Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

Jade nodded, listening to the intel that Pietro and Thalia had brought back for them. She was hopeful that the distraction would be large enough to draw out more than just the guards, but some of Magneto's inner circle as well. If not... Well, there was a reason everyone on this mission was ultimately expendable. They would either prevail or they would fall; but Jade was almost certain that either way, very few of them would make it out alive. She had to hope that these X-Men could handle seeing one of their own die and manage to persevere to finish the mission. "Grand. Thank you," Jade said, her words clipped as always.

Guin knew the rough plan and the groups. She was going with Mary and Cass once Pietro and Thalia had briefly scouted around inside of the base. She'd have to find someone to steal the body of and if she was lucky, her original body wouldn't be brutally murdered in the process. Part of her wanted Pietro to argue and fight to be in the same group as her. If she hadn't already felt so defeated, maybe she would've made that argument as well. But it was probably for the best this way. She didn't imagine he'd be able to bring himself to leave her original body behind, defenseless.

Thor, Hulk, and the Thing slip off from the group to go cause their distraction. It wasn't long until Jade heard the loud crash and the sound of violence, signaling that the distraction team was implementing the plan. She didn't doubt that those three would manage to survive whatever came next. They were built to last, for better or for worse. Jade quietly snuck inside of the facility, going through that opening that her and Cass had found earlier.

Guin couldn't help but wonder as well who from the distraction team would survive - but she figured it would be Banner. Of those three, he seemed impossible to kill. She doubted the destruction of the entire city would even leave a scratch on him. She hoped that for Lance's sake at least. She knew what it was like to lose a father. Guin followed after the others, making her way quietly and stealthily through that opening, and into the belly of the beast.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Big House
Skills: N/A

Nancy rolled her eyes slightly at Bryan's request for her to keep Zeke out of trouble. She didn't think that Zeke needed her to do that; she thought he was fairly competent. The rest of the Greeks, Nancy had her doubts about. It was the entire Greek system really though that she had a problem with. Demigods were bound together through a common struggle, a pact that they reinforced in blood; it was only right for them to fight as a unit. With the Greek system prioritizing individual fighters... how could anyone trust anyone else in the group? How could you know that your brothers and sisters in arms had your back?

The rest of the Greeks were starting to show up, and the ride was ready. Nancy gave Joanie some affectionate scritches, knowing that she was likely bored and/or hungry. Truthfully though, Nancy never really minded it when Joanie chewed on her hair. Her hair was naturally so bushy and big that she figured she'd still have plenty after whatever Joanie ate. "We're ready."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier

Leda caught the cash that Kiera had tossed her, though she was frowning at the mention of all the Drivers Licenses. This wasn't just a lone cyclops, that much was clear; it seemed like an entire operation. Killing this driver wasn't going to stop this or slow things down more than just a touch, as long as the nest was still operational. She glanced at Kiera and Arthur, wondering for a moment. "Bollocks," Leda said with a sigh. "Dunno about you two, but... I don't feel good about just leaving this cyclops nest behind to kill kids. If we're fast, we could catch up with the ones in that van - see about taking out the whole operation."

Leda knew that logically, in the grand scheme of things, it was more important for them to stick to the quest that they already had. But she couldn't help but feel guilty at the idea of walking away from this. All of those licenses, maybe some of those demigods were still alive - and if they weren't, maybe there'd be more demigods in the days to come who wouldn't stand a fighting chance. But Leda believed that Kiera, Arthur, and herself could handle things - they could make a difference. The micro scale was just as important as the cosmic.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

That seemed awfully convenient. But then, something occurred to Megan. Everything in this world was a story back in their own - heroes triumphing over villains against all odds. And in all the good stories, heroes never had an abundance of help - that would ruin the enjoyment, reducing the stakes, and making it a bit of a bore. Megan realized that there was no reason to suspect that what they were living through right now would not be subjected to the same rules as other stories; that the Lost Boys and Peter Pan couldn't be there to help them, that they'd largely be handling Hook on their own, as they were serving as the protagonists.

A darker thought then occurred to her - that once they handled Maleficent, something even more challenging and horrible would simply rise up in her place. There had to be a sequel.

Megan decided not to share these thoughts with the others. "The armory sounds good. Any maps of Neverland that you have would also be helpful," Megan said. She didn't need a weapon - or armor. She already had both. But the others would need things. Jack probably knowing story rules would end up in some sort of cloak to make him look like a wizard; whereas Megan was clearly being slotted into the role of a knight.


EARTH 257 - 8:10 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

The Waiting Grove -

Bob Banner was speechless for a moment, hearing what Sparky had told him. He had always wondered what his daughter's life had ended up being like - he had hoped that it would be a good one. He had never imagined though that he might be a grandfather - it did concern him slightly since Lana was still in her early twenties, but his concern was outweighed by the feelings of joy that overcame him. His daughter was alive, safe, and happy - and had a family of her own. "Zarina.... That's a beautiful name," Bob said softly.

"... She is beautiful," Raynor said. He missed his daughter. They hadn't intended on being away from her this long - it was supposed to be a quick little assignment, and then they'd be back home to see their bouncing baby girl. He wondered if little Zari could miss them yet - if she knew that her parents were gone. A soft smile was on his face. It was hard to be upset about all the drama and mess when his mind turned to his kid.
Flynn -

The woman glanced up from the tools she was sanitizing, allowing Flynn to get a better look of her face. Her skin would remind him of the villain Two-Face from Batman, as she was severely scarred - burn scars. "Agent Flynn, need I remind you that I'm uninterested in any apologies you have today?" she said, turning her focus back to her work and ignoring him. There was a clear tension there, but Flynn wouldn't know why. Everything was hazy and out of focus.

He would hear Professor X's voice, strangely echoing from all around him: "Keep going, my boy."

Bonnie -

Bonnie flinched slightly, surprised at James' words - this wasn't how she remembered him. He had never been this angry. As much as it pained her, it also was calming, centering. Whatever this thing was, it wasn't James. She was inside her mind, she reminded herself. Professor X was helping to divide out the memories that were hers and trap the others away, to help to keep her as her, and not as the Bonnie from this world. "You aren't James. I wish you were. But you aren't," Bonnie said. She hesitated for a moment, before taking off at a run again - chasing after the owl.

She followed the owl into a side room, the door closing behind her. But when she entered, there wasn't an owl there. Instead, there was an elegant woman with dark hair and bright stormy eyes. She was dressed in a white gown with Greek battle armor; a spear in one hand, a shield embossed with the face of Medusa in the other.

"Hello, Bonnie," Athena said. "It is time for you to make a choice."

Amelia -

"What?? No way! You can't just burn down the Blockbuster video store of my memories!" Amelia exclaimed, shocked. Yes, she was happy with the life that she had - she was comfortable, happy even as part of the Avengers. She loved being from the Blue, the freedom that she experienced, and the people she was able to help with her powers every day. She wasn't interested in becoming some other person, of remembering some life that just didn't feel like hers. But that didn't mean she wanted to let Captain Marvel destroy it.

Sure, Amelia didn't want to be that Amelia - but that Amelia didn't deserve to be destroyed.

"Why not?" Captain Marvel asked. "You don't want to remember these, and they're just taking up space. Plus, Blockbuster stores are going to get shut down anyways in the recession, so it's going to happen eventually."

Carol's hands began to glow, as she started to melt one of the DVDs - and Amelia acted without thinking, sending a gust of wind at Carol that knocked her off her feet.

Cass -

Matt was struggling to free himself from his bonds, as Cass started to fight Ultron. He was making decent progress of it, the cords ensnaring him beginning to wiggle off, his hands would be free soon enough. A sound that would pass for laughter came from Ultron's speakers, as Cass dented his chest plate. "Who are you then?" Ultron asked. "Mutant? Cop?" he asked, emphasizing the latter word.

Ultron's left arm converted into a blaster cannon, and he charged it up, aiming to send a fatal blast at Cass. But instead, his arm malfuctioned and exploded. The force would throw everyone backwards - Matt, who hit the wall and crumpled, unconscious; Cass, who would fall down the middle of the staircase; and Ultron, who blew himself through a series of walls.

Cass hadn't hit the ground yet, but it was soon approaching - she'd need to find a way to grab onto the railing or something to slow her descent.

Maria -

"Why should you be the one of us to leave? You left your sister to die. I would never do something like that. I'm the better Maria!" the other Maria stressed, even as her lifeforce was slipping away from her. The red glow had started to dissipate slightly, whereas Maria was beginning to be a little more tangible again, rather than fading away.

The other Maria was continuing though to try to turn the tables, but it wasn't working. She wasn't letting go of Maria though. "If I can't consume you, then I'll do this the old fashioned way," the other Maria said, trying to strangle her.

Oliver -

In his last moments of life, Thanos smiled at his son. He choked out a single sentence, blood trailing down from his lips, before he fell to the ground at Oliver's feet - "Yes... it is complete." With Thanos' lifeless form at his feet, a change would then overtake Oliver. His clothing would transform into a replica of the Mad Titan's - in his hand, he would suddenly find Thanos' massive blade, wet with blood. If he looked at any reflective surface, he would find his skin cracked and purple - the spitting image of his father. A new Mad Titan to ravage the universe.

Silence would ring in Oliver's ears.

It would feel like hours had gone by before he heard another voice - that of Professor X. "Oliver, I'm losing you, my boy. You need to fight... remember who you are..."

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: Electronics and Computers, Investigation, Problem Solving

It was bizarre to see her home covered in a layer of dust, with damage she barely remembered from her childhood left to remain. She had been about eight years old or so during the Battle of New York - she had been away at boarding school during it, but she did remember the videos and pictures of New York burning. By the time she had returned home from school, almost all of the damage to Stark Tower had been fixed - and it had definitely been finished up before the one year anniversary of the attack. But here, it was clear that that hadn't happened. Guin knew that this Tony had died - or rather, been scattered in between universes - but still... Her breath hitched in her throat slightly, seeing her home like this - imagining what her life would've been like if her father had never come home.

She heard Pietro's voice via their telepathic rapport, and she nodded. Guin cleared her throat slightly. "Hey JARVIS, it's me, ya girl," Guin called out, hoping that the AI was still functioning. JARVIS ran the house at this point in time, if Guin remembered correctly.

G̙͕̅̕å͇͖̗̠̩̻̼̤̂̉̀̚ȑ̗̘̩̟̘͓̀ͅb͔̬͇̙̱̘̟́̆̈́́͠ͅl̤̖̲̂͐̎́e̸̖͍͚͔͉̜͍͓͑ͣ ̲͔̈́͆̓́g̛͖͚̩̻͙̝̥ͮͧ͑͋a̦̠̥͓̺̣͂̉͢r̘̭̠̟ͭ͟ḅ̯̳̫͚̲͔͑̌͝l̓ͪ̊ͬ͏̙͔e̛͔̺̻͗ͅ ͖̼͖̫͔͖̇̎̎͠g̙̗̘ͩ͌̊̉͝a̴̖͈̩̥͒r̘̼͖͇̜̻͕̭͊̿͝b̧̳̭̈́l̝͙̼̭̈ͥ̈͞e̺͇̭̰̝̹͊̀

Guin paused for a moment. She couldn't hear where the voice had come from, and she could only guess that it was JARVIS. No one had been here in ages, so she had to guess that maintenance on JARVIS just hadn't been kept up on. That almost made her as sad as learning her father's fate - JARVIS had been one of the people to raise her, it was like finding out that Happy or Pepper had been abandoned in the tower and withered away from inattention. "If that's you, run a diagnostic - and divert extra resources towards improving your audio quality, it's shit," Guin asked.

Ǧ̨̺̜͖̖͆̎̓a̛̮͇͊̓ȑ͙̪̜͍̳͈͖̪̀b̸̖̗̙͕̟̪ͬ̚l̰̹͇̭͕̳̳̦ͩ̇̈́͊́ȇ̺̳̥̮̱̂͟ ̭̺̣̜ͤ͒̄̃͟g̮̰̠̃͜å͖̜ͤ͡r̗̜͖͈͖̃͜b̨͉͔̥̫͍ͮ̆ͮͅl̬͈̺̿̀e̯̫̭̱̝̯͑ͨ̍͡ ̷͈̻̱̪̺̥̙̖ͪͫg̭̻̪̱̼̅͟a̧̹͖̳̼ͦ̈́̑r̬̪̠̞̭͎̽͝b̷̲̼̪̜͔̭͙̾̅ḽ̗̟͍̊ͨ̊͝ḙ̞̺͙̺͚̞̘̔̐̉̽͘ ̜͚̹̬̟͙̤ͭ̀Ë̢̘̗̻͍̯̬́̆͛E̛͖̱̻̮̙͕͓̜ͪͧȄ̯͉̩͔͇͞E̜͍͈̮̖͇̔͌͋̊͟E̴̺̖̟̰̔̊ͅE̖̭̳̞̦̹̜͔ͧ͋ͨ͗͡E̻̲̲̬̪ͨ͞Ǩ̩̰͖͓̉͟ ̸̞̫̤̻͚́g̟̹̯̩̮̞̬̫͒̏ͫ̄͞aͫ̀ͪ҉̳̘r̳̱̪̼̟ͦ̀b͉̭̣̼̣̼̦ͨ͂ͧ͒́l̘̼͍͒͠e̩̥̰̪ͨͬ́ͧ͟ ̄̃ͩ҉̼̳g̪̯͉͆͝a̵͕̘͉͍̹̪ͫͫ̍̓r̼̣̮̥͕͖͖͙ͦ̉͐̀b̡̮̙̓̆ļ̖̪̝̜ͤ̂̊e̷͍͈̤̤̤̔

Guin winced slightly from the high pitched sound of speaker feedback. Things were a little bit better, but not enough. She still had no idea what JARVIS - if that were really him - was saying. She'd have to try something else. There was an access terminal along the wall and Guin walked up to it, tapping it with her finger to wake it on up. She hoped that it would just immediately recognize her, as this had been her home and she should be in the system - and luckily, the terminal seemed to be accessible. "No security footage, damn," Guin muttered under her breath, going through menus and logs. She did mange though to key in the sequence to reboot JARVIS. "Wakey wakey, JARVIS. Need you to tell me what's happened here - in a language I can understand, preferably."

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: Stark Tower

Runa had used the sling ring to transport them all to Stark Tower, and it seemed like people fell into natural pairings to investigate. Guin was with Pietro, Bethany was with Klara, and it looked like Mary might've been leaning towards going with Edus. Runa knew that meant she was supposed to go with Lance, and while ordinarily she wouldn't have had a problem with it, right now seeing him was only bringing out feelings of hopelessness and despair in her. It hurt to see him without his memories, looking at her like she was a stranger to him, that she didn't matter, that she was unimportant. He was standing off by himself near the windows, seemingly content to be alone.

Runa bit her lip. She was tempted to go off by herself to investigate, but she also didn't dare leave him alone. But she also didn't want to be the one babysitting him at the moment, as that was only painful. She cleared her throat slightly. "Lance, would you... would you mind assisting me in the search?" Runa asked him. Her tongue felt swollen, but she managed to not stumble too much over those words. She cast a glance in Edus' direction, and if he caught her gaze, he would be able to tell that Runa was in distress - and in need of some help.

Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 1:20 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: Various
Skills: Mediumship

Outside the Hospital...

Casper had no idea that James was partially lying to him, as he trusted James implicitly. "Okay, of course! Danny, I'm giving you to Pop-Pop now, you need to be good and not make any stinkies, promise?" Casper said seriously, as if baby Daniel could actually understand him. "And no turning yourself into a ball of fire, we aren't immortal - and I actually really vibe with our fits today, so I don't want them ruined," Casper then added, before handing the baby on over to James.

"Well... Shit. You were telling the truth, then," Ben said, gobsmacked.

"Duh! I wouldn't lie about kidnapping a baby, that's Jackie's thing!"

"Okay, but can you really blame me for wondering?" Ben asked, rolling his eyes. "I was with Max today actually. We got my body. He's going to bring me back to life, but he needs you two to help."

"....Okay, now you're the one that has to be joking," Casper said, his eyes wide. He turned to James. "Ben says that he was with Max, and Max is resurrecting him - and he needs us to do it?!?!"

And then suddenly, James and Casper would hear Veil's voice in their mind:

"James? Casper? We need to meet up with you both, Max needs you for a ritual... He's going to try to bring Ben back to life, and he needs you both for it to work... If it does, we could bring back anyone we had lost - no one would ever be taken away from us again" Veil pleaded.

Outside the House of M...

Zari was far nicer about Andy's confusion and hesitation than the crows were. Selene must've given the crows instructions on what to do should Andy reject her heritage. And of course, Selene wasn't the most subtle or patient of people. No, no, she didn't instruct the crows to do anything reasonable. Instead, the crows flew back up into the air, circling Andy for a moment, before suddenly diving at her... and stabbing their beaks into her heart. The crows' beaks penetrated, and any ordinary individual would have died.

But Andy's body reacted otherwise, filling her with an intense feeling of craving and need as her vitals depleted - a need for life force. To prove that she was the offspring of Selene, the crows had been instructed to fatally wound Andy, forcing her emergence as an energy vampire in her mother's own image.*

And what other living soul was there to feed on but Andy's new girlfriend, Zari?

*Yes, this is actually part of Selene's established power-set - she can turn other people into energy vampires

Bar Sinister...

The Sinisters clearly didn't want to answer Jack's question as to what was precisely wrong with Renegade - and some of them were better at hiding it than others. One of them looked obviously guilty, the others seeming relatively innocent - or at least, not responsible. "Oh, I'm sure she'll be fine with it - think of it as just a new spa treatment, replacing all the bad cells with clean, fresh new ones. New year, new you and all. And let's face it, Jackie, your mother hasn't exactly been taking the best care of her body anyways - I'm sure she'd appreciate a refresh."

"We can either make a complete copy of her psyche now, or you can wait till closer to when it happens. It doesn't really matter what happens once we've uploaded a copy into our databanks, though the closer to death of the original we are, the less of a gap there is," another Sinister said. "It's kinda like the save file of a game that way, if you think of it."

Hellfire Bay...

Renegade nodded. It was a decent walk from Hellfire Bay all the way back to her living quarters, as they were basically on other ends of the island. The island wasn't so incredibly large as to make it impossible to do or incredibly annoying - it really only took about 10 minutes when going at a brisk queer pace, longer if one wasn't. Fortunately, Renegade had a secret in order to speed up time. "Alright you two, I'm too lazy to do this at normal speed, so..."

Renegade focused, her eyes turning a vibrant shade of pink. A soft pink aura surrounded Miranda and Mongoose, as Renegade increased all of their kinetic energy. A walk that would've taken the group about 20 minutes or so was shortened down to only two. They would all feel the wind rushing in their hair and things would seem to almost blur around them, as they got a small taste of what life would be like at a speedster.

When they made it to the housing complex, Ellie returned their speeds to normal.

"Woah!!! Again, again, again!!!!" Mongoose cheered. "That was AWESOME!!!!"

Magda Eisenhard Memorial Housing Complex - Max's Room...

Pixie rolled her eyes slightly at Max dubbing the place she described Pixie Hollow. In her mind, she had been calling to Arbor Magna - she didn't really know why, it had just felt right to her. But she didn't share that name now with Max. She wasn't going to tell him what would or would not feel right to him. Plus, she figured it didn't really matter - a name was just a name sometimes. "If you want to go to a real Pixie Hollow, you should check out Otherworld - Roma Regina's kingdom is to die for," Pixie commented.

Marrow looked a bit unconvinced at Max's explanation - she hadn't known him very long, but everything her wife had told her about Max led her to believe that he was a walking gay disaster. She didn't know if he had the magic in him to pull off something this big, if his current skills seemed to max out at perfect soup. "Riiiight...." Marrow commented, a bit bitchy by nature. "Hopefully raising the dead is on the soup level, then."

"Alright, I trust you," Sunshine told Max with a noncommittal shrug. She was telling the truth though - she really did trust him. She hadn't always, but they had enough history together now that she couldn't help it. She would never admit it, but she liked his company and thought his antics were funny, and enjoyed being around him. She considered him to be her friend. "Boy Dazzler has a good point though - do you need anything? Maybe paper to draw more symbols on?" Sunshine asked Max.

"The tree isn't actually too far from here - it's almost in the dead center of the island," Pixie chimed in. "And don't worry, you can't offend me. And if you did, I'd hit you with my pixie dust~!"

Outside the Green Lagoon...

Most people on the island could be found at the Green Lagoon at any given moment, and it was near the Green Lagoon that Veil and Spark Plug ran into No-Girl aka Martha Johansson. The young telepath was a floating brain in a jar, a victim of a horrific crime perpetrated by humans a few years ago that cost her everything but her brain. She could communicate with others only telepathically.

"Sure, it's not like I'm doing anything..." Martha said with a bit of a sigh, her voice sounding in the minds of Veil and Spark Plug. Both girls would feel a slight pressure in their mind and then suddenly, they could feel themselves connected to James and Casper - like a conference call of sorts.

"James? Casper? We need to meet up with you both, Max needs you for a ritual... He's going to try to bring Ben back to life, and he needs you both for it to work... If it does, we could bring back anyone we had lost - no one would ever be taken away from us again" Veil pleaded.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Half-blood: Praetor Tent -> Big House
Skills: N/A

Nancy was glad to have Joanie with her as she walked to the Big House, to embark on this quest that she had no desire to be any part of, but that she knew if she was not there, it would end in failure. This group needed her to succeed, as much as Nancy wanted to prioritize her own wellbeing, she had the fate of the world and her friends to consider. She couldn't let Mads' sacrifice be in vain - she had to do her part, even if it meant facing her demons... if it meant facing that night again... that place again...

"Thanks," Nancy said, taking the bag of money from Rosie. Her stomach twisted as she thought of the Lotus Hotel again. Once they got there, they wouldn't need money anymore. The hotel saw that all of its 'guests' had unlimited funds. Nancy had left her Lotus Hotel and Casino card behind when the Romans rescued her and Mads from the hotel; she had an odd feeling that she'd be given back that same exact card when she returned. And that feeling of being sick returned to her stomach. She felt like she was about to puke or faint or collapse to the ground or both. There was a soft ringing sound in her ears and Nancy did her best to take deep breaths, to try to force the feeling to pass.

Zeke then joined them, handing Nancy another bag - she now had the money, her own bag, and now a bag of supplies from Zeke. Being Roman, Nancy didn't complain. She was well within her carrying capacity. "Actually, Joanie's in charge of the money," Nancy said, but her heart wasn't really in the joke. Zeke then lowered his voice, asking Nancy if she was sure she wanted to do this.

"Want has nothing to do with it. If I don't go, you'll fail. And I won't accept that. Rome won't accept it," Nancy replied quietly. "If you fail, then Mads will die for nothing," she then finished, her voice scarcely audible.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC Cab - Pier
Skills: Superhuman Speed, Sword-Fighting, Agility, Driving (Car)

To Leda, the taxi ride was going to feel like it'd take a small eternity anyways. It was one of the downsides of being a speedster - the world seemed to go in slow motion most of the time. It was probably part of why Leda loved going on quests - those moments where the adrenaline in her body spiked, when she could focus on slaying monsters, it didn't bother her as much how slow everything else seemed to be. This happened to be one of those moments. Leda, being a young female, was always paying attention to the cabbie during a drive. She didn't like one bit the creepy smile on his face - or the fact that he was clearly about to drive them inside a larger truck to kidnap them. Or the fact that the Mist was concealing his true form - a fucking cyclops.

"Oh Hades no," Leda commented, tugging her necklace off faster than the eye could see. Her necklace transformed into her glowing celestial bronze sword, Ultraviolet, shimmering a faint shade of red. She didn't spend the time to think about what would happen with the car. No, instead she stabbed through the seat, wounding the cyclops. Leda continued to move at superspeeds, stabbing again and this time turning the driver into confetti. "'Scuse me, luvs," Leda said, as the car began to swerve out of control. She awkwardly climbed her way on over the seats, dropping herself down into the driver's seat that was still covered in monster dust, and taking control of the vehicle.

Luckily, Leda knew how to drive.

She turned the wheel sharply, going away from the creepy truck, and instead taking them the rest of the way to the pier, where she stopped the car. "Okay, everyone out! First monster of the quest already, 'course it had to be a fucking cyclops, when is it not a cyclops?"

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan had to stop herself from snorting, when the Council then added that they would more or less be dealing with Hook on their own. It sounded like the reinforcements they'd be receiving would be fairly minimal. Megan hadn't been expecting that, but then again, she didn't have a favorable view of most government officials. She figured that they were all either corrupt or incompetent, so them being sent off to more or less take care of Hook by themselves? That wasn't ultimately shocking.

The group left the room and then returned to the throne room, where Eric spread out a map and pointed out the island Hook was operating from - Neverland. "If he's on Neverland, can't we just... ask Peter Pan and the Lost Boys to handle him?" Megan asked. Everything seemed to exist here, so she assumed that Peter Pan did as well. She did however hope that no one was singing racist songs about indigenous people there, that was something that could stay within the realm of a horrible racist choice made by Disney (one of many).
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

"Ten minutes should be suffice. The fate of the world can change in a matter of seconds," Jade said pointedly. She knew that Thalia must've been nervous, but there was no point in dreading what was to come. The fact of the matter was that Thalia had one of the most useful power sets present. Not only could she scout ahead in 10 minute increments, she could wind back time and allow them to regain precious seconds - enough time to perhaps avert the impending nuclear apocalypse and save millions of lives. They didn't really need Thalia to be able to go back minutes - just a few seconds would be enough.

"Dusk should be fine - provided Magneto doesn't decide to end the world beforehand," Jade then commented. As far as she knew, Magneto had yet to do a full scale assault on the surviving X-Men in the tunnels. However, they also had never done a full scale assault on Magneto before; anything was possible. There was an eastern wind flowing through the air, beckoning change and doom. Jade just didn't know who for.

Guin didn't have any objections with anything being said. She was fine working with Cass and Mary - she trusted both of them. The black cloud of depression and trauma though was ever present in her mind. Cass and Mary were both strong and powerful; Guin wasn't someone capable of brute force, she had to either steal someone's body or find a way to use her wits in order to fight. It also wasn't lost on her that she could be killed so easily, without anyone to look after her body. But Guin didn't care if she died at this point. She was so so incredibly tired.

"Yeah, that all sounds fucking peachy to me," Guin said nonchalantly. She looked briefly at those she had suffered through this nightmare with, wondering if she would see them alive again after this. She knew that her odds of making it through this were pretty slim. She wondered if Pietro would be okay without her - if he would be fine when she was dead and gone.


EARTH 257 - 8:00 PM Nov. 14th, 2021 - Genosha

The Waiting Grove -

Raynor couldn't help but be surprised as Sparky reached out and took his hand. He didn't reject the gesture, instead giving her a comforting squeeze. He was incredibly exhausted from everything that was happening and while it had seemed like a good idea to push Sparky away from him to keep her safe, he didn't have the mental drive to continue with that sort of behavior. He just wanted to keep her safe no matter what; and hurting her emotionally wasn't exactly going to accomplish that. He felt a bit sheepish. He definitely owed her a million apologies, if not more than that.

Bob Banner also looked considerably nervous. He had hoped that he'd be reunited with his kid one day, but that didn't mean he knew what to do or what to say here. He had sent her to another reality where she could have a chance at a normal life, where she wouldn't be endangered for being the child of the Hulk, where no one would want to hunt her. But he hadn't been able to make the trip with her. He hadn't been able to be there for his kid, just hoping someone else could take care of her in his place. "I... I imagine you want an explanation," Bob said. "As to why I sent you away... It was for your protection. We were on the run from SWORD, they sent assassins and kidnappers and eventually, I didn't have much of a choice... It was long before Genosha decided to grant me refuge, so I sent you to another world so you could have a chance to grow up safe and happy - to be away from me and my... my baggage."

Flynn -

Hawkeye laughed slightly. "Damn, you must've really hit your head, Flynn. Go see Agent Chase, she's just down the hall," Hawkeye instructed. As if on queue, a light would flick on, shining directly at a doorway labeled medical towards the end of the hall. The sealed door continued to have something pounding up against it, and if Flynn listened in closely, he could hear what sounded like someone screaming, pleading to be let out.

And then suddenly, everything was quiet and still - the pounding and the shrieking stopped.

"You okay?" Hawkeye asked.

Bonnie -

The halls of the asylum were not empty - they were filled with people who Bonnie had known and lost. She instantly picked out Tinley amongst the walking dead, and Bonnie's stomach swirled with guilt. She didn't think about Tinley as often as she would have liked to - and each time her thoughts turned to their dead friend, Bonnie couldn't help but feel ashamed. They should have protected her better - they should have saved her. Across the hall from Tinley was Bonnie's dead husband, James.

Bonnie could see the owl up ahead, but she couldn't help herself. "James?" she called out softly, walking up to him.

He looked just like she remembered - right down to the fatal wounds that had stolen him from her. She reached out and gently cupped his hand in her own. "I've missed you so so much... I still love you, even now," she promised.

James took her hand. "Oh Bonnie..." he paused. He tossed her hand aside cruelly. "How could I ever love my unfaithful bitch of a wife?" he snapped. "How long was it till you went running into the arms of that OMEN boy? Was I even in the ground yet?!"

Amelia -

"Oh, I'm nobody important," Captain Marvel said, smiling slightly. "The real question is... Who are you?" she asked. She put down the movie she had been holding, before starting to browse through the shelves again. She picked up another one and looked at it, and Amelia was shocked to see her own face on the cover. Amelia glanced around the store and realized, to her horror and confusion, she was on the cover of every movie there.

They were all about her.

"Um, I'm Aero - or Amelia, if you're nasty - Avenger. Best damn pilot the world's ever seen and also an incredible air manipulator, like best in the biz, that's the sort of level that I'm on. But... I don't recall ever making a movie or something, all of these flicks are about me? That's fucking creepy as shit, mate. But... It is my head and all, so I s'pose this makes sense? If they're all about me... Then I guess these are my memories. Available for rental with a popcorn and a bit of candy thrown in if you have the right coupon..."

"Do you even want to watch these?" Captain Marvel asked, picking up one and grimacing slightly. "They don't all have a happy ending."

"Honestly... I think I like the way I am," Amelia said.

"Mm, good," Captain Marvel said. "Then you won't mind if I burn this place to the ground? Been needing to let off some steam."

Cass -

The stairs seemed to morph into something else, as Cass descended them. She didn't seem to be at the Triskelion anymore. Instead, it looked like she was in Stark Tower, still climbing down the staircase. But at the next landing, she would not be alone. A metal monstrosity awaited her. "Virginia, you have returned at last... I see your programming is intact," Ultron said, his voice strangely taunting despite being robotic and even.

"I need you to kill him for me," Ultron said, before motioning to his right. There, bound and gagged, was Agent Matt Moss. He had two black eyes, his face swollen and puffy. His shirt was ripped, exposing barely healed wounds and scars. "You can do that, can't you?"

Maria -

"This is freaky," the other Maria said, having followed Maria out into the hallway. The red glowing was continuing to grow stronger and stronger, just as Maria herself was beginning to fade more and more. The other Maria then paused for a moment, looking at her hands, before looking at Maria again. "I think you're dying," the other Maria said, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "I think I'm killing you."

The other Maria then lunged forward. She grabbed Maria by the neck and held her up, forcing her up against the wall. With contact, Maria was fading even more rapidly now - she fully looked like a ghost, rather than a real human. And the other Maria was seemingly becoming more and more real, more and more tangible. "Say goodbye, Maria."

Oliver -

Thanos chuckled, holding a gigantic double-bladed sword in his hand. Blood was smeared across his face - not his, it was never his. He walked closer to Oliver, without any trace of fear in him as to what the speedster might do. He simply didn't see Oliver, his prodigal son, as a threat; or at least, that was what Thanos wanted people to believe. For if he didn't see Oliver as a threat, then why unleash hell and fury all over a little prophecy that Thane would kill his father?

"The work that had to be done, child," Thanos said confidently. "You cost these people their lives, hiding among them. I had no desire to kill these people. You forced my hand, Thane. Run and know that wherever I find you, I will burn it to the ground again. The choice is yours."

Niah -

The Niah didn't let go. The other Niahs turned and started to stare at the pair, but they weren't moving just yet. "Why do you get to be the one that's real?" the Niah continued, tightening her grip. Even though this was all inside of Niah's head, it would feel incredibly real. "I fought against Ultron, I watched my friends die, I lost the woman I love.... And it meant nothing... My pain is the only thing that remains. Your friends... They're cheap copies of the people I LOVE!" the Niah raised her voice, screaming now.


Matt -

"Dad, what are you doing?"

When Matt turned around, he would see that he wasn't alone after all. There was a young boy standing behind him, looking maybe twelve or so years old - somewhere around middle school or late elementary. He had curly black hair and intelligent eyes. He wasn't dressed to be on a submarine, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and khakis.

The cracks continued to form on the walls of the glass, but now Matt could also see what was causing them. Every minute, in a sort of rhythmic beat, a tentacle would appear and slam against the submarine, threatening to crack the vessel open like an egg.
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