Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: Telepathy, Agility, Unarmed Combat

Have you found anything yet? We're getting our asses kicked here - literally, Guin whispered telepathically to Pietro. Things were not going well. Exodus and Guin's counterpart, Haze, were telepathically assaulting their minds. Quicksilver was being an asshole. Exodus had thrown them all back, sending Guin flying into a tree. Mary seemed to have lost control and was ripping up the trees around them. And then Annie's counterpart, Mystery, was sashaying towards her, having cut Guin off from her allies by an immediately very aesthetic wall of fireworks.

"Uh, wow. Very hot - literally. And creepy. Honestly didn't know Annie had it in her," Guin quipped. She was a naturally quippy person, but she also was at a disadvantage here, as she was on the ground. She tried to kick Mystery in the jaw from her position on the ground against the tree, but she missed, her leg not extending far enough. Quickly improvising, Guin instead swept Mystery's legs out from underneath her, sending her fabulous foe crashing to the ground. "What is your deal though? I'm kinda curious now. What's your evil backstory?"

She then concentrated on the telepathic onslaught Exodus and Haze were unleashing, projecting a telepathic shield for her group. It was dampening the worst of it, which was really the best that Guin could do, especially as she was still actively fighting against evil Annie for her life.

Lavender Haze

Location: Woods (Mary's group)
Skills: Telepathy

Haze's lips briefly twitched into a smile at Mystery's thanks, a motion so brief that most people would've missed it. She was amused with Mystery's theatrics, finding the pyrotechnic wall rather beautiful. The girl that looked like her - Guin Stark - wasn't putting up much of a telepathic struggle. Haze wordlessly communicated with Exodus that she was going to refocus her efforts on the strong one, just giving him a single glance. Clearly, they didn't need both of them telepathically attacking this group. Either of them could have done this in their sleep.

At first, Haze went with a rather simple attack - she focused on the ginger one, attempting to pull her into one of her own worst memories. Yet nothing happened. Haze tilted her head, deciding on an alternative approach. She would convince the girl that her friends were her foes and that they, her foes, were her very best friends.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods (Runa's group)
Skills: Darkness Manipulation, Staff Combat

Things were hardly going well here either. Klara had broken free from Runa's restraints, and clearly seemed to recognize her, building up the uneasy feeling in Runa's stomach. Yes, it was very possible that in this world, she had made her cousin an identical circlet. But she could hardly contemplate the uncanniness of it all before Gambit, the rake, threw a card that exploded in her face. "Arghh," Runa complained, spitting a little bit of blood out of her mouth, not really injured at all thanks to being a goddess, but she was annoyed. "I will deal with you next, scoundrel," she promised.

Runa briefly took a moment to focus on Betheny's lie, using her subtle dominion over lies to make it more believable.

She needed to focus on the sorcerer though, as he was pelting them above with blasts of energy, some of which had hit Runa. She gritted her teeth in annoyance. Couldn't these people respect the rules of combat and go one at a time? Where was the civility in this warfare? "Edus, if you had wanted my undivided attention, all you needed to do was simply ask," Runa said. She sent a rush of darkness at him, forcing the darkness into his mouth, causing him to suffocate and choke. If he died, she didn't care. But truthfully, all she wanted to do was take his magic off the board.

Runa then swung at Edus with Gandr, attempting to hit him in the head with her staff, but - luckily for him - she missed.
Woodland Border to the Lake...

Lorna couldn't help but giggle slightly, relaxing a bit now that Fable seemed to be a bit more nervous. It was incredibly cute - a thought that Lorna was slightly aware of but really didn't want to spend too much time unpacking. Emotions and stuff were hard - she'd much rather focus on fighting and swordplay. "Yeah, you said it fine," Lorna said with a smile. "They're, like, like the main holidays in the Jewish calendar - like how the Solstices are important for the Greeks above everything else." She was used to people being confused whenever she mentioned something about Jewish holidays. It was more unusual when they knew what they were, to be honest.

Lorna hadn't been raised particularly religious - her father was a Greek god after all and her step-father was a classic WASP. Her mother didn't really practice or observe things, treating it more as a cultural heritage than a religious one. But Lorna did like exploring her Jewish identity, and the Eisenhardts were nice people. Nadja's grandfather always had the best stories that captivated Lorna's imagination for hours on end.

She reached the lakeshore, just in time to see Kitty dive underneath the waves. "Kitty?!" Lorna called out. "Are you okay? We're really sorry!"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy honestly didn't mind it when her dragon chewed on her hair - if anything, she found it rather cute. "I know, girl, I'm not happy about this either," she murmured. The Greeks seemed to have finally come to the conclusion that they were entirely disorganized and most likely doomed to failure. Even Cassian was now pointing out that the Romans probably had experience with this - which they did. Simply put, Romans had their shit together and Greeks didn't.

Nancy took a few steps away from the wall, going closer to the bench. "I can get you all into shape, but you won't like it," Nancy said. "Your issue is that you each think you're the star of the show. And you're not. None of you are. No one is greater than the group. You don't fight like an individual, you fight like a part of a whole." She eyed them, curious as to their reactions. And it wasn't going to just be words. If they wanted to drill like Romans, she'd drill them - they'd have some time on the train. And practicing in a tight space would be challenging, but rewarding.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

"You aren't sick of cabbies?" Leda teased Kiera, given that the last driver had tried to kidnap them. Ultimately, no harm had really been done - besides Hades seemingly freaking out and recalling Arthur back to the Underworld, putting them a demigod short on the quest... and forcing Leda to accept bringing the cyclops who kept calling her mum along. The little kid had already been ruining the romantic vibes somewhat, the clingy cyclops definitely wasn't going to improve things.

The conversation was prematurely cut short though, as two cars pulled up - Argus must've been speeding the entire way from Camp to get here this quickly. Leda hadn't even planned on still being around when Argus showed up to get the kids, as she had imagined they would've been off on their quest again. She waved at Alana slightly, as the Athena kid got on out. "Sup?" Leda asked. The rescued kids were piling into the camp vans, and they were almost free to leave and go back on their quest when a trident appeared over the head of one of them.

Leda did her best to hide her sigh.

If Poseidon was claiming this kid now, the most likely reason was because he wanted this kid to go on the quest with them. Otherwise, why wait for this moment? Why not just claim them when they were back at camp? Leda guessed with a war going on between the gods, Poseidon would rather have his kids underwater. "Depends on who you ask," Leda told Seraphina. "Now, you fancy going on a quest with us? You might even meet your old man."

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan snorted ever so slightly as Erik instructed that Hook had to be taken alive, but the others could be killed. The cynical part of her figured that Hook was too valuable an IP for him to be killed off in this story - and even if they thought they killed him, odds are they wouldn't see his body. Could she really prove that this world operated at the whims of storytelling tropes and themes? No. But there was little evidence she could see to disprove the notion that no matter what happened, it would be whatever events make for the most satisfying story.

They made their way back to the campsite, where the group began to split off. Megan's father, King Arthur, was going off on patrol. Megan felt that he probably wanted her to join him. Megan didn't feel much like eating. However, she had spent a lot of time with her parents. She either wanted to spend some moments alone - or perhaps more needed, she ought to check in on her brother. She glanced at Jack. "I'm going to go see what sort of poisonous berries are native to this forest, if you'd care to join me," she offered.


EARTH 257 - 6:50 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - London, England

Jubilee Park and Garden -

There was a collective sigh of relief as Gargantos was slain, sent back to whatever dark depths it had emerged from. The fight had taken far longer than anyone would have liked, and the park was now empty, no more civilians remaining. Luckily, no one seemed to have really gotten seriously injured. Bonnie didn't feel amazing by any means, as Flynn came over asking her how she was. Athena's power was pretty much keeping her and the baby safe. "I've been worse," she told him with a grimace.

She paused for a moment, looking at him. For the moment, he seemed to be himself again. But she was aware of the ever present threat that their memories could be reverted and wiped. Professor X had helped them, but for how long? He had treated the symptoms, not the cause. And while they had a clue now as to what Luminous and Doom were after, they weren't much closer. Bonnie's only idea was that the main thing they both had in common was magic - so maybe this Nexus, whatever it was, had to be magic.

Their group didn't do great when it came to magic.

"Well gang, I'd say we absolutely smashed that," Amelia said, shaking her legs out a little bit. "Let's go over what we know, hmm? They went after a thing called a Nexus and... that's it. That's all we know. Unless one of the geniuses can tell us more? Can we just ring up Genosha and ask those mates to come pick us up? Or we could chill here, maybe get a spot of tea or something, that's what you do in London right?"

Amelia had absolutely no idea what they were supposed to do. None. Zero. Absolutely nothing. It felt like the universe had just been moving them from location to location so far, so she was honestly just waiting for something to show up and tell them what they needed to do next. Nothing she remembered as Aero was helping either, there wasn't anything about a Nexus or whatever back in the Blue.

"It's definitely some sort of magic shit," Raynor said. "But I've never heard of it. And I am guessing witch boy hasn't either, since he hasn't spat out a memorization of some OMEN text?" he added somewhat harshly, referring to Flynn. He was happy that the demon had been dispersed, but also frustrated. They had been in this world way too long. He wanted to be home with his kid, not here chasing down Doom and Luminous. Raynor didn't care if they stayed in this world after all. This world didn't matter to him.

"You are correct, of course, it is some magic shit," a blonde woman dressed in a red suit with a blue cape said, as she stepped into view. Her form was strangely glowing, and those who had seen it before would realize that she was astral projecting. Her name was Amanda Sefton, ally of the X-Men, foster sister and girlfriend of Kurt Wagner (yes, sister and girlfriend...). But in this world, Amanda was the Sorcerer Supreme, Master of the Mystic Arts.

"Doom and Luminous' plans threaten all realities at a time where the walls between universes has been made thin and fragile," Amanda said, not giving anyone a beat to question who she was. "You must seek out the Nexus in New Asgard. Protect her at all costs and I will see you safely home to your reality. Fail and there will be no reality to return to."

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 10:20 PM

The Quiet Council of Genosha

Autumn Table:
Magneto - Omega Level Mutant, Master of Magnetism
Reeva Payge - Disorienting, Hallucinatory Sonic Scream
SELENE! - Psychic Vampire-Witch, Dark Priestess of Rome, Demonic Huntress, Goddess of the Moon, the First One, Mother of All Mutants

Summer Table:
Veil - Invisibility and Force Fields
Caduceus - Omega Level Mutant, Healing and Adaptation
Spark Plug - Electrokinesis, Empathy, Weather Manipulation

Spring Table:
Esme Frost - Telepathy, Psychic Host of Emma Frost & the Dead Cuckoos
Polaris - Mistress of Magnetism
Moneta - Retrocognition and Holographic Projection

Winter Table:
Mr. Sinister* - All
Mystique - Shapeshifting
Destiny - Prophecy

* not actually a mutant
Veil & Casper & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Mediumship

BOOM! Thunder, wind, rain, and lightning rule the sky! The previously weather-perfect gala has been put to the mercy of the elements, thanks to Spark Plug. The elements did not seem to really care who they harmed, as both Selene and her minions ended up being buffeted by the rain and cold. Most horrifying to Selene, her hairstyle was becoming ruined with the water - perhaps that was why she was screeching?

"Gah, cease this rainstorm at once!!! It's ruining my fit!" Selene shouted, somehow making her voice heard over the din.

Mutant Underground Table -

Mystique was knocked unconscious and critically injured, making at least one less minion/victim of Selene that was actively trying to kill all the mutants of Genosha. The power of lesbians working together :)

Had this entire relationship developed today? Yes. But Ben still held Max somewhat tenderly as Max ran back and kissed him. He didn't voice that a not so small part of him was tired of rushing off to Casper's rescue. He didn't want to always have to get Casper out of trouble. And he felt guilty for feeling resentful over it, and then he felt annoyed for feeling guilty. Emotions sucked.

Ben hesitated, before rushing after Max.

Jack Wayne, aka Legion, sized up Moneta. "You're pretty tough for a lil' lady," Jack Wayne said. "But I reckon that you're fixin' for a beatin' all the same." He glanced over at Andy, Zarina, and Echo. "I've got her handled, if you'd like to go stop one of the others." Was it overconfidence? Probably. But then again, Legion was an omega level mutant. Jack Wayne was ready to hop into the saddle.

He pushed Moneta back telekinetically, slamming her into one of the mushroom tables, food and drink spilling onto her clothes, ruining them. She'd hit her head pretty hard in the process and definitely had a concussion, her vision swimming and she was seeing double. However, she wasn't down for the count - not yet. Jack Wayne was confidently walking towards her.

Shi'Ar Bartender Set-Up

Veil nodded approvingly, seeing the storm that Callie had wrought come to fruition. It reminded her of demonstrations Storm would make at the Xavier's Institute when she was a student there - there was something about the raw, natural power that commanded attention. There was one flaw, however, in a lightning storm... particularly for someone who had just been granted adamantium skin, metal skin... James was a respectable 5'10", so while he wouldn't ordinarily be considered a lightning rod, well...

Perhaps Xavier's school should've supplemented their science curriculum - maybe then Veil would've instantly spotted the problem. Or perhaps Selene's spell should've allowed for more higher brain functions and thought, rather than having her enchanted minions going off of pure impulse and a tendency to cause destruction.

Nope, instead of thinking about how easy it would be for James to get hit by lightning, Veil instead was terrorizing people. No one was really fighting back against her, and she didn't feel like going after the Underground people, they had enough attention at the moment.

Midway Between Shi'Ar Bar and Underground Table

"JAAAAAMES! WHAT THE HELL!" Casper screamed, nearly pissing himself as James tried to get both of them electrocuted. His beautiful pink dress had gotten torn up in the struggle and Casper's heart was beating wildly. He didn't have Ben here to save him. He didn't have Ben here to save him. But luckily(?) his baby brother, Jack, came dashing to the rescue. "Jaackie! What do you mean you're going to be the one to kill me?! And how is James metal?! Why is Max evil??? What the hell is happening here I thought we were having a paaaarty?" Casper whined.

James lunged at Casper and hit him in the throat. Casper fell backwards onto the ground, thankfully not getting trampled as people were doing their best to avoid James at the moment. Ordinarily, Casper would've loved having James on top of him, going for his throat. But right now, he was both horny and scared. "Uh uh uh someone help meeee!!"

Casper's eyes glowed blue and a blue aura covered his hands. A spirit formed next to him, one intimately familiar to both James and Jack.

"What have you idiots gotten yourselves into without me?"

And then, mere seconds later - CRACK!!!!

James was hit by lightning.

James' mutation could not adapt in time.

James is hurting badly.

"What the hell... Why is James metal?" Ben blurted, rushing onto the scene. "Cassie, you good?"

Near the Asgard Bartender Set-Up

"Babe, you're fucking insane, you can't beat Magneto and Polaris!" Marrow hissed, grabbing Sunshine's arm and forcing her to stop. Sunshine glared at her for a moment, before Marrow continued. "Not without me, anyways," she added, before giving her wife a brief but passionate kiss. Someone's firework-like powers went off behind them, giving the kiss a much more romantic scene than their surroundings would have implied.

"I hate you," Sunshine said lovingly. She generated a small ball of disease in her hand, only for Marrow to shake her head. Marrow snapped off more bone spikes and handed them one at a time to Sunshine. "Put your disease on these, babe - and throw them at the fuckers."

"Alright, just be careful," Sunshine requested, not wanting to accidentally make Marrow sick. She imbued the first bone spike with disease and chucked it, aiming for Magneto's neck. Fortunately, he was wearing his party clothes and not any sort of armor. Her aim was true, as such was her mutant power. The bone spike went through, as Magneto for whatever reason didn't notice, didn't react fast enough, and hit him in the stomach. It wasn't thrown hard enough to pierce, more of hitting and falling to the ground, but that was enough for the disease to begin to take hold.

"What did you give him, by the way?" Marrow asked.

"No idea," Sunshine admitted. "Hopefully just enough to get these fields down... But we gotta deal with Polaris still."

Polaris was right behind them - and not all too happy.

Uh oh.
The Woods...

Lorna had NO IDEA how to feel when Fable winked at her. Maybe it really was time for some self reflection. Her face was bright red as Lorna followed after her friend, her sword at the ready in case anything jumped out at them. Part of Lorna did wish for the earth to swallow her whole. That would've been nice. She tried not to stare too much when Fable put her hair up into a perfect bun, and she tried not to think about how beautiful the gems of the clip looked when the light caught them.

When they made it to the edge of the woods, where they could look out and see Kitty sitting on the shore, Lorna was surprised to see Kitty sitting with one of the Athena kids - someone who Lorna instantly recognized. "Oh woah, I didn't know that she was friends with Nadja - I'm friends with her because her grandpa always insists on her inviting me over for the High Holidays - but I didn't know that Kitty was friends with her," Lorna quickly explained. Lorna and Nadja had bonded over their identities as Jewish demigods, although they weren't super close, they were friends. Lorna had found Nadja intimidating at first - she still did, really.

The Lake...

Nadja nodded, smiling ever so slightly at Kitty's comment about the Athena children usually being somewhat hostile. "My siblings are stupid," Nadja said bluntly. "I'm not my mother and you're not your father. So for now, I don't have a problem with you," she explained. "Although that could change, so be on your toes, Kitty," she joked, attempting to bring a bit of levity back in. Nadja knew that she tended to be overly serious at times and could intimidate people who didn't know her, and she didn't need this brokenhearted girl worried about Nadja being out to get her.

She then gave Kitty a wave, before heading off - she needed to tidy up her space in Cabin Six today anyways. And she was sure she'd end up finding something else to do. Maybe she'd grab one of the unsolved puzzles and spend the rest of the day until dinner working on it.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

The moment the door opened, Jade jumped out from behind and stabbed the poor soul, killing them instantly. The angel blade was probably overkill in this situation, but she didn't care. It had kept her alive in Altsoba, it would keep her alive here. Edus encapsulated the second person into a bubble, and the last one Thalia slashed at with her claws. She didn't manage to kill him however, so Jade took the opportunity and stabbed him with her dagger, killing the man instantly.

"Do you mind? She's loud," Jade said quietly, looking at Edus and his bubbled prisoner. Any moment now, more people could be coming. If Edus couldn't deal with her, then Jade would. She didn't know if her blade could penetrate Edus' bubble, but she imagined that it might. Magic didn't always hold up well against blades meant to kill angelic beings.

Meanwhile, Guin was feeling nauseous. She was still inside the other body, the one that fortunately was gifted with super strength, but unfortunately seemed to be lacking a healing factor. "Ugh... I'd say it's working, the pollen," she complained. Her actual body was thankfully restrained at the moment with Mary's vines, something that was better happening late than never. Of course, Guin didn't have much of an idea for how long she'd be able to maintain the switch, what with this pollen wreaking havoc on this body.

She knew that she ought to help Cass out, but she also felt it was probably best to focus on maintaining the switch, and she didn't know if she could fight and do that. All she really felt up to at the moment was probably vomiting. "Mary this sucks so much..."

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: Telepathy

"Guys, someone's coming," Guin announced suddenly, detecting the thoughts of people moving rapidly towards them. The movement was so fast, accompanied with a burst of wind, that one would've been forgiven for assuming that Pietro had returned. In a way, he had. Guin's heart skipped a beat out of dread - it was the other Quicksilver, the sadistic one from this world. Accompanying him were Pyro and Phantazia, a man with pink skin that she didn't recognize, and finally what looked to be Annie and herself. Guin noticed the eyepatch covering her counterpart's eye and she couldn't help but feel guilty. That version of her was an abused and brainwashed captive - and there was probably little she could do.

It suddenly occurred to her - that she could remember both this world and their own now. Her head was pounding slightly from the mixed up memories. She took a deep steadying breath, trying to focus on her most recent memories. Guin then learned that her counterpart had a device that could track the M'Kraan crystal, better than Strange had been able to. Their Guin has a device that's tracking the crystal, we need to grab it or destroy it, Guin said telepathically to the others present. It took her three tries to get the message through, something was blocking her.

There was also some weirdness since Guin was married to Pietro - but in this world, Quicksilver was her primary abuser. It was a sadistic twist of the knife. She felt like she needed to apologize to herself. "It's going to be fun beating you, asshole," Guin promised. She didn't know the pink man's powers, but the only other person with telepathy there was Guin's counterpart, and Guin imagined that her counterpart's mind had to be an absolute mess. She was confident, perhaps overconfident, she could handle these people.

Lavender Haze

Location: Woods (Mary's group)
Skills: Telepathy

The girl had once gone by Guin Stark, years ago. Forcibly indoctrinated into the Brotherhood, she had eventually been instructed to select a new, mutant name. There had been a truly awful suggestion of Techno Wizard, or just repurposing her dead father's mantle. But her entire life felt hazy at times, so Lavender Haze it became - usually just called Haze for brevity.

She tilted her head slightly, looking at the people they had encountered. It was definitely incredibly strange, looking at a version of herself, one without scars or a missing eyeball... She didn't allow her attention to linger long, however. They were close to their objective, her instrument's readings leading them to a more precise location. "You can have her," she told Mystery. The girl meant nothing to her. None of these people really did. While Haze's companions were most ruthless and excited for fights, she just... wasn't.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods (Runa's group)
Skills: Darkness Manipulation

"Annie, are you alright?" Runa asked, alarmed. But beyond the near miss murder attempt, another thing instantly had her troubled. She recognized the circlet worn by Klara - it looked identical to one she had made for her cousin, enchanting it with a protection spell. Bethany's revelation that her mind was continuing to warp was even the more concerning. Runa felt sick to her stomach. She mumbled a silent prayer to her grandmother, a force of life and fire incarnate. They could use all the help they could get.

"Stay behind me, Annie," Runa then added. Runa was more durable - the only one there who matched her durability was poor Lance. Her heart was pained just thinking about him. She didn't want to think about him. She reached her hand out and commanded darkness, wrapping Klara up in darkness and restraining her. She extended her other hand, attempting to do the same thing to Mage, but she couldn't quite grasp him - keeping Klara restrained was taking up too much of her concentration.
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