Avatar of Morose


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2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts


EARTH 257 - 6:20 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - London, England

Jubilee Park and Garden -

The park was crowded despite the early hour - while on Earth-666 November 15th was an ordinary day, in Earth-257 it was a national holiday for the United Kingdom. Like how Queen Betsy was half-fae, November 15th's was Queen Aoife's Day. According to legend, Queen Aoife had cursed her children, transforming them into swans. The curse was broken by the morning light on the fifteenth day of November. Local superstition then held that to prevent children from being cursed by the fae, or to remove curses they already had, children needed to be outside at first light and remain outside until sunset this day each year.

The next thing Maria knew, after taunting Doom, she was being punched in the stomach - hard. Luminous didn't seem to have moved, the entire action happening within the blink of an eye. Maria would be sent flying backwards, hitting the ground and skidding. A group of school children screamed, and parents started frantically looking for their kids, cups of coffee being abandoned and dropped left and right. It was complete chaos now, people screaming and pushing and trampling each other in an effort to get out of the park. Someone was going to get crushed - or worse.

"Doom does not die," Doom vowed, before whispering a spell under his breath. On the second repetition, it took effect. In a perfect circle surrounding him, with a radius of about six feet, all of the grass and other plant life died. And Doom rose to his feet, his wounds instantly healed, stronger than ever. "And Doom does nothing the 'easy way,'" he stressed.

Doom began to recite another spell, only to be knocked to the ground by a blast of light. Raynor rushed forward, ready to pummel Doom, only to suddenly get punched in the neck by something moving faster than the eye could see. Choking and unable to speak, having taken immense damage to his throat, Raynor crashed into a tree. The autumn leaves all instantly fell off of their branches, gently falling on top of Raynor.

"Служи ме, Gargantos!" Doom shouted, and the air pulsed with mystical energy. The ground in front of them cracked open, sending those who hadn't been knocked over yet falling onto their asses, as it spit out a gigantic demon. The demon was a glowing red eye with multiple tentacles - Gargantos.

Doom then said some hurried words to Luminous in Latverian, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them were gone. And Gargantos, the demon, began to attack the innocent bystanders, ripping up trees and chucking them at small children without mercy.

"For those of you playing along at home, he told Luminous to take him to the Nexus - whatever the hell that is!" Raynor shouted above the chaos. It was hard to hear with all of the screaming of innocent people. Raynor sent off a blast of pure light, aimed at the giant demonic eyeball - the eyeball was forced to close its eyelid, but ultimately, that only made things worse - the throws of trees got more random and sporadic, making everything more dangerous for the fleeing citizens.

"Don't blind it, it'll only hurt more people!" Bonnie shouted over the chaos. "We need to evacuate civilians and kill it. Flynn, what do you know about demonic eyeballs?" He had worked for a fascist organization bent on destroying magical creatures - and had already proved himself on their adventures when it came to facing demons and whatnot. If anyone knew what to do here, it would be him... assuming it was their Flynn behind those eyes, and not someone else.

"Maybe it's time to start doing things!" Amelia shouted, before taking up into the air as effortlessly as breathing. It was a new skill she had been taught thanks to her merge with Aero, the Amelia of Earth-257. She defied gravity as she sent blasts of wind, blowing trees off course and out of the way of civilians wherever she could, but she couldn't be everywhere at once. Unless the team acted at once, people were going to die - children were going to die.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy looked at Cassian in confusion, completely perplexed by what the son of Bacchus was trying to do. Was he trying to play his flute for money? That would take hours if they were lucky - and she didn't have much confidence that he would be particularly good. Besides, if anyone were to perform for money, Nancy figured it ought to have been her. Not tarot readings though - never that - even if she knew she could likely make money quickly that way. The less she used her curse, the better. She shook her head slightly at Cassian, before turning her attention to Demetri, who was now human - and looking rather male.

Everyone was coughing up cash, and it looked like they might actually get enough for all of the tickets that they needed. However, before Nancy could contribute her own sad little crumpled up bills to the fund, the ginger - not Mary, Nancy was almost certain her name was Janelle by now - went up to the counter and slapped down a card as if she were the Queen of Scots. "Oh no, I guess Cassian doesn't get to perform after all," Nancy said dryly, before handing everyone back their cash. She looked at Janelle thankfully for that.

Still though, she was a little curious as to how Janelle had that sort of money - but Nancy wasn't going to pry. People had their secrets and their pasts - and Nancy wasn't about to go looking into other's when she wanted her own left well enough alone.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

Leda stopped generating a rainbow as Argus ended the message. She was pretty chuffed that Argus was going to go pick up all of the demigods they had saved (and Hercules). It wasn't that she didn't care about what happened to them, but she did want to get on with the quest. Before she could say anything though, the ground opened up and Furies grabbed Arthur, merely explaining that Hades wanted to see his son, before the hole closed and it was as if nothing had happened.

Leda blinked. It wasn't often that something happened so quickly that she couldn't react to it. But there was a first time for everything. "Huh... That's... Well, that's piss poor timing," Leda said with a sigh. "I would say we should wait here for him, but I doubt Hades'll let his son back onto this quest. He's rather protective of his kids," Leda explained. She couldn't entirely blame him though - Arthur's sister had died not too long ago. And this quest was incredibly dangerous. "We can keep moving, if Hades decides to let Arthur back, he'll hopefully send him to wherever we are - and not back right here specifically."

Guin Stark

Location: the Mansion -> Woods
Skills: Telepathy

Guin had already grabbed what she needed from the ship - her suit. A small part of her was afraid to bring it with her, afraid that Magneto might try to use it against her. But she also knew that wearing the ship would give her a huge boost in terms of power - one that they might need to secure the MacGuffin crystal. So despite her better judgment, Guin kept the damaged case containing her suit with her. Hopefully Magneto wouldn't personally show up to get the crystal anyways - that felt like something he'd have his lackeys do. "Let's go save the Legendary Silver Crystal and our princess, then," Guin quipped, before going through Strange's sling ring portal.

In the woods, Guin paused for a moment, using her telepathy to reach out into the nearby area. She didn't hear anyone there besides them. "Looks like the Hellfire Club and the Brotherhood haven't showed up to crash the party yet, so we should try to be as quick as we can," Guin advised. "Maybe instead of splitting up, we have Pietro run through the woods and canvas them quickly. He can do it faster alone than any of us could." And hopefully, they could then just grab the MacGuffin and get out of there - though Guin suspected it likely would not be that easy...

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Mansion -> the Woods
Skills: N/A

Runa had her belongings that she needed, and she quietly stepped through the sling ring portal. She was doing her best to focus on the task at hand, rather than worry more about Lance's psyche and whether he would ever truly return to her. It was a little easier to keep her mind off of it once she had the M'Kraan crystal to think about. She almost wished for a good fight with the Hellfire Club and the Brotherhood, if only for the distraction that violence would afford. But at least for the moment, it seemed that they were alone.

"It is not a bad idea to have Pietro quickly scout, but I feel we should send off groups as well - just so as to not place all of our hopes in one speedster," Runa counseled. "Particularly when the other Quicksilver could arrive at any moment - and cause chaos for ours and our plans."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't mind the closeness of the crocodile - it was rather adorable, and the fact that it could easily kill her yet chose not to only made her most interested in the creature. She waved the crocodile off slightly though, as they had to head deeper into the woods in order to scout out ahead and figure out their plan of attack. Megan was a bit surprised to see that they would be the ones in the scouting party - not that she minded, but in most stories, the scouts tended to be unnamed characters. But then again, this seemed to be a different genre of story than the ones she was thinking about.

As they walked into the woods, Megan heard the sound of birds nearby - and what seemed to be the chittering of monkeys. She was mostly concerned about snakes and other venomous creatures. While it would be a fascinating death, she was not planning on venturing to the underworld - not today, at least. So she continued to make her way through the brush, keeping her eyes open for anything out of place.
"Ooo, nice - we have to go to crafts, bet Dad'll be happy to have another load of father's day gifts made in advance," Lorna said with a chuckle. Being one of Hermes' kids, you had to get used to the idea that there was always going to be someone else around vying for Dad's attention. It wasn't like the smaller cabins that only had a few campers - hell, the Hermes Cabin made the other cabins look small. Her father always got loads of offerings at meals, simply because he had the numbers for it.

She glanced on over, seeing the Southern Belle walking on up to them. Lorna immediately felt a bit subconscious, rubbing the back of her neck. She was always fine around boys, but some girls... They just made her thoughts get a bit scrambled. And everything she seemed to do was somehow embarrassing. "Oh, hey Fable!" Lorna said, before immediately feeling like she had been too loud and regretting it. "And y-yeah, guess I did - they're like souvenirs at this point. Battle scars and all," Lorna continued. "And it's how you know I'm not an impostor - if I don't have any bruises, then it isn't really me."
Lorna picked herself up, rubbing her wrists a bit to relieve some of the pain. It didn't hurt too much - the spots she had scrapped hadn't begun to sting quite yet, but she figured they would soon and she could deal with it. She made her way on over to Kitty and then plopped down on the bench beside her friend. "Definitely next time, I can feel it," Lorna promised. She tended to say this just about every time. Somehow, her optimism was almost eternal. But truthfully, it was just fueled by the genuine fun she had when it came to athletic activities. Case in point, she wasn't nearly as optimistic about her ability to remember all the myths and legends.

"What do you have next, after this?" Lorna asked. "Any free periods?" They did have some free time scheduled throughout the days at camp, allowing people time to catch up with their friends and just cool down after activities. Lorna knew that the Hermes Cabin was scheduled to go to crafts later that day in the session before dinner, but that they had a little time that was unstructured in between swordfighting and that.
Luke was on Kitty within a minute or two of her fall - he had been in the middle of sparring one of the kids closer to the end of the obstacle course, but he quickly abandoned that. Truthfully, he had been doing this for any camper he judged to have taken somewhat of a nasty fall. He knew that the course he had designed and the challenge to not drop one's sword was risky and dangerous - something that could easily send someone to the Big House where an Apollo camper or two might have to come assist with healing - but the life of a demigod was dangerous. He wasn't asking them to do anything that the gods wouldn't - and at least he was offering prizes. The gods didn't usually in his experience. "You okay, Kitty?" he asked, using her first name as he offered her a hand to help her get up.

Meanwhile, Lorna had neared the end of the course - she was one of the last five campers, putting her ever so close to winning one of the coveted rewards. She could practically taste victory and she became laser focused, going through the remaining obstacle with her sword in hand - only to not notice as one of her siblings subtly tripped her, sending Lorna flying towards the ground. She wiped out, scrapping up her knees and her wrists, and Lorna had been forced to let go of her sword to keep herself from getting a more serious injury. The other four Hermes Campers crossed the finish line. "Connards," Lorna muttered, a curse word from her native Canada that roughly translated to bastards.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 9:40 PM

Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

Mutant Underground Table -

Some might have been disappointed in Zari's lack of an answer, but Selene was eating all of this up. It was just so easy to make the girl blush and act all shy and embarrassed, which only made Selene want to mess with her even more. The power that a few words could have over the young Valkyrie was positively intoxicating. Selene had come over her to toy with her daughter, and she quickly found that the Valkyrie took such a light touch that Selene was becoming a little bit obsessed. "Aren't you just adorable?" Selene said with a sigh.

Sunshine raised an eyebrow, a little unsettled with the way Selene was looking at Zarina. She looked like she wanted to eat her. Sure, if Zarina had been a few years older it wouldn't have bothered Sunshine as much - even though she was fairly certain Selene was thirty going on a thousand years old. But Zari was basically still just a kid - and Selene was way too old for her. Sunshine pulled her wife's ear close and whispered to her - "if this gets weirder, we need to get her away from Zari."

Marrow nodded, keeping an eye on Selene. Psychic vampire witch or not, Marrow wasn't going to let her keep on bothering the little lesbian girl.

"What sorta questions, Jackie?" Casper asked. His attention had already pretty much moved on from Selene, and he was happy to hear any tea that Jack had to spill. James was right though - Jack was different now, behaving more like he used to back with the Mutant Underground. Of course, even back then Jack hadn't always been the most stable of people, but it had been Sinister's fault. As if right on cue, Casper spotted Sinister in the party, chatting away and laughing with people. He frowned slightly. He hoped this wasn't Sinister messing with Jack - again.

"I do have one question for you all - were this your last night in the world, what would you do?" Selene asked, rather seriously.

Sunshine frowned. This definitely felt weird - and somewhat loaded? She wasn't sure if this was Selene just making ominous small talk or if it was something more. "I'd probably have wild sex with my wife - duh," Sunshine said with a shrug, to which Marrow gave her a kiss on the forehead. "That or fight whatever stupid flatscans decided to end the world."

"Ditto - well, not the wife, since I'm happily with James and he isn't a wife by any meaning of the word - and also not the second thing, since I hate fighting and would rather be doing something fun, like watching reality TV or something or making waffles or doing more sex with bae," Casper answered. "Or playing with our son. Danny is such a cute little baby boy, he's soooo smoll and squishy and stinky but I love him."

Shi'Ar Bartender Set-Up

Veil's toes curled up slightly inside her shoes, and she couldn't help but smile a bit as Spark Plug brought up the girl she had been crushing on. She hadn't seen Aurora very much since the day of the massacre, and Veil hadn't really talked much about her feelings for Aurora. It felt wrong to be thinking about a hot girl on the day that 198 mutants had lost their lives during the attack. But still, that hadn't stopped Veil from scanning for Aurora in the crowd tonight, hoping that she could share a dance with her. "Maybe. Would be nice to have a walk of shame in the morning to do," Veil admitted to her friend, trying not to change her smile into a smirk.

Moneta seemed up for some conversation though, so Veil didn't say much more to Spark Plug about her feelings towards Aurora - or how much she'd very much like to have Aurora screaming her name later that evening. Or any evening, for that matter. "Yikes, gotta burn those receipts," Veil commiserated. She didn't want to pry too much as to what secrets Miranda was talking about, though she had a feeling it had to do with Magneto. Those two seemed pretty rocky. "And I'm doing good, about to be better once I get some more alcohol inside me."

They made it to the front of the line and Veil ordered a round of drinks for everyone, including Moneta. She got a few of the Gin Crimsons, the drink she had tried before, and then she got a few of something new that looked interesting called the Starjammer. The Starjammer somehow had what looked like swirling nebulae and stars inside of it, something Veil doubted could be done with any Earthly booze.


EARTH 257 - 8:10 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Genosha

Bob Banner's Home -

"I wouldn't die on you twice, babe," Raynor joked, trying to cut the slight tension. He had known Sparky would say this, but he had to try anyways. Truthfully, one or both of them should have retired from SHIELD the minute that baby Zarina came into being. He hated the idea that she was alone with no one to protect her - sure, baby Zari was with her Auntie Novikova and the West Coast Avengers, but that didn't matter. Raynor wanted to be there to protect his child. Zari and Sparky were the only people in the world who mattered. It was just the three of them - no more, no less.

Amelia snorted at Oliver's suggestion for a code word - skrull. "Love it. Probably too soon, but whatever, it's iconic and def what we should use," Amelia agreed. The entire skrull invasion had been less violent in the end than it could have been - sure, Maria killed the Empress, but who doesn't do that by accident? Everyone's been there - right? And Raynor hadn't actually been dead, he had just been off playing Sleeping Beauty in Asgard.

Bonnie rolled her eyes slightly. "Fine. Skrull it is." It was too bad that they didn't have a telepath in the group - once again, she felt the loss of Tinley and it pained her. She missed her friend. Not just because Tinley could've been immensely helpful in quickly identifying who was who, but also just because of how tragic her death had been. Tinley should've been there with all of them. Her stomach churned slightly - probably from the baby. "Let's roll out, then."

One request to the universe to distort later from Manifold...
EARTH 257 - 6:10 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - London, England

Jubilee Park and Garden -

Manifold dropped the group off in the middle of a public park, and handed Bonnie what looked like an ordinary phone, explaining that it could be used in an emergency to contact Genosha if they needed help. He then wished them luck, before disappearing as he asked the universe to fold space-time, returning himself back to Genosha.

For the Brits, they would recognize that they were in Jubilee Park. It looked pretty much as it did on Earth-666, their home - gorgeous rolling green grass, beautiful gardens, and the London Eye - a giant ferris wheel - just steps away. There were gigantic bits of wooden playground equipment, crawling with children monitored by adults sitting down on benches, watching. A few people turned to stare at the Secret Warriors, as they were dressed in loaned superhero style garb from Genosha, making them stand out - that and the fact that they had just appeared from nowhere.

The streetlights and whatnot throughout the park had banners hung on them, most resembling the flag - but others depicting Queen Elizabeth III. Those with memories of Earth-257 would recall that Queen Elizabeth III, or Queen Betsy as the common folk called her, was actually half fairy - the United Kingdom had a strong connection to the fae in this world.

"Huh... She looks familiar, like I could've sworn I've seen a pic of her before in the world we came from," Amelia said, tilting her head at the picture. "Course she's bloody Queen Betsy here, but I'm pretty sure the other world just has an old bitty with some corgis in charge. Definitely not with purple hair." Of course, Amelia's confusion was understandable - in Earth-666, Betsy Braddock had swapped bodies with a Hand assassin named Kwannon, meaning rather than looking like a white British girl, she appeared Asian.

"We need to focus - remember, Luminous and Doom were here not too long ago. If they've already run, someone should have seen them, maybe they'll have an idea as to where they are going," Bonnie suggested. She didn't pay Queen Betsy any mind. She didn't care about who the monarchy was in this world, unless that was going to somehow help them figure things out.

Bonnie didn't immediately notice Doom and Luminous - it was so crowded, they were difficult to spot without their costumes. But after focusing her mind, scanning her eyes rapidly over the crowd, Bonnie saw them. They were at the very base of the London eye now, not too far away from the queue that had formed to get on, and they were still arguing. "There," Bonnie said, getting everyone's attention. "Oliver, you've got Luminous."

Raynor could've waited for instructions.

Instead, he put his hands in his pockets and started nonchalantly walking over there. He was dressed in a black leather jumpsuit, hardly the most incognito of garb, but somehow, Luminous and Doom didn't notice him. He managed to get all the way into the queue, just about ten feet away from the two of them, enough that he could overhear their argument. Thankfully, he spoke the All-Tongue, meaning that he could instantly translate from Latverian -

{{"There is something in my head, Victor - we should abandon the Nexus and leave, while we still can!"}} Luminous urged.

{{"Nonsense. We've come this far, you can abandon this quest if you want, but not Doom,"}} Victor scolded.

{{"This is madness,"}} Luminous said, glaring at her companion. {{"What if we are erased - what happens to your newfound power then, hmm? The abilities of a god but trapped inside the mind of a helpless, confused buffoon."}}
"Why shouldn't I be smiling?" Luke teased. He was being genuinely playful with her, having no idea that she had a crush on him. She did an excellent attack towards his legs, forcing Luke to jump backwards rather than block with his sword. He didn't want to spend all of his time tormenting her though - there were plenty of others who needed to have a little bit of swordplay. "Alright, keep on moving - and stay on your toes," he warned, before turning his back on her and walking towards another camper to spar with.

Luke was about halfway in between the gap that had formed between Kitty and Lorna. Lorna was working on the balance beams, jumping from the end of one beam to the next, gripping onto her sword as if her life depended on it. She paused for a moment, glancing back and gave Kitty a thumbs up. "You can do it, Kitty!" Lorna cheered, doing her best to encourage her friend, before she went back to working on the obstacles.
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