Avatar of Morose


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Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

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In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

Jade nodded, following along as Edus scooped up the bodies into a bubble and placed them inside an abandoned room. She agreed with the need to be cautious, although the cynic in her could not help but assume that the others would alert the Brotherhood to their presence here quickly enough. Still, the sloppiness of other groups was no reason why they had to behave similarly. "Smashing," Jade said quietly in praise, before poking her head outside the room slowly, just in case.

There didn't seem to be anyone out there - the coast was still clear. Jade quietly and carefully crept along the length of the hallway, her angel blade at the ready to stab anything that moved, be it friend or foe, she wasn't taking any chances. As she moved further along, she heard voices and Jade slowed down. There were three unique voices, and she held up three fingers, so that way Edus and Thalia would instantly know how much they were dealing with. Fortunately, the voices were becoming more distant, rather than closer - the group was walking away from them, not towards them.

Meanwhile, Guin watched as Mary opened up one of the vents and got ready to enact her portion of the plan. For the moment then, she and Cass were in a holding pattern. If someone came along and surprised Mary, they'd have to fight like hell to make sure that Mary had time to do her weird plant magic thing. A part of Guin hoped that no one would come through that door - but another part of her did. There was a part of her that planned on going out today, on this being her final stand. Even if they defeated Magneto, Guin didn't know what was really left for her - she didn't have any plans or ambitions beyond this.

"'Course, it's what I'm good at," Guin said back to Cass in a hushed tone, forcing a smile. She really did wish that her mutation was something that let her punch a little harder - something that she could've used to save her family, to save her father. She tried not to dwell on it, but she knew she was the weakest link of the X-Men. Even Carolina who had a similar power didn't have to worry about someone running around with her body - she just became unconscious. It was better than what Guin did, handing the keys of her body over to some stranger.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Skills: N/A

Nancy appreciated her friends not really pressing her about why she wasn't into the idea of a fancy hotel - of course, it was because they both knew exactly why, but she appreciated their compassion anyways. Not everyone in the world would've been so kind. "Rad - we love a charged phone," Nancy commented, impressed that Mads found a phone and that it was working. "Still, it's so tiny... How does that even work?" she had to ask. She was used to the phones of the 80's - giant bricks that people hauled around, that or a normal landline phone that you twisted your fingers around its spiraling cord while you were on the phone.

She also didn't really understand the internet very much. They had had the internet in the Lotus Hotel, to be sure, but Nancy had never really done much with the computers. She had pretty much stayed with the technology of the 80's in the options available there. The fancy little books with their light up screens confused her - the computers she knew were gigantic, practically took up an entire room.

Luke did indeed block Kitty's attack - there wasn't anything shameful in the fact that her blow didn't land, hardly anyone had been able to land an attack on Luke in the last few years. There was a reason that Chiron allowed him to more or less take over sword instruction at the Camp - and it wasn't just purely a staffing shortage solution. "You're telegraphing, Adalhard. I know where you're swinging your sword before you've even done it. Now come on, swing at me again," Luke coached - all with a stupidly charming smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Lorna was alternating between hopping over the hurdles and crawling underneath them. Her sword arm was beginning to ache ever so slightly - they had been going pretty hard at training with their other activities earlier that day, and she was beginning to feel the slight pinpricks of exhaustion. But Lorna wasn't about to quit. It wasn't even so much that she wanted to win the prize, she just liked winning in general - and pushing herself harder and harder, finding out the extent of what she could really do. She cleared that portion of the obstacle course, and now found herself face to face with a series of balance beams.

Guin Stark

Location: the Mansion
Skills: Telepathy

Love it, so we're doing some Batman style worst case scenario preps Guin whispered back into Pietro's mind. She closed the case and carried her suit off of the ship, coming back out to see the others. She got back just in time to catch Edus and Annie's explanations on how to stop themselves. Some days, Guin would've probably just jokingly (and somewhat vulnerably) said that her counterpart could just be taken out with a good punch to the face, lacking real discipline as a telepath. Today, that was especially tempting for her to say, particularly as the Guin of this world was a prisoner of the Brotherhood.

"Don't let my counterpart near any sort of tech," Guin settled on. "And if you don't have good psychic defenses, just think of an annoying song on loop. It'll probably drive her crazy. Or crazier," Guin suggested with a shrug. Part of her did hope, deep down, that she might be able to help her counterpart from this world. But she also had to wonder how much of Guin Stark was really left here - and if helping her might just be putting her out of her misery.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Mansion
Skills: N/A

Runa paused for a moment. She did trust these people - but at the same time, she did not like the idea of sharing all of her weaknesses. Of course, most of them had fought her before and already knew how to handle her. There was not really anything that she had to fear. She considered protesting that her counterpart was nowhere to be seen so far, and that it would not be needed. But Runa instead bit her lip slightly, before speaking. "If you are attacked by my counterpart, you would be best served by removing her tongue," Runa said bluntly. "Touch her staff and the enchantment will cause you to bleed from your eyes and ears, as you will be judged unworthy by the talisman."

"Should you separate her from the staff, you will need to remove her hands - so she may not call it to her," Runa continued. "Her powers over darkness can be mediated through Lance's light, but if he is in his other form, that may not be an option. Bethenny may be able to dispel some of her darkness with some effort." She then hesitated for a moment, before finishing. "Do not allow her to utter a spell. Do not allow her to cast. I know that I am not invincible, but she may be... Yet to be truthful, I do not think we will encounter her. There's been no sign of another Runa given to us so far."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan raised an eyebrow at the friendly crocodile who brushed up against her and Jack's legs as they got out of the carriage and onto the shore. She knelt down for a moment and gave the crocodile some affectionate scratches on the top of the head, the way that she could show affection to a cat. The crocodile seemed to be following the Disney rules about animals being cute anyways, and for something as vicious as a crocodile, Megan couldn't help but be a fan. "I'll give you more pets for each pirate you rip apart, okay?" Megan promised with a slight smile.

She then stood back up straight, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. Recon made sense to do next. It was something Megan didn't have much experience with, but she supposed you didn't really need experience to look out for trouble. And if things got into a fight... Well, she was feeling confident. Sure, excalibur wasn't a rapier but she had been doing well with the sword so far. She wasn't doubting herself.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't know whether to roll her eyes or sigh as Demetri continued to transform, before ending as a tiny cat. He certainly was a drama queen. Her eyes darted over towards Zeke - she assumed that he probably just liked chaos then, in order to be with someone like that. But beyond that, Nancy didn't really give Demetri and his situation much thought. They were going to get on a train to the worst place in the world, his problems were small and insignificant in comparison.

No one seemed to be making a move towards getting them tickets, so Nancy took it upon herself and she headed on up to the ticket counter, Joanie perched on her shoulders. She guessed that people probably thought Joanie was a dog or a cat or a bird or something. Looking at the schedule and the pricing, there was a train that would get them all the way to Vegas - and for the entire group, it would be $316. Nancy returned to the group. "Cough up some cash everyone, we need $316 for all of us to get to Vegas," Nancy informed them. "Maybe you could turn your hair into money next," she suggested to Demetri.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: Rainbow Manipulation

Leda paused for a moment, thinking about what exactly they were going to do with the kids. She felt impatient at the idea of having to go back to camp to drop them all off. But she also knew that they couldn't just walk off and leave these kids to whatever the Fates had in store. She had a feeling that Hercules might end up showing up again anyways, he seemed to be somewhat attached to her. "Well, we can't just leave 'em here on their own - I'll give Argus a call, ask him to come pick them up," Leda said. It seemed like a good compromise - they wouldn't have to head back to camp, but they also didn't just abandon the kids.

Leda held out her hand, making a glowing beam of rainbow light stretch out in front of her. She then tossed a drachma into the light. "Oh Mum, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering," Leda said. "Argus, Camp Half-blood please," Leda finished. The drachma vanished and in the rainbow a figure emerged. Leda grinned, happy to see at least this wouldn't be complicated. "Hey, we got a gaggle of demigods here in need of a pick-up - and a cyclops, but he's chill. Would you mind coming and fetching them, so we can continue with our quest?"

The first obstacle that they had to overcome was rather tame - it was a grid of sorts of tires, requiring people to sort of hop from foot to foot on the interior of the tire. The biggest danger was tripping from not moving your feet correctly, which would likely cause you to drop your sword - or risk impaling yourself or someone near you. After the initial rush, about three campers were out of the running for the prize, having fallen and let go of their sword. Lorna rushed in with the first group, bringing her knees up high as she ran through the tire grid, only to have one of the tripped campers slam into her, knocking Lorna to the ground. Her head hit the rim of one of the tires, but to her credit, she didn't drop her sword.

"You okay, Meyers?" Luke called out.

Lorna gave him a thumbs up, hopping back up to her feet. She'd probably have more than a few bruises from this. "All good, boss man!" she said, before making her way to the second obstacle - a series of hurdles that they had to alternate jumping and climbing over.

"C'mon, Adalhard, let's pick up the pace!" Luke teased, shooting Kitty an award winning smile. He paused for a moment, before extending his sword and pointing it at her. She'd have to spar with him now before moving forward. "Your move, Kitty," he then said, allowing her to have the first blow. "If you think you can hit me, that is."


EARTH 257 - 8:00 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Genosha

Bob Banner's Home -

The next day at breakfast, the Secret Warriors + Darcy + Bob Banner were greeted by Genosha's head intelligence officer. Her name was Sage - she didn't offer her real name to them. A fair skinned Pakistani woman, she was dressed in a black jumpsuit with a yellow coat thrown on top, and a single green lens over her right eye. Once everyone had sat down, Sage set a device on the table and it projected a holographic image. There was no mistaking it - it was Doom and Luminous, animatedly arguing with each other. The eagle eyed members of the group would spot a key landmark in the background - the London eye. "An agent I have placed in the South Bank spotted them at 0700," Sage explained. "I won't waste your time talking though - speedsters are tricky to track, they could already be long gone by now, but maybe you'll find them - or at least something helpful. Manifold is outside and willing to transport you to London when you're all ready."

Bonnie studied the projection. It was a continuous loop of about thirty seconds. Luminous and Doom were both in street clothes, although Doom's mask still gave him away, as he refused to show his scarred face. Luminous, however, could've looked like an ordinary person - a college student in a rebellious stage, dying her hair shock white. No one else was with them in the footage. And she didn't see any signs of injury to either of them.

Admittedly, Bonnie didn't know what she was looking for - some sort of clue, a sign maybe that would explain what those two were up to? There wasn't any sheet of paper with an obvious plan scribbled out on it, there weren't any henchman that she could see nearby, there was nothing to go off of. The only thing they knew was that things were tense between Doom and Luminous - and that was good. A divided enemy was always easier to face than a united one. "Thank you, Sage. This is helpful. And hopefully we'll be out of your hair soon," Bonnie said, before rising from her seat. She was ready to go.

When Amelia studied the projection, she got pretty much nothing out of it. It looked like Luminous and Doom, but she missed the landmarks in the background, so focused on looking at the foreground. However, Sage seemed like an operations type - and her life in the Blue told her that Sage was an expert spy - so she trusted her to know what was going on here. If Sage said they had to go to London, then they had to go to London. "Right then. Let's get a move on, shall we? Don't s'pose you have any inhibitors lying around - reckon those aren't looked on too kindly here, eh?"

Sage gave Amelia a thin lipped smile, before tossing a small box the size of a match box. "They are illegal. But I do have them. And now you have two. For someone of Doom and Luminous' strength... They'll last for an hour at most, maybe much less."

"Rad. Thanks, mate," Amelia said, catching the box. She opened up the box, revealing three tiny syringes, loaded with a clear and colorless substance. Amelia couldn't help but be slightly disappointed - she had hoped they would be glowing green. In her mind, all the best science-y things glowed green and looked ominous. This could've just been loaded with water for all she knew.

"Sparky..." Raynor said, looking at his leman :P for a second. "Is there any way I could convince you to stay here with your father? If something happens, Zari will need you - more than she would need me," Raynor pleaded. He wasn't going to push beyond this though. He knew that it was pointless to argue with Sparky and usually ended up in her shocking him with her powers, something that was irritating to no end. He knew people would complain if he had been the one shocking her, but it seemed like it was fair game for her to shock him all the time.

"I'd be happy to have you," Bob said, looking at Sparky.

"We could do a science montage!" Darcy enticed. "Ooor you could go be a superhero, which is also chill."

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 9:30 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

Mutant Underground Table -

"Aww, you flatter me, darling," Selene cooed at Jack. Of course, anyone with a functioning gay-dar would likely pick up on the fact that Selene wasn't flirting with Jack. No, they would realize that Selene was a hyper femme lesbian. Men were snacks to her, whereas women were something she could really sink her fangs into. (No, Selene does not actually have fangs - although many people swear up and down that she does...) Of course, if Andy's gay-dar is functioning, that would likely only inspire more questions around the circumstances of her birth and apparent abandonment by Selene.

Case in point, Selene was smirking at Zarina as if the little Valkyrie was something to devour. "Zarina, dear, would you share with the others what leman means? It appears they lack your sophistication," Selene baited. She then turned her attention to Echo's second question, pondering it with due consideration. "Well, pancakes I adore, as they mimic one of the finer features of the female form - when the topping is placed correctly, biting it off is like playing with a nipple," Selene said matter of factly, as if teaching a class, "And I do like a spot of French toast - that or an actual Frenchman, I'm not picky. So I suppose waffles will have to be the one to go, then."

Casper audibly gasped. He had been really digging Selene's style moments ago, but to hear her DESECRATE THE MOST HOLY OF FOODS?! That couldn't stand. "Waffles? You would get rid of WAFFLES?!" Casper blurted, acting like Selene had just said she would kill his brother or a beloved pet. If Casper could eat nothing else but waffles for the rest of his life, he would be content and not even protest; he was a kindred spirit with Leslie Knope in that regard.

Meanwhile, Sunshine was doing her best not to burst out laughing too hard at Selene's antics, resulting in Marrow looking at her with concern as Sunshine shook, crying ever so slightly. "I'm sorry, this is just... This is too iconic, I can't," Sunshine apologized, her face red - probably from alcohol and not embarrassment. She was really doing her best to contain the giggles, but she ended up snickering regardless. "I think I might have to stan."

Marrow rolled her eyes. She could see that this crazy evil lesbian witch aesthetic was really working for her wife, and she wasn't going to begrudge her that, but she found Selene to be annoying personally. She didn't even know if Selene realized how campy she was being.

"Are you having a stroke, child? What is... this... STAN?" Selene asked, serious as the grave.

"Oh, I know this one - it's really simple, it's like how people who were crazy for things used to be called fans, but now everyone uses fan, so now the super crazy fans are stans - but also, it's kinda like saying that you HAVE to support something even against your will, like how we have to breathe in order to live, you're forced to stan someone just in order to be alive," Casper explained. "Like there's at least ten Real Housewives who are totally terrible people, but I just have to stan Ramona. I can't help it."

David looked at Echo for a moment. He couldn't help but think they should've gone off with the group that went to go and get drinks. This was... a lot. "How drunk do you think they all are, on a scale of one to ten?" he asked his date softly, before grinning.

Shi'Ar Bartender Set-Up

Ben's heart did summersaults and a few flips as Max's hand brushed his - his touch felt electric. It had been so long since he had felt the touch of another person, so long since he had been able to want someone who might want him back. And poor Ben felt so incredibly rusty when it came to flirting. The irritated edge he had had earlier when people were pestering him about what it was like to be alive again was gone, replaced with something between anxiousness and desire. "I'd like to see your tongue," Ben muttered, internally cringing the instant he said it - but he didn't regret it either. He had been a ghost for almost two decades and he was lonely. He realized he hadn't answered Max's question, but Ben waited - waited to see how Max would react.

"It's right over here," Veil said, once they had made it over to a crowded booth where a small crew of bartenders were preparing drinks for a lengthy line. There weren't any drinks left unattended for just anyone to drag, as even in utopia people were wary about date rape drugs and whatnot. Taped to the tablecloth was blowouts of the drink menu, all including things with ingredients and flavors not known to this galaxy. Veil didn't care that her tongue had gotten stained - as long as it didn't last too far into the next day, it wasn't anything to worry about.

Veil noticed someone else getting into the drink line though - one of the quieter Quiet Council members, Moneta. Moneta always reminded her of Winona Ryder, to the extent that Veil was suspicious that she might've been a mutant clone of the actress or something. Veil stepped into line behind Moneta, her hands shoved into her pockets. "Enjoying the gala, Moneta?" Veil asked. "You look like you could use a stiff drink," she then added bluntly. There was something off about Moneta - something wrong.
Later that afternoon, the Hermes Cabin had assembled at the arena - well, the Hermes Cabin and Kitty. Luke was one of the best swordsmen that Chiron had seen in years, meaning that he would be running this session. Ordinarily, Luke would have straw dummies out for everyone to practice hacking away at, as he called out different blows and blocks he wanted each sword fighter to perform. Then at the end, he'd let people do some 1v1's. But today, he clearly had something different in mind.

"Holy shit..." Lorna murmured, her eyes going wide with amazement. She didn't know how Luke had pulled it off, but the arena had been transformed into an elaborate obstacle course. There were sections where you would have to hop from stone to stone, to avoid falling into what looked ominously like lava. In other places, straw dummies dangled like punching bags, swaying from side to side. There were balance beams and hurdles and more that Lorna just wasn't able to take in all at once.

"Alright, campers!" Luke shouted, calling over everyone's attention. "Today, you'll be running the obstacle course with your swords in hand. If you drop your sword, you're out. The first four campers to finish the course get one of these," Luke paused, pointing towards four overstuffed bags from the camp store, no doubt filled with candy and other goodies. "Oh, and I'll be coming around and fighting you at varying points," he added, chuckling slightly, "just to make things challenging."
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