Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
2 yrs ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
5 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
5 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: Telepathy

Guin wasn't sure how long she had been unconscious. She didn't really have a great sense of time at the moment - not that she really had for a while, space travel made timezones somewhat of a fiction and incredibly hard to keep track of. There was a weird magicky bubble surrounding her - Ed's shield - and while her body was incredibly sore, she was fairly certain she wasn't dead. Guin shifted ever so slightly and the majority of her pain came from her ribcage - her ribs must've still be cracked. No stand-up specials for a while - laughing would be painful (and risk potentially puncturing something important).

"Urgh... Inside voices, babe, please," Guin murmured. She wasn't making any effort to get up - the shield would've prevented that anyways. And again, broken ribs were no laughing matter. Looks like my ribs are cracked, otherwise somehow the rest of me is more or less okay... What about you? She figured Pietro would've wanted her to give a detailed list of her own injuries before checking in on him - he was a bit overprotective that way.

Haze, meanwhile, stared at Mary for a silent minute. Her eyes flickered around, darting between her companions. And then Haze let the device she had created to track the crystal drop and hit the forest floor. She raised her hands slowly, and put them behind her head. "How could I do anything stupid? You're taking all the stupid with you," Haze said simply, but it was clear that she was surrendering.

God what is with the fucking quips from her... She's psycho.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Mirror Dimension
Skills: Asgardian Magic (Elder Futhark Runes)

Runa didn't make any moves to defend herself, as Klara raised (and then dropped) her sword. She stared at her cousin, completely brokenhearted. She hated seeing Klara in so much pain. Growing up, she had always viewed Klara as invincible, as unbeatable - her protector, her knight in shining armor. To see Klara be brought this low... Runa bit her lip, before renewing her magical efforts, trying to restore her cousin's mind. She would do whatever it took, no matter the price. Runa would gladly trade places with her.

Her conclusions were much the same - that Klara's mind was besieged by different forces, different than what had happened to poor Lance. Runa's heart ached for him as well. If she couldn't help Klara, could she help her love? And even if she could, was it right to force these memories back upon them? But she didn't have time to dwell in self doubt. She continued weaving her spells, focusing on her runes, until she felt that Klara's mind was mostly pieced back together.

"Cousin...?" Runa asked softly.

I wanted to give a huge shoutout to everyone who has participated in the Gifted! We just finished our roleplay a few days shy of the 4 year anniversary. I am so incredibly proud, grateful, and humble - I have definitely learned so so much about myself and about storytelling over this time. You never know when you start a RP if it's going to stick and being able to tell so many stories and make so many great friends... It's truly an incredible joy and honor.

I love you all!

(And of course, our alumni - @FantasyChic and @KazAlkemi )






The days following the fall of Genosha were not easy - but for mutants, they never really ever were.

Thanks to the dedicated work of mutant teleporters, the Genoshans were transported to the empty grounds of the Massachusetts Academy. The school's doors had been closed by its headmistress, Emma Frost, shortly before the Genoshan project began. While not nearly as spacious as the island had been, it provided safety and security - for now. The Quiet Council worked tirelessly to reunite loved ones, to arrange for passage to anywhere in the world for those who wished to leave, and to tend to the sick and honor the dead.

The mutant circuit of James, Casper, and Max worked to resurrect their fallen dead - some who had fallen recently, like Kristina and Waverley, and others who had been dead for longer, such as Sapphire, Cayden, and Jinx. The estimations had been that it would take almost five years for them to resurrect every mutant who had been lost - yet the circuit's work was ended prematurely due to the events of REDACTED that fall. Mutant resurrection would not continue.

Mister Sinister fulfilled his bargain with Esme Frost, giving her the viable cloned bodies of her mother, Emma, and her fallen siblings. She transferred their essences from her mind and into their bodies, restoring Emma Frost and the Stepford Cuckoos to glory. Sinister then vanished shortly thereafter - and unbeknownst to just about anyone else, holding Alex Summers AKA Havok captive... still.

By winter, only twenty percent of Genosha's population remained at the Massachusetts Academy. Magneto had resigned his position with the Quiet Council, going off on his own to begin work on his next great mutant project. The Quiet Council collapsed soon afterwards, due to most of its members leaving, and was replaced with a new leadership structure - three leaders (black, white, and red). Reeva Payge served as the Black Queen, Emma Frost as the White Queen, and Veil as the Red Queen. A black ops team was then formed called X-Force, with the mission to specifically target anti-mutant threats and eliminate them before their people could be slaughtered once more. The Hellfire Club as a whole does not currently recognize the Massachusetts Academy as a legitimate branch, so Emma and Reeva are currently using their own personal fortunes to fund it.
What happened to the heroes of Genosha?

Veil was tapped by Reeva Payge and the recently resurrected Emma Frost to head up a new black ops group called X-Force, as part of her role as the Red Queen of the Inner Circle. X-Force's mission was to take out anti-mutant extremists around the globe and prevent them from expanding their influence. She lives in at the X-Force base in an undisclosed location in New England. Veil still has not made time for romance.

Sunshine and Marrow signed up for X-Force as well. While neither of them want biological children, they are fostering mutant teen runaways in need. Sunshine has tried out a series of new, more mature codenames - none of them have stuck. Marrow still makes fun of her for briefly going by Plague Queen.

Callie also joined X-Force as part of its inaugural team. The second in command of the team, she also was given a telepathic download by Emma Frost on flying aircraft, allowing Callie to transport the team wherever they need to go. She is incredibly active at the Massachusetts Academy, helping out the mutant refugees whenever she can. After the collapse of the Quiet Council, Callie took the position of Red Knight within the Inner Circle, acting as the second in command to Veil.

Sapphire was one of the lucky mutants resurrected by the power of the mutant circuit of James, Casper, and Max. The circuit was forced to disband because of [REDACTED]. She ended up taking a position with X-Force as well, which ended up basically being a very #GirlBoss team.

Max trained in the use of his powers (finally) under Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme and Master of the Mystic Arts. Pursuing a romantic relationship with the resurrected Ben Hargreeves, Max also ended up adopting a baby boy. After the conclusion of his training, he joined the X-Men to attempt to help his fellow mutants once more.

James, relieved to have not murdered Casper after all, moved to New Orleans to focus on his small family. Although he stepped away from mutant affairs for a while (an omega level baby is a handful, and Casper is more of a handful), James did end up setting up an underground clinic. There, he offers healing to anyone in need - mutant or human, friend or foe.

Jack moved to New Orleans as well, given that pretty much all of his family moved there. He lives apart from them and has reopened his practice as a private investigator. On the side, he's been researching dark magic, with the goal of finding a way to kill his annoyingly immortal father, Nathaniel Essex AKA Mister Sinister. He's a doting uncle to baby Danny.

Casper moved to New Orleans to start a new life with James and their son, Danny. It helped that his mother, Renegade, had also moved back to the area with Casper's niece, Flower Child. The road was not always easy, but Casper has maintained his sobriety. To bring in some money, he has started performing as a drag queen, using the stage name Robyn Caskets.

Echo and his boyfriend Legion decided to go on a bit of a tour / road trip together. They've been traveling the world, seeing the sights and helping out mutants in need wherever they go. Veil enjoys receiving tacky post cards from them and considers Legion to be part of the family now.

Zari returned home to the future and parallel universe of Earth-257, accompanied by her girlfriend, Andy. Her parents then decided to move back to Earth-666 and enroll Zari at the prestigious Avengers Academy, where promising young superheroes could be mentored and trained by legendary heroes. Her time as a Valkyrie-in-training is almost over.

Andy traveled through time and the multiverse with her girlfriend, Zarina - while clutching the acheron containing her evil immortal mother. Like Zari, Andy has enrolled at Avengers Academy - under the name Andy Drummond Lensherr-Gallio. Her adopted father, Magneto, was relieved when Andy contacted him that she was alright - even if over a decade had gone by since he had last heard from her...

Kristina was one of the lucky mutants resurrected by the power of the mutant circuit of James, Casper, and Max. The circuit was forced to disband because of [REDACTED]. She initially joined X-Force under Veil's leadership. However, she plans on leaving the team to begin a family, ideally somewhere where mutants can live without fear. Her sister was overjoyed to see Kristina alive and well.

Miranda rented a house in New Orleans with Renegade, and the two friends are co-parenting Purple Mongoose and Flower Child. She has not spoken to Magneto since the explosive events at the Hellfire Gala - nor has Miranda contacted her other children, SHIELD agent Freddie Flynn and X-Man Guin Stark.
🥇 Skill Rewards 🥇

  • James - Triage (General Skills)

  • Jack - Basic Dark Magic (General Skills)
  • Miranda - Astronomy (General Skills)
  • Zarina: Time Travel Physics (General Skills)

  • Andy - Battle Strategy and Tactics (General Skills)

  • Veil - Espionage (General Skills)
  • Casper - Lip Sync For Your Life (General Skills)
  • Sunshine - Improvised Explosives (General Skills)

  • Callie - Pilot (Aircraft) (General Skills)

  • Max - Mutant Circuit (Combat Skills)
  • Echo - Choreography (General Skills)

~ in order of submission ~

Valery Simmons AKA Veil

Electra James AKA Sunshine

Callie Johnson AKA Spark Plug

Leighton Brooks AKA Ice Queen

Demetria Clarke AKA Sapphire

Max Gray AKA Warlock

James Kingston AKA Caduceus

Anastasia Reinhardt AKA Ethos

Jack Theriot AKA Stretch

Casper Theriot AKA Spirit Box

Luna Braddock AKA Glimpse

Cayden Proudstar AKA Moonwalker

PJ Bernard AKA Jinx

Césaire Montague AKA Requiem

Waverley Watts AKA Feedback

Desiree Beckett AKA Overload

Harry Simmons AKA Echo

Zarina Raynordattir AKA Valkyrie

Andy Gallio-Lensherr AKA Luna Minor

Kristina Smith AKA Stareyes

Miranda Fay AKA Moneta


Megan Pendragon

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

Megan rolled her eyes at her brother. "Perhaps they aren't the only thing that term is fitting for," she said somewhat pointedly. She loved her brother, but like any siblings, they fought and bickered. Besides, she had always wanted to call him a pig - for obvious reasons. Megan then glanced away from her brother, seeing the crocodile was rather excited by the boar. It occurred to her that she didn't really know what the typical diet of a crocodile was - though she assumed he could most likely digest pig meat?

She refocused though as Sierra went over the plan. Megan was, admittedly, a little bit confused by it. "To clarify, then - there will be three groups. Two of these groups set off explosives, one sabotages the docks. One of the explosive groups specifically attacks the docks," Megan said. She assumed the other explosives group was functioning as a distraction, but that hadn't been clear from what Sierra had said.


EARTH 257 - 9:00 AM Nov. 15th, 2021 - Odinskeep, New Asgard

The tides were finally beginning to change in the battle against the seemingly never ending Doombots. Niah and Amelia's strategy had sucked about half of the several thousand units into the heart of a sun, the host of Asgard continued to fight, and Bonnie's shield with the face of Medusa was turning Doombots into stone, magically passing that condition along to the replicated units. Unseen to most, the Valkyries were collecting the fallen Asgardian dead. The palace doors were holding - for now. And Luminous, Doom's closest ally, had turned.

With each swing of her shield, Bonnie turned more of the robots into stone - some of them falling from the sky, crushed into pebbles at the ground. More stone robots then appeared, and it reminded her of the stone statues in Narnia under the reign of the White Witch. By her quick estimation, only two hundred or so remained. The host of Asgard had gotten skilled at disabling but not destroying - and somehow, in an event that boggled the mind, Bonnie noticed that Niah had a portal.

Bonnie rushed up to her dear friend. "I don't suppose you're going to share where you got that from?" she asked. Her hair was going in all directions in the violent wind that Amelia was stirring up. Despite being the one inhabiting a god, Amelia truly reminded Bonnie of a goddess, as Amelia soared on the winds. She sent dozens of Doombots spiraling at a time through the portal, and the Host of Asgard caught on, now herding the Doombots in that direction.

"I don't understand it either, ya cunt," Amelia said cheerfully. "But I'm not complaining - works fucking well!" She startled though, hearing Niah cry out Oliver's name - and Amelia swung her head around. She could see Oliver by the palace doors, but he... he was on the ground, unconscious? And Matt and Maria were fighting?

"Go help your man, I've got this here!" Amelia urged Niah. "Or, erm, Bonnie go ahead and do it - I've got to keep blowing these suckers." Niah didn't have a leg to stand on at the moment, after all.

Bonnie hesitated. But she felt that Niah would have done it for her, so she took off at a sprint towards the palace entrance.

Meanwhile, the group fighting Doom was having some issues - namely, Cass announcing they were all under arrest. Cass had thrown Doom into a pile of Doombots, missing Flynn by accident. The Doombots looked identical to Doom as well, and they were all programmed with his voice and mannerisms (on Earth-666, the Fantastic Four had often thought they were facing Doom, only to realize it was a robot. It was rather annoying). This meant that, given that the Doombots Doom had crashed into also fell down, they looked all practically the same.

"You can't just shout that you're arresting us for being enemies of the Iron, that's now how things work - and you don't have any jurisdiction here, this is New Asgard," Raynor shot back at Cass. He was rather irritated - mostly because his body was aching from repeated abuse, but also because Cass' memory trouble was happening at the worst possible time. He wanted this to be smooth and easy - he didn't want to fight multiple wars on multiple fronts all at once.

"Shit, which one of these shitbags is the real Doom?" Raynor then asked, staring at the wall of Doombots.

All of them said in unison - "I AM DOOM!"

"Well that's helpful..." Destiny had said they'd need Doom's help, for some reason, to return home. Basically, they couldn't kill Doom. And if they tried to kill Doom and it was a robot, the robot would just duplicate. Another issue - all of these robots really did believe that they were Doom. All of them were telling the truth. "None of them are lying, either."

And lastly, over by the entrance to the palace, its doors still shut...

Luminous wasn't following what was going on at all - these people seemed to be insane. They kept randomly turning on each other. "Stop it!" Luminous shouted, her eyes blaring blue-silver for a moment, as she reached out with her magics and paralyzed Matt and Maria in place (of course, Matt had already paralyzed Maria, but y'know). Oliver would shortly stir and wake up again. "Now, you are all going to explain to me right now what is going on, how I got here, and what it is that happened to me!" Luminous demanded, fury blazing in her eyes.

Behind her, there was a gigantic BOOM as the palace door fell, hitting the ground. A Doombot - the real Doctor Doom, in fact - stood triumphant. "Your spells have failed, witch," he taunted. "Doom is triumphant!"

He then flew inside the palace, and was soon out of sight.

Bonnie made it to where Luminous, Matt, Maria, and Oliver were a second later. Instantly, she had her shield at the ready. "Stand down, Luminous... And let my friends go," Bonnie warned. A spear materialized in her hand. Athena must've known she needed a more long range weapon.

Guin Stark

Location: Woods (Mary's Group)
Skills: Telepathic Attacks

Guin was incredibly out of it. She was barely coherent, as Pietro's words slammed through her mind and a force field appeared above her, protecting her from Haze's next attack. Fire roared to life all around them and it felt like the world, at least her world, was ending. She couldn't even string together words to really say to Pietro, beginning to suffocate from the smoke and her skin felt like it was boiling from the intense heat. She didn't get a glimpse of the creature shooting down from the sky, nor could she really process what Pietro mentally whispered to her about it.

It took all of her concentration - but mostly an unconscious instinct, an urge to survive, to fight a little harder - for her to telepathically center herself. She hadn't really absorbed what Pietro had said, but something about Mary being attacked by a telepath got through to her. And the strongest telepath present was Exodus. Guin psychically raged against him, managing to cripple him, but she couldn't knock him out. It had taken all of her strength to just do that much.

Piet... Guin's thought cut off, as her breathing slowed and she sank into the welcoming oblivion of unconsciousness...

Lavender Haze

Location: Woods (Mary's group)
Skills: Telepathy

Haze raised an eyebrow, seeing the rather well dressed man leap in to save her counterpart. Somehow, this disgusted her even more. Perhaps this was why her other self was so weak - maybe she had never been forced to stand on her own. She had never been transformed in a fiery crucible. That felt wrong to her. Haze didn't recognize the girl in front of her. Their similarities were only flesh deep. "She'll never be strong like that," she said simply to the man.

And then, fire rained around them, as Pyro swept up a forest fire. The smoke got into Haze's lungs and she coughed. The heat was extreme and Haze knew that if this wasn't controlled, it would spread throughout the entire forest and kill them all. Survival was more important than showing a united front. Haze was about to tap into Pyro's mind and force him to smother the flames, when something odd happened. The burning image of a bird appeared and crashed down into the ground, the fire dying down soon after.

At first, Haze assumed it had been some of Pyro's theatrics. But then, Bloom rose from ground. Haze briefly reached out telepathically, in order to see how much of the brief mind control remained and perhaps re-establish it. But instead, she sensed something new inside Bloom's head - something that was telepathically protecting her. Haze paused for a moment, debating raising this to the others, but instead she placed a hand to the side of her head and tapped into Pyro's mind, forcing him to smother and douse the somewhat flames. The smoke was really irritating her throat.

Runa Baldurdattir

Location: the Mirror Dimension
Skills: Asgardian Magic (Elder Futhark Runes)

Klara pushed Runa away, ending the embrace - but in the process, Runa found some clarity. The circlet had appeared identical to one she had made for Klara and enchanted with a protective charm. Somehow, this circlet had shared with her glimpses of Klara's memories, most of which seemed familiar to Runa. There was the jungle that Loki had trapped them inside of, the BiFrost Bridge only this time Klara fell, and the Hellfire Club... Runa stared at her cousin as the theory crystallized in her mind and she became certain without a doubt. Somehow, this was her Klara. The one they had been traveling with since the BiFrost Bridge was an imposter.

Runa had three guesses as to who that person might have been - when it came to problems in Asgard, there was one person who was usually responsible.

"I am so sorry I have not been there for you, cousin," Runa whispered, a single tear falling down her face. She reached into her pocket and grabbed the rune she instinctively felt she would need, pressing it between her fingers as she whispered a spell. It was the same one she had used to enchant the circlet originally. Hopefully, drawing a protective enchantment further might be able to reverse some of the damage done and restore Klara to her true self...

Yet as Runa cast, it became clear to her that the spell was not entirely successful. Somehow, her eldritch senses told her the cause of Klara's fractured psyche - the strange way that reality had been overwriting memories, injuries from Klara's nasty fall, and another cause that Runa could not quite comprehend... "I have failed you," Runa apologized, bowing her head slightly. More tears were falling now, as Runa wept for Klara.

the Arena...

Lorna's eyes sparkled slightly at the realization that Kitty was going to be on the opposing team. Of course, she would have been excited to fight by Kitty's side, but fighting against her was equally thrilling. And the realization seemed to put a little more energy into her weary body. "Oh gods, this is going to be absolutely wicked cool - you better bring that new sword of yours to it, fighting you when you're using that in the woods? It'll be my own personal Elysian Fields," Lorna exclaimed. "You have to promise me that you won't let anyone take you out until you face me - and I'll promise the same. This is going to be completely epic!"

She brushed off Kitty's concerns about her lack of sleep with an offhanded pish. "After this we have... what day of the week is it again... Oh! Mythology lessons with Chiron," Lorna said. She wasn't nearly as excited to study old myths as she was thinking about Capture the Flag plans. "Can't wait to learn about who did who and got Hera mad this week," she joked. "What about you - what're you up to next?"

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Train
Skills: N/A

Nancy didn't need to look directly at the group to see that the conversation had ended and it was safe for her to return - no, she caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye, seeing Janelle and some of the others get up and go separate ways. Nancy rosed an eyebrow, her interest piqued for the moment. She doubted the story of her trauma would've caused that sort of a reaction. She must've missed something else. That or her trauma had been so boring that the Greeks felt a need to go do something else... But no, she decided it was probably just a symptom of the dysfunction that plagued the Greek demigods.

Nancy walked back to where the group had originally been sitting and she reclaimed her seat. Zeke was scowling, glaring out the window - and his cat was still in his lap. Cassian and Kristin were both gone, and Janelle was sitting just a few seats away. "I take it I missed something," Nancy said, giving Zeke an invitation to talk to her if he wanted to. She was beginning to find it a bit strange and unhealthy how attached Demetri was to him, but she didn't say anything for now.

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Under the Sea
Skills: N/A

Leda didn't want to admit it, but she was a tad relieved when Kiera successfully shaped an air bubble around her. She just hoped that somehow the magic of Kiera's demigod abilities could deal with the immense pressure of heading down to the ocean floor as well, but she didn't raise the point. It'd be a dark and somewhat funny way to go, but Leda didn't believe it would happen to her. She fully believed she was meant to have a heroic death, to sacrifice herself for something bigger - not just die at the bottom of the ocean from her body caving in under pressure. "Mm, why wouldn't I be?" Leda replied to Kiera with a slight smirk.

"It's not like my fragile body is depending on my girlfriend's mastery of the sea," she added jokingly. Leda glanced at Sera. She had noticed how the new demigod seemed to really respond more to Kiera than anyone else. She supposed that it made sense, as the two of them were siblings, but Leda did feel ever so slightly slighted. "What's been going on with you since I last saw you then, mate?" she asked Hercules. She didn't want him to think of her as a mother, but they could be chums at least.

Genosha: August 22nd, 2021 - 11:20 PM

Veil & Sunshine & Casper

Location: the Carousel

The boundaries between one person and the next were blurred at first, until they collapsed entirely. The new singular entity, comprised of a murderer's row of mutants - Casper, Andy, and Max to ferry the souls, Veil to trap Selene, Sunshine, Spark Plug, and Jack to weaken Selene, James to boost the circuit, Zari to constantly repair and reinforce the acheron, Miranda to reinforce the acheron. Echo and Dazzler to turn sound into energy to power the circuit. Ben, Magneto, and Marrow to ensnare her, preventing Selene's escape. A single member missing and this circuit would not have worked - this magical and psychic gestalt would not have the power needed to stand against a god.

The amalgam was a strange, bizarre being, pulsing with light, sound waves, and magnetism. Tentacles shot out from every surface, covered in bone spikes and laced with disease. Rather than having a face, the entity had a gigantic eye, the color of the universe. The entity was made up of more than just the sum of the powers of the individuals - it also was made up of their hopes and their dreams. Like the Phoenix Force itself, it was an ultimate expression of light and life - and Selene, the Dark Priestess, the embodiment of darkness and death.

Selene's eyeballs almost seemed to throb in anger, rage, and disbelief. "What?! No! This cannot be! The pesky little firebird isn't here, you shouldn't be able to defeat me! Not this!" Selene raged, before lunging forward, gigantic psychic fangs gleaming in her mouth as she went to do war with her cosmic equal.

The entity spoke, not with a tongue or mouth, but with its mind. It spoke in a language unknown to man, one that only those wielding fundamental forces or concepts of the universe could understand. It said -

Selene's means of escape were quickly eliminated by it. She was then pinned down and restrained, and subjected to an intense psychic and physical onslaught. The souls powering her were pulled away, diminishing her size and power with every second. The entity had her beaten, in body and in soul. The acheron was thrown, simultaneously assembling and reassembling itself in flight. It struck her body and Selene screamed as she was sucked inside of the device, a horrible banshee's wail...

And then...

And then...


The entity had vanquished its foe; light had triumphed under darkness. The glow of the moon illuminated the being and for a moment, it was the most powerful thing in the world, perhaps even the universe. A cloud passed over the moon, dimming its light - when the cloud was gone, allowing the scene to be illuminated, the entity was gone. Instead, the fifteen mutants were collapsed on the ground, forming a circle around the still acheron. All of them were nude, their clothing disintegrated or simply vanished during the spell.

Casper, naturally, broke the hush. "That was... that was... That was intense shit!" he exclaimed. He then looked down, and realized he and everyone else present were naked. There was no blood or sweat or dirt on them, and any wounds they had had were healed. In the days and weeks to come, they'd learn during tests and examinations that they all had been put in the prime of their condition - for those like Miranda and Magneto, this meant an extended lifespan compared to what they might have had otherwise. For Casper, it meant some lessening of the abuse he had put his body through prior to his sobriety. For Jack, it meant the stain on his soul had been lifted, the corruption by the Darkhold eradicated.

"...What are we going to do with this?" Veil asked, gently picking up the acheron. It was hard to imagine that it housed an immortal being, such a small little device. They couldn't kill Selene though. Someone would have to guard it with their life. She glanced at Andy. "Andy, if you want to keep her, guard her, prevent someone else from releasing her... I trust you," Veil said, holding the acheron out to Andy. Selene was Andy's mother. Veil figured it was only right to offer that job to her. If she didn't want it though, Veil would gladly take it.

"You need not be her keeper, if you do not wish it, Andy," Magneto told his adopted daughter, his voice gentle but stern. "To think that the extinction of mutantkind would have come at the end of one of our own, had the strong not been able to prevent it..."

Sunshine had gravitated over towards Marrow, holding onto her wife. Her heart was pounding and she could feel the trauma in her body. The fight was over, but the island had been more or less destroyed in the process. No one would be able to live on Genosha again. Maybe a mutant circuit would be able to restore it, to make it be like nothing had ever happened... but Sunshine didn't want that. It didn't sit right with her. The devastation here had happened. If it were up to her, this island would stay as a memorial to those they had lost, those who had suffered due to a world that hates and fears them.

"... Where do we go now?" Sunshine asked quietly.

"The Quiet Council's emergency plans are to evacuate to the grounds of the former Massachusetts Academy," Magneto explained. "Beyond that, I do not know... but I have a thought. Genosha was not built in a day. Mutantkind's next home will not be either." Magneto gazed upwards at the stars. Perhaps up there, mutants could be free. Perhaps next time, things would be better.

For he would be better.
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