Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

the Arena...

Lorna thought for a moment about doing what Kitty said, just going on up and asking Luke for a chance to spar with Percy. However, Kitty had been perceptive - Lorna hadn't slept well the night before. And her gut was telling her that she'd want to be at the top of her game when facing off against Percy Jackson. Besides, he was brand new - if he trained a little more, maybe he'd be more fun to spar. "Hmm, maybe I will... Or maybe I'll just ask him next time, when he won't just be good, he'll be great," Lorna proposed.

"Do you know what side your cabin's on next Capture the Flag?" Lorna decided to ask Kitty, as she swung at the dummy in front of her, slicing its head off cleanly. Her sword gleamed, catching the light. "I forget who we've made an alliance with - Athena, I think..." She was almost certain it was the Athena Cabin that Hermes had elected to go with, but the brain fog from her lack of sleep was making Lorna a little bit unsure.

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: N/A

Guin was really hoping that evil Annie would just stand down and be nice and full unconscious, but luck didn't seem to be on her side. Annie swept her leg and Guin fell to the ground, no doubt bruising her ass somewhat in the process. She rolled from side to side as Mystery tried to punch her in the face, the punches narrowly missing and connecting with the ground instead. "You're actually insane. Like clinically. Have you considered medication? Or psychiatric help?" Guin asked.

She got up to her feet, aching all over, and swung a punch, hitting Mystery in the face. Guin swung again, this time specifically getting Mystery in the eye, and Guin knew from experience that Mystery would end up with a black eye from that blow. Two more blows landed, one just bruising, and the other definitely breaking whatever cartilage was left holding together of Mystery's nose. Her own head wound was still bleeding, but Guin didn't feel light headed, thankfully. She was just tired and annoyed and was hoping that when she finished Mystery, everyone would have magically taken care of the rest of these Brotherhood assholes...

Lavender Haze

Location: Woods (Mary's group)
Skills: Telepathy

Haze raised an eyebrow, noticing that the ginger was seemingly struggle with fulfilling the commands she had given. She really wished that this was all over and done with already. While she wasn't invested in this fight, Haze did care about securing the artifact. And she didn't like all of the time they were wasting here with these people, if they came back to Magneto empty handed... Haze tried not to think about that, as she used her gift to reinforce the hold she had on Mary's mind, and she judged that she had been successful.

She then turned her head in the direction of the roar, looking pale. "... They brought a Hulk..." she murmured.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods (Runa's group)
Skills: N/A

Runa might have been physically sparring with Klara, but verbally she had her sights on Mage. She believed she could sense the conflict within him, and that if given sufficient motivation, he might be made an ally. "If your family dies with you, Edus, then why let your family's death be in desecration of their beliefs? You would not only kill your family legacy physically, but spiritually as well. Flesh can be healed, the dead raised, but the metaphysical? That's a trickier thing altogether," Runa warned. Runa was a strong believer in resurrection and reincarnation - death was simply part of a natural life cycle, whether taken from the perspective of the Phoenix and its rebirth, or that of Asgard and the destructive crucible of Ragnarok. Death was never the end, just another beginning.

Had Runa not been more focused on Lance's transformation, perhaps she would have heard Klara proclaim Runa was a light goddess. And had Runa heard that, it would have been a delicious, melancholic irony - to know that at least in one world, she was a worthy legacy of her father Baldur. Instead, Runa was focused on Lance, placing a hand on his arm for a moment. "Lance, do what needs to be done. Smash," she requested, hoping that he was enough present to listen to her, and that she hadn't just made everything so incredibly much harder for everyone else.

Runa swung her staff at Klara, aiming to hit her in the head and ideally knock her unconscious, but Klara blocked with her sword. Runa swung again, this time landing a decent blow to Klara's head. "Cousin, lay down your weapons," Runa counseled, only to then be sent into some trees by a wave of shadows sent by not-Bethany.


EARTH 257 - 8:30 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Raynor stiffened as Klara embraced him. He wasn't used to much physical contact with other people, aside from Sparky and his daughter - and even then, Sparky tended to purposefully shock him about half of the time. It had been ages since his cousin had hugged him. He returned the hug, though the expression on his face was grim. He spoke in English this time. "I know. But you really shouldn't," he said quietly, wondering whether Klara would receive his warning. He knew that his cousin still saw him as a broken little boy, and not the adult monster he had become.

Bonnie frowned, listening to Klara's explanation about the Nexus. She could think of one prominent individual back home who could control probability, and she shuddered at the idea that the universe could revolve around Wanda Maximoff. She had never really had a strong opinion before, but now Bonnie had decided - she hated magic. The idea that one person could be that important, that without them the universe could fall apart or something... She hated that.

But it did make sense with what Oliver had seen in the vision - that Doom had hurt this figure in green and then the dominoes continued to fall, until the multiverse itself seemed to have ended. And Bonnie could believe that someone as arrogant as Doom would believe that he could steal the powers of Nexus beings and use them to his own ends. She didn't know why Luminous would oppose him and lead to her death in the vision though, that much still wasn't clear. "Alright then. Doom is going to try to steal the Nexus being's powers - Sylvie's powers - and in the process lead to the destabilization of the multiverse. That seems simple enough," Bonnie explained.

"I think then let's go and protect this Sylvie chick, mates?" Amelia chimed in. Bonnie's analysis made sense to her and seemed to match Oliver's vision. She had felt a little bit uncomfortable when Klara started mentioning them all being romantics - that had never been Amelia's scene. The only romantic bit about her was how she loved to romanticize flying - or watching rom coms staring Rebel Wilson. Love in the purely traditional sense never factored into Amelia's life.

"Please do," Raynor said to Klara, as she mentioned she could take them to go find Sylvie. Suddenly, there was the sound of a gigantic explosion from off in the near distance. Raynor turned around and outside the window, he could see gigantic blasts of mystic energy hitting the palace - the home of the All-Mother, Sif. "And step on it, maybe - looks like Doom and Luminous are getting started," Raynor added.

"I'm going to go take them from the outside, actually - I'll meet up with you all inside with Sylv," Amelia explained. Her powers lent themselves to the air and sky. And she had spotted some dragons going around, which had given her an idea. "Good luck, ya cunts!" she wished cheerfully, giving everyone a wave before dashing out the front door. Thanks to the memories of being here, of being Aero, Amelia jumped straight into the sky and started to fly off to the palace.

Bonnie then used her powers granted by the goddess Athena, transforming into her suit - a suit of Greek armor, complete with a shield with the face of the gorgon Medusa on it.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy was happy with the choice of the back of the train car - there would be less foot traffic back there, hopefully. Joanie had already found a spot she was happy with, curled up on the headrest of one of the seats, so Nancy sat in that same seat. She figured Joanie could ness in her wild mess of hair if she wanted to - that or eat it. Nancy truthfully didn't mind, as she had curls for days.

Whatever brief sense of calm that Nancy had felt was gone, replaced with knots of anxiety, as Cassius confirmed he had his parents powers. Nancy avoided looking at him. She didn't want him to know that that scared the shit out of her. For better or worse, Nancy couldn't help but see the Lotus Hotel and Casino when she thought about Bacchus, the terrifying god of wine and madness. Knowing that Cassius had Bacchus' powers made her want to throw herself out the window of the train while it was in motion. He repulsed her.

Nancy listened to the weaknesses and strengths the demigods were offering, doing her best to focus on tactics, and to resist the urge to pick up Joanie and pace up and down the aisle of the car to soothe her nerves. "Biggest strength is my voice. I've got killer pipes. I'm handy with daggers, swords, and a bow - and most used to group rather than solo combat," Nancy said. When it came time to say her weaknesses, however... Her voice failed her for a moment. There was one huge weakness, one gigantic liability, and it was difficult to voice. She intentionally hadn't mentioned her prophetic ability in her strengths, as she considered it a curse. "Weaknesses, I... I..."

Nancy closed her eyes. Her hands were shaking and she took a deep breath, trying to force the words out.

But the more she tried, the more raw she felt. The more every fiber of her being started to scream at her, like an electrocuted nerve. The more she thought about taking her dagger and ending it all, rather than ever go back there. "Zeke can tell you all," Nancy whispered, her body pale, as she got up and marched off down the aisle, just wanting to put distance between herself and the others - especially that Bacchus kid. This was a secret she hadn't revealed to very many people, one that the megabitch Leandra had violated her privacy by attempting to weaponize. She didn't want these people to know, but with they were going, they'd find out one way or another. Nancy didn't want their pity.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier
Skills: N/A

Leda rolled her eyes slightly, as Hercules ended up breaking the seatbelt. She didn't really care that he had damaged the car, it was stolen anyways. If it had been her own car, that she had spent every last drachma she had saved on, then they would have an issue. "Cute," she commented, looking at Hercules through the rearview mirror. She listened as Kiera and Sera chatted, Kiera Leda imagined was pretty stoked to finally have a sibling. Leda was mildly intrigued in how Sera had managed to get from Vegas to New York City all on her own, but she didn't pry. She was certain that Sera was capable - kidnapping withstanding.

Or at least, Leda hoped she was - everyone else in the group was pretty brand new at this questing business and while Leda felt she could carry the team, she didn't want to be forced to do so.

Leda got them to the pier and she parked the cab, doing a decent job - she could've just left it in the street, but it was a point of pride. She had worked hard to get her license. Leda left the keys in the ignition as she got out. Someone else could take the cab if they wanted to. "They're called hippocampi," Leda explained to Sera. "And 'course, luv - it'll be a nice change, not having to carry you," she teased, a playful smirk creeping up her face.

Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan didn't believe her brother when he said that he hadn't thought about it. She was almost certain that he had. If she had to guess, he was fully intending on returning to the ordinary world and just picking back up at work as if nothing had ever happened. Her brother could be a bit of a coward at times, though truly she couldn't blame him. It was a lot to leave one life behind, particularly knowing that in this world, people would see him as the spawn of a monster. Megan was almost a little bit jealous. She would have liked to have a demonic parent - but instead, she had the shining King and Queen of Camelot.

Before she could press her brother further on the matter, the boar Arthur had been tracking showed its tusks. The boar squealed loudly, coming out of the brush, and knocked Megan down onto her back. She sprung back up quickly to her feet, ignoring Arthur's hand, and drew her sword. The boar returned for another charge and Megan swung her sword, wounding it. She swung again, hoping to kill it, but she missed. And before she could finish a third swing, the boar slammed into her, knocking her down to the ground again.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 10:50 PM

Veil & Sunshine

Location: the Carousel
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Perfect Aim

With the Quiet Council freed and the magnetic field down, the people of Genosha were finally able to begin to flee. Roughly half of the Quiet Council dedicated themselves to the evacuation effort, leading people away from the Carousel and down towards the southern end of the island, specifically Hellfire Bay. They didn't have enough ships to get everyone off of the island, but the hope was that there'd be enough teleporters to assist - and of course that Selene would be subdued before she made Genosha uninhabitable.

Specifically, the Quiet Council members evacuating people were Destiny, Mystique (now conscious), Reeva, Esme, Mister Sinister, and Polaris.

Of course, the pounding headache afflicting all magic users - including Pixie and Max - wasn't the only side-effect of the soul gobbling Selene and now Andy were doing. No, the island itself was being damaged by this. All of the plant life in the Carousel was dead and now rapidly decaying. The destruction inflicted by the Quiet Council had left its toll on the landscape as well, the ground shaking threateningly, an earthquake that hopefully would not get any worse...

The Stage

There was a flicker of pride in Selene's cold black heart as Andy began to drain some of her energy. Whereas she had lost interest not too long ago in having any sort of active motherly role in Andy's life, Selene could see the promise now, the vision. She had been wrong about her daughter. She wasn't a little hero after all. She was a vampiric predator and Selene smiled. Selene was immortal. She had nothing to fear. And all she could see was the promise that one day, perhaps one day soon, Andy would be Just. Like. Her. Mother.

"Oh, poppet, you're going to make mummy--" Selene began to say, only to be cut off. Despite the acheron being roughly the size of a Pokéball, somehow she noticed it. "You must be joking - you brought an acheron to defeat me? A child's toy? That may work on hissy little demons, but I am SELENE!" She could see Max down there like an ant. She raised her foot up, fully intending on crushing him, only for two sharp pinpricks of pain - one in her ear, the other in her cheek.

"Urgh, all of you little pests are ruining my mood!" Selene snapped, focusing in on Zarina now. "I should've known better than to rely on the Council - they're all bark and no bite. Jacques, dearest, be a good boy and kill these pests, hmm?" Her voice was so loud and booming that everyone present would be able to hear - would be able to hear Selene give Jack an order. Was that a bright move for her to make? Probably not. But Selene wasn't particularly bright. Or detail oriented.

Selene's attention then re-focused on the shiny glowing blue daughter in front of her. As much as she was very proud of Andy right now and excited about the dark future she glimpsed for her, Selene was NOT going to let Andy ascend to divinity first. Ever a drama queen, Selene lunged forward and sank her psychic fangs into Andy's neck, throttling up the speed of power transfer. As Andy shrunk down to only being 10 feet tall and Selene reached 100 feet, she had to hold up her daughter with her hands in order to continue to feed.

Did Selene need to do this like an actual vampire? No. But it was more fun, so she did.

"Unhand my child at once!" a thundering voice shouted, as the Master of Magnetism flew up into the sky, using the metal carefully threaded throughout his suit. He flicked his hand forward and ALL of the metal in the Carousel went flying at Selene, including Lila Cheney's guitar to her annoyance. But it hardly even phased Selene. It was like just pebbles hitting her chest.

Down at ground level, Lila Cheney had gone off to assist in evacuation efforts, teleporting handfuls of mutants at a time to her Dyson Sphere in outer space and then jaunting back over to Genosha without another word.

"Do you have any experience with fighting witches?" Dazzler asked Echo, as she sent off rays of bright light at Selene. It seemed to weaken Selene somewhat, but not really noticeably.

Sunshine and Marrow then arrived, with a bloody gash across Sunshine's forehead that she seemed to be ignoring for the most part. Marrow was beat up as well, bruises forming against her pink skin that were a vivid shade of purple. "One of you assholes have a plan?" Marrow asked, looking at Max, Echo, and Dazzler.

"No offense, but I always thought you'd be the magic person that goes out of control that we have to kill one day," Sunshine said to Max bluntly. It was somewhat of a compliment - she thought that he was that powerful. She didn't wait too long though for a plan to be formed, before conjuring up her smoky green orbs of disease, and she started to just lob them as Selene. She was thinking up the most wicked sounding viruses and diseases that she could, even as doubt filled her mind. She didn't know if it was possible to make a goddess ill.

The disease orbs hit, as Sunshine had the mutant power to always hit her mark. Brief bits of green flared up against Selene's glowing blue, as the illness briefly took hold, but Selene's godly immune system quickly fought it off. Attacking one at a time seemed futile - they needed to consider a new strategy.

Mutant Underground Table -

Legion scrambled backwards as Miranda released them from the box. They stared at her uncertainly, with wary eyes. Made entirely out of swirling water, the shape was still a rough approximation of David Haller, but not quite. "S-stay away from me!" Legion screeched at Miranda. And then they sent a blast of water at Miranda, narrowly missing, before turning around and running away. Legion was headed towards the exits more of less of the Carousel, threatening to blend into the fleeing crowd that was in the process of trying to evacuate.

Shi'Ar Bartender Set-Up

Pixie stopped the chant, seeing Veil not only reappear but come to her senses. She was battling the migraine that was threatening to put her out of commission, doing her best to just ignore it and continue to function. Pixie fluttered on over to Veil and Spark Plug. "I'm going to help with teleporting people away, if you two see Max, tell him to try mutant magic, not human magic to stop her. I'll come back to help as soon as I can, just - urgh - my head is pounding and not too many people can teleport people away here," Pixie explained, before giving Veil and Spark Plug a thumbs up. She then fluttered on over to a group of mutants and in a flash of pink, they vanished along with Pixie.

Veil blinked back tears, nodding at Spark Plug's words even though she didn't fully believe them. She'd spend the rest of her life trying to atone for this night, Veil realized. She turned and stared at Selene, scarcely able to believe that this was real - that there was a woman taller than some buildings, glowing blue, and eating the souls of everyone here who they had promised were safe, who they had promised to protect. It cut deeper, knowing that this wasn't an act of hatred by humanity, but a betrayal by one of their own. It had been naive for them, Veil came to understand, to allow everyone into their mutant paradise. People could change, but some simply did not want to.

"Can you use your emotional powers on her, Callie?" Veil asked. She wished for a moment that Cyclops was there - he was famed for having insane plans for every insane possibility, and Veil was certain that this exact version of events was probably tucked away in one of his binders. "Maybe if we can mess with her mentally, it'll make it easier to take her down - I don't like just pounding away at her, I feel like there has to be something we're missing... We should find Max, tell him what Pixie said - maybe it'll help him come up with a mystic strategy."

Veil then formed a force field around Callie and herself, to protect them from harm. And she offered Callie her hand, intending on running towards Selene.

Midway Between Shi'Ar Bar and Underground Table

Ben couldn't even believe himself that he had once had a crush on Jack. There was something about how calm, collected, and nonchalant Jack was about everything happening that made Ben's skin crawl. He didn't trust a word that came out of his mouth - only liars boasted about how good they were at lying and then in the next breath promised this was the truth. Ben could feel the tentacles within him straining to come out, to grab Jack and thrash him around, and then ask him if he was still so calm and sure then.

"If you're lying about this - if Casper doesn't come back - then I'll kill you myself. You fucking disgust me," Ben promised Jack, his right eye twitching slightly. He turned to follow Max through the portal to fight Selene, when he heard Selene's booming voice asking Jacques to come and help her. He turned sharply and stared at Jack. "She better not mean you," he warned. His tentacles came out through his stomach, but they weren't grabbing anyone - not yet.


EARTH 257 - 8:20 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

Bonnie was quiet for another moment, considering the new information Oliver had given. She wasn't too sure what to make of it, if she were being quite honest. Apocalyptic visions tended to be vague at best. The only information they had was that in this vision, Doom would kill Luminous - and some figure that wore green. They were in New Asgard and the most famous Asgardian who wore green was Loki. Was he somehow connected to this - was he whatever this Nexus was? But still, it didn't sit quite right with Bonnie.

Raynor avoided Klara's gaze, looking everywhere but into her piercing eyes. He felt like a disobedient child, being beckoned to introduce his friends to his parent. He could have been charming and sweet if he wanted to - he could have given each person a lengthy introduction, highlighting their feats and abilities, just as was custom in New Asgard to do. He didn't need to ask who of his 'friends' Klara already knew - he could take a guess as to that one. "This is... Sparky, daughter of... Bob," Raynor began, pointing at Sparky. "Oliver, son of Thanos," he said, pointing at Oliver. "Flynn, son of Erik... I don't know the lineages for the others, but... Amelia, Niah, Matt, Bonnie, Maria, and Cass."

Amelia waved her hand and looked at Klara cheerfully. It didn't bother her in the slightest that Raynor didn't have a clue for who to say she was the daughter of - there were three possible answers, after all. "Fucking ecstatic to meet you, mate. 'M Amelia, daughter of Charlotte, Noah, and Archie. Your cousin has told us... jack shit about you, but he said you're all on the up and up when it comes to magic, and we've got a magic problem, if you don't mind taking a mo' to help out? Again, love the decor here - it's brilliant."

Bonnie didn't feel the need to mention the names of her parents - Jean-Paul and Rachel - at the moment. She knew that this was clearly Asgardian custom, and if Klara asked, she would answer. But at the moment, Bonnie was focused more on the answer to the mysterious puzzle that was the Nexus. Doom and Luminous were clearly after it, and if Doom had his way, the world would end. That was more than enough motivation to keep her on track. "Specifically, we believe that two fugitives from our world are here for something or someone called the Nexus. Do you know anything about what the Nexus is or where we might find it? A sorceress told us to come to New Asgard to look for it," Bonnie explained succinctly. She didn't add the ticking clock - that their minds were being warped and while Professor X had managed to stave off the effects for now, there was no telling when they would begin to lose themselves again.

"Anything you could tell us would be super fucking helpful!" Amelia chimed in. She really liked Klara - she just seemed to have good vibes. Of course, Amelia wasn't a huge fan of water and the ocean, as she didn't know how to swim, but Klara just seemed so... chill that it wasn't such a huge issue. It didn't even occur to her to be paranoid that it might've been an effect of the love goddess' presence, to make people just like her and want to be around her.

"Vær så snill, fetter... Jeg må hjem til datteren min," Raynor said quietly, purposefully speaking in the native tongue of Asgard so that way the others could not understand him. He didn't want to show this vulnerability in front of them. He would rather they see him as this wicked, cruel figure - he would never let them see his pain.
In What If? 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Jade & Guin

Guin wished the last thing she had said to Mary hadn't been a sarcastic complaint. She had already lost her family, and the X-Men had become a new family to her. The tragic thing was she didn't doubt what her eyes saw as the Scarlet Witch appeared, and evoked the powers of her detestable father, tearing Mary apart with metal. No, everything had been a nightmare since that day back in 2019 - violent delights would have violent ends. Her loved ones would die, over and over again. Guin was silent, staring at Mary's body in shock, and she only stirred once Cass gave her a direct order. Guin nodded, feeling the aching and pains in her borrowed body, and she switched back. The asshole she had switched with collapsed to the ground. "Okay," Guin told Cass with a nod, before she sprinted for the door.

She had been lucky that the vines holding her body had loosened, so it hadn't been too hard to get free. She was doubly lucky that when Wanda sent something flying after her as she ran, it missed. Guin blinked back tears - tears for Mary, and tears for Cass, as she was terrified she had just left her friend behind to die. She kept on running, hoping to run into someone, but she didn't. Instead, she ended up opening the door and running into what looked like a biology lab.

Her heart skipped a beat, as a melancholic hope came over her. Maybe this was where Magneto would be keeping any notes on the virus - maybe here would be a way to stop it. Mary had died. Her family had died. Maybe they could save a few more people. But she didn't have much time. Guin grabbed the notebook she had found, flipping through it to see the notes were in some sort of gibberish code. It'd be too hard to get it to people outside of the city now though, so the best she could do would be to try to keep it safe, and try to find the others.

Meanwhile, Jade found herself in a rather annoyingly deadly situation. Thalia had dealt with the person Ed had immobilized, but now they had another challenger coming at them. He had blonde hair, a cocky grin, and an oversized flamethrower strapped onto him. She noted the way he triggered the flamethrower to produce the flames, and then manipulated them. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist as the flames heated up the hallway and burns popped into existence on her skin.

"I'm going to disable the flamethrower. Edus, do what you can to slow him down. Thalia, I'd recommend going in for a kill shot," Jade said, a bit more vindictive than normal, and she was thankful that her gas mask wasn't falling to pieces from the heat. She judged the angle and threw her angel blade, the dagger hitting the flamethrower and damaging it, although it didn't cut off the flame supply completely.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: NYC
Skills: N/A

Nancy wasn't too certain how much the Greeks had actually understood what she had said. Minerva's daughter at least did seem to have some thoughts on tactics that weren't bad, and didn't entirely contradict what they had often spoken about during drills at Camp Jupiter. She was disappointed to see that Janelle hadn't joined in on the conversation. These tactics were the most important for her to learn, as she would need to learn to spatially orient herself in these formations quickly. Already, Nancy was scheming up some ways to use the girl to the best of her abilities in order to enhance the group as a whole.

She didn't say anything else though, instead getting up and boarding the train with the group, careful to keep Joanie on her shoulder. The mortals probably just saw Joanie as some sort of pet, but Nancy didn't care. If any of them said a word to her about her dragon, she'd deal with them. Nancy could be quite intimidating when she needed to - some people described it as trying to win a staring contest with the sun. Few people could last very long. "Classic Greek punctuality," Nancy muttered sarcastically, as the rest of the group made it on at the very last second.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: NYC - Pier Area
Skills: N/A

Leda pretended to be annoyed by Kiera fretting over her wasp sting, but she secretly really appreciated it. "Mmhmm," she replied, a slight smile on her face. She did love getting little displays of affection from Kiera. Her eyes darted over towards Sera - they didn't know much about her - but it didn't seem like Sera had any sort of a problem with them being, well, gay. And if Hercules had a problem with it, Leda would turn him into a pile of monster dust. "Don't bother trying to buckle, Herc," Leda said, as she got back into the driver's seat. She was, as far as she knew, still the only one there who knew how to drive.

Leda fastened her seatbelt and waited for a moment, watching in the mirror as Sera squeezed herself into the back with Hercules. She smirked slightly, a little bit amused at the awkward fit it was for Hercules. He wasn't the small baby cyclops she had met anymore. Luckily no cops seemed to be aware of the fact that they had a stolen cab either - sometimes, the Mist really did work small miracles.

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: Telepathy, Stamina, Unarmed Combat

Guin really was not having a good day. The trees were no longer attacking the Brotherhood and instead were going after them - "Shit," Guin cursed. Rain poured down on the fiery wall that had separated Guin off from the rest of the group - it was smaller, but still there. And then out of nowhere, a rock hit her in the head, and Guin's ears rang for a moment. She instinctively reached up with her hand to the wound, and she pulled it away, finding her hand covered in her own blood. "Shit," she repeated. Guin was barely focusing on Mystery's creepy monologue, her head feeling a bit lighter than would be safe. She kept one hand against the wound, putting pressure on it as best as she could.

"Yeah, one asshole at a time, wait your turn, Pinkie Pie!" Guin shouted at Exodus, agreeing with Mystery for once here.

At first, nothing happened. And then suddenly, Guin's mind was on fire. It was searing hot, like flames were devouring every bit of tissue that made up her brain. The blood loss didn't make things any easier. Guin stifled a cry, clenching her free hand into a fist, her knuckles glowing white from the intensity. "You. Tell. Me," Guin wheezed, digging in and using all of her psychic might, as she Uno Reverse'd the attack back at Mystery. It wasn't as intense or powerful as the original, but now Mystery would be the one with her mind aflame.

Her hand was shaking as Guin removed it from her head wound, and she stepped forward, and punched Mystery right in the nose. It was hard for Guin to tell as there was already blood on her hand, but Mystery's nose was bleeding now as the psychopath was sent stumbling backwards. Guin walked forward and punched again, this time knocking Mystery down to the ground.

She hoped the others were having better luck in their fights than she was.

Lavender Haze

Location: Woods (Mary's group)
Skills: Telepathy

Haze was beginning to lose what little interest she had had in this fight. The ginger one was now on their side, despite how fractured and conflicted her mind was. Mystery's fire wall had been doused, but she seemed to be having fun and Haze wasn't worried. Exodus was hardly even trying by Haze's estimation, as he chucked rocks at people. And Quicksilver was clearly not paying much attention either, running straight into things. She sighed slightly. Phantazia and Pyro were dealing with the Asgardian, and Haze privately had her money on the latter rather than the former when it came to success.

But then, a new face entered the fray - well, not so much a new one. It was a face that Haze knew very well. His pale eyes lacked their usual cruelty however, something she noted with slight interest. No one seemed to really be looking to engage her though, so Haze decided she would deal with the newcomer. It had worked so well on the ginger that Haze decided to try it again, attempting to force her way into his mind and turn his heart to their cause, but it didn't work.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Woods (Runa's group)
Skills: Asgardian Magic

It was raining furiously now - Klara's doing, Runa assumed. Of course, not this Klara. This one acted as if she had spent the last decade drinking far too much Asgardian ale and now found her brains scrambled and confused. This Klara swung at her with her sword, a killing blow had Runa not blocked it with Gandr. Klara landed a kick to her stomach though, and Runa let the force send her stumbling backwards as to avoid falling over. "I am Runa, daughter of Baldur and Nanna, granddaughter of Odin and Frigga, and Nepr and the Phoenix, sister of Forseti. I am the goddess of darkness and lies, protector of the lost and broken. I am your blood. And you would do well to remember that, Klara Thordattir."

An explosion then went off - exploding cards precisely - and Runa gathered a few burns on her body. She winced though, seeing what bad shape Annie was in. This fight wasn't going well. Klara and Runa could fight here for decades, but her friends were mortal and easily wounded. Bethany seemed okay though at least. And Lance, as confused as he was, was more worried about her than himself.

"Be brave," Runa warned Lance. She did not feel guilty for what she was about to do, but she did feel sad, knowing that this would be terrifying to him as he was now. She reached out with her magics, whispering a spell, and triggered the transformation of Lance into a Hulk. They needed a monster now who could smash and destroy. They needed the Hulk. Runa then turned her gaze back to Klara, though she spoke to Mage. "As for you, your family would be ashamed of what you have become. You have broken their laws. But it is not too late. You may redeem yourself now, by fighting against these murderers and snakes. Or you may die for their cause by my hand."
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