we need to find your bloodstone as soon as possible, because I like this world quite a bit, and it's not just our reality that would be threatened - all of them would be."

In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Guinevere Stark

Guin couldn't help but be a little surprised that people talked like this to Sabretooth - well, people besides her of course. Did they not realize he could rip them to shreds and eat their intestines like a pack of Twizzlers? "Are you both really not scared of him?" Guin couldn't help but ask. "Not sure if you're geniuses or idiots - or maybe a mix of both. Anyways, laters," Guin finished, before stabbing herself in the eyes. On her first pass, she didn't do as much damage as she wanted - on the second, she managed to drive Sabretooth's claws into his right eye. She screamed in pain, vision now disconnected in that eye. The feeling was horrific. But luckily for Guin, it didn't have to last forever.

She switched back with a small pop!, finding herself floating in a bubble next to Ed and Thalia. "Hey, it's me, you can put me down now - and no, this isn't Sabretooth just saying it's me to trick you so you'll pop the bubble. I can prove it's me, too. Ask me anything." Thankfully, her body didn't have more aches and pains than when she had left it. Compared to the body she had just left, her own body felt amazing. And it was really nice not to have male anatomy anymore. Being in a man's body always felt much weirder to Guin than being in a woman's body.

Jade Cornish

From up above, Jade could hear the noises of people running in the streets. She figured it had to just be in response to the commotion the changeling had caused. It wasn't at all unexpected. Thalia's voice chimed in over the comms that her message had been received, so Jade was satisfied. Thalia was both at least alive and able to speak, so nothing could have gone too terribly wrong; they still had the ex-magician's assistant on their side. Cass caught up with her, saying that they should wait for the others before heading back. Jade raised an eyebrow. Waiting for them was only going to make it more likely for someone to get caught - it wasn't practical.

"Fine. We can wait five minutes, then we ought to move," Jade said. The more time they spent in this branch of the tunnels, the more likely they would be to be discovered, potentially exposing the hiding spot of the remaining X-Men and Avengers, but also tipping off the Brotherhood to their plan to take down Magneto once and for all.


EARTH 257 - 8:50 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - the Blue

Angel's Aerie

"I know, I don't need you all to treat me like a child," Bonnie said, slightly irritated with the number of people telling her that she needed to be examined, that she ought not move, that the entire experience had been weird. None of them had attended medical school, sure, Sparky had some limited medical knowledge but it wasn't what she specialized in. In fact, Bonnie's particular medical specialty was dealing with the dead - making her uniquely qualified to understand how weird, in fact, it was that what should have killed her hadn't managed to stick. She also knew that most likely, the baby was fine - babies could live for minutes inside the womb after the mother perished. And by Bonnie's estimation, she had been dead for seconds.

Maria would manage to pull the wood out of her stomach with relative ease, her healing factor then kicking in. The wound began to clot and close up, her body stitching itself back together. It wouldn't be fully healed yet, but it was beginning to become less and less of a life threatening liability - she was going to be fine.

Niah's cries for talking things out would largely fall on deaf ears - as everyone except for the Amelias, when it came to the Avengers, were thoroughly unconscious. Similarly, Captain America wasn't awake to hear Oliver's apology, and only the Amelias heard Cass' pleas. Aero sighed slightly. "The shield was historical, but whatever." "Where do you think they went, the Doom and Luminous you're looking for?" "Our ship is at the base of the mountain, there's some supplies there." "But you all might wanna hurry, Herc is cranky when he wakes up."

Right on cue, thanks to her ability to see the future no doubt, Mystique, Destiny, and Darcy re-appeared. They came from the one bit of the Aerie that was still standing, the only unharmed structure. Mystique's eyes darted towards Rogue and for a moment, a flash of relief crossed her face. But then it was soon replaced by annoyance as she saw Gambit had survived. "Great. The idiot made it."

"I long for the day I foresee his demise," Destiny said to her wife, the sunlight reflecting off of the golden mask that hid her face.

"Ah can hear ya!" Gambit complained, but neither Destiny or Mystique made a move to apologize. They really didn't their son-in-law - at all. Some things didn't change regardless of the universe. Rogue put a gloved hand on Gambit's shoulder to comfort him. "Don't let them get ta ya," she reassured him. "I love ya no matter what happens."

"Uh, guys?" Darcy called out. "I think something's happening... Beyond all the crazy shit that already happened. Like, more crazy things. Like, space shouldn't look like that." She pointed towards the area right to the left of the group, where the rubble had made a roughly even surface. There, space seemed like it was beginning to shimmer and spark, with weird sounds growing gradually louder and louder, until a group of people POPPED! into existence. The distortion ended, going away as if nothing had ever happened.

But the people were still there - people who they would be able to mostly recognize. "The X-Men," Amelia recognized. "Shit, I hate these blokes," Aero complained. "Bunch of privileged assholes who get off on killing kids." "They have no business being in the Blue - no right to be here," Aero agreed.

"Seriously? These are the X-Men now?" Raynor scoffed. Back when he had been in Earth-257 last, he had led this team. He didn't even recognize everyone in front of him. Two of them were obvious - the "evil" versions of Flynn and Maria. Then he recognized what somewhat looked like Colossus, but as the Juggernaut? That was weird. There was a girl with metal claws who Raynor guessed had something to do with Wolverine (where was Logan? Logan had been on Raynor's original team and he didn't die easy). The girl with her brain on display didn't ring any bells. Nightcrawler was easy, purely because he was a famous X-Man back in Earth-667, even if not currently active with the team. The boy with all the eyes and the man dressed in yellow were similarly mysterious to him.

"You have a problem with that?" Wolverine asked.

"No offense, kid, but back when I ran the team, we had Wolverine on it."

"Actually, I am Wolverine," Wolverine said.

"Woah, you're all covered in swirling red energy..." the boy with all the eyes said, whistling slightly. "It's beautiful. If not terrifying. Also, Firestorm, Syphon, those two are a 99.99999999% match to you," Eye-Boy then added, pointing at Flynn and Maria. "Best I see, they are you."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan was a little bit disappointed her question about shark executions went unanswered, as they moved into a more private area. It looked to her like a study, and Megan was curious as to what sort of books merpeople read - and what material the pages were made from. A part of her wondered if they were actually made from skin or perhaps were glorified pieces of stone - she couldn't imagine them being all ordinary paper, as paper and water tended to not mix. But then again, maybe merpeople were just used to only being able to read their books inside, never taking them out to a quiet cemetery to enjoy.

She did, however, turn her attention to the conversation. Megan never considered herself to really be the leader type. But she couldn't help but notice the obvious. "I have a few comments," Megan said. "Firstly, historically those who sit out from conflicts of this magnitude come to regret it. Maleficent may not come for you today, but she may very well tomorrow - and no one will be left to help you. Secondly, there's no reason why Merlin's assembled forces could not engage Hook and Ursula, allowing you to then in turn lend your strength against Maleficent."

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Beach
Skills: N/A

Nancy's eye twitched as some kid came up to them, explaining that they were needed at the Big House. Fucking radical. She purposefully pet her dragon, as it was a simple task, easy to focus on. Joanie didn't demand her to confront the worst moments of her life, over and over again. She had already gone through hell in this conversation with Zeke, and she felt tired and drained - she felt like a ghost possessing a zombie, all out of sorts, barely present. No doubt the graecus scum would pester her for every little detail, twisting and squeezing the trauma out of Nancy like a wet rag, desperate to retrieve each last drop. And when they were done, they would toss her aside like trash.

The kid turned to leave, and Zeke said they had to go. Nancy's legs felt stiff, rooted to the spot. She had just had a meltdown here - she wasn't in any rush to go have yet another traumatic experience. And she really didn't like the way the Greeks ran their business anyways, it was messy and chaotic and doubtlessly would end up going in circles, forcing her to repeat herself over and over again. Nancy was tempted by the idea of riding off on a pegasus, of running away from all of this. She really was. She didn't want to face the Lotus Hotel and Casino ever again - she really didn't. It haunted her nightmares and her daydreams, those terrible memories always on repeat in the corner of her eye, following her like phantoms.

But as much as Nancy was thoroughly traumatized, she was also prideful. She wasn't going to run in fear in front of the Greeks. And while she didn't say so, she did care about Zeke - she didn't want to see him get hurt. "Okay, we're going to establish some rules quickly," Nancy said, her voice getting an authoritative edge to it, as if she were about to address the Senate of New Rome. "I will not set foot inside that grody ass nightmare hotel. Period. I can go with you as far as the Strip. I will not answer the same question twice. I reserve the right to get up and leave at any moment, for any reason. But I will try to help how I can."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-blood: Big House
Skills: N/A

Leda heard the car horn beeping and concluded that Argus must've been as annoyed with all the delays as she was. Fortunately, it seemed like the two slacking Romans finally showed up. The Romans were painfully slow. Leda shuddered to imagine a world in which she had been a Roman demigod; being a speedster over there must've been a special sort of hell. Leda already thought everyone was slow - the Romans made her fellow Greeks look like little Iris or Hermes legacies basically. "It's about time!" Leda exclaimed. She then gave her girlfriend a grin, and a peck on the cheek. "Race you to the van?" she teased.

"I can even give you a 60 second head start," Leda offered, "to make things fair, of course." She winked. She knew that pretty much any head start she offered wouldn't really be enough time for Kiera to beat her, unless the head start happened to be the exact length of time (or more, really) that it would take Kiera to complete the trip. But it wasn't going to be that much time. There was no fun in that. And Leda wasn't always the most gracious loser - she loved to win, especially when it came to speed.
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