Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

When they made their way down to the platform and Kristin found a spot to sit, Nancy opted instead for leaning up against the wall, watching. There would be plenty of time for sitting when they were on the train - that or pacing up and down the corridors, annoying everyone who was trying to just get to the restroom. Kristin was mentioning that apparently there was a Lord of the Rings movie - Nancy had tried reading the book as a kid and found it tediously dull. But she didn't chime in on the conversation here. She wasn't interested in joining the Greeks for a movie night and she wasn't concerned about feelings of togetherness.

As far as she was considered, that was a Greek problem. Camp Jupiter was all about belonging as a group, about using one's strengths to complement those of others, of taking down foes as a unit. Camp Half-blood was so focused on the individual that it was no wonder none of them could get along. She sighed slightly. She was going to have to carry the weight on this quest. She was going to have to face her deepest trauma because there was no one she trusted to be competent.

Nancy gave Joanie a pet, silently willing the train to arrive.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

Some people might've felt bad when they heard the sorrow in Hercules' voice, as Leda reminded him that she was not his mother. But Leda didn't feel bad at all. She was just relieved to hear that the cyclops wouldn't be calling her mummy anymore - it had already happened far too many times than she would have liked, and he had only done it once. Leda did not particularly like kids and she never wanted to have any of her own - and if somehow she changed her mind about that, she still wouldn't want to be a teenage mum. "Smashing. It sounds like we've got things figured out, and these kids seem fine, so let's go then?" Leda suggested.

They were basically at the pier anyways. Hercules would be able to breathe underwater, as would Kiera. And Leda trusted her girlfriend to keep her from drowning - hopefully Kiera could do something about the immense pressure at the ocean floor to keep Leda's eyeballs from popping out, but Leda figured they'd cross that bridge when they got to it. "We've been here for an eternity anyways, and it'll take just as long for Argus to come fetch the lot." Hopefully no monsters would be stupid and/or bold enough to try to attack the gaggle of demigods. At least, not within the next hour or so.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan nodded, listening to the plan. It made a certain amount of sense. The explosions would be brightly lit, and at night, that would be blinding to the pirates that they were attacking. If they could cause the explosions from a distance as well, they wouldn't have a similar issue. Once the dust settled, they could go in and pick off the survivors, either taking them as prisoners or sending them to their graves. It was practical and efficient. "Are we taking any prisoners?" Megan asked. She imagined the answer was no, but she wanted to hear it said.

The sort of fight they were planning reminded her somewhat of events that happened in a popular show, one that she had watched late at night (insomnia made it easy to keep up with popular shows). Fire never ended in anything other than a slaughter. She wondered if those sort of rules would hold here, in this fantasy land.


EARTH 257 - 6:40 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - London, England

Jubilee Park and Garden -

Gargantos was severely damaged - the demon would likely be forced to dematerialize and crawl back to whatever hell it had come from shortly. Matt went in to paralyze another tentacle, but his moves were sluggish. Not too long ago, that would've been a chance for the demon to fling him across the park, but due to Gargantos' injuries, it was the most the demon could do to just move its tentacle out of the way. Niah wasn't doing too bad a job at civilian herding - luckily, most of the park was evacuated by now, with some stragglers just at the edges.

Raynor nodded at Cass - he was grateful that she had helped, but his ego was a little bit wounded. Not to mention he was perpetually stressed ever since they had landed back in this universe. All he wanted was to be home with his baby girl, not here forced to confront the sins of his past. Everything he hated about himself, he had learned here. The only things in his life that had any meaning were from Earth!666 - his Sparky and his daughter.

He mustered up his strength and blasted light straight at Gargantos. The civilians were pretty much all evacuated now, so he didn't care. "Nice look," he grunted at Maria. His light beam crashed into Gargantos, the eyeball now bleeding what looked like black goop. It would only take about one hit more or so to send the demon packing.

"Has that happened before, mate?" Amelia called out, admittedly curious about Maria's demonic transformation. Gargantos didn't seem to have many working tentacles left - just one, really. She sent a gust of wind at Gargantos, but it didn't really seem to do much at all to the demon. The demon was more or less ignoring Amelia like a pest, screeching in pain and not really doing much at all to attack.

Amelia tried again to send a blast of wind fast and angled almost, so as to be cutting - this time, the air sliced through Gargantos' last tentacle, black blood oozing and dripping onto the street. The demon was completely vulnerable now. All it would take would be one good blow and the demon would be gone. "Someone want to finish this cunt?"

Bonnie was staying back and out of the way, assisting with the last few people who were having trouble fleeing Jubilee Park. She wasn't going to stop doing her job, she wasn't going to stop helping people, but she also wasn't stupid. She knew that Gargantos could have killed her with one of its tentacles - and she anticipated that the eyeball probably had ways to fight without its tentacles anyways. But more importantly, she wasn't the only one her body was keeping alive at the moment.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 10:10 PM

The Quiet Council of Genosha

Autumn Table:
Magneto - Omega Level Mutant, Master of Magnetism
Reeva Payge - Disorienting, Hallucinatory Sonic Scream
SELENE! - Psychic Vampire-Witch, Dark Priestess of Rome, Demonic Huntress, Goddess of the Moon, the First One, Mother of All Mutants

Summer Table:
Veil - Invisibility and Force Fields
Caduceus - Omega Level Mutant, Healing and Adaptation
Spark Plug - Electrokinesis, Empathy, Weather Manipulation

Spring Table:
Esme Frost - Telepathy, Psychic Host of Emma Frost & the Dead Cuckoos
Polaris - Mistress of Magnetism
Moneta - Retrocognition and Holographic Projection

Winter Table:
Mr. Sinister* - All
Mystique - Shapeshifting
Destiny - Prophecy

* not actually a mutant
Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

There was mass panic and hysteria, as people found themselves rapidly sobering up out of sheer terror. Everyone felt in their bones that this was about to be a massacre. A dozen of the world's most powerful mutants were hellbent on slaughter, all to see SELENE become a dark goddess. Reeva's screams were shutting off the powers of groups of mutants in waves, and sending some abilities dangerously out of control. Magneto and Polaris were slowly making the magnetic force fields smaller and smaller, forcing everyone into tighter and closer quarters. Esme Frost was attacking telepathically, sending mutants dropping to the ground motionlessly. Mister Sinister was cackling, stealing people's capes and strangling them with them. Destiny horrifyingly was firing blind into crowds with a crossbow.

And yet, things could have been oh so much worse. Our heroes weren't the only ones fighting back. No, others were rising up to protect themselves and their community everywhere within the Carousel. Some might have argued that Selene made a mistake, assuming that she only needed the Quiet Council to destroy Genosha.

After all, Genosha was a people - not a place. A people who were shouting NO MORE.

Mutant Underground Table -

"James? James!" Casper shouted, broken hearted as James left him behind. Casper's shoulders slumped. There were screams all around. Was this the lot of mutants, to always be hunted, even by one of their own? All he could be thankful for was that his mother had little baby Danny with her and that she wasn't here - that if they all died, at least his son would make it out okay.

But Casper wasn't going to accept this. His head started pounding for a second, something that he vaguely recognized was some sort of telepathic attack. He wrote it off as being one of the Quiet Council people - a few of them were telepaths and all of them were apparently evil now, per Hocus Pocus rules. "I'm going after James!" Casper shouted, before taking off at a run in the direction James had gone. If true love's kiss didn't work, then maybe true love's punch would.

"'Fraid I can't do that," Jack Wayne said, nodding at Echo. "Lil Davie doesn't want to be out right now. But don't you fret, ole' Jack here has a few tricks up his sleeves," he added. He made a lassoing motion and telekinetically yanked the hard light spear out of Max's leg, the spear flying into Jack Wayne's hand. "Huh, now what's a nice lil lady like you doing throwin' around somethin' like this?" Jack Wayne asked Moneta, before throwing the spear back at her, aiming for her stomach.

Sunshine knew that they couldn't all just stay in one location here, concentrating their efforts on Moneta. There were other members of the Quiet Council that needed to be dealt with. And while other mutants were fighting, Sunshine wouldn't be able to live with herself if she stayed here in her battle tested group. "I'm going to go get these fields down," Sunshine said, not offering a moment for anyone to object before she took off at a run in the direction of Magneto and Polaris.

Marrow's eyes flashed. "Not without me you aren't!" she shouted at her wife, before running off after her.

"Watch out!" Ben shouted, snaring a tentacle around Andy and quickly lifting her up and out of the way. The small child had rushed up to Andy, seemingly going in for a hug, but Ben had noticed the knife the kid was holding behind her back.

"Way to ruin the fun," the little kid complained, before shifting into her true form - that of a blue skinned woman with red hair and a belt of real skulls. Mystique. "But we can do things this way, too," she offered, before feinting and punching Zari in the throat, hard.

Shi'Ar Bartender Set-Up

Max teleporting Ben away had forced Ben to release his tentacle'd grip on Veil. Veil fell to the ground unceremoniously, clad in a Christmas-y sweater with her initial on it. Somehow, Selene's spell allowed Veil to recognize that the sweater did not go with her suit, so she removed it quickly and threw it aside. Then again, that was exactly the sort of thing Selene would add into a spell - not only would her entranced minions kill for her, no, they would slay for her. Ugly outfits were simply unacceptable.

"Spark Plug, can you make the weather a living hell in here? Whatever the worst you can do is," Veil requested. "If we perish as well for goddess' ascension, so be it. That price is worth it." She then looked at Caduceus, contemplating what to ask him to do. Even now, Veil fell naturally into a leadership role. Moneta had already charged off towards the table the Mutant Underground was chasing at. "Caduceus, you need a more useful ability."

And then, without another word, Veil attacked her enchanted ally. She sent a sharp force field disc at James, aiming for a kill shot. But rather than beheading him, his reactive adaption kicked in. James' skin turned to metal - more precisely, adamantium, one of the strongest metals in the world. "There. Now you can better serve our goddess."
The Woods...

Lorna's face was bright pink as Fable suggested that she needed to think it over. She had never really considered the possibility that she might like girls - Lorna was always more interested in sword fighting and hanging out with friends. But there was a certain amount of power in being told by someone she, well, liked that liking girls could be a label that fit her. She tested it out in her mind for a moment, wondering what her life would be like if she ended up with a girl... and the blush only deepened on Lorna's face as she realized she wouldn't mind that - that she might even like that.

Yeah, she was going to need to think on this more.

Nothing else was jumping out at them, something that Lorna was disappointed in - it would've been nice to swing her sword a few more times and take out some small monsters. "Th-thanks - I know I'm not as good as Luke or anything, I mean no one is as good as Luke, he's Luke, that's his entire deal, if someone was better than him than he'd just be... some white guy, you know? Instead of... well, a white guy who's really good at the sword. A-anyways, if you wanted to I could offer you some pointers - maybe spar - but only if you wanted to? We could even trade, archery lessons and sword lessons?" Lorna rambled.

"Oh, right - arts and crafts..."

The Lake...

Nadja nodded, listening to what Kitty had to say. The good thing was that Kitty seemed to be aware of her own habits and patterns, meaning that Nadja didn't really need to do much prompting to get Kitty to reflect inward. However, the conclusion that Kitty reached Nadja had mixed feelings on. In her experience, finding a crush was just a way of forcing yourself to like someone you picked out - crushes tended to find you. "Don't force it," Nadja advised. "You'll find someone - and then that'll probably end horribly and you'll find a new person and you'll repeat this cycle until you find the one."

Nadja stood up from her spot on the shore, dusting some sand off of her knees. "And if an older guy ever does give you that sort of attention, kick him in the balls," she recommended. "Did you still want to talk more? Or do you want to be alone? I can go journal elsewhere and leave you be, if you want." Again, while she didn't really know Kitty, she did feel for her. Nadja wasn't heartless - just blunt.
The Woods...

"I-I don't like girls," Lorna stammered, her face turning bright red. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course! It's totally cool and everything it's just... I don't think that's me?" Her heart was pounding furiously and Lorna wondered what was wrong with herself. Why was she losing her cool now? Why was she unable to stop her heart from skipping a beat whenever Fable glanced back at her? Why did the temperature feel like it was skyrocketing, as if the woods had turned to lava?

"Oh yeah, the Stolls are fun," Lorna agreed. "They'd totally both date you, honestly. Everyone seems to be really into my brothers these days," she added, attempting a slight joke. "Oh yeah? You would? I mean of course you would, sorry I don't know why I asked that, that was very dumb and... Oh look, is that something moving in the bushes over there?" Lorna said, tearing her gaze away from Fable - she had been noticing too much how the light filtering through the trees was hitting her blonde locks - as she headed in a new direction with her sword. There was a smaller monster in the next clearing and Lorna swung her sword, slicing it neatly in half. Monster dust fell in a neat pile on the ground.

The Lake...

Nadja tilted her head, studying Kitty's face for a moment. While some at camp felt that Athena's children could lack emotional intelligence, Nadja never felt that that was the case. Athena's children were highly perceptive, after all - as long as they bothered to deem something worthy of their time. "Hmm. You like to crush on obtainable men - I'm guessing they tend to be rather safe as well - ones where you know they'd never hurt you?" Nadja posed. She hadn't known Kitty very long, but she was building something of a psychological profile.

It helped, though, because Nadja had done something similar - once upon a time. She used to pick safe, nice boys who she knew would never be interested in pursuing a relationship with her. She'd put their names in hearts in her notebook and convince herself that she was crushing on them. It had been something of a defense mechanism, a way for her to avoid the question of her own sexuality, by picking someone she knew would never pick her. "I used to do that, too. I was scared of being vulnerable with someone - terrified, really."
The Woods...

Lorna nodded, commiserating with Fable over the shared surprise and regret from how Kitty had reacted. She felt truly horrible that they had hurt their friend like that. There was a small, tiny part of Lorna that wondered if it had been better that they raised the point now - better them than Luke rejecting her. She imagined that would have crushed Kitty. But it still didn't make Lorna feel any better. Of course, if there was one thing to take Lorna's mind off of her guilt, it was Fable asking Lorna about any crushes she had.

"I honestly haven't really thought about it. Liking people, I mean. I know everyone is supposed to be, like, super into dating and crushes and all right now," Lorna said, shaking her head slightly. "But I never look at a guy and go wow, I would really like to swap spit with him right now. Maybe I'm a late bloomer or whatever?" she asked. Her cheeks were flushed a bit in embarrassment. Lorna never talked about it, but she always did feel strange, hearing the other girls go on about boys that they liked. "But, um, what about you? I mean, you could get any guy or girl in camp that you want, you're beautiful, smart, funny, athletic, caring..."

"Sorry, did I make that weird?" Lorna asked, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Sometimes it's like my mouth just starts going and going and I can't stop it."

The Lake...

Nadja frowned. The girl was clearly upset over some boy at camp - and while Nadja didn't really know Kitty, she felt somewhat angered on Kitty's behalf. "Oy vey, I'm sorry to hear that," Nadja said. She closed her notebook and set it down beside her. For whatever reason, despite not knowing her, Kitty seemed at least willing to talk. Nadja had had a painful break-up herself about a month or so ago, right before the end of the school year, so she could empathize with her.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm a great listener - and an excellent strategist at how to get back at people," Nadja offered. She didn't know enough context about these boy troubles Kitty was having, but she was certain there was someone that Kitty might get some joy out of pranking. Of course, Nadja tended to hold grudges and enjoyed the concept of revenge in general - Kitty might not. "Or if you want me to piss off and leave the shore to you, that's fine too."

Guin Stark

Location: Woods
Skills: Telepathy

Guin disagreed with Mary when it came to what Pietro should do - she was confident that she'd be able to identify her Pietro vs the Pietro of this world, if not by telepathy than by the fact that this world's Pietro was cruel and callous and sociopathic. He was the spitting image of his father's worst qualities. Guin raised an eyebrow at the groups Mary picked - she knew that Edus was weird around her - but she didn't say anything. They didn't really have much time to argue about this before others came looking for the crystal. Yeeeah, soooo much fun, Guin replied sarcastically to Pietro.

She then set off with her group, Amidala flying around and enjoying checking out the trees. Guin did feel a little bit bad that her pet was on this trip with them - it was hard enough for them to survive and they were mutants, the little space lemur must've been traumatized. She made a mental note to see about rehoming the pet with Pepper once they got back home. As much as she loved Amidala, she had a feeling the space lemur would be happier and safer with Pepper - Stark Tower didn't get blown up nearly as often as the X-Mansion did, after all.

"So... What do you all want to talk about while we search for the MacGuffin Crystal?" Guin asked, keeping her mind open so she could quickly detect if anyone were to approach them.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods
Skills: N/A

Runa was doing her best to concentrate on the shard of the M'Kraan crystal and not her relationship drama. It did, however, strike her as somewhat odd that only Lance really seemed to be effected like this. No one else had completely lost themselves in this world, or if they had, they weren't letting on. "I am sorry - I cannot give us a direction to go off of. It's as if the crystal is all around us and nowhere at once, the energy shifting and pulling and changing..." her voice trailed off. The M'Kraan crystal was connected to the entire multiverse - it wouldn't be an easy, simple thing to find. She doubted even her magic would be able to track it much more than they already had.

She followed Bethany in the opposite direction of the other group, doing her best to listen to the sounds of the forest as they walked. "Oh, the M'Kraan crystal is a beautiful pink - hopefully it should not be too hard to spot, though these woods are dense and there are many places where it might be found..." She had never seen the M'Kraan crystal in person before, but she had seen drawings of it in texts in the grand libraries of Asgard. She liked that it was pink, too - that one of the most powerful objects in existence, connected to the feminine force of life, the Phoenix, could be considered girly. There was strength in girly things.
The Woods...

Lorna didn't know what to say or do. She blamed herself for this. Kitty was clearly upset. If she had just kept her stupid mouth shut, then her friend wouldn't have run off to go be alone. She wouldn't be hurting. Lorna stared at the ground for a moment, as if there would be an answer amongst the twigs and the dirt as to what to do. "Kitty, I..." Lorna tried to say, but her friend was already gone. She let out a sigh of frustration. Why did she decide to chime in along the same lines of what Fable had said? Why'd she do that?

This entire moment, it felt like a liminal space. Lorna hated dwelling in it. She hated conflict that wasn't resolved. She wanted to move on, to get back to everyone having fun and having a good time and just talking about silly things that didn't matter. Finally, Lorna decided on what to do. "I'm going to keep on going deeper into the woods, you're welcome to join if you like, but no pressure," she told Fable. Physical activity would help her feel better. It'd be a good distraction. And maybe when she got tired out, Kitty would be done having a moment to herself.

The Lake...

Kitty wasn't the only one having a moment alone at the lake. Nadja Eisenhardt, a brown skinned girl with fiercely curly hair, was sitting on the shore. One of the children of Athena, Nadja had a bit of a reputation at Camp for being prideful, competitive, and somewhat serious. She had a notebook in her hand that she was writing in - just journaling about her day, the words coming out in a mixture of English and Ancient Greek. It was her own special sort of shorthand. In the margins, she had doodled various things - barn owls, moons, and haunting pairs of eyes.

Nadja glanced up, as Kitty came nearby. She tilted her head slightly, recognizing that the girl was clearly upset. "You okay?" Nadja asked. She had seen Kitty around camp and knew who she was - it was hard not to know who the daughter of Poseidon was. Nadja hadn't really gone out of her way to talk to Kitty before, per Poseidon and Athena's status as rivals. But she didn't bear her any ill will - not yet, at least.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy raised an eyebrow, partially amused with the ticket counter employee. "Yes, down there with a physical gesture as to the exact location, I'm sure that was very helpful for the blind girl," Nancy observed. She was feeling a little less queasy and ill than she had earlier, but she was still prickly. Nancy was just a prickly sort of person, whether it was towards Demetri or just random strangers. But here, she couldn't help but say something - it bothered her and she was sure that it bothered Janelle (Nancy was pretty sure that was her name at this point).

She snorted a bit at Zeke's proposed experiment. "It wouldn't be him," she said, completely confident. She was also certain that Zeke wouldn't win. Before she had ended up in that nightmare hotel, Nancy had been performing in Las Vegas, even beginning to rival her starlet mother. It wasn't very many people who could sing and literally blow people's minds as well. She didn't add that though. She didn't feel a need to say it and start an actual argument. Instead, she walked in the direction of the platform their train was due at.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

Leda was VERY tempted to tell Hercules that he couldn't come with them. The entire 'mommy' thing was incredibly weird and made her want to pick up Kiera and run into the ocean together. She wanted to be able to be pretty and turn her nose up on his offer of aid. But unfortunately, she knew that she couldn't. Quests were meant for groups of three - Arthur was gone, so one way or another, they'd end up getting a third member and it might as well be Hercules. He was a strong cyclops after all and would be a decent replacement. Ultimately though, it came down to the fact that if Kiera got hurt on a quest meant for three if it was just the two of them, Leda would never forgive herself.

"Fine, you can come, but I need to stress again that I am not your mum," Leda told Hercules somewhat sternly. "This quest is bloody dangerous, I need you to know that as well. We might not come back alive. If you're okay with that, well then that's swell and we can get going. I don't suppose you know a way to the ocean floor that won't kill me? Kiera and you should be fine underwater at least."
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