Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

the Arena...

Lorna stifled another yawn, before jumping slightly, a little surprised - she hadn't noticed that Kitty was there. Her eyes instantly darted to the scorpion whip in Kitty's hands and her eyes widened. "Oh woah, that thing looks wicked cool," Lorna praised. She'd never seen one in action before. Most people at Camp tended to stick to the basic weapons - swords, daggers, bows. Every now and then Lorna spotted someone carrying a spear, but a scorpion whip? That was out there. But it made sense for Kitty - everything about her was so unique and special, Lorna wasn't surprised to see that her choice of weapon would reflect that as well.

She shifted slightly uncomfortably as Kitty hit the nail on the head, asking about bad dreams. "Nah, nothing like that," Lorna lied, forcing a smile on her face. "Cabin was just super rowdy last night - you know how it gets, with all of us crammed inside there," she joked. She glanced across the arena and saw that Luke was working with Percy. "Huh, he's really good already," Lorna said with somewhat of a pout. "Hopefully Luke doesn't tire him out too fast, I think he'd be a fun spar..."

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 10:40 PM

Veil & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: N/A

The Stage

Selene wasn't hurt from Andy's attack, but she was certainly annoyed. Her eyes were flashing dangerously, a bit like a provoked animal, ready to attack the next thing that it saw. She was twenty feet tall now, glowing a luminous blue. Her giant blue god-ass was blocking the view of the chaos for anyone north of the main stage. "LUNA MINOR!" Selene shouted, her equivalent of screaming Andy's full name in anger. "Hoc est quod non possumus habere nice quod omnia," Selene muttered in Latin, which roughly translated to - this is why we can't have nice things.

Selene took a step forward, her giant blue foot almost crushing some more innocent mutants. She wasn't twenty feet tall anymore - no, she was forty feet tall now, making the Hulk look infinitely puny by comparison. She crouched down to try to find Andy, her ass hitting the stage lights and sending them careening down to the ground, narrowly missing Dazzler, Lila Cheney, and Echo in the process. Selene hadn't even noticed them yet. They were like flies to her.

Selene spotted Andy finally, and pinched Andy's clothing between her finger and hoisted her up into the air. Selene stood to her full height, still rapidly growing with each mutant soul that she devoured. "Any last words?" Selene asked her, not able to resist an evil villain moment.

Meanwhile, Dazzler and Lila Cheney had thrown themselves into the song - Lila Cheney somehow having a guitar still on her that she used to play, and Dazzler using her powers to boost and amplify, as well as make everything ~aesthetic~ with a light show -

And then, as Dazzler made it through the chorus, the spell shattered.

The Quiet Council was no longer under Selene's control.

But Selene was still forty feet tall and growing, glowing blue, divine, and eating mutant souls like they were candy... One problem was solved, and one problem was getting bigger and bigger by the second.

Mutant Underground Table -

Poor Legion was trapped inside of the box Miranda had made, sniffling and crying and begging to be released. The personality in charge right now was conflict avoidant, the sort of person to run away and threaten anyone who tried to follow with shaking hands. It would only be a matter of time though before a more violent personality would take over, one with a power that would allow Legion to break free of the box, and even though the spell had ended, who was to say this personality wouldn't kill Miranda anyways?

Shi'Ar Bartender Set-Up

Pixie gave Callie a bit of a smile. "There's a spell for almost everything - except for your haircut, unfortunately," she said cheerfully. "I could give you the name of my hairdresser, she's really great." She was one of those people who was sweet and venomous at the same time - usually more the former, but Pixie was incredibly stressed out. And there was an unfortunate side effect of Selene's ascension, one that was afflicting all magic users all over the world - a pounding headache that was threatening to get worse and worse by the minute.

"Once I stop the chant, the spell ends - so hopefully you spot your friend soon," Pixie said, before beginning to chant in Welsh. Anyone within a one mile radius of Pixie who was cloaking themselves with invisibility was no longer invisible - which meant that for now, until Pixie stopped chanting, Callie would be able to go find Veil.

But it turned out that Pixie's spell wasn't needed. Veil would've removed her invisibility all by herself, as Dazzler, Lila Cheney, and Echo broke Selene's spell with a catchy tune. Veil suddenly appeared, blood on her hands, and bodies near her feet. She gasped and startled backwards, letting out a scream of anguish at the nightmare she had been plunged into. Veil didn't have any words. She didn't know what to say. All she knew was that she desperately, desperately wanted this to not be real.

She was a protector of the innocent, not their killer! Veil's immediate impulse was that this had to be some sort of a trick. If it wasn't, if she had done this... then Veil wouldn't know how to live with herself. How could she face herself in the mirror, knowing she had stolen people's lives from them? How could she sleep at night, knowing the pain and suffering she had caused? Veil wished that she could have died instead.

She wished she was dead.

Midway Between Shi'Ar Bar and Underground Table

Ben didn't care that James had been mind controlled - not at first, at least. His best friend had been killed by him. Casper's blood was literally on James' hands. Whenever they managed to break James from Selene's spell, that fact wouldn't change. The anger and rage burned inside of Ben like a fire, as he contemplated just how easy it would be to kill James, to just continue to tighten and tighten his grip, even as James' body adapted and turned into something like silly putty.

"Fine," Ben almost growled, releasing his grip on James and letting James fall unceremoniously to the floor.

He eyed Jack doubtfully thought. His information may have been out of date, but he didn't recall Jack being able to casually trap people inside of their own heads. And he had never heard Casper admit casually to being immortal. Sure, Casper had had dozens of near death experiences - some of which Ben witnessed as a ghost - but actually dying? Ben was skeptical. "How about you start elaborating?" he asked Jack, and it was clear by his tone it was somewhat of a threat.

Casper Theriot

"The usual, sweetheart?"

Casper almost jumped out of his skin. He didn't recognize where he was, although it felt vaguely familiar. Well, he did recognize where he was - he was in what looked like a retro diner. The walls were pink and white tiles, the light fixtures flickering on and off as the bulbs struggled to illuminate the space. Specials were written by hand on a chalkboard in a crisp cursive, although as Casper glanced around, he didn't seem to see anyone eating anything.

"Um, I... I don't suppose you've seen a vampire/witch with great fashion taste trying to take over the world or something around here, have you?" Casper asked. His eyes were watering and felt raw, as if he had been crying for hours. But that was nothing compared to the pounding ache in his head - not quite a headache - it was like someone had tried to bash his skull in. "Did you happen to see how I got here? I think... I think I must have lost some time or something," Casper admittedly. Normally, he spoke quick and rapidly, without any pauses or hesitation - but instead, Casper felt frazzled, nervous, afraid, and vulnerable. He didn't understand what was going on. He didn't understand where James was - what had happened to everyone.

"You might want to be a bit more specific," the waitress said with a laugh. She was dressed in a white blouse and pink poodle skirt, over which she had a neat white apron. The embroidery on the apron gave her name - Persephone. "About half of my customers match that description."

Casper then took another moment to look at his surroundings - to properly examine them all. His eyes widened as his heart began pounding furiously in his chest. There was a woman who looked almost like TwoFace from Batman movies, as half of her flesh was young and youthful, the other half completely decayed. Chatting with her was a blue skinned man who reminded him of a Pharaoh, and a younger boy with the head of a jackal. Across the way was a witchy looking woman and a small army of crows.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god.... Oh gods," Casper stammered. "What the hell? Am I in hell? I know people think I'm dumb, but I LOVE watching Jeopardy when I'm high, and I'm pretty sure that's Anubis over there chatting up Hel??? What the hell? Am I... Am I dead?" Casper did a double take, reading the waitress' name again. Persephone. "I'm dead, aren't I? Selene killed me, and I'm dead, and my eternal punishment is to be in a... a diner? Do you not have waffles? Where's James? And Jackie? And Danny and Mum? Are they all okay? Are they here?"

Persephone looked at him with sympathy. She set down her little notepad on the table and sat down across from Casper, reaching a hand across to him. "Take some deep breaths. In and out," she prompted. Persephone held his gaze, and didn't speak again until she had determined that he was starting to calm down. "Your friends are still alive," she answered, "but you, sweetheart... Don't you remember what happened?"

Casper's eyebrows furrowed, as he tried to think back. A shudder went over him as bits and pieces came back to him. Selene had done an homage to Hocus Pocus and enchanted James, and Casper had gone after him. And then... everything was dark. "I really have no idea what happened," Casper said. "Like, I remember trying true love's kiss and all - which apparently is just Disney propaganda, fun fact, the Mouse is a LIAR! But no, nothing else. It all goes black. So I... I... I died then?" his voice cracked slightly on that word.

He felt ashamed and guilty. He knew that people thought he was a liability, and Casper didn't spend much time thinking on it. But now, he was here and his friends were back there, getting killed by an icon in a corset.

Persephone nodded. "I'm sorry, I really am - you wouldn't be here if you hadn't."

"And where is here again? Like is this the Greek afterlife? Were the Greeks right? I had always kinda thought that Thor being real and all meant that the Vikings were right - unless is this... oh god I'm blanking on the name, it starts with a V, it reminds me of Marshmallows, but not quite... Don't tell me I'm going to remember it," Casper rambled.

There was a certain sadness in her eyes, as Persephone took her hand back. "How about I get you something to eat? We have cranberry pomegranate waffles - on the house," she offered.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan had intended to go on a walk separately with her brother, in order to spend some time with him away from all of the storybook characters - away from her parents. However, that message seemed to have gotten a bit lost in translation, as King Arthur ended up guiding them along with him into the woods. Megan hesitated for a moment, considering telling her father that she hadn't actually wanted to go on patrol with him, but Jack seemed to be going along with it, so Megan decided to leave it be.

She studied the boar tracks with interest - boars were deceptively violent and dangerous animals. She had seen all of Game of Thrones and they were no joke, even if it seemed somewhat silly to imagine Robert Baratheon being killed by one. "Boars really are delightful. People misunderstand them, thinking that they're silly - when really, they're some of the most effective killers nature has produced," Megan mused.

Megan paused as Arthur asked what they wanted to do after everything was over. Originally, before she remembered her parents, Megan had planned on returning to her life - on returning to the morgue in Kansas. But now, she felt as at home in this world as she did in the other one. And whereas the other world was monotonous and somewhat predictable, this one was chaotic and wild. "I'm not quite sure, but I don't believe I'll be returning to Kansas."


EARTH 257 - 8:10 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Raynor grimaced, as Niah asked who this house belonged to. He really didn't want to be here. He really didn't want to be thinking about all of this. All he wanted was to be back home with his daughter, far far away from the sins of his past. "Klara Thordattir," Raynor told Niah curtly. He didn't elaborate - he didn't mention how Klara had been a maternal figure in his life, how she had more or less taken him in after the loss of his parents. Or how deeply he had disappointed her.

Bonnie didn't pay much attention to the jokes around Maria's demonic appearance, instead considering what Oliver had said. He had had a vision where Luminous had been killed by Doom. Could Luminous be this Nexus being that the Sorceress Supreme had urged them to protect? Was this a cosmic joke, where they would be expected to defend one of their worst enemies? She knew that Niah in particular had been traumatized by the silver speedster. She didn't know if she could ask Niah to stand against Doom for Luminous.

But the more Bonnie considered it all, it didn't sit right with her. Her intuition was telling her that there was something more at play here, that Luminous wasn't the one that needed their protection. "What else did she show you?" Bonnie asked Oliver. They needed more information before they could make any sort of definite conclusion. And personally, Bonnie was fine with letting Doom and Luminous kill each other - they both deserved it.

"Oooor instead of talking about what the witch told us, we could go forward into the creepy ocean smelling house?" Amelia suggested. She logically knew that Bonnie was right and they should go through whatever sort of lore dump Oliver had just received, but her mind was much more interested in heading on into the weird house. The door had creaked open so dramatically that it felt like they were in a movie, not in real life. "Klara Thordattir... Thordattir... Thor's daughter then, mate? So that makes her your... blimey, I really oughta know my gods better, is she your aunt then? sister? cousin? Well, she's family right? Is she always so dramatic like this? Because I do like a drama queen."

Raynor's self loathing was really only interrupted with annoyance. He had been a bit miffed at how people seemingly didn't realize Sparky's ring was her engagement ring - he knew he didn't do the most traditional romantic moves, but he had given her that ring as a token of his love and it... Well, Raynor didn't really know what to call the emotion he felt at the realization that the others on the team just didn't see that. Then, he was also annoyed at Klara's dramatics and at - bless her - Amelia's ramblings. "Cousin," he said curtly. "She's always like this."

Raynor didn't feel ready to face Klara. He definitely did not feel okay, answering Sparky's question with a shake of his head. But then again, when would he really ever? Raynor stared at the open door of the cottage, before heading inside.

Inside, the decor could be best described as romanticism of the sea - a place fit for a beautiful, lovesick mermaid - a siren's den. The walls were soft blues and the lighting was low and moody, tinged a delicate pink. A turtle with a pink sweater slowly crawled around on the floor. A gorgeous fountain with cherubs and dolphins was the centerpiece of the main room, with a sitting area off to the side that was white wicker couches with pink and blue accent pillows.

"Damn... Your cousin's place is lovely. Much nicer than my cousin's spot," Amelia said with a low whistle.
the Arena...

Today was a more traditional lesson in swordsmanship from Luke. The arena hadn't been turned into an obstacle course - instead, the straw dummies were out and scattered around. Luke surveyed the assembled demigods, most of them his siblings, and he grinned. His eyes settled on young Percy Jackson for a moment, before he started. "Alright, campers - today we're practicing our basic strikes on the dummies. After we've done that, I'll be pairing you up for sparring matches." He motioned to the side of the arena, where the swords were kept for those who didn't own their own sword. "Grab your sword and get started on those strikes, I'll be coming around to help as needed."

Luke intended on coaching Percy in particular today, going through the basics of Greek sword-fighting, while the rest of the Campers worked on their basics. It was a win-win as far as he was concerned.

Lorna yawned slightly. She hadn't really slept well the night before. Her sleep had been plagued with nightmares, nightmares that she wasn't ready to talk to anyone about. She'd rather take out her fears and anxieties on the dummies anyways. She headed on over to the weapons rack, and picked up a sword. She didn't even really notice it, but the sword instantly became balanced and sharp in her hand - moments before, the blade had been dull and somewhat dirtied.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't feel much sympathy for Janelle in this instance. Nor did Nancy agree with her. People could phrase it however they liked, but the issues the Greeks had was that they saw themselves as individual heroes at the end of the day - to handle this like Romans, they had to think of themselves as a group first. She raised an eyebrow as Kristin asked to learn Roman military tactics in one breath, and then instead wanted to focus on individuals with the other. "I don't think you all know what it means to fight as a group - you don't start off by focusing on the individuals, you focus on the whole. For demigods, that means we start with formations and movements."

She doubted this would excite them very much. Roman demigods drilled through these strategies in units from the moment they joined the Legion until the day that their service ended. They drilled Triple Line formations, the Flying Wedge, and the Testudo. They learned about onagers and pila. But more importantly, they learned construction - they learned how to build bridges and ladders and everything that the Legion could need, just like the days of old. "Once you've drilled your formations, then you can think about the individual abilities and powers. You can treat them like weapons. For example, do you need people in the front of the Flying Wedge who can deliver ranged attacks? Where do you place your healers? Where do you put the experienced members - in the Triple Line, the new recruits go in the front. But in the Wedge, the opposite is true."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

Leda flexed her hand somewhat gingerly. The sudden surprise of seeing one of the demigods they rescued by claimed by Poseidon had distracted her for a moment from the fresh wasp sting, but now Leda found it harder to ignore. She was used to more serious injuries and could deal with the pain, but the minor pain from the wasp sting was somehow a million times more unbearable. Maybe that was why she immediately was in somewhat of a mood, a little bit irritated with Sera despite not getting to know her. But then again, despite very few people picking up on it, Leda could be a bit two-faced at times - and a bit, well, bitchy really.

"Please, luv, one sibling does not a slut make for your exalted father," Leda teased. Most people at Camp Half-blood had way more than just one sibling, with a dozen or so per cabin not being unusual at all. Add in of course the Roman demigods and then Leda was fairly confident that some of the gods had literal armies of children behind them. Poseidon having three kids - that they knew about - was just a drop in the bucket.

Leda shrugged a bit at Seraphina. "Don't sweat it, kid. I can protect both of you," she said. Leda was boasting, but she wasn't entirely unfounded. She was a gifted sword fighter, plus the speed she had inherited from her mother meant that she could move faster than most people could react. She did sigh slightly though - a romantic quest with her girlfriend would be somewhat impossible with Hercules and Sera joining them.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 10:30 PM

The Quiet Council of Genosha

Autumn Table:
Magneto - Omega Level Mutant, Master of Magnetism
Reeva Payge - Disorienting, Hallucinatory Sonic Scream
SELENE! - Psychic Vampire-Witch, Dark Priestess of Rome, Demonic Huntress, Goddess of the Moon, the First One, Mother of All Mutants

Summer Table:
Veil - Invisibility and Force Fields
Caduceus - Omega Level Mutant, Healing and Adaptation
Spark Plug - Electrokinesis, Empathy, Weather Manipulation [spell broken]

Spring Table:
Esme Frost - Telepathy, Psychic Host of Emma Frost & the Dead Cuckoos
Polaris - Mistress of Magnetism [spell broken]
Moneta - Retrocognition and Holographic Projection

Winter Table:
Mr. Sinister* - All
Mystique - Shapeshifting [unconscious]
Destiny - Prophecy

* not actually a mutant
Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

The Stage

Selene's eyes flashed in warning as Andy approached her at the stage, chastising her for ruining the party. Selene dramatically turned her head to face her daughter, staring down at her - Andy would then realize that her mother was not the same as she had been when the evening started. No, her skin was glowing a luminous blue and she was now at least ten feet tall, growing a bit more every moment. The enchantments on Selene's outfit must've been constantly adjusting, in order to keep her looking as pussy as possible.

"Daughter," Selene sneered, as if talking to a particularly dumb pet. "This is the Hellfire Gala. This is the party. I'm not doing any of this to impress you or to win your favor. If you have not accepted your nature, our nature, as the lunar huntresses of this world... Well, then I'm afraid you might be even a larger flop than that Nova Roman brat." Selene rolled her eyes in disgust. "Now, darling, stop ruining mummy's moment and decide if you are going to be a predator... or if your soul will be the next one I consume to fuel my divinity."

Selene then flicked her finger, using her mutant gift to manipulate non-organic matter on Andy's dress (and of course, a little magical assist so that way Andy's dress didn't merely rip off of her). She sent her daughter flying backwards off of the stage, before throwing one last look in her direction.

"Also, that dress is not your color. It looks hideous."

Mutant Underground Table -

The Jack Wayne persona vanished, as the hard-light spear went through Legion's heart. Legion stumbled backwards to the ground, gasping for air as blood trickled from his lips. His body began to still. And then suddenly, there was a new light behind his eyes. He looked uncertain and scared, frightened and overwhelmed, as his body lost its tangibility. He was made out of swirling water, somehow holding his shape and not breaking apart. The skittish personality that took over quickly darted back.

"St-st-stay back!" Legion shouted at Moneta, Legion's voice high-pitched and feminine. "I don't wanna hurt you, lady!"

Shi'Ar Bartender Set-Up

Of course, there were heroes beyond the Mutant Underground cohort here ready to fight. One of them, for example, was sneaking up right behind Callie. Wearing a gorgeous black gown that really brought out the colors in her wings, Pixie had her souldagger clutched in hand. Her souldagger had the ability to remove enchantments, as it could really only harm things made of magic. "Hey, bitch!" Pixie shouted from right behind Callie, meant to stun and surprise her.

And then, Pixie stabbed Callie in the head with her dagger. It was painful, and it would feel like someone was scrambling her brains, but the enchantment would be removed. Callie would be her own person again. "You good now, hmm?" Pixie asked. "Because we have a lot of assholes to deal with. And it'd be super chill if we weren't all getting hit by lightning while it happens."

(Un?)fortunately though, Veil was nowhere to be seen. She had turned herself perfectly invisible and was sneaking up behind unsuspecting people, killing them from behind. They never saw her coming and her blows were quick and smart, giving them nearly painless, instant deaths.

Midway Between Shi'Ar Bar and Underground Table

The lightning strike that had hit James had spared Casper - but it was not a long reprieve. Helpless on the ground, Casper scrambled backwards, doing his best to put distance between himself and, well, everyone. Everyone here seemed to want to insult and/or kill him.

Then, James was upon Casper again. Casper desperately searched James' eyes for anything, for any sign that his soulmate was still in there, but there was nothing. Casper was weeping, holding up his hands in front of his face. "Please, James, I..." CRACK! Casper's sentence went unfinished. He died almost instantly, almost painlessly. His blood was on James' hands.

And Casper's body was limp now, lifeless on the dance floor.

"CASPER!!!!" Ben screamed, horrified as his best friend died in front of him. Ben couldn't believe what he was seeing. Yes, Casper got himself into dangerous situations all of the time, but he had been close to death before and managed to beat the odds. But this, this was final. Ben knew in his heart that Casper wouldn't just pop back up a moment later, that his heart wouldn't manage to be restarted with a well placed shock.

Ben saw red. He wanted James dead. His tentacles shot out from the pocket-dimension inside of his stomach, and Ben ensnared James. It was easy enough for him to do, as unbeknownst to Ben, Jack had convinced James' mind that they were back at the Mutant Underground, as if they had never left. Ben tightened his grip on James, aiming to pop him like a tube of GoGurt. James' reactive adaptation power kicked in, making his body stretchy and elastic - like Jack or Mister Fantastic, really.

Sapphire's ghost, strangely enough, was still with them. She blasted at James with a beam of ice, aiming to freeze and shatter him - the very way she had killed Jack - but Ben's tentacles were in the way. She ended up giving Ben's tentacles a bad case of frostbite. "Huh, looks like rolls are a bit reversed now, your the living one and I'm the ghost," Sapphire said towards Ben with a bit of a laugh.

"Watch your aim!" Ben snapped at her.

"Anyone else wonder how the hell I'm still visible to the rest of you. Considering the person summoning me is dead?"

Above the Crowd

Currently, Max's dragon was not causing nearly as much damage as it could have been. It was very much fixated on trying to kill the annoying Valkyrie pest and her stupid magic horse. The dragon was hungry, having just been born into existence, and felt like they would make a nice snack. The dragon had decided that the Valkyrie would have a nice crunch to her - crunchy crunchy crunch!

The dragon roared, breathing a gigantic column of fire. The fire missed Zarina, as her horsey was able to fly out of the way, but the innocent people below were not nearly so lucky. Many perished in the flames, their souls then consumed by the psychic vampire, SELENE! The fire didn't just kill those innocents though, it seemed to melt the ground that it touched, as if it were somehow dissolving the island itself...

Near the Asgard Bartender Set-Up

Polaris was enchanted by Echo's song - or rather, disenchanted. She swayed to the song, the fields dropping, and then suddenly it was like she was truly awake again. Selene's hold on her had dissolved, the spell that had ensnared her vanishing. "That goddamn bitch!" Polaris cursed. "I'm going rip her apart with my bare hands," she vowed, glaring in Selene's direction.

"I think not, daughter," Magneto wheezed. He was shaking and trembling, not from fear but due to illness. Sweat was pouring down his face and it wasn't really clear how long he would actually be able to remain standing. But Magneto was the master of magnetism - he had an iron will. The illness forced him to drop the magnetic dome, allowing innocent civilians to begin to properly flee the scene, as he began to battle his daughter. Magneto and Polaris shot up into the sky. It was a battle of magnetic poles, north against south, daughter against father, future against past, legacy against history. Their powers clashed. Ordinarily, Magneto would have easily won, being an omega level mutant whereas Polaris was not. But today, they were evenly matched, locked into a contest of wills.

"Woah..." Sunshine whispered, before shaking her head slightly. As cool as it was to see two masters of magnetism going at it, they had more important things to deal with. There were still members of the Quiet Council who hadn't been engaged yet. But even then, there was something important that they had learned that the others needed to know. "Echo, it's music - that's how we break the spell. She enchanted them with a song and then you singing a stupid Harry Styles cover undid it."

"I like Harry Styles..." Marrow muttered under her breath. It was a point of contention between them.

"Whatever. If we can get you, Dazzler, and Lila Cheney singing together - maybe it'll be catchy and loud enough to remove the spell from everyone at once," Sunshine suggested. "You can make your voice really loud, right? Like annoyingly loud? Because I somehow doubt Selene would give up the stage and all the mics..." Of course, most of the music had been telepathically boosted in volume at the party - there weren't very many mics at all.


EARTH 257 - 7:00 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - London, England

Jubilee Park and Garden -

The Sorceress Supreme smiled at Oliver, but gave him no answer. At least, that would be how it appeared to the others. In Oliver's mind, however, he suddenly saw. He could see futures stretching out in front of him like a long and winding path. At first, there were Doom and Luminous, arguing, the conflict escalating into a fight, a fight that Luminous did not survive. Then, Doom sneaking up on a figure with blonde curls and a green cloak. The images were flashing, going faster now. Doom, surrounded in a triumphant green glow. Doom, at the head of a vast army of Doombots. Heroes, failing to unite against him. Innocent civilians killed in the streets. Reality burning. The dead screaming, rising from their graves. The Celestials delivering Judgment. Doom, seeking a force from Beyond. Doom, ascendant; reality fallen. Worlds destroyed. Realms obliterated. Nothing remained. Nothing but Doom.

"I cannot aid you more, Secret Warriors - my magics are focused on holding together the fabric of our reality, a task that should I stop would mean the unraveling of us all, a violent incursion which none would survive... in our universe or the next."

The Sorceress Supreme then vanished as mysteriously as she had appeared, without a moment's warning or explanation.

Of course, the Secret Warriors themselves vanished, thanks to Sparky's magic ring, only to appear again moments later in....

EARTH 257 - 8:00 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

The time difference from London to New Asgard was hardly noticeable - it was still early morning, with the sun climbing in the sky. The architecture, however, was considerably different. For the most part, the buildings resembled something you would see in a Legend of Zelda game - cute little cottages, the sort of things that would pop up in a charming fantasy village. There were also what looked like grand palaces and magnificent Asgardian structures, adding in a bit of a Percy Jackson sort of vibe.

In short, New Asgard looked like no other place they had ever been to before - except, perhaps, Asgard itself.

The signs were all written in the native tongue of the Asgardians, meaning that to everyone except for Raynor, they were unintelligible. However, Raynor didn't need to read the signs to know where they were. He knew that they were in Odinskeep - the capital city - where his cousin still lived - the seat of power from which his aunt, the All-Seer, ruled. Raynor's insides twisted with discomfort, feeling the eye of Queen Sif upon him. He knew that she knew he was here. He knew that she knew every unspeakable thing he had done. Immense shame filled Raynor as his shoulders tensed. He hated this place, because it reminded him how much he hated himself.

His parents were THE It couple of Asgard - beautiful Baldur and gorgeous Nanna. They were so perfect, pure, and sweet that when Baldur died, his mother died not too long after, unable to be without her husband. His brother, Forseti, was a kind and just judge, delivering justice to all who should seek it out.

And then there was Raynor. The habitual liar. The charming narcissist. The mercenary. The terrorist. The violent and depraved prodigal son. The stain upon Baldur the Beautiful's shining legacy.

Bonnie noticed the angry silence that had overcome Raynor, and while she didn't particularly like him, she wasn't ignorant to the pain that he must have been in. He deserved that pain, though - for the unspeakable crimes that he had committed. And Bonnie knew that opinion wasn't an influence of this world, it was one that she would still hold back on Earth!666. People needed to be held accountable for their actions. Raynor needed to atone for his sins. His victims deserved justice. "I agree - the witch's words implied that we were supposed to protect a person, rather than a thing," Bonnie said, continuing the conversation that had started before Sparky transported them.

"And how are we gonna find this person?" Amelia asked. She had been in the Operations Academy, but investigations had never been her strong suit. She was a pilot and a daredevil to her core - the sneakier things never really held her interest. "Or Doom or Luminous? Like, the minute we saw them, they just buggered off and left us with the world's grossest eyeball demon. Maria still looks like she's trying out for a part in American Horror Story!"

"Raynor, is there someone here who you think we should go to for help? Or someplace where magical types tend to gather?" Bonnie asked. She knew that the wizards in their world had different sanctums that they would dwell in, and she imagined there might be something analogous here in New Asgard. Someone here had to know who the Nexus was. Or at the very least, someone ought to have seen Doom and Luminous running about. She didn't doubt that the speedster had already carried Doom here.

Raynor huffed, but nodded. He turned his gaze, staring at the cottage they had appeared in front of. Of course they had ended up here. He bet his cousin had meddled somehow, finding this funny. "We're at her house," he said cryptically.

Amelia then did a double take, almost screaming from surprise. She had seen a shadow cast on the ground that was large, and she had thought it was just a low flying plane - or maybe an Asgardian flying about. But when she looked up, she saw a gigantic and absolutely massive wild dragon. It didn't pay them any attention, and no one else wandering around the streets of Odinskeep seemed to stop and stare. It was clearly a normal occurrence. "Bloody hell, you lot just casually have dragons...."
the Lakeshore...

Lorna sighed, fidgeting slightly at the assessment that they'd have to leave Kitty alone. She really hated leaving things like this. It was gnawing away at her from the inside, making her feel uncomfortable and stressed. Lorna never really did do well when she felt her friends were angry with her - she wanted to resolve the problem as soon as she could, just go ahead and rip off the bandaid. Leaving things be for a little while, even though she logically knew was the healthy choice, threatened to drive her insane. "Urghh, you're probably right... Maybe the fish are being better friends to her," she mumbled, feeling a bit ashamed still.

She glanced towards the craft building, spotting her siblings and other residents of Cabin Eleven heading on inside. She was going to be late if she didn't sprint on over there. But Lorna didn't care. It wasn't like the kitchen harpies would pop up and eat her if she didn't make it to arts & crafts on time.

Then, Kitty's head surfaced and Lorna's heart did a backflip. She had hardly processed Kitty's words before a word avalanche of its own fell from Lorna's lips. "Are you sure? Because we are really sorry - it was stupid of us and it hurt you and, like, if you want to punch me in the face then that is totally okay. Or slap me or whatever. Your business with Luke is your business and we shouldn't have said anything about it. Like you're great, he's great, everyone's... great." Lorna had no idea where she was going with this anymore, looking at Kitty somewhat anxiously. "So so so so.... great."
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